In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?



51 examples with answers.

(these examples of task A5 are included in many Unified State Exam training tests in Russian ; the likelihood of their inclusion in real versions of the Unified State Exam is unlikely; however, solving these examples in preparation for the exam will be very useful in terms of students’ understanding of the general principles of grammatically correct sentence construction and syntactic norms)

1. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Thanks to the increased level of service, there are more customers in company stores.

2) “Moidodyr”, written by Korney Chukovsky and published in the 20s of the twentieth century, became one of the most beloved works by children.

3) M. Gorky in one of his articles notes that poets before Pushkin did not know the people at all, were not interested in their fate, and rarely wrote about them.

4) Those who strive for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.

2. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) In the play “The Seagull” the storyline develops in several directions.

2) In his articles, this journalist raised questions that worried many of his contemporaries.

3) Science studies the laws of the surrounding world and at the same time relies on the experience of previous generations.

4) Painting not only enriches you emotionally, but also makes you think.

3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The lyrical hero is one of the central characters in the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

2) Those who love modern detective stories came to meet the writer.

3) One of the artists who glorified the beauty of the Russian hinterland was Levitan.

4) A chemical reaction shows and helps to understand the composition of a substance.

4. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Everyone who came to the match was satisfied with the performance of our team.

2) Blok’s poem “The Twelve” presents a complex system of images.

3) Thanks to the fine arts associated with the Decembrist movement, our contemporaries can expand knowledge about this historical era.

4) Music embodies the most complex feelings in a special form and can convey them.

5. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) The athletes trained according to the training schedule.

2) No one else read these poems like that!

3) The delegation was heading to the house of a famous scientist, located not far from the main square.

4) We loved hiking and often went to the forest.

6. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) The winter session of students took place according to the schedule.

2) The teacher pointed out that there were a number of errors in the work.

3) This report reflects the problems that concern geneticists around the world.

4) Students received not only dictionaries, but also workbooks.

7. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

8. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Those who have been close to me for the last few years came to me.

2) For the first time I listened to the opera “Khovanshchina” with my parents.

3) The patient applied and was treated by this doctor.

4) One of the first scientists to discover the laws of the surrounding world was Newton.

9. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) The interlocutors reproached each other for insincerity.

2) Archaeological excavations were carried out according to plan.

3) We became interested in books brought from the new publishing house.

4) Wherever I was, I paid attention to the architectural buildings of the 19th century.

10. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) I. I. Firsov’s painting “Young Painter” depicts the artist’s home workshop.

3) Not only abilities, but also hard work will help you achieve success in your work.

4) Everyone who starts learning a foreign language early masters it perfectly.

11. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The schedule for repair work in the plant’s workshops was violated contrary to the director’s instructions.

2) Those who sat on the bank of the river more than once experienced incomparable bliss.

3) A visitor, apparently a tourist, asked a passerby if there was a post office nearby.

4) My sister likes to play the piano and sing in the choir.

12. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

13. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Upon completion of the experiment, scientists will publish an analytical report.

2) Many of those who knew Chekhov recalled his fierce hatred of self-aggrandizement and arrogance.

3) One of the Russian customs valued by many old Muscovites was oral storytelling.

4) The great power of love between Orpheus and Eurydice is described in the book “Myths of Ancient Hellas”, compiled by A.I. Nemirovsky.

14. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

2) Everyone who wrote about Russian nature noted its poetry and picturesqueness.

3) In the painting “Neighbors” by the artist Bogatov, the luxurious interior of the room is striking.

4) None of the passers-by, hurrying to the fair, paid attention to the carts with household utensils standing to the side.

15. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Contrary to the rules of punctuation, journalists often use a dash instead of a colon.

2) Yesterday I got to Yalta and met many friends there who came on vacation.

3) Visitors were amazed at the height of the Ostankino tower.

4) The poem “Vasily Terkin” glorifies the feat of a Russian soldier, faithful to duty and the Fatherland.

16. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) In the village of Olkhovka there were three dozen houses.

2) Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of their elders.

3) Of all those who played in the play, I remember only Mikhail Tsarev.

4) Participants in the first Victory Parade who came to Moscow were given memorable gifts.

17. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Thanks to the sincerity, kindness, and mutual understanding of the parents, peace and harmony always reigned in the family.

2) In Ostroukhov’s painting “Golden Autumn,” the multicolored autumn is like a bright, cheerful carpet with an elegant ornament.

3) The scientist emphasized that Pushkin’s poetic talent blossomed unusually in the autumn season.

4) Great Russian poets and writers, composers and artists visited one of the ancient houses that have been preserved in the center of Moscow.

18. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) One of the independent types of art that has existed since the end of the 15th century is graphics.

2) Everyone who loves Russian culture knows the names of great poets and writers - Pushkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy.

3) Upon arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the Aksakovs’ house (now on Suvorovsky Boulevard).

4) V.P. Astafiev wrote about his attitude to classical music in the essay “Postscript”.

19. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Thanks to the efforts of doctors, the flu epidemic was avoided.

2) A meeting of school directors was held in Moscow on issues related to final exams.

3) No matter how much we dream about the future, it still remains unknown.

4) Historical documents that are becoming increasingly important are portraits of relatives of the Decembrists.

20. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) My parents keep and often re-read the “Roman-newspaper”.

2) We paid for our purchases and left the department store.

3) The students happily helped the archaeologists who came from St. Petersburg.

4) We have been subscribing to the magazine “Nature” for a long time.

21. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Lexical repetitions are a means of expressiveness in Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”.

2) Stories can be created not only in written, but also in oral form.

3) Katerina’s protest, defending her human rights, had a public resonance.

4) The Internet stores huge databases on various scientific issues and allows you to use them.

22. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) One of the most famous playwrights who showed the world of merchant Moscow in his plays was Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky.

2) Anyone who is interested in the history of Russian literature is familiar with the work of Russian fiction writers of the nineteenth century.

3) Between the trunks of the pine trees in the forest, a slanting ray of sunset was breaking through here and there.

4) Among the scientific works of F. I. Buslaev, first of all, his book “Historical Grammar of the Russian Language” should be mentioned.

23. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Contrary to the patient’s wishes, he was admitted to the hospital.

2) You must pay for the subway fare.

3) The lesson-lecture was held for the first time in our class.

4) The robe dress is washed and put in the closet.

24. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) According to the order of the school principal, all students can take part in sports games.

2) None of those who listened to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s amazing music for the ballet “The Nutcracker” could remain indifferent.

3) No encyclopedia can contain all the accumulated knowledge about the animal world.

4) In the painting “Three Heroes” V.M. Vasnetsov depicted his favorite heroes of Russian epics: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

25. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) A. P. Losenko’s painting “Hector’s Farewell to Andromache” was close and understandable to the artist’s contemporaries.

2) Those who persistently strive for their goals are worthy of respect.

3) Registration of symposium participants was carried out immediately upon their arrival.

4) Every spring, the kiwi lays one (rarely two) greenish-white egg in a flat platform-shaped nest, built among the roots, or in dense bushes, or in a dug hole.

26. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Those whose talent and virtuosity in performing musical works are admired today by millions of grateful listeners have overcome many obstacles on the way to recognition.

2) Full of amazing facts, “The Big Book of the Forest” by Yuri Dmitriev is a work of an encyclopedic nature, at the same time imbued with extraordinary poetry.

3) Large posters attached to two stands standing on both sides of the stage depicted symbols known to all spectators.

4) At the end of the conference, everyone was invited to the hall where the performance of the virtuoso pianist was to take place.

27. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

2) At the end of the 18th century, science became aware of the existence of an unusual mammal that laid eggs and incubated them: it was the platypus.

3) The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across the galloping horse.

4) Those who do not give up in the face of difficulties will always be an example for the younger generation.

28. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) If witnesses had not been found, it is unknown how the case would have turned out.

2) Those who have visited Antarctica could see the active volcano Erebus, located on one of the coastal islands.

3) The page of the passport containing encoded information about its owner will be filled out using laser engraving.

4) Thanks to Galileo, humanity received the first optical astronomical instrument in its history - a telescope.

29. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote that the highest and most characteristic feature of the Russian people is a sense of justice.

2) The teacher reminded that abstracts must be submitted no later than March.

3) A.P. Chekhov recalled that he and his sisters knew French, German and English thanks to their father.

4) Those who have read the critical article by N. A. Dobrolyubov are familiar with the critic’s assessment of the “dark kingdom”.

30. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Chekhov believed that the coming true culture would ennoble humanity.

2) One of the main traits characteristic of Natasha Rostova is honesty in relationships with people.

3) In Russian language lessons, insufficient attention is paid to studying the norms of the literary language.

4) In the journal “Ethnographic Review” D.N. Ushakov published a number of articles about the beliefs and customs of Russian peasants.

31. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) According to the rules, introductory words are highlighted in writing with commas.

2) Residents of this area paid special attention to the development of gardening.

3) Due to the complexity of the route, it was decided not to include small children in the tourist group.

4) The international community understands and is concerned about the problems of the economies of developing countries.

32. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Tsiolkovsky wrote that the main goal of his life was to advance humanity at least a little forward.

2) The city has created a special commission for urban planning, which is tasked with coordinating the work of all construction companies.

3) At the end of the practical training, each student must write a report on the work performed.

4) Happy are those who in their lives come closer to the ideal formed in their youth.

33. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Due to the long absence of the boat, which went out on a special mission during a storm, an airplane was sent to search for the ship.

2) Those who work passionately in any field of knowledge are drawn to innovation.

3) When leaving on a business trip, my father promised that he would definitely return for the holidays.

4) The house, which has grown before our eyes in a few months and which the commission has accepted, will soon be inhabited.

34. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Like many other works of Surikov, the painting “Boyaryna Morozova” was created by the artist over a number of years.

2) In autumn, ears of wheat, heavy with ripened grains, wait for the hour when combine harvesters appear in the field.

3) Those who could not understand and appreciate Pushkin’s innovation constantly accused him of being common people.

4) Pushkin challenges society, saying that “in my cruel age I glorified freedom.”

35. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Favorable conditions have been created not only for the publication of scientific works, but also for their implementation in practice.

2) M. Gorky repeatedly said that labor is the basis of culture.

3) Contrary to analysts’ forecasts, this year the airline managed to maintain the volume of traffic at the same level.

4) Those who have never been to the top of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, who have never admired the majestic panorama of the capital, have no idea about Moscow.

36. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) No one, even the best specialists, could initially make the correct diagnosis.

2) I read this work by Vasil Bykov in the summer, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

3) The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said that “he knows that he knows nothing.”

4) Those who, with the help of facts, can prove the correctness of their own decisions should not put up with the incompetence of others.

37. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Those who think that good manners exist in isolation from real life are mistaken.

2) There are three main groups of human qualities, thanks to which you can increase the level of personal charm: communication skills, reflection, eloquence.

3) Linguist F.I. Buslaev often said that he was convinced of the need for thorough teaching of the native language.

4) F.M. Dostoevsky wrote that a distinctive feature of the Russian national character is a sense of justice.

38. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

2) Of all those who played in the play, Andrei Mironov made a special impression on me.

3) One of the wonders on the Kuril ridge that attracts tourists from all over the world is associated with volcanoes.

4) Upon graduation, our graduates can count on employment in specialized companies.

39. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Many magazine readers are primarily interested in theoretical articles by economists and sociologists who raise problematic issues in their publications.

2) Thanks to synonyms, the same meaning can be expressed in different ways.

3) Yu. Olesha in one of his letters discussed what was the most beautiful thing he saw on earth.

4) Anyone who has studied the process of language development knows about various historical changes at the level of phonetics and grammar.

40. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Environmentalists have repeatedly noted that the problem of forest protection is especially important today.

2) Everyone who loves poetry knows Fet as a subtle lyricist, a singer of art, love and nature.

3) Chekhov wrote about “The Cherry Orchard” that what he produced was not a drama, but a comedy.

4) The discussant supported his conclusions with convincing facts.

41. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) In the poem “The Wisdom of Language” Boris Slutsky recalls the history of the creation of the word “pilot”.

2) The girl who was sitting by the window and who sang well was remembered by everyone.

3) Thanks to hard work and intelligence, the applicant managed to cope with a difficult task.

4) Alekhine, entering the living room, exclaimed that he was very glad to see us all.

42. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) All around were meadows, fragrant with the aromas of flowers and herbs.

2) Everyone who has seen the sea on moonlit southern evenings often remembers it.

3) The officer demanded from the stationmaster that he needed horses.

4) The development of our industry for a long time followed the line of consolidation of enterprises.

43. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Due to heavy rains, the water in the river kept rising.

3) Fyodor Abramov recalled how, upon his arrival in Moscow, all the worst that late autumn concealed fell upon him.

4) Those linguists who have studied the language of fiction do not doubt the special role of the verb in both poetic and prosaic texts.

44. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm ).

1) Thanks to the work of restorers, we can admire the frescoes of the Ferapontov Monastery.

2) Many of those who visited Mikhailovsky Park were amazed at the size of the ancient estate trees.

3) The minibus driver told the newly entered passengers that you will pay for the fare.

4) When you look at the monument to Lermontov, you get the impression that the poet is looking around his beloved city and remembering the happy moments of his life.

45. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The pilot acted in accordance with instructions received from the airport's chief dispatcher.

2) All students who came to the elective lesson understood the complex topic.

3) M. Gorky ironically noted that “a person will eventually grunt if you keep telling him that he is a pig.”

4) The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the works.

46. ​​Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Paustovsky’s story “Creaky Floorboards” talks about the role of Russian nature in the life and work of the great composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

2) Among the houses built on this street there were several multi-story ones.

3) Problems of the economy and business were the focus of attention of the host of the TV show “Business Moscow”.

4) Those who do not study a foreign language are deprived of the opportunity to read masterpieces of world literature in the original.

47. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) None of those who played on the school basketball team became a professional athlete.

2) The forest glades were covered with bright strawberry stars, blooming profusely this year.

3) The sisters were fond of and well versed in modern music.

