winter. Walks. middle group. spring Observation in nature middle group May

Walk No. 1 “Observing seasonal changes in nature”


- form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night has become longer);

- learn to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, recognize them in poems;

Progress of observation

Summer has passed

Autumn has arrived.

In the fields and groves

Empty and dull.

The birds have flown away

The days have become shorter.

The sun is not visible

Dark, dark nights.

The teacher asks the children riddles.

Gold coins hang on a branch. (Autumn leaves.)

There is a sieve hanging on the ceiling in the corner - not made by hand. (Web.)

Without hands, but the canvas weaves. (Spider.)

The teacher tells the children about signs. September - dawn, gloomy; cold and cold - Father September, but he is a lot to feed, they call him “autumn singer” and “golden flower”; grasses in meadows, fields, and forests dry out, turn yellow, and the foliage of trees and shrubs turns golden.

September is the first autumn month. At the beginning of the month there are still warm, sunny days. The sky sparkles blue, the leaves of maples and birches show through with golden patterns. The air is clean, transparent, silver threads of the web fly. Such days are called “Indian summer”.

Why is September called “golden flower”?

What days of September are called “Indian summer”?

What are the signs of “Indian summer”?

Labor activity

Cleaning up trash on site.

Target: cultivate a desire to work.

Outdoor games

"Geese", "Shepherd and Flock".


— improve coordination of movements;

- develop dexterity and spatial orientation.

Individual work

"Catch the ball."

Target: develop dexterity.

Independent games with external material.

Walk No. 2 “Observing the flower garden”

Target: to form children's ideas that flowers are alive, they grow and change. Progress of observation

The plants in the flowerbed grew well, bloomed while it was warm, there was a lot of light and water; Now the days are becoming short, there is a lot of water, but little heat, the flowers are fading, and in their place seeds are formed, from which new plants can appear.

Autumn has come

The flowers have dried up.

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What did the flowers in the flowerbed look like?

Why did they wilt?

What needs to be done to make the flowers grow again in the spring? (Collect seeds.)

Labor activity

Collecting flowers in boxes.

Target: teach to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones.

Outdoor games

"Ducklings", "Birds and Rain".


- practice running, climbing, jumping;

- develop agility and speed.

Outdoor games

“Throw it - catch it”, “Find where it’s hidden.”


- practice throwing and catching the ball;

- teach orientation in space.

Individual work

"Gather your toys."

Target: develop mindfulness.

Walk No. 3 “Watching the Crow”


— expand knowledge about the crow;

- cultivate curiosity and interest in the life of birds.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a crow look like?

What does she eat?

Is this a wintering or migratory bird?

How does a crow scream?

The crow is a large bird. The crow's head, beak, throat, wings, tail and paws are black, and everything else is gray. The crow is a cunning, dexterous and resourceful bird. She winters and lives next to humans. The crow usually sits on garbage containers and landfills, where there is always something to eat, because the crow is an omnivorous bird. She shouts “kar-kar”.

Lame old crow

He has been living in my garden for a long time.

In the dense green branches of the maple

She built her own house.

Labor activity

Collection of flower seeds.

Target: develop the desire to do work together.

Outdoor games

“Bird and Cat”, “Colored Cars”.

Target: learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: consolidate the ability to jump on one leg (right and left).

Walk No. 4 “Weather Observation”

Target: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in plant life.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What time of year is it now?

How did you guess?

Do you know where we will go now?

What grows in the garden?

How can you call all this in one word?

How many of you know riddles about vegetables?

Where do vegetables grow?

Each group of vegetables grows in its own bed. In the fall, gardeners harvest vegetables and then preserve them. Vegetables grow on the ground and in the ground. Today you and I will collect vegetables and take them to the kitchen so that the cook can prepare lunch for us from them. Reading the poem by Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”.

Labor activity

Collective work to harvest vegetables.

Target: learn to work together.

Outdoor game

"Cucumber, cucumber."


— learn to quickly perform actions on a signal;

— improve coordination of movements, the ability to give force to a throw.

Individual work

Target: develop coordination of movements, the ability to impart force to a throw.

Walk No. 5 “Watching a Sparrow”


— deepen knowledge about the features of a sparrow’s appearance and life manifestations;

- activate children's attention and memory.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a sparrow look like?

What does he eat?

How does he move?

How does he sing?

The sparrow is a small, lively bird. The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat are black, but the head is gray. The sparrow is an agile bird, unafraid to jump near a person’s feet, peck from a dog’s bowl, and pick up crumbs, seeds, and grains. It adapts well to human habits everywhere. The sparrows sing "chick-chirp".

Labor activity

Beet harvest.


- accustom to work;

- encourage adults to help.

Outdoor games

"Find yourself a mate."

Target: learn to move quickly according to a signal, changing the direction of movement.

"Catch the ball."


- continue to strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands;

- cultivate attention and dexterity.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: teach walking on an inclined board.

Walk No. 6 “Observation of the birch tree”


- continue to introduce the characteristic features of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees;

- cultivate a desire to admire the beauty of the tree.

Progress of observation

Alena is standing with a green scarf,

Slim figure, green sundress. (Birch.)

What tree is the riddle talking about?

How tall is the birch tree?

Where is the birch trunk wide and where is it narrow?

Are birch branches thick or thin?

Can you get the leaves?

What color is the birch trunk?

What kind of trunk does a birch have?

How can you say about a birch tree?

What color are the leaves of a birch tree?

Invite children to admire the beauty of birch. You can hug her, stroke her and say: “Grow, dear little birch, make good people happy.”

Labor activity

Harvesting vegetables.


— to teach people to work collectively on the site;

- develop teamwork skills.

Outdoor game

"Hares and the wolf."


— continue to develop children’s motor activity;

- to teach you to independently follow the rules.

Individual work

"The fastest".

Target: practice running, performing tasks to improve the ability to navigate in space (changing directions while running), and jumping (jumping on two legs).

Walk No. 7 “Watching the dog”


- form an idea of ​​the dog’s appearance;

- cultivate the need to take care of a pet.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions.

The living castle grumbled

He lay down across the door.

Two medals on the chest

It's better not to go into the house. (Dog.)

What does the dog look like?

Where she lives?

What does it eat?

Who takes care of the dog?

A dog is a devoted friend of man. The dog Sharik is large, his fur coat is thick, warm, and brown. Sharik's head is large, his muzzle is elongated, and his head has floppy white ears; A beautiful tail like a ring wags its tail when it is happy. It has four paws with claws, covered with fur to prevent them from freezing in winter.

Labor activity

Collection of cones and leaves.

Target: encourage you to independently carry out basic tasks.

Outdoor game

"Shaggy Dog"

Target: learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement.

Individual work

Walking along a short and long path.

Target: consolidate ideas about length.

Walk No. 8 “Dog Watching”


— expand ideas about dog breeds;

- develop a caring attitude towards animals.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What breeds of dogs do you know?

How do they benefit people?

There are all sorts of dogs: service dogs, hunting dogs, decorative dogs. And they all serve man faithfully. Shepherd dogs help border guards guard the border and guard flocks of sheep. Laikas help hunters track animals in the forest. Decorative dogs - poodles, lapdogs, etc. are kept at home because they are beautiful and smart.

This is a guard dog

He can bark like he's alive.

But he doesn't bark because

That he liked us.

Labor activity

Clearing paths of leaves.

Target: instill a love of work in the team.

Outdoor game

"Catch me".

Target: learn to act quickly on a signal, navigate in space, develop dexterity.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a distance.

Walk No. 9 “Observing a fire truck”


— expand knowledge about the role of machines and their mechanisms;

- cultivate curiosity.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

Why does all transport allow cars with sirens to pass ahead?

Why does the car have flashing lights at the front and rear?

Why does a fire truck need a long extending ladder?

Why do firefighters wear helmets?

Cars with sirens rush to help people. Flashing lights warn that the car is turning right or left. An extendable ladder is needed to extinguish a fire in a multi-story building. Helmets protect your head from falling objects.

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.


- create a desire to work in a team.

Outdoor games

“Traps”, “Throw it - catch it”.

Target: develop independence in organizing outdoor games.

Individual work

Walking on toes.

Target: consolidate the ability to walk with coordinated movements of the arms and legs.

Walk No. 10 “Watching a Sparrow”


— continue to consolidate and systematize knowledge about the sparrow;

- enrich your vocabulary with artistic words about the sparrow;

- activate attention and memory.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children riddles and asks them to answer questions.

Guess what kind of bird

Jumps along the path

As if he's not afraid of cats -

Collects crumbs

And then jump onto the branch

And the chirp chirp chirps! (Sparrow.)

Chick-chirp -

Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this? (Sparrow.)

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards

Collects crumbs

Roams through the fields -

He steals hemp! (Sparrow.)

What changes have occurred in the life of a sparrow with the arrival of spring?

Where do sparrows like to live - in the forest or next to people? Why?

Who are sparrows afraid of?

What do they eat?

What size are they?

How should people care for birds?

Labor activity

Sweeping paths on the site.

Target: cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults.

Outdoor games

"Bird in the nest."


- learn to jump on two legs when given a signal;

- develop dexterity, attentiveness, coordination of movements.



- learn to perform movements in accordance with the text;

- perform jumps, pushing off with both legs at the same time, jump off softly;

- be able to take a free place on a log.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: improve the skills of rolling a hoop in any direction.

Walk No. 11 Observation of the birch tree


- continue to introduce the characteristic features of birch, highlighting the signs of living things;

— cultivate a caring attitude towards wood.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle.

There are white pillars,

They have green hats,

Hairy in summer,

Yellowish in autumn. (Birch.)

Children approach the birch tree, say hello, and admire the beauty of the autumn tree. The teacher asks the children questions.

What changes have occurred to the tree?

What happened to the birch leaves?

What color are they?

Are there many or few leaves on a birch tree?

When the wind blows, what happens to the leaves?

Invite the children to collect a bouquet of fallen leaves. Note again what color the leaves are. What are the signs that a birch tree is alive?

Labor activity

Raking fallen leaves with a rake.

Target: to teach you to finish what you start.

Outdoor game

"Find your color."

Target: look for your color based on the teacher’s signal.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: strive to improve walking technique: clear and wide steps, good posture, natural hand function.

Walk No. 12 “Watching leaf fall”


- introduce the variety of colors of golden autumn, the concept of “leaf fall”;

- cultivate a love for nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher invites the children to guess what time of year the poems are about.

Suddenly it got colder, suddenly there was a roar,

Leaves, leaves, leaves flew.

The fields are empty and the downpours are pouring,

And tell me, what time is this? (Autumn.)

Golden quiet groves and gardens,

The fields are productive, ripe fruits.

And you can't see the rainbow, and you can't hear the thunder,

The sun goes to bed

Earlier every day. (Autumn.)

The teacher tells the children about signs. In September, the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter, the tit asks for autumn to visit, and the leaves on the tree do not stay.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Why is autumn called golden?

What phenomenon is called leaf fall?

What do you think autumn leaves will dream about?

Labor activity

Cleaning up trash in the garden.

Target: strengthen your gardening skills.

Outdoor games

“Traps”, “Find your house”.

Target: develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly on a signal, and accurately follow the rules of the game.

Individual work

Jumping in place on one leg.

Goal: develop dexterity.

Walk No. 13 “Car Watching”


- learn to distinguish cars by their purpose;

- to form an interest in the driver’s profession, the desire to master his work activities.

Progress of observation

The teacher suggests watching cars moving along the city streets. Consider their appearance and answer questions.

What types of transport do you know? (Ground, underground, water, air.)

What functions does this or that machine perform?

You can see them everywhere, you can see them from the windows,

They are moving along the street in a long stream.

They transport various cargoes -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.

We loved them for this work,

They are called... (cars).

Labor activity

Collecting and carrying dry leaves to a certain place, sweeping paths. Goals:

- teach cleanliness and order;

- strengthen the ability to work in a team.

Outdoor games

"Colored Cars"

Target: continue to develop motor activity through games with objects (steering wheels).

"The Fox in the Chicken Coop."


— improve the ability to quickly act on a signal;

- develop dexterity.

Individual work

Standing jumps on two legs - push off energetically and land correctly.

Target: develop dexterity.

