English at home materials. So, where to start learning, and how to master the language without resorting to outside help? Program for learning English at home

Any business is important to be able to start right. Many desires and aspirations for perfection remained unfulfilled due to the wrong first step taken or even postponing the “beginning” until the next Monday. Decided to learn a foreign language, but don't know how to get started? Today's material is just for you, because it will tell you in detail how and where to start learning English on your own. In the article, we will consider all the stages of the competent organization of the educational process: motivation, the format of the lessons and the correct approach to the various components of teaching English. Let's get to work!

Why are some people able to communicate freely in several languages, while others cannot connect even three words in one foreign language? No, it's not about giftedness, talent, or learning ability. It's a matter of interest. When we are passionate, we learn with dedication: we enjoy the process of learning, we rejoice in new skills and abilities, we are in a hurry to try out the acquired knowledge in practice. Thus, if you want to be successful in learning English, try to get carried away with it, feel how cool it is, be able to understand foreigners.

To awaken a burning desire to learn English, you need to find individual motivating factors. These can be some global goals, for example:

  • Moving for permanent residence to England or America;
  • Doing business with foreign companies;
  • Studying abroad;
  • Making new acquaintances and finding friends among foreigners;
  • Overseas travel, etc.

Successfully motivate to start serious training and simple things. For example, interest in English films. You, for sure, want to watch the latest movies and TV shows without the agonizing wait for the Russian translation, which comes out a week or even a month late? So, with knowledge of English, the premieres of films will become available to you immediately after the release. In addition, this way you will recognize the real voices of the actors and make sure that the Russian translation does not always accurately convey the dialogues of the characters.

In general, in order to learn English effectively, you need to understand your goal and enjoy making the hard way towards it. However, motivation plays an important role only in the first lessons. Subsequently, students see their progress and the very realization that they have learned to speak English a little becomes a motivating factor for continuing their studies.

Language learning methods and formats for conducting classes

Naturally, after setting a goal, beginners are still tormented by the question of where to start learning English. Now that we have the attitude to study and self-confidence, it is necessary to choose the right methodology and format for conducting classes. To do this, do a little introspection:

  1. Do you want to study with a teacher or study English on your own?
  2. If you need a mentor, are you ready to work in a group or individually?
  3. How much time are you willing to set aside for English lessons?
  4. What type of perception is most typical for you: auditory (perceives by ear), visual (visual memory), kinetic (sensations)?
  5. When do you plan to complete your studies?

Depending on your answers, and you need to decide how to learn English.

If you plan to study with a teacher, then everything is simple. Look for an experienced teacher and choose a course for beginners. If there is nowhere to hurry, then standard classes in groups are suitable, but if you need to learn to speak English urgently, then you should sign up for individual lessons. Manuals, methods, the optimal duration and frequency of classes will be selected by the teacher for you.

But for self-study of English, you need to carefully consider the organization of the educational process.

  1. Decide on timeenem lessons. Every day you will study, or 3 times a week, for 2 hours one lesson or only 30 minutes, etc. The most optimal option is 3-4 times a week for 1.5-2 hours of classes. But, if you need to master the language in a short time, then it is better to practice daily. The main thing is the regularity of lessons. Never allow yourself to miss class.
  2. Select study materials. Here it is important not only to focus on an accessible explanation of the rules and the quality design of texts, dictionaries and exercises. It is necessary to take into account your own type of perception. If you are visual, then video lessons are more suitable, and if you are auditory, then it makes sense to actively use audio lectures.
  3. Check out beginner tutorials . For beginners, special courses have been thought out that contain the necessary minimum of grammatical and lexical information in English. Check out our material about the methods of learning a foreign language, and, perhaps, you will pick up an already beaten path for mastering English.
  4. Set aside a place to practice. It is very important to have your own desktop, where all notebooks and teaching aids will be stored. The presence of a workplace is also a psychological factor, because indirectly, it enhances the responsible attitude to the lessons.
  5. Make a thematic plan. First, consider the format of the first 3 lessons. For example, the first lesson is learning the alphabet, working with vocabulary. The second session will begin with a vocabulary review, followed by a review of the alphabet and the study of personal pronouns. The third lesson will be devoted to repeating all the elements studied, and listening to audio recordings with new vocabulary. After the first classes, make a new plan for the week, etc. Be sure to set goals for each lesson so that they motivate you to work with full dedication.

