Suffixes -ink- and -enk-: examples of their spelling in words. Suffixes -ink- and -enk-: examples of their spelling in words Suffix ink examples of words

After the advent of writing in the Russian language, there was an individual writing of texts. V.K. Trediakovsky can be considered one of the first developers of the theory of spelling. It was he who first formulated the principles of constructing the alphabet and spelling in the middle of the 18th century. Then the “Russian Grammar” appeared, on which the great Lomonosov worked. His work became the basis of the curriculum for teaching Russian writing in all educational institutions of that time. The work collected all the spelling rules.

In 1904, a representative commission of the Academy of Sciences was created to improve and systematize the writing of Russian texts. It included many famous scientists of that time.

The language reform project was ready only by 1912, but its implementation dragged on for six long years. The transformations were significant: suffice it to say that the number of letters in the alphabet was reduced.

Under Soviet rule in the mid-twentieth century, the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation” were adopted. This work reflected the trends of the time. We can say that language transformations are still underway.

Suffixes in the Russian language serve to form words and give them various semantic loads. They are varied in form, meaning and functions. Knowing this part of the word helps when analyzing its composition.

Definition of the concept

The part of the word after the root is called a suffix. According to the rules of the Russian language, the suffix is significant part of each part of speech, which forms its basis. Moreover, all parts of speech have their own suffixes.

For nouns they are:

With their help, masculine words are formed according to professional principle, field of occupation, and so on.

Examples The following words can be used: roper, slinger, reader, listener, student.

This is interesting: what is morphological analysis of a word using specific examples.

Adjectives have a different set:

Examples: zealous, shy, thoughtful, envious, intermittent, apricot, brownish.

Functionally, such morphemes can form new words. They stand out in a separate category - form-building. These parts are not part of the part of speech.

These include the following morphemes:

The verb form of the gerund has the following suffixes of the formative type:

This is interesting: the vowels “o” and “e” after the hissing words at the root of the word according to the rules of the Russian language.

Peculiarities of writing suffixes enk/ink

In the Russian language there are rules for spelling words with these morphemes.

Words with the suffix -ink- must be formed from nouns formed from parts of speech that have the particle -ina . For example: hollow - hollow, straw - straw.

The suffix -enk- is written in feminine diminutive nouns that have the letter n as their base and are in the genitive plural. An example would be: nun, ladder, and so on.

The suffix -in- converts a noun and an adjective into a new noun.

When a word is formed from an original noun, it is given the following meanings:

  • A small piece of mass. For example, “grain of sand” from the meaning “sand” or “hair” from the word “hair”. The suffix in the word “snowflake” can also be included in this group.
  • Diminutive.
  • Designation of a specific event or phenomenon.
  • When converted into an adjective, the suffix -inc- has the following meanings:

    • A sign that manifests itself to a weaker degree compared to that indicated by the motivated word: bitterness (bitter), cunning (cunning), and so on.
    • The origin of the suffix -ink- is Russian.. A feature of the Russian language is the presence of a developed suffixal system with many morphemes. Every person who considers himself literate should know how to correctly use any of them in various parts of speech.

      A whole section of spelling is devoted to this issue. After all, there are many rules governing the writing of these morphemes in the Russian language. They all relate to the spelling of suffixes. Theoretically, the following subsections can be distinguished:

    • Spelling of particles n and nn.
    • Spelling in verbs.
    • Spelling in participles.
    • Spelling in gerunds.
    • Spelling in adjectives.
    • Spelling in nouns.
    • Noun morphemes can be divided into two groups:

    1. Able to give new meaning to verbs, adjectives and nouns.
    2. Transforming one noun into another. They give the same meanings new shades of endearment, diminutive or dismissive.
    3. The Russian language is multifaceted, and each section has its own characteristics. Having familiarized yourself with them, you will touch the great secret of your native speech, multi-valued and comprehensive.

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      ""Combinations -INK- and -ENK-". 3rd grade “Primary school of the XXI century.”

      Technological map of the lesson in the Russian language Federal State Educational Standard

      Subject:"Combinations -INK- and -ENK-". 3rd grade “Primary school of the XXI century.”

      Observation of ways of denoting the sound [i] in combinations -ink-, -enk-;

      Consolidating the rules, practicing spelling words with the spelling being studied;

      Create conditions for students to develop the ability to set goals for the lesson, plan their activities, work in groups, give self-assessment and mutual assessment.

      Regulatory UUD (Independently organize your workplace; follow the regime for organizing educational activities.)

      - - Good afternoon, dear guys! Sit down please. Check your readiness for the lesson. Check if you have everything on your desk: workbook, pencil case, textbook, diary.

      - check your readiness for the lesson

      ( Navigate your knowledge system: independently guess what information is needed to solve a learning task in one step ,)

      Ec, ic, ichk, echk, ink, enk

      - What task will we set for ourselves during a minute of penmanship?

      Sit down correctly. Position of the notebook on the desk (tilt).
      2.Write words: breeze, singer, smart girl, fox, well done.

      - Highlight the suffix in the words.

      — Did everyone complete the task?

      Were there any difficulties?

      What can you say about the suffix? OK?

      When we write a suffix ec, ic?

      How to write words that contain the combination ichk, echk?

      Suff.ok is always under attack.

      Images from the word to itza write suff.-ichk- in other cases, oozes echk-

      3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

      Regulatory UUD. (Working according to the plan, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct errors with the help of the teacher.)

      Is the sound of the combination –ink- and –enk- in unstressed sound the same? put?

      Remember how to distinguish between the combinations –ichk- and –echk-

      But in combination - inc. written in words formed from words in - ina-.

      Combination – enk- written in words formed from words in -na, -nya.

      Combinations –ink and –enk- this is the topic of today's lesson. Open the textbook p. . Read the topic of the lesson and the block in which it is located.

      — What will you learn in the lesson?

      1.Study a new topic using the textbook. Observe, draw a conclusion and find out how to act when encountering this spelling

      2. Explain how to proceed in order to correctly write the combinations –ink, -enk according to the reference diagram

      Combination – hiccup- write in words, images. from the word to itza the rest is random Echk

      We will learn how to correctly write the combinations -ink, - enk

      study a new topic from the textbook

      To find out which of the combinations to write, you need to determine from which word the given one was formed. If from a word starting with ina, then we write -ink, if with -na, -nya, then we write -enk. For example, a pea, so we write peas -inc. Cherry means cherry, we write –enk.

      Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

      The class raises its hands - this is it.

      The head turned - that's two.

      Hands down, look forward - that's three.

      The arms were turned wider to the sides by four.

      Pressing them forcefully to your shoulders is five.

      They lowered their hands smoothly and gave everyone smiles.”

      5. Consolidation and systematization

      (When working according to the plan, check your actions with the goal.)

      1. Practice spelling the combinations –ink and –enk Uch. p.33 ex. 1 (commenting with a full algorithm of actions at the board 3 words and from the place 4 words)

      We check: currant, with –ina, which means we write currant with –ink. Pine, na –na, means we write –enk. Currant Not grows on a pine tree

      How to check the spelling of the suffixes -ICN-. –enk-?

      3. Teacher: T. Page. 6. U. 1. (write task number on the board) Complete a similar task on one's own without making mistakes

      Children comment on the spelling of words on the studied spelling at the board and from their seats.

      Children complete the task in a printed notebook

      Suffixes -ink, -enk, -ank (-yank)

      Nouns should be differentiated into -Inca and on -enka(with unstressed vowels before n).

      Words on -Inca -To(A) from nouns to -ina, eg: dent - dent, thawed patch - thawed patch, straw - straw, or have a suffix -inc (A), e.g.: bead, hitch, cunning.

