Vgspu admission. Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University (VGSPU). VSGPU: the Great Patriotic War and its consequences

Raising children requires special attention not only from parents, but also from teachers. is a “training ground” for everyone who wants to devote themselves to this difficult but very interesting profession. Every year, about a thousand young professionals graduate from this higher education institution and go to work in schools, colleges and universities.

Founded in 1931, the pedagogical institution repeatedly took part in various experiments of the Ministry of Education of the USSR and the Russian Federation aimed at improving the quality of education. As of September 2017, the university has two institutes and a branch; the institution itself has more than ten faculties, where masters of pedagogy educate the younger generation.

VGSPU: history of creation and formation

The 1930s were remembered for fundamental changes that affected absolutely all residents of the Soviet Union. It was then that a program was launched aimed at providing residents of the country with primary education, which required the presence of a huge number of specialists in the relevant field. Thanks to her, in 1931 the Volgograd Social Pedagogical University appeared, which at that time was called the Stalingrad Industrial Pedagogical Institute.

Initially, it was planned that this educational institution would train engineer-teachers, who would then go to work in technical colleges, schools and colleges and carry out polytechnic training there. However, already in 1932, humanities faculties appeared in it, and five years later, a Teachers' Institute appeared at the establishment, where the duration of training was only two years, and its graduates could only work in grades 5-7. By 1941, the Stalingrad Pedagogical Institute was one of the largest educational institutions in the south of the USSR, about 500 teachers graduated from it annually.

VSPU: The Great Patriotic War and its consequences

The war, which went down in the history of mankind as the most terrible and destructive, claimed the lives of many teachers and students of the institute, which is now called the Volgograd Social Pedagogical University. Between September 1942 and November 1943, the institute suspended its work due to a shortage of teaching staff and students. As a result of the war, Stalingrad was almost completely destroyed, so it was possible to restore all previously used buildings only by 1949. Around the same time, the university stopped experiencing a shortage of teaching staff.

In 1953, the Teachers' Institute ceased its work, its facilities were transferred to an industrial and pedagogical institution. Particular emphasis in the work of the institute was placed on teaching foreign languages, as well as on equipping existing faculties with all the necessary facilities. Around the same time, additional enrollments were opened for graduate studies in the faculties of pedagogy and history. In 1961, the university was renamed Volgograd State Pedagogical Institute.

VSPU: current state of the university

It successfully coped with the crisis years of the 1990s, practically without losing all of its valuable teaching staff. In 2011, the university received its modern name - Volgograd. A year later, the Ministry of Education and Science recognized the university as ineffective and recommended its closure, but in 2013 the situation changed, and the university was allowed to continue operating.

In 2015, they tried to merge the university with Volgograd State University, but this did not happen. Currently, the socio-pedagogical university includes several lyceums, schools and kindergartens. Since 1992, university specialists have been developing projects related to lifelong education. Also, the university has more than 40 laboratories and research centers; students master bachelor's degrees and have the right to take part in candidate and master's programs, and then enroll in doctoral studies.

faculties and institutes

As of 2017, the university has 11 faculties, the most popular are those related to management and technological and economic education, as well as physics, computer science, mathematics and primary education. The university also has faculties of history, philology, socio-pedagogical and natural sciences. The Faculty of Social and Psychological-Pedagogical Education deserves special attention; specialists who most often occupy the positions of social educators in schools graduate from there every year.

The university also has faculties of professional retraining and additional education, where both current students and graduates can study. Not long ago, a faculty was opened where foreign students study - this is a key difference between the university and many others, where such students have to either study science with Russian-speaking students or study individually. The institutes of art education and foreign languages ​​stand apart, which function almost autonomously.

What is needed for admission?

Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, admission to which is carried out according to standard procedures, annually accepts thousands of applications from applicants. According to existing rules, a prospective student can apply for admission to only three majors at one university. Along with it, you must submit a passport, as well as documents on previous education (secondary or higher), a medical certificate in form 086, Unified State Examination certificates, as well as two photographs measuring 3 by 4 centimeters. If necessary, you will need to submit documents confirming that the future student has disabilities.

Prize-winners and winners of All-Russian Olympiads, members of Russian national teams, as well as children without parental care also have special rights to admission. In all these cases, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the special status to the university admissions committee. The applicant also has the right to present to the admissions committee his portfolio, consisting of various awards, certificates, and certificates of participation in competitions and competitions.

