How and why adults take the Unified State Exam. What you need to know for the Unified State Exam in History to pass it

Today, every graduating class student knows for sure: without a good Unified State Exam score, there is no chance of entering a university and getting a decent education.

But representatives of older generations often have a rather vague idea of ​​what the Unified State Exam is and why it is necessary.

Until now, not everyone knows how the mysterious abbreviation stands for Unified State Examination. Meanwhile, the answer is very simple: only according to the result Unified State Exam You can go to college or university.

It is an assessment of the knowledge of modern schoolchildren, assessed according to a unified assessment methodology approved by the Ministry of Education.

According to legal requirements, every school graduate must pass the Unified State Exam upon graduation if he intends to study further. Exams are held on the same day throughout the country, taking into account time zones.

Exam results in basic subjects - mathematics, biology, literature and language, chemistry, geography, etc. – are expressed in the number of points scored and are necessary to participate in the competition for admission to the chosen university. A graduate who has not passed the Unified State Exam or who has scored insufficient points will not be allowed to compete at the university.

The questions and tasks of the Unified State Exam cover the entire school curriculum, practically from elementary to graduate school. The better a student studied in the years preceding his senior year, the greater his chances of successfully passing the Unified State Exam with a high score.

Of course, intensive preparation, the help of a good subject tutor and a number of other factors play an important role. But it is still difficult to count on a really good result for someone who, throughout the entire school period, has not risen in level of knowledge above a mediocre grade.

After all, you will have to not only memorize the theoretical part of the course, but also learn how to solve problems, write essays - i.e. demonstrate creative abilities based on a thorough understanding of the subject. So you need to prepare for writing the Unified State Exam from the first grades of primary school.

1. First, you need to apply for the Unified State Exam in those subjects that are required for admission to the university. Their list necessarily includes mathematics and the Russian language; other subjects are included at the choice of the graduate, depending on what his future specialty will be and which subjects are core for the university of his choice. Acceptance of applications for the Unified State Exam ends on March 1st.

2. On the day appointed for the exam, you must arrive at the point where the exam is being held no later than 9:30 am. The Unified State Exam starts at 10-00 in the morning, and you need to register and prepare to write the test in half an hour. The graduate must bring with him a passport, a pen with black ink, an exam pass and (optional) a plastic bottle of water.

3. After the teachers distribute the answer sheets, you can start writing. For each subject, the duration of the exam and the number of questions are determined each year by the Ministry of Education.

4. At the end of the exam, you must turn in your work, regardless of whether all questions have been answered. If a student has completed the test early, he may turn in his completed form early and leave the classroom.

At the Unified State Exam you can use:

— for passing a test in mathematics - with a ruler and reference books issued along with the task;

- for passing a geography test - with a ruler, protractor, calculator without the ability to memorize and program;

- to pass the chemistry test - with a simple calculator and tabular materials attached to the task;

- for passing the Unified State Exam in physics - a simple calculator and a ruler;

— for passing the Unified State Exam in languages ​​of foreign countries - with listening equipment installed at the examination point.

Any failure is not a disaster, and if you failed to score the minimum points in only one subject, you can try to retake this exam in the hope of getting a higher score. An application for an additional exam can also be submitted by those who missed the Unified State Exam for a valid reason - illness, family circumstances, etc.

If you fail exams in two subjects, you will have to retake the Unified State Exam next year, having prepared more thoroughly. However, anyone who is sure that he wrote the test well, but evil teachers find fault with him, can file an appeal, and a special commission will re-check the answers he wrote within a few days.

So, today we will talk about how to pass the Unified State Exam. In fact, this is a rather interesting question that many schoolchildren puzzle over. This is especially true for those who want to study nothing and still get good scores. And so today we will try to find out everything that can relate to final school exams. In fact, if you put everything “on the shelves”, then everything will be extremely simple and understandable.

What is this?

First, we need to understand what we will be dealing with today. This is especially important for school graduates. The Unified State Exam will affect them in grades 9 and 11.

In fact, what is commonly called the unified state exam is nothing more than a test of the student’s accumulated knowledge in a particular subject. There are so-called mandatory profiles, and there are additional ones. It is thanks to such verification that school graduates can enter a university in one direction or another. “If I pass the Unified State Exam (mathematics, specialized level), I will be able to enroll in mathematics or physics,” is how many applicants reason.

