Extracurricular technology activities at school. Extracurricular activity on technology: Game - quiz “Trowel” (6th grade). I. Organizational moment of the lesson


Extracurricular activity on technology


Developed by Galina Vasilievna Kozlova

technology teacher

MBOU "Gymnasium 26"

G. Miass


    Strengthen and deepen students' knowledge of technology

    To develop in schoolchildren a sense of taste, humor, healthy competition, highlight the main thing, and make independent decisions.

    To improve the aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Form creativity.

    Promote the diverse development of students.

Form of delivery: Extracurricular lesson on technology.

Time: 40 minutes.

Venue: technology room

Preparatory work:

1. Office decoration.

2. Prepare places for participants.

3. Select 3 teams of 5 students to participate in the game.

4. Providing homework for teams.

5. Select a jury.

6. Draw out sheets for the jury.

7. Prepare certificates for first, second, and third places.

Event equipment:

1. Prepare questions for each team.

2. Paper, scissors, thread.

Progress of the event:

    Team names.


    1 competition "Blitz tournament"

    2 Competition “Add a word”.

    7 Competition for fans

    8 Competition "Thread"

    9th competition “Riddles”

    10th competition "Bartender"

    Summarizing. Rewarding.


We greet everyone and sincerely wish

Victory in the battle that we are now starting!

Let everything be like in a Russian fairy tale

Let good prevail today!

Greetings to participants

To you, dear participants

We wish you with all our hearts

So that the results are yours

They were good.

So that you don't feel tired today

And they brought everyone a lot of joy!

Wishes to the fans

Fans, we warn you.

That the meeting will be hot,

And that's why we wish you

Get sick without calling a doctor!

Greetings from the jury

Jury! We wish you good health

Happiness, joy, goodness!

And we ask for mercy

For our members.

Team presentation.

Team 6 "a" class _________________

Team 6 "b" class __________________

Team 6 “B” class ___________________

1 competition "Blitz tournament"

Questions for 1 team

    List of dishes and drinks (menu)

    What kind of product is it that they say “was born in water, but is afraid of water?” (salt)

    Leafy vegetable or cold dish (salad)

    What product often fails to cook on the first try? (Crap)

    A trace element that is added to table salt (iodine).

    Camel milk product (shubat).

Questions for team 2

    Candied fruit slice (candied fruit).

    A particle of liquid (drop).

    The art of cooking (cooking).

    Melon plant, berry (watermelon).

    Red hot vegetable (pepper).

    “Clothing” of boiled potatoes (uniform).

Questions for Team 3

    The earliest vegetable, root vegetable (radish).

    Product made from mare's milk (kumys).

    Homeland of potatoes (Peru).

    Homeland of cucumbers (India)

    Leguminous plant (beans, peas).

    Product for making cutlets (minced meat).

2 Competition “Add a word”.

1. And behind them are saucers, saucers - Tink-la-la! Ding-la-la! They rush along the street. On... - ding! - they come across and: - ding! - break.

2. The woman would cook cabbage soup, yes... go and look.

3. And behind her are forks, glasses and bottles, cups and... jumping along the path.

4. And he runs, strums, knocks... - Where are you going? Where? Where?

5. Jumps... across the fields, and the trough through the meadows.

6. Yes,” said the copper one... “Look at us: we are broken, beaten, we are doused with slop.”

7. Hey, you stupid... why are you jumping around like squirrels?

8. So... he runs after the coffee pot, chattering, chattering, rattling...

9. And on a white stool and on an embroidered napkin... it stands as if the heat is burning.

10. And they rushed down the street... - Hey, hold it, hold it, hold it!

11. And behind her... glasses and bottles, cups and spoons are jumping along the path.

12. And behind them is a pie: - Come on, eat me, my friend! And behind them... he jumped up and straight into his mouth!

13. I want to get drunk... I run up to the samovar.

14. And the bugs are three cups with... and a pretzel. Today the Fly-Tsokotuha is the birthday girl.

15. Beautiful butterfly, eat... or don’t you like our treat?

16. The bear walked and walked, got tired and said: “I’ll sit on a stump and eat...”

17. The old woman did just that: she swept it, scraped together two handfuls... kneaded the dough, made a bun.

18. And Aibolit runs to the hippos, and pats them on the tummies, and gives them all in order... and sets, and sets, thermometers for them.

19. He sews everything in the world; he doesn’t put on what he sews.

20. I’ll walk around a little hot, and the sheet will become smooth. I can correct imperfections and draw arrows on my trousers.

3 Competition “Continue the proverb”

Proverbs and sayings have reached us from ancient times. These are short, simple, but rich in meaning sayings.

