Techniques for developing the speech of younger preschoolers. Methodological principles, means, methods and techniques for speech development. Problem-based learning technology

Teaching methods developed by didactics are specified in each individual methodology. Teaching method is a way of working for the teacher and children, ensuring that children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities1.

Generally accepted in the methodology (as in preschool didactics in general) is the classification of methods according to the means used: visualization, speech or practical action. Highlight three groups of methods - visual, verbal and practical. This division is very arbitrary, since there is no sharp boundary between them. Visual methods are accompanied by words, and verbal methods use visual techniques. Practical methods are also associated with both words and visual material. The classification of some methods and techniques as visual, others as verbal or practical depends on the predominance of visibility, words or actions as the source and basis of the statement.

Visual methods. TO direct refers to the observation method and its varieties: excursions, inspections of the premises, examination of natural objects. These methods are aimed at accumulating the content of speech and providing communication between two signaling systems.

Indirect methods are based on the use of visual clarity (examination of toys, paintings, photographs, descriptions of paintings and toys, storytelling based on toys and paintings). They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of words, and teach coherent speech. Indirect methods can also be used to get acquainted with objects and phenomena that cannot be encountered directly.

Verbal methods: this is reading and telling works of fiction, memorizing, retelling, generalizing conversation, telling without relying on visual material. All verbal methods use visual techniques: showing objects, toys, paintings, looking at illustrations.

Practical methods aimed at using speech skills and abilities and improving them (didactic games, dramatization games, dramatizations, didactic exercises, plastic sketches, round dance games).

Depending on the nature of children’s speech activity, reproductive and productive methods can be roughly distinguished.

Reproductive methods are based on the reproduction of speech material and ready-made samples. In kindergarten, they are used mainly in vocabulary work, in the work of educating the sound culture of speech, and less in the formation of grammatical skills and coherent speech. TO reproductive we can conditionally include methods of observation and its varieties, looking at pictures, reading fiction, retelling, memorizing, games-dramatization of the content of literary works, didactic games, i.e. methods in which children learn words and the laws of their combination, phraseological phrases, grammatical phenomena (word management), master sound pronunciation by imitation, retell close to the text, copy the teacher’s story.

Productive methods involve children constructing their own coherent utterances, when the child does not simply reproduce the language units known to him, but selects and combines them in a new way each time, adapting to the communication situation. This is the creative nature of speech activity. Productive methods are used in teaching coherent speech (summarizing conversation, storytelling, retelling with text restructuring, didactic games for the development of coherent speech, modeling method, creative tasks).

Depending on the task of speech development, there are methods of vocabulary work, methods of educating the sound culture of speech, etc.

Every the method is a set of techniques used to solve didactic problems(to introduce something new, to consolidate a skill or ability, to creatively rework what has been learned).

Reception is an element of the method1. The model is given for imitation; it is presented before the children begin their speech activity. but it can also be used after children’s speech, and it will not serve for imitation, but for comparison and correction. The sample is used to solve all problems. It is especially important in younger groups. In order to attract children's attention to the sample, it is recommended to accompany it with explanations and instructions.

Repeated pronunciation is the deliberate, repeated repetition of the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) with the aim of memorizing it. In practice, different repetition options are used: behind the teacher, other children, joint repetition of the teacher and children, choral repetition. It is important that the repetition is not forced, mechanical, but is offered in the context of an activity that is interesting to them.

Explanation- revealing the essence of certain phenomena or methods of action. Used to reveal the meanings of words, explain the rules and actions in didactic games, in the process of observing and examining objects.

Directions(educational, organizational and disciplinary) - explaining to children the method of action to achieve a certain result.

Assessment of children's speech- a motivated judgment about a child’s speech utterance, characterizing the quality of speech activity. The assessment should not only be of a stating nature, but also educational. It is given so that children can be guided by it in their statements. Evaluation has a great emotional impact. It is necessary to take into account individual and age characteristics, to ensure that it increases the child’s speech activity, interest in speech activity, and organizes his behavior. To do this, the assessment emphasizes, first of all, the positive qualities of speech, and speech defects are corrected using a sample and other methodological techniques.

Question- verbal appeal requiring a response. Questions are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones can be ascertaining (reproductive) - “who? What? Which? which? Where? How? Where?" and search ones, requiring the establishment of connections between phenomena - “why? For what? how are they similar? Auxiliary questions can be leading and suggestive. The teacher needs to master the methodologically correct formulation of questions. They must be clear, focused, and express the main idea. It is necessary to correctly determine the place of logical stress in a question and direct children’s attention to the word that carries the main semantic load. The structure of the question should serve as an example of interrogative intonation and make it easier for the child to answer.

Visual techniques- display of illustrative material, the position of the organs of articulation when teaching correct sound pronunciation.

Gaming techniques can be verbal and visual. They arouse the child’s interest in activities, enrich the motives of speech, create a positive emotional background of the learning process and thereby increase children’s speech activity and the effectiveness of classes. Gaming techniques meet the age characteristics of children and therefore occupy an important place in native language classes in kindergarten.

Depending on the role of techniques in the learning process, direct and indirect techniques are distinguished. All of the above verbal techniques can be called direct, and a reminder, remark, remark, hint, advice - indirect.

In the real pedagogical process, techniques are used in a complex manner, depending on the task, the content of the lesson, the level of preparedness of children, their age and individual characteristics.


1. Name the main objectives of the methodology for developing speech in preschool children.

2. List the main methods for developing children's speech. Give specific examples for each method. Justify your answer.

Teaching methods developed by didactics are specified in each individual methodology. Teaching method is a way of working for the teacher and children, ensuring that children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

In the methodology of teaching a native language, several groups of methods can be distinguished.

