Topic on English career. My future career (My future career). Essay on my future profession

Let me introduce myself. My name is Masha. I have finished school this year. It is my dream to become a student of the English department. I want to study English, German and maybe French.

Knowledge of a foreign language opens a new world for us. If you know a foreign language, you can speak with foreigners and it is a way to better understanding. If you know a foreign language you can read books in the original, and it is a way to better understanding of other people's nature and culture.

In our country children study different foreign languages. At school I took up English. I read stories by English, American and Australian writers. It has become my habit to read English books in adapted form every day. I learn poems and do a lot of grammar exercises.

Now I know I must work hard to master English. Studying the English language under the guidance of the University teachers I want to learn much about the history of words, their origin and usage in ancient times. For example; the word "window" is made of two very old Anglo-Saxon words, such as "wind" and "eye". The word "window" means "the wind"s eye". It tells us of the time when a window was only a hole in the wall, and the wind used to come through it.

When I finish my studies, I "ll begin teaching in a secondary school. I think I" ll enjoy the work greatly. Teaching is a noble profession. In modern times all kinds of specialists need foreign languages ​​in their work - teachers, doctors, engineers and people in many other professions. If a specialist doesn't know a foreign language he can't use all the foreign books which he needs in his work. I want to teach my pupils to read English books in the original, so they won't depend on translations.

Choice of profession (Teacher)

Let me introduce myself. My name is Masha. I finished school this year. My dream is to become an English language student. I want to study English, German and French.

Knowing a foreign language opens up a new world for us. If you know a foreign language, you can talk with foreigners and this helps to understand each other better. If you know a foreign language, you can read books in the original, and this helps to better understand the character and culture of another people.

In our country, children learn various foreign languages. At school I studied English. I read stories by English, American, Australian writers. It has become a habit of mine to read adapted books in English every day. I study poetry and do a lot of grammar exercises.

I know now that I have to work hard to master English. Studying English under the guidance of university teachers, I want to learn a lot about the origin of words and their use in ancient times. For example, the word "window" consists of two ancient Anglo-Saxon words, such as "wind" and "eye". The word "window" means "eye of the wind". It speaks of the time when the window was a hole in the wall, and the wind often blew through it.

When I finish my studies, I will start teaching at a public school. I think I will get great pleasure from the work. Teaching is a noble profession. Nowadays, all specialists need to know foreign languages ​​- teachers, engineers and people of other professions. If a specialist does not know a foreign language, he cannot use all the books in a foreign language that he needs for work. I want to teach my students to read English books in the original so that they don't depend on translations. I hope I made the right choice.

Key Words:
Job Areas: agriculture, coal mining, sport, law, medicine, business, information technology, the media, shipbuilding.
Professions: politician, sculptor, doctor, vet, teacher, nurse, professional footballer, scientist, lawyer, journalist, computer programmer.
Skills: communication skills, computer skills, driving, language skills, organizational ability, typing.
Qualities: cooperation, cultural awareness, flexibility, creativity, motivation, tolerance, responsibility.

Job Areas - Areas of work:
agriculture - agriculture,
coal mining - coal industry,
sport - sport,
law - jurisprudence,
medicine - medicine,
business - business / entrepreneurship,
information technology- Information Technology,
the media - mass media,
shipbuilding - shipbuilding.

Professions - Professions:
politician - politician
sculptor - sculptor,
doctor - doctor,
vet - veterinarian,
teacher - teacher,
nurse - nurse / nanny,
professional footballer - professional footballer,
scientist - scientist,
lawyer - lawyer / lawyer,
journalist - journalist,
computer programmer - programmer.

Skills - Skills, skills:
communication skills - communication skills,
computer skills - computer skills,
driving - driving skills,
language skills - practical knowledge of a (foreign) language,
organizational ability - organizational abilities,
typing - typing skills.

Qualities - Qualities:
cooperation - cooperation,
сreativity - creativity,
cultural awareness - socio-cultural competence,
flexibility - flexibility,
initiative - initiative,
motivation - motivation,
tolerance - tolerance,
responsibility - responsibility.