4) “Rovesnik” publishes many interesting articles.

48. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Thanks to an article in the newspaper, we learned about the resumption of the tourist ship route to the “Northern Islands”.

2) Kem is one of the oldest cities in Russia, located on the White Sea.

3) Everyone who wrote an “excellent” review gave an in-depth analysis of the work and substantiated their point of view.

4) Paustovsky’s story “Creaky Floorboards” talks about the role of Russian nature in the life and work of the great composer Tchaikovsky.

49. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Both city economic and medical services are guided by the predictions of meteorologists.

2) Most of the books telling about the life of reptiles were published in our country.

3) Among the scientific works of F.I. Buslaev, first of all, his book “Historical Grammar of the Russian Language” should be mentioned.

4) Everyone who knew the great writer noted his modesty and integrity.

50. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Thanks to his resourcefulness, Alexey emerged from the verbal duel as the absolute winner.

2) The football player who played in attack and who scored two goals was a student of a famous coach.

3) Pausing at the door, the sister waved her hand again and said that she would be glad to see us all on Sunday at her dacha.

4) Those who have admired the sunset at least once have no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful spectacles.

51. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The animal world, studied by zoology and some other sciences, is extremely diverse.

A5 assignments in Russian language

1. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Thanks to the increased level of service, there were more customers in company stores.

2) "Moidodyr", written by Korney Chukovsky and published in 20s of the twentieth century, became one of the most beloved works by children.

3) M. Gorky in one of his articles notes that poets before Pushkin did not know the people at all, were not interested in their fate, and rarely wrote about them.

4) Those who strive for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.

2. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Everyone who came to the match was pleased with the performance of our team.

2) Blok’s poem “The Twelve” presents a complex system of images.

3) Thanks to the fine arts associated with the Decembrist movement, our contemporaries can expand knowledge about this historical era.

4) Music embodies the most complex feelings in a special form and can convey them.

3. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) The winter session of students took place according to the schedule.

2) The teacher pointed out that there were a number of errors in the work.

3) This report reflects the problems of concern to geneticists around the world.

4) Students received not only dictionaries, but also workbooks.

4. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Those who have been close to me for the last few years came to me.

2) For the first time I listened to the opera “Khovanshchina” with my parents.

3) The patient contacted and was treated by this doctor.

4) One of the first scientists to discover the laws of the surrounding world was Newton.

5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The painting “Young Painter” by I. I. Firsov depicts the artist’s home workshop.

2) Among the houses built on this street were several multi-story ones.

3) Not only abilities, but also hard work will help you achieve success in your work.

4) Anyone who starts learning a foreign language early masters it perfectly. Answer: 4

6. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Both city economic and medical services are guided by the predictions of meteorologists.

2) Most of the books telling about the life of reptiles were published in our country.

3) Problems of the economy and business were the focus of attention of the host of the TV show “Business Moscow”.

4) Those who do not study a foreign language are deprived of the opportunity to read masterpieces of world literature in the original.

7. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

2) Everyone who wrote about Russian nature noted its poetry and picturesqueness.

3) In the painting “Neighbors” by artist Bogatov, the luxurious interior of the room is striking.

4) None of the passersby hurrying to the fair paid attention to the carts with household utensils standing to the side.

8. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) In the village of Olkhovka there were three dozen houses.

2) Children rarely listen and follow the advice of their elders.

3) Of all those who played in the play, I remember only Mikhail Tsarev.

4) Participants of the first Victory Parade who came to Moscow were presented with memorable gifts.

9. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) One of the independent types of art that has existed since the end of the 15th century is graphics.

2) Everyone who loves Russian culture knows the names of great poets and writers - Pushkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy.

3) Upon arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the Aksakovs’ house (now on Suvorovsky Boulevard).

4) V. P. Astafiev wrote about his attitude to classical music in the essay “Postscript”.

10. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) My parents keep and often re-read"Roman-newspaper".

2) We paid for our purchases and left the department store.

3) Students happily helped archaeologists who came from St. Petersburg.

4) We have been subscribing to the Nature magazine for a long time.

11. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

1) Against the patient's wishes, he was admitted to the hospital.

2) You must pay for the subway fare.

3) The lesson-lecture was held for the first time in our class.

4) The robe dress is washed and put in the closet.

12. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) The animal world, studied by zoology and some other sciences, is extremely diverse.

2) Those who persistently strive to achieve their goals are worthy of respect.

3) Contrary to the forecast, the weather became clear.

4) V. M. Vasnetsov grew up in a northern village, fenced off by centuries-old forests from large cities and preserving ancient customs and rituals, beliefs and legends.

13. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) A. P. Losenko’s painting “Hector’s Farewell to Andromache” was close and understandable to the artist’s contemporaries.

2) Those who persistently strive for their goals are worthy of respect.

3) Registration of symposium participants was carried out immediately upon their arrival.

4) Every spring the kiwi lays one (rarely two) a greenish-white egg into a flat platform-shaped nest located among the roots, or in dense bushes, or in a dug hole.

14. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

2) At the end of the 18th century, science became aware of the existence of an unusual mammal that laid eggs and incubated them: it was the platypus.

3) The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across the galloping horse.

4) Those who do not give up in the face of difficulties will always be an example for the younger generation.

15. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote that the highest and most characteristic feature of the Russian people is a sense of justice.

2) The teacher reminded that abstracts must be submitted no later than March.

3) A.P. Chekhov recalled that he and his sisters knew French, German and English thanks to their father.

4) Those who have read the critical article by N. A. Dobrolyubov are familiar with the critic’s assessment of the “dark kingdom.”

16. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Tsiolkovsky wrote that the main goal of his life was to advance humanity at least a little forward.

2) The city has created a special commission for urban planning, which is tasked with coordinating the work of all construction firms.

3) At the end of the practical training, each student must write a report on the work performed.

4) Happy are those who in their lives come closer to the ideal formed in their youth.

17. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Like many other works by Surikov, the painting “Boyaryna Morozova” was created by the artist over a number of years.

2) In autumn, ears of wheat, heavy with ripened grains, await the hour when combine harvesters appear in the field.

3) Those who could not understand and appreciate Pushkin's innovation constantly accused him of being common people.

4) Pushkin challenges society, saying that “in my cruel age I glorified freedom.”

18. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Those who think that good manners exist in isolation from real life are mistaken.

2) There are three main groups of human qualities, thanks to which you can increase the level of personal charm: sociability, reflection, eloquence.

3) Linguist F.I. Buslaev often said that he was convinced of the need for thorough teaching of the native language.

4) F.M. Dostoevsky wrote that a distinctive feature of the Russian national character is a sense of justice.

19. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Environmentalists have repeatedly noted that the problem of forest protection is especially important today.

2) Everyone who loves poetry knows Fet as a subtle lyricist, a singer of art, love and nature.

3) Chekhov wrote about The Cherry Orchard that it was not a drama, but a comedy.

4) The discussant supported his conclusions with convincing facts.

20. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Meadows stretched all around, fragrant with the aromas of flowers and herbs.

2) Everyone who has seen the sea on moonlit southern evenings often remembers it.