In order for a preschooler to develop an interest in understanding the world around him, he must not perceive ready-made information, but independently seek and discover new knowledge. It is these types of activities that include observation, which is successfully practiced in preschool educational institutions. Every child is by nature an inquisitive researcher, and he really likes to look at objects of the living world in their natural environment, as well as man-made structures. After all, not a single picture or video can replace directly looking at a tree, a fish, a parrot, or a machine that unloads food near the kindergarten kitchen. The observation process affects the mental and emotional spheres, which are actively developing in middle group students.

Theoretical aspects of conducting observations in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Observation is the purposeful perception by preschoolers of objects and environmental phenomena, specially organized by the teacher. This process is quite complex, since it simultaneously involves sensory perception, mental processes (the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, find cause-and-effect relationships) and the child’s speech. In addition, the child’s existing knowledge and experience are important for successful work.

Such activities become an important component for the formation of a preschooler’s ecological culture, since they are aimed at the following results:

  • The children have a desire to communicate more with nature, while reflecting their impressions in productive activities and various games.
  • A correct understanding of the essence of natural phenomena and a caring attitude towards plants and animals is established.
  • Children acquire practical knowledge about nature conservation.

A 4-5 year old child perceives the world around him through images and emotions, so competently organized observation is a source of varied and memorable impressions for pupils.


At the secondary preschool level, observations solve the following tasks:

  • Deepening knowledge about seasonal changes in nature: kids learn to notice and name phenomena such as wind, leaf fall, snowfall, etc., identify signs of a specific time of year, compare landscapes in different seasons (autumn and winter, winter and spring, etc. ).
  • Formation of the ability to establish elementary connections between natural phenomena (for example, it got cold - insects disappeared, plants faded, it froze - water turned into ice).
  • Expanding understanding of the diversity of plants and animals, birds and insects, their condition and behavior at different times of the year.
  • Deepening knowledge about the properties of inanimate objects (for example, water and sand, stones and clay, etc.).
  • Development of ideas about the work carried out in the kindergarten area (janitor’s work in different seasons), in the flower garden, vegetable garden (planting seeds, caring for plants, harvesting).
  • Clarification of ideas about objects of the social world (how passers-by are dressed in a certain season, consideration of transport, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, etc.).

Working methods

Children of the fifth year of life already have certain ideas about nature, they are capable of detailed perception of objects. Nevertheless, the teacher must coordinate the observation: ask questions, draw up a rough plan, point out signs of similarities and differences in a number of objects (for example, different trees or birds). As a result, children develop a holistic image; they are able to verbally describe a plant, animal, or natural phenomenon.

In the middle group, the teacher must coordinate the observation process

Observation becomes more complicated due to an increase in the number of simultaneously examined objects (instead of one, two). In addition, each child or group of preschoolers (2-3 people) can be given objects for individual work (for example, leaves, twigs or cones).

During such activities, the teacher should not forget about environmental requirements (use only fallen leaves and twigs, do not pick them from the tree), so that the kids learn to treat plants and animals with care.

It is easier for children 4–5 years old to perceive an object of nature if you connect it with practical activities. The teacher sets a task - he reports that an aquarium with fish has appeared in their group, and the children must learn to care for them (during the observation, preschoolers begin to master simple labor actions: give food to the fish or bird, wash the drinking bowl). Another example is that you need to carefully examine this fish in order to draw it later.

Observation will be more effective if linked to practical work activities

The teacher accompanies the examination of each object with numerous questions. They are aimed not only at clarifying the appearance of an object (for example, what color is the hamster’s fur, what is the shape of its body), but also at finding cause-and-effect relationships (why does this fish swim so fast that it helps the hamster climb the ladder so deftly).

It is good to accompany the examination of some objects with riddles, reading short poems, nursery rhymes on the relevant topic. So, the following options are suitable for bird watching on the site:

  • Jackdaw jumps along the path.
    Jackdaw - thin legs,
    black head,
    Gray raincoat new. (A. Sokolik).
  • Magpie - white-sided
    Lived nearby
    It cracked like a rattle
    Tail around,
    Flew nearby -
    Not low, not high.
    All the news again -
    I found out, I found out!
    She twirled her tail
    And flew into the forest -
    Frrrr! (T. Vtorova).
  • The sparrow ruffled its feathers,
    - Wet in a puddle
    Belt of feathers
    But swimming in a puddle
    I'm used to it. (A. Alferova).
  • Titmouse, titmouse,
    Cheerful bird.
    Flies deftly
    The cheat chirps.
    Bird - titmouse
    Not big in stature,
    Our titmouse -
    Sparrow sister. (E. Volodina).

During observations, one should rely on the personal experience of preschoolers. So, looking at a kitten, a hamster, fish, the teacher asks the kids to tell what kind of pets they have in their family, what color they are, what kind of food they like, how they can play with a pet. Similarly, while admiring the flower garden on the territory of the kindergarten, the teacher asks the children to remember where else they saw beautiful flower beds and asks them to describe them.

This technique promotes the socialization of children, fosters a desire to emotionally share their impressions with others, and also allows them to form generalized ideas about objects.

At the end of the observation, the teacher sums it up and finds out how the children learned new knowledge (using questions). For example, “Now we know how to care for a hamster - let’s remember this together,” “Can you identify a bullfinch if you notice it on a walk with your parents?”

In the middle preschool level, more observations of the plant world are carried out: children examine seeds on the eve of planting them, compare different types of trees (for example, birch and rowan), trees and shrubs, indoor flowers (geranium and begonia). It is useful to use auxiliary diagrams, herbariums, and drawings here.

During the observation process, it is advisable to use diagrams and drawings

Another work technique that can be used when working with children of the fifth year of life is simple games-assignments like “Find the same one” or “Who will notice?”

If the kids watched a cat during a walk, then the knowledge and impressions gained can be consolidated in the process of drawing

Types of observations in the middle group

Observations in kindergarten can be classified according to many parameters.

First of all, observations are classified according to the place where they were carried out - in the group or outside it.

Table: classification of observations

CriterionTypes of observations
  • On a walk (preschool section);
  • on an excursion (to a park, forest, field, meadow, intersection, pedestrian crossing, etc.);
  • in an ecological corner in a group;
  • during the lesson (ecology, traffic rules, communication).
  • Short-term (sometimes lasting only a couple of minutes, for example, looking at birds at a feeder or melting a snowflake on your palm);
  • long-term, or cyclical (can stretch even for several months):
    • behavior of fish in an aquarium,
    • growth and change of dandelions on the site,
    • swelling of buds on trees,
    • gradual change in foliage color in autumn.
Number of pupils
  • Individual;
  • group (up to 10 people);
  • frontal (whole group).
Stages of knowledge acquisition
  • Primary;
  • repeated;
  • comparative;
  • generalizing.
Solvable cognitive tasks
  • Recognizers (create ideas about the variety of objects and their properties);
  • recreating (reproduction of a complete picture based on specific features).
Observable objects
  • Behind objects of inanimate nature (stones, snow, icicles, puddles, clouds, etc.);
  • for living beings;
  • for transport (on the territory of the preschool educational institution or outside it: a car delivering food, a fire truck, etc.);
  • behind the work of adults (a janitor cleaning the territory of a preschool educational institution, teachers and older preschoolers working in the garden).
Reason for holding
  • Planned;
  • organized at the request of children, random.

What activities might include observations?

Observations are often organically included in the structure of direct educational activities. Most often, observations are part of an environmental lesson.

So, when telling children about the structure of an aquarium, there is nothing better than directly examining it together with the fish. Children will see with their own eyes sea pebbles at the bottom of the fish “house” (oval and smooth), and graceful algae. The teacher emphasizes that the water in the aquarium is clean and transparent, since dirty and stale fish will die. Kids will learn that for a fish to feel good, it needs warmth and light, algae and the right food. In the process of such observation, preschoolers can even feed the inhabitants of the aquarium themselves, which, of course, will delight them and will be remembered for a long time.

Children will better understand the structure of a fish if they see it live: shiny scales, fins, wriggling tail, gills. And the teacher will tell you what role each part of the body plays.

An environmental lesson on the topic “Aquarium” is best conducted in the form of observation

Similarly, you can conduct an ecology lesson on the topic “Indoor flowers”. By visually examining plants, having the opportunity to touch the leaves with their hands, and smell the flowers, children will learn much better than by using pictures and posters.

Observations fit organically into classes on studying traffic rules. Thus, the teacher will clearly demonstrate the difference between a street and a roadway, and looking at a real traffic light will not compare even with its most realistic model. Children will easily understand the difference between a car and a truck if they look at them right next to the kindergarten. And if the kids manage to watch the work of a traffic controller with a black and white baton in his hands, they will be simply delighted.

Observing the operation of a real traffic light is useful for learning the rules of the road.

It turns out that the observation method can be successfully used in speech development classes. In this case, the teacher focuses not on the cognitive results of examining an object, but on developing in preschoolers the ability to talk about what they have learned and replenishing their vocabulary.

For example, when looking at a kitten, words such as fluffy, playful, affectionate, laps, etc. are introduced into the children’s active vocabulary. The teacher asks them to come up with a name for the animal and asks the kids to name as many options as possible. To develop children's speech, we should ask the same question in different ways (what will we call the kitten - what nickname will we come up with for it), pronounce hard-to-pronounce words in chorus, offer children several options to answer the question (the kitten's body is covered with feathers, wool or scales, its fur is soft or hard, it is smooth or fluffy, a kitten is a bird, animal or insect). By clarifying preschoolers' knowledge about the function that each part of the animal's body performs, the teacher not only focuses on the correct answer, but also teaches the children to answer not in monosyllables, but in complete sentences (for example, a kitten needs paws in order to move).

Organization of observations in the middle group of kindergarten

In the middle preschool level, it is already possible to practice cyclic observations of the life of plants and animals. During the observation process, students in the middle group receive a larger amount of information. So, in addition to information about the external appearance of living creatures, they learn their method of movement, habitat, and preferred food. This leads the children to understand the connection between the specific structure of plants and animals and their adaptability to the environment.

When organizing observation, it is important that the object is accessible to every child participating in the process. The teacher thinks in advance how many children can simultaneously participate in the work and how they should be placed in order to obtain the necessary information about the object.

The teacher must verbally voice everything that the children see, but the word must follow the perception: only in this case does the child develop full-fledged knowledge.

As for the duration of observation in the middle group, it should not take more than 10 minutes. The structure of the organized observation process is as follows:

  1. First, the teacher gathers the children and attracts their attention (“Now you will see something interesting” or “Do you like animals?”), you can involve game characters (the old forester wants to show the kids the trees), riddles and descriptions. It is important not to overdo it here: strong emotions can interfere with thought processes.
  2. The main part is a direct examination of the object, during which the teacher asks questions (no need to layer them on top of each other). After all, children need to think and concentrate.
  3. The observation ends with final questions. If the children looked at some objects during a walk, before napping, you can read them a fairy tale on a suitable topic, and in the evening, invite them to create a drawing in which they express their impressions.

File of observations

The topics of observation in different age groups are different. When working with children aged five, the following topics will be relevant:

  • Observations concerning natural phenomena and seasonal changes in nature:
  • Observation of the flora:
    • behind the flower garden, birch, rowan, spruce, poplar, willow;
    • comparison of two trees according to a number of characteristics (for example, birch and rowan, live and artificial spruce);
    • behind the bushes;
    • comparison of tree and bush;
    • behind the swelling buds on the trees;
    • behind the bark of trees;
    • behind the grass.
  • Observation of animals, birds and insects:
    • for a sparrow, a crow, a tit, a pigeon, a magpie, a bullfinch;
    • for migratory birds;
    • following bird tracks in the snow;
    • comparison of birds by size, color, voice, plumage;
    • for birds at the feeder;
    • in a group behind a parrot, fish and an aquarium.
    • for a cat, dog, hamster;
    • for insects.
  • Observing people and human work:
    • at work as a janitor at different times of the year;
    • for autumn work in the garden (the work of preschool employees and older pupils);
    • planting vegetables in the preschool garden at the end of spring;
    • at work as a driver (bringing food to kindergarten);
    • at work as a postman (brings letters, newspapers and magazines to kindergarten);
    • for passers-by (what they are wearing, how they are walking);
    • for kids who recently came to kindergarten (how they behave, why some cry);
    • for the construction of a new house.
  • Observations related to cars and traffic rules:

Photo gallery: plant observations

It is interesting to watch the awakening of plants in the spring. Both children and adults want to touch the fluffy Christmas tree with their hands. In winter, it is also interesting to watch plants, because frost gives them a special beauty. The teacher draws the attention of preschoolers to the rustling yellow leaves under their feet. Bright flowers always attract the attention of children.

