Ruslan Sergeevich meaning of the name. Ruslan: the meaning of the name, character and fate. Love and marriage

The male name Ruslan is currently not very popular in our country. Even in the last century it was used quite often, but it became most widespread after the publication of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. Today, most Ruslans can be found among representatives of the Kazakh people.

How did the name Ruslan appear?

There is no reliable story about the origin of the name Ruslan. There are several versions of its appearance:

  1. Turkic. The name Ruslan is derived from the Turkic name Arslan, meaning “lion”.
  2. Scandinavian. The nominal form Ruslan comes from the Old Norse word “rysaland”, which translates as “Russian land”.
  3. In Slavic culture, the name Ruslan acquired the meaning “fair-haired.”

The name Ruslan gained particular popularity after the publication of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

In the crowd of mighty sons,
With friends, in the high grid
Vladimir the sun feasted;
He gave away his youngest daughter
For the brave prince Ruslan
And honey from a heavy glass
I drank to their health.

A. S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

Name forms

Short forms for the name Ruslan: Rusya, Rusik, Ruslik.

Rusya is one of the abbreviations for the name Ruslan

Affectionate addresses to Ruslan: Ruslanchik, Ruslanushka, Rusechka, Rusenka.

The name has no ecclesiastical version.

The name Ruslan has no church variant

Patronymic names that will be given to Ruslan's children: Ruslanovich, Ruslanovna.

Spelling of the name Ruslan, according to the latest transliteration rules: RUSLAN.

In the international passport the name Ruslan is written as RUSLAN

What middle names are most successfully combined with the name Ruslan: Alanovich, Andreevich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vladimirovich, Dmitrievich, Egorovich, Ivanovich, Mikhailovich, Olegovich, Petrovich, Yuryevich.

Related nominal forms: Eruslan, Arslan, Roslan. Recently, the female equivalent of the name Ruslan, Ruslana, has become popular.

According to one version, the name Ruslan comes from the Turkic name Arslan

Eruslan grew by leaps and bounds, as if the dough was rising on dough. At three years old I was like a ten year old. And he began to run to the royal courtyard and began to play games with the boyar children. But his strength was exorbitant, and due to his youth and lack of intelligence, he joked bad jokes with the boyars’ children: if he grabbed someone by the hand, the hand would go away; if he grabbed someone by the leg, he would tear off the leg.

Russian folktale

There is an opinion that the name Ruslan is rooted in the heroic epic about the hero Eruslan Lazarevich

To write a poem dedicated to Ruslan, you can use the following rhymes to his name: charlatan, sundress, talisman, caravan, ataman, hooligan, booth, music lover, partisan, cellophane, giant.

Table: the name Ruslan in foreign languages

Arabرسلان Ruslan
Belarusian, Bulgarian, UkrainianRuslanRuslan
GreekΡουσλάν Ruslan
Georgianრუსლან Ruslan
Hebrewרוסלן Ruslan
Spanish, Italian, PortugueseRuslanRuslan
Kannadaರುಸ್ಲಾನ್ Ruslan
Chinese鲁斯兰 Lǔ sī lán
Korean루슬란 Rushilan
German, RomanianRuslanRuslan
FrenchRouslan Rouslan
Finnish, Czech, Swedish, NorwegianRuslanRuslan
Japaneseルスラーン Rusuran

Patron saints and name days

Orthodox calendars do not contain the name Ruslan. Therefore, the boy will be baptized under a different name. To choose the right name for the ritual, you can use the following tips:

How the name Ruslan influences a person’s destiny

Ruslan is a purposeful and fearless person. He is not afraid of anything, easily steps over any obstacles, and never looks back. This person will not lead a calm and measured life, he is used to achieving what he wants at any cost, he does it very well - everything that Ruslan puts his hand to has a successful outcome.