Where should I send the documents?

If you decide to enroll at the Volgograd Social and Pedagogical University, the admissions committee, recently renamed the Center for Formation of Contingents, is waiting for you from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17:15, lunch - from 12:30 to 13:00. On Fridays, the center operates a shortened schedule - from 8:30 to 16:00, Saturday and Sunday are days off. Commission address: Lenin Avenue, building 27, room 0126.

If the applicant does not have the opportunity to personally come to the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University and submit documents on his own, he has the right to send them by mail with a declared value. A potential university student can clarify all the necessary information by contacting the contact numbers.

Where can I stay?

FSBEI “Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University” offers its nonresident students accommodation in one of its three dormitories. To obtain a place, you must submit a corresponding personal application to the admissions committee; accommodation is paid, the cost can be clarified there. To check in, you must provide a referral from the admissions office, a passport, a copy of certificate 086, fluorography results, a military ID/registration certificate (for young men) and a couple of photographs 3 by 4 centimeters.

Each of the dormitories has small gyms and offices with Internet access where you can prepare for classes. Upon check-in, the commandant is required to give the new resident instructions on safety precautions, fire safety, as well as how to handle electrical and gas equipment on the territory of the hostel. A student may receive additional equipment for personal use on a paid basis against an appropriate receipt.

Passing scores

To enter the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University (VGSPU), you must score at least the minimum passing scores in the specialty of interest. The easiest way is to enroll in the specialty “Pedagogical Education”; every year the university recruits about 90 students for budget places in this area. To obtain a budget place, you must pass the Unified State Exam in Russian and foreign languages ​​and social studies; the passing score, based on the test results, must be 236 (based on the results of admission in 2017).

The most difficult thing is to enroll in the specialty “Design”, where about 5 budget places are provided annually. There are entrance exams in Russian language and literature, as well as one additional exam that must be taken at the university. The minimum score to qualify for this specialty must be at least 184 (based on the results of admission in 2017). Detailed information about passing scores should be clarified with the university admissions office, as they change periodically.

Extra-budgetary form of training

Volgograd Social and Pedagogical University also gives everyone the opportunity to enroll on an extra-budgetary basis. The cost of annual training ranges from 70 to 125 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen specialty. The most expensive of them is “Design” (bachelor’s degree), as of 2017, you need to pay 121 thousand rubles for annual full-time study in this specialty.

The cheapest way to study is through the correspondence department of a bachelor's degree; the average cost of annual training here ranges from 27 to 35 thousand rubles. The most expensive specialty to study is “Pedagogical Education,” where a part-time student will have to pay 34 thousand rubles a year (as of 2017). Tuition prices change annually; more accurate information can be obtained from the Enrollment Center.


Volgograd, which annually admits up to 2.5 thousand students, continues to actively develop. We are actively working on the formation of comprehensive education - from school to university. The university cooperates with a number of schools that prepare new students in advance by adding additional information to the school curriculum.

VGSPU students are in great demand on the labor market, since the educational system of Volgograd is constantly experiencing a shortage of personnel. Many of the university graduates also work in the regional Ministry of Education and have the opportunity to directly influence this area, which has a positive impact on the life of the educational institution.

OPEN DAY in the master's program of the Department of Pedagogy on April 28 at 13.00. Audi. 2-41 (main building)

Entrance exam programs for master's programs:
1. Program of the entrance exam to the master's program of the Department of Pedagogy

The Master's program of the Department of Pedagogy is recruiting for the following master's programs:

1."Pedagogical innovation"– scientific director of the program, corresponding member. RAO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, prof. Sergeev N.K.; Academic consultant Ph.D., associate professor Grachev K.Yu.

Graduates of the program will be able carry out research, diagnostic and advisory work in various areas of innovative processes in the pedagogical field: on the problems of improving the quality of school education, designing the content, organizing and supporting the educational process in the conditions of innovative activities of educational institutions, professional competence and readiness of teachers to participate in the innovative activities of educational institutions . In general, the program provides fundamental training in the field of pedagogical innovation.

2. "Educational activities"– scientific hands PhD programs, associate professor Makarova I.A., academic consultant Ph.D., associate professor. Malakhova V.G.