      Words on -enka or formed with a diminutive suffix -To(A) from nouns to -nya, -na having before n fluent vowel (see § 64), e.g.: cherry (cherries) – cherry, song (songs) – song, pine (pine trees) – pine(the word is also spelled ladder), or have a suffix -enk (A) with the meaning of a female person: Frenchwoman, Circassian woman, nun, beggar woman. In this suffix the letter is written without accent e , although under emphasis - A (I ), e.g.: Greek, Turkish, maid, mountain woman, Chinese, Kurdish, fugitive, noblewoman. Wed. options Petersburger And Petersburger.

      -Anyok, - Anyok. In diminutive nouns kumanek And hubby at the beginning of the suffix before n an unstressed vowel is expressed in different letters - respectively A And e .

      The suffix -enk is diminutive. In words not ending with –in(a) (difference from -in+k-) forms nouns with the meaning of person (feminine gender, nationality, state):

      beige- enk(a), monk- enk(a), tender enk(a), un- enk(a), French enk(A)

      It is written in nouns formed from nouns ending in -nya, -na, in which in R.p. plural not written b at the end: cherry (cherries) -vish- enk(a), pine (pines) –pine- enk(A)

      The combination -in+k- is written in nouns formed from feminine nouns with the suffix –in(a) using the suffix –k-: pea-in(a) – pea-in-k(a), ssad-in( a) – ssad-in-k(a), straw-in(a)-straw-in-k(a) -ink- snow-ink(a), push-ink(a)

      Spelling needs to be differentiated - inc - And - enk - in nouns:

    4. - inc - written in nouns formed from words in -ina, for example: thawed patch - thawed patch, well - well, straw - straw;
    5. - enk - written in feminine diminutive nouns formed from words with a stem in -n- and having in genus. pad. plural h. fluent e, For example: turret(tower - towers), song(song - songs), cherry(cherry - cherries), pine(pine - pines).
    6. It is written - enk - also in feminine nouns denoting female persons, for example: beggar, Frenchwoman, Circassian, nun; the word is spelled the same way ladder.

      Rule ink and enk

      Vowels in prefixes in an unstressed position (weak position) are written in the same way as in a stressed position (strong position):

      Strong position

      Consonants in prefixes are written before voiceless consonants (weak position) in the same way as in a strong position (before L, M, N, R, V and vowels):

      Weak position

      If the prefix comes before a voiceless consonant, then it is written -With : ra With With vet; ro With P be.

      If the prefix comes before a voiced consonant or vowel, then it is written -z : be h V one; ro h s sin.

      A prefix is ​​assigned if the word means:

      1) approach (at run, at swim);

      2) accession (at to knit, at sew);

      3) being near something (at marine);

      4) incomplete action (at open, at stand up).

      The prefix is ​​prefixed if it means:

      1) = "very" (pr e long = Very long);

      2) = re- (pr e hail = re fence).

      After consonant prefixes before i, yu, e, e, the separating b is written:

      ra h ъ I rushed; With ъ e lived; By d ъ e building; pre d ъ Yu bileyny.

      After prefixes ending in a consonant, Y is written instead of I:

      And play -> By d s play; And roll -> ra h s say

      BUT! After the prefixes INTER-, SUPER- and foreign language, I is retained:

      above And interesting, des And information, between And institute

      The prefix KOE - with adverbs and pronouns is written with a hyphen:

      some Who, some Where, some Where.

      BUT! Some at someone, something With by whom

      The prefix N E - in adverbs and pronouns is written under stress, and N I - without stress:

      n e when, n and whenA , n e who, n and ktO .

      In the prefixes RAZ-(RAS-) and ROZ- (ROS-) it is written without emphasis A ,

      under stress - O:

      calledAnd t - p O call; r and evilAnd in - p O angry; listA nie - p O write-off; r a sss pa-r O rash.

      It is necessary to distinguish between transitive and intransitive verbs with the prefixes OBES-(OBES-).

      In transitive verbs with prefixes OBEZ-(OBES-) before - t And -l it is written and, and in intransitives - e:

      Disease obes strength And la(transition) girl. She obes strength e la(intransitive);
      Frequent felling may without forest And t(transition) terrain. The terrain may without forest e t(intransitive).

      In nouns that denote people by their type of activity, after consonants D, T, Z, S, F it is written - CH IK, after other consonants it is written - SH IK :
      translation dchick, binding Tchick, gru hchick, perebe andchick, different Withchick; kame nbox, nabo Rbox.

      1) After T in some words the suffix is ​​written - ШЧИК: repair Tbox, brilliant Tbox.
      2) The soft sign before the suffix -SHCHIK is written only after L: stack lbbox, shelter lbbox.

      If a vowel is dropped during declension of a noun, it is written in the suffixes E, if saved - AND:
      sock ek- sock To ah, handkerchief ek- handkerchief To ah, table IR- table IR ah, brick IR- brick IR A.

      After the sizzling under stress the suffix is ​​written - O K:
      bitch OK, friend OK.

      The suffix - E C is written:
      a) in masculine words (bread ec, fell ec);
      b) in neuter words with emphasis on the ending ( letters ec O, coat ec O).

      The suffix - I C is written:
      a) in feminine words (ear ic ah, puddle ic A);
      b) in neuter words with emphasis on the stem (cre sl ice, mA sl ice).

      Suffix - I CHK - is written in words formed from nouns with a suffix - and c-,
      in other cases the suffix is ​​written - E CHK -:
      bows ic a - bows hiccup A; but the cat Echk a, sem Echk O.

      Suffix - AND NK- (combination of suffixes ( -in-+ -To-) is written in words formed from nouns with the suffix - in -: (straw in a- straw inc. ah, raisins in a-raisins inc. A).
      The suffix - E NK - is written in diminutive nouns formed from words in - nya And - on, in which the soft sign is not written in the genitive plural:
      (cherry - cherry - vish enk A; pine - pine - sos enk A).

      1) Diminutive suffixes -ON ь К- (-EN ь К-) are always written with b.
      The suffix - O НК - is written after hard consonants, and - E НК - - after soft consonants, hissing and vowels:
      whether WithHe b To ah, but anden b To a, z Oen b To A.

      2) Suffixes -ONK- (-ENK-), which give the word a disparaging meaning, are written without b.
      The suffix - O NK - is written after sibilants under stress, the suffix - E NK - - in other cases:
      dev hHe to a, ru hHe to a, but: from benk oh, shu benk A.

      After these suffixes in animate masculine nouns and in feminine nouns the ending is written - A,
      and in inanimate masculine nouns and in neuter nouns the ending is written - O:
      son ishqA, neighbour earA, dev earA; but: fence ishqO, house ishqO, floor yushkO.

      The suffix - And B- is always stressed:
      (gamesAndV oh, really AndV y).
      Exception: m And lost ive yay, yurO d ive y.

      In the suffixes -CHIV- and -LIV-, derived from -IV-, I is always written:
      dry Liv y, income chiv y.

      In the unstressed position - E B-: bo evO th, s Oev th(see next rule).

      Adjective suffixes -OV- (-OVAT-, -OVIT-) and -EV- (-EVAT-, -EVIT-).
      After hard consonants the suffixes are written - O V-, - O VIT-, - O VAT-:
      meh Xov oh, vee novat oh, yeah lovitis y.
      After soft consonants, hissing and -Ts- the suffixes -E B-, -E VIT-, -E BAT- are written:
      those nev oh, ry andevat oh, look tsev y.
      After sibilants, under stress, the suffix is ​​written - О В-, and in an unstressed position - Е В-:
      OV oh, canvas OV oh, watchman evOy.