Useful expressions:
to make money, to have one "s own business, to do one"s best, to make a career, to get a promotion, to have an advantage, to accelerate rapidly, to become self-employed, to become old-fashioned, to make a living, to be made redundant, to apply for a job, to earn one's living (to do for a living), to get a well-paid job, to get (receive) a salary/holiday pay/sick pay.

To make money - make money;
to have one "s own business - to have your own business;
to do one "s best - do your best, spare no effort;
to make a career - make a career;
to get a promotion - get a promotion;
to have an advantage - to have an advantage;
to accelerate rapidly - grow rapidly;
to become self-employed - start your own business;
to become old-fashioned - become old-fashioned;
to make a living - make a living;
to be made redundant - to be fired (to reduce staff);
to apply for a job - apply for a job;
to earn one "s living (to do for a living) - earn a living;
to get a well-paid job - get a well-paid job;
to get (receive) a salary/holiday pay/sick pay

The given texts are sample texts and we recommend you to use them while getting ready with your own stories on the topic.

Job Trends.
Survival of the Fittest.

Between now and the 21st century citizens of the world "s richest and most technologically advanced nations will find it increasingly difficult to keep up with the demand for change. For them, the future will arrive too soon. So begins Alvin Toffler" s book FUTURE SHOCK, written back in 1970.
Now people are beginning to pay attention to Toffler's prediction, because the speed of change is accelerating rapidly. It is sometimes difficult to work out the patterns of change. What should you do? First of all, don't panic.
Take a deep breath and try to get a sense of the good things the future has to offer.
You don "t need to be a genius to predict the job areas which will be most affected by technological change. Agriculture, textiles, coal and heavy industry are all doing mining badly. On the other hand, business, the media, information technology, and the biosciences are doing really well.
Without a doubt, the number of jobs in information technology will rise dramatically. There are currently over 100 million computers in the world and by 2020 the number will be around one billion. Because of this, computer programmers and systems analysts will be in much greater demand.
There are also many other important changes taking place in the workplace. First, the job market is getting more and more competitive and the idea of ​​a "job for life" has already become old-fashioned. Because of this, workers will have to be more flexible.
According to Mark Hastings of the Institute of Management, in the future people will organize their working life around a variety of contracts, instead of working just for one company.
In the same way, companies will change; they will be organized more democratically. People will move sideways to different jobs, rather than moving up the "company ladder" as before. Many more people will work for small, dynamic companies, which can react, quickly to changes in the market. Other people will give up working for a boss and become self-employed. All this means that companies will require people who are flexible and responsible. They will also need people who can work co-operatively and get on well in a team.
Good communication skills will be essential. According to Dr.Laurence Lyons of the Future Work Forum, women will initially have an advantage in this area. James Traeger, of the training agency Menswork, explains that many men will have to be retrained. "It"s not about making men more like women, but helping men to communicate as well."
We are undoubtedly moving towards a global economy. English will probably remain the international business language. However, understanding other people, their minds, culture and history will be vital.
Above all, a manager will need to feel comfortable working with people from other cultures and coping with cultural differences.
New technology is the driving force behind the rapidly changing workplace, so don't get left behind. You don't need to become a computer expert, but you must consider improving your computer skills. Work with more than one program in case you have to use them at work, and try to read about all the latest technology.
Undoubtedly, all this new technology is changing the way we work and offering many alternative ways of working. Rather than go into an office, a lot of people are connected to the Internet and now work from home. Working like this may give you the flexibility you want - to live where you want, to continue your studies and to have a lot more free time. That must be good news.

My Plans for the Future.