Graduates of the program will be able develop new educational technologies, provide psychological and pedagogical support for the educational process; diagnose personal educational outcomes and design pedagogical support for individual educational routes of students; organize educational and research work of students.

You can get acquainted with the abstract and curriculum of the master's program

3."Monitoring the quality of education"– scientific hands PhD programs, associate professor Chandra M.Y.; Academic consultant Ph.D., associate professor Tikhonenkov N.I.

Graduates of the program will be able develop new technologies for information support for managing the educational process; use modern technologies for diagnosing the quality of the educational process; apply methods of mathematical modeling and statistical processing when solving professional problems; use legal documents and regulations of professional activities; organize educational and research work of students.

You can get acquainted with the abstract and curriculum of the master's program

4. "Higher education"– scientific hands PhD program, prof. Sakharchuk E.I.; Academic consultant Ph.D., associate professor Chudina E.E.

Graduates of the program will be able design educational, methodological and research work of a university teacher; organize educational and research work of students; develop interactive educational technologies for working with students, topics for methodological and theoretical seminars, department meetings, taking into account the characteristics of a particular university; explore current problems of higher education pedagogy, work as part of a research team.
You can get acquainted with the abstract and curriculum of the master's program

Studying in all programs requires mastery of a foreign business language and information technology - which is currently a necessary condition put forward by employers when hiring. The system-forming element of the master's degree learning process is the master's student's research work, which culminates in the preparation and defense of a master's thesis.

Teaching staff. More than half of the teachers who carry out the educational process in the master's degree have a doctorate degree and head scientific schools on topical problems of modern pedagogical science - corresponding member. RAO, prof. Sergeev N.K., corresponding member. RAO, prof. Serikov V.V., prof. Bessarabova I.S., prof. Vlasyuk I.V., prof. Vorobyov N.E., prof. Kulikova S.V., prof. Novikov S.G., prof. Sakharchuk E.I., prof. Solovtsova I.A., prof. Stolyarchuk L.I.
Specialists from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Volgograd Region, territorial education authorities of the city of Volgograd, heads of educational institutions of the city of Volgograd, experienced practicing teachers and teachers of the additional education system are involved in the organization of the educational process.

Information about entrance examinations, dates and place of their holding can be obtained at the center for the formation of the contingent of the VGSPU, office. 1-103 or via the link:, as well as from the methodologist of the department of pedagogy, room. 0-241 (main building).

More than 700 first-year students of the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University took part in the traditional student parade. First-year students from all faculties and institutes of the Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University joined the annual all-Russian event “Student Parade”. The youth procession started from the building of the New Experimental Theater; the main celebrations took place in the park area of ​​the “Russia - My History” museum. A column of students walked along the Alley of Heroes, the lower and upper terraces of the embankment, and the rock road. A festive concert and awards ceremony for the best student activists in Volgograd took place at the interactive museum “Russia - My History”. VGSPU student Anastasia Rogacheva received a letter of gratitude for her active and effective assistance to educational organizations in the implementation of state youth policy and the development of student self-government in the Volgograd region. One of the brightest events of the holiday was the performance of Volgograd participants of the All-Russian Festival of Creative Communities “Tavrida-ART” and youth groups. It should be noted that the parade of Russian students annually brings together dozens of cities and thousands of young people across the country. Volgograd first joined the campaign in 2015 and annually opens the school year for thousands of freshmen in the region. The action is designed to unite young people and give students the opportunity to feel like part of the Russian student body.

The Volgograd Prize in the field of education was awarded to a group of authors of a scientific work devoted to the problem of training teaching staff to work with children with mental retardation. The prize was awarded to VGSPU teachers Associate Professor Elena Lapp, Professor Svetlana Yarikova, Associate Professor Vladislav Yarikov, Master of Special (Defectological) Education Mikhail Serenko. Let us add that the decision to award the Volgograd Hero City Award 2019 was made at a meeting of the City Duma. This year the prize was awarded in two categories - in the field of literature and art and in the field of education. The ceremony of presenting the Volgograd Hero City Award to the teams traditionally took place during the celebration of City Day. The head of Volgograd, Vitaly Likhachev, presented municipal insignia to the most active citizens.