Visual methods. If the objects being studied can be observed by children directly, the teacher uses the observation method or its variations: inspection of the premises, excursion, examination of natural objects. If objects are not available for direct observation, the teacher introduces children to them indirectly, most often using visual means, showing paintings and photographs, films and filmstrips. Indirect visual methods are used in kindergarten and for secondary familiarization with an object, consolidation of knowledge acquired during observation, and the formation of coherent speech. For this purpose, methods are used such as looking at pictures with content familiar to children, looking at toys (as conventional images that reflect the world around them in three-dimensional visual forms), children describing pictures and toys, and inventing plot stories. Of course, in all these processes, the teacher’s word is necessarily assumed, which guides the children’s perception, explains and names what is being shown. The source that determines the range of conversations and reasoning between the teacher and children is visual objects or phenomena.

Verbal methods are used less often in kindergarten than in school. In kindergarten, mainly those verbal methods that are associated with artistic expression are used. The teacher reads works of art provided by the program to the children. More complex methods are also used - memorization, retelling.

The teacher's story method is less common in preschool institutions, although it should take place both in early age groups (story without showing) and in preschool groups (stories from the teacher's life experience, stories about noble, heroic deeds of children and adults).

In older groups, the conversation method is used to consolidate previously communicated knowledge and to accustom them to collective conversation.

Verbal methods in their so-called pure form are used very rarely in kindergarten. The age-related characteristics of preschoolers require reliance on visibility, therefore, in all verbal methods, either visual teaching techniques are used (short-term display of an object, a toy, looking at illustrations), or demonstration of a visual object for the purpose of relaxation, relaxation of children (reading poetry to a doll, the appearance of a solution - an object and etc.).

Practical methods. The purpose of these methods is to teach children to practically apply the acquired knowledge, to help them assimilate and improve their speech skills. In kindergarten, practical methods are most often playful in nature.

Didactic game (with visual material and verbal) is a universal method of consolidating knowledge and skills. It is used to solve all speech development problems. Work with a familiar literary text can be done using a dramatization game or tabletop dramatization. The same methods apply to teaching storytelling. When introducing children to certain phenomena of everyday life and nature, labor methods (cuttings, cooking) can be used in classes. Practical methods include visual games-activities developed by S.V. Peterina, games-dramatizations of an ethical nature. To carry them out, appropriate equipment is required: a doll and a large toy bear (1 m 20 cm), which ensures actions with them as partners and gives a great educational effect, sets of doll clothes, shoes, and hygiene items.

The main goal of these games and activities is to cultivate a culture of behavior in children, but they are also extremely important for the development of speech, as they enrich the vocabulary and consolidate speaking skills. For example, in the lesson “Tanya the doll is visiting us,” children not only observe actions with the doll, but also sit around the tables set for tea, learn to maintain a general conversation while eating, show attention to the guest and to each other, and try to eat gracefully , behave correctly at the table.

Each method is a set of techniques used to solve didactic problems (introduce new things, consolidate a skill or skill, creatively rework what has been learned). A technique is an element of a method. Currently, the methodology of speech development, like general didactics, does not have a stable classification of techniques. First of all, they can be divided according to the role of clarity and emotionality into verbal, visual, and playful.

The most common verbal techniques are as follows. A speech sample is the correct, pre-worked speech (language) activity of the teacher. The model must be available for repetition and imitation. In order to achieve children's conscious perception of the model, to increase the role of children's independence, it is useful to accompany the model with other techniques - explanations, instructions. The sample must precede children's speech activity; During one lesson it can be used repeatedly, as needed. The speech sample is presented to children in an emphatically clear, loud, and leisurely manner.

Repetition is the deliberate, repeated use of the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) for the purpose of memorizing it. Practices include repetition of material by the teacher, individual repetition by the child, joint repetition (of the teacher and the child or two children), as well as choral repetition. Choral repetition especially needs clear guidance. It is advisable to preface him with an explanation: invite him to say it to everyone together, clearly, but not loudly.

Explanation is the teacher's disclosure of the essence of a phenomenon or course of action. This technique is most widely used in dictionary work, but it also finds its place in solving other problems.

Directions - explaining to children how to act, how to achieve the required result. There are different instructions of a training nature, as well as organizational and disciplinary ones.

Verbal exercise is the repeated performance by children of certain speech actions to develop and improve speech skills. Unlike repetition, the exercise is distinguished by greater frequency, variability, and a greater proportion of children’s independent efforts.

Assessment of children's speech is a detailed, motivated judgment about the child's response, revealing the degree of assimilation of knowledge and speech skills. In one lesson, only some children’s answers can be assessed broadly and in detail. As a rule, the assessment concerns one or two qualities of the child's speech, it is given immediately after the answer, so that other children will take it into account when answering. Evaluation often concerns the positive aspects of speech. If shortcomings have been noted, you can invite the child to “learn” - try to correct his answer. In other cases, the teacher can express his opinion about the answer more briefly - with praise, remark, blame.

A question is a verbal address that requires an answer, a task for a child that involves the use or processing of existing knowledge. There is a certain classification of questions. According to the content, questions that require statements are distinguished, reproductive (What? Which? Where? Where? How? When? How much? etc.); a more complex category is search, i.e. questions that require inference (Why? Why? How are they similar? etc.). Based on the wording, questions can be divided into direct, leading, and prompting. Each type of question is valuable in its own way. When posing a question, it is important to correctly determine the place of logical stress, since the child’s answer is directed precisely by the reference word, which carries the main semantic load.

Visual techniques - showing a picture, toy, movement or action (in a dramatization game, in reading a poem), showing the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds, etc. - are also usually combined with verbal techniques, for example, a sample pronunciation of a sound and showing a picture, naming a new word and showing the object it denotes.

