Biography of Mayakovsky. Key moments from the life of the poet. Biography of Mayakovsky: the most important and interesting Mayakovsky biography personal life

Vladimir Mayakovsky is the flame of the twentieth century. His poems are inseparable from his life. However, behind the cheerful Soviet slogans of Mayakovsky the revolutionary, one can discern another Mayakovsky - a romantic knight, a theurgist, a crazy genius in love.

Below is a short biography of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.


In 1893, the future great futurist, Vladimir Mayakovsky, was born in the village of Bagdati in Georgia. They said about him: a genius. They shouted about him: a charlatan. But no one could deny that he had an incredible influence on Russian poetry. He created a new style that was inseparable from the spirit of Soviet times, from the hopes of that era, from the people living, loving and suffering in the USSR.

He was a man of contradiction. They will say about him:

This is a complete mockery of beauty, tenderness and God.

They will say about him:

Mayakovsky has always been and remains the best and most talented poet of our Soviet era.

By the way, this beautiful photo is fake. Mayakovsky, unfortunately, never met Frida Kahlo, but the idea of ​​their meeting is wonderful - they are both like riot and fire.

One thing is certain: whether a genius or a charlatan, Mayakovsky will forever remain in the hearts of the Russian people. Some like him for the glibness and impudence of his lines, others - for the tenderness and desperate love that hides in the depths of his style. His broken, crazy style, breaking from the shackles of writing, which is so similar to real life.

Life is a struggle

Mayakovsky's life was a struggle from beginning to end: in politics, in art and in love. His first poem is the result of struggle, the consequence of suffering: it was written in prison (1909), where he was sent for his Social Democratic beliefs. He began his creative journey, admiring the ideals of the revolution, and ended it, mortally disappointed in everything: everything in him is a tangle of contradictions, struggle.

He ran like a red thread through history and art and left his mark in subsequent works. It is impossible to write a modernist poem without referring to Mayakovsky.

The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky is, in his own words:

But there is something else behind this rough, militant façade.

short biography

When he was only 15 years old, he joined the RSDLP(b), and was enthusiastically engaged in propaganda.

Since 1911, he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Major Poems (1915): "Cloud in Pants", "Spine Flute" and "War and Peace". These works are full of delight for the coming, and then the coming revolution. The poet is full of optimism.

1918-1919 - revolution, he actively participates. Produces posters "Windows of Satire ROSTA".

In 1923, he became the founder of the creative association LEF (Left Front of the Arts).

Mayakovsky’s later works “The Bedbug” (1928) and “Bathhouse” (1929) are a sharp satire on Soviet reality. Mayakovsky is disappointed. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for his tragic suicide.

In 1930, Mayakovsky committed suicide: he shot himself, leaving a suicide note in which he asked not to blame anyone. He is buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


Irina Odoevtseva wrote about Mayakovsky:

Huge, with a round, short-cropped head, he looked more like a strong hooker than a poet. He read poetry completely differently than was customary among us. Rather like an actor, although - which the actors never did - not only observing, but also emphasizing the rhythm. His voice - the voice of a meeting tribune - either thundered so loudly that the windows rattled, or cooed like a dove and babbled like a forest stream. Stretching out his huge hands to the stunned listeners in a theatrical gesture, he passionately suggested to them:

Do you want me to go mad from meat?

And, like the sky, changing colors,

Do you want me to become inexpressibly tender, -

Not a man, but a cloud in his pants?..

These lines show Mayakovsky’s character: he is first of all a citizen, not a poet. He is first and foremost a tribune, an activist at rallies. He is an actor. His early poetry is, accordingly, not a description, but a call to action, not a statement, but a performative. Not so much art as real life. This applies at least to his social poems. They are expressive and metaphorical. Mayakovsky himself admitted that he was impressed by Andrei Bely’s poem “He launched a pineapple into the sky”:

low bass.

launched a pineapple.

And, having described the arc,

illuminating the surroundings,

the pineapple was falling,

beaming into the unknown.

But there is also a second Mayakovsky, who wrote without being impressed by either Bely or the revolution - he wrote from the inside, desperately in love, unhappy, tired - not the warrior Mayakovsky, but the gentle knight Mayakovsky, an admirer of Lilichka Brik. And the poetry of this second Mayakovsky is strikingly different from the first. The poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky are full of piercing, desperate tenderness, rather than healthy optimism. They are sharp and sad, in contrast to the positive cheerfulness of his Soviet poetic appeals.

Mayakovsky the warrior proclaimed:

Read! Envy! I am a citizen! Soviet Union!

Mayakovsky the knight rang with shackles and sword, vaguely reminiscent of the theurgist Blok, drowning in his purple worlds:

The fence of reason is broken by confusion,

I pile up despair, burning feverishly...