I have asked myself a lot of times: "What do I want to be when I leave school?" A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds of jobs to which I might be better suited.
I wanted to become a doctor. I thought it was a very noble profession. I was good at biology and chemistry. I wanted to help people who had problems with health. I knew that a doctor should be noble in work and life, kind and attentive to people, responsible and reasonable, honest and prudent. A doctor, who is selfish, dishonest can "t be good at his profession. I tried to do my best to develop good traits in myself.
Now it seems to me I have already decided what to do. I "d like to be a teacher. I know that it" s very difficult to become a good teacher. You should know perfectly the subject you teach, you must be well educated and well informed. An ignorant teacher teaches ignorance, a fearful teacher teaches fear, a bored teacher teaches boredom. But a good teacher develops in his pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty. As John Steinbeck once said, a great teacher is a great artist and you know how few great artists there are in the world. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts. It "s a great responsibility to bring up children. I think that"s the reason why teachers are deeply respected. But I "m not sure yet if I am going to become a teacher, because they are not well paid enough.
When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It "s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. I have known for a long time that leaving school is the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination of my abilities and character.
More and more people realize that every educated person should know a foreign language. No matter what I am to be in the future I know quite well just now I must know English perfectly.

Tasks and tests on the topic "Topic 1. "Choosing a Career."

  • Education and future career - Vocabulary grades 5–9

Topic "Career" (Topic in English "Career")

"What to be" is the most important question young people ask themselves. Your destiny and family relationship depends on it. Many aspects of life should be taken into consideration while answering the question "what to be". Different circumstances can our influence choice, we may follow someone’s experience or advice or be encouraged by certain people and events.

At early years of mankind development there were just a few jobs such as farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. In 17th century I Russia it was about 200 professions. Now exists 40000 varieties of jobs, but new kinds of work appears all the time. There is no doubt that it's difficult to choose correct. We have so many professions to choose from. Challenging, rewarding, exciting, prestigious, professions seem to be attractive. If a job is monotonous, exhausting, messy you will say it doesn't appeal to you. We divide jobs into caring, creative, outdoor, office professions and forces.

We refer to nursing, teaching to caring professions. Creative professions include the job of a journalist, designer. To work in the office means to be a bank worker, a secretary, a receptionist. If you work in agriculture, horticulture, conservation you are a representative of the outdoor profession. Those who work in the police, army or navy choose forces. Besides these professions you may make a career in law, finance, international business relations, tourism business, banking and others.

Making the right choice can be rather frustrating. You should know your strengths and weaknesses. You must keep in mind what different jobs can require. Some jobs need accuracy, good imagination, physical strength. Others will require experience, special training, traveling a lot, working long hours from home, working late or even working night shifts.

I wish we had a special subject in career teaching at school. If only there were visits to places of employment and higher education. At the lessons of career teaching we could investigate our good and bad points, our interests and aptitudes, we could relate our knowledge and values ​​to our ambitions and requirements of different occupations. Such lessons would clarify the relationship between education and employment.

It is important to realize that if you are practical and organized, like routine that doesn’t vary, have a tidy mind then you are suited for an office profession. Creative nature, imaginative mind, sociability and ability to communicate will enable you to be a designer, a tourist agent, an interpreter or a market researcher. Artistic and loving nature, imagination, sensitivity make the occupation of a painter, actor, dancer, florist, architect, beautician suitable for you. Working as a teacher Teacher’s demands love for children, perfect experience in subject, and the power of explanation. In matters of future career the priority should be given to education. If you are conscientious, efficient, capable of doing accurate work, responsible - your prospects of getting a good job increase.

Since I was a child I wished to be a programmer. I was interested in working with numbers, bites, structures and finding answers for complex problems. I love Mathematics and I am very good at it. As for my personality, I may say that I am constructive and persistent, I have strong logic, easily solve problems and I prefer teamwork rather than independence. To find a job I like I need to have excellent science knowledge’s so I could pass examinations to institute.

And there is another thing to keep in mind, it's creation of correct impression on people, especially, when you apply for a good position. Your possible in the future employer will search for your Curriculum Vitae. It's info about your previous experiences, education and personal qualities. Then he will decide whether to invite you or not for an interview. The way you look, your confidence, correct speech and behavior and knowledge of the subject will make a good impression on the interviewer.