3) The officer demanded from the stationmaster that he needed horses.

4) The development of our industry for a long time followed the line of consolidation of enterprises.


  1. In which word is there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted incorrectly?

    • call them
    • vomited
    • citizenship
    • old

Right answers:

  1. citizenship


  1. Which answer option uses the highlighted word incorrectly?

    • In the unclear, diffused light of the night, MAJESTIC and beautiful vistas of St. Petersburg opened up before us: the Neva, the embankment, canals, palaces.
    • DIPLOMATIC relations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807.
    • The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depends.

Right answers:

  1. Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are PAINT substances, components of many paints created from these minerals.


  1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    • lie down (on the floor)
    • their work
    • hot soups
    • six hundred students

Right answers:

  1. six hundred students


  1. Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

    Speaking of the richness of language,

    • a discussion began in the audience.
    • I became interested in this problem.
    • specific examples are required.

Right answers:

  1. we meant mainly his vocabulary.


  1. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

    • "Moidodyr", written by Korney Chukovsky and published in the 20s of the twentieth century, became one of the most beloved works by children.
    • M. Gorky in one of his articles notes that poets before Pushkin did not know the people at all, were not interested in their fate, and rarely wrote about them.
    • Those who strive for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.

Right answers:

  1. Thanks to the increased level of service, there were more customers in company stores.


  1. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

    • French words and expressions that penetrate the Russian language are called Gallicisms.
    • In order to promote the development of literature and literary language, the Russian Academy was created in the 18th century, which became the main scientific center for the study of the Russian language and literature.
    • In the second half of the 18th century, French influence on the speech of Russian nobles, which played an important role in the process of Europeanization of the Russian literary language, became predominant.

Right answers:

  1. The environment in which living organisms exist is constantly changing.


Text for completing tasks A7 - A12

(1)... (2) The wooden sailing ships, approaching each other, fired point-blank at each other with cast-iron cannonballs from small cannons loaded from the muzzle. (3) Since the energy of the nuclei was rarely enough to disable the ship, the battle could end in abodation. (4) At the same time, from the attacking ship, which had grappled with the enemy’s side, sailors landed on the enemy deck and tried to take possession of the enemy ship in hand-to-hand combat. (5)... the industrial revolution of the 19th century very quickly made adjustments to this area of ​​​​military affairs, and the first important innovation was steam engines. (6) Their installation on military vessels eliminated the previous dependence on the strength and direction of the wind, allowing them to maneuver freely, choosing the position that was most advantageous for firing and at the same time providing the least vulnerability from enemy fire.


  1. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

    • The unreliability of the first steam engines and their size aroused a rather skeptical attitude among sailors.
    • Along with artillery, other types of naval weapons appeared.
    • For the first time, steam engines took part in hostilities during the Crimean War.

Right answers:

  1. Even in the first third of the 19th century, naval battles differed little from those that took place a hundred years before.


  1. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the fifth sentence?

    • However
    • Despite this,
    • Hence,

Right answers:

  1. However


  1. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text?

    • steel machines (offer 5)
    • the ships fired point blank (sentence 2)
    • the sailors tried to take possession (sentence 4)

Right answers:

  1. disable (sentence 3)


  1. Indicate the correct characteristic of the third sentence of the text.

    • complex non-union
    • complex
    • simple with homogeneous terms
    • complex with non-union and allied subordination between parts

Right answers:

  1. complex


  1. Write a sentence that contains the present passive participle.

Right answers:


  1. Indicate the meaning of the word CORRECTIVE (CORRECTIVES) (sentence 5).

    • politeness
    • ratio
    • error
    • amendment

Right answers:

  1. amendment


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written?

    The originality of the art of (1) the world of (2) their stories N.V. Gogol is connected (3) with the use of folklore traditions: from (4) in folk tales, semi-pagan legends and traditions, the writer found themes and plots for his works.

    • 1, 2, 3
    • 2, 3, 4
    • 1, 2, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 4


  1. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

    • progressive, commissioned,
    • selects, ornament...nt, program...
    • donkey...captive, k...fell asleep, sovereignty

Right answers:

  1. in... the river, development, sh... sting


  1. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

    • on...laying, on...edge, on...lowercase
    • play, over...investment, find
    • bar...barry, s...sarcastically, monkey...

Right answers:

  1. pr...stand up, pr...glue,


  1. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?

    • relate, fluff...
    • look...looked at, noticed...
    •, broken...

Right answers:

  1. look...looked at, noticed...


  1. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter E is missing?

    A. nickel...vy, B., C. welcome, D. impoverish...

    • A, B, G
    • A B C

Right answers:



  1. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

    • The city of Kalinov does not need either lightning rods or a perpetual motion machine, BECAUSE (BECAUSE) all this (S) SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.
    • It is possible to (IN) DIFFERENTLY explain the scene of the verbal duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and (AT) AT THE BEGINNING it may seem that the nihilist is right.
    • TO return Radishchev to the modern reader, it is necessary to try to impartially evaluate his philosophical views, AS WELL as his literary work.

Right answers:

  1. (F) OFTEN we don’t even imagine (HOW) HOW important it is for a person to understand what is most important to him in life.


  1. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence.

    M.V. Lomonosov outlined the distinction between significant and function words () and later this distinction was supported by the largest representatives of Russian science.

    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction and no comma is needed.
    • A complex sentence with a secondary member common to the parts, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.
    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

Right answers:

  1. A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.


  1. The first exhibition of the Peredvizhniki (1) opened in 1871 (2) convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a new direction that was taking shape throughout the 60s (4).

    • 1, 2, 3
    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?

    In late autumn or winter, flocks of either melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear on city streets. It is (1) apparently (2) for this cry that the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb “waxwing” (3) according to linguists (4) once meant “to whistle sharply, to shout.”

    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4


  1. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (No punctuation marks included).

    • Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners.
    • Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about Goethe’s relationship with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.
    • From the houses there were rows of trees or bushes or flowers in all directions.

Right answers:

  1. In the syntactic structure of the two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.


  1. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

    A large role in the opera by A.P. Borodin's "Prince Igor" plays folk scenes: choirs of the townspeople of Putivl accompanying Igor and his army on a campaign, a choir of boyars announcing the capture of the prince.

    • The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.
    • The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first part.
    • The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of occurrence of what is said in the second part.

Right answers:

  1. The generalizing word comes before the homogeneous members of the sentence.


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

    The idea of ​​a single European space (1), a fan (2) of which (3) was the first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Malinovsky (4), gained many supporters.

Right answers:


  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

    After the third bell sounded (1) the curtain trembled and slowly moved up (2) and (3) as soon as the audience saw their favorite (4) the walls of the theater literally trembled with applause and enthusiastic screams.

    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4


Read the text.

Text for completing task A27

Ground storage facilities for liquid radioactive products and solid waste disposal sites can be sources of contamination of soils, groundwater and underground (deep) waters. Therefore, to prevent and prevent dangerous radioactive contamination, the movement of groundwater from disposal points to the outlet of groundwater to a surface water source is monitored. This control is carried out using special maps of groundwater movement and possible migration of contaminants.

