Self-education. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers. Individual work plan for self-education "Use of educational games in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers" methodological framework



Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" of the municipal formation - Putyatinsky municipal district of the Ryazan region

Work plan for teacher self-education on the topic:

“Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers through

didactic games"

Compiled by: Teacher first

qualification category

T.V. Maksimova

2016 – 2017 academic year Year

Explanatory note………………………………………………………....3

Teacher's plan…………………………………………………………........ 4

List of references………………………………………………………... 5

Appendix 1 (card index of educational games)……………………………………6

Appendix 2 (report for teachers) ………………………………………….. 14

Appendix 3 (consultation for parents) …………………………………. 17

Appendix 4 (memo for parents) …………………………………………20

Explanatory note:

The concept of “development of mathematical abilities” is quite complex, comprehensive and multifaceted. It consists of interrelated and interdependent ideas about space, form, size, time, quantity, their properties and relationships, which are necessary for the formation of “everyday” and “scientific” concepts in a child.When forming elementary mathematical concepts, the game acts as a teaching method and can be classified as a practical method. It is very important that play is not only a way and means of learning, it is also joy and pleasure for the child. All children love to play, and it depends on the adult how meaningful and useful these games will be.

All types of didactic games (subject, board-printed, verbal, etc.) are an effective means and method of developing elementary mathematical concepts in children of all age groups. Using a variety of didactic games, thanks to the learning task, the child unintentionally learns a certain “portion” of cognitive content.

Currently, a system of so-called educational games has been developed. Unlike existing ones, they allow children to develop fundamentally new knowledge. Games, the content of which is focused on the formation of mathematical concepts, promote abstraction in mental activity, teach how to operate with generalized ideas, and form logical structures of thinking. Didactic games are of particular importance in the formation of ideas about spatial relationships, shape, and size. Most of the programming problems from these sections are solved using didactic games.

Thus, didactic games play a huge role in the upbringing and education of a preschooler.

Working on this topic, I set myself a goal: to organize work on FEMP for preschool children in accordance with modern requirements using didactic games to develop memory, attention, imagination, and logical thinking.

To achieve this goal, I outlined the following tasks:

1. Develop children’s emotional responsiveness through games with mathematical content.

2. To form a system of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children.

3. Form logical thinking techniques(comparison, generalizations, classifications).

4. Develop independence of cognition, encourage the manifestation of creative initiative.

5. Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Plan for the 2016-2017 academic year

Development stages

Implementation deadlines

Studying literature on this topic




Develop a card index of didactic games


Creation of the “Entertaining Mathematics” center

During the year

Making and conducting educational games

During the year

Introducing parents to entertaining and educational math games at a parent meeting


Participation in the system of methodological work

Generalization of teaching experience

During the year

Registration of written consultations in the parent corner.

During the year

Preparation of written consultations for teachers

During the year

Exhibition design: “mathematical games and exercises for preschoolers”


Report to the pedagogical council



  1. Arapova N.A - Piskareva Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten. For classes with children 2-7 years old. - M: Mosaic-Sintez, 2009
  2. Artemova L.V. The world around us in didactic games for preschoolers / L.V. Artemova. – M.: Education, 1992. – 150 pp. Veraksa, N.S. Formation of unified temporal-spatial representations. / N.S. Veraksa. // Doshk. Education, 1996, No. 5.
  3. Grishina G.N. Favorite children's games /G. N. Grishina - M.: Education, 1997.
  4. Veraksa N.E. etc. From birth to school. Basic general education program of preschool education.Publisher: Mosaic- Synthesis, 2010
  5. Vodopyanov, E.N. Formation of initial geometric concepts in preschoolers. / E.N. Vodopyanov. // Doshk. Education, 2000, No. 3.
  6. Raising children through play: A manual for kindergarten teachers / Comp. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. – 2nd ed., revised. And additional – M.: Education, 1983.
  7. Godinay, G.N., Pilyugina E.G. Education and training of children of primary preschool age. - Moscow Education, 1988.
  8. Let's play. Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old. - Ed. A.A.Stolyar. - M.: Education, 1991.
  9. Danilova, V.V. Mathematical training of children in preschool institutions. – M.: Education, 1987.
  10. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - Ed. L.A. Wenger. 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Education, 1998.
  11. Erofeeva, T.I., Pavlova, L.N., Novikova, V.P. Mathematics for preschoolers: Book. For the teacher of children. garden – M.: Education, 1992.
  12. Metlina L.S. Mathematics in kindergarten: a manual for kindergarten teachers. – 2nd ed., revised. / L.S. Metlina. M.: Pedagogy, 1984.
  13. Sultanova M. N. Journey to the land of mathematics: a methodological guide for teachers in the middle group of kindergarten / M. N. Sultanova. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.

Card index of didactic games in mathematics

Didactic games for the formation of mathematical concepts can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Games with numbers and numbers
  2. Time travel games
  3. Games for spatial orientation
  4. Games with geometric shapes
  5. Logical thinking games

The main feature of a didactic game is that the task is offered to children in a playful form, which consists of cognitive and educational content, as well as game tasks, game actions and organizational relationships.

  1. The first group of games includes teaching children to count forward and backward. Using a fairy tale, I introduce children to the formation of all numbers within 10 by comparing equal and unequal groups of objects. Didactic games such as “Which number is missing?”, “How much?”, “Confusion?”, “Correct the mistake”, “Remove the numbers”, “Name the neighbors”, children learn to freely operate with numbers within 10 and accompany their actions with words . Didactic games such as “Think of a number”, “Number what is your name?”, “Make up a number”, “Who will be the first to name which toy is missing?” develop children's attention, memory, and thinking.
  2. Second group of mathematical games(time travel games). They serve to introduce children to the days of the week, the names of the months, and their sequence.
  3. The third group includes games for spatial orientation. My task is to teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to a given condition. With the help of didactic games and exercises, children master the ability to determine in words the position of one or another object in relation to another.
  4. To consolidate knowledge about the shape of geometric shapes, I suggest that children recognize the shape of a circle, triangle, and square in surrounding objects. For example, I ask: “What geometric figure does the bottom of the plate resemble?”(table top surface, sheet of paper, etc.).
  5. Any mathematical task involving ingenuity, no matter what age it is intended for, carries a certain mental load. In the course of solving each new problem, the child engages in active mental activity, striving to achieve the final goal, thereby developing logical thinking.