In the development of speech of preschoolers, playful pragmas and simply emotionality in the use of certain techniques are very important: intriguing intonation of voice when asking a question, exaggeratedly concerned intonation when posing a difficult task, using a joke when explaining a task. The liveliness of emotions increases the attention of children in the game, as a result of which all speech processes are activated (compare the exercise on classifying objects, which is carried out at tables, and the game “Don’t Yawn!” with the same verbal material, carried out in a circle with a ball, with playing forfeits). During the lesson, especially at the end of it, you can ask humorous questions, use fables, flip-flops, the game “This way or not,” a game character (bring in Parsley, a bear), and use game forms of assessment (chips, forfeits, applause).

The emotional impact of educational material is enhanced by such techniques as actions by choice (compose a story based on one of these two pictures; remember a poem that you like) or by design. Elements of competition (“Who will say more words?”, “Who can say it better?”), colorfulness, novelty of attributes, and entertaining game plots arouse interest and increase children’s attention to speech material.

According to their teaching role, speech development techniques can be divided into direct and indirect. These categories of techniques have been developed in detail by preschool pedagogy. Examples of direct teaching techniques are example, explanation, question, evaluation of the child’s answer, instructions, etc.

Among the direct teaching techniques, one can distinguish leading techniques for a specific lesson with specific content, basic ones for a given lesson, and additional techniques. For example, in a storytelling lesson, depending on its purpose and the level of children’s skills, the leading technique may be a sample story, and others - a plan, options for a plan, questions - will be additional. In another lesson, the leading technique may be a story plan, an additional one - a collective analysis of a separate point of the plan, etc. In a conversation, questions are a leading technique; in teaching storytelling they play an additional, secondary role.

Indirect techniques are reminder, advice, hint, correction, remark, remark.

A set of techniques is usually used in one lesson. For example, a comparison of objects or illustrations is accompanied by naming, (a sample word), an explanation, a literary word, and appeals to children. The teacher must first not only think through the general course of the lesson, but also carefully outline teaching techniques (precision and brevity of formulations, compatibility of individual techniques).

In the methodology, speech development techniques are called differently. Along with the term “teaching techniques,” others are also used: “techniques for working on speech development,” “techniques for developing correct speech,” “techniques for solving a speech problem.” These terms also have a right to exist. As a rule, they are used in cases when it comes to educational activities (outside of classes). We can talk about methods of working in the book corner: joint examination of the book by the teacher and the child, sorting books, their classification, repair, etc.

Speech development techniques constitute the main specificity of the methodology. A justified, reasonable selection of the necessary techniques largely decides the matter. Thanks to the use of speech development techniques, the closest meeting between the teacher and the child occurs, whom the former encourages to a certain speech action.

For the successful implementation of educational tasks, it is necessary to have favorable conditions. Their creation, as well as constant monitoring of the implementation of the program by teachers and the assimilation of it by children are the job responsibilities of the head and teacher-methodologist. This will be discussed in subsequent topics.

Svetlana Mettick
Methods and techniques for speech development in preschool educational institutions

1. Relevance.

Speech is an integral part of people’s social existence, a necessary condition for the existence of human society. It is estimated that approximately 70% of the time when a person is awake, he devotes to speaking, listening, reading, writing - the four main types of speech activities.

Speech is, on the one hand, a tool for expressing our ideas, thoughts, and knowledge, and on the other, a means to enrich and expand them. To master, if possible, perfectly all types and manifestations speeches- means to wield the most powerful weapon of the mind human development, and therefore, the culture of mankind. Nothing reflects so negatively on the general development like backwardness of language.

Speech in a person’s life performs the following basic functions: functions:

It is a means of cognition, a necessary condition for human cognitive activity (thanks to speeches a person acquires knowledge, assimilates and transmits it);

It is a means of influencing consciousness, developing a worldview, norms of behavior, shaping tastes (i.e., speech is used to influence the views and beliefs of people, persuade them to actions and deeds, etc.);

Used in the process of joint work to coordinate efforts, plan work, check and evaluate its results;

Is a means of satisfying personal needs person: in communication, in communion with a certain group of people (man, as a social being, cannot live without connection with others people: he must consult, share thoughts, worry and empathize). Therefore the topic « Methods and techniques for speech development in kindergarten» relevant.

Goal of the work: nurturing initiative and independence in children’s verbal communication.

Tasks speech development:

1. Nurturing sound culture speeches.

2. Enrichment and activation of students’ vocabulary.

3. Formation of grammatical structure speeches.

4. Communication training speeches, through the activation of traditional and non-traditional methods in speech development work.

2. Work system speech development in kindergarten:

1. Role speech development

Kindergarten age is a period of active acquisition of spoken language by a child, formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. At this age, children’s social circle expands, which requires the child to fully master the means of communication, the main of which is speech. In the process of diverse communication, the child learns the natural, objective, social world around him in its integrity and diversity, forms and reveals his own inner world, his "I", comprehends the spiritual and material values ​​of society, gets acquainted with its cultural norms and traditions, acquires a circle of significant other people, while acting as an active subject of interaction.

Child with good developed through speech he easily enters into communication with the world around him. He can clearly express his thoughts, desires, and consult with peers, parents, and teachers. Communication is an instrument of culture that is adapted for development and the formation of the individual’s consciousness, his worldview, to cultivate a humane attitude towards the natural, objective and social world around him.

This is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children. The sooner training starts speech development, the more freely the child will use it in the future.

2. Speech development methods.

The modern child finds himself in an active information flow and not everyone can navigate it. “Processing” all the information for a child often turns out to be a very difficult task. Therefore, classes on speech development is an important component of the overall development of pupils.

Speech development -(or ontogeny speeches, from English Language development) process of formation speeches depending on the age characteristics of a person associated with mastering the means of both oral and written speeches(language, which in turn characterizes development communication skills, verbal thinking and literary creativity.

IN methodology teaching the native language can be divided into three groups: methods - visual, verbal and practical.

