What is transcription in Russian - definition, examples. Phonetic transcription is very simple How to write transcription of Russian words

1. Alphabet

The Turkish alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with diacritics: ç , ğ , ö , ş , ü . Turkish has different letters I And i. In borrowed words, a circumflex is sometimes placed over back vowels that soften the previous consonant: â , î , û .

2. Transliteration

Most letters are transmitted from Turkish to Russian unambiguously:

a A g G l l s With
b b h X m m ş w
c j i And n n t T
ç h î And o O u at
d d j and p P v V
f f k To r R z h

3. Ğ

Always at the end of words ğ G: AltuğAltug.

Between the front vowel ( e, i, ö , ü ) and consonant ğ th: ÇiğdemChiidem.

Between the back vowel ( a, ı , o, u) and consonant ğ G: ÇağlaChagla.

In the position between vowels there are two possible ways of rendering a Turkish consonant ğ In russian language. The first way is to completely skip ğ between vowels during transcription: BoğaçhanBoachhan. The second method translates between front vowels ğ th, between back vowels ğ G: değerdayer, ÇağatayÇağatay. "Transcriptor" follows the second option.

4. E, I, Ö, Ü

Rules apply at the beginning of a word and after a vowel euh, ı And, ö O, ü at. After consonants you should translate ee, ı s, ö e, ü Yu: IdrisIdris, ÖyküOykyu, ErgunErgun.

5. Combinations of Y with vowels

After consonants yeye, yaya, yu () → Yu: MeryemMeryem.

At the beginning of a word and after vowels yee, yaI, yu () → Yu: BahtiyarBakhtiyar.

In other cases yth: AltayAltai, AyyubAyyub, HayriKhairi.

6. Circumflex

If a circumflex vowel follows a consonant g, k, l, then it should be transmitted â I, û Yu. In other positions â A, î And, û at.

Rules and signs fonetictranscriptions 1

    The phonetic recording of Russian words and texts is made using letters of the Russian alphabet.

    The transcribed word form or text is enclosed in square brackets.

    In phonetic notation, punctuation marks and a sign for transferring part of a word form to another line are not placed, since phonetic transcription does not convey the structure of the text, but a sound wave. The text is divided into phonetic phrases and syntagms, or speech beats. Each phrase and syntagma represents a sound "distance", a wave between two pauses. The latter are indicated in transcription by either one vertical line / - a short pause (this is how syntagmas are separated), or two // - a longer pause (this is how phrases are separated). At the end of the phonetic notation, two vertical lines are placed (before the bracket) as a sign of the cessation of the sound flow.

    The initial sound of a syntagma, as well as all proper names, are expressed in lowercase letters.

    Stress placement on stressed syllables is required.

    An auxiliary word placed before a significant word ( proclitic) or after it ( enclitic) is written next to it (without a space) separated by a dash, because they represent one phonetic word. A one- or two-syllable unstressed significant word can also be written, pronounced with adjacent significant words as one phonetic word. For example: [know' is-kn'ik], [remove" sj-st-lá], [kk-y-f-pol'] – as in the field, [vzh-dom] – your home.

    One of the general rules of phonetic transcription is that one letter should convey only one sound. The same letter with different superscript (diacritical) marks, for example, á and a – the first sign denotes the stressed sound [a], the second – the unstressed sound [a] in the position of the absolute beginning of the word, for example: [akná], [arbát], [atákα], etc.; [t] and [t’], [z] and [z’], etc. – different designations for hard and soft paired consonant sounds, etc.

    The main signs of phonetic transcription are the letters of the Russian alphabet. All letters are used except two-digit (iotated) E, E, Yu, I , consonants of the letters Ch, Ts, Shch, as well as the letters Y. The signs b and b in transcription are used in a different function: they denote strongly reduced vowels of the middle row of the middle rise [ъ] after hard consonants and the front-middle row of the upper-middle rise [ь ] after soft ones.

Instead of the letters Ts n Ch, denoting fused sounds (affricates), the letter combinations [tˆs] and [t "ˆsh") are used, which more accurately convey the specifics of the formation of these sounds, and the superscript chamber("bow") denotes the continuous nature of their pronunciation.

Instead of the letter Ш, denoting a long soft hissing sound, the length of which can be shortened in the flow of speech, the letter Ш is used with superscripts conveying the acoustic nature of this sound - [ш':], for example, [ш':ит], [ш ':ottka], etc. If the longitude in the flow of speech is reduced, then the longitude sign is not placed in the transcription, for example, [borsh’], [khvosh’].