1. It’s not for nothing that they say: “A house cannot be built without corners, without a proverb a speech cannot be said.”

2. Long thread...(lazy seamstress)

3. The lazy one always…(holiday)

4. It’s not the place that makes a person, but ... (a person’s place)

5. With such a person there is no porridge...(you can’t cook)

6. They greet you by their clothes, but...(they see them off by their intelligence)

7. Like a spinner, like this... (she’s wearing a shirt)

8. Without an ax one is not a carpenter, without... (a needle one is not a tailor)

9. What goes around comes around... (and comes around)

10. If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh...(you’ll make them laugh)

11. A lot of snow - ... (a lot of bread).

12. Porridge with butter... (you can’t spoil it).

13. Cabbage soup and porridge... (our food).

14. Skillful hands - ... (do not know boredom).

15. A man is not glorious in words - ... (glorious in deeds).

16. Time for business - ... (hour for fun).

17. Done hastily - ... (done for laughs).

18. They greet you by their clothes, ... (they see them off by their intelligence).

19. The eyes are afraid, ... (but the hands do).

20.Measure seven times -... (cut once).

4 Competition “Letters Scattered”

Who can put together the words faster?

Zhitsnyon (scissors).

Alktoma (winder).

Liogjinac (needle bed).

Lashupk (bobbin).

Tgyuu (iron).

Theroscapn (thimble).

Agil (needle).

5 Competition “Syllables Scattered”

Make up words by choosing their halves from both columns.

The beginning of a word can be in any column

race knife

tezh spool

erased the knock

ka boo

naper races

needles at

man zhen

water line


stock cut

Nice cut

what the hell

6 Competition "Siamese Twins"

There are two people from each team. You need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left of the other team member are free. In this situation, do the following:

Thread the needle.

Cut out a model of an apron with a bib

7 Competition for fans

Dear fans, I will name the products, and your task is to indicate what they are. For example: crucian carp (fish), milk (drink), etc.

Mullet - fish

Cinnamon - spice

Parsley - vegetable

Gobies - fish

Grapes - berry

Jerusalem artichoke - vegetable

Raisin - berry

Kefir - drink

Profiteroles - cake

Boletus - mushroom

Turkey - bird

Pistachios - nuts

Eggplant – vegetable

Morel - mushroom

Cloves - spice

Lard - lard

Vobla - fish

Coconut - nut

Canape - sandwich

Semolina - cereal

Kulebyaka - pie

8 Competition "Thread"

Each team is given threads 10 cm long (20–30 pieces), which must be tied into one long thread in 3 minutes.

The team whose thread is longer and stronger wins.

9th competition “Riddles”

Riddles are given to each team in turn.

1. Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground (potatoes).

2. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a scarlet head (beetroot).

3. The child grew up - did not know diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him (cabbage).

4. A woman is sitting in the beds - covered in patches; whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave (bow).

5. Yegor lies under the boundary, covered with a green veil (cucumber).

6. There is a green branch growing in the garden bed, and on it are red babies (tomatoes).

7. Fedosya is sitting with her hair down (bow).

8. Round, but not the moon, with a tail, but not a mouse, red, but not a maiden (carrot).

9. It’s hot outside, there’s a cooler in the chest. (refrigerator)

10th competition "Bartender"

The teams will have to demonstrate what they ordered at the bar, and this must be done without words. The winner is the team whose menu is understandable to those present.

Menu for team 1: mashed potatoes, fried chicken, tea.

Menu 2 commands: pasta, cutlets, Fanta.

Menu 3 teams: stewed cabbage, fish, juice

Final part.

Our competition “Come on, girls!” came to an end. All participants showed themselves in the best possible way and approached each competition creatively. We can conclude by saying: “Well done!”

Now let's summarize the results of our entire competition. We give the floor to the authoritative jury.

The jury announces the results of the game and awards the winners.


Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Let's say by the way, without grinning:

We have only one conclusion,

What homemade nursery rhymes

Replace the vitamin.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be brief:

We say to you: “Goodbye -

See you happy next time!”


