The Mozhaisk District hosts the Borodin Day 2017 festival. Day of the Battle of Borodino (1812) Day of the Battle of Borodino

On September 3, the military-historical festival "Borodin's Day - 2017" will take place. Hundreds of history buffs and reenactors from Russia and some foreign countries take part in the event.

lovers military history and everyone who is interested in events early XIX century, will have the opportunity to watch the reconstruction of some episodes of the Battle of Borodino.

The extensive program of the festival, which will begin with a ceremony at Napoleon's command post, located near the village of Shevardino, is designed for the whole day.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the military-historical reconstruction of the Battle of Borodino will begin. Hundreds of reenactors will meet in the "battle" from both the Russian and French sides. Cannons will rumble and volleys of dozens of guns will sound, which will not leave indifferent visitors to the event.

Borodin Day 2017 - schedule., what will be interesting

Every year on the first Sunday of September, the Russian military field invites guests from all over the world to a large-scale reconstruction of the episodes of the general battle Patriotic War 1812, called by Napoleon the "Battle of the Giants".

This year, military-historical clubs of the Napoleonic era from Russia, near and far abroad will take part in the spectacular "battle" this year. The event is organized jointly with the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) and the International Military Historical Association (MVIA).

You can watch the reconstruction of episodes of the Battle of Borodino for free. The Platz Theater, surrounded by a large natural amphitheater, is ready to host a significant number of military history buffs.

On this day, comfortable seats in the stands are also provided for spectators.

The expositions of the Borodino Museum are open these days as usual, and in the Visitor Center of the Borodino Museum you can also visit a souvenir shop with a rich assortment of products, developed jointly with the RVIO.

Borodin Day 2017 will be held without Napoleon and Kutuzov

Actors playing the roles of Emperor Napoleon I and commander Mikhail Kutuzov in historical reenactments will not take part in the Borodin Day 2017 festival in the Moscow region, Alexander Valkovich, president of the International Military Historical Association, told reporters on Monday.

The international military-historical festival "Borodin's Day - 2017" will be held in the Mozhaisk region on September 2 and 3.

“This year we will not have Mark Schneider, that is, we will not have Napoleon. Question with Kutuzov. Unfortunately, ailments caught our powerful Pavel Timofeev from Novgorod, who is very similar to Kutuzov. Therefore, there will be generals at the reconstruction, usually their images are collective, ”said Valkovich.

1.5 thousand reenactors from Russia, Belarus, Germany, the Czech Republic, Great Britain and France will take part in the Borodin Day 2017 festival. For the first time at the festival, the reconstruction of episodes of the battle for the Shevardino Redoubt will take place.

The international military-historical festival "Borodin's Day-2017" is taking place in the Mozhaisk region, the correspondent of the 360 ​​TV channel reports. The event is dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the battle.

The first clash between French and Russian troops went down in history as the battle for the Shevardino Redoubt.

The most high point Moscow suburbs - it was she who Napoleon intended to capture in order to assess the terrain and the location of Russian troops from a hill. Combat combat begins with a cavalry attack.

The light infantry of the Russian imperial army repulsed the attack. But the Napoleonic troops return fire.

The Shevardinsky redoubt passes to the French, they seize some of the weapons. But reinforcements come from the rear of Kutuzov's army, the troops resist, the height passes from hand to hand. On the slope of the day Russian command decides to withdraw the troops, giving up positions to the enemy. Losses on both sides - 6 thousand people. The real Russian-French battle lasted a day. The current tribe finished in an hour.

For the first time ever, neither Napoleon nor Kutuzov participate in the reconstruction of the main battle of the Patriotic War of 1812. Rumor has it that the actors got sick. The official version is that they simply did not exist in this episode.

We have never represented the Shevardino fight. Therefore, on the anniversary, we decided to present this

- Alexander Valkovich, Russian commander.

The best guards regiments and the entire old guard of Emperor Alexander I. On the side of France - an international team - participating in the reconstruction from Russia, Belarus, Germany, the Czech Republic, Great Britain and France.

