Quiz “Myths of Ancient Greece. Olympian gods. Quiz "myths of ancient Greece" Questions on mythology

Quiz with answers for children 13-14 years old on the topic “Myths and legends of ancient Greece”

The quiz helps children get acquainted with the myths and legends of ancient Greece. Thanks to this quiz, children will learn about the culture and life of the gods in ancient Greece. Instills in students an interest in the history of the ancient world.
introduce children to the history of myths and legends of ancient Greece.
- To form children’s idea of ​​the life of the gods of ancient Greece.
- Develop memory, thinking, observation.
- Cultivate children's interest in the history of ancient Greece.
The correct answer to the quiz question is underlined.
1. What is the correct definition of myth?
A) Myth is ancient, biblical and other legends, tales of the creation of the world and man, stories about the deeds of the ancients, mainly Greek and Roman, gods and heroes.
B) Myth is only ancient tales about the creation of the world.
C) Myth is a legend only about the deeds of the gods.
2. Who was Pygmalion?
A) king of Cyprus;
B) king of Crete;
B) king of Rhodes;
3. What are the names of Hephaestus’s parents?
A) Zeus and Aphrodite;
B) Zeus and Hera;
B) Zeus and Venus;
4. Who was Hephaestus himself?
A) god of fire and blacksmithing;
B) god of fire;
B) god of carpentry;
5. What is the name of the Goddess to whom Pygmalion turned to bring the statue to life?
A) Aphrodite;
B) Venus;
B) Hera;

6. Where was Hephaestus born?
A) Olympus;
B) Rhodes;
B) Crete;

7. Who is Artemis?
A) goddess of love;
B) goddess of the hunt;
B) goddess of fertility;
8. What is the name of the messenger of the gods?
A) Homer;
B) Hermes;
B) Poseidon;
9. Who was Hades to Zeus?
A) son;
B) brother;
B) father-in-law;
10. Poseidon is the god of what element?
A) water;
B) fire;
11. What is the name of Hades’ wife?
A) Persephone;
B) Hera;
B) Aphrodite;
D) Elena;
12. What does Hades rule over?
A) the underground kingdom;
B) seas;
B) Olympus;
13. What is the name of the goddess of love?
A) Aphrodite;
B) Elena;
B) Athena;

14. Who was the goddess Athena to Zeus?
A) daughter;
B) wife;
B) sister;
15. Name the river of the underworld?
A) Lety;
B) Leila;
B) Leda;
16. What is the name of Poseidon’s wife?
A) Amphitrite;
B) Elena;
B) Hera;
17. What is the name of the son of Poseidon?
A) Trifak;
B) Triton;
B) Hercules;
18.What is the name of the god of winemaking?
A) Dionysus;
B) Arrest;
B) Hercules;
19. What is the name of the god of war?
A) Ares;
B) Amphibrachium;
B) Hades;
20. What is the name of the warrior goddess?
A) Aphrodite;
B) Athena;
B) Hera;

21. Who was the golden-haired Apollo to Artemis
A) brother;
B) son;
B) husband;

Target: systematization of knowledge, strengthening of positive motivation for learning.

Problems to be solved:

  • educational: activating the intellectual activity of students through the use of a game form.
  • developing: developing the ability to think logically and construct your arguments convincingly; development of skills of working in creative groups.
  • educational: nurturing interest in literature.

Progress of the quiz game

Round 1. Presentation of teams.

(The name, logo, motto must correspond to the theme of the game.)

Round 2. WARM-UP.

A) Name the works from which the following lines are given:

  1. Dreary, harsh terrain. No man has ever set foot here before. It was here, to the ends of the earth, that the servants of Zeus brought the chained titan to chain him with indestructible chains to the top of the rock. / Prometheus/
  2. He suffers a heavy punishment in the afterlife for all the deceit, for all the deceptions that he committed on earth. He is condemned to roll a huge stone up a high, steep mountain. He works with all his strength. Sweat pours off him from the hard work. The top is getting closer; One more effort, and the work will be over; but a stone breaks out of his hands and rolls down with a noise, raising clouds of dust. He gets back to work. / Sisyphus/
  3. Near the island of Cythera, the goddess, daughter of Uranus, was born from the snow-white foam of sea waves. A light, caressing breeze brought her to the island of Cyprus. There the young Oras surrounded the goddess of love who emerged from the sea waves. /Aphrodite/
  4. Eurystheus was afraid of the mighty hero and did not let him into Mycenae. He conveyed all his orders to the son of Zeus in Tiryns through his messenger Copreus. /Hercules in the service of Eurystheus/

B) Who are they talking about?