    Magazine “School and Production” No. 4 1995


Extracurricular activity "Cinderella"

- identify the level of children’s skills and abilities in various areas of creativity;
- show the importance of mastering housekeeping skills:
- continue to foster a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;
-develop intelligence, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Design, equipment and props:
- computer, projector, screen
- poster with the name of the game “Cinderella”
- on the board (poster) there is a “seven-flowered flower” with 7 petals, on which the names of the competitions are indicated;
- various pieces of material, plastic bottles, glue, scissors, pencils, threads, needles, paper, buttons;
- products: a pile of flour with sweets
- jury;
- two teams of girls;
Progress of the event
Three maidens by the window
Spinning late in the evening
They had a conversation
As best they could, as best they could.
The candle flickered so quietly,
The eldest then said:

I am a weaver and proud
And I'm not afraid of work.
Bobbin, thread and spools -
Weaving my toys.
Weave any fabric
And the paths at the same time.
I would be alone for the whole world
I would weave canvases.
I have a spindle
It's very smart.
I'm not afraid of work
I want to do everything.

If I became a cook, -
The middle one then said,
I would do this
That there would be a sea of ​​food.

Both closed and open
Multilayer sandwich.
There are dozens of options,
It all depends on the installation...
Give me the food
And don't bother cooking.
I'll prepare a vinaigrette
I have no secrets.
Winter and cabbage
It will be very tasty!
It takes skill
For cooking.

It's better to be a seamstress, girl
There is no more necessary work.
Seams, just know the machine,
Yes, give me the job.
Sewing, double
And a patch pocket.
I sew, I sew
I can do everything, I want everything.
Collar, sleeves, pockets -
This is not for fun.
Accuracy and patience
Plus desire and aspiration.
I sew, I’ll tell you, and to order,
But the orders are not all at once
Give me in advance
Those who know how will understand.

I just managed to say,
The door creaked softly
And a girl enters the room
A jack of all trades.
He knows how to sew and knit,
The cloth can weave.

I sewed a robe for my sister
And I’m quite happy with it.
I'm finishing my mom's apron
And I embroider the pocket using satin stitch.
Brother for his birthday
Cake and delicious cookies
I cooked it and baked it.
The kids quickly ate everything.
And I think that girls
Everything is necessary.
And patience and work
Everything in the world will be crushed.

Leading. Dear guys, dear guests! We are starting the entertainment program “Cinderella”. We will hold several competitions. Pay attention to the “seven-flowered flower”, it is not simple: the names of the competitions are indicated on the back of the petals. By tearing off one of the petals each time, we will find out what competition we have to hold. And our three girls “Weaver, Cook and Seamstress” will help us with this. So, are you ready?
(The girls take turns tearing off the selected petal and reading the name of the competitions. There are 7 competitions in total - according to the number of petals that come off after each competition. Each competition is evaluated by a jury. All team players who win the competition are given chips. And then the chips are exchanged for candies from magic chest. You can have three girls as presenters.)

Competition “Crazy Hands”
Leading. Within 7 minutes, you guys, using waste material - in general, everything that is on the tables - must make some kind of craft and come up with a name for it. I wish you success.
Playing with spectators.
Leading. While the teams are completing the task, you, dear viewers, can also take part in the competition. This requires two brave players. (Those who wish come out). So, the competition is called “Sweet Tooth”. You guys have to feed each other jam while blindfolded. Who will feed the other one better and more jam? Is the task clear? (Participants sit opposite each other, put on aprons, and hold a cup of jam and a spoon.)

Competition "Tailor"
Leading. As you may have guessed, this competition will require you to know how to use scissors. We have pattern templates on our tables. For this competition you need one of the bravest players from each team. Ready?

Competition "The Hostess's Carousel"
Leading. This competition will help you find out what kind of housewife you are. There are sweets in a saucer in a pile of flour. You have to get all the candies. Time has passed.

Competition "Who is faster"
Leading. This is a speed competition and is designed for your dexterity and skill. And it consists of the following: who can sew a button faster and better. Everything will be taken into account: speed, accuracy, and how skilled you are when working with a needle. Are you ready? Then let's start!

Competition "Professional"
Leading. In addition to the fact that every housewife knows how to do all the housework: spinning, sewing and cooking, cleaning, she also manages to work at the enterprise. All housewives have professions, specialties - some of them are builders, teachers, painters, seamstresses.
So our competition is dedicated to professions. Words are written on the cards, but the letters are presented in the most unimaginable way. You have to guess which professions are encrypted

(fisherman, seamstress, cook, engineer, driver, sailor, mason)

Competition “I’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel”
Leading. Now we offer you a sports competition. Condition: who can spin the hoop the longest? Ready?
Competition "Loves".
Leading. In this competition you must show your artistic abilities. I have balls in my hands. Using glue and colored paper, you need to depict the girl’s face and put on a scarf for her.

Leading. Now, give it to the opposing team.

The jury sums up the results.

Leading. Our fun game is over! Goodbye! See you again!