Drawing up geometric shapes


  1. Make a small square and triangle
  2. Make a small and a large square
  3. Make a rectangle, the top and bottom sides of which will be equal to 3 sticks, and the left and right sides will be equal to 2.
  4. Make sequential figures from threads: circle and oval, triangles. Rectangles and quadrangles.
  5. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks
  6. Make 2 equal squares from 7 sticks
  7. Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks
  8. Make 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks
  9. Make 3 equal squares from 10 sticks
  10. Make a square and 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks
  11. Make a square and 4 triangles from 9 sticks
  12. From 9 sticks make 2 squares and 4 equal triangles (from 7 sticks make 2 squares and divide into triangles

Chain of examples

The adult throws the ball to the child and names a simple arithmetic example, for example 3+2. The child catches the ball, gives an answer and throws the ball back, etc.

Help Cheburashka find and correct the mistake.

The child is asked to consider how the geometric shapes are arranged, in what groups, and by what criteria they are combined, notice the error, correct it and explain. The answer is addressed to Cheburashka (or any other toy). The error may be that there may be a triangle in the group of squares, and a red one in the group of blue shapes.

Only one property

The two players have a full set of geometric shapes. One places any piece on the table. The second player must place a piece on the table that differs from it in only one attribute. So, if the first one puts a yellow large triangle, then the second one puts, for example, a yellow large square or a blue large triangle. The game is built like a domino.

Find and name

On the table in front of the child, 10-12 geometric shapes of different colors and sizes are laid out in disarray. The presenter asks to show various geometric shapes, for example: a large circle, a small blue square, etc.

Name the number

The players stand against each other. An adult with a ball in his hands throws the ball and names any number, for example 7. The child must catch the ball and name adjacent numbers - 6 and 8 (smaller first)

Fold a square

To play the game you need to prepare 36 multi-colored squares measuring 80x80mm. The shades of colors should be noticeably different from each other. Then cut the squares. After cutting the square, you need to write its number on each part (on the back side).

Tasks for the game:

  1. Arrange the pieces of squares by color
  2. By numbers
  3. Make a whole square out of pieces
  4. Come up with new squares.

Games with numbers and numbers

In the game "Confusion" the numbers are laid out on the table or displayed on the board. The moment the children close their eyes, the numbers change places. Children find these changes and return the numbers to their places. The presenter comments on the children's actions.

In Game " What number is missing?one or two digits are also removed. Players not only notice the changes, but also say where each number is and why. For example, the number 5 is now between 7 and 8. This is not true. Its place is between the numbers 4 and 6, because the number 5 is one more than 4, 5 should come after 4.

The game “Removing the numbers” You can finish the lesson or part of the lesson if the numbers are not needed in the future. The numbers of the first ten are laid out on the tables in front of everyone. Children take turns asking riddles about numbers. Each child who guesses what number is being referred to removes this number from the number series. Riddles can be very diverse. For example, remove the number that comes after the number 6, before the number 4; remove the number that shows the number is 1 more than 7; remove the number that shows how many times I will clap my hands (clap 3 times); remove the number, etc. The last remaining digit is checked, thereby determining whether all children completed the task correctly. They also make a riddle about the remaining number.

Games " What changed?","Correct the mistake"contribute to consolidating the ability to count objects and indicate their quantity with the corresponding number. Several groups of objects are placed on a board or flannelgraph, with numbers placed next to them. The presenter asks the players to close their eyes, and he himself changes places or removes one item from any group, leaving the numbers unchanged, i.e. violates the correspondence between the number of objects and the number. Children open their eyes. They discovered an error and corrected it in different ways: by “restoring” the number that will correspond to the number of objects, adding or removing objects, i.e. changing the number of objects in groups. The one who works at the board accompanies his actions with an explanation. If he completed the task well (find and correct the error), then he becomes the leader.

« Wonderful pouch»

The wonderful bag contains: counting material, two or three types of small toys. The presenter chooses one of the children as the driver and asks to count as many objects as he hears the blows of a hammer, a tambourine, or as many objects as there are circles on the card. Children sitting at tables count the number of strokes and show the corresponding number.

" How many"

6-8 cards with different numbers of objects are fixed on the board. The presenter says: “Now I’ll tell you a riddle. The one who guesses it will count the items on the card and show the number. Listen to the riddle. “The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street.” The players, having guessed that it is a carrot, count how many carrots are drawn on the card and show the number 4. Whoever raised the number faster becomes the leader. Instead of riddles, you can give a description of the object. For example: “This animal is affectionate and kind, it does not speak, but knows its name, loves to play with a ball, a ball of thread, drinks milk and lives with people. Who is this? Count how many?

« Count - make no mistake!»

« Which toy is gone?

The presenter displays several different toys. Children look at them carefully and remember where each toy is. Everyone closes their eyes, the presenter removes one of the toys. Children open their eyes and determine which toy is gone. For example, a car hid, it was third from the right or second from the left. The one who answers correctly and completely becomes the leader

« Who will call first?

Children are shown a picture in which dissimilar objects are depicted in a row (from left to right or top to bottom). The presenter agrees on where to start counting items: left, right, bottom, top. Hit the hammer several times. Children must count the number of hits and find the toy that is in the indicated place. Whoever names the toy first becomes the winner and takes the place of the host.

Time travel games

« Live week

Seven children lined up at the blackboard and counted in order. The first child on the left steps forward and says: “I am Monday. What day is next? “The second child comes out and says: “I am Monday. What day is next? The second child comes out and says: “I am Tuesday. What day is next? etc. The whole group gives tasks to the “days of the week” and asks riddles. They can be very different: for example, name a day that is between Tuesday and Thursday, Friday and Sunday, after Thursday, before Monday, etc. Name all the weekend days of the week. Name the days of the week on which people work. The complication of the game is that players can line up from any day of the week, for example from Tuesday to Tuesday.

« Our day", "When it happens

Children are given cards that depict pictures from life related to a certain time of day, daily routine. The teacher offers to look at them, names a certain time of day, for example evening. Children who have the corresponding picture must hold up the cards and say why they think it is evening.

For a correct, well-written story, the child receives a chip.

“Who works early in the morning?”

This game is a journey. It begins with the reading of a poem by B. Yakovlev from the book “Morning, Evening, Day, Night”

If it's ringing outside the window

The birds will chirp,

If it's so light all around,

Why can't you sleep?

If you have a radio

Suddenly he spoke

This means that now

Morning has come.

Adult: “Now you and I will travel together and see who works and how in the morning.” The adult helps the child remember who starts working first (janitor, public transport drivers, etc.). Together with the child, remember what children and adults do in the morning. You can end your trip by reading a poem by B. Yakovlev or summarizing what happens early in the morning.

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

An adult and a child stand opposite each other. The adult throws the ball to the child and says a short phrase. The child must name the appropriate time and throw the ball to the adult.

For example: We sculpted (yesterday). We're going for a walk (today), etc.

Games for orientation in space.

