An arrow in a rebus. Rules for solving puzzles, how to solve them? How to make a beautiful puzzle with commas

A rebus is a special type of riddle in which the hidden words are encrypted using a sequence of pictures, letters, numbers and other symbols.

In order to solve and compose puzzles, you need to know the rules and techniques that are used in composing them. Read and remember these rules. For greater clarity, some of them are illustrated with examples.

1. The names of all objects depicted in the rebus are read only in the nominative case and singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

2. Very often, an object depicted in a rebus may have not one, but two or more names, for example, “eye” and “eye,” “leg” and “paw,” etc. Or it may have one general and one specific name, for example “tree” and “oak”, “note” and “D”, etc. You need to choose one that is appropriate in meaning.

The ability to identify and correctly name the object shown in the picture is one of the main difficulties when deciphering puzzles. In addition to knowing the rules, you will need ingenuity and logic.

3. Sometimes the name of an object cannot be used in its entirety - it is necessary to discard one or two letters at the beginning or end of the word. In these cases, the symbol is used - comma. If the comma is left from the picture, this means that you need to discard the first letter from its name if on right from the drawing - then the last one. If there are two commas, then two letters are discarded accordingly, etc.

For example, a “yoke” is drawn, you only need to read “whirlpool”, a “sail” is drawn, you only need to read “steam”.

4. If two objects or two letters are drawn one inside the other, then their names are read with the addition of a preposition "V". For example: “v-oh-yes”, or “not-in-a”, or “in-oh-seven”:

In this and the next five examples, different readings are possible, for example, instead of “eight” you can read “SEVEN”, and instead of “water” - “DAVO”. But such words do not exist! This is where ingenuity and logic should come to your aid.

5. If any letter consists of another letter, then read with the addition "from". For example: “iz-b-a” or “vn-iz-u” or “f-iz-ik”:

6. If behind any letter or object there is another letter or object, then you need to read with the addition "behind".
For example: “Ka-za-n”, “za-ya-ts”.

7. If one figure or letter is drawn under another, then you need to read it with the addition "on the", "above" or "under"- choose a preposition that makes sense.
For example: “fo-na-ri” or “pod-u-shka”:

The phrase: “Tit found a horseshoe and gave it to Nastya” can be depicted like this:

8. If another letter is written after a letter, then read it with the addition of “by”. For example: “po-r-t”, “po-l-e”, “po-ya-s”:

9. If one letter lies next to another, leaning against it, then read with the addition of “u”. For example: “L-u-k”, “d-u-b”:

10. If in a rebus there is an image of an object drawn upside down, then its name must be read from the end. For example, “cat” is drawn, you need to read “current”, “nose” is drawn, you need to read “dream”.

11. If an object is drawn, and a letter is written next to it and then crossed out, this means that this letter must be eliminated from the resulting word. If there is another letter above the crossed out letter, this means that you need to replace the crossed out letter with it. Sometimes in this case an equal sign is placed between the letters

For example: “eye” we read “gas”, “bone” we read “guest”.


The names of all pictures depicted on the puzzles are read only in the nominative case. In addition, when viewing an item, you need to remember that this item may have more than one name. For example, we see that the picture shows an eye. But the hidden word can also be “eye”.

If a comma is placed in front of a word, you need to remove the first letter from the mystery. The number of commas reflects the number of letters to be removed. A comma at the end of a word indicates that we need to remove the letter from the end.

We can see crossed out symbols on the puzzles. You need to do this: solve the puzzle, and then remove the letters from it that were crossed out. If the figure shows crossed out numbers, then you need to remove from the word the letters with the corresponding serial numbers. And if in the picture we see numbers without crossing them out, then the letters with the corresponding serial numbers should be left, and the rest should be removed.

An equality of type A=O means that in a word you need to replace all the letters A with O. The indicated equality of type 1=A tells us that only the first letter needs to be replaced with the letter A. An arrow directed from one letter to another also indicates the replacement of letters in a word.

The fraction used in is deciphered as the preposition NA. If it has a denominator of 2, then it can be deciphered as FLOOR (K/2 - shelf, VOD/KA - aiming).

Puzzles are both relaxation and work, brain training. People come up with more and more secrets and ask others to solve them. What could be more interesting than finding solutions to such riddles?