Visual methods are used in kindergarten much more often than others; they are divided into direct and indirect methods. If the objects being studied can be observed directly by children, the teacher uses method observation or his varieties: inspection of the premises, excursion, viewing of natural items. These methods aimed at accumulating content speeches and provide communication between two signaling systems. If objects are not available for direct observation, the teacher introduces children to them indirectly, most often using visual means - looking at toys, illustrations, photographs, describing paintings and toys, talking about toys and paintings, watching films and filmstrips. Indirect visual methods are used in kindergarten and for secondary familiarization with the object, they are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, development generalizing function of a word, learning connected speeches. For this purpose, the following are used methods, such as looking at pictures with content familiar to children, looking at toys (as conventional images reflecting the world around them in three-dimensional pictorial forms, children describing pictures and toys, inventing plot stories.

Verbal methods in kindergarten they are used less often than in school. In kindergarten, they mainly use those verbal methods, which are associated with the artistic word. The teacher reads works of art provided by the program to the children. More complex ones are also used methods: learning by heart, retelling, telling without relying on visual material (telling without showing (in early age groups) stories from the life experience of a teacher, stories about the noble, heroic deeds of children and adults (in preschool groups, generalizing conversations (for older preschoolers to consolidate previously accumulated knowledge and to accustom them to collective conversation).

Data methods require reliance on clarity, therefore in all verbal methods visual aids are used teaching techniques: show items, toys, looking at illustrations, paintings, or demonstrating a visual object to relax children or relax (reading poems, riddles, etc.).

Practical methods are aimed at:

Teaching children to apply acquired knowledge in practice;

Mastering and improving speech skills.

Practical in kindergarten methods are most often of a playful nature.

To practical methods include various didactic games (games with visual material and verbal games - universal method consolidation of knowledge and skills. It is used to solve all problems speech development, dramatization games (working with familiar literary texts, dramatization games, round dance games, didactic exercises (familiarization with new things, consolidation of skills or abilities, creative processing of learned information). The main task of these games-activities is to cultivate a culture of behavior in children, they are extremely important for speech development, as they enrich the vocabulary and strengthen speaking skills speeches.

Conclusion. Methods of teaching speech development is defined as a way of work of the teacher and children, ensuring the acquisition of speech skills and abilities in children.

3. Techniques speech development.

Reception is the main element method. Currently speech development technique does not have a stable classification techniques, however, according to the role of clarity and emotionality, they can be divided into verbal, visual, game

The most widespread in kindergarten are verbal techniques. These include speech pattern, re-speaking, explanation, directions, verbal exercise, child assessment speeches, question.

Speech sample - correct, pre-practised speech (linguistic) activity of the educator, intended for imitation by children and their orientation for repetition and imitation. It is pronounced clearly, loudly and slowly.

Repeated enunciation - deliberate, repeated repetition of the same speech element (sound, words, phrases) for the purpose of remembering it. Practices include repetition of the material by the teacher, individual repetition by the child, joint repetition (of the teacher and the child or two children, as well as choral repetition. Choral repetition especially needs clear guidance. It is advisable to precede it explanations: invite everyone to say it together, clearly, but not loudly.

Explanation is the teacher’s disclosure of the essence of a phenomenon or course of action. Widely used in dictionary work - to reveal the meanings of words, to explain the rules and actions in didactic games, as well as in the process of observations and examinations items.

Directions - explaining to children how to act, how to achieve the required result. The teacher’s instructions can be divided into instructions of a teaching nature, organizational and disciplinary.

Verbal exercise is the repeated performance by children of certain speech actions to develop and improve speech skills. Unlike repetition, the exercise is characterized by greater frequency, variability, and a greater proportion of children’s independent efforts.

Children's assessment speeches - expanded a motivated judgment about the child’s answer, revealing the degree of acquisition of knowledge and speech skills. The assessment should not only be of a stating nature, but also educational. It is given so that all children can be guided by it in their statements.

In the conditions of one lesson, widely, expanded Only some children's responses may be assessed. As a rule, the assessment concerns one or two qualities of the child's speeches, it is given immediately after the answer, so that other children will take it into account when answering. Evaluation is more often about the positive aspects speeches. If shortcomings have been noted, you can offer the child "to learn"- try to correct your answer.

A question is a verbal address that requires an answer; it is a task for a child that involves the use or processing of existing knowledge. The questions are divided according to their content on:

Basic (requiring statement (reproductive, responding to questions: Who? What? Which? which? Where? How? Where)

Auxiliary (search, requiring the establishment of connections and relationships between phenomena, responding to questions: Why? For what? how are they similar? Auxiliary questions can be leading and suggestive.

Each type of question is valuable in its own way. When posing a question, it is important to correctly determine the place of logical stress, since the child’s answer is directed precisely by the reference word, which carries the main semantic load.

Visual techniques - showing pictures, toys, movements or actions (in a dramatization game, in reading a poem, showing the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds, etc. - are also usually combined with verbal techniques, for example, a sample pronunciation of a sound and showing a picture, naming a new word and showing the object it denotes.

Strengthen the emotional impact of educational material such techniques, as actions of choice (make up a story based on one of these two pictures; remember a poem that you like) or actions by design. Elements of competition arouse interest and increase children’s attention to speech material ( “Who will say more words?”, “Who can say it better?”, colorfulness, novelty of attributes, entertaining game plots.

Gaming techniques(practical) can be verbal (a sample of sound pronunciation and showing a picture, naming a new word and showing the object it denotes) and visual (showing illustrative material (pictures, toys, movements or actions, also showing the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds).

Conclusion. Techniques offered methodology, directed on:

Content Accumulation speeches and ensuring informational and emotional stability;

Fostering a culture of behavior in children;

- speech development, enriching vocabulary and strengthening speaking skills speeches.

The methodology uses methods developed in didactics. The method of speech development is defined as a way of activity of the teacher and children, ensuring the formation of speech skills and abilities.