Photo gallery: animal observations

Multi-colored parrots attract the attention of children. Children are interested not only in looking at the cat, but also in learning its habits. While watching the pigeons, you can feed them

Photo gallery: the work of a janitor at different times of the year

The kids are interested in watching how the grass is mowed. The kids like to help clear away the leaves. In winter, the janitor has no less work than in the fall - he needs to clear the territory of snow.

Table: fragments of observation notes in the middle group

Author and titleProgress of observation
Matveeva N.
"Watching the Birch"
V.: Guys, today we came to visit the birch tree. Everyone calls her a Russian beauty. Look how beautiful she is, slender, straight, and rises high, high. As if he wants to grow to the sky. Try to reach the top of your head. Did everyone reach out? You can not? That's how tall the birch tree is!
  • White birch stands in gold
    And the green leaves rustle quietly.

Listen, guys, the birch tree is whispering something to us. Perhaps the birch tree is singing songs to us? She sings with leaves. And why? The breeze is blowing, the leaves are rustling in the wind and “singing.” Do you hear? Look, the branches are bent and shaking. They play with the breeze. But then the wind stopped, and all the leaves calmed down.
Guys, when the wind is strong, what song does the birch tree sing to us? (Sad, loud).
And when the wind is weak and the sun is shining? (Quiet, calm, lullaby).
Admire the beauty of the crown. What a beautiful sundress our princess has, with black pockets. What is another name for a birch sundress? What colour? Let's touch and stroke her.
Guys, stand under the tree and look up. What do you see? How many branches? Who can tell what the branches look like? The branches look like pigtails, they are long, thin, like curls.

  • Famous in all countries
    Slender beauty:
    White clothes,
    Gold - earrings,
    With an unbraided braid
    Washed with dew.
    The wind moves the strands,
    They are not ordered to be braided.

Birch is especially dear to our people. She is smart and beautiful. It is called white birch. Many poems, songs, fairy tales, and round dances are dedicated to the birch tree.

  • I love Russian birch,
    Sometimes bright, sometimes sad,
    In a white sundress,
    With handkerchiefs in pockets.
    With beautiful clasps
    With green earrings.
    I love her, elegant,
    Dear, beloved. (A. Prokofiev).

Guys, we are all friends with you, you are friends with each other, birds are friends with birds, animals are friends with animals, and I am friends with you. Look, do we have any friend trees on our site? That's right, these two birch trees are friends. They are friends because they grow up side by side and help each other in difficult times. When they are sad, they rustle leaves, “talk” and make each other laugh. Let's hear what they have to say. They are always together and never quarrel. They grow on our site, and when we play next to them, they have fun, and when we go to the group, they are bored, and they wait for us again. Let's stand in a big circle and dance around our girlfriends.

Quote from:
Kolesova S.
“Observations on the work of a janitor in winter”
Observation: draw the children’s attention to the work of the janitor. His shovel is wide, why? Invite children to help clear the sidewalk and area of ​​the playground from snow.

Ekaterina Guzenko
Observations on a walk for every day (middle group)

Observations while walking (middle group)

Monday: observation of plants: trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, seeds.

Tuesday: observation of inanimate nature: soil, sky, sun, water, wind, etc.

Wednesday: observation of animals, birds, fish, insects.

Thursday: monitoring people's work and transport.

Friday: excursions, observing the surroundings.

September, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Consider annual and perennial plants, name and show flowers known to children, collect dry seeds. Conversation about what we will sow these seeds for next year.

2nd week: Riddles about vegetables and fruits. Consider the beans and greens grown in the garden. Gather greens for lunch. A conversation about what berries, fruits, and vegetables grew in the country.

3rd week: Note what changes have occurred in nature with trees, the beauty of autumn colors. Ask. What colors began to appear in the foliage. P/n “Recognize the tree.”

4th week: Observe the viburnum and rose hip bushes, examine the berries, talk about their beneficial properties. Offer to taste the berries.

1st week: Observing the sun. It shines brightly from the blue sky, but it is no longer as warm as in summer.

2nd week: Watching the autumn rain from the veranda. Offer to remember the summer rains. Riddles about precipitation.

3rd week: Watching the wind. Note that in cloudy weather the wind often blows, and it is colder than in summer. Make some pinwheels and play with them.

4th week: Watching puddles. Consider whether the water is cloudy or clear. Place wooden, plastic, and metal objects into the water and see which ones sink.

N animal monitoring:

1st week: Bird watching. They gather in flocks, preparing to fly away. A conversation about which birds fly away from us in the fall and which ones remain.

2nd week: Observing ants. Consider how they walk in a chain; they can lift a load several times larger and heavier than themselves. Talk about the benefits of ants.

3rd week: Watching the dog. Invite them to remember what children know about the wolf, how a wolf differs from a dog. Strengthen the ability to highlight similarities and differences in the structure of animals.

4th week: Watching sparrows. They flock together. They can often be seen in the flower bed, where they search for grains and insects. Riddles about birds.

Observing people's work:

1st week: Work in the flowerbed. Collect seeds, cut dried flowers. Ask what kind of work people do in their dachas and gardens, and which children help their parents.

2nd week: Observation of schoolchildren. What clothes are they wearing, what are they holding in their hands, in what mood are they going to school. Read Mikhalkov’s poem “First-grader.”

3rd week: Observation of children who have recently come to kindergarten. How do they behave, why do some cry? Ask how the children feel in kindergarten now.

4th week: Observing the clothes of children and adults. How have clothes changed compared to summer, why?

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Excursion to the school. Observation of schoolchildren and teachers.

2nd week: Weather observation. Expand children's active vocabulary. Ask to describe the weather using it. adjectives.

3rd week: Riddles about vegetables and fruits. What vegetables and fruits do the guys know? D/i “Edible – inedible.

4th week: Supervising the construction of a new house. Consider a crane, trucks and other equipment. Ask why all these machines are needed in construction.

October, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Observing fallen leaves. What is this phenomenon called and why? What color are the leaves on the ground, what leaves can be seen on the trees. Are there bare trees?

2nd week: Compare pine with deciduous trees. Tell why they remain green, and if the leaves fall, they are replaced by young ones; the needles are not afraid of frost.

3rd week: Collecting maple and ash seeds for herbarium and crafts. Observe the “plumage” of the seeds, fix the names of the trees.

4th week: Watching the grass. She became yellow and withered. Remember what the grass was like in the summer and what it is like now. Choose comparative adjectives.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Observe the surrounding landscape, consolidate the signs of autumn. What changes have occurred in nature compared to summer.

2nd week: Look at the stones and compare them with sand. Tell that stones turn into sand after many years.

3rd week: Observation of the breed. Note what kind of breed it is, sunny or rainy, cloudy, windy, etc. to expand the children’s active vocabulary.

4th week: Show children frost on the grass and benches; watch it melt under the rays of the sun.

Animal observation:

1st week: Offer to look for insects on the site - there are none. Ask why insects disappear in the fall. They hide in tree bark and other places.

2nd week: Hang the feeder. Birds that have stayed for the winter are increasingly visiting it. In winter, birds need to be fed, as it is difficult for them to find food.

3rd week: Ask what wild animals the children know and how they prepare for winter. How can people help animals in winter? Riddles about animals.

4th week: Watching swifts. Watch how they flock together, catch midges and prepare to fly away. They drive away other birds, why do they do this?

Observing people at work:

1st week: Talk with children about how people prepare for winter and insulate their premises. Remember how the windows were insulated in the group, ask why this is being done?

2nd week: Supervising work in the flower beds: digging up the ground, digging up dahlia tubers, removing faded plants and weeds.

3rd week: Freight transport monitoring. You may ask what trucks can transport to a construction site, a kindergarten, or a store? What would we do without trucks? Fix the names of the car parts (body, cabin, wheels).

4th week: Helicopter surveillance. They fly low over the city, why? Not far from the kindergarten there is a helipad, helicopters fly there. Ask how helicopters can help people's lives.

1st week: While walking, pay attention to the tracks after the rain. My feet get stuck in the same soil. The other one doesn't. Leave various prints on the wet soil and try to determine what kind of prints they are.

2nd week: Monitoring the construction of a house. What materials do builders use, how do they fasten bricks and blocks, and why? Count how many floors have still been built.

3rd week: Excursion to the laundry. Inspect the laundry equipment; why are there washing machines? Ask where clothes are dried. Why wash clothes in kindergarten, who does it?

4th week: Pay attention to the tree bark. It is different in color (aspen is light green, birch is white, maple is dark). Expand your understanding of trees.

November, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Observation of leaf fall. Pay attention to how smoothly the leaves fall from the trees in calm weather and how quickly they fall in strong winds. Learn to notice differences, compare the shape and color of foliage.

2nd week: Invite the children to show tall and short trees on the site. Ask what they are called. Determine the similarities and differences in the structure and color of the bark. Identify the characteristic features of trees.

3rd week: Pine tree observation. Compare coniferous trees with deciduous trees: they stand bare, without foliage, while coniferous trees are beautiful and green. Ask what tree we decorate for the New Year.

4th week: Conversation about autumn, autumn months, signs. Remember and tell poems about autumn. Tell them that winter is coming soon. What signs of winter can you already see?

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Observing the wind: is it strong or weak, warm or cold. Try to determine the direction of the wind using a light ribbon.

2nd week: Observing clouds and their movement. Strengthen the ability to notice and name weather conditions. Pay attention to the fact that the days have become shorter and it gets dark early in the evening.

3rd week: Soil monitoring. It is hard, frozen, because it is cold outside. Bring children to understand the relationship that if it is cold outside, then the earth is frozen.

4th week: Pay attention to thin ice on puddles. Ask why ice formed on the puddles. Watch it melt under the rays of the sun.

Animal observation:

1st week: Tit watching. Examine its coloring, listen to its singing, bring the children to the conclusion that with the onset of frost, wintering birds move closer to human habitation.

2nd week: Cat observation. Consider it, ask what benefits a cat brings to people as a pet. Reinforce the concept of “pet”.

3rd week: Watching the moon and stars on an evening walk. Please note that it is getting dark early now, so you can see the moon and stars in the sky. Suggest counting the stars, is it possible to do this?

4th week: Conversation about wild animals. Bears, hedgehogs, snakes hibernate, why? Which of the animals changes their coats, makes provisions for the winter, and why? How can we help wild animals?

Observing people's work:

1st week: Supervising the work of plumbers. They change in groups, battery corridors. Why is this being done? Notice how warm it became in the group when the radiators were flooded.

2nd week: Pay attention to the fact that people have already put on warm clothes. Tell us that many animals are also preparing for winter: they change their coats to warmer and less noticeable ones.

3rd week: Surveillance of the ambulance. Consider its distinctive features. Why do we need an ambulance? Who should you contact in case of illness?

4th week: Monitoring the work of a lawn mower. He cuts off the withered, dry grass and stems with a mower so that it is beautiful and neat. A conversation about the rules of behavior when working with a lawn mower.

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Watching the rain. The rain is fine, drizzling, cold. Puddles dry up slowly. Remember how good it was in the summer after the rain. Note the main weather condition in autumn - cloudy.

2nd week: Helicopter surveillance. Please note that military helicopters are flying. Ask what is the difference between helicopters and airplanes.

3rd week: Excursion to the school stadium. Look how big he is. Tell that at the stadium children engage in physical education and various holidays are held.

4th week: Watching the first snow. What does it feel like (choose adjectives). How can you play with snow? When does it snow most often, at what time of year? Play snowballs, clear snow from equipment.

December, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Inspection of trees on the site.

Suggest to remember how trees were recognized in summer and autumn, how can you recognize them now? Offer to find maple, birch, aspen. Note their characteristic features.

2nd week: After heavy snowfall, carefully shake off the snow from the branches so as not to break them. Explain that in cold weather the branches are fragile and can easily break under the weight of snow. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

3rd week: Compare tree and shrub. Name their distinctive features. The tree has one trunk and is tall. The bush has many thin trunks and is much lower than a tree. Strengthen the ability to distinguish a tree from a bush.

4th week: Tell them that in winter, plants are warm under the snow, so it’s good when there is a lot of snow. Offer to shovel snow towards trees and bushes and thus take care of them.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Watching the first snow. Celebrate the beauty of a winter day. Read Surikov’s poem “Winter”. Look at the snowflakes, listen to how the snow creaks under your feet in the cold. How can you measure the depth of snow?