Ruslan is rapidly moving towards the goal, not noticing any obstacles

A man is selfish and loves only himself, tries to win universal recognition, loves attention to his personality. He is very vain, so he wants to become famous at least in his own circles. The guy easily takes credit for other people's achievements, comes up with heroic biographies, plays to the public, and intrigues others in every possible way. In pursuit of the dream of popularity, Ruslan forgets about the simple values ​​of life, such as family and love. He has no time to take care of his loved ones, because all his attention is directed to himself. Ruslan has a good imagination, excellent intuition, he can be honest and decent. External circumstances will never dominate the fate of this guy; he has freedom of views and thinking. In addition, the man is pragmatic and responsible, loves precision in deeds and actions. He resolves all important issues quickly and irrevocably, rarely thinking about the consequences.

Ruslan is able to come up with a fantastic personal biography, attribute fictitious character traits and heroic deeds to himself, and behave theatrically in public

A man sets many goals for himself, but is not always able to achieve them, as he is prone to laziness. Negative character traits can also be considered rancor and excessive pride, which prevent a young man from having friendly relations with people. A closed personality type also creates many barriers to communication skills. Often Ruslan selfishly and insidiously uses those around him.

Ruslan is a lover of muses and women.
He is overflowing with courage.
He loves risk and adventure
Duels are for his nature.
Can be quick-tempered and capricious,
But he is kind when the crisis passes.
He is a Leo, narcissistic to the point of horror,
He is vain and does not joke with his name.
Inconstant in desires.
Plays the button accordion very well.
Always the eldest at the crossing,
And therefore he will achieve fame.


Ruslan is a proud and vindictive man

According to Boris Khigir, Ruslan is a brave, but slightly lazy person. The guy is hot-tempered, which significantly ruins his life. In addition, he has an unstable nature, prone to making illogical decisions. A man likes complex and creative work that requires extraordinary thinking. Loves an active life, plays sports, travels and relaxes in nature. Ruslan's wife can always rely on him, because he knows how to make decisions and bear responsibility for them.

Ruslan easily gets interested in something interesting, is not afraid of unfamiliar activities and takes on new things with enthusiasm.

Ruslan's character in childhood

As a child, Ruslan is very emotional and fickle. His mood changes several times a day, he is constantly capricious, tries to attract the attention of adults, which causes a lot of trouble for mom and dad. He needs to hear praise addressed to him, but it must be deserved. If you praise a child for every little thing, then with age he will turn into a real egoist. The boy loves to dream, imagine himself as a hero of a fairy tale or cartoon.

Ruslan at a tender age needs praise, but it must be deserved

Ruslan is very active at school. He tries to participate in every contest or competition and tries his hand at quizzes. However, such a busy, responsible life does not affect studies in any way. This child easily masters all subjects, and in the company of classmates he takes the place of leader, and the female half of the class is not indifferent to him. Although the boy can be touchy, vindictive and vindictive.

Ruslan strives to take part in all competitions, quizzes and competitions

In his youth, Ruslan already knows how to control his emotions and can be calm and reasonable if necessary. The guy is sociable and sociable, but does not try to make a large number of friends. He doesn't like conflicts. Achieves the desired goals not only on his own, but also with the help of intrigue. The young man has a kind heart, you can always rely on him. But when doing any good deed, the boy always looks for benefit. Ruslan is used to living for today, he never makes plans for anything, does not make plans for the future. He is a skilled manipulator, and his skill extends not only to his peers, but also to adults. Also, to achieve his goal, the guy uses charm and cunning.

Boris Khigir's theory states that as a child Ruslan is a lazy and slow boy. He has a nervous and hot temper. The child is vindictive, but not vindictive. Studying is difficult for him, he does not like to do the same thing regularly, which causes a lot of trouble for both him and his parents. But various clubs and sports sections are very attractive to Ruslan. In addition, it is difficult for him to communicate with peers, relationships are uneven and strained.