      Adjective suffixes -K- and -SK-.
      1) Suffix -TO- written in qualitative adjectives (they have a short form) and in relative adjectives formed from nouns with a stem in - K, - C, - H:
      bonds To th (narrow), bottom To ii (low); Cossack To y (Kazakh To), German To th (German) ts), weaver To th (tka h).
      In other relative adjectives the suffix is ​​written -SK- :(French sk y, Odes sk y).
      Exceptions: Uzbek sk yy (Uzbek To), Tajik sk y (Taji To), Iraq sk ii (Ira To), Evenk sk y (even To).

      2) The letter b is written before the suffix -SK- only after L (se lsk y), as well as in adjectives formed from the names of months on - no And - ry(September rysk yay, yay nosk y).
      Exception: day-day bsk oh, January Rsk yy.

      Adjective suffix -CHAT-.
      Suffix -CHAT- always written with the letter - A:
      pattern chat oh, needle chat y.

      Adjective suffixes -INSK- and -ENSK-.
      The suffix - AND NSK- is written in adjectives formed from nouns ending in -И(-И) and -А(-Я):
      Op. And-soch insk ii, Yalt A-Yalt insk yy.
      Exception: Penz A-penz Ensk y, Presn I- fresh Ensk yy.

      The suffix - I N- + -SK- is written:
      a) if the adjective is formed from a possessive adjective starting with -IN-(sisters sk ii);
      b) if the adjective is formed from noun starting with -IN- (warrior sk y).

      In all other cases it is written - E NSK-:
      Grozn th- menacing Ensk y, Zarech e- district Ensk yy.

      I . Nouns with N and NN.
      II. Adjectives with N and NN. , formed from nouns.
      III. Adjectives with N and NN. , formed from verbs.
      IV. Compound adjectives with N and NN. .
      V. Adverbs with N and NN.

      1. The spelling of N and NN in nouns depends on the words from which they are formed, or on the morphemes with which they are composed,
      For example: in a noun puta n itza one N, since it is formed from an adjective puta n th,
      and in a noun confused nn awn two NN., since it is derived from the participle confused nn th.

      Or: peat n IR (peat n Ouch), guests n itza (guests) n y), smoked n awn (kopche n y),
      BUT: educate nn ik (raised nn y), foliage nn ik (foliage nn y), agreed nn awn (according to nn y).

      2. NN is written in nouns if one N is included in the root, and the second N is in the suffix:
      besso nn itza (with n + —n ic-), be friends nn ik (friends) n +-n ik-).

      1. One N is written in adjectives formed from nouns using the suffix - AN-(-YAN-), -IN-: leather n oh, clay n oh, cranes n y.
      Exceptions: glass nn oh, tin nn oh, wood nn y.
      Note: adjectives mutton, carp, pheasant, seal, peacock are written with one H, as they are formed from nouns with the stem ending in -H and the suffix [-j-].

      2. Two NNs are written in the following cases:
      a) if the adjective is formed from a noun that has a stem in - N (the second N is a suffix of the adjective): with nn th (with n ), were nn y (were n A);
      b) if the adjective is formed from a noun in - MY (name, tense): time nn oh, I have nn Ouch;
      c) if the adjective is formed from a noun using the suffix - ONN- (-ENN-): excursions O nn oh, vows e nn y.
      wind en y. However, the prefix forms of this adjective are written with two NNs: without in the wind nn oh, about in the wind nn y;
      d) If an adjective with the suffix -ENN- expresses a subjective assessment (a greater measure of the attribute): higher nn oh, you're welcome nn y.


      1) In adjectives formed from perfective verbs, NN is written:
      sophistication nn oh, higher nn oh, trust nn oh, blatant nn y.
      Excl. nn teachings: name n th brother (name n sister) , seated n oh father, smarten up n y.
      Note: the adjective wound must be distinguished n y from communion wound nn yy, which has explanatory words: wound nn th bullet, wound nn th in battle .

      2) NN is written in an adjective if it has the suffix -OVANN- (-EVANN-):
      marin ova nn s (marin ova t), cycle Eve nn y (cycle Eve t).
      Exceptions: kova n oh, chew n oh, good bite n th. In these words, -OV- and -EB- are part of the root, not the suffix. In prefix formations NN is written: shackle nn oh, chewed nn oh, hatched nn y.

      3) One H is written in an adjective if it is formed from imperfective verbs (without prefixes, do not contain the suffix -OVANN- (-EVANN-): sowing n oh, more beautiful n oh, urine n y.
      Exceptions: affairs nn oh, I wish nn oh, jama nn oh, slow down nn oh, unseen nn oh, bad luck nn oh, unexpectedly nn oh, unheard of nn oh, no way nn oh, sacred nn oh, check nn th and etc.

      4) In adjectives. with the prefix NOT-, formed from imperfective verbs, one H is written, since joining the verb NOT- does not change its form: not beautiful n oh, I'm not scared n y.

      1) One N is written in the first part compound adjective, if it is formed from a noun, adjective having N: wagon n repair (vago n). straight n o-gentle (straight n th).

      2) Two NN are written in the first part complex adjective, if it is formed from an adjective with NN: wagon nn o-locomotive (vago nn y), society nn o-political (society nn y).

      3) Two NN are written in the second part complex adjective, if it is expressed by a nominal stem in NN: quadruple nn y (gra n b +- n -),hardkame nn y (kame n b+ — n -).

      4) Two NN are written in the second part compound adjective, if it is formed from a perfective verb: fresh frozen nn th ( behind freeze).

      5) One N is written in the second part compound adjective, if it is formed from an imperfective verb: fresh ice cream n y (freeze).

      Adverbs formed from full adjectives (and former participles) with one or two Hs retain this suffix:
      (put en y-put en oh, rass Jann y-race Jann O).

      The suffixes of pronouns and adverbs are -THAT, -EITHER and -NOT.
      Pronouns and adverbs formed using the suffixes -THAT, -OR, -ANYTHING are written with a hyphen:
      Where - That, Who - someday, What - either.

      Adverb suffix -E.
      Adverbs formed from adjectives ending in -IY and from participles ending in -SHY, -SHYY are written with the suffix — E :
      external th-external e, I threaten good- threatening e.

      The suffixes of the verbs are -OVA(t) (-EVA(t)) and -YVA(t) (-IVA(t)).
      In the indefinite form and in the past tense form of verbs it is written:
      1) suffix - O BA- (- E BA-), if in the 1st person form of the present tense the verb ends in -yy , -yuyu
      (commands ova th - commands wow, mountains Eve t - mountains yuyu);
      2) suffix - И ВА- (- И ВА-), if in the 1st person form of the present tense the verb ends in -I'm , -Ivayu (educate yva t - will educate I feel, ustra willow t - arrange Ivayu);

      Connecting vowels -O- and -E-
      After stems, a connecting vowel O is written on a hard consonant; after stems on a soft consonant, E is written:
      far O prominent, distant e Oriental.