2nd week: Place water in the mold; by the end of the walk the water will freeze. Bring children to understand that ice is water that has frozen in the cold. Bring the tray of ice into the group and watch the ice melt.

3rd week: Note the decrease in the length of the day: it gets light late, dark early. Bring children to understand that at the beginning of winter the days are very short, the sun rises late and sets early.

4th week: Offer to measure the depth of the snow cover with a stick - a conventional measure. Develop observation skills and the ability to compare the depth of snow in different places.

Animal observation:

1st week: Watching tits. Offer to listen to their melodious whistling. Tell that the bird is so called because of the sounds it makes; In winter, she flies to us to feed.

2nd week: Watching magpies and crows. Look at the footprints in the snow. Identify the outer snow of birds by size, color, sounds made. Develop observation skills and the ability to compare.

3rd week: Cat watching. Look at their games (jumping, running after each other). Consider their color. Talk about signs associated with cats. If he hides his nose - it means cold, if he rolls - it means warmth.

4th week: Watching dogs. Stray dogs run in packs; they must be feared, as they can be dangerous. In flocks they obtain their own food. Tell that some wild animals, for example, wolves, also live in packs.

Observing people's work:

1st week: Monitoring the vegetable storage. Fruits and vegetables are stored in bags and boxes, which are given to the kitchen by the storekeeper. These products are used to prepare lunches and dinners for the children.

2nd week: Monitoring the work of the wipers. In winter, they remove snow with shovels and clear paths to make it more convenient for people to walk. Use shovels to clean the paths in the area.

3rd week: Monitoring a snowplow. Tell us that when there is a lot of snow, snow removal machines help the street cleaners. They remove snow from the road to the side of the road, then trucks take the snow out of town.

4th week: Warehouse surveillance They store unnecessary things in the warehouse, which ones exactly? Suggest you think about what you can do with old unnecessary things?

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Examine various footprints in the snow. Find traces of birds, cats, dogs. Make imprints of your boots in the snow. Offer to guess where whose fingerprint is.

2nd week: Walk around the kindergarten, see what changes have occurred since the fall. Please note that behind the kindergarten the snow is less compacted.

3rd week: Watching people's faces. Notice that people’s noses and faces are red from the cold, and steam is coming from their mouths. Everyone is dressed in winter clothes, with mittens on their hands.

4th week: Playing with bubbles. Make a special solution and try to make bubbles outside that will harden in the cold.

January, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Observing buds on trees. Show how they are tightly closed in winter. They cork and do not allow cold air to pass through. All gaps are filled with liquid substance.

2nd week: Ask the children why in winter the plants do not grow, there are no leaves or flowers. Reinforce the concept that in winter there are no conditions for plant growth (cold, little light).

3rd week: Ask why perennial plants do not die in winter (they are warm under the snow). Reinforce the concept that snow protects plants from freezing.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Watching sparrows. They sit on the branches in flocks, ruffled, so they are warmer. Pour food into the feeder. A conversation about what birds we can see in the city in winter.

2nd week: Look at the footprints in the snow. Pay attention to the tracks of birds and animals. Try to understand where whose tracks are. Develop observation and imagination.

3rd week: Ask what wintering birds eat, why they don’t fly to warmer climes (if the children don’t remember, then remind them that some birds feed only on insects).

Animal observation:

1st week: Measure the depth of the snowdrifts in different places on the site. Ask them to think about why the snow lies in a denser layer near fences and bushes. Develop the ability to think logically.

2nd week: Observing snow in different weather: in cold and windy weather it looks like cereal, in frosty weather it falls in separate snowflakes, in warmer weather it falls in flakes. To give an idea that snow falls differently in different weather conditions.

3rd week: Watching the weather become even colder, cold winds are blowing. On a clear day the air is frostier, on a cloudy day it is warmer.

Observing people's work:

1st week: Monitoring the work of the wipers. Please note that the paths of the kindergarten have been cleared and a slide has been made of snow for the children. Help fill the slide.

2nd week: Transport surveillance. Conversation about traffic rules during icy conditions. Ask why ice is dangerous for transport and pedestrians.

3rd week: Fire truck surveillance. Why does it need a siren, what are its functions. What are the people who put out fires called?

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Freeze water in molds and make colored ice. Clarify knowledge that water freezes in the cold and turns into ice. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of ice: slippery, cold, hard, smooth, transparent.

2nd week: Conversation about the rules of behavior during icy conditions. Ask what can be done to prevent ice from interfering with pedestrians.

3rd week: Walk around the kindergarten territory. Compare the depth of snow and the integrity of the snow cover in the areas and on the back side of the kindergarten. Why is the snow cover more intact behind the kindergarten?

February, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Observing the poplar and its branches. Examine the poplar buds. Invite the children to take several poplar branches and place them in a vase with water. Observe the opening of the buds and the appearance of leaves.

2nd week: Invite children to observe the grass near the heating pipes. Is there snow there, what kind of soil is there, and is there any green grass visible (if there is, then ask why it grows there).

3rd week: Observing the buds of aspen. They have swollen a little, as the trees wake up closer to spring and gain strength to please us with green leaves.

4th week: Willow observation. Look at the flowering willow buds - they look like gray lumps. Let the children touch them. Choose words of definition and comparison.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Observation of drops from roofs on the sunny side. Bring children to understand its appearance depending on air temperature. Conversation about safety rules when icicles appear.

2nd week: Observation of drifting snow. Please note that snow is rushing along the road, as if sweeping. This is drifting snow. Read Marshak's poem "February".

3rd week: Pay attention to the snow. It becomes gray, settles, and a crust forms on top - crust. Develop observation skills and the ability to draw conclusions based on observations.

4th week: Observing the sun. They rise higher, its rays shine brighter and already carry warmth. You can feel the approach of spring, but the warmth is still far away. Warm days will be replaced by colder days more than once.

Animal observation:

1st week: Cat observation. Note its color and distinctive features. Is it an animal, a bird, a fish? Prove. What kind of animal - wild or domestic - is a cat? What other pets do the guys know?

2nd week: Bird watching at the feeder. The birds have become more lively, they fly more, chirp - they feel the approach of spring. Find out what you can feed the birds with.

3rd week: Observation of the oak tree. Look at the bird. She is grey, similar to a sparrow, but larger in size and with a powerful, thick beak. He flew closer to people's homes in search of food and warmth.

4th week: Observation of crows and sparrows. Compare them, identify similarities and differences, prove that these are really birds.

Observing people's work:

1st week: Observing the work of a laundress. She hangs out the washed laundry. Conversation about what her job is. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of other people.

2nd week: Monitoring of trucks. Fix the names of the main parts. How do trucks differ from cars and what are they intended for? What other types of transport do children know?

3rd week: Supervising the work of mechanics. They repair heating pipes to keep homes warm.

4th week: Observing children's games. What games do they play on the court? Which games can be played in winter and which cannot, why?

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Invite children to freeze water in molds to decorate the area. To form an idea of ​​the transition of water from liquid to solid and vice versa.

2nd week: Sky observation. In clear weather it is blue and bright, and in cloudy weather it is gray and covered with clouds.

3rd week: Conversation about insects. What happens to them in winter, where do they hide and why.

4th week: House surveillance. Invite the children to count the floors in nearby houses. What are they built from? What other materials can be used in the construction of houses.

March, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Tree watching. How do they differ from flowers and grass? Please note that the tree has one trunk and many branches.

2nd week: Observing potted plants in a group and outdoors. How the plants feel outside (bad: they are cold, need warmth and watering).

3rd week: Observing last year's grass. What is it like (dry, withered? Find the first grass in a sunny place.

4th week: Observing young grass. It can be found near heating pipes and house walls. Rake up last year's leaves and see if new grass is emerging.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Conversation about winter and spring signs. Please note that these are only the first days of spring. Can we say that spring has come into its own, why not?

2nd week: Observing the wind: strong or weak, what signs can you use to understand that the wind is strong?

(weak, subsides or intensifies, warm or cold. How do people hide from the wind?

3rd week: Observation of the earth. Examine the soil in the flowerbed after the snow has melted (the soil is black, wet, cold, it cannot be dug up yet, it is too early to plant plants). See if it dries during the day.

4th week: Watching the sand. It has become warmer, the sand is warming up, and you can already play in the sandbox. The sand is still wet, it’s good to make Easter cakes.

Animal observation:

1st week: Cat watching. What colors are they, what do they eat, who feeds them at home, in kindergarten. How should these animals be treated?

2nd week: Observe the dog, consider color, characteristic features, similarities with other animals. Ask how animals should be treated. Review the rules for handling animals.

3rd week: Pigeon watching. Did they fly away from us in winter? Feed them bread. Name the distinctive features of birds.

4th week: Insect observation. There are a lot of them in the summer, but now they are just waking up. Dig up some soil and try to find the insect larva.

Observing people's work:

1st week: Monitoring the work of the janitor. Why do you need to remove garbage, how can we help, what tools does a janitor use to clean the area.

2nd week: Observing people's clothes. Has anything changed in the clothes of children and adults, what is this connected with, why do we dress still warmly, hide our ears and put on gloves.

3rd week: Supervising the work of loaders. Who helps unload the cars that brought food and furniture to the kindergarten. Is this work easy or hard?

4th week: Supervising a carpenter at work. Take the doll's cabinet to him. Ask what the carpenter repairs in kindergarten, what tools does he use?

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Monitoring of trucks. What kind of cars enter the kindergarten territory, and why? What is transported on trucks?

2nd week:

3rd week: Excursion to the laundry. Introduce the work of a laundress, consider the situation. Look at your clothes, clean or not. Ask who cares about the cleanliness of clothes.

4th week: Watching the road. Why are roads needed? What rules must be followed when crossing the road?

April, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Observing buds on trees. On different trees, the buds swelled to varying degrees. This means that the leaves will not appear at the same time.

2nd week: Watching the grass. Notice that there is more green grass, it has stretched out. You can see dandelions near houses.

3rd week: Observing seedlings in a flowerbed. Please note that some flowers have sprouted well, while others have only just appeared.

4th week: Sowing seeds in the ground. Loosen the soil without damaging the shoots of perennial plants.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Sky observation. Are there any clouds in the sky? What is the weather like, cloudy or clear. What color is the sky and clouds? Make riddles about the sky, clouds, rain.

2nd week: Watching the rain. Read the poem “Rain, rain, more…”. Consider large and small puddles. See how the sun and sky are reflected in them.

3rd week: Observing the sun. The sun is already high in the sky and warming up. It gets darker every day.

4th week: Weather observation. Is it warm outside or cold. Notice that with the warmth, grass and the first leaves on the trees appeared.

Animal observation:

1st week: Watching a magpie. Look at its coloring and listen to its chirping sound. Prove that the magpie is a bird.

2nd week: Observation of a cat hunting birds. Watch how she bends down and crawls along the ground towards her prey. Ask who else hunts like this.

3rd week: Observing ants. Consider their structure, how they crawl one after another, carrying twigs and insect remains to their houses.

4th week: Crow observation. Remember the nursery rhyme: “Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, a raven is sitting on an oak tree…” look at the coloring. Explain how they build nests.

Observing people's work:

1st week: Supervision of laundry operations. Consider laundry that is drying on a line. Remember how they washed clothes in class, and what is needed for this.

2nd week: Watching a garbage truck. Consider a car that takes out trash. Why do you need to take out garbage, what should you do to keep the streets clean?

3rd week: Observing people's clothes. Ask what clothes we wear in mid-spring, why? What can happen to us if we continue to wear winter clothes.

4th week: Observing the work of firefighters. In what cases does a fire truck arrive, what do firefighters wear? They check the operation of the hydrant in the kindergarten. Remember the rules of behavior in case of fire.

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Monitoring puddles on the site. Why were they formed? Is it possible to climb into the water with your hands, splash water, why?

2nd week: Observing the soil in a flower bed. Use a rake to remove last year's leaves and try to dig up the beds.

3rd week: House surveillance. They are single-story and multi-story. Ask who lives in which house, on which floor? Do children know the street name and house number? offer to count floors and entrances in houses.

4th week: Observation of bird cherry buds. Note that leaves will appear soon. Compare with buds on other trees.