Ruslan studies reluctantly, regular classes do not attract him, but he happily attends various clubs

Hobbies and talents

The main hobby in Ruslan's life is sports. He enjoys football, basketball and swimming. He likes to show his skills, win awards, medals and certificates. Active activities help the guy keep his body in good shape. Ruslan also has acting abilities. He loves to play different roles in life. He likes to feel like a star. A young man is attracted to any activity that will bring him fame, fame and financial well-being.

Ruslan is attracted by prizes, awards, medals, diplomas that he can receive by playing sports

In addition, a man is interested in expensive cars, beautiful clothes and all those things that can emphasize the high status of the owner and make him stand out from the crowd. Ruslan tries to create the impression of a wealthy person, although he rarely actually is one. The young man is a master at organizing parties, this helps him feel significant and important. At corporate parties and parties, he was the main ringleader.

Ruslan's passion is beautiful and expensive clothes, luxury cars and other things that emphasize status and allow him to stand out from the crowd

Career and profession

Ruslan takes a very long and painful time to decide on his professional activity. This person believes that he can do everything, which is why he often makes rash decisions. A man wants to take the place of a leader in order to play the role of a boss, and not actually be one. He is prone to adventurism, ambitious, does not like mental work, and tries to find an easy and simple job.

Ruslan does not like hard and mental work

The guy has excellent intelligence, many abilities, he has perseverance and diplomacy. Receiving a good education contributes to success in professional activities. Ruslan is successfully implementing himself in politics, law and finance. But what attracts this person most is popularity. Therefore, he often becomes a public figure - an artist or actor. Good diction and competent speech allow a man to try his hand at journalism or commentary.

Ruslan dreams of being a famous and popular person

Ruslan rarely receives a high official salary. He lives comfortably on fees and shadow income. The guy is not one of those who will save and save money for the future. He spends all his income on maintaining the status of a successful and wealthy person. If finances are not enough for a decent life, a man becomes petty and stingy.

Ruslan spends a lot of money on creating a prestigious image


Ruslan is in good health. But the man himself subjects his body to various tests. He loves alcohol, does not know how to control his intake, and is prone to alcoholism. There is also a danger of acquiring mental illness, since this person reacts very sharply to family troubles and is often in a state of depression. The guy devotes a lot of time to his appearance, so he is always in good physical shape and has a strong, toned body.

Ruslan should not drink alcohol, because, succumbing to temptation, he quickly becomes an alcoholic and degenerates

Love and sexuality

Ruslan loves women, and they love him. The guy often changes girls, tries to gain experience and get enough of female attention before committing himself to a serious relationship. A man takes care of his appearance, knows how to charm ladies, and is gallant in communication. Representatives of the fair sex easily fall in love with such a young man; it seems to them that a carefree and cloudless life awaits them next to him. But it is not so. Ruslan quickly becomes disillusioned with his chosen ones, he is bored of spending time with the same woman, and instead of an extravagant gentleman he becomes a boor and a cynic.

Ruslan easily wins women's hearts

A man prefers sophisticated and sensitive women. It is important for him that his partner is weaker in spirit, because Ruslan dreams of becoming a protector for his lady. She should also speak with admiration about her lover's abilities and temperament. Having fallen in love, a guy becomes jealous and hot-tempered. Any compliment said by a stranger to his girlfriend can turn him off.

Ruslan is incredibly jealous

In his intimate life, Ruslan is used to dominating. He doesn’t like it when his partner tries to lead; a man dreams of her unquestioningly fulfilling all his desires. He does not like boredom and monotony in bed. Boy often leaves the lover unsatisfied, which provokes scandals and misunderstandings in the couple.

Table: compatibility of the name Ruslan with some female names

Marriage and family

If Ruslan’s marriage happens at an early age, then it will definitely end in divorce. By getting married after thirty, this man will be able to create a strong family. He does not help with housekeeping, performs only male duties, and places increased demands on his wife. The guy believes that he has already brought happiness to the woman by entering into a serious relationship with her. He wants special treatment for himself, as he considers himself an extraordinary and creative person.