Alphabet, phonetics, transcription

Letters and sounds are the most important elements of the language, and they are also the simplest norms of speech. Therefore, you don’t have to think for a long time where to start learning. Our goal is spoken English, but how to speak without knowing any sounds or letters? Therefore, it is logical that the first step in learning English is familiarity with the alphabet and the phonetic structure of the language.

The English alphabet contains 26 letters. There will be no problems with their study if you work with voiced and structured material. We recommend the following study scheme: first, carefully read the alphabet table, carefully work out the spelling and pronunciation of letters. Then proceed to memorize the material. By the way, it is not necessarily boring to cram letter by letter. Use songs and rhymes to memorize the English alphabet. So things will go more fun, and the result will not keep you waiting. At the same time, you will also get acquainted with additional vocabulary.

As for phonetics, here you have to work out 44 sounds. Such a figure is formed thanks to the numerous letter combinations that you still have time to thoroughly study in reading lessons. Now your task is to work out the pronunciation of sounds and remember the signs of transcription. In English, where a word is often spelled differently from how it is pronounced and read, transcription plays a huge role. In the future, you will more than once check the transcription for the correctness of your own pronunciation of English words.

It will take about 3 thorough lessons to master the first section. In between lessons, also do not be lazy to take 10 minutes to repeat English letters and sounds.

Reading Rules

The most important and, perhaps, the most accessible process of learning a language for beginners is reading. Beginners read a lot, because without reading there is no way to pronounce an unfamiliar word, and, consequently, not to start talking.

In reading, it is important to conduct a good practice of each rule. The correct pronunciation of letter combinations is very important, because. There are many words in English that sound similar but have different meanings. If you catch the difference in long and short sounds, as well as open and closed words from the very beginning, later on it will be much easier for you to learn new English vocabulary, analyze speech by ear and, finally, speak English on your own.

It is recommended to take up to 4 lessons to practice reading rules. Divide all the material into parts and practice several combinations per lesson, combining them with the study of new vocabulary. And dedicate the final lesson to repeating all the rules of reading with the help of a small adapted text.


Often, when asked by beginners how best to start learning English, many recommend memorizing as much vocabulary as possible. On the one hand, this is the right approach: each conversation contains hundreds and thousands of words. Knowing the translation of frequently used expressions, you can easily understand foreign speech. But we are interested in how to start speaking English on our own, and not just understand others. And here there is a slight discrepancy.

If you look from a different angle, knowing even 100 English words, without elementary grammar, you will never connect them into a sentence, and even more so into a text. Thus, writing and speech will not actually be available. Untrained pronunciation also distorts the meaning of memorized vocabulary, and as a result, no foreigner will understand you, even if you pronounce the most common word in the language. Therefore, it is impossible to focus only on the study of vocabulary. Vocabulary acquisition should go hand in hand with the development of other language skills. Dedicate 20-30 minutes to studying or reviewing vocabulary from each lesson.

Other English topics: English words to learn every day: useful vocabulary and tips for memorization

And an important point concerns the content of vocabulary lessons. The following tips can be given here:

  • Learn the most common words;
  • Use thematic collections;
  • Always check the correct pronunciation of words;
  • Work more with expressions and contexts;
  • To facilitate memorization, use special techniques.

Also, be sure to work through the material in different sequences: translation - an English word; English word - translation.

On the subject of materials, we recommend studying the very basics. Acquaintance, food and drink, common verbs, household items, lifestyle, popular adjectives, etc. To repeat what you have learned, link words into sentences and dialogues, modeling typical speech situations.


Above, answering the question of how to learn to speak English, we already mentioned the importance of grammar. Without this link, your knowledge will never turn into "live" English speech.

So, how to start mastering English grammar? Start with the most basic topics. For example, a plan for the first month of school might look like this:

  1. Link to be and personal pronouns.
  2. Questions and negatives with to be.
  3. Articles.
  4. Possessive pronouns.
  5. Singular and plural nouns.
  6. Interrogative pronouns.
  7. Sustainable designs this is/there are.

Having mastered this minimum, you will be able to compose the simplest expressions or come up with a mini-dialogue in English.