But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Just a year ago a very interesting change was introduced. Previously, everyone took the Unified State Exam at the same level and in all selected subjects, with the exception of the compulsory ones - mathematics and the Russian language. At the moment, the exam in the mathematical discipline is divided into 2 parts - basic and specialized. If you do not need mathematics for admission, then choose option 1. Are you thinking about math faculty? Then you will have to take a specialized exam. But this is not all that can be said about our topic today. Let's try to understand how the exam works and how to pass it.


All students are sent to different schools (USE bases) on the appointed dates, where they must pass the final assessment of knowledge. As a rule, compulsory subjects are taught on different days. But the optional ones can cost several pieces per day. If it turns out that the subjects “matched”, then you will have to write an application at your school so that you will be given the opportunity to take some discipline another time.

“If I pass the specialized Unified State Examination (mathematics), as well as other exams, I will be able to enter a good university,” - this is exactly what many school graduates think. But in reality we get a situation that is not particularly encouraging. The competition among applicants is enormous, scores vary, and the tension increases every time. This is understandable - every year new and more stringent rules for conducting the Unified State Exam are invented. And now we will get to know them.

After settling the situation with several exams in one day, it is worth preparing for the test, and then arriving at the appointed place at the right time. There are just some small rules that everyone must follow.

First, you should not have a mobile phone with you. And no gadgets at all. Sometimes even a harmless player can cause removal from the exam. If you managed to bring a mobile phone with you (now they will check you right at the entrance), then try to make sure that it does not ring. And you better turn it off.

You also cannot withdraw from the exam (exit) or leave the classroom on your own. This is allowed only in the presence of an accompanying person and only 2 times maximum. Of course, if you really need to go to the toilet or feel unwell, you may be allowed to go out more often.

The examinee has the right to bring a chocolate bar with him to the exam (unfolded so that it does not rustle) and a bottle of water. You will need to place them on the edge of the table at which you are sitting.

It is prohibited to take bags into your workplace. They are usually left at the entrance to the classroom - there are usually several chairs there on which you place your backpacks.

Communicating and talking during the exam, as well as freely moving around the classroom and cheating is strictly prohibited. After looking at these rules, many begin to think about how to pass the Unified State Exam. And answering this question can be very difficult. But we will figure out how to implement the idea. But first, let’s figure out whether it’s necessary to take the exam at all.


To be honest, whether you need to take the Unified State Exam or not, everyone decides for themselves. But in general it is customary to undergo this type of knowledge assessment. This is generally a mandatory item for applicants. If you do not plan to enroll, but want to become a housewife or work “for yourself” without higher education, then you must pass an assessment of knowledge in the Russian language and mathematics (basic level).

As already mentioned, applicants are required to pass exams to enter a university. Typically, educational institutions post in advance a list of specialties and subjects required for admission. At the moment, the student must make his choice before February 28. From now on you will have to prepare to test your knowledge.

In addition, the required passing scores will also be posted on the universities’ websites. The higher the amount for all selected subjects that are needed for the specialty, the better it will be for you - the greater the chance of entering on a budget.

In general, you are required to pass the Unified State Examination in mathematics and Russian language. Next there will be several subjects (sometimes one), which will give you the opportunity to choose a specialty. Plus, universities also choose the main science in which priority competition for budget-funded places will be held. For example, in the math department it is mathematics, in the medical department it is biology, in the philological department it is Russian, in the physical and technical department it is physics, in the physical education department it is physical education, in the historical department it is history, and so on. The higher the score in this subject, the better.

As a rule, which exams to take, everyone decides for themselves. It has already been said many times that it depends on the faculty and specialty you choose. For the most part, schoolchildren take Russian language, mathematics and social studies. These subjects are enough to enroll in management or economics.

If you didn't pass?

What to do if you haven't passed the Unified State Exam? A lot of people think about this. To be honest, there are several fairly simple options for action here. The first is to come at the appointed time to the exam point in the subject and try to retake it. Of course, you will have to prepare well. This is exactly what will be your lifeline if you decide to go to university.

The second option is to get a certificate of listening to lessons at school and go to work. As a rule, this prospect does not make schoolchildren very happy. This is understandable - no one wants to end up with a “nose” when you spent 11 years at school.

In addition, some school graduates can take the Unified State Exam at the university where they want to enter. As a rule, this opportunity is available only to those whose knowledge assessment has already expired. Please note that it can be very difficult to pass the re-test. Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam at school again? No. In the best case, you will actually be allowed to take a retake or sent to a university for testing.