  1. ... patronizes the heroes of Greece, gives them his advice full of wisdom and helps them, invincible, in times of danger. She guards cities, fortresses and their walls. She gives wisdom and knowledge, teaches people arts and crafts. /ATHENA/
  2. The god of war is the son of the thunderer Zeus and Hera. Zeus doesn't like him. He often tells his son that he is the most hated among the gods of Olympus. Zeus does not like his son for his bloodthirstiness. /ARES/
  3. One day he made a statue of a girl of extraordinary beauty from shiny white ivory. This statue stood as if alive in the artist’s studio. It seemed that she was breathing, it seemed that she was about to move, walk and speak. The artist spent hours admiring his work and finally fell in love with the statue he himself had created. He gave her precious necklaces, wrists and earrings, dressed her in luxurious clothes, and decorated her head with wreaths of flowers. /Pygmalion/
  4. It was then that Aphrodite’s punishment befell him. He looks in amazement at his reflection in the water, and strong love takes possession of him. With eyes full of love, he looks at his image in the water, it beckons him, calls him, stretches out its arms to him. /NARCISSUS/
  5. Finally, forgetting everything, he stopped and turned around. Almost next to him he saw the shadow of Eurydice. /ORPHEUS/
  6. The great goddess, the wife of the aegis-power Zeus, patronizes marriage and protects the holiness and inviolability of marriage unions. She sends the spouses numerous offspring and blesses the mother during the birth of the child. /Hera/

Round 3. "Black box".

(Images of objects belonging to heroes of myths.)

Round 4. Match the hero of the myth.

(1 representative from each team.)

Orpheus - Eurydice, Zeus - Hera, Hades - Persephone, Apollo - Daphne, Ares - Aphrodite, Pygmalion - Galatea.

Round 5. Blitz tournament.

(you must answer very quickly; if the team is delayed in answering, then the right to answer passes to the opponent).

Stage 1.

  1. What are myths? (Myths are tales created by the imagination of the people, they tell about the origin of the world and man, explain various phenomena of life, talk about the deeds of gods and heroes.)
  2. Who are the Hellenes? (Ancient Greeks.)
  3. What is the name of the supreme god? (Zeus is the god of thunder and lightning.)
  4. What place did the gods choose for their stay? (Mount Olympus.)
  5. Who are centaurs? (Mythological creatures, half-man, half-horse.)
  6. How are myths different from fairy tales? (The myth conveys the people’s idea of ​​the origin of the world and natural phenomena.)

Stage 2."12 labors of Hercules".

  1. Who was Hercules? (The son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene.)
  2. What does the name Hercules mean? (At first, Hercules was called Alcides. After Hercules killed his own children in a fit of madness that Hera sent upon him, the oracle ordered him to be named Hercules, i.e. “glorified Hero” or “thanks to Hera.”)
  3. What was the service of Hercules? (12 feats in 10 years.)
  4. What did the gods promise to Hercules for his successful service? (Immortality.)
  5. What was so good about the skin of the Nemean lion? (She was invulnerable to arrows.)
  6. How did Hercules defeat the Nemean lion? (Strangled him.)
  7. What swamp monster did Hercules have to kill? (Lernaean Hydra.)
  8. With the help of what gift from Athena did Hercules defeat the Stymphalian birds? (The rattles helped scare away the birds.)
  9. Who devastated the forests around Marathon? (Cretan bull.)
  10. How long did Hercules pursue the Cerynean hind? (More than a year.)
  11. What was unusual about the doe? (She had golden horns and copper hooves.)
  12. Whose belt was Hercules supposed to bring and to whom? (Belt of the Amazon queen Hippolyta, daughter of Eurystheus Admete.)
  13. With the help of what natural phenomenon did Hercules defeat the Erymanthian boar? (Hercules drove the boar into deep snow.)
  14. Name the owner of the cannibal horses. (Diomed.)
  15. What is the name of the river near which Hercules rested in the myth of Geryon's herd? (River Eridanus.)
  16. What is the name of the shepherd who tended Geryon's flock? (Eurytion.)
  17. What does the expression “Augean stables” mean? (This is said about a place that has not been cleaned for a long time and which has become very dirty as a result, so it is very difficult to tidy up.)
  18. Who founded the Olympic Games? (Hercules)
  19. Who ruled the kingdom of the dead? (Hades is the god of the underworld.)
  20. Who stood guard over Hades? (Terrible dog Kerber / Cerberus.)
  21. What feat was the most difficult? (12th – Hesperides apples.)
  22. When did Antaeus receive great power? (When he touched the earth, because he was the son of the earth goddess Gaia.)
  23. What was the name of the one holding the firmament? (Atl A With.)
  24. Who brought Hercules the apples of the Hesperides? (Atl A With.)
  25. What was the name of the river of oblivion? Name the shadow carrier through it. (L e ta. Carrier Charon.)
  26. Who helped Hercules accomplish this feat? (Goddess of wisdom Athena.)