  • What is it? -WhatThis?
  • It is a penThispen.
  • Is it your pen? -Thisyourspen?
  • No, it is her penNo,Thisherpen.

You can come up with many such conversations even with minimal knowledge of grammar, especially if you actively replenish your vocabulary with new words and expressions. Of course, educational dialogues are not exactly like exciting friendly conversations, but you need to start small. The stronger you lay the foundation of knowledge, the easier it will be for you to master difficult grammatical points in the future. Therefore, do not strive ahead of time for a pie in the sky, but gradually master the basic elements.

We recommend that you include grammar materials along with vocabulary in every English lesson. It can be both learning a new topic, and easy repetition of the studied information. The main thing is to practice regularly and work out the information learned in theory in practice. Then you yourself will notice how the quality of your knowledge and practical skills are improving every day.

It's never too late to start learning English. This can be done not only in childhood, but also at any other age. The main thing is the desire of the student himself, his willingness to work on the task, as well as the effectiveness of the chosen methodology. If you practice regularly and use the right training tactics, you can quickly get the first results.

How to start learning English?

Before starting classes, it is useful to decide on the purpose of training, the time and format of the lessons. This will help you choose the right technique and work more efficiently. So, at the preliminary stage, you can ask yourself a few questions:

  • For what? The purpose of learning is one of the most important aspects. It can be anything from moving to another country or having to take an exam to wanting to watch your favorite movie in the original language. If the student has a goal, it will be easier for him to stay motivated and overcome the difficulties that will inevitably arise when learning English from scratch. In addition, a specific task will tell you what to pay more attention to when training.
  • How? You can study a foreign language on your own or with a teacher. Each method has its own characteristics. With independent studies, you have to take control over the process yourself - select textbooks and exercises, monitor the regularity of lessons. The most difficult aspect is the evaluation of the results, because it is not always possible to notice your own mistakes. Learning English from scratch with the help of a teacher is much easier. You can study in a group or individually with a tutor.
  • When? Many modern people constantly lack free time - they need to study, work, communicate with family and friends, relax, etc. Finding a place for English in a busy schedule can be difficult. To solve this problem, it is useful to carefully analyze the schedule - maybe you can get up early, find 20-30 minutes in the evening or even at lunchtime. You can also start learning English on weekends - the process will take longer, but with regular classes and the right attitude, it will also bring results.

In the first lessons, they usually learn the alphabet (what the letters are called and how they are written), and then the rules of reading. Mastering these basics allows the student to start reading individual phrases and small dialogues, gradually moving on to more serious texts. It is useful to immediately get acquainted with the transcription - this will help you quickly learn how to pronounce an unfamiliar word. There are quite a few exceptions to the rules of reading in English, so being able to check the transcription is always helpful.

2. Master the grammar

English classes for beginners from scratch necessarily include the study of the basics of grammar. These are important rules by which speech is built. Without them, it is almost impossible not only to understand the texts, but also to compose sentences on your own. When mastering grammatical norms, you do not need to try to remember everything at once. There are a lot of rules, so a beginner will quickly get confused in them. To master the material gradually (from simple to complex), you need to choose a good textbook in which grammar will be given consistently and clearly.

3. Build vocabulary

Mastering new vocabulary is another important component that is always present in learning English for beginners. The larger the vocabulary, the easier it is to read texts, understand native speakers and speak independently. Vocabulary can be learned in different ways. Sometimes the traditional way is practiced - lists of words are selected and memorized. However, it is not very efficient. To remember something new, it is important to associate it with something (with a specific situation, with an image, etc.). To facilitate the study of vocabulary will allow the use of illustrated teaching materials, videos. It is useful and easy to select vocabulary by topic and gradually master it through reading thematic texts and doing exercises. It is also important which words to remember. For those who are just starting to learn the language, basic common vocabulary (names of household items, products, weather phenomena; main verbs, etc.) will be useful.

4. Learn pronunciation

All sounds of the English language are more or less different from Russian, so their training should be given special attention. Moreover, this should be done at the very first stages of training.

Mastering the correct pronunciation can be a challenge for those who start learning a language from a basic level or from scratch. To get results, you can use:

  • video and audio materials,
  • articulation schemes,
  • tongue twisters for practice.