Ruslan is demanding of his wife and wants special treatment for himself

Ruslana's chosen one is obliged to feed him delicious food, look beautiful, always follow all instructions, and create a comfortable and cozy environment in the house. This man is completely beyond re-education. If you put him in his place, he will begin to take revenge in a sophisticated manner. The guy often provokes quarrels, expressing to his wife dissatisfaction with everyone around him, who, in his opinion, prevents him from enjoying a beautiful life. He is of little interest to the material well-being of his family. Ruslan loves children and tries to spend time with them, but only when he has nothing else to do. Maintains a strong connection with his parents and relatives.

Ruslan is always proud of his beautiful wife and brags to his friends

Ruslan remains faithful in marriage; he himself will never forgive his wife for betrayal. If a woman stops taking care of herself, the man’s passion disappears, and coldness and cynicism take its place. A beautiful and well-groomed wife makes a guy feel proud; he will never miss the opportunity to show her off to his comrades. The chosen one, Ruslana, must give freedom of action and not make demands on her husband, then the marriage will be calm, long and happy.

Table: matches for the name Ruslan

The meaning of each letter in the name

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters in the name Ruslan:

  1. Letter R. A person penetrates into the essence, is not able to be deceived by a superficial judgment. He is endowed with a self-confident, impetuous and brave character. Prone to taking unnecessary risks.
  2. Letter U. The guy has an active imagination, generosity and an empathetic nature. It is important for him to reach the highest spiritual level.
  3. Letter S. The man is sensible, impetuous, domineering and capricious. He tries to achieve independence and financial well-being. This person needs to decide on his life path as early as possible.
  4. Letter L. The young man subtly perceives beauty, is endowed with artistic and artistic talents, strives to share his knowledge and sensations with his partner. In order for life not to pass by, a person needs to find his true purpose.
  5. Letter A. The personality wants to create something of its own, is ready to start life anew several times. An important goal is to achieve physical and mental harmony.
  6. Letter N. A protesting nature, having inner strength that helps not to accept everything indiscriminately. The man is smart, diligent, loves to work, but does not accept useless work.

Ruslan has inner strength, active imagination and self-confidence

How does the time of year in which Ruslan was born affect his character?

Under the auspices of the winter months, Ruslan is born with a calm, serious, thoughtful, reasonable and logical disposition. A man has a mathematical mind, which helps him achieve success in scientific and research activities.

Zimny ​​Ruslan - the owner of a mathematical mind

Spring gives Ruslan temperament and vanity. The young man is prone to emotionality, self-confident, loves attention, tries to gain popularity in society and take the place of a leader. He is an energetic, active, fearless and active person who knows how to interest girls.

Vesenny Ruslan is confident in himself and strives to be popular with others

Summer Ruslan is open, sincere and sociable, makes contact easily, loves to joke, and tries to resolve all conflicts peacefully. The guy has a frivolous disposition that requires constant fun, which often interferes with leading a stable and measured life. Ruslan, born in autumn, has a calculating and pragmatic nature. He is very inquisitive, tries to continuously develop, and does not like to idle. This guy knows how to concentrate on what’s important without getting distracted by extraneous matters. It is important for him that others trust and understand him.

Autumn Ruslan tries to constantly develop

Ruslan - even the name is like steel -
Unbending, strong, beautiful.
A proud look aimed into the distance -
This is a sign of victory and strength!