How did two such different people get along in one Mayakovsky? It is difficult to imagine and impossible not to imagine. If it were not for this internal struggle in him, there would not have been such a genius.


These two Mayakovskys got along probably because they were both driven by passion: for one it was a passion for Justice, and for the second for a femme fatale.

Perhaps it is worth dividing the life of Vladimir Mayakovsky into two main periods: before and after Lilichka Brik. This happened in 1915.

She seemed like a monster to me.

This is how the famous poet Andrei Voznesensky wrote about her.

But Mayakovsky loved this one. With a whip...

He loved her - fatal, strong, “with a whip,” and she said about him that when she made love with Osya, she locked Volodya in the kitchen, and he “was eager, wanted to come to us, scratched at the door and cried...”

Only such madness, incredible, even perverted suffering could give rise to poetic lines of such power:

Don’t do this, dear, good, let’s say goodbye now!

So the three of them lived, and eternal suffering spurred the poet on to new lines of genius. Besides this, there was, of course, something else. There were trips to Europe (1922-24) and America (1925), as a result of which the poet had a daughter, but Lilichka always remained the same, the only one, until April 14, 1930, when, having written “Lilya, love me,” the poet shot himself, leaving a ring with LOVE engraved on it - Liliya Yuryevna Brik. If you twirled the ring, you got the eternal “lovelovelove.” He shot himself in defiance of his own lines, his eternal declaration of love, which made him immortal:

And I won’t throw myself into the air, and I won’t drink poison, and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple...

Creative heritage

The work of Vladimir Mayakovsky is not limited to his dual poetic heritage. He left behind slogans, posters, plays, performances and film scripts. He actually stood at the origins of advertising - Mayakovsky made it what it is now. Mayakovsky came up with a new poetic meter - the ladder - although some argue that this meter was generated by the desire for money: editors paid for poems line by line. One way or another, it was an innovative step in art. Vladimir Mayakovsky was also an actor. He himself directed the film “The Young Lady and the Hooligan” and played the main role there.

However, in recent years he has been plagued by failure. His plays "The Bedbug" and "The Bathhouse" failed and he slowly fell into depression. An adept of cheerfulness, fortitude, and struggle, he scandalized, quarreled, and gave in to despair. And at the beginning of April 1930, the magazine “Print and Revolution” removed the greeting to the “Great Proletarian Poet” from print, and rumors spread: he had written himself off. This was one of the last blows. Mayakovsky took his failure hard.


Many streets in Russia, as well as metro stations, are named after Mayakovsky. There are Mayakovskaya metro stations in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In addition, theaters and cinemas are named after him. One of the largest libraries in St. Petersburg also bears his name. Also, a minor planet discovered in 1969 was named in his honor.

The biography of Vladimir Mayakovsky did not end after his death.

Mayakovsky's biography contains many dubious moments that make us wonder who the poet really was - a servant of communism or a romantic? A short biography of Vladimir Mayakovsky will give you a general idea of ​​the poet’s life.

The writer was born in Georgia, in the village. Baghdadi, Kutaisi province, July 7, 1893. Little Vova studied well and diligently, and showed interest in painting. Soon the Mayakovsky family experiences a tragedy - the father dies. Working as a forester, the father of the future poet was the only breadwinner. Therefore, a family that has experienced the loss of a loved one finds itself in a difficult financial situation. Next, Mayakovsky's biography leads us to Moscow. Vladimir is forced to help his mother earn money. He has no time left for studies, so he cannot boast of academic success. During this period, Mayakovsky began to have disagreements with his teacher. As a result of the conflict, the rebellious nature of the poet manifests itself for the first time, and he loses interest in his studies. The school decides to expel the future genius from school due to poor performance.

Biography of Mayakovsky: youthful years

After school, Vladimir joins the Social Democratic Party. During this period, the poet was subjected to several arrests. Vladimir wrote his first poem at this time. After his release, Mayakovsky continued his literary work. While studying at the gymnasium, the writer met David Burliuk, who was the founder of a new literary movement - Russian futurism. Soon they become friends, and this leaves an imprint on the themes of Vladimir’s work. He supports futurists, joins their ranks and writes poetry in this genre. The poet's first works are dated 1912. Soon the famous tragedy “Vladimir Mayakovsky” will be written. In 1915, work on his most outstanding poem, “A Cloud in Pants,” was completed.

Biography of Mayakovsky: love experiences

His literary work was not limited to propaganda pamphlets and satirical fables. In the life and work of the poet there is a theme of love. A person lives as long as he experiences a state of love, as Mayakovsky believed. The poet's biography and work testify to his love experiences. The writer's muse, Lilya Brik, the closest person to him, was ambiguous in her feelings towards the writer. Another great love of Vladimir, Tatyana Yakovleva, never married him.