      Dividing -Ъ- in compound words
      In compound words, the first part of which is formed by the numerals two-, three-, four-, the separating Ъ is written before the letters Ya, Yu, E, Yo:
      twoъI Russian, threeъI stentorian

      Hyphen in compound words
      Written with a hyphen:
      1) names of intermediate cardinal points:
      north west, south East;
      2) complex adjectives formed from two or more stems denoting equal concepts; between the parts of such adjectives in their initial form you can insert the coordinating conjunction I or BUT:
      questioningly reciprocal, interest-free - winning;
      3) many complex adjectives, parts of which indicate heterogeneous characteristics:
      military medical, folk liberation;
      4) complex adjectives denoting shades of colors:
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  • Letters, s
  • § 14. After, w, h, letters are written (and not written), for example: fat, saffron milk cap, interpublishing, say, sew, reeds, clean, rays, shield, look.
  • § 15. The letter is written after.
  • § 19. In all other cases, to convey the stressed vowel after, ch, sh, the letter e is written, namely:
  • Letter, in place of unstressed vowels
  • Separator letters
  • § 27. The separative is written after the consonants before the letters miya, yu, ё, e, conveying combinations [j] with vowels, in the following cases.
  • Literally as a sign of the softness of a consonant
  • § 29. The letter is written to indicate the softness of a paired consonant at the end of words, for example: dove, leave, notebook, dirt, sorry, seven, horse, kitchens, apple trees, embankment, beast, paint, drink, shipyard.
  • § 30. To indicate the softness of a paired consonant, a letter is written before consonants in the following cases.
  • Letters in some grammatical forms Not after sibilants
  • § 31. The letter is written (regardless of pronunciation) in the following grammatical forms:
  • After the sizzling
  • § 32. The postzh, sh, ch, shch letter is written according to tradition in the following grammatical forms:
  • Rules for writing significant parts of words (morphemes) Spelling unstressed vowels
  • § 33. General rule. The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels is established by checking other words and forms, where in that
  • Unstressed vowels in roots
  • Features of writing individual roots
  • § 35. There are roots in which the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.
  • Unstressed vowels in prefixes
  • § 43. Suffixes with unverifiable unstressed vowels.
  • Features of writing individual suffixes
  • § 46. -Ev-, -iv-, -liv-, -chiv- (in adjectives). It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives with the suffixes -ev-, on the one hand, and -iv-, -liv-, -chiv, on the other.
  • § 51. -Ink-, -enk-, -ank- (-Yank-). It is necessary to distinguish between the nouns na-inka and na-enka (with unstressed front vowels).
  • § 55. -Insk-, -ensk-. It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes of adjectives -insk-and-ensk- (with the letters in place of an unstressed vowel).
  • Unstressed fluent vowels in roots and suffixes of nouns and adjectives
  • § 64. Unstressed fluent vowels are conveyed by letters, o or i according to the following rules (below, after each example, a form or word is given in parentheses where there is no fluent vowel).
  • Unstressed connecting vowels
  • § 66. Instead of connecting vowels in some categories of complex words, vowels are written that coincide with case and other endings of words, the bases of which are contained in the previous part of the word:
  • Unstressed vowels in case endings
  • § 69. The following endings contain vowels that are not checked by the stressed position.
  • § 70. Nouns with some suffixes have features in the writing of unstressed endings.
  • § 71. Case forms of nouns in -i, -i, -i.
  • Unstressed vowels in verb forms Vowels in verb endings
  • Vowels in the infinitive (indefinite form) before
  • § 76. The writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels before the infinitive suffix is ​​determined by the following rule.
  • Unimpacted particles
  • § 78. There are special constructions with non-ini particles.
  • Spelling of consonants Voiceless and voiced consonants
  • Unpronounceable consonants
  • Groups of consonants at the junction of significant parts of a word
  • § 86. The letter combinations tch, dch (including count, zdch) are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word, if the previous part of the word ends nat id, and the subsequent one begins nach, for example:
  • § 88. Letter combinationsсч, зч, жч, shch are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word, if the previous part of the word ends with us, zilizh, sh, and the subsequent one begins with nach, for example:
  • § 89. Letter combinationsш, сж, зш, zж are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word if the previous part ends in a consonant or з, and the subsequent part begins with our or, for example:
  • Letter in ending
  • Double and single in suffixes of adjectives and nouns
  • Double and single in suffixes of passive past participles and correlative adjectives Full forms
  • Short forms
  • § 103. Short forms of complex adjectives, the second parts of which coincide with the participles na-nny, are written snilinn depending on the meaning. Adjectives expressing characteristics
  • Double and single in words formed from adjectives and participles
  • Double consonants in Russian roots
  • § 106. Double consonants are written in the roots of Russian (not borrowed) words in the following cases.
  • Double consonants in borrowed (foreign) roots and suffixes
  • Rules for using non-letter characters Hyphen
  • § 111. A hyphen is used in abbreviated written transmission of words, including such complexes that involve not only letters, but also non-letter characters (numbers, etc.). These are the following cases.
  • Slash
  • § 114. Scope of application of the sign / (slash) - scientific and business speech. It is used in the following functions.
  • Apostrophe
  • Accent mark
  • § 116. The accent mark is the sign ́, which is placed above the vowel letter corresponding to the stressed sound. This sign can be used sequentially and selectively.
  • Rules for continuous, hyphenated and separate writing
  • General rules
  • § 117. The following categories of words are written together.
  • § 118. The following categories of words are written with a hyphen.
  • Nouns Common nouns
  • § 119. The following categories of nouns are written together.
  • § 120. The following categories of nouns and combinations of nouns are written with a hyphen
  • § 121. In all other cases (not covered by § 119 - 120), continuous or hyphenated spelling of nouns is regulated in dictionary order.
  • § 122. The following combinations are written separately.
  • Proper names and compound names Names, pseudonyms, nicknames, nicknames
  • § 123. Written separately:
  • § 124. Written with a hyphen:
  • Geographical names
  • § 125. Written together:
  • § 126. Written with a hyphen:
  • § 128. The following categories of adjectives are written together.
  • § 129. The following categories of adjectives are written with a hyphen.
  • § 132. Written together:
  • § 133. Written separately:
  • Pronominal words
  • § 135. Pronominal words are written with a hyphen:
  • Adverbs
  • § 136. Written together:
  • § 137. Written separately:
  • § 138. Written with a hyphen:
  • Function words and interjections
  • § 140. The following function words and interjections are written together.
  • § 141. The following function words and interjections are written with a hyphen.
  • § 142. The following function words are written separately.
  • Combinations with particles
  • § 143. Combinations with the following particles are written through a hyphen.
  • § 144. Separate combinations with the following particles are written.
  • Writings with negation
  • Continuous writing is not
  • § 145. Regardless of the grammatical affiliation of the word, negation is not written together in the following cases.
  • Separate writing is not
  • § 146. Negation is not written separately in the following cases.
  • Integrated/separate writing
  • § 147. Negatives are not written separately with nouns, adjectives, and adverbs in the following cases.
  • § 148. With nouns, adjectives, adverbs, negation is written together in the following cases.
  • § 150. With full forms of participles, the negation is not written separately:
  • Corrective rules (coordination rules)
  • § 154. In the following cases, a dash sign must be used instead of a hyphen.
  • § 155. In constructions with repetitions, no sign is placed between two parts if at least one of the parts contains a space. This includes the following cases.
  • § 158. Proper names can be used to generally designate homogeneous objects, becoming common nouns; in this case, the capital letter is in many cases replaced by a lowercase letter.
  • Proper names of people, animals, mythological creatures and words derived from them
  • Names associated with religion
  • Names of positions, ranks, titles
  • Names of orders, medals, awards, insignia
  • Names of trademarks, product brands and varieties
  • Capital letters in special stylistic use
  • § 204. Letter abbreviations are usually written in capital letters, for example: MGU, CIS, FRG, EVM, PTU, TsK, FBR.
  • § 207. Borrowed (without translation into Russian) sound abbreviations of foreign languages ​​are written in capital letters, for example: NATO, UNESCO, UPI (news agency), Pen Club.
  • Graphic abbreviations
  • Transfer rules
  • § 211. It is not allowed to leave one letter on a line or move it to the next line. For example, the following cannot be tolerated: acacia, acacia.
  • Punctuation marks at the end and at the beginning of sentences. End marks in the middle of a sentence Punctuation marks at the end of a sentence
  • § 8. Inside a sentence, an ellipsis is placed in the following cases (usually in literary texts):
  • Division of a sentence using a period
  • Dash in an incomplete sentence
  • § 16. In incomplete sentences, a dash is placed in place of missing members of the sentence or their parts.
  • Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence with and without conjunctions
  • § 30. A semicolon may be placed between homogeneous members of a sentence (or their groups).
  • Punctuation marks for homogeneous definitions
  • § 37. Homogeneous definitions, expressed by adjectives and participles and standing before the word being defined, are separated from each other by a comma, heterogeneous ones are not separated (for an exception, see § 41).
  • Punctuation marks for repeating sentence parts
  • Punctuation marks for isolated members of a sentence Punctuation marks for isolated agreed definitions
  • § 46. Determinative phrases are isolated (highlighted or separated) by commas, i.e., definitions expressed by participles or adjectives with dependent words, in the following cases.
  • § 53. Inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in the form of indirect cases with prepositions and related to common nouns are isolated:
  • Punctuation marks for separate applications
  • § 62. Common applications preceding the word being defined are separated by commas (the conditions for separation coincide with the conditions for separation with agreed definitions, see § 46 - 48):
  • § 65. Applications are separated by a single dash (the second dash is absorbed by another sign or omitted):
  • § 71. Participles and participial phrases are not separated:
  • Punctuation marks for restrictive-exclusive phrases
  • Punctuation marks for clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of a sentence
  • § 87. In indecomposable combinations that include expressions that are integral in meaning, a comma is not placed.
  • Punctuation marks for comparative phrases
  • § 90. Phrases with comparative conjunctions (particles) as, as if, as if, exactly, as if, which are not separated by commas in the following cases:
  • Punctuation marks for introductory and inserted constructions Punctuation marks for introductory words, combinations of words and sentences
  • § 95. Introductory words and combinations of words, being next to coordinating conjunctions, are separated or not separated from them by commas, depending on the context.
  • § 96. Many of the introductory words and combinations of words can be homonymous to sentence members or conjunctions. Such differences (they are reflected in punctuation) appear in context.
  • Punctuation marks for insertions
  • Punctuation marks for addresses
  • § 106. Descriptions of the characteristics of an object or person can be used as references. Such requests are highlighted as ordinary
  • Punctuation marks for interjections and interjection sentences
  • Punctuation marks for affirmative, negative and interrogative-exclamation words
  • Punctuation marks in a complex sentence Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
  • § 112. A comma is placed between parts of a compound sentence.
  • Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
  • § 116. If a simple subordinating conjunction is preceded by intensifying-restrictive words (particles, conjunctions or their combinations, introductory words) especially, even, in particular, including,
  • § 118. Dismemberment of a complex union is mandatory:
  • § 119. In complex sentences with several homogeneous subordinate clauses, punctuation marks are placed according to the rules that apply when separating homogeneous members of a simple sentence:
  • § 124. A dash may be inserted in a complex sentence:
  • § 125. A colon is placed in a complex sentence:
  • Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence
  • § 129. In a non-union complex sentence, a colon is placed between the parts:
  • § 130. In a non-union complex sentence a dash is placed:
  • Punctuation marks in complex syntactic structures
  • § 131. In complex syntactic constructions, i.e. in complex sentences with different types of syntactic connections (with composition and subordination; with composition and non-union connection; with subordination and
  • Punctuation marks for direct speech and quotes Punctuation marks for direct speech
  • § 133. Direct speech, i.e., the speech of another person included in the author's text and reproduced verbatim, is formalized in two ways.
  • § 135. The author’s words can break direct speech. In this case, quotation marks are placed only at the beginning and at the end of direct speech, i.e., quotation marks are not placed between direct speech and the author’s words.
  • § 137. If direct speech belongs to different persons, then each replica is highlighted separately in quotation marks:
  • Punctuation marks for quotations
  • § 140. Quotations are placed in quotation marks and are marked with punctuation in the same way as direct speech (see § 133 - 136):
  • § 141. If the quotation is not given in full, then the omission is indicated by an ellipsis (at the beginning of the quotation, in the middle or at the end):
  • Marking quotes and “alien” words with quotation marks
  • § 148. Quotations (other people's speech) included in the author's text, including direct speech (see § 140-145).
  • § 159. When combining different punctuation marks with quotation marks, the following rules apply:
  • § 160. When preparing footnotes, the following sequence of characters is observed.
  • Interaction of punctuation marks in complex constructions
  • § 162. If several dashes are used in a sentence, then it is necessary to take into account the function of each of the signs.
  • Punctuation marks when preparing lists and rules for categorization
  • § 165. If the list is formatted as an integral part of the sentence preceding it, then only the lowest level of division can be used and end-of-sentence signs (periods) within the list are not possible.
  • § 167. The numbering system for headings can only consist of Arabic numerals with dots where the entry is in the previous heading
  • Chapter 1. Rubrication Chapter 1
  • Word index for the “spelling” section
  • Index of words to the section “punctuation”
  • . In this suffix the letter is written without accent e, although under emphasis - A (I ), e.g.: Greek, Turkish, servant, mountain woman, Chinese, Kurdish, fugitive, noblewoman. Wed. options Petersburger And Petersburger.