May, middle group

Observing plants:

1st week: Observation of coltsfoot flowers. Consider the flowers, their colors, shapes. Tell why they are called that. Please note that the leaves are not visible yet, they will appear later.

2nd week: Observing the sprouting of daffodils in a flower bed. Pay attention to how they have grown, consider the seeds of calendula and marigold, sow them in the flowerbed. Ask what garden flowers the children know.

3rd week: Observation of bird cherry leaves. Remember that a few weeks ago there were only swollen buds on the trees. Find more trees with swollen buds, earrings or leaves.

4th week: Observation of the cedar. Examine its needles, tell about the beneficial properties of this plant. To say that cedars were specially planted for landscaping the area.

Observation of inanimate nature:

1st week: Observing the soil in the flowerbed. Dig up a small area. What color is the soil, what are there (roots, stones, pieces of clay? Plant the seedlings and water them.

2nd week: Observing the wind (strong or weak, cold or warm). If the wind is strong, you can make a pinwheel and play with it.

3rd week: Observation of stones. Find stones of different sizes and colors and examine them. What can they be useful for? Collect rocks in a bucket for drainage when planting.

4th week: Observing the sun. Have the guys noticed that now it gets light early and gets dark late? Find definition words for the word “sun”.

Animal observation:

1st week: Observation of earthworms. They live underground and crawl to the surface when it rains. They are the same on both sides.

2nd week: Watching a finch. Consider the color of the bird and its size. Ask what bird he looks like (a sparrow). Finches come to us in the spring; they are shy and do not fly close to humans.

3rd week: Monitoring insects: flies, mosquitoes. Do the guys like the fact that flies and mosquitoes have appeared, why? What benefits can they bring?

4th week: Observing a spider and its web. Why does it weave a web, what does it eat, how many legs does a spider have? Remember Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fly – Tsokotukha”.

Observing people's work:

1st week: Observation of children of different ages. Compare the growth of children of the younger and older groups, their speech. Compare the height of adults and children. What do kids want to be when they grow up?

2nd week: Monitoring the work of the janitor. He removes trash to keep it clean. Consider his overalls. Ask them to think about why it is so bright. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

3rd week: Supervising the work of teachers and assistant teachers. What is the job of each of them? Do children know the names of other teachers?

4th week: Observing schoolchildren and their clothes. Consider how the guys and graduates are dressed. Consider the briefcases, what might be in them? What can and should you take with you to school, and what should you leave at home?

Excursions, observing the surroundings:

1st week: Observe the school, examine the building, count how many floors it has, who studies there. Ask why go to school, do the children themselves want to go to school when they grow up?

2nd week: Watching footprints in the sand. Consider the tracks of a magpie, dog, people. How did the guys find out where whose tracks were? Make prints of different objects and ask them to guess which objects the children see.

3rd week: Excursion to the territory of the kindergarten. Teach children to walk in pairs. Tell us why this is necessary. Ask if it is possible to leave the kindergarten territory on your own, why is this dangerous?

4th week: A conversation about how to spend the summer, what games to play. Encourage children to express their opinions.


Walk 4

Weather observation

Target: learn to independently identify and name changes in nature in winter.

Progress of observation

It has grown to my eyebrows,

He got into my felt boots.

They say he is Santa Claus

And he plays pranks like a little boy.

Is it warm or cold outside?

Why do people hide their noses in their coat collars and walk quickly down the street?

How were people dressed in the summer? Compare.

The frosts have become stronger, and it is not always possible to walk. It's very cold outside, people walk quickly down the street so as not to

Labor activity

Clearing snow from the slide and path leading to the feeder.

Target: Learning how to use a broom correctly is a complete task.

Outdoor games

“Frost is a red nose”, “We are cheerful guys.”


Learn to speak clearly in the game;

Follow the rules of the game.

Individual work

"The jumpers near the sled."

Target: learn to jump forward


Walk 5

Observation of birch and mountain ash


To develop knowledge about plant life in winter;

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher organizes a conversation with the children, paying attention to the trees standing on the site

Name which trees and shrubs

What do trees do in winter?

By what characteristic features can you recognize a birch tree?

How do trees feel in winter?

Is it good or bad for them in winter?

Why do trees need snow?

What can happen if there is a lot of snow on the branches or it is very

Trees in winter, trees in winter

Permeated by the wind and the cold itself,

And slender pines and sharp spruces

They stand up like soldiers to face the blizzard.

Labor activity

Collecting snow for construction.

Target: learn to work together, achieving the task through joint efforts.

Outdoor games

Target: achieve jumping on two legs.

“Knock down the pin.”

Target: achieve improvements in coordination of movements, the ability to give force to a throw.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: strengthen the skills of good push-off and soft landing.


Walk 6

Air traffic surveillance

Target: expand knowledge about air transport, its use and purpose.

Progress of observation

When I grow up, I will be a brave pilot.

There is no better thing for a boy!

The teacher makes riddles for the children and asks questions.

A fable bird is flying,

And the people are sitting inside,

He talks to each other.


Soars up without acceleration,

Reminds me of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian... (helicopter).

What types of transport do you know?

What applies to air transport?

How are airplanes and helicopters similar?

What is the difference?

What is their purpose? (Transportation of goods, passengers.)

Who operates air transport? (Pilots, navigators, mechanics.)

Note that the plane rises high under the clouds, and the helicopter flies much lower.

Labor activity

Clearing the path after a snowfall.

Target: strengthen the ability to work together and enjoy the results of your work.

Outdoor games

“The deer has a big house.”

Target: strengthen the ability to correlate movement with text. "Aircraft".

Goal: to develop the ability to act quickly on a signal, speed, attention.

Individual work

Walking between the lines (10-15 cm).

Target: develop and improve motor activity.


Walk 7

Watching the wind

Target: learn to determine the presence and direction of wind.

Progress of observation


Don't blow in my face

Blow on my back

So that it would be possible to go.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Is there any wind?

Where does the wind blow from?

Why is it difficult to walk against the wind, but easier with the wind?

Labor activity

Building a slide for dolls by slamming the snow with a shovel.

Target: teach to work together, to receive joy from the work performed and its result.

Outdoor games

"Horses", "Frogs".


Learn to listen carefully to the teacher’s command;

Develop attention;

Ensure that tasks are completed correctly.

Individual work

“Don’t run into me.”

Target: learn how to ski down a hill without touching a bump placed on the slope.


Walk 8

Observation in the bird park

Goals: - consolidate the idea of ​​the bird world;

Practice recognizing birds by description.

Progress of observation

In a free area, place planar images of birds (sparrow, crow, magpie, titmouse, bullfinch) on the branches of trees and bushes.

Before going out for a walk, the teacher announces that today they will go to the park. There are a lot of birds in the park that stay with us for the winter.

Draw children's attention that the birds are not alive, but cut out of cardboard and painted like real ones. Therefore, we do not hear the voices of birds, but you yourself will imitate the voices when you recognize them.

The teacher asks the children riddles.

I'm sitting on a bitch

Kar-kar! - I scream.


Jump off the branch!

Peck, don't be shy.


What song does the sparrow sing? Find a flat image of a sparrow on a tree or bush branch and name which tree it was sitting on.

This predator is talkative

Thieving, fussy,

White-sided chirping,

And her name is... (magpie).

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.


Children find these birds after solving riddles. That's how attentive you are: you know all the birds and correctly named the trees and bushes on which they sat.

Labor activity:

Snow buildings on the site.

Goals: - learn to help the teacher in building from snow;

Cultivate friendly relationships.

Outdoor game: “Two frosts.”

Target: instill the ability to perform characteristic movements according to the text.

Individual work:

Snake movement.

Target: learn to move like a snake one after another.


Walk 9

Watching bird tracks in the snow


Expand knowledge about wintering birds, find out from the track which bird it belongs to;

Cultivate observation and attention.

Progress of observation

We have come to the bird's dining room again. Today we will be trackers: we will determine which bird tracks belong to which. Please note that there are many footprints in the snow: small, medium and large.

Who do you think left the smallest footprints in the snow? Of course, they belong to the smallest birds - the sparrow or titmouse. And these are bigger. Who do you think could have left such traces? Well, of course, they belong to the white-sided magpie.

And these are big. A large bird must have walked here, because the snow fell a little under it. And who do they belong to? That's right, crow. Here, guys, without seeing the birds, you can determine by their tracks who flew into the bird canteen.

Labor activity

Construction of a snow slide.

Target: cultivate a love of work and friendly relationships.

Outdoor games

"Crow - sparrow."

Goals: - listen carefully to the teacher and perform actions on command;

Practice navigating in space;

Cultivate friendly relationships.

"Shaggy Dog"

Target: continue to learn how to move around the site, following the instructions given in a playful way.

Individual work

“Hit the ball of snow at the target.”

Target: develop eye and throwing power.


Walk 10

Crow watching


Continue introducing the crow;

Deepen knowledge about its habitat, appearance, nutrition, reproduction;

Cultivate humane feelings for birds and a desire to care for them.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions.

Like a fox among animals,

This bird is the smartest of all.

Hiding in the green crowns,

And her name is... (crow).

What kind of beak, tail, wings does a crow have?

Is this bird flying to warmer climes or not?

What does it eat?

How does it hatch chicks? Where?

Where does he live?

Does she have any enemies?

Labor activity

Clearing snow and debris from paths in the area.

Target: cultivate hard work, communication skills, teach to work together.

Outdoor games


Target: learn to jump on two legs, run in different directions, and pronounce text clearly and correctly.

"Migratory birds".


Learn to run all over the court, not stand against the wall;

Climb into an empty seat, yielding to each other;

Get down to the end without jumping.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: practice “snake” running, running around objects placed in a row.


Walk 1

Bird watching

Target: to form the desire of children to take care of wintering birds (recognize the bird, name its body parts).

Progress of observation

Children go for a walk and see who was the first to arrive at the feeder. Of course, this is a sparrow, he jumps and pecks. Look, the sparrows have arrived.

What is the name of a bird with a red breast? Here is our old friend flying. What song is she singing? Listen. They talk to each other, probably very glad that they have friends who will take care of them. What color are the feathers on a magpie's wings?

Birds are very shy. If they notice something wrong, they will quickly take off and fly away. Guys, imagine that you are sparrows. Show with your movements and voice that sparrows have flown to the site. Now imagine that you are a magpie. Show how they flap their wings in flight and what song they sing.

Labor activity

Construction of a snow canteen for birds.

Target: teach to work together, in harmony, to come to the aid of a friend.

Outdoor game

"Dog and Sparrows"

Target: continue to teach how to run in different directions and navigate in space.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Goals: strengthen the ability to run quickly;

Develop agility and throwing power.


Walk 2

Magpie watching


Arouse interest in the world around you;

Learn to recognize a bird by its plumage and the sound it makes (chirping), and describe it;

Target: teach us to observe changes around us.

Progress of observation

Santa Claus is walking along the street,

Frost scatters on the branches of birch trees.

Walks, shakes his white beard,

He stomps his foot, only the sound comes out.

Look how much snow there is in the garden. People say: “The more snow in winter, the better the harvest in autumn.” Guys, why do we clear the paths of snow and dump it on the beds, under the trees? Snow is a blanket for the earth. Why did we hang the feeder in the garden plot? Spring will come and the birds, as a sign of gratitude for the fact that we fed them in winter (seeds, cereals, crumbs), will eat the pests in our garden.

Labor activity

Collective work to remove snow from the paths.

Target: strengthen the ability to work together.

Outdoor game

"Homeless Hare"

Target: learn to quickly perform actions on a signal from the teacher.

Individual work

Development of movements.


Strengthen the ability to run at speed;

Develop accuracy and throwing power.

Standing there, prickly like a hedgehog, the guys will be happy.

In winter in a summer dress. The troubles of the merry ones are full mouth:

We are preparing her outfits.

Outdoor game: "One, two, three, run to the tree".

Target: consolidate knowledge of trees, teach to find a given tree on area.

Didactic game: "Change the Word".

Target: learn to form the genitive plural forms of nouns and the diminutive form of nouns.


Target: teach how to carry out the teacher’s task.


Target: instill hard work, teach how to work with shovels.

Card No. 3 middle group

Winter(inanimate nature)

Weather observation

Target: continue to get acquainted with various natural phenomena. Learn to distinguish the weather by associating it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Progress of observation:

What time of year is it? (winter)

Is it warm or cold outside? (cold, frost)

How did we know it was freezing outside? (pinches nose, cheeks)

Pay attention to the sun and sky. What sun? What sky?

