Higher education in Bulgaria. Sofia Universities Sofia State University

One of the oldest universities in Bulgaria is Sofia University, which bears the name of St. Clement of Ohrid, one of the founders Slavic writing. It was opened ten years after the liberation of Bulgaria. Initially, the university had only one historical and philological faculty, and 7 teachers worked, of which four were professors, and three were associate professors. The first rector of Sofia University was Alexander Teodorov-Balan, a well-known Bulgarian linguist who lived for 100 years, of which he worked at this university for about 70 years. At the beginning of 1901, the first applicants entered here - 25 women.

In 1902, a university holiday was announced - the day of St. Clement of Ohrid, which was celebrated on November 25th. In 1907, students spoke ugly about the future Tsar Ferdinand I, after which the institution was closed for a while. The modern building of Sofia University was built in 1924-1934. Currently, there are 22 thousand students, and there are also 3 departments, 16 faculties, a computer center, a publishing house and a sports center. The rector of the institution is Ivan Ilchev.

Sofia University " St. Clement Ohridski"The oldest and largest institution of higher education in Bulgaria. It ranks first among Bulgarian universities and 842 among the world (according to the 2014 rating).

The central building "rector's office" on the boulevard "Tsar Osvoboditel" 15

Education at SU (Sofia University) is paid. The price depends on the nationality of the student. Bulgarians pay very little, Europeans from 450 leva (230 euros) a year to a thousand something, and Russians and other third-country nationals - from 3,300 euros and much more. Of course, the university can exempt excellent performers from payment, and also appoints scholarships.

Sofia University has 16 faculties, 107 specialties and three departments scattered around Sofia. It has 22,000 students.

Sofia University has its own publishing house, research sector, center information technologies and a utility block in the form of a whole complex of hostels in the "" quarter.

Christo Georgiev - donor. On his land and for his money built "rector's office"

The university also owns a botanical garden in Sofia on the street " Moscow", in Balchik and an eco-park in Varna at the resort "St. St. Konstantin and Elena.

Christo Georgiev - donor and brother of Evloga Georgiev

Like any state institution in Bulgaria, the SU has its own recreation centers on the sea: in Kiten, Chernomorets, Elena. As a student community - television, radio, theater, gallery and three museums.

History of Sofia University

In 1880 (two years after the Liberation), the Ministry of Education put forward a draft law on schools in the Principality of Bulgaria.
Seven years later, the first pedagogical class was opened in the first male gymnasium in Sofia - this is how the future Sofia University began its life.
The following year (December 8, 1888) the People's Assembly officially transformed these pedagogical courses into a "higher pedagogical course".
And SU has been celebrating its birthday since October 1, 1888- it was then that the Faculty of History and Philology began to function (still as a department).
In 1890, the Physics and Mathematics Department was opened.
In 1892 - Faculty of Law.
In 1894 it was accepted new law about high school, thanks to which the university in its structure became similar to a modern one: departments turned into faculties, the term of study increased to four years, academic councils appeared, mandatory defense of dissertations, and so on.
In 1904 the highest pedagogical school finally outgrew itself and became the University under the name " Bulgarian University brother Evlogiy and Christo Georgievi from Karlovo". This name was given to the university because back in 1896, a Bulgarian banker living in Romania, Evlogi Georgiev, donated to his homeland a plot in the center of Sofia between Tsarigradska Street (where the rector's office now stands) and 800,000 leva, as well as posthumously bequeathed 6 million leva for the construction of the university Sculptures of Evloga and his brother Hristo Georgiev stand, or rather sit, on both sides of the entrance to the rector's office.

In the period from 1918 to 1923, four more faculties were opened at the university: medical, agronomic, theological and veterinary.
Thus, by 1938, 42,503 students had already studied at Sofia University, 14,826 of whom even received diplomas.
In 1935 Sofia University was renamed " St. Clement Ohridski".

Rectorate of Sofia University

In all the photographs in this publication - the building of the "rector's office" and the library of the SU. I put the word rectorate in quotation marks, because there are several other faculties in this building, but it is customary to call it the rectorate among the people.

In this building (Rectorate) in the center of Sofia on the street " Tsar Liberator"15 there are the rector's office, the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Slavic Philology, the Faculty of Classical and New Philology, the Faculty of Law, Pedagogical and Geological and Geographical Faculty, as well as the Sports Department. In the courtyard of this building there is a separate building of the university library.