Preparing for the "execution"

Many people are interested in how to pass the Unified State Exam. And now we will try to give you some very interesting and simple tips that will definitely help you in solving your task. Let's start by doing a little preparation for the process.

Pay attention to the time remaining before the exam. If you “came to your senses” within a week, you will have to work hard to solve the problem. But when you start to panic long before the “doomsday”, you can relax a little. The thing is that now, as a rule, they prepare for the Unified State Exam in schools, in graduate classes, directly in the classroom. Or at a time specially designated for this matter.

Besides, you will have to calm down. Panic and tension are something that can drive anyone crazy. If you are nervous, you will most likely forget all the information you were taught.

Also inquire about the required scores for admission to the university. They are usually not very high (for a contract basis). It is also advisable to prepare for the fact that you will not be on budget when you take the exam. It's about preparing finances. If they are your personal and not your parents’, then this will not only be an incentive to save money, but also a reason to relieve stress. After all, many mothers and fathers put a lot of pressure on their child, saying that they will have to pay for his education.

The last step is to find a quiet and peaceful place to prepare, where no one will disturb you. Sometimes this can be a park, a hotel room, a rented apartment, or even your own room. Everything depends on you. Now that a little preparation has been done, you can think about how to pass the Unified State Exam.

Own mind

The first scenario is usually the most honest. After all, we are talking about passing the exam with your own knowledge. To do this, of course, you will have to learn material on a particular subject. There is no need to cram it - in a tense environment you can simply forget to “cram.”

In order for the exam to be successful, you must have the desire to pass it. And, of course, zeal for this. You can try to educate yourself - some people learn the material better when they “dig” into it and understand it themselves. If you constantly need control in this matter, then it is better to enroll in specialized courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Remember that you cannot study all the material in the subjects in the last days. During this period, it is better to simply skim the text in order to refresh what you read. Don't overload your brain, otherwise you will simply fail the exam. And then you will have to go for a retake. But passing exams with your knowledge is far from the most popular way to solve the problem. Quite often, students are interested in how to pass the Unified State Exam in any case: with or without knowledge in their heads. And now we will try to help such applicants.

We delay the moment

The second scenario is not entirely fair. But he is able to help those who rely only on their own strength and knowledge, but for some reason do not have time to learn everything. You can delay the moment of judgment a little by having a good reason for being absent from the exam. This may be evidence of a difficult situation in the family or illness (treatment).

Nowadays you can get a certificate of illness very quickly and easily. As a rule, some doctors are willing to make concessions to some students. In extreme cases, some depict a real illness. Usually this is an acute respiratory viral infection with fever. And if you have doctors in your family, then the problem is solved very quickly.

If you provide all evidence of your illness, your exam time will be rescheduled. During this time, you will be required to prepare to the end, and then make your dream come true. Honestly, there are other methods that help answer how to pass the Unified State Exam. Which ones exactly? Let's figure it out now.

Ordering answers

On the Internet today you can “run into” a bunch of offers to provide ready-made answers to the Unified State Exam. There are several options for the development of events - obtaining ready-made answers from the exam database, as well as an individual solution directly during the exam.

It’s worth noting right away that this is not the cheapest pleasure. Moreover, there are no guarantees that the answer is correct. Recently, students have been trying to order ready-made answers, because it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to photograph the forms with assignments right in the classroom.

In reality, this scenario does not work very well. Often you will just pay the scammers and also get answers from another exam. Or completely made up. Maybe some of the options will coincide with reality, but that’s not what we need, right? Thus, it is worth worrying about other methods to solve the problem.

Gadgets to help

Particularly cunning and resourceful schoolchildren try to cheat on exams using various gadgets. Sometimes these are just "spurs" on the phone, sometimes - formulas, occasionally - complete material and even answers on a particular subject. It depends only on the student’s intelligence.

True, recently a rather interesting way of cheating with the help of gadgets is the use of the so-called micro-earphone. You call your friend, place the earphone in your ear (it will not be visible), and then use the phone to communicate with him. Read the task and wait for the answer.

But don’t delude yourself ahead of time. Currently, bringing gadgets into the territory of the Unified State Exam is prohibited. And if you manage to do this, then you risk being kicked out of the exam. Then you will not be able to find out how you passed the profile Unified State Exam or the basic exam, because the results will not be given to you. They will be cancelled. And you will have to be tested again.