    In addition to the letters of the Russian alphabet, additional letters and signs are used in transcription:

    α – the Greek letter “alpha” to designate the unstressed vowel [a] after a consonant in the position of the absolute end of the word, for example: [окнα], [sонтˆсα] – sun, [в’ис’олъία] – cheerful;

     – a sign to indicate an unstressed vowel in the position of the first pre-stressed syllable (not an absolute beginning) after a hard consonant, an allophone of phonemes<а>And<о>([trvá], [vlá]), hyperphonemes<а/о>([sbákα]) ;

    [j] and [ί] – iot and i-decimal to indicate allophones of a phoneme< j >in strong [j] and weak [ί] positions;

    [γ] – the Greek letter “gamma” to denote the voiced allophone of a phoneme<х>in the position before a voiced consonant at the junction of morphemes within a word ([tr'oγgrshovyί] - three-penny, [t'ˆsh'tyr'oγgrán:yί] - tetrahedral, etc.) or at the junction of word forms ([ vdóγ deep'i] - deep breath, [m'e"γ d'ishovy] - cheap fur);

    The following diacritics are used in transcription:

    acute - accent mark (ó, á, i, ы, ý, е), " – side stress (о, а);

    a vowel letter above a vowel letter is a designation of the oversound (shade) of a given vowel sound: i e, e i, ы e, e ы, оь, оь, etc., for example: [she y snátˆs't'], all [o b] further, less, but better;

    ’ – apostrophe – a sign of the softness of consonant sounds [t’], [d’], [k’], [l’], [r’];

    ¯, : – longitude signs of a consonant within a word or at the junction of two words; the sign ¯ is placed above the consonant letter, and the sign: – after it: [más: α], [v'i e s'en': iί], [ras:or'itˆsα], [mаtrol:ьр] ;

    ˆ – chamber – a sign that is placed to indicate the continuous nature of the affricate: [tˆs], [t’ˆsh’].

1 N. A. Lukyanova. Modern Russian language: Lectures on phonetics. Novosibirsk: NSU, 1999. pp. 88–90.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound system of language and speech sounds in general. Phonetics is the science of combining sounds in speech.

Phonetic analysis, or sound-letter analysis, is an analysis of the structure of syllables and the sound system of a word. This analysis is proposed to be performed as an exercise for educational purposes.

Analysis means:

  • counting the number of letters;
  • determining the number of sounds in a word;
  • placement of stress;
  • distribution of sounds into consonants and vowels;
  • classification of each sound;
  • compiling a transcription (graphic form of a word).

When parsing, it is important to distinguish between the concepts of “letter” and “sound”. After all, the former correspond to spelling rules, and the latter to speech rules (that is, sounds are analyzed from the point of view of pronunciation).

Before you begin sound-letter analysis, you should remember

There are ten vowel sounds in the Russian language:

The first five indicate that the preceding consonant is hard, and the second five indicate that the preceding consonant is soft.

And twenty-one consonants:

voiced unpaired sounds [Y’] [L] [M] [N] [R]
voiceless unpaired [X] [Ts] [H'] [SCH']
voiced doubles [B] [IN] [G] [D] [AND] [Z]
deaf pairs [P] [F] [TO] [T] [SH] [WITH]

Voiced consonants are those that are formed with the participation of sound, and unvoiced ones are formed with the help of noise. Paired consonants are those consonants that form a voiceless/voiced pair. For example, [B]/[P], [V]/[F], [G]/[K]. Unpaired - those that do not form pairs: [L], [M], [P].

When analyzing a word phonetically, it is worth remembering that the consonants [Ч'], [Ш'], [И'] are always soft, regardless of which vowel forms a syllable with them. The consonants [Zh], [Sh] and [C] are always hard.

[Y’], [L], [L’], [M], [M’], [N], [N’], [P], [P’] - sonorous sounds. This means that when pronouncing these consonants, the sound is formed mainly by the voice, but not by noise. All sonorants are voiced sounds.

The Russian alphabet also contains the letters b and b. They don't make sound. b (soft sign) serves to soften the consonants after which it is placed. Ъ (hard sign) has a dividing function.

Rules for parsing sounds

  1. Transcription is written in square brackets: .
  2. The softness of the sound is indicated by the symbol “’”.
  3. Before deaf people, voiced consonants are deafened: nails - [nokt’i].
  4. The sounds [s], [z] in word prefixes are softened: to separate - [raz’y’ed’in’it’].
  5. Some consonants in words are not readable: bone - [inert’].
  6. The combination of the letters “sch”, “zch” is read as “sch”: happiness - [sch’ast’y’e].
  7. A doubled consonant is designated “:”: gradual - [past’ip’en:y’].

Sample sound-letter analysis of a word

  1. Write the word according to spelling rules.
  2. Divide the word into syllables.
  3. Indicate the stressed syllable.
  4. Say the word out loud and perform a transcription based on this.
  5. Describe the vowel sounds in order, indicate which of them are stressed and which are unstressed. Describe the consonants. Describe them: paired/unpaired, voiced/voiceless, hard/soft.
  6. Count the number of sounds and letters in a word.
  1. A set of signs and conditions for their compatibility, the purpose of which is to record pronunciation norms.
  2. Transcription is also the writing of a single word or expression in accordance with transcription rules.

A distinction is required between two basic concepts: we see and write letters, and we hear and pronounce sounds. Target transcription - record spoken speech. Recording a speech act using transcription is called transcription.