  1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

    • Monitoring of the distribution of radioactive products in the ground flow is carried out in observation wells, the depth and location of which depend on the purpose of the structures, hydrogeological conditions and the nature of the soil.
    • Liquid and solid radioactive waste are sources of contamination of soils, groundwater and underground (deep) waters.
    • The direction of movement and speed of groundwater and underground (deep) water requires strict control, therefore it is necessary to create special hydrogeological maps of different regions of Russia.

Right answers:

  1. To avoid dangerous radioactive contamination, special maps are used to control the movement of groundwater from radioactive waste disposal sites to access to a surface water source.

A28-A30, B1-B8

Read the text and complete tasks A28-A30, B1-B8.

Text for completing tasks A28-A30, B1-B8

(According to L. Leonov)


  1. What does the hero’s statement mean: “I thought I would bleed seven times before I became a man, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity!”?

    • The retreat of our troops takes place without fighting, without blood.
    • The author of the letter is not capable of committing any reprehensible act.
    • The author of the letter is not a coward and is not afraid of battles.

Right answers:

  1. To become a real man, you don’t always have to prove your physical strength; sometimes it’s more important to test your mental strength.


  1. Which of the following statements is false?

    • Sentences 17, 18, 20, 22 list the sequential actions of the characters.
    • Sentences 3-5 present the reasoning.
    • Sentences 8-9 include description.

Right answers:

  1. Sentences 24-26 contain the narrative.


  1. What word is used figuratively in the text?

    • unfolded (sentence 8)
    • burn (sentence 15)
    • closed his eyes (sentence 22)
    • thundered (sentence 29)

Right answers:

  1. thundered (sentence 29)

Part 2


Write down the answers to tasks B1-B3 in words.

IN 1

From sentences 4 and 5, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.



AT 2

Write out the numeral from sentences 16-18.


Also possible: nine

AT 3

Indicate the type of subordinating connection in the phrase IN THOSE DAYS (sentence 29).




Write down the answers to tasks B4-B7 in numbers.

AT 4

Among sentences 21-26, find complex ones that include a one-component impersonal. Write the number of these complex sentences.


It is also possible to specify: 26.21

Numbers are given separated by commas without spaces. Commas are written in separate cells.

AT 5

Among sentences 1-9, find a sentence complicated by a separate common agreed upon definition. Write the number of this offer.


AT 6

Among sentences 2-9, find a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of purpose. Write the number of this offer.


AT 7

Among sentences 15-19, find one that is connected to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.


AT 8

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks A28-A30, B1-B7. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should appear in the blank space, write the number 0.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review where there are gaps in answer form No. 1 to the right of task number B8, starting from the first cell.

A fragment from L. Leonov’s novel “Russian Forest” confirms the idea that even complex philosophical problems can be discussed in an accessible way. This is achieved with the help of the following tropes: _____ (“The font of maturity” in sentence 24), _____ (“inquisitive, questioning eyes” in sentence 21), _____ (“the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at” in sentence 21). Strengthens the effect of reading _____ (“retreat” in sentence 12, “I am not a coward” in sentence 21). This technique fixes the reader’s attention on the main thing and emphasizes the author’s most important thoughts.

List of terms:

1) anaphora

2) metaphor

3) hyperbole

4) professional vocabulary

5) parcellation

6) lexical repetition

7) opposition

8) epithets

9) contextual synonyms


Also possible: 2836

It is better to indicate numbers separated by commas without spaces. Commas are written in separate cells.

Part 3


Write an essay based on the text you read.

(1) Polya’s inflamed state, and most importantly, her confused, ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much more terrible than even Rodion’s captivity or his mortal wound.

(2) “No, this is completely different,” Polya shuddered and, turning to the wall, took out a crumpled, over-read triangle from under the pillow.

(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions. (4) Although rare transit trains did not stay in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Rodion knew Polina’s address. (5) Of course, the command might not have allowed the soldier to leave the train to the Blagoveshchensk dead-end street, then why didn’t he at least write a postcard to his beloved one on his way to the active army?..

(6) So, this was the first news from the front with a delay of more than two weeks. (7) In any case, now it will become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the piece of paper, which was all pierced with a pencil - apparently it was written on her knee. (9) I had to go to the lamp to make out the dim, half-finished lines.

(10) Varya immediately came across the main place.

(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why I was silent all this time - there was nowhere to settle down,” Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected completeness and straightforwardly, as in a confession. (12) “We are still retreating for now, day and night we retreat, occupy more advantageous defensive positions, as they say in the reports. (13) I was very sick, and even now I have not fully recovered: my illness is worse than any shell shock. (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am completely healthy, all whole, there is not a single scratch on me yet. (15) Burn this letter, I can tell you alone in the whole world about this,” Varya turned the page.

(16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our unit passed through in retreat. (17) I was the last in the company... and maybe the last in the entire army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, just a child, apparently taught at school to love the Red Army... (19) Of course, she did not really understand the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and, as it happened, I got them. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes - the midday sun is a thousand times easier to look at, but I forced myself to take the bouquet, because I am not a coward, I swear to you by my mother, Polenka, that I am not a coward. (22) I closed my eyes, but took it from her, abandoned to the mercy of the enemy... (23) Since then, I have kept that dried broom with me constantly, on my body, like a burden of fire in my bosom, I order it to be put on myself in the grave, if what will happen. (24) I thought I would bleed seven times before I became a man, but this is how it happens, dry... and this is the font of maturity! (25) Then two lines were completely illegible. - (26) And I don’t know, Polenka, whether my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift..."

- (27) yes, he has grown up a lot, your Rodion, you’re right... - Varya said, folding the letter, because with such a line of thinking it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act.

(28) Hugging, the girlfriends listened to the rustle of the rain and the rare, faded beeps of cars. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events of the past day: the exhibition of captured aircraft that opened on the central square, the unfilled crater on Veselykh Street, as they were already accustomed to calling it among themselves, Gastello, whose selfless feat resounded throughout the country in those days.

(According to L. Leonov)

*Leonid Maksimovich Leonov (1899-1994)
- Russian writer, public figure.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Justify your answer, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) Starting from the 5th century BC, there was a flourishing of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, marked by a relatively high level of development of philosophy, literature, fine arts, architecture, and military art. (2) During this period, the accumulation of initial scientific information about the world around us continued, a number of ideas were put forward, which, as further developments showed, were far ahead of their time. (3) _____ the idea of ​​the structure of the universe was put forward, the idea of ​​the atomic structure of matter was discussed for the first time, the foundations of geometry were developed, and a geocentric model of the world was created.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The era of antiquity refers to the development of human civilization over about fifteen centuries; it was during this time that philosophy flourished and ideas about the essence of the universe were put forward.

2. The flourishing of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, observed from the 5th century BC, was marked by the development of science and art; During this period, the accumulation of initial scientific information about the world around us continued and a number of ideas were put forward that were far ahead of their time.

3. Initial scientific information about the surrounding world accumulated over several centuries, starting from the 5th century AD, as a result of which ideas about the atomic and molecular structure of matter appeared, the foundations of algebra and geometry were developed, and new models of the world arose.