(bachelorette get-togethers in grades 5-6)

Decoration: coffee and table sets, spoons, pitchforkski, knives, glasses, small spoons, napkins, tablecloth, vases of flowers; an exhibition of books on cooking, serving, rules of good manners, etc. was organized.

Progress of the gatherings

I . Introduction to the topic.

Presenter. Hello, dear guests! Do you remember howtalking about the rituals of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry?

“It’s better to always come at the same hour,” the Fox asked...Rituals must be observed.

    What are rituals? - asked the little prince.

    This is something long forgotten,” explained the Fox.

    Something that makes one day different from all others

Presenter. What days are different from the rest?(Name days, birthdays, New Year, etc.)

Presenter. How joyful it is on days like these to visit kind people.friends and how nice it is to see loved ones at home. GosteHospitality - the ability to welcome guests cordially. Therefore, when inviting guests, you must definitely think through the whole holiday, and it’s good if your program immediately makes your guests smile.

And today you are visiting me, and to make it easier to communicate,Let's split into two teams and come up with names for them. By the wayYou, at home during the holiday, you can also unite into teams.

Participants in the gatherings come up with team names. For example, "Malinka" “Peach”, “Ladles”, etc.

P. Warm-up.

Exercise1. Compose an invitation to a family celebration (birthday, anniversary, etc.) in 5 minutes.

The correctness of the invitation, its compliance with etiquette standards, and its originality are assessed.

Task 2. Answer questions about the rules of etiquette. FoxThe question dots are in a Kindersurprise box.behind". The participants in the game take turns drawing out questions and thenjudgments answer.

Sample questions:

  • How long do we wait for late guests?(15 minutes, then the hostess invites guests to the table.)

    What does it mean to be an attentive housewife?(This means you welcome the guests at once and each one individually, find time to talk to everyone at least a little, and for those who are new to the house, pay more attention.)

    Is it possible to come to visit earlier than the appointed time?
    (No. You need to arrive either on time or 5-10 minutes late.)

    Is it possible to whisper at a common table?(No.)

III. Game "Read the proverb".

Presenter. Preparing to welcome guests and sorting out the dishes, weaccidentally broke the plates on which sayings and sayings were writtenproverbs.

Teams receive sets of parts (shards) of plates, whichneeds to be restored. The set may contain parts from the samereels, and from two or three.

Suggested proverbs:

  • Make yourself at home, but don’t forget that you are a guest.

    They greet a guest based on their dress, and see them off based on their intelligence.

    A good guest is always on time.

    In this house there is water like honey.

    For a good guest, the gates are wide open.

    The holiday will come and it will bring guests.

    Dear guests, can’t we take you out, can’t we take out the table?

    A thrifty guest does not go without a spoon.

IV . Competition "Fold the napkin".

Presenter. How can a hostess surprise her guests? Well, of coursewell, a beautifully set table!

At different times, there were different ideas about the aesthetics of a set table. This is how Pliny treated his guestsJr. (60s AD): “... from the bench, as if under the weight of a cartlying down, water flows through tubes into a stone bowl; the bowl is embedded inelegant marble table board; water regulated by hidden mechanismmom, fills it, never overflowing. Dishes from kushaheavy strings are placed along its edges; light floats around on a toyboats and birds."

If we decided to imitate the Romans, the guests would have towould sit in the bathroom. We still do things simpler: sets,We arrange vases and cutlery all the same. And this is where we areWe can show our imagination in folding napkins.

Exercise.Each team should present 2-3 warehouse optionsblowing napkins.

V . Game "Kitchen" withoutsecrets."

Presenter. How to invite guests, how to set the table beautifully,do you know and can? Have you heard about the secrets of cooking?Exercise. Guess what kind of dishes we are talking about.Teams receive “stories with omissions” about culinary secrets.

    Pour the ground... into the cezve, add sugar to tasteand a little salt, add water and, stirring slightly, put onfire. As soon as the head of foam rises, remove the cezve from the heat.pour in half a teaspoon of ice-cold boiled water to
    settled down faster..., and serve to the table.(Coffee.)

    The pan should be low and wide so that... in itit wasn't crowded. Water should fill it three-quarters or two-quartersthirds. Salt the water immediately after boiling. Cooking lasts 8-12minutes. ... cooked, but the dish is not ready yet. They need to be carefully
    Remove with a slotted spoon and place in a saucepan. A good cook is a mustmake sure that... you have thrown away the water, express it, and even lightlywill dry them out. And only then... put on plates, pourtopped with sour cream, honey or syrup.(Vareniki.)

VI. Vernissage of souvenirs.

Presenter. Yes, culinary masterpieces cannot be stored in muzeyah. They are eaten by guests the faster the more beautiful they are.