    Note. About names of female persons with a suffix -k(a)type Yalta, Penzenka see § 55.

    -anyok, -anyok. In diminutive nouns kumanek And hubby at the beginning of the suffix before n an unstressed vowel is expressed in different letters - respectively A And e.

    § 52. -id-, -ets-. In the suffix of neuter diminutive nouns before ts a letter is written in place of the unstressed vowel And, if the stress precedes the suffix and the letter e, if the stress comes after the suffix (at the end), for example: butter, dress, plant, but a letter, a gun, a coat.

    § 53. -(m)en-. In the basics of indirect cases and plural forms. including nouns -me the suffix is ​​written -en- with a letter e in place of an unstressed vowel, for example: time - time And time,name - name And names,seed - seed And seeds. Letter e also written in adjectives with a suffix formed from the same stems and ending in -ny or -ennaya:temporary And temporal(cf. time, time),fiery,tribal, nominal, seed, stirrup. However, under stress in the forms gender. p.m. hours of words per -me and in some words derived from them it is written (according to pronunciation) not only e or e, but also I: Wed times, names, banners, tribes, eponymous, modern, tribal, But: seed, stirrup, stirrup(noun), temporary, nameless, gymnosperms(option: gymnosperms).

    § 54. -yshk-, -yshek, -eshek And -ushk- (-yushk-), -ushk. In suffixes of diminutive nouns -ysk-(in words of environment, gender) and -yshek(in masculine words) a letter is written after hard consonants without stress s, eg: speck, wing, piece of glass, nest, feather, peg, wedge, sparrow. In a word edge in the suffix before w letter is written e.

    These nouns should be distinguished from nouns with affectionate suffixes -ushk- (-yushk-) And -ears, also unstressed: grass, volushka, grandfather, uncle, nightingale, kids, Annushka, Ivanushka, little pole, goryushko, bread, pebble. Letter options available s And at in suffixes: little sparrows And sparrow,pancakes And pancakes.

    § 55. -Insk-, -ensk-. It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes of adjectives -insk-and-ensk- (with the letters in place of an unstressed vowel).