The tragic death of Mayakovsky

To this day, there are conflicting rumors about the mysterious death of the poet. In 1930, on April 14, the writer shot himself in his rented apartment in Moscow under unclear circumstances. Vladimir was 37 years old at that time. Whether it was suicide, or whether Mayakovsky was helped to go to the next world, one can only guess. A short biography of Mayakovsky contains evidence that confirms any of the versions. One thing is certain: the country lost a brilliant poet and great man in one day.

Vladimir Mayakovsky is a famous Russian Soviet poet, playwright, director and actor. Considered one of the greatest poets of the 20th century.

During his short life, Mayakovsky managed to leave behind a large literary heritage, distinguished by a clearly defined style. He was the first to write poetry using the famous “ladder”, which became his “calling card”.

Biography of Mayakovsky

His father, Vladimir Konstantinovich, worked as a forester, and his mother, Alexandra Alekseevna, was a hereditary Cossack woman.

In addition to Vladimir, 2 girls (Lyudmila and Olga) were born in the Mayakovsky family, as well as two boys who died in early childhood.

Childhood and youth

Mayakovsky said about himself: “I was born in 1894 in the Caucasus. The father was a Cossack, the mother was Ukrainian. The first language is Georgian. So to speak, between three cultures.”

16-year-old Mayakovsky after his arrest for revolutionary activities

When Mayakovsky was 9 years old, his parents sent him to study at the gymnasium.

There the young man became interested in Marxism, participated in revolutionary demonstrations and read propaganda pamphlets.

This is what gave rise to a passion for ideas that criticized the tsarist power. However, at that time it was a popular movement among students.

In 1906, his father passed away. The cause of death was infection after he pricked his finger with a needle.

Vladimir was so shocked by the sudden death of his father that throughout his entire biography he was terrified of various pins and needles.

Soon the Mayakovsky family will move to.

There, Vladimir continues his studies at the gymnasium, but soon he has to leave it because his mother did not have the funds to pay for the education.

Mayakovsky and revolution

After moving to Moscow, Mayakovsky made many revolutionary friends. This led to his joining the RSDLP workers' party in 1908.

The young man sincerely believed in the correctness of his views and did everything possible to promote revolutionary ideas to other people. In this regard, Mayakovsky was arrested several times, but each time he managed to avoid imprisonment.

Later, he was nevertheless sent to Butyrka prison, since he did not stop his propaganda activities, openly criticizing the tsarist government.

An interesting fact is that it was in “Butyrka” that Vladimir Mayakovsky began to write the first poems in his biography.

Less than a year later he was released, after which he immediately left the party.

Mayakovsky's work

On the advice of one of his friends, in 1911, Vladimir Mayakovsky entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture - the only place where he was accepted without a certificate of trustworthiness.

It was then that the most important event took place in Mayakovsky’s biography: he became acquainted with futurism - a new direction in art, from which he immediately became delighted.

In the future, futurism will become the basis of all Mayakovsky’s work.

Special features of Mayakovsky

Soon several poems come out from his pen, which the poet reads among his friends.

Later, Mayakovsky, together with a group of cubo-futurists, goes on tour around the city, where he gives lectures and his works. When he heard Mayakovsky's poems, he praised Vladimir, and even called him the only true poet among the futurists.

Feeling confident in his abilities, Mayakovsky continued to engage in writing.

Works by Mayakovsky

In 1913, Mayakovsky published his first collection “I”. An interesting fact is that there were only 4 poems in it. In his works he openly criticized the bourgeoisie.

However, in parallel with this, sensual and tender poems periodically appeared from his pen.

On the eve of the First World War (1914-1918), the poet decides to try himself as a playwright. Soon he will present the first tragic play in his biography, “Vladimir Mayakovsky,” which will be staged on the theater stage.

As soon as the war began, Mayakovsky volunteered for the army, but was not accepted into its ranks for political reasons. Apparently the authorities were afraid that the poet might become the initiator of some kind of unrest.

As a result, the offended Mayakovsky wrote the poem “To You,” in which he criticized the tsarist army and its leadership. Later, 2 magnificent works “Cloud in Pants” and “War Declared” came from his pen.

At the height of the war, Vladimir Mayakovsky met the Brik family. After that, he met with Lilya and Osip very often.

It is interesting that it was Osip who helped the young poet publish some of his poems. Then 2 collections were published: “Simple as a Moo” and “Revolution. Poetochronika".

When the October Revolution was brewing in 1917, Mayakovsky met it at the headquarters in Smolny. He was delighted with the events that took place and helped the Bolsheviks, whose leader he was, in every possible way.