There are three groups of methods- visual, verbal and practical. This division is very arbitrary, since there is no sharp boundary between them. Visual methods are accompanied by words, and verbal methods use visual techniques. Practical methods are also associated with both words and visual material. The classification of some methods and techniques as visual, others as verbal or practical depends on the predominance of visibility, words or actions as the source and basis of the statement.

Visual methods are used more often in kindergarten. Both direct and indirect methods are used. TO direct refers to the observation method and its varieties: excursions, inspections of the premises, examination of natural objects. These methods are aimed at accumulating the content of speech and providing communication between two signaling systems. Indirect methods based on the use of visual clarity. This is looking at toys, paintings, photographs, describing paintings and toys, telling stories about toys and paintings. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of words, and teach coherent speech. Indirect methods can also be used for familiarization With objects and phenomena that cannot be encountered directly.

Verbal methods in kindergarten they are used less often: this is reading and telling works of fiction, memorizing, retelling, generalizing conversation, telling without relying on visual material. All verbal methods use visual techniques: showing objects, toys, paintings, looking at illustrations, since the age characteristics of young children and the nature of the word itself require visualization.

Practical methods aimed at using speech skills and abilities and improving them. Practical methods include various didactic games, dramatization games, dramatizations, didactic exercises, plastic sketches, and round dance games. They are used to solve all speech problems.

Depending on the nature of children’s speech activity, we can roughly distinguish reproductive and productive methods.

Reproductive methods are based on reproducing speech material and ready-made samples. In kindergarten, they are used mainly in vocabulary work, in the work of educating the sound culture of speech, and less in the formation of grammatical skills and coherent speech. Reproductive methods can conditionally include methods of observation and its varieties, looking at pictures, reading fiction, retelling, memorizing, games-dramatization of the content of literary works, many didactic games, i.e. all those methods in which children master words and the laws of their combination, phraseological phrases, some grammatical phenomena, for example, the management of many words, master by imitation of sound pronunciation, retell close to the text, copy the teacher’s story.

Productive methods involve children constructing their own coherent utterances, when the child does not simply reproduce the language units known to him, but selects and combines them in a new way each time, adapting to the communication situation. This is the creative nature of speech activity. From this it is obvious that productive methods are used in teaching coherent speech. These include generalizing conversation, storytelling, retelling with text restructuring, didactic games for the development of coherent speech, modeling method, creative tasks.

There is also no sharp boundary between productive and reproductive methods. There are elements of creativity in reproductive methods, and elements of reproduction in productive ones. Their ratio fluctuates. For example, if in a vocabulary exercise children

choose from their vocabulary the most suitable word to describe an object, then in comparison with the same choice of a word from a number of given ones or repetition after the teacher when examining and examining objects, the first task is more creative in nature. In independent storytelling, creativity and reproduction can also manifest themselves differently in stories based on a model, plan, or proposed topic. Characterization of well-known methods from the point of view of the nature of speech activity will make it possible to more consciously use them in practice with children.

Depending on the task of speech development, there are methods of vocabulary work, methods of educating the sound culture of speech, etc.

Methodological techniques for speech development are traditionally divided into three main groups: verbal, visual and playful.

Widely used verbal techniques. These include speech pattern, repeated speaking, explanation, instructions, assessment of children's speech, question.

Speech sample- correct, pre-thought-out speech activity of the teacher, intended for imitation by children and their orientation. The sample must be accessible in content and form. It is pronounced clearly, loudly and slowly. Since the model is given for imitation, it is presented before the children begin their speech activity. But sometimes, especially in older groups, a model can be used after children’s speech, but it will not serve for imitation, but for comparison and correction. The sample is used to solve all problems. It is especially important in younger groups.

Repeated recitation- deliberate, repeated repetition of the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) for the purpose of memorizing it. In practice, different repetition options are used: behind the teacher, behind other children, joint repetition of the teacher and children, choral repetition. It is important that repetition is offered to children in the context of an activity that interests them.

Explanation- revealing the essence of certain phenomena or methods of action. Widely used to reveal the meanings of words, to explain the rules and actions in didactic games, as well as in the process of observing and examining objects.

Directions- explaining to children the method of action to achieve a certain result. There are instructional, organizational and disciplinary instructions.

Assessment of children's speech- a motivated judgment about a child’s speech utterance, characterizing the quality of speech activity. The assessment should not only be of a stating nature, but also educational. It is given so that all children can be guided by it in their statements. Assessment has a great emotional impact on children. It is necessary to take into account individual and age characteristics, to ensure that it increases the child’s speech activity, interest in speech activity, and organizes his behavior. To do this, the assessment primarily emphasizes the positive qualities of speech, and speech defects are corrected using a sample and other methodological techniques.

Question- verbal appeal requiring a response. Questions are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones can be ascertaining (reproductive) - “who? What? Which? which? Where? How? Where?" and search ones, requiring the establishment of connections and relationships between phenomena - “why? For what? how are they similar? Auxiliary questions can be leading and suggestive.

Visual techniques- display of illustrative material, showing the position of the organs of articulation when teaching correct sound pronunciation.

Gaming techniques can be verbal and visual. They arouse the child’s interest in activities, enrich the motives of speech, create a positive emotional background of the learning process and thereby increase children’s speech activity and the effectiveness of classes. Gaming techniques meet the age characteristics of children and therefore occupy an important place in native language classes in kindergarten. Implementation of speech development tasks in education and training programs

The tasks of speech development are implemented in a program that determines the scope of speech skills and abilities, the requirements for the speech of children in different age groups.

Modern programs speech developments have their own history of development. Their origins are found in the first program documents of the kindergarten. The content and structure of the programs developed gradually. In the first programs, the tasks of speech development were of a general nature, emphasizing the need to connect the content of speech with modern reality. The main emphasis in the programs of the 30s. was done at work with a book and a picture. With the development of pedagogical science and practice, new tasks appeared in the programs, the scope of speech skills was clarified and supplemented, and the structure was improved.