    It is written -insk- in adjectives formed:

    a) from the names of female persons on -and I), including from personal female names, for example: sister - sisterly, Ekaterina - Catherine, Elizaveta - Elizabethan, Anna - Anninsky;

    b) from geographical names to -and I), eg: Balashikha - Balashikha, Yelnya - Elny, Istra - Istra, Nakhodka - Nakhodka, Okhta - Okhta, Tynda - Tynda, Shilka - Shilka, Yalta - Yalta; exceptions: Penza - Penza, Presnya - Presnensky, Skhodnya - Skhodnensky;

    c) from geographical names to -and, -s, for example .: Gryazi - Gryazinsky, Mytishchi - Mytishchi, Sochi - Sochi, Tiksi - Tiksinsky, Tolyatti - Togliatti, Khimki - Khimki, Shakhty - Shakhtinsky.

    It is written -ensk- in adjectives formed: a) from geographical names to -ny, -ny, eg: Grozny - Grozny, Izobilny - Izobilnensky, Mirny - Mirnensky, Otradnoe - Otradnensky, Svobodny - Svobodnensky, Spornoye - Spornensky;

    b) from geographical names to -But, eg: Grodno - Grodno, Molodechno - Molodechno, Rivne - Rivne, Tosno - Tosno;

    c) from words with a base on -searching-(except for words on -look), e.g.: beggar - beggar, cemetery - cemetery, Gorodishche(city, town) - Gorodischesky, Zaimishche(village) - busy.

    Other adjectives do not form groups, for example: "Izvestia" - Izvestian, Lodz - Lodz, Ustye(village) - Ustinsky, But Christmas - Christmas, Kerch - Kerch, spelled the same way Nashenskiy(from our). Such spellings are defined in dictionary order.

    Note 1. The stress in adjectives of this type is the suffix -insk-, eg: maternal, Chita, Karaganda, Cuban.

    Note 2. From adjectives with suffixes -insk- And -ensk- adjectives like Kolomensky, Ustyuzhensky, Livensky(from Kolomna, Ustyuzhna, Livny), where the suffix -sk-, and the letter e the fluent vowel of the root is transmitted (see §64).

    -Inets, -Enets; -ink(a), -enk(a). Just like in adjectives -Insky or -ensky, written And or e in nouns formed from them with suffixes -ets And -k(a), eg: Elizabethan, Yalta, Sochi, Izvestian, but Penza, Grozny, Kerch; Yalta, but Penzenka.

    -instv-, -enstv-. Suffixes vary -instv- in words majority, minority, seniority(with emphasis on the ending, in the version minority- on the suffix) and -ness- in a word championship(with emphasis on the root).

    § 56. -oshn-, -ashn-, -eshn-, -ishn-. In adjectives like there, present unstressed vowel of the suffix before a combination of consonants shn conveyed differently in writing. Letter O written in words local, evening(from evening"yesterday evening"), letter A - V true, real(options with hard n:true, true); after soft consonants a letter is written e V present And morning,And - V poor(from mass). The stress in this suffix is ​​the vowel And in a single word old.

    Note. In words like tomorrow, today, present, vowel before shn does not apply to the suffix.

    § 57. -iv-, -ev-(in nouns). Vowels are written And or e in suffixes -iv(o), -ev(o) verbal nouns of the neuter gender, denoting a product, substance, collective concept as an object or result of an action. Wed, on the one hand, mash, fuel, and on the other, brew, roast, smoke, crumble, lace. Writing And or e defined in dictionary order. Stress in words of this type occurs only And :stubble, reading.

    § 58. -ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-). In the suffixes of active present participles the same vowels are written as in the 3rd person plural forms. including the same verbs (see § 74 ):

    u (yu) - in participles of verbs of the first conjugation, for example: plowing, hiding, fighting, stabbing, shaking, sowing, reading, drawing;

    and I) - in participles of verbs of the second conjugation, for example: meaning, sawing, gluing, breathing, seeing, standing, building.

    Exceptions: participles fastidious(from glimmer, glimmer) And building(from build upon written with a suffix -ush-.

    § 59. -eat-, -im-. In the suffixes of present passive participles and correlative adjectives, the letter is written e - in formations from verbs of I conjugation, letter And - in formations from verbs of the second conjugation, for example: fluctuating, readable, organized, viewed, inexhaustible; visible, audible.

    Exception: participle movable(from move, moves) is written with the suffix -them-.

    -ability, -ability. The suffixes of verbal nouns are distributed similarly to the suffixes of passive participles. -ability And -cost. Letter e written in a suffix in formations from

    verbs I conjugation, letter And - in formations from verbs of II conjugation. Wed, for example: academic performance, fertility, resilience and cost. The stress in the suffix of nouns of this type is only the vowel And:determination, conductivity.

    § 60. -ann- (-yann-) And -an- (-yan-); -enn- and -en-. It is necessary to distinguish between passive participles (as well as verbal adjectives) -any (-yany), -any (-yany), on the one hand, and on -y, -yy- with another. Letter and I) is written in these participles and adjectives if the corresponding verb in the infinitive (indefinite form) ends in -at(-yat), eg: attached(from tie),knitted(from to knit),sculpted (sculpt), infused (infuse), picked apart (pick apart), sown (sow), scattered (dispel), winnowed (winnow), felted (felt).

    Exceptions: in passive participles of verbs -equate And - level with prefixes the letter is written in the suffix e, eg: leveled (to level), equalized (to level), leveled (to level), leveled (to level).

    Letter e before nn (n) written in participles and adjectives formed from all other verbs, for example: seen (to see), wounded (to wound), wounded (to wound), frozen (to freeze), frozen (to freeze), painted (to paint), dyed (to paint), measured (to measure), measured (to measure), tortured (to torture), tormented (to torment), oiled (to oil), brought out (to bring out), shorn (to cut off), defeated (to cast down). Letter e in such formations (in the suffix -enn- or -en-) is checked by striking position, for example: boiled (cook), brought in (bring in), brought in (bring in).

    In accordance with this rule, the spelling of such participles and adjectives differs, such as, for example, hung, hung(from hang up, hang up) And hung, hung(from hang, hang); mixed, stirred, kneaded, mixed (from mix, stir, knead, stir) And kneaded, kneaded, kneaded (from knead, knead, knead); pumped out, pumped out ( from pump out, upload) And pumped out, pumped out(from roll out, roll up); shot(from shoot) And shot(from shoot).

    Note. Words derived from such participles and adjectives are written in a similar way: cf., for example, dyed(from painted) And mishmash(from mixed).

    § 61. -yva- (-iva-), -ova- (-eva-). In verbs with a suffix -yva- (-iva-)(always unstressed), having the meaning of an imperfect form (sometimes also of multiple actions), are written before V letters s or And , eg: roll up, smear, see; overwhelm, talk, jump, hear, twist, beg, insist.

    Verbs with suffix -yva- (-iva-) should be distinguished in writing from verbs with a suffix -ova- (-eva-). Verbs of these two types form the present tense differently: verbs in -ovate (-eat) have the shape of the 1st person on -yu (-yu)(Without -oe-, -ev-), e.g.: I talk - to talk, I manage - to manage, I envy - to envy, I confess - to confess, I preach - to preach, I scourge - to scourge, I grieve - to grieve; verbs have the same -yat (-yat) 1st person form ends in -I am (-I am)(with saving -y-, -iv-), e.g.: inspecting - inspecting, deploying - deploying, reconnaissance - exploring, visiting - visiting.

    § 62. Vowels before-va-. In imperfective verbs with a suffix -va-, having the form of the 1st person on -vayu, unstressed vowels before V are checked according to the general rule (see § 33), for example: overcome(cf. overcome), become obsolete (become obsolete), wash down (wash down), sing (sing), sow (sow), start (start), freeze (freeze), catch (catch).

    However, in the following verbs -vat(in 1st person -vayu) is written with a special suffix -Eve- with a letter e in place of an untested unstressed vowel: overshadow, prolong, corrupt ( Wed . overshadow, extend, corrupt), get stuck, interfere ( Wed . get stuck, get stuck); to overwhelm, exhort, intend, doubt.