4. If during the period of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations philosophy, literature, fine arts and architecture flourished, then after the era of antiquity, exact sciences such as geometry, physics and astronomy reached their peak.

5. The heyday of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, which began in the 5th century BC, was marked by the development of science and art, and the emergence of ideas that were far ahead of their time.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

3. Despite this,

4. Therefore

5. Despite this


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word MODEL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MODEL [de], -i, f.

1. A sample of something. products or a sample for making something, as well as an object from which an image is reproduced. New m. dresses. M. for casting. Models for sculptures.

2. Type, brand of design. New car.

3. Diagram, description of something. physical object or phenomenon (special). M. atom. M. artificial language.

4. Mannequin or fashion model, as well as (obsolete) sitter or sitter. Live m.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. OILSEED crops are plants cultivated to produce oils.

2. After a YEAR-long absence, I. A. Krylov made another attempt to return to the capital.

3. CASH consists of funds on hand, checks and money orders from customers.

4. No one will be able to HUMILIATE the role of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in the victory over fascism.

5. WEEPING willow is not often found in modern landscape design.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

on BOTH hands


FIVE kittens




Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) Thanks to the increased level of service, there are more customers in company stores.
B) an error in constructing a complex sentence 2) Turning to the work of A.P. Chekhov, you realize to what extent the little man in his works is deprived of human dignity, impoverished spiritually, prone to veneration, insincerity and greed.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” called for the unity of the Russian princes, who were constantly at war with each other.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) The film by the outstanding film director Sergei Eisenstein is dedicated to the uprising of sailors on the battleship Potemkin in 1905.
D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms 5) Lermontov writes about his generation that “we both hate and we love by chance.”
6) A.S. Griboedov tears off Molchalin's mask of obedience and servility and shows his true face.
7) Everyone who has been to the city on the Neva, of course, saw the monument to Pushkin against the backdrop of the majestic colonnade of the Russian Museum.
8) Reading books about Leonardo da Vinci and looking at his paintings, nature wanted to combine many talents in one person.
9) The director asked for silence and attention.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.






Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

on..bit, on..dragged

be..delieu, in..swim


pr..refuge, pr..hail


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


Well done...well done





Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.


I'll meet you


Indicate all the numbers replaced by I.

The road from the city led only to the village, n(1) further, n(2) closer n(3) who n(4) needed it.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. The meaning of a polysemantic word is specified in the text, (WHILE) some words only in a given text can mean one and the SAME concept.

2. (B)AFTER the bad weather came cold weather, and (AFTER)THEN the first frosts.

3. It was especially difficult BECAUSE I was the only specialist at the plant working in THIS profile, and I took all the responsibility upon myself.

4. It was necessary (IN) TIME to collect the raspberries and (IN) THE BEGINNING of August to cut out the dry bushes.

5. They looked at me, like at my brother, condescendingly: WHATEVER I did, everything was forgiven to me.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

The procurator looked at the arrestee (1), then at the sun, steadily (2) rising above some of the statues of the hippodrome, which lay far below.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. We felt, if not joy, then pleasant excitement.

2. The rescued fisherman sat on a bench, neither alive nor dead.

3. Kites and crows and hawks are found here in abundance.

4. Cats and dogs have not gotten along with each other for a long time and very rarely live in peace and harmony.

5. Pieces of nightingale trills and the sharp meow of an oriole, the sweet voice of a robin and the babbling of a warbler are heard in the song of a starling.


Under the crust of ice (1), which has become transparent under the rays of the spring sun (2), a stream gurgles (3) making its way to the slope (4).


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

The new purchase will be very (1) welcome (2) in my spring wardrobe.

I have planted a lot of trees (3) by the way (4) in my life.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Psychological portrait of the hero of a literary work (1) an example (2) of which is (3) the description of Masha Mironova in the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” (4) is designed to reveal the hero’s inner world through his appearance.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

I drank tea in such excitement (1) that I don’t remember (2) what these buns came with (3) or why I suddenly jumped up (4) and hurried (5) and Nina no longer tried to hold me back.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Ten teams took part in the competition for the honorary trophy.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) I never called my mother mother, mother. (2) I had another word for her - mommy. (3) Even when I became big, I could not change this word. (4) I tried to call her “mom,” but against my will, the same affectionate, childish “mom” came out of my lips. (5) My mustache has grown, a bass has appeared. (6) I was embarrassed by this word and pronounced it barely audibly in public.

(7) The last time I said it was on a rain-wet platform, near a red soldier’s train, in a crush, to the sounds of the alarming whistles of a steam locomotive, to the cry of the command “On the carriages!” (8) I didn’t know that I was saying goodbye to my mother forever. (9) I didn’t know that you could say goodbye to your mother forever. (10) I whispered “mommy” in her ear and, so that no one would see my manly tears, I wiped them on her hair... (11) But when the car started moving, I couldn’t stand it. (12) I forgot that I was a man, a soldier, I forgot that there were people around, many people, and through the roar of the wheels, through the wind beating into my eyes, I screamed.

(13) - Mommy! (14) Mommy...

(15) But she no longer heard.

(16) At the front we were always hungry. (17) We were always cold. (18) Only in battle at the guns did they forget about hunger and cold. (19) And also when they received letters from home.

(20) But letters from home had one extraordinary property, which everyone discovered for themselves and did not admit their discovery to anyone (21) In the most difficult moments, when it seemed that everything was over or would end in the next moment and there was no longer a single clue for life, we found in letters from home NZ - an untouchable supply of life. (22) The supply lasted for a long time; it was preserved and stretched out, with no hope of replenishing it soon.

(23) I don’t have my mother’s letters. (24) I didn’t memorize them, although I reread them dozens of times. (25) But the picture of life at home, which arose from my mother’s news, is alive in my memory.

(26) In the icy wind, I saw her at the stove with her eyes closed. (27) This vision appeared at night at the post. (28) There was a letter in my pocket. (29) A distant warmth wafted from him, smelling of resinous firewood. (Z0) This native warmth was stronger than the wind.

(31) When the letter arrived from my mother, there was no paper, no envelope with the field mail number, no lines. (32) There was my mother’s voice. (33) I heard him even in the roar of the guns. (34) The smoke from the dugout touched my cheek, like the smoke from my home.

(35) On New Year’s Eve I saw a Christmas tree at home. (Z6) Mom spoke in detail in her letter about the Christmas tree. (37) It turns out that Christmas tree candles were accidentally found in the closet. (38) Short, multi-colored, similar to sharpened colored pencils. (39) They were lit, and the incomparable aroma of stearin and pine needles spread from the spruce branches throughout the room. (40) The room was dark, and only the cheerful will-o’-the-wisps died down and flared up, and the gilded walnuts flickered dimly.

(41) The old clock goes and strikes midnight. (42) The cricket, which miraculously settled in a city apartment, works on a chirping machine.

(43) The Ursa Major ladle stands on the roof of the house opposite.

(44) It smells like bread. (45) Quiet. (46) The tree went out. (47) The stove is hot.