« Guess who is standing where»

In front of the children are several objects located at the corners of an imaginary square and in the middle of it. The presenter invites the children to guess what object is behind the hare and in front of the doll or to the right of the fox in front of the doll, etc.

" What changed? »

There are several objects on the table. Children remember how objects are located in relation to each other. Then they close their eyes, at which time the leader swaps one or two objects. Having opened their eyes, the children talk about the changes that have occurred, where the objects stood before and where they are now. For example, the hare stood to the right of the cat, and now stands to the left of it. Or the doll stood to the right of the bear, and now stands in front of the bear.

"Find something similar"

Children look for a picture with the objects indicated by the teacher, then talk about the location of these objects: “The first on the left is an elephant, and behind it is a monkey, the last is a bear” or “In the middle is a large teapot, to the right of it is a blue cup, to the left is a pink cup.

« Tell us about your pattern»

Each child has a picture (rug) with a pattern. Children should tell how the elements of the pattern are arranged: In the upper right corner there is a circle, in the upper left corner there is a square, in the lower left corner there is a rectangle, in the middle there is a triangle.

You can give the task to talk about the pattern that they drew in the drawing lesson. For example, in the middle there is a large circle, rays extend from it, flowers in each corner, wavy lines at the top and bottom, one wavy line with leaves on the right and left, etc.

" Artists "

Conducted with a group or subgroup of children. The presenter invites the children to draw a picture. Everyone thinks about its plot together: a city, a room, a zoo, etc. Then everyone talks about the planned element of the picture, explaining where it should be located in relation to other objects. The teacher fills in the picture with the elements suggested by the children, drawing it with chalk on a blackboard or a felt-tip pen on a large sheet of paper. In the center you can draw a hut (the image should be large and recognizable), at the top, on the roof of the house, a pipe. Smoke comes up from the chimney. There is a cat sitting downstairs in front of the hut. The task should use the following words: above, below, to the left, to the right of, behind, in front of, between, about, next to, etc.

"Find the Toy"

“At night, when there was no one in the group,” says the teacher, Carlson flew to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson loves to joke, so he hid the toys and wrote in the letter how to find them.” He opens the envelope and reads: “You need to stand in front of the teacher’s desk, go straight.” One of the children completes the task, goes and approaches the closet, where there is a car in a box. Another child performs the following task: goes to the window, turns left, crouches and finds a toy behind the curtain.

« Traveling around the room»

Pinocchio, with the help of the leader, gives the children tasks: “Get to the window, take three steps to the right.” The child completes the task. If it is completed successfully, then the presenter helps to find the forfeit hidden there. When children are not yet confident enough to change the direction of movement, the number of directions should be no more than two. In the future, the number of tasks to change direction can be increased. For example: “Walk forward five steps, turn left, take two more steps, turn right, walk to the end, step back left one step.”

Games with geometric shapes.

“Find an object of the same shape”

An adult has geometric shapes drawn on paper: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, etc.

He shows the child one of the figures, for example, a circle. The child must name an object of the same shape.

« Wonderful pouch»

The bag contains objects of different geometric shapes. The child examines them, feels them and names the figure he wants to show. You can complicate the task if the presenter gives the task to find a specific figure in the bag. In this case, the child sequentially examines several figures until he finds the one he needs. This version of the job runs slower. Therefore, it is advisable for every child to have a wonderful bag.

"Find the same one"

In front of the children are cards that depict three or four different geometric shapes. The teacher shows his card (or names, lists the Figures on the card). Children must find the same card and pick it up.

« Who will see more

Various geometric shapes are arranged in random order on the flannelgraph. Preschoolers look at and remember them. The leader counts to three and closes the pieces. Children are asked to name as many figures as possible placed on the flannelgraph. To prevent children from repeating the answers of their comrades, the leader can listen to each child separately. The one who remembers and names the most figures wins, he becomes the leader. Continuing the game, the leader changes the number of pieces.

" Look around "

The game is played as a competition for individual or team championship. In this case, the group is divided into teams. The presenter suggests naming objects that are round, rectangular, square, quadrangular, the shape of objects that do not have corners, etc. For each correct answer, the player or team receives a chip or a circle. The rules stipulate that you cannot name the same object twice. The game is played at a fast pace. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner with the most points is named.

« Geometric mosaic"

When organizing the game, the teacher takes care of uniting children into one team in accordance with the level of their skills. Teams receive tasks of varying difficulty. To compose an image of an object from geometric figures: work from a ready-made dissected sample, work from an undissected sample, work according to conditions (assemble a human figure - a girl in a dress), work according to your own plan (just a person). Each team receives the same sets of geometric shapes. Children must independently agree on how to complete the task, on the order of work, and choose the source material. Each player in the team takes turns participating in the transformation of a geometric figure, adding his own element, composing individual elements of the object from several figures. At the end of the game, children analyze their figures, find similarities and differences in solving the constructive plan.

« Find your house»

Children receive one model of a geometric figure and run around the room. At the leader’s signal, everyone gathers at their house with a picture of a figure. You can make the game more difficult by moving the house. Children are taught to see geometric shapes in surrounding objects: ball, watermelon-ball, plate, saucer-hoop-circle, table top, wall, floor, ceiling, window-rectangle, scarf-square; triangle scarf; glass-cylinder; egg, zucchini-oval.

Didactic games. "Value"

“What is wide (long, high, low, narrow)”

An adult says: “The objects that surround us come in different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, high, narrow, wide. We saw many objects of different sizes. And now we’ll play like this: I’ll name one word, and you’ll list which objects can be called by this one word.” An adult has a ball in his hands. He throws it to the child and says the word. For example:

Adult: Long

Child: Road, tape, rope, etc.

"Game with two sets»

“Let’s play together,” the adult turns to the child and begins to remove the rings from the pyramid, inviting the child to do the same.

“Now find the same ring,” says the adult and shows one of the rings. When the child completes this task, the adult offers to compare the rings by overlapping. and then continue the game with one of the children.

Entertaining mathematics

"Make it equal"

An adult lays out chopsticks on the table. There is one more (or less) at the top than at the bottom. Spare sticks are in the cup. The child is asked to make sure that there are equal numbers of sticks in both rows and explain the result.

"Who has the same amount"

If it is not possible to invite 4 to 6 children to play, then you can use toys. Each player receives a card with circles. The adult shows cards from the second set. The child must determine which of the players has a card with a given number of circles.

"A store without a salesperson"

In the store (on the adult’s table) there are various goods, among them there are toys and things of different shapes. The adult gives the child a card - a check, on which a certain figure is drawn: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

Child - buyer selects items of appropriate shape. He receives the purchase if he correctly selects and describes the form of the product.