Round 6. Captains' competition.

(The one who solves the test first will win).

1 2 3 4 5
The son of the god Poseidon was:
a) Hercules;
b) Perseus;
c) Theseus;
d) Odysseus.
An important property of mythology:
a) incomprehensibility;
b) symbolism;
c) complexity;
d) simplicity.
The Argonauts named the ship "Argo"
a) the leader of the Argonauts had this name;
b) that was the name of their city;
c) the builder of the ship had this name;
d) that was the name of the country where they went
The Golden Fleece is:
a) treasure chest;
b) gold skin
c) work
d) sacred
The sorceress who helped get the Golden Fleece was called:
a) Ariadne;
b) Andromeda;
c) Cleopatra;
d) Medea.

Answers: 1) in; 2) b; 3) in; 4) b; 5) g.

At this time, the teams give explanations for the expressions.

  1. What does "Panic Fear" mean? (Animal fear, blind horror.)
  2. When is the expression “Ariadne’s thread” used? (In the case when you can get out of a difficult situation.)
  3. "Achilles' heel"? (The most vulnerable place.)
  4. "Titanic Struggle"? (Uncompromising struggle of enormous forces.)
  5. "Olympian calm"? (Absolute calm, characteristic of the gods.)
  6. "The Torment of Tantalus"? (Torment that cannot be quenched, despite the deceptive proximity of what is desired.)

The fabulous antiquity of Hellas

Competition – quiz for students

6 classes on the topic “Myths of Ancient Greece. Olympian Gods.

Narizhnaya Alexandra Lvovna,

Russian language teacher and

Literature MAOU Secondary School No. 40

Novorossiysk 2010
Competition – quiz

“Myths of Ancient Greece. Olympian Gods.

- developing among schoolchildren an interest in in-depth study of literary topics, in particular ancient Greek mythology;
- creating conditions for the realization of children’s creative abilities;
- improving culture, broadening the horizons of students.

Form of conduct .
Contest. Teams of five people each participate. Teams are given homework:

– bring a picture to life or dramatize a myth;

Prepare a retelling of the myths about Hercules;

Know information about the Olympian gods: what they looked like, their attributes, external decoration, their distinctive qualities, etc.;

Come up with a name for the team, choose a patron and praise him;

Find out the meaning of aphorisms from myths dedicated to the Olympian gods.

Progress of the competition:

Today children from four classes will show us their knowledge about the gods of Ancient Greece. They themselves prepared for the quiz, which we called “Fairytale Hellas.” Why Fabulous? After all, myths about gods are very similar to fairy tales: they are just as colorful, fantastic and interesting. The guys, dear viewers, will show you how much important and instructive they learned about Ancient Greece, its inhabitants: gods, heroes and people. So, let's begin.

Teams, please take the stage (the team appears on stage to the music)
-Competitions will be judged by a jury (introduce jury members)
-So, our acquaintance is over, let's proceed to the main part - the competitions. Teams, take your seats. Begin.

1 competition

The first task was given to the teams in advance: come up with a name, choose a patron from the Olympic gods and praise them so that the team would be successful in the competition. The result of this competition will depend on how successfully the teams selected a patron.

The score for this competition is 3 points.

2 competition

"Olympic Journalists Competition"

One participant from each team is invited to choose a task, which is as follows. As you know, journalists are interested in many things and can describe any event. You are asked to explain the meanings of “catchphrases” that appeared thanks to myths. The teams must deliberate for one minute and answer what this expression means and what myth it comes from.

The score for this competition is 2 points.
Check sheet.
Augean stables-1)dirty room;

2) neglect.

The expression is taken from the myth "The King's Animal Farm"

Ariadne's thread- a guiding thread that helps you get out of


The expression is taken from the myth "The Journey of Theseus"

To Crete"
Golden Rain- wealth, unexpected enrichment.

The expression is taken from the myth "Birth of Theseus" or

Torments of Tantalus- unbearable torment when it is impossible to achieve

goals. The expression is taken from the myth of the same name.

Nectar and ambrosia– 1) an unusually tasty drink, an exquisite dish;

2) delicious dish.

3) food of the gods.