You will need

  • Logic, ingenuity, patience, attention, time.


Solving puzzles is crazy, especially if they are originally designed and designed. Almost all of us learned and fell in love with all sorts of labyrinths and Rubik's in childhood.

This is a very useful thing in all respects, it is a whole art.

You can develop thinking, attentiveness, ingenuity, speed of perception, the ability to analyze and think through a situation, as well as fine motor skills of the fingers.

But how can you learn to solve them?

We won’t - then all interest is immediately lost.

You need to approach solving puzzles thoughtfully, with a cool head. Turn it over in your hands or carefully look at the general appearance of the drawing (if we are talking about an object or a collection in printed form, respectively).

Next, assess the situation and check your first guesses that immediately came to mind. Then (if you fail) try to develop them, change the position of the puzzle, literally “look at it from the other side.” Thus, the perception is refreshed and some of the “cloudyness” that may have been present is refreshed, thereby making it possible to find a solution to this puzzle much faster. For those purposes, namely for freshness of perception, you can ask someone to help you or even just tell them about your attempts to solve the puzzle, because by saying your actions again, you seem to be performing them again mentally in your head, and your brain in parallel will continue to analyze the situation, sometimes this allows you to find new ways to solve the puzzle.

As with anything, practice is key. Sometimes because there are simply certain types of puzzles that have similar methods of solution, but more often simply because your skills are more developed as a result of previous activities, thereby the solution can come much faster.
Good luck!

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A rebus is a small puzzle with a word encrypted on it. When creating puzzles, there are many little tricks that you need to keep in mind.


The names of all depicted on the puzzles are read only in the nominative case. In addition, when viewing an item, you need to remember that this item may have more than one name. For example, we see that the picture shows an eye. But the “eye” can also be hidden.

If a comma is placed before a word or picture, you need to remove the first letter from the mystery. The number of commas reflects the number of letters to be removed. A comma at the end of a word indicates that we need to remove the letter from the end.

We can see crossed out symbols on the puzzles. You need to do this: solve the word, and then remove the letters from it that were crossed out. If the picture shows crossed out letters, then you need to remove from the word the letters with the corresponding serial numbers. And if in the picture we see numbers without crossing them out, then the letters with the corresponding serial numbers should be left, and the rest should be removed.

An equality of type A=O means that all letters A need to be replaced with O. The indicated equality of type 1=A tells us that only the first letter needs to be replaced with the letter A. An arrow directed from one letter to another also indicates the replacement of letters in a word.

It happens that puzzles depict small letters inside one large one. It is easy to read: if inside the letter O there is a syllable YES, we read WATER.

The location of the picture above or below the second one is read as ON, ABOVE or UNDER.

Letters that are made up of many other small letters are designated as IZ. Let's draw the letter B from small letters G. We will get B from G = SCREECH.

If another letter is written on top of one letter, then it stands for PO (on top of the letter I is written C, read - BELT). And when one letter is depicted after another, we read FOR or BEFORE.

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A rebus is a type of riddle in which the word being guessed must be guessed from pictures that contain letters or numbers. In the pictures you can also find other symbols that indicate a specific reading of the word. Solving puzzles is quite an exciting activity; it is a real workout for your mind. In order to solve the puzzle, you can use the following set of rules and guidelines.


Sometimes an object depicted in a rebus may have two or more names (for example, a leg or a paw). Also, an object can have both a general name and a specific one (for example, fish has a general name, and pike has a specific name). Therefore, the ability to correctly name the thing shown in the picture is the key to success. The best way to solve this is to use images in parts, that is, you need to write down all the names of the objects and then put them into text.

If there are numbers above the picture, then the letters that make up the word must be read in the order in which the numbers appear.

Sometimes fractions may appear in puzzles. In this case, the fraction is replaced by the preposition “Under”, for example, “n/ya” is deciphered as “YAPON” or “UNDER”.

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Rebus- this is a type of riddle where the hidden word is represented by various pictures combined with letters and numbers. Rebus We teach children non-standard thinking, train memory and logic. This is a very exciting activity! Rebus You can come up with ideas together with your child, and our recommendations will help you do this.