MKDOU "Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten No. 3 "Sun"


FOR 2016-2017 academic year

FULL NAME. Pozdnysheva Oksana Vladimirovna

Date of Birth 22.07.1979

Place of work MKDOU "Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten No. 3 "Sun"

Job title teacher

General teaching experience 22

Topic of work on self-education

“Development of mathematical concepts in preschool age.”

Target: create optimal conditions for the mathematical development of preschool children; unite the efforts of teachers and parents to develop children's mathematical abilities.

Relevance of the selected topic

Throughout life, a person is formed and develops in activity. Preschool age is a short but very important period of personality development: it is at this time that the child acquires initial knowledge about the world around him and he develops skills of adequate behavior. Of primary importance for the mental development of children is their acquisition of mathematical concepts, because mathematics is necessary both for understanding the world around us and solving various kinds of practical problems and, of course, for successful learning at school.

Within the framework of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation, the topic “Development of mathematical concepts in kindergarten” becomes very important and relevant. The goal of the Concept is to bring Russian mathematical education to a leading position in the world. “Mathematics in Russia should become an advanced and attractive field of knowledge and activity, acquiring mathematical knowledge should be a conscious and internally motivated process,” says the Concept.

The formation of mathematical concepts, according to the Educational Program of a preschool educational institution, begins in the junior group of kindergarten. But already at an early age, educators work on the sensory development of children, thus creating conditions for the successful development of mathematical concepts in the future.

Learning about mathematics should not be a boring activity for children. After all, as you know, a child’s memory is selective. The child will only remember what is interesting to him, what surprised him, or what caused any emotions. That is why the task of teachers and parents is to arouse genuine, keen interest in mathematics.

It should be noted that children do not always understand the meaning of the actions they perform; they do not know why they need to count, measure, and compare. To avoid this, you should correctly select methods and forms of working with children, based on object-sensory activity. The educator needs to search for and apply teaching methods that, in addition to the formation of mathematical concepts in children, also provide the development of mental functions - perception, memory, thinking, imagination. This will be the key to successfully preparing children for learning mathematics at school.

Work plan for the year on this topic for the year



Practical solutions

Studying methodological literature

September - May

1. Arapova - Piskareva N.A. “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten”, Mozaika-Sintez Moscow, 2008.

2. Erofeeva T.I., Pavlova L.N., Novikova V.P. "Mathematics for preschoolers", Moscow, 1997.

3. Wenger L.A. More, less, equally, “Preschool education”, 1996 No. 6

4. Metlina L.S. “Mathematics in kindergarten”, Education, Moscow, 1977.

5. Mikhailova Z.A. “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers, Moscow, 1985.

Analysis of the studied literature.

Work with children


Gaming activities with a mathematical focus in a group, on walks.

Games during independent and joint activities in a group and on walks.


Reflection and consolidation of acquired knowledge in creative activities.

Mathematics in visual activities (modelling, appliqué, drawing).

Inventing fairy tales about geometric shapes.


Game activity using mathematical tasks.

Entertainment “Fun Math”

Working with family


Involving parents in the production of manuals and games on mathematics for the equipment of the math corner.

Creation of a corner “Entertaining mathematics”.

Consultation for parents “How to instill an interest in mathematics?”

Parents' meeting "Main directions of work for the school year"

Open display of the educational situation.

Open Day.

Information in the corner for parents “Math around us”

Movable folder.


Compiling a card index of games for the development of mathematical concepts.

Presentation of the card index at the teaching hour.

Consultation for teachers “Queen of Sciences - Mathematics”

Speech at the pedagogical council.

Report and presentation on the topic “Developing interest in mathematics in preschool children”

Speech at a workshop.

Report on the topic of self-education.

Speech at the final teachers' meeting.

Consultation for parents

A little about mathematics.

“Mathematics always...remains a difficult task for students.” This is what D.I. Pisarev argued almost a century and a half ago. Since then, the perception of mathematics has changed little. Parents, teachers, and students themselves talk about this. What about preschoolers? They don't know that mathematics is a difficult subject. The task of adults is to make the child feel that he can understand and master not only particular concepts, but also general patterns. And the main thing is to know the joy of overcoming difficulties. Scientists note that by protecting a child from the need to comprehend the world around him, we cause irreparable damage to children: we contribute to the development of intellectual passivity in them. The ultimate goal, as noted by the domestic psychologist D.B. Elkonin, is a contribution to mental development, quantitative and qualitative positive changes in it. It is also important to give the child confidence that he is able to comprehend mathematics. In the preschool years, a child develops a range of ideas “a little bit of everything” at a conceptual level. Connections arise between new and already acquired knowledge. Adults should support and guide children's activity, and also specifically create situations in which they feel the joy of discovery. It is also necessary to create such an environment at home so that the child, through practical actions, can confirm his assumptions and become established in his understanding of certain concepts. For example, comparing the volume of liquid in vessels of different shapes, measuring bulk solids (cereals) when preparing food, using measurements when rearranging furniture, and more. It’s good if parents become equal play partners. A child, telling them about the rules of the game and choosing the type of task, not only improves explanatory language, but also begins to better understand mathematical concepts and trace dependencies. “You can only learn through fun...” - it’s hard to disagree with these words.

Card index of didactic games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

"Quantity and counting":

Goal: strengthen the ability to count ordinal within 10, develop coordination of movements, auditory attention

Material: ball.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. The leader is in the center of the circle with the ball. In accordance with the leader’s commands, players count in order to 10.

Complication: the leader takes the ball before the player counts to 10, throws it to the next one with the words “Count on”

Variant. The host throws the ball and says “Until five.” The child names numbers up to 5. If the command “After five” is given, children name numbers after five.


Target. Reinforce counting and ordinal numbers. Develop ideas: “tall”, “short”, “fat”, “thin”, “the fattest”, “the thinnest”, “left”, “right”, “to the left”, “to the right”, “between”. Teach your child to reason.

Rules of the game. The game is divided into two parts. First, children must find out the boys' names and then answer questions.


In the same city there lived inseparable friends: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Grisha, Tisha and Seva. Look carefully at the picture, take a pointer and show who is called what if: Seva is the tallest; Misha, Grisha and Tisha are the same height, but Tisha is the fattest of them, and Grisha is the thinnest; Kolya is the shortest boy. You yourself can find out whose name is Tolya. Now show the boys in order: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Tisha, Grisha, Seva. Now show the boys in this order: Seva, Tisha, Misha, Grisha, Tolya, Kolya. How many boys are there in total?