The expression is taken from the myth "Gods of Olympus"

Panic fear- sudden, inexplicable and very strong fear.

The expression is taken from the myth "Pan and Syringa".

Zeus the Thunderer- a formidable boss.

The expression is taken from the myth of the same name

Pandora's Box- a source of misfortune and disaster.

The expression is taken from the myth "Pandora".

3 competition.
-This is a competition" Connoisseurs" It will require guys who are ready to recognize the name of the Olympian god, no matter how scarce and contradictory the information about him may be. Signs should sound that determine the name of the god the team has guessed. There are only seven of them. It is clear that the first sign is the rarest and most complex, for which the guesser will receive the highest score - 7. The last sign is the most common, and by guessing it, the participant receives one point. Participants in the competition name one feature at a time and are given 30 seconds to think about it. So, the fewer signs you need to determine the name of God, the higher the score for the answer. (Participants are invited in pairs, one from the team).
Maximum score 7 points.

  1. contest.

It's called show jumping Aedov" Who among the viewers will remember who were called the Aeds? (Aedas are ancient Greek myth-telling wanderers, most often a blind man performing the myth as a song). So, our aeds will tell myths dedicated to the exploits of Hercules. But first, the teams must guess from the proposed list of characters the heroes of their myth, which they received as part of the assignment. Please approach one person from the team to select an envelope with a task (they approach the participant and take the envelopes containing the task).

The team is allotted 30 seconds for the meeting, then they must present to the jury their card with the name of the myth and the names of the characters of this myth selected for it. For each name guessed correctly - one point (five points in total).

Then the player representing the team must tell his myth briefly and beautifully.

The maximum score for this part of the answer is 3 points.
Check sheet.

  1. Lyrnaean Hydra: Hercules, Iolaus, Lern, Eurystheus, cancer.

  2. Erymanthian boar: Erymanthus, Pholus, Hercules, Chiron, Eurystheus.

  3. Hercules at Admetus: Alcestis, Admetus, Tanat, Hades, Hercules.

  4. Animal Farm of King Augeas: Augeas, Peneus, Alpheus, Neleus, Periclymenes.

  5. Belt of Hippolyta: Hippolyta, Hera, Aella, Melanippe, Hercules.

  1. contest.

"Attributes of the Gods"

It is known that the most important god on Olympus is Zeus. He is the most majestic, the most proud, the strongest and most powerful. He knew everything that was happening on Olympus and on Earth. Lightning was a symbol of power and unimaginable strength. He struck down everyone who entered into a fight with Zeus - be it Gods or mortal people - with his arrows. Our next competition will be related to the attributes of the gods.

Three players from each team compete in this competition, leaving the other two for the next competition, which is held at the same time. Team representatives, receive “amphoras” containing things belonging to different Olympian gods. You are given five minutes to remember who owns what item. Write everything down on a piece of paper and present it to the jury. This competition takes into account the correctness of the answer, the number of attributes found, and the fact that the magical power that this or that thing possessed is named.
The maximum score for this competition is 1 point per attribute, one point for each additional information about it.
The teams complete the task, and the next competition is held on stage.

  1. contest

-It's called the Delphic Oracle.

Does anyone in the audience know who the Delphic oracles are and how they appeared in Ancient Greece?

Which team is asked a question, any of the players answers - the most important thing is a quick answer; if the answer is not given, the first team that wants to answer answers.
For the correct answer - 1 point.


  1. How are the Olympian gods different from people?

  2. What did the gods eat?

  3. Which god performed the most deeds in the first days of his life?

  4. Which of the Greek gods invented the lyre, the pipe?

  5. Which Greek god invented the flute?

  6. Which of the Olympian gods took revenge on his mother for her unworthy behavior and how?

  7. Which god did Zeus take from his mother's womb and sew into his thigh?

  8. Which of the gods was the busiest and did not sleep at night?

  9. Which of the gods did physical labor, and what kind?

  10. Which god had an invisible hat?

  11. Why did the goddess of wisdom Athena begin to patronize artisans?

  12. Why did Aphrodite choose Hephaestus as her husband?

1. The Olympian gods are immortal, colorless blood flows in their veins - ichor.

2. The gods ate ambrosia and nectar.

3. Hermes was born early in the morning, made a cithara at noon, learned to play it, and in the evening he stole cows from Apollo.

4. Hermes invented the lyre by stringing strings onto a tortoise's shell; Pan carved a pipe from the reed into which Syringa turned.