Hey everyone! My name is Olga, and I'm graduating from school this year. As for many teenagers, the choice of future career is a real challenge for me. There are so many jobs, so it's rather difficult to make the right decision. Furthermore, I’m firmly convinced that the choice of future career is essential, and I don’t want to regret it for the rest of my life.
So I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have discussed it many times with my parents and closest friends, but I’m still a bit confused.
Firstly, I had a wish to do something I am keen on. I suppose turning your hobby into your future job is a great way one can become a successful specialist. I think I'm not bad at writing stories. I absolutely adore it! I can spend evenings thinking about the characters and the plot of my stories. I'm also fond of making illustrations to them. In addition, all the process of story making is very enjoyable to me. That's why I firmly believe that working as a writer is the best option for me.
The only problem is that my parents totally disagree with me. They say it's not the right way to make money and it's just my childish dream. They think I must be realistic and force me to become a programmer. I love computers and I spend quite a lot of time sitting in front of one, but programming is a completely different thing. I’m attending a programming course at the moment, so I can see it’s not something I’d really want to do.
Thus, I hope I'll be able to make the right choice, but for now future career is still an open issue.

Essay on my future profession

Hi all! My name is Olga and I am finishing school this year. For me, as for many teenagers, choosing a future profession is a real challenge. There are so many professions that it is very difficult to make the right decision. In addition, I am deeply convinced that the choice of a future profession is essential, and I do not want to regret it all my future life.
I've been thinking about this for a long time. I have discussed this issue with my parents and close friends many times, but I am still confused.
Initially, I wanted to do what I like. I think by turning your hobby into a future profession, you can become a successful professional. I think I'm good at writing stories. I just love it. I can spend entire evenings thinking about the characters as well as the plot of my stories. I also like to make illustrations for them. Moreover, the whole process involved in writing stories is very entertaining. Therefore, I am deeply convinced that the profession of a writer is the most suitable option for me.
But there is one problem. My parents absolutely disagree with me. They say it's not profitable and that it's just my childhood dream. They think that I should be realistic and choose the profession of a programmer. I like working with the computer and I spend a lot of time in front of it. But programming is completely different. I am currently attending a programming course, and I understand that this is not what I would like to do.
So, I hope that I will be able to make the right decision, but for now the question of choosing a future profession remains open for me.

Related writings

Sooner or later all of us face the problem of choosing a career when we are to decide what we are going to be in the future. Choosing a career is not a simple matter - in fact, it can be one of the most important in our life. You don "t need to hurry making a decision. You should examine thoroughly your abilities and character, take a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses, pay attention to your parents" and friends" advice and take into account your own preferences. The last point in the list is particularly important because there are many examples when people make great mistakes choosing their future profession. own opinion. Family traditions are good, but your turn of mind may be quite different. So, never base only on other people's opinion.
Having thought carefully about what sort of person you are, try to work out a list of your occupation requirements.
Nowadays there is a great variety of jobs to any taste. Choosing a future career, we should consider the following things.
pay. Is the size of your salary important? Generally speaking, it is important. Of course there may be various situations, but if you are going to be independent, successful and wealthy, you have to find a well-paid job. Moreover, if you are going to have a family, you should be ready to support it, to be a breadwinner. Naturally, you "d like to live in good conditions, and your children to study at good schools, and then to enter prestigious universities, to travel all around the world and so on. Now you understand why you should take money into consideration when choosing a job.

Further training, promotion prospects and job conditions should also be kept in mind. Just after graduating it is very difficult to find a plum job which will respond to all your preferences. It is usually a monotonous, tedious clerical job, but if you are a capable and hard-working person, you will certainly be offered an opportunity to climb the ladder.

Place of work. You ought to decide whether you want to work indoors (cashier, chemist, librarian, secretary, etc.) or outdoors (driver, firefighter, estate agent, etc.). Your choice may be based on your lifestyle or health condition.