The sun shines brightly, but does not warm like in summer.

Name the signs of winter: snow; it's frosty outside; people put on warm hats and fur coats; puddles and rivers froze.

Artistic word:

It has grown to my eyebrows,

He got into my felt boots.

They say he is Santa Claus

And he plays pranks like a little boy.

Outdoor game: "Find yourself a mate" (card number 11)

Didactic game: "Choose a word"

Target: learn to name adjectives denoting characteristics. Develop thinking, memory, coherent speech.

Individual work on physical education: stepping over snow bricks (jumping).

Target: learn to step over, jump over snow bricks, develop dexterity.

Work: To make a snowman.

Target: learn to roll a lump of different sizes, work together, together.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 4 middle group

Winter(inanimate nature)

Watching the snow

Target: continue to introduce children to the natural phenomenon of snow. Learn to name the properties of snow. Develop observation and memory.

Progress of observation: invite children to look at the snow and touch it with their hands. What kind of snow? (white, fluffy, cold, light).

Offer to squeeze the snow with your hand, what happened to it? (he falls apart)

When it's cold outside, the snow crumbles, you can't sculpt with it. Invite the children to walk in the snow and ask what they hear. Notice that the snow crunches under your feet.

Artistic word:

Snow fell, snow fell, and then I got tired...

What snow, snow-snow, have you become on earth?

I became a warm feather bed for winter crops,

For aspen trees - a lace cape,

Became a down pillow for the bunnies,

For children - their favorite game.

Outdoor game: "The little white bunny is sitting".

Target: teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text, teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text.

Didactic game: "One, many".

Target: teach children to name one object and many objects area; develop attention and memory.

Individual work on physical education: Jumping on two legs over lines.

Target: learn to jump on two legs over lines, develop agility.

Work: collect on dry twigs in the area, sticks

Target: instill a desire to maintain order in area, help adults.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 5 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Bird watching in winter

Target: deepen knowledge about the life of birds in winter. Develop the ability and desire to help them.

Progress of observation: draw children's attention to the behavior of birds. Name the birds that flew to plot. Explain how hungry they are in winter, tell them that birds fly closer to people, hoping to find food. Invite children to feed the birds and watch the birds peck at the food. Name wintering birds.

Artistic word:

The birds' nests were empty, He stayed with us for the winter.

The birds flew away to the south. Fidgety little thing -

It turned out to be the bravest of all, almost all the yellow birds

Our yard sparrow. Loves lard, seeds...

I wasn't afraid of the cold

Outdoor game: "The Bird and the Cat" (card number 8)

Didactic game: “Add a word” (comparison of birds)

Target: develop attention, intelligence.

Individual work on physical education: running around the snow woman, turning at the teacher’s signal and running in the other direction.

Target: train children in the ability to quickly respond to the teacher’s signal.

Work: construction of a snow bank on area.

Target: learn to work with shovels, finish the job you start.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 6 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Tit watching

Target: strengthen the ability to recognize a bird among other birds. Develop observation skills and coherent speech.

Progress of observation: Continue to observe the behavior of the tit. Please note that the tit is a brave bird and is not afraid of people and other birds.

What does a tit like to eat? (seeds, grain, lard).

Hang a piece of bacon on a tree and watch the birds peck at it.

Artistic word: make a wish riddle:

You're with this fashionista,

Of course I am familiar:

The turntable is in place

Can't sit at all -

Everybody brags

With your blue frock coat

And he’s proud of his blue cap (tit).

Outdoor game: "Find where it's hidden" (card number 7)

Didactic game: “Who hears what?”

Target: to cultivate auditory attention in children, the ability to denote sounds with words. Develop intelligence.

Individual work on physical education: sledding each other.

Target: exercise dexterity, the ability to coordinate your actions with each other.

Work: building a snow slide.

Target: teach how to collect snow in piles and compact it with shovels.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 7 middle group

Winter(phenomena of social life)

Monitoring the work of the janitor

Target: Continue to introduce children to the work of a janitor. Strengthen your knowledge of working tools. Cultivate respect for the work of a janitor. Create a desire to help others. Develop coherent speech.

Progress of observation: Invite the children to watch the janitor remove the snow. What tools does he use? (shovel, broom).

His shovel is wide, why?

Who needs the work of a janitor?

Invite the children to help the janitor.

Artistic word:

Quietly - quietly the snow is falling, From the gate we can hardly

White snow, shaggy. We'll lead the way to us.

We will clear the snow and ice. Mom will come out to the door,

In the yard with a shovel. He will say: "Who could it be

Draw a path

To our doorstep?

(M. Poznanskaya)

Outdoor game: "Present" (card number 13)

Didactic game: "What is he doing?"

Target: teach children to select verbs to nouns "street cleaner".

Individual work on physical education: Walking and running along a winding path.

Target: teach to walk and run along a winding path.

Work: clear the paths of snow.

Target: teach correctly, hold a shovel and shovel snow into one pile.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 8 middle group

Winter(phenomena of social life)

Car monitoring

Target: Continue to expand knowledge about ground transportation (their classification, purpose).

Progress of observation: watch the cars. What cars? (note their classification, purpose).

Remember the rules of the road.

What light do cars go to? (Which one are they on)

Where are the cars going? (on the road, highway)

Can they drive on the sidewalk? (no, there are people walking there). Please note that it is icy outside. What it is? Why is it difficult for cars to drive?

Artistic word:

Ice, ice - Ice, ice -

Upside down flight. This means bare ice.

Where there is a stream of cars - Don’t go anywhere -

Who does not ride, but slides - And look out the window!

Because it slows down.

Outdoor game "Taxi"

Target: to teach children to move together, to balance movements with each other, to change the direction of movement.

Didactic game: “Who needs what for work”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the various tools that people of different professions need.

Individual work on physical education: throwing at a target.

Target: strengthen the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing

Work: Sprinkling sand on slippery paths.

Target: cultivate a caring attitude towards friends and adults.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 9 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Bush Watching

Target: consolidate knowledge about shrubs. Learn to distinguish them from trees. Develop observation, attention, memory.

Progress of observation: consider the lilac bushes. Ask how a shrub differs from a birch. Ask to see the trunk of the plant. Conclude that the bush does not have a trunk, there are branches that grow from the root. The branches are thinner than the trunk. Draw children's attention to the height of the bush. Compare it with trees.

Artistic word. Make a wish riddle:

Snow-white sister

Everything will be covered with a blanket,

He'll smooth everything out and tidy it up.

And then the tired earth

He will sing a lullaby. (Winter)

Outdoor game: "Sparrows and the cat" (card No. 9P)

Didactic game: "Count"

Individual work on physical education: jumping over snow bricks (height 10cm.)


Work: clearing snow from the slide and path leading to the feeder.

Target: teach correctly, use a broom, finish what you start.

Independent activities of children

Card number 10 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Monitoring the grass cover

Target: Continue to teach children to notice changes in nature. Develop observation, memory, coherent speech.

Progress of observation: Consider the grass with the children. Please note that the grass is frozen and covered with snow. Offer to touch the snow crust. During the day, the snow melted in the sun, and at night it froze, and a snow crust formed. What is she like?

Artistic word:

Downy snowflakes

Cheerful and alive!

You're spinning, shimmering

In the silence of the forest

And you cover the ground

Shiny silver.

A. Lipetsky

Outdoor game: "Cap"

Target: teach children to memorize words, coordinate them with movements. Maintain an even circle.

Didactic game: "Guess what kind of bird"


Individual work on physical education: Take turns sledding each other.

Target: Ensure that children are equal in their physical abilities.

Work: build a slide out of snow (involve parents in construction)

Target: learn to help adults in building a slide.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 11 middle group

Winter(inanimate nature)

Watching the wind

Target: to form children’s understanding of one of the signs of winter - a blizzard. Continue learning to determine the direction of the wind.

Progress of observation: reverse attention: the wind carries snow from one place to another, does not allow it to fall to the ground - this is a blizzard. The wind throws snow forcefully through the window. Snow gets in your face, it's hard to walk in a snowstorm, so it's better to stay at home. Watch the snowstorm.

Draw children's attention to how strong the wind blows, teach them to determine the direction of the wind.

Artistic word:

Spins and laughs

Blizzard on New Year's Eve.

The snow wants to fall

But the wind doesn’t give.

And the trees have fun

And every bush,

Snowflakes are like little jokes,

They dance on the fly.

Outdoor game: "Traps with Ribbons".

Target: teach to run quickly in different directions, develop agility.

Didactic game: "Finish the sentence"

Target: to train children in the ability to complete sentences with meaning, to develop thinking and attention.

Individual work on physical education: throwing snowballs into the distance.

Target: develop accuracy, dexterity.

Work: pour food into the feeder.

Target: instill in children the desire to help birds and take care of them.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 12 middle group

Winter(inanimate nature)

Observing patterns on glass

Target: learn to establish a connection between frosty weather and frosty patterns on the glass of houses. Develop observation, attention, coherent speech.

Progress of observation: invite children to look at the glass groups. Explain that the frost froze the glass, so frosty patterns appeared. Look at the patterns and determine what they look like.

Artistic word: Make a wish riddle:

The artist is invisible And at night, while I was sleeping,

Walking around the city: Came with a magic brush

He painted everyone's cheeks, and painted them on the window

He'll pinch everyone's nose. Sparkling leaves. (Freezing)

N. Nishcheva

Outdoor game: "I'll freeze it".

Target: develop attention, quick reaction.

Didactic game: “When does this happen?”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features.

Individual work on physical education: walking and running, raising your knees high "horses".

Target: teach to walk and run, raising your knees high.

Work: clear the snow from the porch groups.

Target: to instill the ability to carry out an assignment, to bring the job started to the end.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 13 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Watching the tracks on area

Target: teach to distinguish the tracks of birds and people. Develop attentiveness, arouse interest in the environment.

Progress of observation: show children traces of birds and humans on freshly fallen snow. Please note that birds leave a trail of three fingers. The tracks of the crow and magpie are large, and the tracks of the sparrow and tit are small. Offer to leave your mark and consider it. Who else might leave a mark? Follow the tracks of birds on area.

Artistic word:

Who's following this?: Small feet

Hippopotamus or crocodile? They ran along path:

Children played here: Top - top - top!

Tanya and Petya! Top - top - top!

S. Marshak Russian folk nursery rhyme.

Outdoor game: "Run to me"

Target: teach carefully, listen to the adult’s commands. Develop the ability to navigate in space.

Didactic game: "Guess what kind of bird"

Target: Teach carefully, listen to the description of the bird, recognize and name it.

Individual work on physical education: walking and running along a winding path

Target: continue to practice alternating walking and running according to the task.

Work: building a slide for dolls, slamming the snow with shovels.

Target: teach to work together, get joy from doing work and its results.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 14 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Dog watching

Target: Continue to familiarize children with the behavioral characteristics of dogs. Reinforce knowledge of baby dogs. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals.

Progress of observation: show the children a dog walking outside the kindergarten. Ask if she is cold. Pin titles animal body parts, remember what the cubs are called. What animal is this? (homemade). Who is looking after her? (Human)

How does he take care of her?

Artistic word:

Here he is spinning like a top,

Tuzik, Tuzik, crochet tail.

Here it flies at full speed

Now to the river, then to the yard,

He's on duty at the gate -

In a word, there is a lot to do.

A. Prokofiev

Outdoor game: "Shaggy Dog".

Target: teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement.

Didactic game: "One, many"

Target: to train children in the formation of singular and plural nouns. Call it a general word.

Individual work on physical education: throwing bags into the distance.

Target: develop accuracy, dexterity

Work: feed the pigeons, pour food into the feeder.

Target: instill a desire to take care of birds.

Independent activities of children

Card number 15 middle group

Winter(phenomena of social life)

Watching winter fun

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the purpose of winter buildings. Repeat the rules of conduct on walk.

Progress of observation: introduce children to the names of each building and their purpose. Understand the rules of the game on the court.

Remind children that they should not shout outside, it is very cold and they may get a sore throat.

Artistic word:

Like on a hill, on a mountain, who is quieter,

In the wide yard, someone will run away,

Some on sleds, some on ice,

Some on skis, some on snow.

Who is taller, from the hill - wow,

Who is shorter, up the hill - wow,

Bang! Breathtaking!

A. Prokofiev

Outdoor game: "Find your color" (card number 14)

Didactic game: "Compare"

Target: teach children to find and name twigs of different lengths and thicknesses.