(48) Then it turned out that all this was a legend that my dying mother composed for me in an ice house, where all the glass was broken by the blast wave, and the stoves were dead and people were dying from shrapnel. (49) And she wrote while dying. (50) From the icy besieged city she sent me the last drops of her warmth, the last blood.

(51) And I believed the legend. (52) He held on to her - to his NZ, to his reserve life. (53) I was too young to read between the lines. (54) I read the lines themselves, not noticing that the letters were crooked, because they were written by a hand devoid of strength, for which the pen was heavy, like an ax. (55) Mother wrote these letters while her heart was beating...

(56) I know a lot about the exploits of women: those who carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield, who worked for men, who gave their blood to children, who followed their husbands along the Siberian highways. (57) I never thought that all this had to do with my mother. (58) To the quiet, shy, ordinary one, concerned only with how to feed us, put on shoes, protect us...

(59) Now I look back at her life and see: she went through all this, but I see it belatedly. (60) But I see. (61) Now I see and hear everything.

(62) Forgive me, dear!

(According to Yu. Yakovlev *)

* Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev (1922-1996) - Russian prose writer, screenwriter, journalist, author of books for teenagers. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. The main themes of Yuri Yakovlev's prose are school life, the Great Patriotic War, performing arts, friendship between man and animal. Stories and tales: “Seryozhkin’s Son”, “He Was a Real Trumpeter”, “A Man Should Have a Dog”, “Sparrow Didn’t Break Glass”, “The Invisible Cap” and scripts for live-action and animated films: “Umka”, “Umka is looking for a friend” ”, “Kingfisher”, “Was a real trumpeter”, “Sancho’s faithful friend”, “I have a lion”, etc.


“The author’s reflections and memories are dedicated to the dearest person - his mother - and the most difficult and terrible period of his life - the war, which are inextricably linked. The text ends with words of repentance and forgiveness, which each of us can join. And the usual (A) ____ (in sentences 13, 62) become an expressive device that conveys the author’s state and his attitude towards his mother. A (B) _____ (in sentences 59-61) greatly enhances the author’s emotionally excited story. Syntactic means of representation (B) _____ (sentences 11-12, 37-38, 57-58) and (D) ____ (sentences 29, 42) also contribute to this.”

List of terms:

1) isolated members

2) rhetorical questions

3) rhetorical exclamations

4) appeals

5) introductory words

7) parcellation

8) lexical repetition

9) journalistic vocabulary

Let's look at how task A5 is presented in the 2013 demo version:

A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Thanks to the increased level of service in company stores, it becamemore buyers.

2) "Moidodyr", written by Korney Chukovsky and published in

20s of the twentieth century, became one of the most beloved works by children.

3) M. Gorky in one of his articles notes that poets before Pushkindid not know the people at all, were not interested in their fate, rarely wrote about him.

4) Those who strive for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.

To prepare the material for this assignment, the collection “OPTIMAL TASK BANK FOR PREPARING STUDENTS” was used. Unified State Exam 2012. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Steps to prepare for successfully passing the exam. Tasks and algorithms for their implementation. Authors: S.V. Drabkina, D.I. Subbotin. Moscow. "Intelligence-Center", 2012.

Task formulation:indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) A police patrol drove out towards a convoy of cars carrying food.

2) All twenty students who wrote the trial exam showed successful results.

3) Immediately upon arrival in the capital, the famous athlete met with journalists.

4) After graduating from college, he received the rank of lieutenant.

Correct answer: 3 (error “on arrival”, correct: “on arrival”).

The ability to find and correct grammatical errors when constructing sentences allows students not only to give the correct answer to task A5, but also to avoid making similar errors when writing an essay on the Unified State Exam.

What is required from students: find errors in sentence construction

1) with homogeneous members;

2) with participial phrases;

3) with proper names enclosed in quotation marks and being the names of a newspaper, magazine, book, picture, film;

4) with derivative prepositions “on completion”, “on arrival”, “on completion”, “on arrival”;

5) with double conjunctions "not only but…"; "both... and...";

6) using quotes;

7) starting with words: .

What students should know to complete the task correctly: typical grammatical errors.

Quite often on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language there are examples in which the following grammatical errors were made:

1. Incorrect sentence construction with homogeneous members:

A) AND participial phrase and attributive clause, starting with the words WHICH, WHICH, WHICH, WHICH:

The girl who sat by the window and sang well was remembered by the guests.

Participial phrases and subordinate clauses cannot act as homogeneous ones. Union AND must connect identical grammatical constructions: either two participial phrases or two attributive clauses. Therefore, the following options for constructing this sentence will be correct: 1) The girl who sat by the window and sang well was remembered by the guests. 2) The girl who sat by the window and who sang well was remembered by the guests.

Remember: AND.

To the people addicted tourism and who would like to see These amazing places with your own eyes, the author offers many exciting routes.

B)Cannot be combined in one sentence using a conjunction AND an addition expressed by a noun and a subordinate clause: Economists say inflation will fall and that there will be no more delays in wages.

A complement expressed by a noun and a subordinate clause cannot act as an addition. Union AND must connect identical grammatical structures: either two objects or two subordinate clauses. Therefore, the following options for constructing this sentence will be correct: 1) Economists talk about a decrease in inflation and the absence of salary delays. 2) Economists say that inflation is expected to decrease and that there will be no more delays in wages.

Remember:only syntactic constructions of the same type can be homogeneous and connected by a conjunction AND.

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect:

In my essay I want to tell about the importance of sports And why do I love him.

The book tells how to keep fish properly And about the device aquarium

IN)You cannot combine a noun and an infinitive as homogeneous members in one sentence: I love music and skating.

Remember:only syntactic constructions of the same type can be homogeneous and connected by a conjunction AND. Therefore, the following version of the construction of this sentence would be correct: I love listening to music and skating.

G)You cannot combine in one sentence using a conjunction AND predicates, if the noun following them is grammatically related to only one of them (it is unacceptable for different case questions to be asked from predicate verbs to a common dependent word):

In this sentence, the predicates “research” and “reasons” have the same dependent word “about nature”, however, from the first predicate the question WHAT is asked to it?, and from the second - ABOUT WHAT? This construction of a sentence is unacceptable, since a general word dependent on homogeneous members must answer the same question. Therefore, the correct options for constructing this sentence would be the following:

In sentences in which the predicates have the same dependent word and are connected by a conjunction AND, from each of the predicates the same question must be asked to the common dependent word.

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect:

Listeners of the program expected (WHAT?) and hoped (WHAT?) to meet with a famous TV presenter.

Every day I watered (WHAT?) and admired (WHAT?) this flower.

D)It is unacceptable that parts of double unions "not only but…"; "both... and..." connected different concepts (parts of a double conjunction should be connected only by homogeneous members expressed in words of the same part of speech and answering the same question):

Created on the theme of war not only films, but also staged wonderful performances.

Double alliance "not only but…" must connect homogeneous members of a sentence. In this case, this does not happen: the parts of the double conjunction connect the noun "movies" and short passive participle "set", which are not homogeneous members due to the fact that they belong to different parts of speech and answer different questions. Therefore, such a sentence construction is unacceptable. Right say this:

On the theme of war not only created movies , but also set wonderful performances.