Table: personality characteristics of Ruslan depending on the zodiac sign

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics
AriesBorn under the sign of Aries, Ruslan is a passionate and open person. He easily makes new acquaintances, does not pay attention to failures, and does not give up in the face of difficulties. This person does not like flatterers and liars. To make Ruslan-Aries fall in love with you, you need to be an attentive, devoted and calm girl.
TaurusRuslan, who was born under the auspices of the sign of Taurus, has a demanding and arrogant character. The guy does not tolerate criticism and other people’s opinions, he always stands his ground, easily gets into quarrels and conflicts, and is ready to defend his truth to the end. But this man is an excellent friend, not prone to betrayal and lies, as well as a wonderful husband and father. Falls in love once and for life.
TwinsThis guy is charming, sociable, artistic and positive. He becomes the soul of any team; they want to see him at every party. The guy knows how to make friends. He chooses girls who are ready to recognize his talents and virtues, who show passion and are able to obey in everything. He is not attracted to overly proactive ladies.
CancerThe influence of the Cancer sign makes Ruslan an honest and noble man. However, this person loves attention to his person, for which he is ready to do anything. He does not disdain either flattery or deception, which alienates those around him. With his beloved girl he will be a gentle, kind, passionate and devoted partner, capable of protecting him from any misfortune.
a lionRuslan-Lev has a bright and multifaceted character. The guy is prone to emotionality, self-confident, loves adventure, risk and the taste of victory. This is a true leader who does not raise any doubts about his superiority. To be among this man's comrades, you must obey him in everything. In family life, he demands obedience from his beloved, but is not inclined to tyranny.
VirgoThe young man has good compatibility with most women, but he prefers bright, passionate and popular ones. Ruslan-Virgo wants everyone to envy him when they see his companion. The nature is domineering, but reasonable and calm. The guy is prone to touchiness and isolation, but tries to hide these qualities from others.
ScalesThe patronage of the zodiac sign Libra gives Ruslan romance, passion, charm and impressiveness. This man knows how to win a girl, strives for new and new victories, does not like monotony in life. Love experiences are not for him, even having fallen in love with a woman, he will continue to dream about other ladies.
ScorpionThis guy is a real egoist. He loves to rule, is capable of meanness, and easily resorts to deception and betrayal. All his actions are aimed at some kind of benefit or selfish goals. A man never regrets his decisions, he is ready for vile acts in order to attract attention to his person. Women should stay away from such a person.
SagittariusUnder the influence of the sign of Sagittarius, Ruslan is born, who has an honest, delicate, courteous and sincere character. A man easily wins the attention of others, feels comfortable at noisy and crowded parties, tries to find adventures and new experiences. But having fallen in love, he completely changes his life, becomes more serious and stable, but touchy and vulnerable.
CapricornThe sign of Capricorn reveals in Ruslan such qualities as pragmatism, thoughtfulness, prudence, and emotionality. However, this man makes all important decisions based only on logic and reason. He knows how to wait, has great patience, it is almost impossible to piss him off. It takes quite a long time to choose a life partner, as he places very high demands on his future wife.
AquariusThe man is endowed with enviable determination and self-confidence. This kind of person never changes under the influence of outsiders, does not depend on anyone, and has his own, original opinion on everything. This is a self-sufficient person, living by his own laws and rules, possessing special values. He chooses women who are strong-willed and decisive.
FishRuslan-Pisces has a subtle mental organization. A person lives in an illusory reality, which is characteristic of almost every person born under this sign. He lacks consistency and reliability; the guy leaves any task unfinished. But the man is an attentive and generous gentleman, prone to idealizing the fair sex. Therefore, he is often disappointed in the ladies.

Photo gallery: famous people in history bearing the name Ruslan

Ruslan Khasbulatov - Russian political figure, scientist and publicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ruslan Aushev - famous Russian political and public figure, first president of the Republic of Ingushetia Ruslan Kireev - Russian prose writer, member of the Writers' Union of Russia Ruslan Ponomarev - Ukrainian chess player Ruslan Pimenov - football player who played for the Russian national team Ruslan Nigmatullin - Russian football player, goalkeeper Ruslan Chagaev - Uzbek professional boxer Ruslan Salei - Belarusian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus Ruslan Goncharov - Ukrainian figure skater who competed in ice dancing Ruslan Khvastov - Ukrainian fashion designer, costume designer Ruslan Alekhno - Belarusian and Russian pop performer Ruslan Dzhigurda - chansonnier, pop artist, singer-songwriter Ruslan Bely - Russian comedian

Video: Ruslan Aslanov - Mamma knows best

The main thing Ruslan strives for is popularity. He often becomes a politician or an actor, as through these professions he can gain fame. He prefers girls who are beautiful and sophisticated, who delight other men. This is how this guy asserts himself. He strives for beauty in all aspects of his life.