First of all, remember the basic puzzles. The commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters need to be removed at the beginning of the hidden word. If they are behind the picture, the letters must be removed at the end of the word. If a letter is crossed out, it must be removed from the word altogether. If it's upside down, then the word should be read backwards. To encrypt parts of a word that are consonant with the pronunciation of numbers and numbers, their graphic representations are used, for example, “100yanka” (the word “parking”).

Tell us that the same word can be encrypted in a rebus in different ways. For example, the word "basement". This can be either the “po2l” option or the letters “va” written above the line under which the letter “l” is located.

The process of coming up with a rebus can become a real interactive activity for those already familiar with the letters. Prepare white paper, felt-tip pens or colored pencils cut from old magazines, and PVA glue. For example, do a puzzle with the word “fork.” For it you will need pictures of cherries and squirrels.

Glue the picture of the cherry with glue, and use a black felt-tip pen to draw three commas to the right of the picture. This means that at the end of the hidden word you need to remove three letters. Even further to the right, stick a picture with a squirrel, in front of which, using a felt-tip pen, draw two commas. Rebus ready! The word “fork” is encrypted in it.


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A rebus is a special riddle in which the desired word is enclosed in pictures containing various letters and numbers. In the pictures you can also see other signs that will help you read the word correctly. Solving puzzles is a very exciting activity that will help you warm up before difficult work. To do this, you must remember a number of simple rules.


The names of any objects depicted in the picture are read only in the nominative case.

Sometimes a drawing may have several names (for example, paw or leg). An item can also have a specific or general name. For example, flower is a general name, and a specific name is rose. Therefore, if you can correctly guess the object shown in the picture, then consider that the hardest part is over. The simplest and most popular method of solving puzzles is drawings in parts. That is, you first need to write down all the names of the objects in order, and then put the text together from them.

If there are numbers above the picture, the letters in the word must be read in a certain order - exactly in the order in which the numbers appear.

Crossed-out letters may be written above the picture; therefore, they must be excluded from the name of the object and from the text.

The use of an arrow drawn from one letter to another serves to indicate the appropriate substitution of letters (for example, A-P).

Crossed out letter numbers mean that from the name of the item you need to cross out the letters that correspond to the specified serial number.

Rebus(lat. rebus, with the help of things, thing, object) - A riddle in which the intended word or phrase is depicted by a combination of figures, drawings, letters, numbers, signs. For some reason, it is believed that rebuses were invented in France, although images of rebuses were used earlier to convey the names of cities on Roman and Greek coins.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the basic (but not final) rules for solving puzzles:

1. The picture depicted in the rebus is read in the nominative case, with rare exceptions.

2. One picture can have more than one name, for example, Horse and Horse, Face and Head, etc. Also, pictures can have a private or general name - fish - a general name; pike, crucian carp, roach - private names. The difficulty of rebuses lies precisely in the correct understanding of the images in specific cases.

3. Commas. The commas to the left of the word indicate how many letters need to be removed from the beginning of the word (the left side of the word). The commas on the right indicate how many letters need to be removed from the end of the word (the right side of the word).

In fact, there are many more different rules for commas, there are also inverted commas, and each author has his own problems about this - personally, I don’t worry and don’t suffer from such nonsense, as a last resort, you can always look for additional ones on the Internet rules for solving puzzles.

4. Crossed out letters above (below) a picture/word mean they need to be crossed out from the word. Important: all letters included in the word are removed. Sometimes, instead of letters, there are crossed out numbers - in this case, you need to cross out only the letter with the corresponding number.

5. To replace letters within a word, an equality like “A=E” is used, which means that all the letters “A” of the word should be replaced with the letter “E”. To replace one specific letter, an equality like 5=E is used, meaning that the fifth letter of the word should be replaced with the letter "E"

6. Sometimes only a few letters are taken from a word. In this case, their numbers are listed above the word.

7. A picture turned upside down indicates that the word should be read backwards, i.e. from right to left. (CAT - TOK, MOLE - TORK)

8. A frequently used technique when composing puzzles is the arrangement of letters relative to each other (in, under, above, on, at, by, from, for, etc.). For example, the figure below, the letter “O” contains the letters “YES”, we get v-o-da, i.e. WATER. Although in some cases it can be read as YES-V-O (davo) - you need to look at the meaning of each specific rebus.