During the biography of 1917‑1918. he composed many poems dedicated to revolutionary events.

After the end of the war, Vladimir Mayakovsky became interested in cinema. He created 3 films in which he acted as a director, screenwriter and actor.

In parallel with this, he painted propaganda posters, and also worked in the publication “Art of the Commune”. Then he became editor of the magazine “Left Front” (“LEF”).

In addition, Mayakovsky continued to write new works, many of which he read on stages in front of the public. It is interesting that during the reading of the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin” at the Bolshoi Theater, he himself was present in the hall.

According to the poet’s recollections, the years of the civil war turned out to be the happiest and most memorable of his entire biography.

Having become a popular writer in, Vladimir Mayakovsky visited several countries, including.

At the end of the 20s, the writer wrote satirical plays “The Bedbug” and “Bathhouse”, which were to be staged at the Meyerhold Theater. These works received many negative reviews from critics. Some newspapers even carried headlines “Down with Mayakovism!”

In 1930, his colleagues accused the poet of allegedly not being a real “proletarian writer.” However, despite the continuous criticism against him, Mayakovsky nevertheless organized the exhibition “20 Years of Work”, in which he decided to sum up his creative biography.

As a result, not a single poet from LEF came to the exhibition, nor, indeed, a single representative of the Soviet government. For Mayakovsky this was a real blow.

Mayakovsky and Yesenin

In Russia, there was an irreconcilable creative struggle between Mayakovsky.

Unlike Mayakovsky, he belonged to a different literary movement - imagism, whose representatives were the sworn “enemies” of the futurists.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergei Yesenin

Mayakovsky extolled the ideas of revolution and the city, while Yesenin paid attention to the countryside and the common people.

It is worth noting that although Mayakovsky had a negative attitude towards his opponent’s work, he recognized his talent.

Personal life

The only and true love of Mayakovsky’s life was Lilya Brik, whom he first saw in 1915.

Once upon a visit to the Brik family, the poet read the poem “A Cloud in Pants”, after which he announced that he was dedicating it to Lila. The poet later called this day “the most joyful date.”

Soon they began dating in secret from her husband Osip Brik. However, it was impossible to hide my feelings.

Vladimir Mayakovsky dedicated many poems to his beloved, among which was his famous poem “Lilichka!” When Osip Brik realized that an affair had begun between the poet and his wife, he decided not to interfere with them.

Then there was a very unusual period in Mayakovsky’s biography.

The fact is that since the summer of 1918, the poet and Briki lived together, the three of them. It should be noted that this fit well into the concept of marriage and love that was popular after the revolution.

They were developed a little later.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik

Mayakovsky provided the Brik spouses with financial support, and also regularly gave Lila expensive gifts.

Once he gave her a Renault car, which he brought from. And although the poet was crazy about Lily Brik, there were many mistresses in his biography.

He was in a close relationship with Liliya Lavinskaya, from whom he had a boy, Gleb-Nikita. Then he had an affair with Russian emigrant Ellie Jones, who gave birth to his girl Helen-Patricia.

After that, his biography included Sofya Shamardina and Natalya Bryukhanenko.

Shortly before his death, Vladimir Mayakovsky met with emigrant Tatyana Yakovleva, with whom he even planned to connect his life.

He wanted to live with her in Moscow, but Tatyana was against it. In turn, the poet could not go to her because of problems with obtaining a visa.

The next girl in Mayakovsky’s biography was Veronica Polonskaya, who was married at that time. Vladimir tried to persuade her to leave her husband and start living with him, but Veronica did not dare to take such a step.

As a result, quarrels and misunderstandings began to occur between them. It is interesting that Polonskaya was the last person to see Mayakovsky alive.

When the poet begged her to stay with him during their last meeting, she decided to go to a rehearsal at the theater instead. But as soon as the girl walked out the threshold, she heard a shot.

She did not have the courage to come to Mayakovsky’s funeral, because she understood that the writer’s relatives considered her to be the culprit in the poet’s death.

Death of Mayakovsky

In 1930, Vladimir Mayakovsky was often ill and had problems with his voice. At this period of his biography, he was left completely alone, since the Brik family went abroad. In addition, he continued to hear constant criticism from his colleagues.

As a result of these circumstances, on April 14, 1930, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky fired a fatal shot into his chest. He was only 36 years old.

A couple of days before his suicide, he wrote a suicide note, which contained the following lines: “Don’t blame anyone for the fact that I’m dying, and please don’t gossip, the deceased didn’t like it terribly...”

In the same note, Mayakovsky calls Lilya Brik, Veronica Polonskaya, mother and sisters members of his family and asks to transfer all the poems and archives to the Briks.