In 1962, the “Kindergarten Education Program” was created for the first time, which defined the tasks of speech development of children from two months to seven years. In contrast to the previously published “Guides for Kindergarten Teachers,” program requirements are separated from methodological instructions, and the repertoire of works of fiction for reading and telling to children has been significantly revised. In the preparatory group for school (the first time highlighted in the program), preparation of children for learning to read and write is provided. The “Model Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” (1983 - 1984) is essentially the basis for the development of modern educational content.

It takes into account the unique nature of speech activity, which “serves” all types of activity and, thus, is connected with the entire life activity of the child. In this regard, a speech development program has been built based on an activity approach: requirements for speech skills and abilities are reflected in all sections and chapters of the program. The nature of speech skills is determined by the characteristics of the content and organization of each type of activity.

For example, in the “Game” section, the need is pointed out for teaching children the rules and norms of verbal communication, developing the ability to use speech when agreeing on the theme of the game, distributing roles, developing role-playing interaction, in theatrical games - to act out scenes based on familiar fairy tales, poems, and improving performing skills. In the “Labor Education” section, attention is paid to the ability to name objects, their characteristics, qualities, and labor actions. In teaching the beginnings of mathematics, it is impossible to do without mastering the names of shape, size, spatial arrangement of objects, cardinal and ordinal numbers.

The requirements for communication skills and culture of verbal communication are set out in the section “Organization of life and raising children.” Similarly, you can highlight the content of speech work in other chapters of the program.

The independent chapter “Speech Development” is highlighted in the “Learning in the Classroom” section, and in the senior and preparatory school groups in the “Organization of Life and Raising Children” section. In the preparatory group for school, the requirements for the speech development of children are reflected in the chapter “Native Language”, since it is at this age that some linguistic knowledge is imparted and children’s awareness of the phenomena of language and speech deepens.

It should be noted that in the program documents of the kindergarten up to 1983 - 1984. the tasks of speech development were indicated along with the tasks of familiarization with the surrounding life. For the first time in the “Standard Program” (Standard program of education and training in kindergarten / Edited by R. A. Kurbatova, N. N. Poddyakov. - M., 1984) they are given separately from each other, “taking into account the fact that the formation of most actual language skills and abilities (choosing a word from a synonymous series, using expressive means, comparisons, definitions, mastering the elements of word formation and inflection, developing phonemic hearing, etc.) cannot be ensured along the way when familiarizing children with the environment, which requires organization special forms of education (verbal didactic games, creative tasks, performances, dramatizations, etc.).” The kindergarten program was developed taking into account scientific data on the patterns of speech development of preschool children and the experience of preschool institutions. Requirements for different aspects of speech reflect age-related indicators of speech development. The tasks of vocabulary development have been significantly clarified and specified (here more attention is paid to revealing the semantic side of the word); the tasks of forming the grammatical structure of speech are more clearly formulated; For the first time, the tasks of developing skills and abilities of word formation and the formation of the syntactic structure of speech are highlighted. The program for teaching storytelling has been clarified, the sequence of using different types of storytelling and their relationship has been determined, the task of developing coherent speech is introduced starting from the second junior group. The content of artistic and speech activity of children is determined.

In general, we can say that this program makes an attempt to reflect the level of correct speech and the level of good speech in the requirements for children's speech. The latter is most pronounced in older groups.

The program has a close connection with the program of work on familiarization with the environment(although they are presented separately). This is especially true for the size of the dictionary. The dictionary reflects the content of knowledge about the world around us. It is known that they are based on the sensory experience of children. In this regard, the program clearly shows the idea of ​​the unity of sensory, mental and speech development.

Most speech development tasks are set in all age groups, but their content has its own specifics, which is determined age characteristics of children. Thus, in younger groups the main task is to accumulate vocabulary and form the pronunciation side of speech. Starting from the middle group, the leading tasks are the development of coherent speech and the education of all aspects of the sound culture of speech. In older groups, the main thing is to teach children how to construct coherent statements of different types and work on the semantic side of speech. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, a new section of work is being introduced - preparation for literacy and literacy training.

Continuity is established in the content of speech education in age groups. It manifests itself in the gradual complication of the tasks of speech development and learning the native language. Thus, when working on a word, tasks become more complex from mastering the names of objects, signs, actions, mastering a generalization that is expressed in different words, to distinguishing the meanings of polysemantic words, synonyms and the conscious choice of the word most suitable for a particular case. In the development of coherent speech - from retelling short stories and fairy tales to composing coherent statements of various types, first on a visual basis, and then without relying on visualization. The program is based on taking into account “end-to-end” trends in the development of vocabulary, grammatical structure, phonetic aspects of speech, and connected speech.

Continuity is also manifested in the repetition of individual requirements in adjacent groups in order to develop strong and sustainable skills and abilities (the use of forms of speech etiquette, consistent and logical construction of coherent statements, etc.).

Along with continuity in the program, there is also prospects children's speech development. This means that at each stage of learning the foundations are laid for what will be developed at the next stage.

The kindergarten program creates prospects for the development of children in school. It has continuity with the Russian language program in primary school. IN Kindergarten develops the qualities of oral speech that are further developed in the first grade of school. A rich vocabulary, the ability to clearly and accurately express one’s thoughts, and selectively and consciously use language means are prerequisites for successful learning of the Russian language and mastery of all academic subjects.

Within each task, the core points underlying the formation of communicative and speech skills are identified. In the development of a dictionary, this is work on the semantic side of a word; in monologue speech, it is the selection of the content of a statement, mastering ways of combining words and sentences; in the development of dialogical speech - the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, interact with others, and participate in a general conversation.

A special feature of the program is the brevity of the presentation of tasks and requirements. The teacher must be able to specify the general requirement, taking into account the individual characteristics of the children.