Date of: 12/19/2015 how to solve puzzles

These are the basic rules that will help you learn to solve puzzles. They are shown in the following short cartoon, and are also discussed in more detail below in the text.

Examples of puzzles enlarge when clicked.

1. A picture, geometric figure, number or musical note means that to solve the puzzle you need to read the name of what is depicted. For example, the number “100” together with the letter “L” turns into “TABLE”, the note “SI” with the addition of the syllable “LA” gives us the word “POWER”, and the figure “ROHMBUS” with the last letter taken away and the letter “G” standing in front " becomes the word "thunder":

How to solve puzzles. The rebus reads as: HUNDRED + L. It can be solved as TABLE. Rebus-1

How to solve puzzles. The rebus is read as SI (note) + LA. You can solve it like POWER. Rebus-2

How to solve puzzles. The rebus is read as G + ROM (a rhombus shape without the last letter). You can solve it like THUNDER. Rebus-3

2. A comma means that you need to remove the last letter (at the beginning or at the end) from the picture next to which there is a comma. Two commas mean removing two letters. The direction of the tail of the comma points towards the picture from which the letter must be subtracted. Puzzles containing an element with a large number of commas are undesirable, since they smear the meaning of the element used. Below is an example where the word “FENCE” with the first two letters taken away is solved as “BOR” - coniferous forest:

How to solve puzzles. Rule-2. Rebus-4

3. A crossed out letter or number above the picture means that to solve this word, this letter or the letter with the indicated number is removed from this word, and in some cases replaced with another letter. For example, the word “WHALE” turns into the word “CAT”, “TABLE” turns into “CHAIR”:

How to solve puzzles. Rule-3. Rebus-5

How to solve puzzles. Rule-3. Rebus-6

4. Letters, numbers or pictures can be in each other, one on top of the other, hide behind the other, consist of one another, then “B”, “ON”, “FOR”, “FROM” are added to the puzzle solution. For example, the letter “O”, which contains the letters “YES”, turns into the word “WATER”, the letters “KA” standing on the letter “U” turn into the word “science”, the letter “C” standing behind the letter “ I" can be solved as the word "HARE", and the large letter "A", consisting of small letters "B" must be solved as the word "HUT":

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-7

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-8

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-9

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-10

It is necessary to say separately about puzzles in which the fragments “ON” and “ABOVE” appear in solving them, as well as about puzzles in which there is variability “ABOVE” - “UNDER” and “FRONT” - “FOR”. In the example you can see that the letters “ZhDA” standing on the letters “DE” are solved as “HOPE”. The same solution is obtained when "WAIT" hangs above the letter "E". The mirror version in the case of letters “hanging” one above the other may imply the position “UNDER”, as in the “BASEMENT” rebus. Similarly, a mirror solution is available in the case of placing some letters after others, then the rebus can be solved by varying the substitutions “FOR” and “BEFORE”, as in the “ALTERATION” rebus.

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-18

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-19

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-20

How to solve puzzles. Rule-4. Rebus-21

5. Several identical letters in a row when solving means adding a numeral forward - according to the number of these letters. For example, the seven letters “I” mean “FAMILY”:

How to solve puzzles. Rule-5. Rebus-11

6. An inverted picture or part of a word means that the puzzle must be solved by reading the word backwards. For example, an upside-down picture of a cat turns into the word “TOK”:

How to solve puzzles. Rule-6. Rebus-12

7. Inserting a “tick” means that you need to insert an additional letter into the word that the “tick” is directed to. For example, if there is this sign above the number “2”, and with the numbers “1” and “2” on the sides, then you need to insert the indicated letter into the word “TWO” - in our case “I” - between the first and second letters. And since after the two there is also the letter “N”, the whole puzzle can be solved as “SOFA”:

How to solve puzzles. Rule-7. Rebus-13

The above rules are basic, in addition to them there are some “fuzzy” additional rules: multiple selection of letters from the name of an element (when multiple numbers are indicated above the element); pointing with an arrow to a fragment of an element; unclear mutual arrangement of elements (playing on the prepositions “U”, “C”, “OT”, “PO”).
But these additional rules blur the meaning of the rebus puzzle, turning it into a multiple choice problem. If these rules are sometimes used in puzzles for older children, their use in puzzles for children is undesirable, because children first of all need to master the solution algorithms themselves, and this should be done based on clear rules.
Below are examples of “fuzzy” puzzles:

How to solve puzzles. Fuzzy rule. Rebus-14

How to solve puzzles. Fuzzy rule. Rebus-15

How to solve puzzles. Fuzzy rule. Rebus-16

How to solve puzzles. Fuzzy rule. Rebus-17

Also, sometimes puzzles use the technique of nesting, indicated by parentheses. In this case, the rebus consists of other rebuses nested within it. This technique is sometimes used in puzzles for older children. For children, such puzzles are undesirable, since children should first be given basic solving algorithms. An example of such a puzzle is in the figure below:

How to solve puzzles. Reception of nesting. Rebus-22

Puzzles (including and along with other tasks), when used correctly, are an effective tool for teaching children. By offering your child puzzles of the appropriate class, you can purposefully develop the “hardware” of the brain, consistently teaching him problem-solving algorithms and speculative design skills.
Text and illustrations: A. Fokin.

To learn to read and understand puzzles, it is worth understanding what they are. A rebus is an encrypted word, usually in pictures. Often, they contain letters, numbers and commas, which indicate that some letters in the word should be skipped.

Letter on letter

Sometimes in puzzles letters are drawn, placed in an unusual angle. For example, the picture shows a large letter O, and in it there are two small letters - LK. Here you should understand that you need to describe the drawing in words, mainly prepositions. That is, the letter O contains L and K. If we remove the unnecessary from this description, we get: v-O-LK. However, be careful. It may be the other way around. For example, a large letter A, in which three letters are depicted - DRO. In this case, you should first name the internal content of the letter, and then just name the letter A. It turns out like this: the letters DRO in A, that is: DRO-in-A.

Sometimes one letter is depicted above or on another. Then you also need to read the picture, using prepositions: on or under. For example, the letters are depicted in two levels, in the form of a fraction - in the “numerator” - OD, in the “denominator” - R. It should be read in -R-OD. Or in the “numerator” B, and below – AL. It should be read backwards: under-V-AL.

How to correctly solve letter puzzles? It happens that the letters move towards each other - then they use the preposition with, sometimes they hide, peeking out from behind each other - they use the prepositions for and before. For example, the letter A, with which NI slides, turns out to be s-A-NI. Or KO, followed by N, reads: for-KO-N.

There are other ways to show a letter as an object by using prepositions.

What can the numbers in the rebus mean?

How to solve puzzles with numbers? Sometimes there are numbers in puzzles. There may be several reading options here. Sometimes the number is pronounced according to its name. Indeed, in some words there are the syllables “three”, “two” or the number “one hundred” (pro-sto, ma-tri-tsa, ry-dva-n). The second option may mean that the letters in the word should be numbered and rearranged depending on the location of the numbers. Or take from this word only those letters whose numbers are indicated. Usually in this version, the numbers are written above or below the picture. For example, the picture shows a fox. Below it are written the numbers - 3, 2, 1, 4. The letters l-i-s-a should be rearranged in a different order: s-i-l-a.

Features of puzzles

  • Often in a rebus you can see commas drawn correctly or upside down, and several in a row at once. This is the difference between the rebus and other riddles. These commas are generally considered to be letters that should not be pronounced. For example, the picture shows a bullfinch, and three commas are drawn after it. This means that the last three letters of the word – ir – do not need to be pronounced. What remains is snow. If commas take away the initial letters, they are written in the usual way, if the last ones are written upside down.
  • How to solve puzzles with crossed out letters? If the letter above the picture is shown crossed out, it means that it needs to be excluded from the word.
  • If there are two letters above the image and an equal sign between them, then you need to replace one letter in the word with another.

Other symbols are also possible in puzzles: notes, Roman numerals, and even Latin alphabet. It all depends on the artist’s imagination and his horizons. Sometimes it is very interesting, even for an ordinary person, to decipher such puzzles. It is up to the reader to decide whether to solve them online or look for riddles in books. However, of course, experience in solving such riddles makes solving them much easier.