5. Athena came up with a flute, but threw it away when she saw how ugly her cheeks were swelling.

6. Hephaestus made a throne on which you could sit, but you could not stand. He gave it to his mother Hera.

7. Dionysus.

8. At night, Hermes accompanied the souls of people who had passed away to the kingdom of Hades. He was also the messenger of Zeus.

9. Hephaestus was a blacksmith, Athena weaved.

10. Hades means “invisible.”

11. Because Athena invented the potter's wheel, the spinning wheel, and fired the first jug.

12. Hephaestus was endowed with the beauty of mind and design, creativity.

  1. contest.

« Living picture»

Teams on stage show their “picture”, and the teams must guess what their opponents were trying to portray.
The score for this competition is 5 points plus 1 point for the correct answer to the question.

(On stage, teams show excerpts from myths and ask questions.)

Leading :

Our competition has come to an end. While the jury is counting the points, I invite the fans to show their knowledge. For a quick and correct answer, a fan can receive 1 point for his team.

  1. What does the expression “Labor of Sisyphus” mean?

  2. Where did Hercules meet Cerberus? (in the kingdom of the dead)

  3. Who fought Medusa the Gorgon? (Perseus)

  4. What did Jason find in Colchis? (The Golden Fleece)

  5. Who did the Minotaur fight with? (with Theseus)

  6. What mythological plot is the tradition of wearing
`ring on your finger?
For the correct answer - 3 points. Teams can also participate. (According to the myth, Prometheus, who gave fire to people, was chained to a mountain. Moreover, the rings of the chain held each of his fingers. When Hercules freed Prometheus, he, being very strong, hurried. He tore out the chain, but one ring with a stone, part of the rock, remained on the ring finger. Since then, people, honoring Prometheus, began to wear rings with stones.)
A competition is held, at which time the jury sums up the results.

So, the jury is ready to announce the results of our competitions and name the winners.

An awards ceremony is taking place.

Material for the competition 5

2nd round "Mythical Animals"


Guess the monster's riddle.

Person: child, adult, old man


The magical bird is native to Ethiopia. Looks like an eagle in fiery plumage, lives 500 (1000) years; when the time comes, she builds a nest for herself at the top of a palm tree, covers it with fragrant herbs and dies there (burns herself).



Kerberus or Cerberus

1 Nemean lion, 2 Lernaean hind, 3 Stymphalian birds, 4 Augean stables, 5 Cerynean hind, 6 Erymanthian boar, 7 Cretan bull,

8-mares of Diomedes, 9-belt of Hippolyta, 10-cows of Geryon, 11-Cerberus,

12-apples of the Hesperides

How many heads did Hydra have?


Who helped defeat the hydra?

Iolaus - nephew of Hercules

What is special about Stymphalian birds?

Their feathers were bronze arrows, and their claws and beaks were copper.

Who and how helped Hercules deal with them?

Athena gave Hercules tympanums and suggested where to shoot the birds with a bow.

Who did the Kerynean doe belong to and what did it look like?

Artemis; she had golden horns and copper hooves

Where did Eurystheus hide when he saw Hercules with the Erymanthian boar?

In a large bronze vessel

How did Hercules manage to cleanse the Augean stables in one day?

He changed the courses of rivers and directed their waters through the stables

Which god gave the bull to the king of Crete?


Who are the Amazons? What was Hercules supposed to get from them?

The Amazons are a mythical people of female warriors; Hercules had to get the belt of Hippolyta, the gift of Ares - the belt of invincibility

What property did the apples of the Hesperides have?

They gave eternal youth

How many apples should Hercules have brought?


How did Hercules outwit the Titan Atlas?

Hercules asked Atlas to take the firmament on his shoulders again in order to put a pillow on his shoulders, and, taking the apples Atlas brought, he left

Which famous titan did Hercules free?


How did Hercules die?

At the hands of his wife, who sent him clothes soaked in poison; Dejanira believed that this would help her return his love - this is how the centaur deceived her; Dejanira committed suicide, and Hercules died in the flames and ascended to Olympus

Quiz on the myths of Ancient Greece.


1st round “Gods and heroes of myths”.

2nd round "Mythical Animals"

Guess the monster's riddle.

Monsters with the wings of a bird, the beak of an eagle and the body of a lion. They are the “dogs of Zeus.”

The magical bird is native to Ethiopia. Looks like an eagle in fiery plumage, lives 500 years; when the time comes, he builds a nest for himself at the top of a palm tree, covers it with fragrant herbs and dies there

(according to one version, it burns itself).

Half-maiden, half-snake. She lived in an underground cave, far from gods and people.

Guardian of Hades, a three-headed dog with a snake tail.

Round 3 “The Twelve Labors of Hercules.”