But a holiday is not only about a table and food. It's very good if youFor the holiday, prepare prizes and hand-made souvenirs. They can be used not only as souvenirs, but also instead of comic cards placed next to the device. To everyoneIt’s clear that everyone was welcome here.

What souvenirs have you prepared?(The girls show their crafts.)

VII . Tea party "Red hut with pies".

Presenter. Well, now I'm sure that you can...

five guests according to all the rules and your home will be hospitable.

But still the floorboard says: “The hut is not red in its corners, it is redpies." Everyone please come to the table!

VIII . Conclusion.

Presenter. Friends, I hope that you have a desire,When you come home, try yourself in the role of hospitable hosts. With all my heart I wish you success, so that you and your loved ones will always it was cozy at home.

Municipal educational institution

"Kolominogriva Secondary School"

Chainsky district of Tomsk region

Extracurricular activity on technology

Travel game: “Labyrinth of Labor Victories!”

Game for students in grades 5 – 6


technology teacher

Danchenko Lyudmila Viktorovna

Kolominsky Grives 2014

Game - journey: “Labyrinth of labor victories!”

Objectives of the event:

    develop interest in the subject being studied;

    generalize knowledge about technology (design of tools, technology for manufacturing products);

    develop an understanding that the knowledge gained in the classroom contributes to the acquisition of important life skills;

    expand and systematize students’ knowledge about professions;

    instill interest in blue-collar professions and work.

Participants: two teams (4 people each) from grades 5 and 6.


    Set a date for the game.

    Give a task: form teams in classes (come up with a name, motto, greetings to the jury and rivals, team emblem, introduce the interests and hobbies of team members, prepare support groups)

    Determine the composition of the jury.

    Prepare material for competitions: loaves, cheese, sausage, herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, knives, cutting boards, cutting boards, furniture hooks, screws, screwdrivers, carrots, potatoes.

    Computer, projector.

    Diplomas, prizes.

Technical support:

    multimedia installation in the assembly hall or technology room.

Material support:

    scenario for an extracurricular event on technology: “Labyrinth of Labor Victories!” for 5th and 6th grade students using ICT (environment Microsoft Office Word);

    (Microsoft Office Power Point).

    tools and materials for competitions.


    Microsoft Power Point,

    Microsoft Word.

Technical information when working with slides:

    At the click of a button ENTER- “Peter - The Cockerel is coming”;

    Mouse over the dead end “Acquaintance” - click – slide No. 3;

    Mouse over the “Return” button - click – slide No. 2;

    At the click of a button ENTER- “Peter - The Cockerel is coming”;

    Mouse over the dead end “Rules of Etiquette” - click - slide No. 4, etc.;


I. Teacher's opening speech.

Leading : Good evening, dear friends! Today we send warm greetings to everyone who came to us. We sincerely wish you healthy 100 years! It's not often you see so many happy faces at the same time. And they are truly the happiest, because they had a wonderful chance to go through the Labyrinth of Labor Victories. You can also recharge yourself with optimism and good mood for a long time!

It's great to be able to!
Sow bread and sing a song.
Throw haystacks, chop wood,
Weed the bed cleanly.
It's great to plan!
Making a table or bed
Steel forging, part sharpening.

Tin the tank, drive the tram.
Build a house at dawn,
Teach the skill of others.
Cherish the garden, bake the bread,
Protect mothers from harm.
Be kind and have friends.
It's great to be able to do that!

Leading : They say that every person has his own “finest hour”. The most magnificent moment in life is when fate tells him: “Show what you are capable of!”

There would be many more truly happy people if, firstly, we all believed that the “finest hour” really exists, and secondly, we were ready to take advantage of this chance! And such a “finest hour” for our participants will be participation in the game “Labyrinth of Labor Victories!”
Agree, dear friends, it’s boring without people who bring a spark of creativity to life. So, meet the teams of 5th and 6th grades. Here they are!

And their performance will be judged by a competent jury. Jury presentation.

Leading explains to the participants of the game its basic rules and conditions: each team must go through a labyrinth, the map of which is on the computer.

Leading : You will go to visit the Wise Aunt Owl. Petya - Cockerel will be your guide through the labyrinth. (Slide 2)

There are eleven dead ends in the maze:

      Dead end "Acquaintance"

      Deadlock "Rules of Etiquette"

      Dead end "Product Experts"

      Dead end "Balloons"

      Dead end "Riddles"

      Dead end "Anagram"

      Dead end "World of professions"

      Dead end "Culinary"

      Dead end "Carpenter"

      Dead end "Fans"

      Dead end "Game with spectators"

Leading : Teams need to get out of every dead end with dignity. And for this you need to complete the task correctly. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. The winner of the game will be the team that scores the most points when exiting the maze.