Mayakovsky's body after suicide

After Mayakovsky’s death, for three days, amid an endless stream of people, a farewell to the body of the proletarian genius took place in the House of Writers.

Tens of thousands of admirers of his talent escorted the poet to the Donskoye Cemetery in an iron coffin while the Internationale was sung. The body was then cremated.

The urn with Mayakovsky's ashes was moved from the Donskoye Cemetery on May 22, 1952 and buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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Russian poet, playwright and satirist, screenwriter and editor of several magazines, film director and actor. He is one of the greatest futurist poets of the twentieth century.
Date and place of birth – July 19, 1893, Baghdati, Kutaisi province, Russian Empire.

Today we will tell you about the life of Mayakovsky using facts.

Vladimir Mayakovsky was born in the village of Bagdati, Kutaisi province (in Soviet times, the village was called Mayakovsky) in Georgia, in the family of Vladimir Konstantinovich Mayakovsky (1857-1906), who served as a third-class forester in the Erivan province, from 1889 in the Bagdati forestry.

I want to be understood by my native country,
but I won’t be understood -
By home country
I'll pass by
How's it going?
slanting rain.

The poet's mother, Alexandra Alekseevna Pavlenko (1867-1954), from a family of Kuban Cossacks, was born in Kuban, in the village of Ternovskaya.

The future poet had two sisters: Lyudmila (1884-1972) and Olga (1890-1949), and two brothers: Konstantin (died at the age of three from scarlet fever) and Alexander (died in infancy).

Could you?

I immediately blurred the map of everyday life,
splashing paint from a glass;
I showed the jelly on the dish
slanting cheekbones of the ocean.
On the scales of a tin fish
I read the calls of new lips.
And you
play nocturne
we could
on the drainpipe flute?

Many streets in cities of Russia and other countries are named after Mayakovsky: Berlin, Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Kislovodsk, Kiev, Kutaisi, Minsk, Moscow, Odessa, Penza, Perm, Ruzaevka, Samara, St. Petersburg, Tbilisi, Tuapse, Grozny, Ufa, Khmelnitsky.

In 1902, Mayakovsky entered the gymnasium in Kutaisi. Like his parents, he was fluent in Georgian. He took part in a revolutionary demonstration and read propaganda brochures.

To you!

To you, who live behind the orgy orgy,
having a bathroom and a warm closet!
Shame on you about those presented to George
read from newspaper columns?

Do you know, many mediocre,
those who think it’s better to get drunk how -
maybe now the leg bomb
tore Petrov's lieutenant away?..

If he is brought to slaughter,
suddenly I saw, wounded,
how you have a lip smeared in a cutlet
lustfully humming the Northerner!

Is it for you, who love women and dishes,
give your life for pleasure?!
I'd rather be at the bar... I'll be
serve pineapple water!

In February 1906, his father died of blood poisoning after pricking his finger with a needle while stitching papers. Since then, Mayakovsky could not stand pins and hairpins, and bacteriophobia remained a lifelong one.

In July 1906, Mayakovsky, together with his mother and sisters, moved to Moscow, where he entered the fourth grade of the 5th classical gymnasium.

The family lived in poverty. In March 1908, he was expelled from the 5th grade due to non-payment of tuition.

The minor planet (2931) Mayakovsky, discovered on October 16, 1969 by L. I. Chernykh, was named in honor of Vladimir Mayakovsky.


Love won't wash away
no quarrel
not a mile.
Thought out
Raising solemnly the stock-fingered verse,
I swear -
I love
unchanged and true!

Mayakovsky published his first “half-poem” in the illegal magazine “Rush,” which was published by the Third Gymnasium. According to him, “it turned out incredibly revolutionary and equally ugly.”

Three times throughout his life Mayakovsky was arrested.

In Moscow, Mayakovsky met revolutionary-minded students, began to become interested in Marxist literature, and in 1908 joined the RSDLP. He was a propagandist in the commercial and industrial subdistrict, and was arrested three times in 1908-1909.

I always carried a soap dish with me and washed my hands regularly.

In prison, Mayakovsky was a “scandal,” so he was often transferred from unit to unit: Basmannaya, Meshchanskaya, Myasnitskaya and, finally, Butyrskaya prison, where he spent 11 months in solitary confinement No. 103.

During his life, Mayakovsky visited not only Europe, but also America.

It came out stilted and tearful. Something like:

The forests dressed in gold and purple,
The sun played on the heads of the churches.
I waited: but the days were lost in the months,
Hundreds of tedious days.

I filled a whole notebook with this. Thanks to the guards - they took me away when I left. Otherwise I would have printed it!