Now you know the names of the boys, and you can answer the questions: who is to the left of Seva? Who is more to the right than Tolya? Who is to the right of Tisci? Who is to the left of Kolya? Who stands between Kolya and Grisha? Who stands between Tisha and Tolya? Who stands between Seva and Misha? Who stands between Tolya and Kolya? What is the name of the first boy on the left? Third? Fifth? Sixth? If Seva goes home, how many boys will remain? If Kolya and Tolya go home, how many boys will remain? If their friend Petya approaches these boys, how many boys will there be then?

“Put a beetle on a flower.”

Goal: fix the count within 10, the ability to correlate a number with a quantity, knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to read code information; develop the ability to move in different directions.

Materials: Cardboard (A4 format): red - 5 sheets, yellow - 3 sheets, white - 4 sheets; glue; numbers from 1 to 10; colored markers.

Progress of the game:

Reading nursery rhyme:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us some bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.

2.Ladybug, Black head,

Fly - fly overseas

It's warm there

It's cold here.

I option. There are daisies with different numbers of petals (from 1 to 5) on the floor. Children hold beetles with different numbers of dots on their backs. Children count the dots and “sit” on flowers with the same number of petals after the leader says:

Beetle, beetle, show yourself,

Sit on the flower!

Option II: The number of daisies increases to 10. The further course of the game is the same as in option 1.

Option III:

Daisies have numbers from 1 to 10. The number of petals does not correspond to the number on the flower. We need to find the mistake. Whoever finds it faster is the winner.

The teacher shows a card (color, shape). Children run out, holding beetles with geometric shapes corresponding to this card, and imitate buzzing.

“Name the previous and next number.”

Goal: Learn to name the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within 10

Materials: Cards with images of circles (from 1 to 10), sets of 10 cards with circles (from 1 to 10).

Progress: Each child has a card with circles (from 1 to 10) and a set of 10 cards with circles (from 1 to 10).

The teacher explains to the children: “Each number has two neighboring numbers: the youngest is one less, it stands in front and is called the previous number; the higher one is greater by one, it stands in front and is called the subsequent number. Look at your cards and determine the neighbors of your number.”

Children find the previous and subsequent numbers to the number of circles shown on the card and cover the empty squares with a card with a certain number of circles.

After completing the task, the children explain what number is previous and next to the designated number on their card and why these numbers became neighbors.

"Count it right."

Goal: to practice counting objects by touch.

Material. Cards with buttons sewn on them in a row from 2 to 10.

"Shape and color":


Goal: developing the ability to decompose a complex figure into those that we have. Practice counting to ten.

Game material. Multi-colored figures.

Rules of the game. Take triangles, squares, rectangles, circles and other necessary shapes from the set and apply them to the contours of the shapes shown on the page. After constructing each object, count how many figures of each type were needed.

You can start the game by addressing the children with the following verses:

I took a triangle and a square,

He built a house from them.

And I am very happy about this:

Now a gnome lives there.

Square, rectangle, circle,

Another rectangle and two circles...

And my friend will be very happy:

I built the car for a friend.

I took three triangles

And a needle stick.

I put them lightly

And suddenly he received a Christmas tree.

First, choose two wheel circles,

And place a triangle between them.

Make a steering wheel out of sticks.

And what miracles - the bicycle is standing.

Now ride, schoolboy!

“Compare and complete.”

Goal: the ability to carry out a visual-mental analysis of the way the figures are arranged; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes.

Game material. Set of geometric shapes.

Rules of the game. Two people are playing. Each of the players must carefully examine their plate with the image of geometric figures, find a pattern in their arrangement, and then fill in the empty cells with question marks, putting the desired figure in them. The one who completes the task correctly and quickly wins.

The game can be repeated by arranging the figures and question marks differently.

“Fix the blanket.”

Goal: familiarization with geometric shapes. Making geometric shapes from data.

Game material. Figures.

Rules of the game. Use shapes to close the white “holes.” The game can be built in the form of a story.

Once upon a time there lived Buratino, who had a beautiful red blanket on his bed. One day Pinocchio went to the Karabas-Barabas theater, and at that time the rat Shushara gnawed holes in the blanket. Count how many holes there are in the blanket. Now take your pieces and help Pinocchio fix the blanket.

Geometric figures. Fairy tale

A long time ago, in the wonderful country of Geometry, there lived not ordinary people, but geometric figures: Circle, Oval, Triangle, Square and Rectangle. They were good friends and always helped each other. One day, friends quarreled and argued that each figure was the best.

Krug said: “I am better than anyone like me, you can’t count them: a round plate, a wheel, a coin. You won’t find corners, I don’t have them.”

The oval shouted: “I am the most beautiful of all, I have an elongated circumference. In the bathroom there is an oval mirror, and a dish, and an egg, and also a person’s face.”

The triangle interrupted everyone: “No one is more beautiful than me, because I have three identical angles. A triangular saddle for a bicycle and a wing for an airplane.”

Here the angry Square says: “You break off a piece of chocolate and you get a square. There is a square poster on the wall, and a square window, and a square chair. The board where the chess stands, and each square on it is also a square. A square has four sides, all sides are equal, and all angles are right."

The Rectangle says to the Square: “I am almost the same as you, I also have four corners, however, I am longer. The door is a rectangle, the book is a rectangle.”

The circle tells them all: “Guys, what are we doing? Why are we arguing? After all, all the figures are good, beautiful in their own way.”

The friends realized that they were wrong and made peace.

So that each of you, kids, have good friends!

In one magical land called Mathematics, there lived geometric figures. They really loved to work, and everyone had a favorite job.

Krug loved his apple orchard, where he grew sweet, juicy apples, and in the evenings he sat on the veranda and drank tea with apple jam, he dreamed of how nice it would be to build a city for animals made of geometric shapes.

Rectangle lived next to the circle; he loved flowers very much. Every morning, watering the flowers, the Rectangle admired their beauty, and in the evening he went to visit the Circle for tea. One day Krug decided to tell a friend about his dream. Rectangle really liked the idea and told Square and Triangle about it. Everyone, the geometric figures decided to start working quickly. Square and Rectangle were good builders, they built walls from bricks, Triangle built roofs from tiles, and Circle built windows. Soon the city was built, all that remained was to invite the animals. The circle around the city planted apple trees, and the Rectangle made beautiful flower beds.

Various animals came to live in the city: an elephant, an owl, an ostrich, a dog. Geometric figures and animals became friends and began to visit each other.

    What geometric figures built the city?

    What geometric shapes can you build a city from?

    Imagine your own animal that will live in the city?

    What else can you build from geometric shapes?


Subject:“The use of gaming techniques in the formation

elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children."

The purpose and objectives of self-education on the topic goal

    Studying the relevance of using gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.