And so, we begin the game!

II. The teams' journey to visit the Wise Aunt Owl.

        Dead end "Acquaintance"(Slide 3)

    Greetings from the team.

    Team motto.

    Greetings to opponents.

    Greetings from the jury.

        Deadlock "Rules of Etiquette"(Slide 4)


- Question 1. Why do men take off their hats when entering a room? (To show your respect for this house.)

- Question 2. An important quality of a cultured person (begins with the letter B). (Politeness.)

- Question 3: “To make the ride fun, do you take the ice cream bus?” (No. You might get other passengers dirty.)

Question 4. “After eating candy on the street, do you carefully roll it into a small ball and, so that it does not lie under your feet, throw it on the lawn?” (Into the nearest trash can or into your bag.)

Leading : - Well done! I hope that you will remember and follow these rules.

3. The “Product Experts” Deadlock(Slide 5)

The facilitator asks each team questions in turn.:


    Where was tea first brought to Russia from? ( From China)

    What were plates used for in ancient Rus'? ( Not for food, they threw bones at them)

    Where were soup, minced meat, puree, roll invented? ( In France)

    Who invented the closed sandwich? ( Englishman Sir Sandwich. He could not tear himself away from his favorite pastime even to have dinner, so he came up with the idea of ​​not getting his hands dirty, connecting two slices of bread, spread with butter. Such a sandwich began to be called by his name - sandwich (sandwich)

    The name of which vegetable coincides with the surname of a famous Russian writer and poet of the 20th century? ( Parsnip)

    What language is the word “kitchen” borrowed from? ( from German. In Russian, the word “kitchen” was not mentioned until the end of the 17th century, since there was no special room for cooking - a Russian stove served for this, which simultaneously heated the house)

    Who brought wonderful corn grains to Europe at the end of the 16th century? ( Columbus)

    Once upon a time in Rus' this dish was a ritual dish; when concluding peace treaties, both sides had to cook this dish. Name a proverb associated with this custom. (“You can’t cook porridge with him”)

    Carrots have been eaten for four thousand years. Since what century did they begin to grow it on the territory of our country? ( From the 11th century)

    What did stewed dishes used to be called in Russian cuisine? (Brass)

    What is the name of the story in which the writer talks about a boy who couldn’t cook porridge? ? (“Mishkina porridge” by N.N. Nosov)

    What did Alice Cat Basilio the Fox's lunch consist of at the famous tavern? ( Three crusts of bread and with them a wonderfully roasted lamb, a gosling, a couple of pigeons on a spit, liver, six pieces of the fattest crucian carp and small fish for an appetizer. “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio” by A. Tolstoy)

    Who first sent potato tubers to Russia? ( Peter I in 1697)

4. Deadlock "Balloons"(Slide 6)

Leading : Help the bunny use individual letters and syllables drawn on the balls to formulate the terms for machine stitches.

5. Dead end “Riddles”(Slide 7)

Leading : Listen to my riddles, see if you can solve them.


He rang in the forest all day

Thick, whitish from frost,

And at night, approaching the fire,

He fell asleep with his nose buried in a log.


She has a tooth for everyone:

For maple, pine, chestnut.

Even the oak is afraid of her,

Even though he is a giant.



Wandered to the edge of the canvas

And she was left without a tail.


Two slender sisters

In the hands of a craftswoman

We played loops all day...

And here it is - a scarf for Petenka!

(knitting needles)


The tool bites

What is it called?


The fat one will beat the thin one

The thin one will hit something.

(hammer and nail)


Along a wooden river

A new boat is sailing,

Twisted into rings

Its smoke is pine.


In the woolen clearing

The thin leg is dancing.

From under a steel shoe

A stitch creeps out.

(sewing machine)

6. Dead end “Anagram”(Slide 8)

Leading : Compose words by rearranging their letters according to a certain characteristic.

1) AZOGOTKVA (blank)

2) IEELDZI (product)

3) ONBLSHA (template)

4) IPLA (saw)

5) URABONK (plane)

6) HAMMER (hammer)

7) PERNATOK (thimble)

8) TSYNIKNIFE (scissors)

9) NOLOKVO (fiber)

10) UFNRTIRUA (accessories)

11) YVATKCHA (tuck)

12) XALKDA (fold)

    Dead end "World of professions"(Slide 9)

Leading: For the name of the profession, select its description:

1) Confectioner

2) Cutter

3) Embroiderer

4) Draftsman

5) Carpenter

6) Locksmith

Conditional designation

Answers: 2-A; 1-B; 3-B; 4-G; 5 -D; 6-E.