Sometimes, of course, you manage to bring your phone to the exam. But don’t rejoice - most Unified State Examination points install special signal blockers. Thus, no communication on the territory of the “base” will be “caught”. Neither the Internet nor a mobile phone will help you.

Preparing cheat sheets

How to pass the Unified State Exam? To be honest, you can try to prepare cheat sheets. This is a fairly old and already proven method that can help many students. You don't even have to use them. The Spurs' help is based on something different.

The thing is that while writing them, you read and try to remember more material. Thus, writing cheat sheets is the same thing as studying a subject, but with a little safety net. You will be sure that if you forget something, you will always be able to spy on the material. The main thing is to hide the clues. How to do it? Decide for yourself. Some people write the entire textbook on a small piece of paper in small handwriting and then hide it in a shoe or sock, while others write a lot of “stickers” and “stuff” them all over their pockets. Choose the option that suits you best.

The main thing is that cheat sheets really help. At a minimum, they force you to involuntarily read and remember the material, and their presence also helps to calm your own nerves. It is calmness that often becomes the key to success.


So, today we got acquainted with the unified state exam, the rules for its conduct, as well as several common opinions about how you can pass this test.

In general, the Unified State Exam is very important for a student. Without this verification, it is now impossible to enroll in a university. But it is precisely this type of assessment of knowledge that becomes the cause of many troubles and deaths - nervous breakdowns and suicides among schoolchildren, as well as discord even in the most friendly families. Therefore, try to remain calm on the eve of the exam. If you can’t do this on your own, then seek the help of a neurologist and psychologist.

Very soon, school graduates will have to take the Unified State Exam. Right now you need to mobilize all your strength and tune in to a high score. Despite the fact that there is a lot of information on this subject on the Internet, teachers advise not to leave preparation for the last week, and especially before the exams themselves. If you adhere to only 8 rules, then the graduate will be able to easily overcome this difficult period in his life.

1. Set a goal

It is very important for a school graduate to decide on the choice of his future profession. This is the main goal, to achieve which you need to enter a university and get a diploma.

But there is no way to do without the Unified State Exam. A teacher of Russian language and literature says that it is best to start preparing after 9th grade.

I completely agree with the opinion of my colleague - a teacher of the highest category, an Unified State Exam expert in social studies. In her opinion, one should start preparing for the exam in the 10th grade. Six months before the Unified State Exam, you need to take up individual tasks of increased complexity, and at the same time you should not affect the course content. This method of preparation is ideally suitable for gifted students.

2. Assess strength

Olga Zhovtonoga believes that when there is a goal and there is no doubt, then it is time to evaluate your strength. It is necessary to begin preparation with those subjects and topics for which the student has uncertainty. But there are situations when contacting is simply necessary. For example, the level of knowledge acquired in the lessons is insufficient, or the scores need to be increased to 90-100, which are required for admission.

Irina Koryagina advises contacting a tutor when choosing a specific subject.

The modern school curriculum does not provide an opportunity to adequately prepare for the Unified State Examination in subjects other than mathematics and the Russian language.

3. Discard unnecessary things, but not to the detriment of other items

Of course, you should concentrate all your attention on the subjects chosen for the exam. But experienced teachers remind us that we should not forget about the other lessons that are included in the school curriculum.You definitely need to study! Irina Koryagina warns that no one can know what knowledge will be needed in life. The most important thing is to do everything wisely.

If, for example, a student has chosen a humanities major, then he certainly does not need to spend too much time preparing for tomorrow’s biology lesson.

4. We create the workplace correctly

In the usual understanding, a schoolchild’s workplace should be a table littered with numerous textbooks and a mobile phone nearby in case someone calls. But it is very important that nothing distracts the student, then the preparatory process will significantly increase and be effective. Vasilina Yurchenkova, a teacher of the Russian language, advises removing everything extraneous and in particular mobile phones, eliminating TV, communication with family members and friends. This will help the student focus on learning the material.

Ideally, there should be a computer on the desk to help with studying. But sometimes a student’s communication on the Internet takes longer than necessary, so parents should check how their child is completing assignments.

5. Correct time management

Before you start preparing for the Unified State Exam, you need to clarify the exam date for each subject - this will help you allocate the preparation time correctly, advises Vasilina Yurchenkova. The ability to rationally manage time can be a pleasant bonus when preparing for exams. In addition, a timer will serve as an assistant, by which you can time the completion of a specific task. You can practice on exam questions from previous periods.