- “I myself” (1922-1928)

Mayakovsky liked to play billiards and cards, which suggests his love of gambling.

After his third arrest, he was released from prison in January 1910. After his release, he left the party. In 1918 he wrote in his autobiography: “Why not in the party? Communists worked at the fronts. In art and education there are still compromisers. They would send me to fish in Astrakhan.”

In 1930, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky shot himself, having written a suicide note 2 days before.

In 1911, the poet’s friend, bohemian artist Eugenia Lang, inspired the poet to take up painting.

Who to be?

My years are getting older
will be seventeen.
Where should I work then?
what to do?
Required workers -
joiners and carpenters!
It's tricky to work furniture:
at first
take a log
and sawing boards
long and flat.
These boards
like this
workbench table
From work
glowed white hot.
From under the file
sawdust is falling.
in hand -
different work:
knots, squiggles
planing with a plane.
Good shavings -
yellow toys.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky starred in several films.

On November 30, 1912, Mayakovsky’s first public performance took place in the artistic basement “Stray Dog”.

The steamship, which sank in Riga in 1950, was named after Mayakovsky.

Mayakovsky gave Liliya Brik a ring with the engraving “Lyub”, which meant “I love you”.


Do I entangle a woman in a touching romance,
I just look at the passerby -
everyone carefully holds their pocket.
From the poor -
what to cheat from them?

How many years will pass, until they find out -
candidate for a fathom of the city morgue –
infinitely richer
than any Pierpont Morgan.

After so many, so many years
- in a word, I won’t survive -
I'll die of hunger,
I'll stand under the gun -
today's redhead,
professors will learn to the last iota,
where it appears.

from the pulpit a big-faced idiot
grind something about the god-devil.

The crowd will bow
You won't even know -
I'm not myself:
she will paint a bald head
into horns or radiance.

Every student
before you lie down,
will not forget to be transfixed by my poems.
I'm a pessimist
I know -
the student will live on earth.


everything that my soul owns,
- and her wealth, go and kill her! –
what will decorate my step for eternity
and my very immortality,
which, thundering through all centuries,
a world meeting will gather the kneeling,
do you want all this? –
I'll give it back now
for just one word


Dusting the avenues, trampling the rye,
go from all over the earth.
in Petrograd
on Nadezhdinskaya
not for a penny
The most precious crown is for sale.

For a human word -
isn't it cheap?
Go ahead
how come
you will find him!

In 1913, Mayakovsky’s first collection “I” (a cycle of four poems) was published. It was written by hand, provided with drawings by Vasily Chekrygin and Lev Zhegin and reproduced lithographically in the amount of 300 copies. As the first section, this collection was included in the poet’s book of poems “Simple as a Moo” (1916).

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky always gave money to needy old people.

Mayakovsky really liked dogs.

School No. 1 in the city of Jermuk (Armenia) was named in honor of Mayakovsky.

I love

Usually like this

Love is given to anyone born, -
but between services,
and other things
from day to day
the soil of the heart hardens.
The body is put on the heart,
on the body - a shirt.
But this is not enough!
One -
made the cuffs
and my breasts began to be filled with starch.
They will come to their senses in old age.
The woman rubs herself.
A man is waving a windmill at Müller.
But it's too late.
The skin multiplies with wrinkles.
Love will bloom
will bloom -
and shrinks.

As a boy

I was moderately gifted with love.
But since childhood
laboriously trained.

In 1914-1915, Mayakovsky worked on the poem “A Cloud in Pants”. After the outbreak of the First World War, the poem “War Has Been Declared” was published. In August, Mayakovsky decided to sign up as a volunteer, but he was not allowed, explaining this as political unreliability. Soon Mayakovsky expressed his attitude towards serving in the tsarist army in the poem “To you!”, which later became a song.

Mayakovsky usually composed poetry on the go. Sometimes he had to walk 15-20 km to come up with the right rhyme.

On March 29, 1914, Mayakovsky, together with Burliuk and Kamensky, arrived on tour in Baku - as part of the “famous Moscow futurists.” That evening, at the Mailov Brothers Theater, Mayakovsky read a report on futurism, illustrating it with poetry.


Came -
behind the roar,
for growth,
looking at
I just saw a boy.
I took it
took my heart
and just
went to play -
like a girl with a ball.
And each -
a miracle seems to be seen -
where the lady dug in,
where is the girl?
“To love someone like that?
Yes, this one will rush!
Must be a tamer.
Must be from the menagerie!”
And I rejoice.
He is not here -
I can’t remember myself from joy,
jumped like a wedding Indian,
it was so fun
it was easy for me.