    § 63. -e(t), -i(t). The verbs differ -there are And -it. Verbs to -there are(in 1st person -her) - intransitive I conjugations - have the meaning “to become something, acquire a characteristic,” for example: become weak, become weak"to become powerless, to lose strength" to numb, to harden"become harsh." Verbs to -it(in 1st person And absent) - transitive II conjugations - have the meaning “to make something, to endow with a characteristic”, for example: weaken, weaken"to make someone powerless, to deprive someone of strength" anesthetize, neutralize, numb, weaken. Wed. the same suffixes under stress in hypa verbs (to) turn white And (to) whiten, (to) weaken, (to) cheer.

    -ene(t), -eni(t). The acquisition of some attribute, the transition to another state is also expressed in intransitive verbs of the first conjugation in - nope, in which there is an unstressed vowel before n transmitted by letter e: freeze, ossify, stiffen, numb, freeze, turf, become bloody, glaze over, become frenzied, dumbfounded, numb. Correlative transitive verbs of II conjugation in -enit, denoting the endowment of a characteristic, are also written with the letter e: freeze, numb, ossify, ossify, numb, numb and so on.

    Note. Writing verbs in - nope And -enit does not agree with the spelling of the corresponding relative adjectives, in which (if any) is written in the suffix before n letter I: ice, bone, blood, grass, wood and so on.

    Exception: in verbs turn purple And turn purple(option: turn purple) the letter is written I , as in adjective scarlet.

  • Called the noun “bread of the tongue.” Indeed, without using this part of speech it is impossible to construct sentences. Objects, things, events and states, people and animals, feelings and emotions - we convey all this in speech using nouns.

    When writing words of this part of speech, you should follow the rules. The greatest difficulties are caused by endings and suffixes. How to correctly write noun suffixes will be discussed in the article.

    Suffixes with uniform spelling

    The correct spelling of many morphemes in the Russian language is subject to the morphological principle, that is, they are written uniformly in all words and word forms. Nouns also have such suffixes. You just need to learn them.

    These are suffixes such as IZN, OT, IN, OST, OTN, OVN and some others. Cheap, expensive, white; KINDNESS, REDNESS, SIMPLICITY; silence, depth; brevity, youth, pride; running, running; chatter and so on. Such suffixes are mainly characteristic of words formed from adjectives and verbal words.

    It is recommended to remember the spelling of words formed from verbs using the suffixes IV and EB, for example “fuel”, “mesivo”, “brew”, “lace” and others. No rule can be applied to them; they must be remembered or checked in a dictionary.

    Suffixes IK and EK

    The suffixes of the nouns IK and EK serve to form a diminutive form and sound the same when pronounced. They need to be written in accordance with a very simple rule. If, when a word is declined, the vowel “runs away”, then this is the suffix EK, and if it remains, then this is the suffix IK. A classic example that schoolchildren love and easily remember is a lock and key. We bow the words and see:

    • zamochEK - zamochka (vowel “ran away”);
    • key - key (the vowel remained in place).

    When applying this rule, you must first correctly find the suffix in the word. For example, in the word “ball” there is a root BALL and the familiar suffix IR, in the word “pilot” there is a knee LET and a suffix CHIC, and in the word “boy” there is no suffix at all, but only a root and a zero ending. It is important to remember: there are no nouns with the suffix CHECK in the Russian language!

    • Conclusion. To choose IK or EK, you need to see whether the vowel appears in the form of oblique cases.

    Suffixes EC and IC

    The spelling of the noun suffixes EC and IC is similar to the previous paragraph of the rule. Here, too, with declension, the vowel drops out of the EC morpheme, but is retained in the IC morpheme. But there is one more nuance. EC is written in masculine words: well done, handsome, foreigner. Accordingly, IC will belong only to feminine words: beauty, snowstorm, lazy.

    Everything seems simple here. But what about neuter words, attentive readers will ask? Their vowel doesn’t even drop out during declination. But here another principle works, and you need to pay attention to the emphasis. If the emphasis falls on the ending, we write EC: PALTETSO, letterTSO. If the base of the word is stressed, we write the suffix ITs: dressITse, nameITse, jamITse.

    • Conclusion. The EC and IC suffixes depend on the gender of the word. If you eat a neuter word, look at the stress.

    Suffixes ICHK and ECHK

    The noun suffixes ICHK and EChK are also found in affectionate and diminutive names for both animate and inanimate objects. It is very easy to distinguish from. ICHK is written in those words that are formed from forms with the suffix ITs: staircase - ladder, sister - sister, mill - mill. ECHK is used in all other words, including affectionately diminutive forms of proper names: kroshka - kroshechka, cat - cat, Olya - Olechka.

    • Note. The use of the names TanICHKa, ManICHKa and other similar ones is found in works of fiction, but is not standardized.

    You should also keep in mind that there is no suffix YACHK in Russian.

    • Conclusion. The spelling of the suffixes ECHK and ICHK depends on the presence of the suffix ITs at the base of the word from which the noun is derived

    Suffixes ONK and ENK

    Spelling the suffixes of nouns with the affectionate meaning ONK and ENK rarely causes difficulties, because they, as a rule, are clearly audible when pronounced. But let’s generalize: ONK should be written after a hard consonant, ENK - after a soft or hissing one. The braid is the braid, the birch is the birch, but the daughter is the daughter, the night is the night, Julia is Yulenka. Exceptions can be considered diminutive variants of the words “mom” and “dad”: only mamma and papa are permissible, despite the fact that the stem of these words ends in hard consonants. You also need to remember the spelling of words that do not obey the rule, “ZaINKA”, “PaINKa”, “BaINKi”. They are written in a special way and are dictionary.

    • Conclusion. The suffixes ONK and ENK depend on the softness/hardness of the preceding consonant.

    Combinations IN-K and ENK-K and suffixes INK and ENK

    Noun suffixes are also interesting because they can be difficult to identify correctly. Words have similar meanings but are formed using different suffixes. For example, the words “pea” and “snowflake” denote a diminutive form of an object, but the first is formed from the word “snow” using the morpheme INK, and the other is formed from the word pea-in-a by adding the suffix K.

    • The combination IN-K is written in words formed from feminine nouns with the suffix IN: ballerIN-Ka - from ballerIN, BusIN-Ka - from busIN.
    • The combination EH-K occurs in words formed from nouns ending in -NYA: cherry-Ka - from cherry, cherry-Ka - from cherry, and so on.

    The suffixes of the nouns INK and ENK are difficult to explain by any clear rule. ENK is found in words denoting female persons: beggar, nun, Frenchwoman and others. Accordingly, in words that do not have such a meaning, the suffix INK is written: gorlinka, smeshinka, zadorinka. If the suffix that causes doubt is in an unstressed position, it is better to check the dictionary.

    • Conclusion. The spelling of suffixes and combinations ENK (EN-K) and INK (IN-K) depends on the morphemic composition of the word or is regulated by the dictionary.

    The letters O-E in the suffixes of nouns in the position after sibilants sound the same, which is why this particular spelling causes the most difficulties, and it is with it that the most errors are associated. In fact, the rule is very simple.

    In the suffixes of nouns OK-EK, ONK-ENK, ONOK-ENOK and similar ones, O is written under stress, E is written without stress. Examples of stressed positions: riverONKa, MezhvezhONOK, circle. Unstressed suffixes: daughter, river and others.

    As you can see, O-E after hissing nouns in suffixes is very easy to distinguish!