6. Prepare according to the plan

Preparation for the Unified State Exam will be successful only if a rational plan for its implementation has been drawn up. For example, it is advisable to solve three tests daily, which are posted on training sites. After which you will need to check the operation and troubleshoot errors (if any). warns:

"Under no circumstances should you do tasks based on luck. Playing with intuition is not the best way to pass the exam."
It is best to turn to the rules if you don’t know the answer, and this way you can gradually learn and fully understand problematic topics.

This principle always works, since the Unified State Examination contains tasks of the same type.

7. Rest time is a must

Vasilina Yurchekova is convinced that intensive training should be accompanied by rest for the brain. To do this, you need to set aside a day during which you will recover your strength so that you can start studying again the next morning.

“Everyone chooses their vacation at their own discretion, but you should not stay on social networks for a long time, as this will reduce the desired effect. Walking in the fresh air and physical activity are best. Olga Zhovtonoga believes that good results can only be achieved if classes are regular and energy is distributed evenly - for study and relaxation.»

8. Don't be nervous

This is advice that applies more to parents, since they are the ones who are alarmists and often do not provide the necessary psychological support for their child. And a constant reminder of what important and difficult step awaits him is, in most cases, unnecessary. A purposeful 17-year-old graduate who is about to enter a university most likely understands everything himself. Therefore, you should not “add fuel to the fire,” but come to the aid of your graduate with understanding, kind words and parting words. Let him believe in his strength and that he will succeed if he starts preparing on time. Vasilina Yurchenkova reassures parents and students and says:

There is no need to be afraid of the Unified State Exam, since it is not the most difficult exam in life, although it is very important.
There is a lot of advice, the main thing is that the student himself knows what he wants and what needs to be done to achieve his goal. Then he will be able to look at preparing for the Unified State Exam from the positive side and develop the right strategy. Teachers and parents will also help him in this.

The main stage of the Unified State Exam will be completed at the end of June. According to the law, not only yesterday’s schoolchildren, but also graduates of previous years can take it; the main thing is to have time to submit an application to the Regional Information Processing Center before February 1. As a rule, this is how the Unified State Exam is taken by those who did not enter their desired university after school, took time out to prepare or joined the army, and a year later decided to try again. But often among the graduates of past years there are people over 20 and even 30 years old. Sometimes they already have one higher education, but according to the rules of the university where they decided to receive a second higher education, passing the Unified State Exam is mandatory. For example, it may be asked to pass if the new profession has nothing to do with the existing diploma.

The rules for adults are the same as for teenagers: you are allowed to bring only water, medicine and chocolate, you can only write with a black gel pen, and there are cameras in the offices. We learned how adults who already had one higher education, the birth of a child, and work experience took the unified state exam.

Studying after maternity leave


23 years old, left school for work, but decided to continue it after the birth of her child

I left school for college at a law school after the ninth grade, so I only took the State Exam. I entered through internal exams on a budget and had no plans to quit studying at all. I studied excellently throughout the first year, received a scholarship, and after the second year I went to work. I was 17 years old, and something clicked in my head. I decided that I’d rather spend my time working and get paid for it than sit in lectures while everyone around me is making noise and I’m not really getting any information. It was easier for me to prepare at home and come only for exams, but the college did not provide the possibility of distance learning, so I was left for the second year. I went back to my second year, while working two jobs - during the day as a notary's assistant, and at night in a call center. I failed at the lecture; during my third year of study at college, I attended ten times, no more. So they asked me to pick up the documents, and I myself was not against it.

I lived alone since I was 18 years old. She just worked and got all the pleasures that a lonely young girl with a salary above 50 thousand rubles can afford. By that time, I had already left the notary office, and the company where I got a job in the call center promoted me. Six months after meeting the young man, I married him; I was 20 years old at the time, and a year and a half after the wedding, my son was born. It was then that I began to think about continuing my studies. Nowadays, without a crust after 25, no one really needs you, and I don’t plan to be on maternity leave all my life.

Exam preparation

I prepared for the exams through the Algorithm distance school. She also organizes attachment to a public school, appoints curators, and conducts sessions, including from the Moscow Center for Quality Education. We had classes twice a week - in Russian and mathematics. I didn’t go to the lessons themselves, but, of course, I attended the sessions. It cost 10 thousand rubles a month, the entire training took nine months. I was lucky, my husband took care of the payment, but in our group there were people who took out loans or worked for days so that they had enough to live and study.