Transcription rules

As a rule, transcription is carried out taking into account certain principles:

  1. The completed transcription is written in square brackets.
  2. During the transcription process, avoid writing capital letters, periods, commas and other characters present in the written text.
  3. Pauses instead of punctuation marks, depending on length, are designated as follows: / – short pause, // – longer stop (usually coincides with a period and the end of a sentence).
  4. In polysyllabic words (including 2 or more syllables) the accent (stress) is indicated: .
  5. Sometimes function words adjacent to lexically significant and are combined with them with one emphasis. In this case, transcription is often carried out in a continuous manner: to the garden - [fsat].

Transcription of consonants

  1. Soft consonants are marked with a small dash at the top, called an apostrophe: sky - [n'ebo].
  2. Consonants do not always correspond sounds The letters “sch” and “th” are not included in the transcription: generosity - [sh'ːedr's't'], iodine - . From the example it is clear that “ш” is always replaced by the sound “sh”, soft and long (“:” indicates the length of pronunciation), and “th” is replaced by the Latin letter “j”, in transcription called iot (in school transcription it is usually not used and not is replaced, remaining "th"). Long sounds in writing can also be indicated by a superscript in the form of a long bar.
  3. There are always soft and hard consonants. Softness is always attributed to the letters “ch”, “sch”, “th”, and hardness - “zh”, “sh”, “ts”.

Important: 1) The exception is some borrowings where a soft “w” is observed: jury, names Julien, Jules. 2) The sounds [h] and [j] are usually not indicated by an apostrophe, although a number of teaching aids may indicate softness.

The letters ь (soft sign) and ъ (hard sign) are not present during transcription, since they are rather dependent and cannot be pronounced alone. For example: entrance - [padjest], night - [nóch].

Transcribing vowels

  1. The Russian language has 9 vowels, however 6 vowel sounds. “Yo”, “yu”, “ya” in transcription are designated as 2 sound components: ё – , yu – , I – . Separately, it is worth noting that “e” does not exist as a sound and is replaced by [e]. Ash - , Christmas tree - , southern - .
  2. “And” after a soft dividing sign acquires yot: sparrows - sparrow.
  3. “U” is predominantly not modified in the sound shell and always corresponds to [u]: ear - [uh], blow - [dut'], dip - [akunut'], I will - [I will].
  4. “I”, “s”, “a” may not correspond to a similar sound shell; to carry out transcription, you should pay more attention to pronunciation rather than writing.

In-depth study of transcription

In conditions of in-depth study in higher education, vowels can mean different sound shades, therefore they are indicated in writing different icons:

  • “I” with a hint of “e” – anduh. Instead of “e” and “ya” they pronounce anduh, when they are in an unstressed position and after soft consonants: forests - l[iuh]sa, rowan – r[iuh]bina.
  • “Y” with a hint of “e” - yuh. After hard hissing [zh], [sh], [ts] “e” is replaced by suh: wish – w[s]uh]bark, whisper – sh[suh]pt, price – ts[suh]on the. Only the word “dance” is excluded.
  • Reduced “schwa” in unstressed position – ə. A huge variety of sounds can be replaced by “schwa” when they lose their clear sound during speech.
  • “Er” – Kommersant. As a rule, it is placed after hard consonants. Occupies a position in the 2nd (or further) pre-stressed syllable or after stress. Examples: a (steam locomotive - locomotive), o (milk - m[b]loko), e (yellowness - yellowness).
  • “Er” – b. Usually occurs after soft consonants before stress, but not in the 1st pre-stressed syllable, and also in the position after stress. The letter correspondence can be different: e (transition - p[b]rekhod), i (private - r[b]dovoy), and (hourly - hourly).
  • The so-called “lid” – Λ. “O” and “a” in the 1st pre-stressed syllable sounds like “Λ” in speech: water is in [Λ]da, it is [Λ]na.

When determining sound, an important role is played strong or weak position. Depending on the place where the letter is located, the sound also stands out. In a strong position, sounds retain their original sound and are often easily identified, while a weak position blurs the sound characteristics to a greater extent.

The Sound Word service makes it easy to find out transcription, pronunciation and translation of English words online.

To use it, you need to enter a word and click “Search”. After a short pause, it provides a transcription of the English word, pronunciation and translation. For convenience, there are two options: British and American. You can also listen to pronunciation options online.

What is transcription?

Phonetic transcription is a graphic recording of the sound of a word; pursues the goal of accurate graphic recording of pronunciation. Each individual sound must be recorded separately. Phonetic transcription is written in square brackets; special phonetic symbols are used for recording.

Why is transcription of English words needed?

Knowing English transcription is useful. This makes it possible to easily read and correctly pronounce an unfamiliar English word on your own, without outside help. Just look in the dictionary or use online services. Everyone knows that reading English words is a rather specific process, based not on “putting together” words from letters, but rather on converting letter combinations into combinations of sounds. Of course, there are certain reading rules that you need to know and apply. But there are many more words that do not obey these rules. This is where transcription comes to the rescue, allowing you to find out the correct pronunciation of an English word, and, accordingly, its reading.