    Actively influence the comprehensive development of children:

    Enrich with new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; activate mental activity (ability to compare, generalize, classify, analyze).

    Main issues to be studied.

Development stages:

    Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

    Give a general description of the content of the concept “formation of elementary mathematical concepts”

    Investigate the effectiveness of using gaming techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical

ideas in preschoolers.

    Develop a card index of games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.


1 year


2 year


3 year



Main part

Bottom line

Studying materials on this topic. Collection of information.

Introduction of gaming activity methods. Working with parents, teachers and children.

Analysis of the work done. Drawing conclusions.

Plpn work on the topic of self-education

2017-2018 academic year

Іс - ball of takyryba



Work with documents


Study of the Law “On Education” of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.


Planning work with children for the new school year.


Planning work with students who require special attention.

Studying literature on the problem, creating a work plan.


Selection of literature on the topic of self-education.

Working with a personal library, the Internet.


Studying theory on the topic: “The use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.”

Acquaintance with literature on this topic.


Attendance at teachers' classes on FEMP.

Exchange of experience on the problem.

During the year

Working on upgrading the room.

Decorating a group corner


Working on creating methodological folders.

Selection of material by topic.


Development of a plan for a month, a year.

Selection of material.


Studying the theory of teaching children elementary mathematical concepts based on entertaining material in young children section of the educational program: area “Cognition”

Introduction to literature.


Development of game files for FEMP

Material selection

April May

Developing a self-education plan for the new academic year.

Selection of methodological literature.

Municipal preschool educational institution child development center - kindergarten No. 161

Self-education plan on the topic:

Gladysheva Evgeniya Igorevna


Tver, 2014

Individual self-education plan

For the 2014-2015 academic year

Subject: “The use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.”

The purpose and objectives of self-education on the topic goal

    Studying the relevance of using gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.

    Actively influence the comprehensive development of children:

    Enrich with new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; activate mental activity (ability to compare, generalize, classify, analyze).

    Key issues to be studied.

Development stages:

    Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

    Give a general description of the content of the concept “formation of elementary mathematical concepts”

    To study the effectiveness of using gaming techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.

    Develop a card index of games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Start of work on the topic 09/01/2014

Literature on the topic:

1. Program “From birth to school” - Ed. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2. “Orientation in space” - T. Museinova – candidate of pedagogical sciences.

3. “Plot-based and didactic games with mathematical content” - A. A. Smolentseva.

4. “Sensory education” - E. Pilyugina.

5. “Playing Numbers” - a series of manuals

6. “We develop perception and imagination” - A. Levina.

7 . L. G. Peterson, N. P. Kholina “Player”. Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. Guidelines. - M.: Balass, 2003 - 256 p.

8. T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barylkina “Formation of mathematical concepts”: Classes for preschoolers in additional education institutions. - M.: VAKO, 2005 - 208 p.

Features of the use of gaming techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Mastering mathematical knowledge at different stages of schooling causes significant difficulties for many students. One of the reasons that creates difficulties and overload for students in the process of mastering knowledge is the insufficient preparation of preschoolers’ thinking for mastering this knowledge. Therefore, in terms of content, mathematical training should not be limited to the formation of ideas about numbers and the simplest geometric figures, learning to count, addition and subtraction, and measurements in the simplest cases. From the point of view of the modern concept of teaching very young children, no less important than arithmetic operations in preparing them for mastering mathematical knowledge is the formation of logical thinking. Children need to be taught not only to calculate and measure, but also to reason

Learning is most productive if it occurs in the context of practical and playful activities, when conditions are created under which the knowledge acquired by children earlier becomes necessary for them, as it helps them solve a practical problem, and is therefore learned more easily and quickly.

Analysis of the state of learning of preschoolers leads many experts to the conclusion about the need for learning through games. In other words, we are talking about the need to develop the educational functions of the game, which involves learning through play.

Play is not only pleasure and joy for a child, which in itself is very important, but with its help you can develop the child’s attention, memory, thinking, and imagination. While playing, a child can acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, develop abilities, sometimes without realizing it

Game learning is a form of educational process in conditional situations, aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in all its manifestations: knowledge, skills, abilities, emotional and evaluative activity.

The most important properties of the game include the fact that in the game children act as they would act in the most extreme situations, at the limit of their strength to overcome difficulties. Moreover, such a high level of activity is achieved by them, almost always voluntarily, without coercion.

The high activity and emotional content of the game also generates a high degree of openness among the participants. It has been experimentally shown that in a situation of some absent-mindedness, it is sometimes easier to convince a person to accept a point of view that is new to him. If you distract a person’s attention with something insignificant, the effect of persuasion will be stronger. Perhaps this, to some extent, determines the high productivity of the educational impact of gaming situations

The following features of the game for preschoolers can be highlighted:

1. Play is the most accessible and leading activity for preschool children

2. The game is also an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities

3. All psychological new formations originate in the game

4. The game contributes to the formation of all aspects of the child’s personality and leads to significant changes in his psyche

5. Play is an important means of mental education of a child, where mental activity is associated with the work of all mental processes

At all stages of preschool childhood, the play method in the classroom plays a large role. It should be noted that “educational game” (although the word educational can be considered synonymous with the word didactic) emphasizes the use of the game as a teaching method, rather than consolidation or repetition of already acquired knowledge.

Didactic games and gaming exercises are widely used in classes and in everyday life. By organizing games outside of class, children’s mathematical understanding is consolidated, deepened and expanded, and most importantly, educational and gaming tasks are simultaneously solved. In some cases, games carry the main educational load. That is why in the classroom and in everyday life, educators should widely use didactic games and game exercises.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of the didactic game in the structure of classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson. It can be used as a training task, an exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming ideas. In the younger group, especially at the beginning of the year, the entire lesson should be conducted in the form of a game. Didactic games are also appropriate at the end of a lesson in order to reproduce and consolidate what has been previously learned.

In developing children's mathematical understanding, a variety of didactic game exercises that are entertaining in form and content are widely used. They differ from typical educational tasks and exercises in the unusual setting of the problem (find, guess), and the unexpectedness of its presentation on behalf of some literary fairy-tale character. Game exercises should be distinguished from didactic games in structure, purpose, level of children's independence, and the role of the teacher. As a rule, they do not include all the structural elements of a didactic game (didactic task, rules, game actions). Their purpose is to exercise children in order to develop skills and abilities. In the younger group, ordinary educational exercises can be given a playful character and then used as a method of introducing children to new educational material. The teacher conducts the exercise (gives the task, controls the answer), while the children are less independent than in the didactic game. There are no elements of self-study in the exercise.