Full-time, part-time, flexitime jobs. There is no set pattern to part-time working. It may involve a later start and earlier finish time than a full-time position, working mornings or afternoons only, fewer working days in a week for less salary. It is a perfect variant for students who want to juggle their studies and work, as well as flexitime jobs. Employees decide by themselves when to begin and end their working day.

Communication with different people. Meeting and dealing with people doesn't appeal to every person. Some people are not very sociable; on the contrary, they are timid, shy and diffident. Frankly speaking, it is a great talent to have communication skills. If you think you have it, you may choose a profession involving close contacts with people, such as a doctor, a journalist, a lawyer, a guide, a teacher.

business trips. You should keep in mind that some professions imply traveling all over the world, such as tour guides, scientists, actors, journalists, pilots and so on. It "s not always fun. Business trips may last a week, a month and even more. You may be sent to London for a few days, then you"ll spend only a few hours in Paris, and right after that, without any rest, you "ll have to go to Berlin. Sometimes it turns out that you don" t have even an hour for yourself just to relax and see the town you "ve come to. Such trips may be very exhausting and stressful. However, if you are young, ambitious and full of energy, you will be able not only to do your job successfully but also see the world.

Aspiration for creative work. If you are a creative person, it "s a must for you to find such a job. It can be a job of an artist, a tailor, a designer or a stylist.

Jobs associated with risk. Such jobs are usually well-paid, but very dangerous. A police officer, a fireman, a bodyguard, a lifeguard - these are the names of jobs which imply risk. Those, who want a rewarding but demanding job and who are ready to devote all their lives to it, may choose this kind of work.

Analyzing all these points will help you not to make a wrong choice.
In case you are an aspiring, responsible, creative, optimistic, reliable person, who is ready to learn and be laborious, who is not afraid of any difficulties of the future and ready to solve any problem with a smile, the world of jobs and careers will be open to you.
Choosing a career should not only be a matter of future prestige and wealth. Work should bring real satisfaction; otherwise your whole life will become dull and monotonous.

Profession choice (2)

Sooner or later, we all face the problem of choosing a profession, when it will be necessary to decide who we will become in the future. This is a very difficult question, but it can become one of the most important in our lives. Don't be in a hurry to make this decision. You must carefully study your abilities and character traits, realistically assess the strengths and weaknesses of your nature, heed the advice of parents and close friends, while considering your own preferences. Pay special attention to the last point of the above, because there are many examples when people make big mistakes when choosing a future profession. Sometimes they either simply follow in the footsteps of their parents or relatives, or blindly follow their advice. Your choice should be largely based on your own opinion. Family traditions are great, but your mindset may be completely different. Never rely solely on other people's opinions.
After carefully understanding what kind of person you are, try to make a list of individual requirements for the workplace.
Today there are a huge number of jobs for every taste. When choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

Salary . Does salary matter? Usually important. Of course, different situations can occur in life, but if you want to be independent, successful and wealthy, then you simply must find a well-paid job. Moreover, if you are going to start a family, you must be prepared to support it. You certainly would like to live in good conditions, send your children to good schools so that later they enter prestigious universities, travel the world, etc. Now you understand why it is so important to consider money when choosing a job.

Further training, promotion prospects and working conditions should also be considered.. Immediately after graduation from the university, it is difficult to find a job that will meet all your preferences. Most often, this is a boring office job, but if you are a capable and dedicated worker, you will undoubtedly have career opportunities.

Place of work . You should decide if you want to work indoors (cashier, pharmacist, librarian, secretary) or outdoors (driver, fireman, real estate agent). Your choice may depend on lifestyle or health conditions.

Full time work; part-time work, part-time work. Part-time work does not have a well-defined schedule. The working day can start later or end earlier, unlike full-time work. In addition, you can work only in the morning or only in the evening for a lower wage. This is ideal for students who want to combine study with work, as well as work with a staggered schedule. Employees decide when to start and end their work day.

Communication with different people . Not everyone likes to meet and communicate with different people. Some people are not very sociable, but on the contrary, they are shy, modest and insecure. Frankly, the skill of communicating with different people is a great talent. If you think that you have it, you can safely choose a profession that involves close communication with people, such as a doctor, journalist, lawyer, guide, teacher.