We took the Unified State Exam on the same day as schoolchildren throughout the country. We were told in advance the dates and addresses of the schools where we should take the test. I was assigned to a regular Moscow school; according to the database, I was enrolled in the 11th grade of self-education. At the entrance I was almost undressed. I was wearing a wrap-around sweater with a bustier underneath, and the guard asked to show me if I really didn’t have any cheat sheets. But I didn’t give in, and then there was no special attention to me. But I know for sure that the guys carried cheat sheets in their shoes, and then took them out in the toilet. One guy hid his phone under his belt, and when the security guard’s metal detector went off, his colleague simply said, “He’s probably acting up.” Come on in."

I prepared for the math exam only for the first six months, and then rather superficially. There was nothing very difficult in the assignments, at least I had enough knowledge from the ninth grade seven years ago to write a B. At school, I consistently got a D in algebra, but our teacher was simply the best, so this D gave me more than many of their A's. It was important to know the basics, especially since the exam gives out frequently used formulas, you just need to be able to apply them.

I didn’t prepare for the Russian language at all - and I always knew it well. I passed with 73 points, which is five if translated into a five-point system. If I had prepared, I probably would have scored more points. Although the Russian really pissed me off. One of the tasks sounded like this: “Choose a phrase in which the word is agreed incorrectly. Write this word correctly." I chose the sentence “He began to act more despondent,” and in the line for the correct answer I wrote down one word: “dejectedly.” The assignment clearly states “word”, not “words”. It turned out that I had to write down the phrase “more depressing,” and I didn’t get a point. Such cases are dealt with in the Unified State Exam collections; if I had seriously prepared, I would have known about this. But, in my opinion, this is dishonest: I have not memorized all the collections, but this does not mean that I do not know the Russian language.


I wasn't worried at all before the exam. Unlike schoolchildren, I did not have teachers who would intimidate me, telling me that my future depended on the Unified State Exam. I already had my own life - family, work experience. If I had not passed, the sky would not have fallen on my head; I would have been upset only because of the money that was spent on studying.

I haven’t decided yet which university and what specialty to enroll in, but I’m leaning towards marketing. The first thing was to get a certificate and pass the mandatory Unified State Exam in Russian and mathematics. I hope I’ll make up my mind and apply next year, even if I have to take some extra exams.

Sudden exam


I accidentally passed the Unified State Exam in Russian at the age of 32

I have a legal education, and from the very beginning I worked as a lawyer. I decided to get my second degree for myself, and not for work. I chose the institute simply: so that it had good reviews and was convenient to get to. RUDN University fell under these criteria, and that’s where I went. When I arrived to submit documents, I asked what exams would be, and they told me that I would have written and oral exams in English and an essay in Russian, and they set a day when I had to take all this. I was preparing for foreign language, but I didn’t even think about essay. There are always free topics, I choose them, and that’s it.

On the appointed day, I arrive for the exam, and they tell me that they looked at my documents: I had my first education a long time ago, and, naturally, I did not pass the Unified State Exam, so I need to do it now. There were about 30 other people with me, the same adults. We go in - there is only a piece of paper on the table, a black pen, phones must be turned off and put away. It’s schoolchildren who are searched and put through metal detectors; this won’t happen to us. But there was still no place to copy, and there was no need, it’s just a test.

The most difficult thing was to understand the task itself. Everything in the description is so complicated and confusing that you need to sit and think about what is required of you. It happened that the task took up seven lines, and the primitive answer took only one. Overall this is a simple exam. Those who remember at least something from school will definitely pass it. In general, I always knew Russian well, got straight A’s and won Olympiads.

Most of those who were with me then definitely passed and ended up in the same group with me. No one was worried at all either before or during the exam. It seems to me that our Faculty of Linguistics is famous for the fact that we never worried about anything and everything was always fine with us.

Competition with my son


to become a teacher, I took the Unified State Exam at the same time as my son

I studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Faculty of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, dropped out, and at almost 38 years old I decided to go to pedagogy to become a mathematics teacher. You can recover at the institute within five years, but for me more time had already passed, so there was only one option - to enroll again and take the Unified State Examination in Russian language, mathematics and social studies. I have five children, this was the main reason why I left the institute and did not study for a long time. The older children are quite old, and it turned out that we took the exams at the same time as our middle son. We even had a little competition to see who could get the most points. My son had other subjects, but in the end we had a draw - the overall score was the same.