We communicate, explain the script in Russian. But when we command in the ranks, we command in French

- Oleg Sokolov, French infantry commander.

The reconstruction of the battle for the Shevardinsky redoubt is only a small part of the festival. Until September 8, Borodino lives according to the laws of 1812. Throughout the festival, historical authenticity is preserved even in everyday life.

The event was organized by the International Military Historical Association and the Russian Military Historical Society.

According to Governor Andrei Vorobyov, the Moscow region will continue to preserve and promote the historical heritage.

We must remember the heritage of the Moscow region that we have inherited, cherish it. And we will continue to promote it. Our task is to make sure that the museums and tourist routes of the region are in demand

- Andrey Vorobyov.

Military-historical holidays on the Borodino field have been held since 1839. Since 1962, Borodin's Day has been celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. Since 1995, it has been considered the All-Russian military-historical holiday.

“Borodin Day” as part of European cultural events is on a par with such holidays as the “Battle of the Three Emperors” at Austerlitz (Czech Republic), the “Battle of the Nations” near Leipzig (Germany) and the “Battle of Waterloo” (Belgium).

The international military-historical festival "Borodin's Day-2017" starts today in the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region. It will run for two days. According to the organizer of the festival, today there will be a rehearsal, and tomorrow - a large-scale reconstruction of the episodes of the battle, which Napoleon called the "battle of the giants."

The festival will be attended by 1.5 thousand reenactors from Russia, Belarus, Germany, the Czech Republic, Great Britain and France. For the first time, the reconstruction of episodes of the battle for the Shevardino Redoubt will take place on it. The best guard regiments will be presented on both sides, the entire guard of Emperor Alexander I will be shown.


27.06.2019, 10:13

Satanovsky: simple schemes do not work in Georgia

They did not work, do not work and will not work. This is several centuries of the closest interaction, commercial, human, whatever you want. This is a mass of people, the color of culture and history. Prince Bagration - he was also not a Chinese. “This is a huge number of people with serious infringement of the testicles, who at all times sincerely believed that if it were not for these damned ones - Istanbul, Moscow, it doesn’t matter who! - then they would! .. Especially - in Georgia, where every second is a prince who knows that in the neighboring gorge

24.06.2019, 11:37

Mikheev: Both sides are to blame for the conflict between Georgia and Russia

“I understand the whole essence of the conflict between Georgia and Russia. It consists in the war in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. But in these conflicts, at least both sides are to blame," he said. live Sergey Mikheev, an independent political scientist, host of the Iron Logic program.

On Sunday, September 3, the Borodino-2017 military-historical festival, dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the battle, ended. And today's material is, as it were, a test of the pen in a chronological narrative about this event.

Unfortunately, we were not present at the festival in honor of the 200th anniversary of the battle, as well as at the others. Fixing and enlightening.

The fact is that the reconstructions of the Patriotic War differ from the reconstructions of the Great Patriotic War as ... However, I think everything will become clear. And now - forward, to the sounds of the march.

Part 1. For a place in the sun.

Behind the usual 600 km, traffic police ahead of us with flashing lights, immediately blocked the road. “It is not ordered to let go! Do you have a pass?"

This question is already on edge. Of course not! But after carefully studying the press certificates, the police begin to think that it is still possible to miss. "What's in the trunk? Will you open it? Yes with pleasure! Seeing a bardacha of a gastronomic nature significantly reduces the level of trust in us. So, are we supposed to eat on the way?

We open a salon. Seeing tripods, cameras and everything else, road guards sigh with relief and let us through.

We fly into the parking lot near the museum, endure another battle of this nature, and exhale. It remains to wait for the museum staff.

Such a joyful police colonel still throws us out of the parking lot near the museum. There will be buses and only buses. Where should we move? The colonel doesn't know, so we drink blood and nerves from him for half an hour, and yet we move to the field, to an impromptu parking lot "only" half a kilometer from the museum. Okay, not the first time.