Individual work on physical education: jumping over snow bricks.

Target: develop agility, learn to jump high on two legs.

Work: buildings made of snow on area.

Target: learn to help adults, build a structure out of snow. Cultivate friendly relationships.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 16 middle group

Winter(phenomena of social life)

Observation of passersby. (How they began to dress)

Target: form ideas about seasonal clothing. Develop observation skills and coherent speech.

Progress of observation: Draw children’s attention to how passers-by and children are dressed. Find out what kind of clothing it is for the season, warm or not. Why?

Animals also change their coats in winter; they become warm and fluffy. They are not afraid of even severe frost.

Artistic word:

The snow today is white - white, I'm putting on a glove,

It's light all around. I don't fall into it!

I put on my mittens, count them, guys,

I feel warm in a winter coat. How many fingers does the glove have?

"One two three four five!"

N. Nishcheva

Outdoor game: "Fox in the Chicken Coop" (card number 9)

Didactic game: "Remember, repeat"

Target: teach children to memorize 4-5 words. Develop auditory memory.

Individual work on physical education: throwing bags into the distance.

Target: teach children to swing correctly and throw bags into the distance.

Work: clear the snow from the paths.

Target: teach correctly, hold and work with shoulder blades. Throw snow in one direction.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 17 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Rowan Observation

Target: continue monitoring the rowan in winter, tell how to protect it from severe frosts.

Progress of observation: pay attention to rowan in winter. By what signs do we recognize mountain ash right away? (by berries)

Notice that there are berries lying on the snow around the rowan tree. These birds pecked the berries, some fell to the ground. You can’t just pick berries from a tree, because the birds will go hungry.

Feed the birds.

Artistic word:

Rowan gave me a red berry.

I thought I was sweet

And she's like a hina.

Perhaps the berry is simply not ripe?

Only the cunning mountain ash wanted to joke.

I. Tokmakova

Outdoor game: "Migration of Birds" (card number 10)

Didactic game: “What’s missing?”.

Target: develop visual memory, attention.

Individual work on physical education: walking and running between objects placed in one row.

Target: continue to teach walking and running between objects without knocking over objects.

Work: build paths tunnels from snow

Target: teach children to work, help adults.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 18 middle group

Winter(Live nature)

Watching wintering birds

Target: clarify the names of wintering birds; learn to distinguish them by their characteristic features. Develop observation and memory.

Progress of observation: invite children to consider plot, find familiar birds, find out what they are called. Please note that sparrows are small, nimble, and fly in a flock. A large, gray-black crow flies alone. Pigeons are large, gray-blue, fly alone, and feed in flocks.

What kind of birds are these? (wintering).

What birds are on area? Where does the sparrow sit? Crow?

Artistic word: Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

How many birds are coming to our feeder, rhythmically squeezing and

Has it arrived? We'll tell you. unclench their fists.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and pigeons,

Woodpecker with mottled wings.

There were enough grains for everyone. N. Nishcheva

Outdoor game: "Crows, sparrows".

Target: teach children to imitate the movements of birds (running in a flock and scattered, quickly responding to a signal. Practice changing types of movement.

Didactic game: "Count the Birds"

Target: practice counting within 5, agreeing a numeral with a noun.

Individual work on physical education: Jumping on two legs to reach an object.

Target: develop endurance, teach to complete a task to the end.

Work: collect twigs, sticks on area.

Target: instill a desire to work.

Independent activities of children

Card No. 19 middle group

Winter(inanimate nature)

Watching a frosty sunny day

Target: continue to expand and deepen the understanding of the sun in winter conditions. Fix winter signs. To develop an interest in inanimate objects of nature.

Progress of observation:

On a sunny day, pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (it’s light all around, white, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue).

What is the sun like today?

Do we see the sun every day?

The sun is heating? (stretch palms towards the sun).

In winter, the sun does not warm, it rises later and sets early, so the days are short and the nights are long.

Artistic word:

Where are you, sun, really?

We're completely numb.

Without you the water froze

Without you, the ground is frozen.

Come out, sunshine, quickly!

Caress and warm!

The hut lit up and made everyone happy.

Outdoor game: "Find where it's hidden" (card number 7)

Didactic game: “Guess who called?”.

Individual work on physical education: jumping up to a snow woman on two legs.

Target: practice jumping on your feet to the object.

Work: pour food into the feeder

Target: instill a desire to take care of birds

Independent activities of children

Ekaterina Stebunova
Card index of walks for spring in the middle group

Card index of walks for spring:


Walk 1

Bird watching in the kindergarten area

Goals: - teach to recognize and distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice;

Develop observation and memory;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards birds.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions and offers to solve riddles.

What birds fly to our site?

What size are they?

What color are they?

What do they eat?

What changes are taking place in the lives of birds? in the spring?

How do birds care for their young?

How do you help birds?

What benefits do birds bring?

What other birds do you know?

In a gray fur coat,

And in the cold he is a hero,

Jumps, frolics on the fly,

Not an eagle, but still a bird.


The color is greyish,

Habit is thieving,

Hoarse screamer -

Famous person.


She doesn't sit still -

Spreading news on its tail.


Labor activity:

Digging up sand in a sandbox.

Target: cultivate a positive attitude towards work; responsibility when carrying out assignments.

Outdoor games: "Colored Cars".

Goals:- teach to follow the rules of the game;

At the teacher’s signal, run in any direction without bumping into each other;

Distinguish colors.

"Salki in a circle".

Goals: learn to act quickly on a signal from the teacher;

Strengthen movement skills with side steps in different directions

Cultivate respect for each other.

Individual work:

Jumping up from a place.

Target: develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

Walk 2

Monitoring of harvesting machines

Goals: - expand knowledge about the role of machines in performing labor-intensive work, the features of their structure; - consolidate the ability to find images of cars by description; - cultivate interest in technology and respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

Does rain have four wheels?

Tell me, what are these miracles called?

Why is a watering machine called a fountain machine?

What kind of work does she do? How is a fountain car similar to a fuel tanker? What is the difference?

What kind of daring janitor was shoveling dirt on the pavement? This is a mechanical wiper with a large scraper attached to the front. Furry round brushes rotate in the middle between the front and rear wheels. They are made of steel wire, so their bristles are hard and prickly.

Why do miracle machines come out to clean the streets in the morning?

Why do we call these machines miracle wipers?

Labor activity:

Collecting dry leaves and branches from the area and loading them onto a stretcher.

Goals: - accustom to cleanliness and order;

Arouse the desire to work in a team, to bring the work started to the end.

Outdoor games

“Who is the most accurate?”, "Catch up".

Target: develop independence in organizing outdoor games, accuracy, dexterity, and the ability to follow the rules.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: strengthen the ability to crawl through and into collars.

Walk 3

Pigeon watching


Expand knowledge about the appearance of birds, their habits and habitat;

Form real ideas about the life of birds.

Progress of observation

We have known since ancient times

That this bird is a postman.

The teacher organizes a conversation with the children and asks questions.

What is this bird called?

What color can it be?

What size?

Is the pigeon a migratory bird?

What benefits do pigeons bring?

Where do they build their nests?

Why is the pigeon called the postman?

They say about the magpie that it chirps, about the sparrow that it chirps, about the dove that it coos.

Labor activity

Collective cleaning of the area from snow and debris.

Target: accustom to cleanliness and order in the area.

Outdoor games

"Catch the Pigeon".

Target: improve agility, speed (run at the signal without looking back).


Target: learn to start moving at a signal, take more frequent steps when accelerating the pace, and energetic hand movements.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: practice jumping in place with turns to the right, left, around yourself.

Walk 4

Construction equipment monitoring

Goals:-consolidate and expand knowledge about the role of technology at different stages of construction, about the profession of a builder;

Foster a sense of respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

A teacher with children watches equipment working in construction. Then the teacher asks the children a riddle and organizes a conversation.

Where a new house is being built,

A warrior walks with a shield.

Where it passes, it will become smooth,

There will be a flat area.


What does a bulldozer look like?

What kind of machine digs pits?

A mole got into our yard,

Digging the ground at the gate.

Replaces hundreds of hands without a shovel.

He digs - this. (excavator).

Consider an excavator. Its main part is the bucket. He slams his steel teeth into the ground, picks it up as if into a mouth, and pours it into the back of a dump truck. This is the most powerful car.

There's a crane on the corner,

Like a great giant

Carrying slabs with bricks,

Helps build a house.


How does it help?

What kind of slabs does it lift?

Record the names of all machines working on the construction of the house.

Labor activity:

Helping adults plant trees (hold the tree, water it after planting).

Target: show an example of respect for work and nature.

Outdoor games: "At the Bear's Forest".

Target: consolidate the ability to move quickly on a signal.

"Throw it - catch it".

Target: improve movements.

Individual work:

Walking on a log.

Target: strengthen the ability to maintain balance.

Walk 5

Observation of poplar buds


Continue to get acquainted with the trees on the site;

Form the idea that a bud is a house for a leaf.

Progress of observation

There are flat lumps on the branches.

Flat leaves lie dormant in them.

What are these lumps?

Where are the kidneys located?

What is the name of this tree?

What parts of poplar do you know?

What other trees are you familiar with?

What do poplar and birch have in common?

What is the difference?

Invite the children to examine the buds on the poplar and compare them with those they observed in winter.

What happened to the kidneys?

What color is the kidney?

What comes out of the kidneys?

What color are the leaves?

These little barrels

Prints spring,

In the meantime, the leaves are sleeping in them

And they grow during sleep.


Labor activity

Cleaning up the area, collecting branches and old leaves.

Target: promote the desire to work together, experience the joy of communicating with each other.

Outdoor games

"Run and Jump", “Who will run along the path faster?”.


Individual work

Improving beam walking technique.

Target: strengthen balance skills by walking on a log.

Walk 6

Observing the work of a postman


Continue monitoring the work of the postman;

Enrich your vocabulary with specific vocabulary;

Foster respect for working people.

Progress of observation

Please note that seasonal changes did not affect the work of the postman.

Has your dress code changed?

Why in the spring and in the fall the postman's bag is closed?

Why does the postman work in any weather?

Labor activity

Cleaning up trash on site.


Develop the ability to work together, subordinating your interests to a common goal;

Foster a sense of responsibility.

Outdoor games

"Sunny bunnies", "Geese-geese".


Develop coordination of movements;

Train in the ability to perform actions with one common object;

Develop self-control and the ability to coordinate your actions with others.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: develop motor abilities and quality: agility, speed, strength, endurance.

Walk 7

Observation of the driver's work


Continue to get acquainted with the work of a driver, the names of car parts;

Foster respect for the work of adults.

Progress of observation

What kind of car is this?

What is the name of the person who drives it?

What other cars are there?

What is the difference between a truck and a car?

Labor activity

Cleaning the kindergarten area from debris.


Form a responsible attitude towards the task;

Encourage initiative in helping each other, adults.

Outdoor games

"We are drivers", "Sparrows and the car".


Develop spatial orientation;

Foster independence in organizing games.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: improve orientation in space, sense of balance.


Walk 1

Observing the work of a janitor

Goals: - to develop a willingness to help, the ability to evaluate the results of work; - cultivate respect for working people; - develop speech, increase vocabulary (name and purpose of the janitor's work equipment).

Progress of observation

Sunny bunnies

They play on the ground.

I'll beckon them with my finger -

Let them run to me.

Well, spring, How are you?

I have cleaning to do.

What do you need a broom for?

Sweep the snow off the hill.

What do you need streams for?

Wash debris from paths.

What do you need rays for?

For cleaning too.

The teacher asks the children questions

Who cleans the paths?

What does a janitor do?

What will we work with, what equipment?

Labor activity:

Restoring order in the area.

Goals: - organize collective work;

Give specific instructions on an individual basis;

Instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work; improve work skills.

Outdoor games: "Merry Sparrow", "Sunny bunnies".

Goals: - develop the ability to follow the rules of the game;

Foster independence.

Individual work: Development of movements.

Target: develop and improve motor skills (climb, crawl, land while jumping, etc.).

Walk 2

Watching the wind

Goals: - continue to consolidate ideas about weather changes; - to form concepts about the wind and its properties; - learn to determine the direction of the wind.

Progress of observation

How wonderful it is to live in the world:

I'm walking and the warm wind

Like a dog, he runs after me!