    But there is one nuance (after all, the Russian language does not recognize rules without exceptions). This rule does not apply to words formed from verbs. In them, regardless of the place of stress, you should always write E (most often such suffixes are in the stressed position, which is why they are misleading). NochEVka - we write E, because from the verb "to spend the night", condensed - we write E, because from the verb "to thicken", stew - is explained in a similar way.

    • Conclusion. Suffixes of nouns after sibilants depend on the place of stress (with the exception of verbal words).

    Suffixes CHIC and SCHIK

    Noun suffixes cause difficulty in writing not only vowels, but also consonants. A striking example is the sibilants in the suffixes of the nouns CHIC and SHCHIK, which often sound the same in oral speech. Most often, these suffixes form words with the meaning of profession or occupation: “roofer”, “scout”, “layer”, etc. How to distinguish them?

    The suffix CHIK is written only after the letters D, T, Z, S, ZH: Breadwinner, Clerk, Defector. The SHCHIK morpheme is written after all other sounds: mason, recruiter, etc.

    It is noteworthy that the soft sign is never written before the suffix CHIC, and before SHCHIK is preserved only in one case - after L: sawyer, roofer, layout designer.

    • Conclusion. The choice of the suffix CHIC or SCHIK depends on the preceding consonant sound.

    N and NN in noun suffixes

    Double vowels occur in words of any part of speech, including nouns. How to determine how many N to write in the suffixes of this part of speech?

    • One N is written if the noun is formed without adding the suffix N from a word whose stem ended in one N: Yunost - from yuNy, gingerbread - from spicy, and so on.
    • Two N are written at the junction of morphemes, that is, if a noun is formed from a word with a base in N by adding another H: treason - from treason with the addition of NIK, tsennik - from tseN with the addition of NIK.
    • NN is also written if the noun is formed from an adjective or participle that already contains a double N. CONFIDENCE - from confident, restraint - restrained.
    • Conclusion. The spelling of one or two Hs in a noun depends on the morphemic composition of the word, as well as on the number of Hs in the word from which it is formed.

    Let's sum it up

    The suffixal method is the main way of word formation of nouns. This probably explains the richness and variety of suffixes in this part of speech. Here are such common morphemes as OST, EK, ONK, but there are also rare or obsolete suffixes, for example, YAD in the word “mokryad”, YSH in the word “foundling” or UN in the word “runner”.

    The difficulty is that all suffixes that form nouns require the use of a special rule, as well as knowledge of the morphemic composition of the word and the method of word formation. Therefore, when studying the spelling of nouns, you will have to turn to dictionaries very often.


    Writing rule


    -EC -, –IC-

    In masculine nouns the suffix is ​​written -ets-, feminine -its-, in neuter gender the spelling is determined by the place of stress: if the stress falls on the ending, it is written -ets-. If the stress falls on the stem, it is written –its-

    Handsome - beauty

    Favorite - favorite

    Ruzhietso - letter

    Dress, armchair



    The suffix -ink- is written in nouns that are formed from feminine words ending in -in-a. The suffix -enk- is written: in feminine nouns that are formed using the suffix -k- from nouns ending in -nya and -na

    Straw - straw

    Pea - pea Cherry - cherry Pine - pine

    Exercise No. 2. Form nouns with the suffixes –ink- and –enk-, highlight the suffixes.

    -ICHK-, -ECHK-

    The suffix -ichk- gives a diminutive and affectionate meaning and is written in feminine nouns formed from words starting with -its. The suffix -echk- is written:

      in feminine and neuter nouns formed from words ending in the plural genitive case. numbers ending in –ek

      in proper names in nouns ending in -mya

    Button - button

    Onion - onion

    Spoon - spoon - spoon

    Mug - mug - mug

    Sonechka, Valechka

    Time, seed

    Exercise No. 3. Form nouns with the suffixes –ichk-, -echk-

      Make a sentence with the word hut



    benche chka



    -ONK -, -ENK-

    The suffix -onk- is written in nouns after hard consonants. The suffix -enk- is written: 1) after soft consonants 2) after hissing ones 3) after vowels

    Fur coat - fur coat

    dawn - zorenka hand - little hand Zoya - Zoenka

    Exercise No. 4. Form nouns with the suffixes –onk-, -enk-, highlight the suffixes.

    In all genders with an augmentative meaning (ending –e – m.r. and s.r., -a – zh.r.

    Home, carrier, boring place

    Exercise No. 5. Form nouns with the suffix –ish-, coordinate them with adjectives, determine gender.

    Delicious watermelonAndmore (quality)


      Determine the category of adjectives.




    УШК - is written in masculine and neuter nouns. -YUSHK- - in nouns of all three genders with a soft base -YSHK- is written in neuter nouns -ISHK- - in all genders with a disparaging meaning

    Neighbor, winter girl

    Uncle, little pole, volushka Feather, sunshine

    Little town, little house

    Exercise No. 6. Form nouns with the suffixes –ushk-, -yushk-, –yshk-, ishk- and make phrases with them.

      Write down the word with the consonant being tested at the root of the word _______________________

    OST-, -IS-,


    The suffixes -OST-, -EST-, -AR--TEL-, are part of abstract nouns with the meaning of quality, property, attribute.



    Exercise No. 7. Form nouns from these words with the suffixes –ost-, -est-, -ar-, -tel-, and sort them out according to their composition.





    izvoh chick

    interruptedand chick

    leT chick

    detourd chick

    rewriteWith chick

    kamen box

    matchmakerR box

    treasureV box

    stackl box

    Translation d h IR, plumbing d h IR, gas T h ik, binding T h ik, izvo h h ik, detour d h ik, interrupt and h ik, translation h h ik, transferred With h ik, rewrite With h IR, machine gun T h ik, isn't it d h ik, rassk h h ik, re h h ik, sma h h IR Drum sch ok, I'll eat it sch ik, wore sch IR, set sch IR, concrete sch ik, marriages sch ik, drill sch ik, stone sch ik, roofing sch ik, dispute sch IR, collection sch IR, trailer sch ik, pil sch IR, pack sch IR, polished sch IR, glass sch ik, spinner sch ik, planer sch ik, herd sch IR, coal sch IR, flashlight sch ik. Exercise No. 8. Distribute the data below the words into two columns.



    Stone_ik, newspaper_ik, reception_ik, set_ik, obez_ik, accounting_ik, machine gun_ik, ban_ik, plumbing_ik, concrete_ik, dial_ik, lantern_ik, buffet_ik, office_ik, passage_ik, wardrobe_ik, answer_ik, waste_ik, informer_ik, excavator_ik, zimov_ik, sorting_ik, steel-rolling_ik, automatic_ik, translation_ik, casting_ik, staging_ik, climb_ik, sweep_ik, rolling_ik, tune_ik, butter_ik, adjust_ik, counterfeit_ik, advice_ik


    Decline the word if

    A vowel drops out, then

    The vowel is missing

    Kusochk a – piecee To

    Oreshk a – nute To

    sonchk a - sone To

    Zamochk a - soake To

    Larachk a - stalle To

    Hookchk a - hooke To

    KeyIR a – keyAnd To

    BallIR a – ballAnd To

    NoseIR a – noseAnd To

    LadleIR a – ladleAnd To

    Examples for spelling warm-up:

    Grandson e to (to chk a), peas e to (goro shk a), bell e to (ringing chk a), lump e to (como chk a), leaf e to (leaf chk a), hammer e to (hammer chk A). Sofa And to (sofa h And To a), kalach And to (feces h And To a), pencil And to (pencil w And To a), brick And to (bricks h And To a), key And to (key h And To a), bush And to (kus T And To a), leaf And to (fox T And To a), boy And k (mal h And To a), bridge And to (mos T And To a), nose And to (but With And To a), cucumber And to (cucumber h And To a), chair And to (chair h And To A).