We arrange a luxurious breakfast on the grass, then we go to spoil the mood of the colonel, demanding the protection of the parking lot. There is nothing, you understand ... The Colonel loses some of his charm and joyful mood, but after 20 minutes as many as three people appear on the field. Guard and defend the press machines, which are slowly starting to pull up.

True, it is worth noting that only buses with sightseers really stood on the site near the museum.

The weather, meanwhile, pleases with such fog that the mood matches.

Museum staff arrive. They hand over accreditation certificates and inform that all movements are either on foot or by bus. We joyfully grab the cameras, returning to the parking lot and go into the field, to the camp, where the stirrings are already beginning.

The camp and interactive playgrounds are somewhat baffling. Basically, for some reason, there were opponents of the Russian army with all the consequences. The inscriptions in French are, of course, historically correct, but not everyone speaks it?

Active stirring began. Buses with excursions from schools drive up, and there is almost silence in the camp with interactive activities. Empty exhibition tents.

Still didn't quite like one thing. It is clear that 360 days a year this museum is not visited much. And in terms of remoteness, and in terms of the lack of promotion of the series of events. And you need to make good money on everything you can.

We don’t know how much a ticket to the parade ground theater cost, but admission to the field for interactive activities is 250 rubles. How strange, especially for those who first arrived. Money to collect - collected, but to show as if there was nothing and no one. Ugly nuance, I must say. For the first or second time, it is excusable, but it was already the 30th event in a row.

But we saw such a thing that we had not seen on reconstructions before, moreover, we didn’t even know what it was. Shower rooms for reenactors.

Grand opening. It passed unnoticed from the word "completely", since there was no sound equipment. It's just that the directorate of the museum and representatives of the RVIO said a few words, and that was it.

But a really interesting thing began. It became clear why no one was allowed into the museum.

In the museum there was ... a confectionery exhibition!

Aldis Brichevs, a connoisseur of historical culinary arts from Lithuania, restored a fragment of a dessert composition that Alexander the First treated his allies at a reception in Vienna on the occasion of the victory.

Gentlemen monarchists, are you aware that Alexander Pavlovich and his wife Elizaveta Alekseevna were not just sweet tooth, but masters of this business? So we were not ... Now we know.

I just killed a cake 4 x 2 meters (there is on the video, I could not push through) with a portrait of the emperor. The cake was then eaten...

Moreover, especially for the press, Aldis prepared a separate composition of Alexander's favorite desserts. In general, we braced ourselves for a long time, talking with master Brichevs and not daring to touch this historical splendor.

You know, Alexander Pavlovich knew a lot about sweets ...

We quickly get on the bus and head to the monument to the "Dead great army» in Shevardino. There is something like a review of Napoleon's troops and the laying of wreaths at the monument.

The review was conducted, of course, by Bonaparte, together with the French military attaché, Eric Kunzelmann. Here we really felt our inferiority. There was no understanding of what was happening. Not only are we not experts in the uniforms of the armies of that time, but also the whole ceremony was held in French.

With the exception of the Polish uhlans, who yelled at everyone “Nah live Polska!”. Well, at least it makes sense...

The military attaché made a short speech in Russian. Wreaths were laid by members of the French military mission, our orchestra played the Marseillaise, the troops marched. All.

We left with a clear understanding that in order to cover such events, we need to slightly tighten up. At least in order to understand who is in front of you.

Interactives came to life almost everything, there were shoemakers, drummers, buglers, blacksmiths. But there was nothing so masterpiece, although the children had a huge interest.

French headquarters. All conversations are beautiful, but incomprehensible.

There were more and more people, even queues formed at the feeders on the other side of the road. Even despite frankly horse prices (compared to ARMY-2017). Here, either the Ministry of Culture invited the wrong people, or it could not or did not want to insist on pricing.