Based on the standard program, education and training programs were created in the Union republics (now the CIS countries). In the Russian Federation, the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” was also developed (1985, Editor-in-Chief M.D. Vasilyeva), approved by the Ministry of Education. It preserved the fundamental approaches to the speech development of children, the main content of program tasks and the sequence of their complication, structure. At the same time, the specific cultural and national conditions of Russia were taken into account. The explanatory note to the program drew attention to the fact that “in national preschool institutions, where work is carried out in their native language, children from the first nursery group are taught oral native speech according to a program developed in the autonomous republic, territory, region, and from the senior group - Russian conversation (2 lessons per week). In those preschool institutions where work with children of non-Russian nationality is carried out in Russian, native language instruction is introduced from the senior group (2 hours per week) according to the program developed on places."

Currently, so-called variable programs are used in preschool institutions of various types. Among them, the most famous are “Rainbow” (edited by T.N. Doronova), “Development” (scientific supervisor L.A. Venger), “Childhood. Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten" (V.I. Loginova, T.Y. Babaeva and others), "Program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten" (O.S. Ushakova).

In the "Rainbow" program, recommended by the Ministry of Education of Russia, takes into account modern requirements for the speech development of children, highlights generally accepted sections of work on speech development: sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, fiction. One of the most important means of development of preschool children is the creation of a developmental speech environment. Much attention is given to the development of dialogical speech through communication between the teacher and children, children with each other in all areas of joint activities and in special classes. A carefully selected literary repertoire for reading, telling to children and memorizing.

Development program focused on developing children's mental abilities and creativity. Classes on speech development and familiarization with fiction include three main areas: 1) familiarization with fiction (reading poetry, fairy tales, stories, conversations about what you read, play improvisations based on the plots of the works you read); 2) mastering special means of literary and speech activity (means of artistic expression, development of the sound side of speech); 3) development of cognitive abilities based on familiarization with children's fiction. Mastery of different aspects of speech occurs in the context of familiarization with works of art. The idea of ​​the unity of sensory, mental and speech development is clearly expressed and implemented. In the middle group, preparation for learning to read and write is set as an independent task, and in the senior and preparatory groups - learning to read.

In the program "Childhood" Special sections are dedicated to the tasks and content of children’s speech development and familiarization with fiction: “Developing Children’s Speech” and “Child and Book”. These sections contain for each group a description of the traditionally distinguished tasks: the development of coherent speech, vocabulary, grammatical structure, and the education of a sound culture of speech. The program is distinguished by the fact that at the end of the sections, criteria are proposed for assessing the level of speech development. It is especially important that it clearly identifies (in the form of separate chapters) and meaningfully defines speech skills in different types of activities.

“Program for the development of speech for preschool children in kindergarten” prepared on the basis of many years of research conducted in the speech development laboratory of the Institute of Preschool Education under the leadership of F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova. It reveals the theoretical foundations and directions of work on the development of children's speech skills. The program is based on an integrated approach to speech development in the classroom, the relationship of different speech tasks with the leading role of the development of coherent speech. Within each task, priority lines are identified that are important for the development of coherent speech and verbal communication. Particular emphasis is placed on the formation in children of ideas about the structure of a coherent utterance, about the methods of connection between individual phrases and its parts. The content of the tasks is presented by age groups. This material is preceded by a description of the speech development of children. The program significantly deepens, complements and refines the standard program previously developed in the same laboratory."

Given the possibility of choosing different programs, the teacher’s knowledge of the age-related capabilities of children and the patterns of speech development, the tasks of speech education, as well as the teacher’s ability to analyze and evaluate programs from the point of view of their impact on the full development of children’s speech are of key importance. Particular attention should be paid to how the development of all aspects of speech is ensured, whether the requirements for children’s speech correspond to age standards, whether the general goals and objectives of speech development, teaching the native language and personality education are achieved.

MDOBU “Medvedesky kindergarten No. 4 “Romashka”

Methods and techniques for the speech development of children in preschool educational institutions

Compiled by speech therapist

Pozdeeva T. N.

Medvedevo village

March, 2016

What is a method and technique in pedagogy?

  • Method in pedagogy- This system methods of influence on the behavioral sphere of a person, aimed at the implementation of educational and educational tasks.
  • Reception in pedagogypractical mechanism application of educational methods and

technologies in the process of forming a conscious, comprehensively developed personality.

The difference between method and technique

  • General direction of pedagogical activity.
  • Takes into account the goals and objectives that are priority for a particular type of teaching activity.
  • Always theoretically justified and tested.
  • One of the elements of the practical organization of the educational process (private direction).
  • Used as a practical tool for several methods at once.
  • It is distinguished by flexibility and variation of pedagogical tasks.

Speech development methods




This division is conditional, since there is no sharp boundary between them. Visual methods are accompanied by words, and verbal methods use visual techniques. Practical methods are also associated with both words and visual material. The classification of some methods and techniques as visual, others as verbal or practical depends on the predominance of visibility, words or actions as the source and basis of the statement.

Visual methods

TO direct applies observation method and its varieties: excursions, inspections of the premises, viewing natural objects. These methods are aimed at accumulating the content of speech and provide communication between two signaling systems (visual and auditory).

Indirect methods based on application visual clarity. This is looking at toys, paintings, photographs, describing paintings and toys, telling stories about toys and paintings. They are used to consolidate knowledge, vocabulary, develop the generalizing function of words, and teach coherent speech.

Indirect methods can also be used for familiarization With objects and phenomena that cannot be encountered directly.

Verbal methods

They are used less frequently in kindergarten. This

  • reading and telling works of fiction,
  • learning by heart,
  • retelling,
  • general conversation,
  • storytelling without relying on visual material.

In all verbal methods visual techniques are used: showing objects, toys, paintings, looking at illustrations, since the age characteristics of small children and the nature of the word itself require clarity.

Practical methods

aimed at using speech skills and abilities and improving them. Practical methods include various

  • educational games,
  • dramatization games,
  • staging,
  • didactic exercises,
  • plastic studies,
  • round dance games .