Didactic games are divided into:

Games with objects

Board-printed games

Word games

Also, when forming elementary concepts in preschoolers, you can use: games on plane modeling (Pythagoras, Tangram, etc.), puzzle games, joke problems, crosswords, puzzles, educational games

Despite the variety of games, their main task should be the development of logical thinking, namely the ability to establish the simplest patterns: the order of alternating figures by color, shape, size. This is also facilitated by game exercises to find the missing figure in a row.

Also a necessary condition for ensuring success in work is the teacher’s creative attitude towards mathematical games: varying game actions and questions, individualizing requirements for children, repeating games in the same form or with more complexity. The need for modern requirements is caused by the high level of modern schools for the mathematical preparation of children in kindergarten, in connection with the transition to schooling from the age of six.

Mathematical preparation of children for school involves not only the assimilation of certain knowledge by children, but also the formation of quantitative spatial and temporal concepts in them. The most important thing is the development of preschoolers’ thinking abilities and the ability to solve various problems.

The widespread use of special educational games is important for awakening preschoolers' interest in mathematical knowledge, improving cognitive activity, and general mental development.

Consultation for parents “Play with your children”

Parents know that children love to play, encourage them to play independently, and buy toys and games. But not everyone thinks about the educational significance of children's games. They believe that the game is for fun, to entertain the child. Others see it as one of the means of distracting the child from pranks and whims, filling his free time so that he can be busy.

Other parents who constantly play with their children, watch the game, value it as one of the important means of education.
For a preschool child, play is the leading activity in which his mental development takes place and his personality as a whole is formed.

The life of adults interests children not only for its external side. They are attracted to the inner world of people, the relationships between them, the attitude of parents to each other, to friends, to other loved ones, to the child himself. Their attitude to work and to surrounding objects.
Children imitate their parents: their manner of treating others, their actions, and work activities. And they transfer all this into their games, thus consolidating the accumulated experience of behavior and forms of attitude.

With the accumulation of life experience, under the influence of training, upbringing, children’s games become more meaningful, varied in plots, themes, number of roles played, and participants in the game. In games, the child begins to reflect not only the life of the family, the facts that are directly perceived by him. But also images of heroes from fairy tales read to him, stories that he needs to create based on his imagination.

However, without guidance from adults, children even of older preschool age do not always know how to play. Some have little ability to apply existing knowledge, do not know how to fantasize, others, although able to play independently, do not have organizational skills.

It is difficult for them to come to terms with partners and act together. One of the older family members, joining the game, can become a link between the children and teach them to play together. Host partners can also play together. Usually everyone imposes their own theme of the game on the other, trying to be in the main role. In this case, you cannot do without the help of an adult. You can take turns playing the “main role”; an adult can take a secondary role. Playing games together between parents and children enriches children spiritually and emotionally, satisfies the need to communicate with loved ones, and strengthens self-confidence.

The authority of the father and mother, who know and can do everything, grows in the eyes of the children, and with it the love and devotion to loved ones grows. It’s good if a preschooler knows how to start a game on his own, choose the right game material, build a mental plan for the game, negotiate with his play partners, or be able to accept his plan and carry out his plans together. Then we can talk about the preschooler’s ability to play. But these children also require attention and a serious attitude towards their games. They may need to consult with their mother, father, grandmother, older brother, or sister. As the game progresses, ask, clarify, receive approval of your actions, actions, thus establishing yourself in forms of behavior.

Independence in play is formed gradually, in the process of playful communication with adults, older children, and peers. The development of independence largely depends on how the child’s life is organized in the game. Waiting until he starts playing on his own means deliberately hindering the development of a child’s personality.

One of the important pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of play in a young child is the selection of games by age. But toys that adults like do not always have educational value for children.

For a game to be interesting for a child (and even for an adult, who will most likely often be his partner) it must be quite understandable and simple and logical according to the rules. The goal of the game should also be simple, understandable and, in principle, achievable. At the same time, it should have a very large, controlled variation in the development of the game’s plot and events. And the player (even a small one) must consciously choose and try to implement some specific option that is advantageous from his point of view. But at the same time, there must be a large element of chance, which makes the game emotional, levels out skill and makes winning possible even for a beginner. After all, if one player always wins and the other loses, the “always losing” player quickly loses the desire to play. And if the “master” is forced to give in all the time, the desire to play with him disappears. Randomness puts players in almost identical conditions. Luck gives chances to everyone, but who managed to realize them? And when a child beats “dad himself” and not because he gave in, but in a “fair battle” - there is no limit to delight.

The developmental side of the game cannot be discounted. A child, playing a board game, even the simplest one, develops his imagination, learns to count quickly, learns to make a decision and begins to understand the relationship between decision-making, his actions and their results. His erroneous actions are obvious to himself and he is already beginning to think about how not to repeat them or avoid them, he understands which situation is bad and which is good. He develops not only tactical, but also strategic thinking.

When purchasing a game, it is important to pay attention not only to novelty, attractiveness, cost, but also to pedagogical expediency. Before you make your next purchase, it's a good idea to talk to your son or daughter about what kind of game he needs. Often girls play only with dolls, so they are often deprived of the joy of playing games that develop ingenuity, resourcefulness, and creativity. Girls play with dolls either alone or only with girls. They have no common interests with boys and there are no prerequisites for the emergence of friendly relationships between children. Boys usually play with cars and children's weapons. Such toys also limit the circle of communication with girls. It’s better, when we are adults, not to divide games into “girls” and “boys”.

Sometimes adults need to help build this or that building, think together about what parts are needed, what color, how to fix it, how to supplement the missing structures, how to use the building in the game.
Games: “lotto”, “dominoes”, “paired pictures”, open up the opportunity for children to enjoy the game, develop memory, attention, observation, eye, small muscles of the hands, learn endurance and patience.

Such games have an organizing effect because they require strict adherence to the rules. It is interesting to play such games with the whole family, so that all partners are equal in the rules of the game. The little one also gets used to the fact that he has to play, following the rules and comprehending their meaning.

Making flat figures from cardboard and other materials by the whole family gives children the opportunity to independently act out familiar works of fiction and invent fairy tales.

The participation of adults in children's games can vary. If a child has just bought a game and knows how to play it, it is better to give him the opportunity to act independently. But soon the child’s experience is exhausted. The game becomes uninteresting. Here we need the help of elders - to suggest a new game action, show them, offer additional game material to the existing game. When playing with their child, it is important for parents to monitor their tone. The even, calm, friendly tone of an equal playing partner gives the child confidence that they understand him and want to play with him.

If a preschooler, especially a small one, has a play corner, then from time to time he should be allowed to play in the room where the family gathers in the evenings, in the kitchen, in grandma’s room, where there is a new environment, where everything is interesting. A new environment gives rise to new game actions and plots.