To sign up for the Unified State Exam, you need to go to the Regional Information Processing Center in the Semenovskaya metro area in Moscow, write an application there, present your school certificate, and choose which dates are more convenient for you to take the exams. The center already issues a referral to a specific school. I took math and Russian early in March-April, and social studies in June, along with everyone else. All groups consisted entirely of graduates from previous years. There were no schoolchildren among us, only adults who took the Unified State Exam for different universities.

Passing the Unified State Exam

I was only a little worried, I understood that my life did not depend on the exam. For us, everything was set up the same way as for schoolchildren: metal detectors, frames, you had to warn if you wanted to go out. If it was possible to carry a cheat sheet, it would only be a paper one. When I took exams after school, it was somehow easier. Firstly, I could try to enter several universities at once, each had its own exams, but here there was only one exam - one chance. Secondly, in mathematics at a technical university I had five tasks, but all were complex, designed for a high level. There are 19 tasks here, most of which can, in principle, be thrown away. If a person solves the last seven difficult ones, then he will definitely solve the 12 simple ones.

I didn’t really prepare, I decided to go with what had been put aside and remained in my head after school and first education. And this is my mistake. If I had been familiar with the requirements and assessment criteria, I would have received a higher score. With mathematics it even turned out a little offensive: I solved the number, but according to the criteria, the commission could not give me a full point, but gave me one out of three. I went to appeal. I had enough points to qualify for the budget, but I wanted to defend my point of view. The appeal did not bring additional points, but it turned out to be useful as an experience, especially for the future teacher.

The most popular query in the Google search engine, from April to August, is the question: “How to pass the Unified State Exam if you don’t know anything?” Alas and ah! At all times, schoolchildren and students preferred more sophisticated and fun methods of passing exams to cramming and studying. Everyone, for example, knows perfectly well what cribs are, or “spurs,” as careless students call them. But times are changing, the Unified State Exam is replacing the usual graduation, and the methods of passing are changing, becoming more sophisticated and inventive. So how can you pass the Unified State Exam if you don’t know anything?

According to the results of the same Google service, one of the leaders among the Unified State Examination is the Russian language, preparation for which consists not only in cramming the rules, but also in the ability to hear and reproduce what is heard. This exam is often taken by graduates - partly thanks to the Internet, the literacy level in the country is steadily falling. And here there is nothing to advise students, except to read more, because literacy depends not only on the rules learned, but also on the number of books read, vocabulary and general erudition of a person. In addition, in the Russian language, which, by the way, is the second most difficult among the world's languages, there are a lot of exception words to the rules. These are the ones that should be written down on cheat sheets.

These things themselves have also become more technologically advanced. While the mothers and fathers of the current student candidates were manually copying answers to questions from the Talmuds in the library, practicing not only the ability to abbreviate words, but also left-handed skills (otherwise, trying to cram a detailed answer to a question onto a piece of paper measuring 5x5 centimeters is impossible), their descendants are fully mastering the computer functions of MS Word. So now it’s just a shame to ask the question of how to pass the Unified State Exam if you don’t know anything, when a textbook on the subject can be compressed and printed in 3 minutes.

Modern mobile technologies have become another way to answer the Unified State Exam. Why bother when you can just turn on Skype on your phone or put Bluetooth on your ear, and at the other end of the line put a friend with a textbook, who, like in the film “The Adventures of Shurik,” will shout: “Here, there!” True, teachers have also become quite savvy in modern technologies, and therefore confiscate all gadgets from careless students before the exam.

But in general, if you think about it, you take the 11th grade Unified State Exam not only to deceive the teachers. First of all, this is a way to prove to ourselves: that’s it, guys, we’re adults now. Therefore, this exam is made optional for the future student. It is a test task, although in general this approach forces children to rely more and more on “maybe”. So, before taking the Unified State Exam, future specialists should think about who they are doing this for? And if the answer is still “For myself,” then it’s worth learning the subject. And if the answer is different, then maybe you should think about whether you even need to take it right now? Maybe you should grow up before tormenting a search engine with a naive and stupid question: “How to pass the Unified State Exam if you don’t know anything?”