8. Dead end "Culinary"(Slide 10)

Leading: Within a certain time, 2 participants need to prepare sandwiches (the set of products is the same)

9. Dead end "Carpenter"(Slide 11)

Leading: Within a certain time, 2 participants need to fix a furniture hook on the board.

10. Deadlock "Fans"(Slide 12)

Leading: Compliance with safety regulations, speed and quality of work are assessed.

Peel potatoes, carrots;

Cut potatoes into slices and strips

11. “Playing with the Spectators”(Slide 13)

Leading: Puzzles.

1: I'm a one-eared old woman
I'm jumping on the canvas
And a long thread from the ear,
Like a web I pull. (Needle)

2: She got down to business
she screamed and sang.
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
broke a tooth, tooth. (Saw)

3: He himself is as thin as his head.
When I went to work, everyone heard it. (Hammer)

4: They hit Yermilka on the back of the head,
he doesn't cry, he just hides his nose. (Nail)

5: That gardener
lives with a long nose.
Where your nose shakes,
water will flow there. (Watering can)

6: The teeth have
but they don’t know toothache. (Rake)

7: At Uncle Nikon's
The whole bald spot is worn out. (Thimble)

8: I'm small in stature
Thin and sharp.
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I'm dragging my tail behind me. (Needle and thread)

9: I walk next to the janitor,
I'm shoveling snow around,
And I help the guys
Make a mountain, build a house. (Shovel)

10: We are a stand for the sawyer,
We are the coachman's seat.
But try it, put it
We have a different emphasis -
Be careful with us:
We gore with our horns. (Goats)

11: I decorate the house too,
I also collect dust.
And people trample me under their feet,
Yes, then they still beat us with batogs. (Carpet)

12: Her whole soul is wide open,
And even though there are buttons, it’s not a shirt,
Not a turkey, but pouting,
And it’s not a bird, but it’s flooding. (Harmonic)

13: Which year is it for me?
A hedgehog lives in the room.
If the floor is waxed,
He will polish it to a shine. (Polisher)

14: He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish. (Vacuum cleaner)

III . Summarizing. Rewarding.(Slide 14)


We tested you to the best of your ability.

And the winners are rightfully worthy of praise.

And we are happy to present awards to the teams here.

The jury's word. Presentation of awards.

Leading: (Slide 15)

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be brief:

We say to you: "Goodbye -

See you happy next time!"


    Arefiev I.P. – Fun technology lessons for girls. 5th grade: Manual for teachers. – M.: School press, 2005. – 80 p., ill. – (“School and production. Journal library”; Issue 22).

    Arefiev I.P. – Fun technology lessons for girls. 6th grade: A manual for teachers. – M.: School press, 2005. – 48 p., ill. – (“School and production. Journal library”; Issue 23).

    Arefiev I.P. – Fun technology lessons for girls. 7th grade: A manual for teachers. – M.: School press, 2005. – 64 p., ill. – (“School and production. Journal library”; Issue 24).

    Perova E.N. – Lessons on the course “Technology”: grades 5-9 (girls). M.: - 5 for knowledge, 2006. - 208 p.

Objectives of the event:

a) educational – repeat, generalize and consolidate the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of students on the topic “Basics of knitting”;
b) developing - to develop creative thinking, erudition, oral speech, ingenuity, comradely mutual assistance;
c) educational – to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to create interest in the subject.

Equipment: names of stations (on the board), names of teams (on tables), tokens, task cards, envelopes with samples of knitting, paraphernalia.

Progress of the event

I. Organizational moment of the lesson.

Announcing the theme, purpose and progress of the event.

Today we will repeat and summarize everything that we talked about in the classes on the section “Basics of Knitting”, and for this we will go on a “trip through the land of knowledge”.

Two teams will travel: “Owlets” and “Domovyata” (divide the class into two teams); choose team captains.

II. Travel “Magic Tangle”.

So! Let's begin our journey. But try to guess who we are going on this journey with. Let's listen to the riddle, what is in my “box of miracles”?

“Small, round, but you can’t catch it by the tail?”
“In one place about two hundred meters.”

That's right - a ball! What is the name of our trip? - “Magic ball”.

Let's call on our imagination to help and set off along unknown paths, hidden paths behind our traveler ball...

Well, our ball has rolled, and we will follow it. The ball rolled and rolled into the Tvorcheskaya station.