The child is very happy about the minutes given to him by his parents in the game. Communication in play is never fruitless for a child. The more precious moments he has in the company of people close to him, the greater the relationship, common interests, and love between them in the future.



Stages of self-education

The content of the work



Organizational and diagnostic

"Shape and Color"

1. Conducting didactic games:

“Fold an object from geometric shapes” (both according to the model and without it)

“Help Cinderella decorate her mittens” (with geometric shapes)

“Pick up the key to the lock”

“Help Dunno find geometric shapes”

“Make no mistake” - fixing the color (color the squares blue, circles red)

“Find an object of the same color” (I show either a red, then a yellow, then a green circle)

“Make a chain of objects of the same color” (Choose: Christmas tree, grasshopper, leaf, etc.)

“Find your match” (mitten)

2. Conducting games - travel, story games with mathematical content:

Game “Don’t get your feet wet” - you can only step on those bumps where geometric shapes are drawn (Triangle or square), etc.

3. Conducting games and competitions.

“Whose team is faster?are the items coming? "(various shapes)

During the school year

Quantity and counting."

1. Plot-role-playing games using didactic material on FEMP:

“Toy store” (many, one, equally)

"Zoo" (score)

“Walk in the forest” (how many birches - so many birds - equally)

"Ship Voyage"

2. Game mathematical knowledge with theatricalization:

"Mathematics in Fairy Tales"

- “There is a tower in the field”

- “Kolobok is looking for friends”

During the school year

"Orientation in space."

"Orientation in time."

1. Board and printed games:


"Paired pictures"


"Colored Mazayka"


2. Didactic games:

“Assemble a fairy-tale hero” (from parts)

“Who will find the most differences? "(2 locomotives, 2 dogs, etc.)

“Cut and paste” (cut out shapes and paste onto the picture)

"Steamboat", etc. "House"

“When does this happen? " - playing with a ball (Are we sleeping? - at night, etc.)

During the school year

Exhibition of children's works: “a step into mathematics”.

APRIL 2015

Conclusions: Studying the chosen topic helped me in organizing FEMP. I tried to bring innovations to these classes. With this I was able to interest the children, and the children became interested in mathematics classes. Complex topics on FEMP have become much easier for children to assimilate.



The deadline for the results on the topic of self-education is May 2015


Areas of work

Ways to achieve

Analysis of achievements


Work with documents.

Study of the Law “On Education” and other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Planning work with children for the new school year.


Planning work with students who require special attention.

Studying literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Selection of literature on the topic of self-education.

Working with a personal library, the Internet.


Learning Theory

Full name of the teacherFilimonova Elena Anatolyevna

Date of birth: 01/26/1987

Education (when and what educational institution graduated from):2009, Higher professional education. State educational institution of higher professional education "Elabuga State Pedagogical University",

Diploma specialty:Educational psychologist, teacher of correctional pedagogical activities, specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology”

Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17 of Leninogorsk" MO "LMR"

Position held: teacher

Date of appointment: 08/12/2012

Total work experience: 8 years

Teaching experience: 7 years

Refresher courses:“Modern approaches to the organization of educational activities that ensure the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” in the amount of 72 hours at the Volga Interregional Center for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers of the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kazan (Volga Region) Federal Institute”

Retraining courses:“Pedagogy and psychology of preschool education” Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan). Duration of training: October 24, 2014 - March 16, 2015.


MBDOU No. 17 is working on the problem:Study and implementation in the educational process of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

Self-education topic:“Development of basic mathematical abilities in preschool children through innovative technologies”

Target: Creating conditions for preschoolers to master mathematical concepts will ensure the successful development of children’s abilities and thinking.

Tasks :

1.develop interest in mathematics in preschool children;

2. develop children’s skills to independently use acquired knowledge in various activities, involve peers in extensive games;

3. to form parents’ interest in the achievements of their children in joint activities with them;

4.promote the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, logical thinking)


  • Children
  • Parents
  • Teachers

List of questions for self-education:

  • study of psychological and pedagogical literature;
  • development of software and methodological support for the educational process;
  • project and research activities;
  • analysis and evaluation of the results of one’s activities and the activities of children;
  • continue to study the teaching experience of other teachers;
  • planned and systematic improvement of methods of the educational process.


The subject of mathematics is so serious

That we must not miss an opportunity,

Make it entertaining

B. Pascal

Preschool age is the beginning of the comprehensive development and formation of a child’s personality. During this period, children experience intensive physical, mental, as well as cognitive and intellectual development. The formation of mathematical concepts is a powerful means of intellectual development of a preschooler, his cognitive powers and creative abilities. Parents and us teachers are always concerned with the question of how to ensure the full development of a child in preschool age, how to properly prepare him for school. One of the indicators of a child’s intellectual readiness for school is the level of development of mathematical and communication abilities.

Teaching preschoolers the basics of mathematics is currently given an important place. This is caused by a number of reasons: the beginning of schooling at the age of six, the abundance of information received by the child, increased attention to computerization, the desire to make the learning process more intensive, the desire of parents in this regard, to teach the child to recognize numbers, count, and solve problems as early as possible .

The practice of preschool education shows that the success of learning is influenced not only by the content of the material offered, but also by the form of its presentation, which can arouse the child’s interest and cognitive activity. I am sure that knowledge given to children in an entertaining form is absorbed faster, more firmly and easier than that presented with dry exercises. It is not without reason that folk wisdom created a game that is the most suitable form of learning for a child. With the help of didactic games and tasks for ingenuity, ingenuity, and joke tasks, we clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about numbers, the relationships between them, geometric figures, time and space relationships. Game situations with elements of competition, reading passages of fiction motivate children and direct their mental activity to find ways to solve problems.

Using entertaining mathematics, we put preschoolers in search conditions, awaken an interest in winning, therefore, children strive to be fast and resourceful. I believe that teaching children mathematics in preschool age contributes to the formation and improvement of intellectual abilities: logic of thought, reasoning and action, flexibility of the thought process, ingenuity and ingenuity, and the development of creative thinking.

Expected result:

1. Expanding children's knowledge about entertaining mathematical material.

2. Ability to analyze work.

3. Activating the cognitive activity of students by involving them in independent searches for solving thematic problems.

4. Formation of a positive attitude towards work.

5. Increasing the level of self-education through studying literature, Internet information resources and the experience of colleagues.

6. Encouraging parents to participate in joint creative activities.

7.Development of creativity, initiative, independence in the process of productive activities.

8.Formation of the ability for self-learning, self-development, self-expression.

Form of report on the work done:Presentation of the work done and photo report, open events together with parents.

Self-education form:(individual, group, collective)

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