Putting the correct English speech completely on your own is difficult. At this stage, it is important to interact with a teacher, a native speaker or another person who can point out errors in speech in time and correct them.

5. Start Practicing Immediately

The main goal of learning any language is its use. That is why practice is extremely important for those who are learning English from scratch. It is important already in the first lessons to try to speak on your own, using the simplest phrases. It is easier to hone your speaking skills if you study in a group or with a tutor. Work on written speech should also not be postponed. First, you can write individual words and expressions. As you master grammar and vocabulary, try to make more and more complex sentences or even separate texts.

6. Use online resources

There are many materials on the Internet that will help you learn English from scratch. Among them:

  • helpful articles and tips
  • visual tables and diagrams,
  • ready video tutorials,
  • exercises on various topics
  • and much more.

There are thousands of resources on the network that specialize in this particular topic, so finding the right option will not be difficult. The Internet can also be used as a convenient platform for practicing writing and speaking skills. English-language forums and social networks will help you find interlocutors from anywhere in the world and get as much communication as you need.

7. Install mobile apps

Applications for mobile devices allow you to study English anywhere and anytime. This can be convenient for those who spend a lot of time on public transport or just want to use every free minute. There are many applications with different capabilities, so the choice is quite large. You can find simple programs that allow you to learn new words. Others have wider functionality - they help to set pronunciation, master grammar. Some applications include exercises to test knowledge.

For those who want to start or continue learning English at home for free, strengthen or refresh their knowledge, this unique selection of services is suitable. There are more than 100 of them. For beginners and advanced.

If you're looking for fun, convenient ways to learn English online and want to expand your knowledge base, check out these unique resources for learning English.

The resources collected here will be a great tip for everyone. At least you don't need to search all over the Internet for the necessary material, because I have already done it for you.

Stop being lazy, learn English!

After all, you have wanted to do this for a long time. Now is the time to pay attention to it.

And stop collecting everything about English from all corners of the Internet. Start doing something with this baggage of knowledge, for example, APPLY IN PRACTICE!

If you answer yourself the question: "Why am I learning English?", then you will not just collect and store everything (links, exercises, tips, etc.)

Understanding “why” can work wonders and give strength. This will be your motivation.

Here are some resources for learning English. Take it, practice share with others.

How to start learning English at home for free

Language Guide


In social networks, you can often see pictures and captions to them. So on this interactive site the pictures came to life. Here you can listen, watch and play with them. Extensive subject matter. It will be interesting for both adults and children.

BBC Learning English


This well-known site needs no introduction. The BBC offers many different ways to practice English, with podcasts such as 6 Minute English or Words in the News being especially popular. Idioms, crosswords, vocabulary practice and more plus a great British accent.

British Council website


Here grammar, tests, games and much more. It will be easier to understand for those who are already learning English, for beginners it will also be suitable, but it will be more difficult. There is no need to be afraid, go and study the material on the resource.

Learning English at home for free is also possible with

bbc.co.uk- Here m an array of fascinating material - podcasts, crossword puzzles, vocabulary and so on. If you want to know what modern English is - welcome!

And further, bbc.com/russian/learning-english-41003378

real-english.com cool resource, pretty advanced. Here are lessons, videos, articles. To make it easier to navigate the site, select "Russian language" on the main page in the upper right corner. All information on the site will be in Russian.

Eslpod.com- Another worthy resource for those who want to learn English. Work with podcasts, printouts can be made and dictionaries are attached.

elllo.org- "bomb" resource for those who are already learning English and want to improve the language. Unique podcasts, videos on various topics and from all over the world of those who speak English. The chip of the project is that all the material is aimed at learning a "living" language, here you can compare the pronunciation from England, Australia, Canada and other countries. Printouts are allowed.

Talking to Foreigners to Learn English - The Best Resource

Verbling Service

learning English with a native speaker. I love this site. If you want to get the most out of your learning, welcome!

This is the best resource for me in terms of communication and improvement of spoken language. There is such a huge selection here! You can learn not only English, but also other languages, as well as exchange learning experiences with other users of the site, and you can even earn money. In terms of earnings, this resource will be especially interesting for teachers of foreign languages.