1. Station “Creative”.

Teacher(leading). You were given a creative homework: write a story about natural fiber (History of production, where it is used, how it is obtained), complete drawings and start with a riddle - your opponents must guess what fiber is being talked about, then the story.

And you must also reflect on your story, find proverbs and sayings about this fiber. You must do it in 5 minutes. every team.

So, words to the “Domovyata” team.

(The teacher adds, if necessary, the story and reads proverbs.)

A word to the “Owls” team.

Tokens are being awarded!!!

Teacher. I will mark the overall team results on the board for each competition, and individually, for each correct and complete answer, I will personally add a token to his piggy bank. At the end of the journey, you will decide who actively participated and will contribute to the victory of their team based on the number of tokens earned.

2. Station “Guess - ka”. Our ball rolled onto station “Guess-ka”.

You say everything is smooth, okay, but let’s see how you are in business. Let's see who will pass all the tests with dignity: the wise “Owls” or the clever “Houses”. Your task is to give as many correct answers to the questions as possible.

I ask questions one by one, first to one and then to the other team.

Let's start with “Owls”.

1) Name the main tool for knitting... What types of knitting needles are there?

(Answer. Knitting needles can be different according to the material from which they are made: metal, wood, plastic, bone. Five knitting needles - sharp at both ends - working; two knitting needles connected with fishing line - circular knitting needles; knitting needles up to 40 cm long - one end sharp, another with a restriction: a ring, a ball, etc.)

2) How to choose the right knitting needles for yarn?

(Answer: The knitting needles are divided by numbers from 1 to 8. The knitting needles must correspond to the thickness of the yarn. For example: pierce thick paper with a knitting needle, and then try to pull the prepared yarn through the hole; if it passes through the hole, then the size of the knitting needle and the thickness of the yarn correspond." )

Name the symbols (showing cards).

4) Determine the name of the mating from the description.

A) 1st row: knit, purl, knit, purl.
2nd row: according to the drawing.
3rd row: knit, purl, knit, purl.
4th row: according to the drawing.
(Answer - 1x1 elastic band)

b) 1st row: All stitches are knit stitches.
2nd row: All loops are purl.
3rd row: All stitches are knit stitches.
4th row: All loops are purl.
(The answer is stocking).

For correct answers - tokens!

5) Read the proposed pattern out loud, indicate the direction of knitting and the number of rows.

(Answer – 21p.)

How many stitches do you need to cast on for the opening row?

(Answer – 18p.)

The task must be completed in 5 minutes: fill out the proposed crossword puzzle for each team<Annex 1>.

1. What are knitted items called? (Knitted.)
2. A device for winding threads into a ball. (Winder.)
3. What is another name for knitting thread? (Yarn.)
4. The simplest type of knitting, in which the front and back sides are the same. (Handkerchief.)
5. The outer covering of animals, used to produce threads. (Wool.)

1. What is the name of the record of a knitting pattern depicted using symbols? (Scheme.)
2. What is the name of the thread coming from the ball? (Working.)
3. What are the outer loops at the beginning and end of each row called? (Edge.)
4. A plant that produces fiber for yarn. (Cotton.)
5. The simplest type of knitting, in which the front side looks like “braids”, and the back side looks like “knots”. (Hosiery.)

Task for captains (at the board): unravel the ball, starting from the middle of the ball, and write on the board the treasured words tangled in the ball and make up proverbs and sayings with these words (the team can add proverbs)

Idleness; Handicrafts.
Proverb: “Don’t get used to being idle, learn to do handicraft.”

Patience; Skill.
Proverb: “If you have patience, there will be skill.”

5. While the captains are trying to unravel the tangle, both teams will go to station “Sortirovalnaya”.

You must sort the samples of matings by their names (attach a tag with the name of the mating), and where there is no name, write the name of the mating on the empty tag.

(Distribute one envelope with the same number of bindings and tags to both teams).

6. Finally, the tangle is unraveled, and we will put it in the “box of miracles” and close it. This is where the journey of the magic ball ended.

III. Summing up: general team results.

1. Give students the opportunity to evaluate each other according to the tokens earned and each person’s contribution to the team’s victory (grade sheet)<Appendix 2>

2. Award medals to the most active participants (make medals: “wise owls”, “clever little brownies”).


  1. ABC of knitting. – Ed. 5th. / comp. M.V. Maksimova.– M.: Legprombytizdat., 1992. – 240 p.
  2. Technology. 8th grade (girls). Lesson plans for the textbook “Technology 8th grade” V.D. Simonenko. Part II. / Comp. N.B. Golondareva - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2003. Pp. 32–57.