The rector's office is very beautiful, both outside and inside. Its construction was conceived in 1906. The competition was won by the French architect Jean Breason, who made such a large-scale project that the Bulgarians did not have enough money to implement it, despite the donated 6 million leva and free land. Therefore, they began to build only in 1920 and already under the guidance of their architect Yordan Milanov, who, without the knowledge of the French, reworked his project, for which he paid. The French architect sued the Bulgarians and won.
The construction of the administration began in 1924 and ended in 1934. However, in 1932, the architect Milanov died, having caught a cold and overstrained himself at this construction site.

In 1940, side wings began to be attached to the rector's office for expansion. The architect Lyuben Konstantinov has already done this. Second World War stopped construction, which was continued only in the 50s. The northern wing was finally completed by the architect Spas Rangelov only in 1985.

The university library began to be built in 1930 under the leadership of Ivan Vasilyev and Divitra Tsolov and was completed 4 years later.

And so it happened that the university buildings are scattered all over Sofia, and initially it was supposed to build the Sofia University in one place - on this plot of 10,200 square meters. meters donated by Evlogi Georgiev. The project of the French architect was an ensemble of ten buildings on the site of today's library "Cyril and Methodius" and.

Inner courtyard-well of the rector's office

To date, the administration has 36,000 square meters of built-up area and 324 rooms - 65 of them are auditoriums with 6,000 seats.

University corridors

Sofia University "St. Clement of Ohrid ") , Bearing the name of St. Clement of Ohrid, one of the founders of Slavic writing, is the oldest institution of higher education in Bulgaria. Founded in the year. The modern building was built in 1924-1934 according to the design of the Ukrainian architect Mikhail Parashchuk. The university has 16 faculties, 3 departments, 14,000 students, a publishing house, a computer center, and a sports center. Rector - Ivan Ilchev (2010).

1. History

Memorial plaque

The university was founded 10 years after the liberation of Bulgaria, initially it had only one faculty (historical and philological) and 7 teachers: 4 professors and 3 assistant professors. The first rector was the 29-year-old Bulgarian linguist Alexander Teodoro-Balan. Teodoro-Balan, introduced several common words into the Bulgarian language, lived for almost 100 years and, accordingly, worked at the university for 70 years. In 1889, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was opened, and in 1892, the Faculty of Law. In 1901, the first female applicants (25 people) entered the university. In 1902, St. Clement of Ohrid - November 25 (December 8 N.S.).

In 1907, Sofia students staged an obstruction in the theater to Prince (future Tsar) Ferdinand I, after which the university was closed for a while. In 1917, a medical faculty was established, in 1921 an agronomic faculty, and in 1923 two new faculties: theological and veterinary.

2. Structure

2.1. 16 faculties

It is impossible to imagine a tour of Sofia without visiting the University of St. Kliment Ohridski, the oldest university educational institution Bulgaria, as well as the National Theatre. St. Clement of Ohrid is one of the founders of Slavic writing, the patron saint of Sofia University. Rector - Ivan Ilchev. 3 departments, 16 faculties, own publishing house, the latest computer and sports centers, 14 thousand students.

History of the institution

Kliment Ohridski University was founded in 1888, 10 years after the liberation of Bulgaria. At first it was only the Faculty of History and Philology and 7 teachers. The first rector of the university is the Bulgarian linguist Alexander Balan. He began his career as a rector at the age of 29 and worked until his death. And the professor died when he was almost 100 years old.

A year after the opening of the university, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was founded, and after another 3 years, the Faculty of Law. In 1924, the construction of a new building began with the money of the Georgiev brothers. The project of the Sofia University was developed by the French architect Breanson, and Yordan Milanov took advantage of the project. For copyright infringement, the Frenchman had to pay a considerable compensation. Construction ended in 1934. Since then, the appearance of the university has not changed.

In 1929, Sofia University introduced degrees. The first doctor was received by the natural scientist Vasil Tsankov. After the Second World War, some existing faculties were transformed into separate institutes, new departments were opened. Since then, the number of students has remained stable.

In 1985, two wings were added to the university building. On the centennial anniversary, the sights of Sofia "presented" a significant gift: a mountain range in Antarctica was named after the university.

Sofia University is one of the sights of Bulgaria

The university building is interesting for its architecture. Curved lines, graceful bas-reliefs, majestic columns and numerous sculptures. The front facade faces the crowded street. In the courtyard there is a small garden with seating areas. The main staircase is decorated with bronze sculptures of the first benefactors of the university. This is a well-known meeting place for residents of the capital.