Learn to speak English on your own

engvid.com- Regular viewing of free video tutorials. High-quality video lessons, after each lesson there is an opportunity to take a test. The value of the resource is immersion in the "live" environment of English (everyday life, culture, etc.). For those who studied English from textbooks, it's like a breath of fresh air, English on the other hand.

Cucirca.eu - series in English.

Npr.org- NPR Hourly Broadcast. Here are news blocks in English.

Program for learning English at home

Ankisrs.net - Anki program. Memorization of new words and expressions. Helps memorize words and expressions with spaced repetitions. You can download and use ready-made words, or you can add your own words.

Learning English in a playful way

Studying English at home - an integrated approach

English Daily- site for daily activities: word of the day, grammar of the day, exercises, games, etc.

Easyworldofenglish- here grammar, pronunciation, reading, listening, interactive dictionary. Examples are voiced, lessons are divided into 3 levels, each is divided into subtopics.

Learning English online is really cool, so take advantage of this opportunity and improve your English.

To be continued...

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Learning English on your own from scratch is not easy. However, in the case of the online service, the student himself chooses the levels and time for classes that are suitable for him.

Before choosing a course, be sure to take an English proficiency test and a vocabulary test - they will help you decide where to start and what skills you need to pump.

If you already have basic knowledge - the alphabet and a small set of simple words and phrases - we recommend starting from the second course. The program is designed for 131 hours and is suitable for those who want to better understand the grammar of the English language, learn to distinguish tenses, maintain a simple conversation and write letters.

Third course suitable for those who have basic knowledge and do not want to stop there. The purpose of the program: to expand the student's horizons, to introduce complex words and expressions. The course also provides training in the preparation of business and personal letters. After successfully completing the program, the student will be able to conduct a telephone conversation, retell simple texts.

IN fourth year much attention is paid to the tenses of the English language. There is a careful analysis of the past tense. The student is invited to master several difficult topics for conversation.

Having successfully completed the fourth year of study, the student:

  • understand passive structures;
  • expand your vocabulary by about 3 thousand new words;
  • able to communicate and maintain a conversation on complex topics.

Free of charge involves self-acquisition of knowledge in this area. The Internet is the main source of information.

There are many online services with which you can start learning from scratch, by learning the alphabet. To diversify and greatly simplify complex science, you can use educational games that imperceptibly present the necessary information in an easy and accessible form.

Teaching English for free. How to learn English at home (at home) on your own from scratch?

When teaching a foreign language, it should be taken into account that your knowledge should be divided into four areas:

  1. Reading.

When reading, new unfamiliar words and phrases are necessarily found, the knowledge of which necessarily increases. It should be noted that texts must be selected in accordance with their level of knowledge of the language. When choosing literature, not by level, a large number of incomprehensible words, phrases, idioms will dishearten anyone.

  1. Letter.

Written speech is complex from the point of view of spelling theory. It is also difficult to study, in which you also need to choose one of the 16 forms of the verb.

To simplify learning, you should write yourself reminder notes, keep a personal diary describing all life events. The best option would be to find a pen pal. It is convenient to use social networks for these purposes.

  1. Oral speech.

It is formed by retelling the read text. In each lesson, new words and phrases should be added.

  1. Listening comprehension.

To be able to communicate with other people.

In the learning process, special attention should be paid to communication in chats, via e-mails and by phone. By learning a language, in addition to knowledge, you can also significantly increase your IQ.

How to start learning English on your own?

With independent study of a foreign language, success in cognition directly depends on the chosen correct approach to learning.

To do this, you must follow the correct sequence of obtaining information:

  1. Transcription.
  2. English letters and their combinations. It is convenient to use the site Translate.ru.
  3. Replenishment of vocabulary. For efficiency, it is better to learn 10 words per lesson. Moreover, it is important that there be these words. With self-study, no one can tell you this, so it’s convenient to contact the Lingvo.ru or Howjsay.com Internet service. Here you need to choose a set of words for learning, then run the program, listen to each word several times and repeat it after the speaker. This exercise is also useful for practicing your own pronunciation. When replenishing the vocabulary of words, you should also focus on certain rules.

    It is better to start replenishing the vocabulary with simple words belonging to the general thematic category that is used most often in the vocabulary. The Englishspeak.com service can come to the rescue, which recommends spending more time studying verbs, because it is this part of speech in English that makes speech understandable and dynamic.