Trips and business trips. You need to be aware that some professions (guides, actors, journalists, pilots, etc.) involve traveling all over the world. But this is not always fun. Some business trips can last a week, a month or even more. You may be sent to London for a few days, then you will spend only a few hours in Paris, and immediately after that, without any rest, you will have to go to Berlin. Sometimes you don't even have an hour to rest and explore the city you've arrived in. These trips can be very exhausting and stressful. However, if you are full of energy and purposeful, then you will undoubtedly be able not only to do your job well, but also to see the world.

The pursuit of creativity. If you are a creative person, you must find such a job. It can be the work of an artist, tailor, designer or stylist.

Work associated with a certain risk. These types of jobs usually pay well, but they are very dangerous. Policeman, firefighter, bodyguard, lifeguard - all these are the names of professions associated with risk. Those who are ready to devote their whole lives to this can choose such a profession.

The analysis of all these criteria will help you not to make mistakes in choosing an occupation.
If you are an ambitious, responsible, creative, optimistic and reliable person who is ready to learn and work hard, is not afraid of any difficulties in the future and is ready to solve any problems with a smile, the world of professions and careers will be open to you.
Choosing a profession should not only be a matter of future prestige and well-being. Work should bring satisfaction, otherwise your whole life will become boring and monotonous.


1. Have you already thought about your future career? What makes the profession chosen so attractive for you?
2. Do your parents give you a piece of advice about your future profession?
3. What are your parents?
4. Have you got any traditions in your family? (connected with jobs)
5. Try to take a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. Which of your qualities are worth improving?
6. What part-time jobs can students do nowadays?
7 What occupations are popular nowadays in your country? Why?
8. Imagine that you are a successful businessman (businesswoman). Describe your life: your living conditions, some usual activities and so on.
9. What is the best way of preparing for your future profession?
10. Is it easy to choose a career?
11. Do you agree with the quotation: "It doesn't matter what job you do." It"s how you do it"?


choosing a career - choice of profession
matter - question, matter
to examine - to study
thoroughly - carefully
ability - ability
strength - strength
weakness - weak side
to take into account - take into account
preference - preference
particularly - especially
to follow in the footsteps of - follow in the footsteps
blindly - blindly
to base on - based on
opinion - opinion
turn of mind - mindset
to work out - develop
occupation requirements - requirements for the profession
variety - variety
pay - salary, salary
salary - salary
generally speaking - generally speaking
independent - independent
successful - successful
wealthy - wealthy

to support a family - support a family
breadwinner - breadwinner
condition - condition
to enter - act
prestigious - prestigious
further training - further training
promotion prospects - prospects for promotion
to graduate - graduate (university)
plum job - "warm place" (easy job with good earnings)
to respond - respond, match
monotonous - monotonous
tedious - boring, boring, tiresome
clerical job - office work
capable - capable
hard-working - industrious
to climb the ladder - make a career
firefighter - fireman
estate agent - real estate agent
full-time job - full-time job, involving full employment
part-time job - part-time job, involving part-time employment
flexitime job - work with a rolling schedule
set - set, immutable
pattern - schedule, schedule
involve - include, contain
to juggle - combine
employee - employee, worker
to appeal - attract, like
sociable - sociable
on the contrary - on the contrary, on the contrary
timid - timid, shy
diffident - unsure of himself
frankly speaking - speaking frankly
communication skill - communication skill
business trip
to imply - imply
to turn out - turn out
exhausting - exhausting, exhausting, tiring
stressful - tense
ambitious - purposeful, ambitious
creative - creative
tailor - tailor
well-paid - well paid
bodyguard - bodyguard
lifeguard - lifeguard
rewarding - useful, worthwhile
demanding - requiring a lot of effort or time
to devote - devote
aspiring - striving, ambitious
reliable - reliable
laborious - industrious, diligent
to be a matter of future prestige and wealth - to be a matter of future prestige and prosperity