Students of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics held a conference dedicated to the results of the educational practice of third-year students, summarized the experience of recent years and outlined the prospects for the activities of a counselor. The conference was actively attended by third and fourth year students who completed internships in summer health camps in the summer of 2018-2019. Third-year students reported on the results of their practice, and fourth-year students were able to compare the results of the practice of the last two years. Guests of the conference were Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Margarita Chandra, as well as Assistant Professor of the Department of Pedagogy Ekaterina Dorozhkina. This year, students of the faculty completed internships and worked as counselors at the Artek Children's Center (Yalta), the Smena Children's Sports Center (Anapa), the Pearl of the Sea Children's Sports Center (Kabardinka), the Mir Children's Sports Center (Rostov) -on-Don), as well as in health and school camps in Volgograd and the Volgograd region. Yesterday's counselors, teachers of children's recreation and health organizations showed fragments of children's creative artistic activities, fragments of small forms of work, interactive games implemented by teaching teams. The students also assessed the quality of the leader’s activities during practice and the effectiveness of preparation for it during orientation sessions, weighing the strengths and weaknesses, achievements and shortcomings of their teaching activities during the summer period. The performances of all students turned out to be bright, meaningful, and original. The guys were able to summarize their experience and outline the prospects for the activities of a counselor in the Volgograd region and in the Southern Federal District as a whole.

79 first-year students can now consider themselves students of the Faculty of Social and Correctional Pedagogy of VGSPU. The traditional Initiation of freshmen as students took place. Initiation as a student is an important and exciting moment in the life of a freshman, which will forever leave an imprint on the memory. Every freshman waits for him with bated breath. The main goal of the event was to include new students into the large and friendly faculty team. A concert program was prepared for the first-year students, the participants of which were the senior students and the heroes of the occasion of the SKP faculty themselves. Dances, songs, student humor lifted the mood and brought a smile. The first-year students were a little nervous during their performances - after all, it was their first time on this stage, but the applause of the audience was inspiring. The main parting words came from the dean of the faculty, Larisa Georgievna Borodaeva, and the group curators. At the end of the holiday, according to tradition, the freshmen took a solemn oath and were tied with bright yellow ties. Yellow is the color of the faculty, which symbolizes the light of the sun and the warmth that we share with the people around us. “We teach to make the world a better place!” - this is the motto of the SKP faculty.

The summer school “Ecomathon in a non-stop rhythm” said goodbye to the participants of the third shift for children and youth from among foreign citizens. 50 students from Volgograd and the Lugansk People's Republic spent 21 days at the summer school. A rich educational and entertainment program has been implemented. Participants in the eco-marathon received theoretical and practical knowledge in classes in a variety of areas: literature and linguistics, botany, zoology and hydrobiology, history and geography, master classes on robotics and 3D printing. Students mastered the skills of ecotourism and rational stay in nature; a rich excursion and entertainment program was organized for the children. At the closing ceremony of the shift, the participants of the “Ecomathon in the rhythm of non-stop” showed the best performances from all the themed evenings of the shift. Creative teams from the University’s Center for Culture and Leisure and STEM “Pulse” performed for the children. It turned out to be a wonderful concert. From the stage there were many warm words addressed to the teachers, counselors, and staff of the Marathon base, where the summer school was held. Let us remind you that the summer school “Ecomathon in a non-stop rhythm” was held within the framework of the federal project “The Success of Every Child” of the national project “Education” with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the administration of the Volgograd region. “Ecomathon in a non-stop rhythm” is part of the federal project “Campus of Youth Innovations”.

Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University will take part in the educational exhibition “Admission Navigator”, which will be held on September 29 in Volgograd. In the fall, “Admission Navigator” will be held in 18 cities of Russia and Belarus. The exhibition “Admission Navigator” has been held since 2013 – 2 times a year. More than 250,000 school students and parents have already attended the exhibition events. In addition to visiting the stands of universities, applicants participate in a program of master classes by speakers from the organizers, on the topics: choosing a profession, choosing a university, preparing for the Unified State Exam/Unified State Exam, rules for accepting documents. Visitors can also undergo career guidance and diagnostic testing. Let us add that last year in Volgograd 2 thousand people visited the exhibition.