From a grammatical point of view, such a construction of a sentence with a double conjunction is also incorrect "both... and...":

For us how interesting image of Raskolnikov, so is the image Sonya Marmeladova.

The parts of the double conjunction will connect the short adjective "interesting" and a noun "image", which are not homogeneous due to the fact that they belong to different parts of speech and answer different questions. Therefore, such a sentence construction is unacceptable. Right say this:

Interesting for us as an image Raskolnikova, so is the image Sonya Marmeladova.

E)Homogeneous members following the generalizing word must be in the same case as the generalizing word:

In this sentence the general word is "spiritual qualities" stands in the form T.p., and all homogeneous members “ justice, nobility, simplicity"- in the form of Im.p. Therefore, this sentence is constructed incorrectly. Correct is the following option:

Yo)It is impossible to omit different prepositions when listing homogeneous members:

Crowds of people were everywhere: in the streets, squares, squares.

Before the words "squares" need to add a preposition "V" , because this word is not used with a preposition "on the" . Correct option:

Crowds of people were everywhere: in the streets, squares, and parks.

When listing homogeneous members, you can omit the same prepositions; different prepositions cannot be omitted. The following sentence is also incorrect from a grammatical point of view:

Travel agencies today offer you to visit Greece, Spain, Finland and Cyprus.

2. Misuse participial phrases:

A)You cannot place the word being defined inside a participial phrase (the participial phrase must completely stand before or after the word being defined and should not be torn apart by it):

Arrived delegates You must register for the convention.

Defined word "delegates" breaks the participial phrase, it can only come before or after it.

The following sentences are grammatically incorrect:

The narrow path was covered falling snow underfoot.

I was tasked with destroying a sniper perched on a tree.

B)It is impossible for a participle and a qualified word to be used in different gender, number and case:

One of the miracles on the Kuril ridge, attractive tourists, associated with geysers and volcanoes.

In this sentence the participial phrase refers to the combination "one of miracles" and must agree with the main word in this phrase ("one") in gender, number and case. Therefore, the participle phrase should look like this: "one of the wonders of the world"(WHICH?) "attracting her tourists". The correct way to construct this sentence is: One of the miracles on the Kuril ridge, attractive tourists, associated with geysers and volcanoes.

Do not forget:the participle and the word being defined must agree in gender, number and case, which is checked by the question that is asked from the word being defined to the participle.

The following sentence is incorrect from a grammatical point of view:

Some from travelers, former in the tributaries of the Amazon River, a plant with huge floating leaves was described.

IN)You cannot use a participial phrase in a sentence after a noun that is not a qualifying word for this participial phrase:

The forest stretches from north to south, consisting mainly of coniferous trees.

In this sentence the participial phrase comes after the noun "south", which is not defining for him. The participial phrase characterizes the word "forest" and should be consumed after it. Hence, correct is the following sentence construction option:

The forest, consisting mainly of coniferous trees, stretches from north to south.

3. Incorrect use in a sentence proper names , enclosed in quotation marks and representing the names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, paintings, films, television shows, etc. :

A)You cannot use in any case other than the nominative the names of literary works, newspapers, magazines, paintings, films, television programs if they are preceded by a generic concept - a common noun - “novel”, “story”, “poem”, “picture”, “magazine”, “newspaper”, “television show”, etc.

Wrong option : IN magazine "New World"

Correct option : IN magazine "New World" A review of the new novel has been published.

Wrong option : In ode Pushkin "Liberties" The theme of freedom comes up.

Correct option : In ode Pushkin "Liberty" The theme of freedom comes up.

Wrong option : Many readers know the writer Troepolsky from his book "White Bim Black Ear".

Correct option : Many readers know the writer Troepolsky from his book "White Bim Black Ear".

B)The title, enclosed in quotation marks and given WITHOUT a generic word (“novel”, “story”, “poem”, “picture”, “magazine”, “newspaper”, “television program”, etc.), changes according to cases:

IN "War and Peace" over five hundred works are active.

Wrongfrom the point of view of grammar are sentences:

Magazine "Nature" We have been prescribing for many years.

IN trading complex "Yubileinom" a new electrical goods section has been opened.

4. Incorrect sentence construction with derivative prepositions “thanks to”, “according to”, “despite” and the non-derivative preposition “by” used in figures of speech “on completion”, “on arrival”, “on completion”, “on arrival”.

A)After prepositions “thanks to”, “according to”, “despite” nouns are used only in the form dative case(WHAT?) and in no other:

Wrong options :

True success can only be achieved through hard work, perseverance and deep human knowledge. According to established in the navy traditions contrary to established rules, not in summer, but in winter.

Correct construction these proposals:

True success can only be achieved through (WHAT?) work, perseverance and deep knowledge of a person. According to (WHAT?) established in the navy traditions, crossing the equator is considered a significant event. It was decided to carry out work on the strait, contrary to(WHAT?) established rules, not in summer, but in winter.

Remember:pretext thanks to is used only when we are talking about the reasons that caused a positive result. Therefore, phrases with this preposition in combination with something negative should be considered incorrect: People were injured due to the train crash.

B) Non-derivative preposition "BY" in meaning "after something" used with a noun only in the form of the prepositional case.


Upon arrival

On arrival


Correctconstruction of these sentences:

On arrival (= after arrival) When he arrived in the city he felt ill.

Upon arrival (= after arrival) In Venice, I immediately visited old friends.

Upon completion (= after completion) construction workers left the site in perfect order.

5. Incorrect construction of sentences when quoting.

It is unacceptable that when using quotes as explanatory clauses, they use the personal pronoun “I”:

In my memories Korolenko wrote that Always " I

Correcta variant of this proposal:

In my memories Korolenko wrote that Always " He I saw true intelligence in Chekhov’s face.”

6. Incorrect construction of complex sentences starting with words “all who...”, “those who...”, “none of those who...”.

In complex sentences built according to the model “all who...”, “those who...”, “none of those who...”, with subject "Who" the predicate verb is placed singular, and when "those", "all" - in the plural.

Incorrectly constructed sentences :

Those who have been to Kizhi, saw

All, who visited

In the first sentence the subject is "those" requires a predicate verb in the form plural "saw" . In the second example the subject "Who" must be used with a predicate verb in the form singular "been" .

Therefore, the correct options for constructing these sentences are as follows:

Those who have been to Kizhi, saw and, how a stone ridge stretches along the entire lake, like the backbone of a giant animal.

All, who visited on the White Sea, they know that hunting begins there in February.

Remember: those (all) + predicate verb in plural;

Who + predicate verb singular.

Let's give some more examples grammatically incorrect sentences:

Those, who didn't know the words of the song silently opened their mouths.

Those who were the older ones offered chairs.


Quite often in the Unified State Exam tests of task A5 there are sentences in which grammatical errors were made in the case form of a noun or pronoun, standing after the verb (control errors).

Verb, choosing the correct case form of the noun after which you need to remember

Asking a question from this verb to a noun

The correct case form of the noun after this verb