In 1937, the Mayakovsky Library-Museum was opened in Moscow (formerly Gendrikov Lane, now Mayakovsky Lane). In January 1974, the State Mayakovsky Museum was opened in Moscow (on Bolshaya Lubyanka). In 2013, the main building of the museum was closed for reconstruction, but exhibitions are still held.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was considered an accomplice in the anti-religious campaign, where he promoted atheism.

In 1915-1917, Mayakovsky, under the patronage of Maxim Gorky, served in Petrograd at the Automotive Training School. Soldiers were not allowed to publish, but he was saved by Osip Brik, who bought the poems “Spine Flute” and “Cloud in Pants” for 50 kopecks per line and published them.

For the creation of the "ladder". Many other poets accused Mayakovsky of cheating.

In 1918, Mayakovsky starred in three films based on his own scripts. In August 1917, he decided to write "Mystery Bouffe", which was completed on October 25, 1918 and staged for the anniversary of the revolution.

Mayakovsky had unrequited love in Paris for the Russian emigrant Tatyana Yakovlevna.

On December 17, 1918, the poet first read the poem “Left March” from the stage of the Matrossky Theater. In March 1919, he moved to Moscow, began actively collaborating with ROSTA (1919-1921), and designed (as a poet and as an artist) propaganda and satirical posters for ROSTA (“Windows of ROSTA”).

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky had a daughter from Russian emigrant Elizaveta Siebert, who died in 2016.

In 1922-1924, Mayakovsky made several trips abroad - Latvia, France, Germany; wrote essays and poems about European impressions.

Mayakovsky was considered an ardent supporter of the revolution, even though he defended socialist and communist ideals.

In 1925, his longest journey took place: a trip across America. Mayakovsky visited Havana, Mexico City and for three months spoke in various cities of the United States, reading poems and reports.

Over the years of his life, Mayakovsky tried himself as a designer.

Mayakovsky's works have been translated into different languages ​​of the world.

Me and Napoleon

I live on Bolshaya Presnya,
36, 24.
The place is calm.
It seems - what do I care?
that somewhere
in the storm-world
took it and invented a war?

Night has come.
And why are some young ladies
trembling, timidly turning
huge eyes, like spotlights?
Street crowds to heavenly moisture
fell with burning lips,
and the city, fraying its flag-like little hands,
prays and prays with red crosses.
The bare-haired church of the boulevard

In 1927, he restored the LEF magazine under the name “New LEF”. A total of 24 issues were published. In the summer of 1928, Mayakovsky became disillusioned with LEF and left the organization and the magazine. In the same year, he began writing his personal biography, “I Myself.”

Mayakovsky's main needs were travel.

In his works, Mayakovsky was uncompromising, and therefore inconvenient. In the works he wrote in the late 1920s, tragic motifs began to appear. Critics called him only a “fellow traveler” and not the “proletarian writer” that he wanted to see himself.

Mayakovsky and Liliya Brik never hid their relationship, and Liliya’s husband was not against this outcome of events.

In the spring of 1930, the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard was preparing a grandiose performance of “Moscow is Burning” based on Mayakovsky’s play; the dress rehearsal was scheduled for April 21, but the poet did not live to see it.

Major publications began publishing Mayakovsky's works only in 1922.

In 1918, Lilya and Vladimir starred in the film “Chained by Film” based on Mayakovsky’s script. To date, the film has survived in fragments. Photographs and a large poster depicting Lilya, entangled in film, also survived.

Tatyana Yakovleva, another beloved woman of Mayakovsky, was 15 years younger than him.

Despite his close communication with Lilya Brik, Mayakovsky’s personal life was not limited to her. According to evidence and materials collected in the Channel One documentary “The Third Extra,” which premiered on the 120th anniversary of the poet on July 20, 2013, Mayakovsky is the father of the Soviet sculptor Gleb-Nikita Lavinsky (1921-1986).

Mayakovsky studied in the same class with Pasternak's brother.

In 1926, Mayakovsky received an apartment in Gendrikov Lane, in which the three of them lived with the Briks until 1930 (now Mayakovsky Lane, 15/13).

In 1927, the film “The Third Meshchanskaya” (“Love for Three”), directed by Abram Room, was released. The script was written by Viktor Shklovsky, taking as a basis the well-known “threesome love” between Mayakovsky and the Briks.

The year 1930 started poorly for Mayakovsky. He was sick a lot. In February, Lilya and Osip Brik left for Europe. There was an embarrassment with his long-awaited exhibition “20 Years of Work”, which was not visited by any of the prominent writers and state leaders, as the poet had hoped for. The premiere of the play “Bathhouse” was unsuccessful in March, and the play “The Bedbug” was also expected to fail.