  4. Vocabulary formation. To do this, you can use the Studyfun.ru service, where with the help of bright pictures voiced by native speakers and translation into Russian, you can significantly speed up.
  5. Grammar rules are not difficult to learn, the main thing is to choose the right literature, which presents information in an easy and concise manner.
  6. View news in English. To do this, you need to find an English-language service in the list of your television channels that will help you form vocabulary in an unobtrusive way. For reading, you can use the Newsinlevels.com news portal, where information is presented to readers, divided into several levels. It is important that each piece of news is accompanied by an audio recording, which will help to capture the nature of the pronunciation of certain words.
  7. When reading simple uncomplicated texts, visual memory is activated, at the same time, phrases also occur in automatic mode.

In self-studying English, the process of their optimal organization is important to ensure the effectiveness of classes.

  • set the duration of classes to one hour;
  • the frequency of lessons should not be less than 3 times a week;
  • the ideal rhythm of learning, taking into account the performance of additional tasks, is 30 minutes a day;
  • when working on speech skills in a foreign language, you should rewrite short ones, read newspaper articles and news;
  • it is important to find an interlocutor for practicing speaking skills;
  • all the knowledge gained should be immediately put into practice, while all the words and grammatical constructions should be tried to be used in oral and written speech.

It should be noted that ordinary cramming will not give an effective result without practical consolidation of knowledge.

you need to master 10 pieces, according to the scheme:

  • learning words;
  • independent writing of a short story in such a way that all the words just learned are involved in it;
  • reading your own story;
  • retelling;
  • repetition of the past.

What can get in the way of learning English at home?

The main mistake of beginners to learn a language is:

  • dispersion in the supplied information;
  • an attempt to absorb a lot of information, to study a large amount of multidirectional material.

The result of the mistakes made can be a complete lack of progress in knowledge and a lack of desire in learning due to the confusion that has arisen in the abundance of information received and unprocessed by the brain.

At home, it can interfere with the study of a foreign language:

  1. Lack of proper motivation for language learning.

It is not worth it because it is fashionable, or because they will not be hired without knowledge of a foreign language. It should be the basis for the study to make cognitive foundations that develop thinking that promotes career growth.

  1. Mismanagement of time.

This is especially true for the preparation of homework, which, as usual, is done immediately before class. It is necessary to break the task into several stages, for better assimilation. Do not try to cover huge amounts of information in one sitting.

When doing homework step by step, you should first of all pay attention to simple exercises that are easy to perform. In second place, you need to postpone tasks that require work with a dictionary.

  1. Fear of difficulties learning.

Wrong choice of methodology, which should be based on the individual characteristics of the ability to perceive information. Some are easier to remember by ear, and some should have a good example before their eyes. It is important to draw up the right training program, taking into account the form of information presentation.

Tools for self-study English at home

To learn English, it is convenient to use tools:

  • Polyglot,, consisting of 16 episodes, each of which deals with a separate topic with grammatical and phonetic rules;
  • Puzzle English tool, in which, with the help of video exercises, you can quickly learn to understand English speech;
  • Interactive Wordcount lessons will help in a playful way to master difficult science.

Services for learning English for free

To learn English on your own, there are many services, each of which has a specific thematic focus:

  • to learn new words, it is convenient to use the Lingualeo mini-tutorial, thanks to which you can learn the technique of interval repetition;
  • Duolingo will allow you to learn grammar in addition to new words, thanks to which it is easy to learn how to build a sentence.

Polyglots are fluent in several foreign languages.

So how did they manage to learn them in such quantity, when even English alone causes so many difficulties when learning:

  1. Difficulties arise only when learning the first foreign language, all other languages ​​are easy.
  2. In order to master the language perfectly, one should be happy to relate to the learning process. Anything you love will do well. You have to be in love with the language to understand it.
  3. To increase vocabulary, one should not only regularly use phrases, but also be able and constantly use them in colloquial speech.
  4. It is easier for adults to learn a foreign language because of the awareness of its actions.
  5. For the effectiveness of training, attention should be paid to the lesson every day for at least one hour.
  6. The development of oral speech and its understanding come only as a result of communication with native speakers.
  7. content in accordance with their level of knowledge contributes to better memorization of words and individual phrases.