Used to solve all speech problems.

Depending on the nature of children’s speech activity, it is possible

conditionally highlight reproductive and productive methods.

Reproductive methods

based on reproduction of speech material, ready-made samples. In kindergarten, they are used mainly in vocabulary work, in the work of educating the sound culture of speech, and less in the formation of grammatical skills and coherent speech.

Reproductive methods can conditionally include methods of observation and its varieties, looking at pictures, reading fiction, retelling, memorizing, games-dramatization of the content of literary works, many didactic games, i.e. all those methods in which children master words and the laws of their combination, phraseological phrases, some grammatical phenomena, for example, the management of many words, master by imitation of sound pronunciation, retell close to the text, copy the teacher’s story.

Productive methods

suggest children’s construction of their own coherent statements when the child not only reproduces the language units known to him, but selects and combines them in a new way each time, adapting to the communication situation. This is the creative nature of speech activity. From this it is obvious that productive methods used in teaching coherent speech. These include generalizing conversation, storytelling, retelling with text restructuring, didactic games for the development of coherent speech, modeling method, creative tasks.

Verbal techniques

1. Speech sample - correct, preliminary thoughtful speech activity of the teacher, intended for imitation by children and their orientation. The sample must be accessible in content and form. It is pronounced clearly, loudly and slowly .

Since the sample is given to follow, it is presented before the children begin their speech activity. But sometimes, especially in older groups, a model can be used after children’s speech, but at the same time it will serve not for imitation, but for comparisons and corrections. The sample is used to solve all problems. It is especially important in younger groups.

Verbal techniques

2. Repeated pronunciation - deliberate, repeated repetition of the same speech element (sound, word, phrase) for the purpose of memorizing it. In practice, different repetition options are used: after the teacher, after other children, joint repetition of the teacher and children, choral. It is important that repetition is offered to children in the context of an activity that interests them.

3. Explanation - revealing the essence of certain phenomena or methods of action. Widely used to reveal the meanings of words, to explain the rules and actions in didactic games, as well as in the process of observing and examining objects.

4. Directions - explaining to children the method of action to achieve a certain result. Highlight directions training, organizing

onal and disciplining.

Verbal techniques

5.Assessment of children's speech - motivated judgment about the child’s speech utterance, characterizing the quality of speech activity. The assessment should not only be of a stating nature, but also educational. It is given so that all children can be guided by it in their statements. Grade has a great emotional impact on children. It is necessary to take into account individual and age characteristics, to ensure that it increases the child’s speech activity, interest in speech activity, and organizes his behavior. To do this, the assessment primarily emphasizes the positive qualities of speech, and speech defects are corrected using a sample and other methodological techniques.

6. Question - verbal appeal requiring a response. The questions are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones can be stating-"Who? What? Which? which? Where? How? Where?" And search engines, requiring the establishment of connections and relationships between phenomena - “why? For what? how are they similar? Auxiliary questions are leading and suggestive .

Other techniques

  • Visual techniques - show illustrative material, showing the position of the organs of articulation when teaching correct sound pronunciation.
  • Gaming techniques can be verbal and visual. They arouse the child’s interest in activities, enrich the motives of speech, create a positive emotional background of the learning process and thereby increases children’s speech activity and lesson performance. Gaming techniques correspond to the age characteristics of children and therefore occupy an important place in native language classes in kindergarten.

Favorite speech development techniques

  • phone game, store, etc.
  • development of fine motor skills of hands
  • LEGO constructors
  • use of productive activities (sculpting, drawing, appliqué)
  • conjugate gymnastics
  • folk games
  • mnemonics
  • onomatopoeia
  • puppet show
  • development of speech breathing

Techniques of Sh. A. Amonashvili

  • Closing your eyes
  • Whispering
  • Finishing the drawing
  • Dialogue
  • Co-authorship
  • Bright birthday
  • Compilation of dictionaries
  • Asking questions to the teacher
  • Teacher's Absentmindedness
  • News from the teacher
  • Packages with children's work instead of grades, etc.

Features of the classes in younger groups

Children do not yet know how to study in a group; they do not relate to themselves the speech addressed to the whole group. They do not know how to listen to their comrades; A strong irritant that can attract children's attention is the teacher's speech. These groups require widespread use of visualization, emotional teaching techniques, mainly playful, surprise moments. In front of the children there is no learning task(not informed - we will study, but the teacher offers to play, look at a picture, listen to a fairy tale). Classes are subgroup and individual. The structure of the classes is simple. At first, children are not required to give individual answers; the teacher’s questions are answered by those who want to, all together.

Features of the classes in middle groups

The nature of learning activities is changing somewhat. Children start be aware of the features of your speech, for example, the features of sound pronunciation. The content of classes becomes more complicated. In class it becomes it is possible to set a learning task(“We will learn to pronounce the sound z correctly”). Are rising requirements for the culture of verbal communication(speak in turns, one at a time, not in chorus, in phrases if possible). Appear new types of activities: excursions, teaching storytelling, memorizing poetry. The duration of classes increases to 20 minutes.

Features of classes in senior and preparatory groups

The role is increasing compulsory frontal training of a complex nature. The nature of activities is changing. Held more verbal activities: various types of storytelling, analysis of the sound structure of a word, the composition of sentences, special grammatical and lexical exercises, word games. The use of visualization takes other forms: paintings are being used more and more - wall and tabletop, small, handout. The role of the teacher is also changing. He still leads the lesson, but he promotes greater independence in children’s speech and uses speech patterns less often. The speech activity of children becomes more difficult: they are used collective stories, retellings with text restructuring, reading in faces etc. In the preparatory group for school, classes are close to school-type lessons. The duration of classes is 30-35 minutes. At the same time, we should not forget that these are children of preschool age, so it is necessary Avoid dryness and didacticism.

Good luck in your studies and education!