The rugby seminar was conducted by the vice-president of the Volgograd Region Rugby Federation, playing coach of the Rotor rugby club, Igor Osin. The seminar was attended by first-year students from the Institute of Natural Science Education, Physical Culture and Life Safety and the Institute of Foreign Languages. First-year students learned about the varieties of rugby in general, as well as tag rugby in more detail. The theoretical lesson aroused genuine interest among the students. In addition, the Department of Physical Education plans to introduce tag rugby into classes at some faculties and institutes of VGSPU, hoping to interest a wide audience of our students. The organizer of the theoretical seminar was Marina Nesterova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Education. Tag rugby is a fun and exciting form of non-contact rugby suitable for men and women of all ages and abilities. There are no scrums or throw-ins in this game, and tackling is prohibited. The game was first introduced in England by Nick Leonard in 1991 to encourage young people to play rugby. Since then, Tag Rugby has grown in popularity and is now played in different countries around the world. Initially it was only played by young people, but as more and more men and women of all ages and abilities began to play the game, Tag Rugby is now considered not only a way of introducing young players to contact rugby, but also a game in its own right.

An information meeting on training and selection of volunteers for the Russia-Africa summit took place at the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University. 163 applications for participation in the volunteer corps of the Russia-Africa summit were submitted by students and graduates of leading universities in Volgograd. The first information seminar was held at VGSPU, in which students of the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University took part. To participate in the international event, the children will have to pass a competition. The best of them will represent the region at the summit in Sochi from October 22 to 25, 2019. To ensure the work of the summit, a volunteer corps of 900 people will be formed, who will be distributed among the following functional blocks: accompanying delegations, administering the business program rooms, working on information desks, accreditation, work with the media, catering, control of participants’ access to event areas. Depending on the functionality, volunteers must speak English at a pre-intermediate to advanced level, as well as additionally French, Portuguese or Arabic. Each volunteer will be provided with accommodation, food, equipment, and training. Let us note that the summit is the first event of this level in the history of Russian-African relations to which the heads of all states of the African continent, as well as the leaders of the largest subregional associations and organizations, are invited. Particular attention at the summit will be paid to the state and prospects of Russia’s relations with the countries of the African continent, the development of interaction in the political, economic, technical and cultural fields.

VGSPU students were awarded letters of gratitude from the Volgograd regional branch of the Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports of Russia for their assistance in organizing and holding the “First Sports Games on the Volga”. On August 31, in the Central Park of Culture and Leisure of Volgograd, VGSPU students assisted in organizing and conducting the “Volgograd Mile” athletics race, dedicated to City Day as part of the “First Sports Games on the Volga”. Letters of gratitude from the Volgograd regional branch of the Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports of Russia were awarded to students of the Institute of Russian Language and Literature: Daria Sviridova, Erika Polyakova, Yulia Mashchenko, Victoria Samarkina, Olga Volokitina, Anastasia Kasatkina; students of the Institute of Natural Science Education, Physical Culture and Life Safety: Victoria Novikova and Enedzhan Kurbanova. At the award ceremony, welcoming speeches were made by the head of the Volgograd regional branch of the Committee of National and Non-Olympic Sports of Russia, Mikhail Nasyrov, and the Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports, Sergei Kurenkov, who thanked the students for their help in organizing and holding the event.

The Department of Pedagogy of the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University conducted the first introductory lesson for schoolchildren studying in a pedagogical class created on the basis of the Lyceum No. 9 named after the Honored School Teacher of the Russian Federation A.N. Neverov" Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd. The schoolchildren were given a tour of the university and told about the scientific work being carried out by the department’s staff. High school students of the lyceum met with academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Sergeev. He spoke about the teaching profession, studying at the university and the prospects that studying in pedagogical classes provides. Let us remind you that Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University and Lyceum No. 9 named after the Honored School Teacher of the Russian Federation A.N. Neverov, Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd, signed an agreement on the creation of a pedagogical class in September 2019. 15 high school students will study pedagogical sciences and prepare for the teaching profession. Let us add that pedagogical classes are an effective way of early career guidance. The experience of organizing such specialized groups using the example of interaction between VGSPU and the administration of the Novonikolaevsky district confirms its effectiveness. Studying your future profession and the opportunity to try yourself as a teacher while still in high school helps you avoid mistakes in choosing a vocation. And also timely replenish teaching staff. Over the 8 years of teaching classes in the Novonikolaevsky district, there has been a significant rejuvenation of the teaching staff. There are 3 times more young teachers here than in other municipalities in the region.