In general, the festival did not cost a pretty penny to the visitor. But - there were no dissatisfied faces (well, almost), which means that whoever went for what got it.

An event similar to Shevardinsky, only in the center of Borodino, on the Raevsky battery. Review of Russian troops, a prayer service, the laying of wreaths and flowers at the monument to Russian soldiers.

And then a funny (almost) and sad (for us) event happened. Seeing the columns of Russian troops coming out of the forest to the monument, the people not only rushed to the monument, but did it in such a way that one could simply envy.

In general, with our equipment, we (like many colleagues) simply did not get through the crowd of thousands. We run slowly.

It did not differ from the event in Shevardino in almost anything, a few speeches, a prayer service, laying on. After that, the soldiers went to the battlefield, to the parade ground theater.

Actually, we did the same thing, after a little confusion with the bus. We were immediately told that by bus there, and from there - as soon as all the people left the parade ground theater.

Arriving at the parade ground theater, we realized that we were also infantry back. According to our estimates, several thousand people came to see the reconstruction of the battle. If they say that there were about 10 thousand or even more, we will not be surprised and believe. There were a lot of people.

We were informed in advance that it was not possible to use copters. In general, some fashionable nonsense has gone, with prohibitions.

You can shoot only from two points: below the field and above, from the improvised (fenced areas of the hill) stands. We decide to shoot below, because we only have 1 set of equipment, a camera and a fotik. Actually, they didn't really regret it.


And here for us a new surprise. It turns out that reconstructions like this one are very different from what we are used to during World War II.

People don't "die" here. The columns are marching, rebuilding in squares, the artillery is firing, the cavalry is attacking the enemy, but there are no people falling.

The cavalry in their attacks does not come close to the attacked. There are obviously safety rules here. And an elementary thing - manure. Horses, they're so... They don't choose where to go and where to shit. That's why no one falls to the ground. In order not to make life difficult for yourself and the horses.

It turns out a tactical picture of the battle. Colorful. Elements of a dashing cavalry attack, cutting, are present. The infantry fires volleys and rapid fire. Everything is basically the same as 200 years ago. But - without the bodies dotting the earth. It's beautiful, to be honest.

I really liked the possession of cavalrymen with their horses. It was obvious that they could. And the quantity is also impressive. Organizers said 1,200 people took part in the action. We will not argue. There were 100-150 cavalrymen. The rest are infantry and artillery.

The accompaniment was also excellent. Of course, it was very difficult to switch, but there was an understanding. For us newbies, it was quite impressive. But definitely, you need to improve your knowledge of history in order to simply understand who and where.

A very colorful sight. And it doesn't take 10-20 minutes, like the reconstruction of the Great Patriotic War. Realistically one hour and twenty minutes. And, the most interesting thing, after the announcer announced the end of the action, the participants continued to fight. While there was gunpowder and enthusiasm.

Then, of course, all the participants came up in a single formation for applause. Deserved, I must say. It is unlikely that there was at least one person on the field who did not like this performance.

On the field were Russians, Belarusians, French, Germans, Poles, Slovenes, Czechs, Belgians.

French from the 5th Cuirassier Regiment. Real French.

Unity? Yes, definitely. All were part of the same show. The assault on the Shevardinsky fortifications. Many thanks to everyone for a great job.

End. Thanks to everybody, you're free. We were also rewarded with coupons for a free lunch, but since no one knew where it would take place, we decided to leave quickly. Until the impressions of what they saw faded.

Our experience allowed us to be among the first, which we were very, very pleased with. The forced march was performed in the best traditions.

Somewhat excessive monetization of the event.
- Lack of awareness of the events.
- long walks.
- Interactives were swinging for a long time.

Luxurious staging of reconstruction.
- Enough places to eat and drink.
- a sufficient number of toilets within reach.
- High level security measures.
- precise adjustment in the movement of vehicles and human masses.

P.S. This is not a report on the reconstruction itself, beautiful pictures of what is happening on the field will be in the next material.

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