Warm air is lighter than cold air, so it rises, and cold air spreads below. But the air is not the same everywhere; it warms up more over sand, and therefore the wind in deserts can be warm. The air above the river is always cool, so there is always a cool breeze blowing from the river. Where is the air warming up, there it rises imperceptibly, and a cool one hurries to take its place, and in such a hurry that everyone feels it. All the time, the air moves over wide seas, snow fields, dense forests and hot deserts.

Labor activity

Sweeping paths.

Target: cultivate a desire to work.

Outdoor games

"Faster than the wind", “Who is taller?”.


Develop running speed;

Learning to jump is easy.

Goals: teach running long jump.

Walk 3

Bird watching


Create a desire to care for birds;

Learn and name birds and body parts;

Practice the ability to find differences and similarities in birds.

Progress of observation

The teacher draws attention to how many birds have flown into the dining room. Offers to look at big birds. What plumage they have, what a big beak, how important and decorous they walk on the ground, slowly, not afraid of anyone. Now look at the magpie. It is much smaller in size than a crow, what a beautiful and unusual plumage it has. The tail is long, and she does not walk on the ground, but jumps from place to place.

Name the similarities and differences in the appearance and behavior of birds.

Labor activity

Clearing paths of debris.


Learn to use a spatula;

Cultivate a love of work.

Outdoor games

"The Crow and the Sparrow".


Continue to teach orientation in space, develop the ability to avoid bumping into each other;

Listen to the teacher’s command;

Cultivate friendly relationships.

"The mice dance in circles".


Practice performing movements;

Cultivate interest in the game.

Individual work

"Run to the flag".

Target: develop running speed.

Walk 4

Magpie watching


Expand ideas about spring and the behavior of birds at this time of year;

Enrich knowledge with new words and concepts.

Progress of observation

The sun is warming more and more, the snow is melting, the streams all around are singing their song. Children listen to the murmur of water and say “W-w-w!”. They float wood chips, branches, and paper boats down the streams. Many birds have gathered in the bird canteen. List what birds you see? Why do you think they are happy? Pay attention to the magpie, how she also rejoices spring, cheerfully sings his song. What features have you noticed in the behavior of birds? He will offer to pour food into the feeder, explaining that it is difficult for the birds to get food.

Labor activity

Garbage collection on site.

Target: cultivate a desire to work together.

Outdoor games

“Birds once!” Two birds!.

Target: exercise the ability to coordinate movements with the text.

“Inflate, my balloon!”


Learn to perform various movements, forming a circle;

Exercise children in pronunciation of the sound [w].

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: consolidate the ability to run quickly at the teacher’s signal in different directions.

Walk 5

Weather observation

Target: consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

Progress of observation

The cloud is hiding behind the forest,

The sun looks from the sky -

And so pure, kind, radiant.

If we could get him,

We would kiss him.

What has changed with the arrival spring? The days began to grow longer, the sun began to appear more often and not only shine, but also warm.

What has changed in the garden? (Thawed patches have appeared.) Why do you think the snow has not melted everywhere, but lies in small patches? Birds will soon fly in from the south, and if we hang birdhouses on the trees, they will want to live in them.

Every morning they will lift our spirits with their singing and make us happy. They will eat pests on tree trunks and beds. What pest insects do you know? Is an ant a pest? (No, he's a nurse.) What changes have happened to the trees? (The buds began to swell.) Why don't the buds swell in winter? (A tree, like a bear, sleeps in winter, and when the sun begins to warm up, it wakes up and begins to feed on melt water.)

Labor activity

Sprinkling paths with sand (in the garden).

Target: teach boys to respect girls, do harder work (carry sand buckets).

Outdoor games: "Migration of Birds".

Target: learn to quickly perform actions on a signal from the teacher.

Individual work:

Development of movements.

Target: consolidate the ability to walk with sweeping steps, jump over obstacles.

Walk 6

Willow Watching


Introduce the characteristic features of willow;

Teach to distinguish willow from other trees and shrubs.

Progress of observation

Examine the willow bush on the site and answer the teacher’s questions.

By what signs can you recognize birch, rowan, and willow?

What characteristic features have you noticed about willow?

Is willow a bush or a tree? Why?

People talk about willow So:

I dropped my curls into the river

And I was sad about something.

What is she sad about?

Doesn't tell anyone.

What else is there on willow branches? (White fluffy lumps.)

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​debris.

Target: learn to work together, achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

Outdoor games

"On a smooth path".

Target: teach to walk on a low boom, jump, bending your knees.

"Run to me".

Target: learn to run without bumping into each other, act quickly on a signal from the teacher.

Individual work

Throwing the ball up (freely, with relaxed, soft movements of the hand).

Target: develop agility, endurance.

Walk 1

Observation of hatching birch buds

Target: introduction to the third victory spring over winter - forest spring.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and organizes a conversation.

I, opening my buds,

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is. (spring) .

What time of year is the riddle talking about?

List the signs spring.

What month is it?

Draw children's attention that spring will soon win a third victory - the most decisive one over winter.

What kind of tree is this? What happened to the kidneys?

Are they small or large?

Offer to smell the buds. What do they smell like?

Offer to gently touch the kidneys. What are they?

What color do the leaves appear?

Spring! It's a wonderful day!

The buds are shooting in the garden,

And they rub their eyes

Green leaves.

What will the forest wear soon?

What birds will come? What bird calls in the forest?

Draw the attention of children that this is a plant victory of the sun over winter. This is the third spring - forest spring.

And which ones do you know? spring? (Field, river.)

What time of year will come after the forest spring? (Summer.)

Labor activity:

Cleaning the garden and beds.

Target: create a desire to prepare the beds for planting seeds.

Outdoor games: "Run and Jump".

Target: achieve good jumping technique when taking off.

“Who will run along the path faster?”.

Target: continue to develop spatial orientation.

Individual work:

Throwing objects at a target.

Target: strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a target with one hand.

Walk 2

Comparison of spruce and pine

Target: clarify knowledge about coniferous trees, their similarities and differences (pine, like spruce, is always green, it also has needles, only longer, branches only at the top).

Progress of observation

The pines want to grow to the sky,

They want to sweep the sky with branches,

So that within a year

The weather was clear.

The teacher asks the children a riddle.

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree,

I'm growing very straight.

If I'm not on the edge,

The branches are only on the top of the head. (Pine.)

Pine is a tall tree. It has a straight trunk, branches only on the top of its head, and the branches are covered with long green needles. Pine is green both in winter and in summer. And pine, like a Christmas tree, has cones.

Labor activity

Cleaning the area.


Foster hard work;

Learn to help each other.

Outdoor games

"Sparrows", "Train".

Target: exercise children in walking on a bench and running in all directions.

Individual work

“Who will run faster?”, "By the Pebbles".

Target: exercise in running, balance in walking "pebbles"(building blocks, the ability to quickly act on a signal.

Walk 3

Work in the garden

Target: show how to properly plant cabbage seedlings, potato, onions, sow carrot and beet seeds.

Progress of observation

How the earth has changed (where we didn’t dig) under the trees? (Green grass appeared.)

The primrose blossomed, the coltsfoot, and small dandelion leaves appeared. Pay attention to the beds. The strawberries have green leaves, the strawberries have sprouted tendrils, and will bloom a little later. What about the other beds? They stand boring, empty, sad. What needs to be done to make the beds colorful, bright and make us happy in the fall? How to plant cabbage seedlings correctly?

First you need to dig a hole, water it a little, then put the seedlings in the hole, cover it with soil and again water it abundantly. We can say that plants are living organisms. How to sow seeds correctly?

First you need to make grooves, and one seed at a time, not very close to each other, place the seeds in the grooves, cover the top with a rake and water them. What should we do to make our seeds and seedlings germinate? You have to take care of it all summer, water it, pull out the weeds. Then the garden will thank us for this.

Labor activity:

Work in the garden.

Goals: - consolidate the ability to work collectively, carry out instructions from the teacher (planting in the garden); -

To consolidate knowledge about the growth and development of plants.

Outdoor game: "Owl".

Goals: - learn to quickly perform actions at the teacher’s signal;

Develop the ability to work smoothly with your hands and run in a certain direction.

Individual work:

Development of movements.

Goals: - develop the ability to run in all directions in a certain direction;

Line up in a line of three people.

Walk 4

Observing the flower garden


Consolidate knowledge about the flower garden;

Cultivate a desire to care for the flowerbed, prepare it for planting flower seedlings.

Progress of observation

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience,

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What needs to be done to prepare a flower bed for planting seedlings? (Remove dry stems and leaves.)

How will we remove the stems? (With a rake.)

How will we dig up the ground? (With shovels.)

Labor activity

Collective work to clean up the area after winter.


Learn to work together;

Cultivate hard work.

Outdoor games

"Sleeping Fox", "Show me the ball".

Target: practice running, throwing and catching a ball.

Individual work

"Migration of Birds".

Target: learn to act quickly on a signal from the teacher; move in a certain direction.

Walk 5

Rowan Observation


To consolidate knowledge about the structure of a tree;

Form an idea of ​​the change in nature in May.

Progress of observation

The buds are slowly swelling, becoming bigger and bigger every day. The mountain ash comes to life again, waking up after hibernation. Finally, small, beautiful, carved green leaves appear. The carved leaves grew and the rowan blossomed. Its flowers, collected in creamy-white inflorescences, fill the forest and street with a unique aroma. Swarms of bees hum merrily near the rowan tree, collecting reddish aromatic honey. What a good tree - rowan! And he will treat us with berries and treat us with honey.

Labor activity

Teamwork. Removing old leaves and grass from the area, sweeping paths.

Target: to form a desire to work, the ability to perform basic labor processes.

Outdoor games

"Rabbits", "The Mother Hen and the Chicks".

Target: learn to jump on two legs across the entire court, squat at a signal, find your place.

Individual work

run "snake" between pins arranged in a row; run along a log, carrying a bag of sand on your head.


Learn not to touch the pins when running between them;

Develop speed, agility, balance.

Walk 6

Observing the flower garden


Clarify the names of flowers, their structure, features of size, color, shape of petals;

Encourage comparative statements, pay attention to the smell of flowers.

Progress of observation

I wanted to pick a flower

She raised her hand to him,

And the bee flew off the flower

And it buzzes, buzzes: "Don't touch me!"

The teacher asks the children a riddle and conducts a conversation.

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt,

Heart of gold,

What it is?


What flowers grow in the flower garden?

What are their names?

Which ones are perennial?

Which annuals?

Labor activity

Collective work at the site to clean up the area.

Target: teach to work together.

Outdoor games

"Living flower bed", "Show me the ball".


Reinforce the names of colors using the game;

Learn to move in a round dance;

Practice throwing and catching a ball.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: practice walking along a line while maintaining balance.

Walk 7

Observing the flower garden

Goals:- consolidate the ability to care for plants, water them, weed them, see the difference between them;

Cultivate a sense of beauty.

Progress of observation

Daisies are velvet for us

Merry May is in store in silence,

But we won’t cut them off -

Let them bloom for the joy of people.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What needs to be done to make the flowers green in the flowerbed? (Plant seedlings.)

In order for the seedlings to grow well, what needs to be done? (Water, pull out weeds.)

Who knows what weeds are?

Labor activity

Tidying up flower beds, loosening the soil, planting seedlings.

Target: teach to work together.

Outdoor games

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks", "Aircraft".

Target: practice crawling, running, without colliding with each other, act quickly on the teacher’s signal.

Individual work

“Who will get there?”, "Monkeys".


Practice throwing with your left and right hands;

Learn to climb a gymnastic wall.

Walk 8

Bird watching (crow and sparrow).

Target: - learn to compare two birds, find signs of difference and similarity.

The teacher asks the children questions.

Which bird is the largest?

What is their difference? (body size, feather color).

What are their similarities? (wings, beak, paws).

How does a crow scream like a sparrow?

Look at the crow and sparrow in the area.

The teacher describes the bird, and the children guess.

Big gray bird

Black wings, two paws,

There is a large beak on the head"


“Chick - tweet! Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?


Outdoor games: "Sparrows and the cat", "From bump to bump".

Target: - exercise children in running and jumping;

Cultivate dexterity and attention.

Labor activity:

Using buckets and watering cans, pour sand into the sandbox.

Target: - cultivate interest in labor activities.

Individual work

Target: - consolidate jumping from heights (20cm.)

Independent games with external material.