Two days before his suicide, on April 12, Mayakovsky had a meeting with readers at the Polytechnic Institute, which was attended mainly by Komsomol members; There were many unflattering shouts from the seats. The poet was haunted by quarrels and scandals everywhere. His mental state became increasingly unstable.

Since the spring of 1919, Mayakovsky, despite the fact that he constantly lived with the Briks, had for work a small boat-like room on the fourth floor of a communal apartment on Lubyanka (now this is the State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky, Lubyansky proezd, 3/6 p.4). The suicide took place in this room.


Vladimir Mayakovsky - facts, poems, biography - One of the greatest poets of the 20th century updated: December 12, 2017 by: website

He lived only 36 full years. He lived brightly, created quickly and created a completely new direction in Russian and Soviet poetry. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky is a poet, playwright, artist and screenwriter. A tragic and extraordinary personality.


The future poet was born into a nobleman's family in the village of Baghdad, Kutaisi province in Georgia on July 19, 1893. Like his father, his mother was from a Cossack family. Vladimir Konstantinovich was a descendant of Zaporozhye Cossacks, his mother was Kuban. He was not the only child in the family. He also had two sisters - Lyudmila and Olga, who far outlived his talented brother, and two brothers - Konstantin and Alexander. They, unfortunately, died in infancy.

From the tragic

His father, Vladimir Konstantinovich, who served almost his entire life as a forester, died of blood poisoning. While stitching papers, he pricked his finger with a needle. Since then, Vladimir Mayakovsky suffered from bacteriophobia. He was afraid of dying like his dad from an injection. Later, hairpins, needles, and pins became dangerous objects for him.

Georgian roots

Volodya was born on Georgian soil and, subsequently, already a famous poet, in one of his poems Mayakovsky called himself a Georgian. He liked to compare himself with the temperamental people, although he had nothing to do with them by blood. But, apparently, his early years spent on Kutaisi soil, among Georgians, affected his character. He became as hot-tempered, temperamental, restless as his fellow countrymen. He spoke excellent Georgian.

Early years

At the age of eight, Mayakovsky entered one of the gymnasiums in Kutaisi, but after the death of his father in 1906, he moved to Moscow with his mother and sisters. There Vladimir entered the fourth grade of the 5th classical gymnasium. Due to lack of funds to pay for tuition, after a year and a half he was expelled from the educational institution. During this period, he met the Marxists, became imbued with their ideas and joined the party, and was persecuted by the tsarist authorities for his revolutionary views. He had to spend eleven months in Butyrka prison, from which he was released for being a juvenile at the beginning of 1910.


The poet himself dates the beginning of his poetic creativity from the time of his imprisonment. It was behind bars that Vladimir wrote his first works. An entire notebook with poems was confiscated by the guards. Mayakovsky was a talented person in many areas. After his release, he became interested in painting and even entered the Stroganov School. There he studied in preparatory class. In 1911 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Three years later he was expelled from the school for speaking publicly at gatherings.

He subsequently gained recognition in the artistic field. For his work on advertising posters for the Dobrolet company, the predecessor of Aeroflot, at the Paris exhibition Vladimir Mayakovsky received a silver medal.

Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote several screenplays for films in which he himself starred.

The creator called himself a “working poet.” Before him, no one wrote sweepingly using the so-called ladder. This was his signature style. Readers admired this innovation, but “colleagues” couldn’t stand it. There is an opinion that Mayakovsky invented this ladder for the sake of fees. In those days they paid for every line.


The poet’s personal relationships were not easy. His first great love was Lilya Brik. Mayakovsky met her in July 1915. They started living together in the eighteenth year. He gave her a ring with the engraving “LOVE”, which meant Lilya Yuryevna Brik.

While traveling in France, Tatyana Yakovleva, a Russian emigrant, the poet ordered his second great love to be sent a bouquet of flowers every day. Even after the poet’s death, flowers came to the Russian beauty. During World War II, Tatyana only saved herself from hunger by selling the bouquets that came to her.

Mayakovsky had two children. Son Gleb-Nikita born in 1921 from artist Lily Lavinskaya and daughter Helen-Patricia born in 1926 from Ellie Jones.


After prolonged attacks in the press, which began in 1929, on April 14, 1930, Vladimir Mayakovsky shot himself in his apartment. Thousands of people attended his funeral. The farewell to the poet lasted for three days.

Life milestones:

  • July 9, 1983 - birth;
  • 1908 - entry into the RSDLP, conclusion;
  • 1909 - first poems;
  • 1910 - release from prison;
  • 1912 - poetic debut;
  • 1925 - travel to Germany, Mexico, France, USA;
  • 1929 - the beginning of attacks on the poet in newspapers;
  • April 14, 1930 - death.