There is only one real version of the origin of the name Ruslan. The name came to us from the Turkic language, from the name Arslan, which translated means – a lion. This is partly a Russian name, but the exact nationality cannot be said. Next we will talk in detail about the meaning of the name Ruslan for a boy.

The name Ruslan is endowed with such energetic traits as lightness, to some extent one might say detachment from the earth, this often manifests itself in the romance and dreaminess of Ruslan. The name tends to carry its owner to transcendental heights. This, to some extent, also affects Ruslan’s self-esteem, since the meeting between his daydreaming and real life is sometimes quite painful.

Fate and character

As a child, Ruslan is not constant in his desires, emotional, capricious, and to some extent even cunning. If adults do not notice the good deeds he has done, he may sulk for a long time, and really likes to be praised.

It is possible that the experiences and dreams of childhood will influence the development of Ruslan’s ambition and secrecy. Outwardly, he will seem quite sociable and peaceful, even open, but most likely it will just be good acting. But the lack of firmness that is characteristic of this name can be quite dangerous, since painful pride will crave self-affirmation, and the lack of the ability to openly assert itself can push Ruslan into some kind of secret intrigues. You can get rid of this if Ruslan tries to cultivate strength of character in himself or rid his pride of pain.

This does not apply to all Ruslans, since there are exceptions everywhere. It happens that Ruslan strives, and quite actively, for a high life status and position, although this is not always noticeable to others, but this is all until he realizes all his dreams and receives the coveted recognition in society. It’s bad that Ruslan understands quite late, since he is in constant pursuit of selfish dreams, that the opportunity to live with ordinary human happiness, to love, to have real loyal friends is passing by, because time does not stand still.

One of the ways through which Ruslan asserts himself is popularity. Perhaps he will become interested in political or artistic activities. The desire to be different from those around him, to want to stand out, can manifest itself in Ruslan in the form of a desire to speak on the radio or give interviews, to do everything to make his name known. For Ruslan, a wife can also be one of the opportunities for self-affirmation. She must be slim and beautiful, so that her appearance in any company will cause admiration. Ruslan is very jealous, which means that if the attention of any man is focused on his wife, then he, in turn, without thinking about decency, can flare up, ruining the evening for those around him. Basically, Ruslan marries twice. Loves children very much. Somewhat lazy, doesn't mind drinking. Punctual.

Famous people named Ruslan

Ruslan's rather famous namesake was the hero Ruslan Lazarevich. Many feats are associated with his name; he is the hero of many ancient Russian legends. Ruslan possessed not only courage and strength, quite often he stood up for the defense of the offended and weak, and in battle he wielded not only the sword, but also his head.

He had cunning, which more than once saved him from certain death, courage, endurance, the truth was always behind him.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan: In communication, Ruslan tries to avoid open conflict, but he can remember the offense for a long time, and it is not yet known whether he will take revenge on you when the opportunity arises. If you have expressed a desire to gain his favor, then you should take into account that secretive people sometimes even really need participation and warmth. Perhaps, if you show some of this warmth towards him, you will see a completely different person in front of you.

Name horoscope

What does the name Ruslan mean in astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Virgo;
  • Patron planet: Sun;
  • Character Traits: Intelligent, dreamy, romantic;
  • Name colors: Light shades of green and steel;
  • Lucky Colors: All shades of brown and orange;
  • Talisman stone: Jasper, Agate, Fire Opal.

Video stories about the name

The video will reveal the complete secret of the name Ruslan:

Now let's figure out what the name means in the spiritual sense:

Going into the future to make sure that no unexpected or unpleasant events will happen is everyone's dream. It’s a pity, but this is impossible, so humanity has found another way to influence fate - to put a hidden meaning in names, on which everything depends. Ruslan, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for boys - knowledge of such features will greatly facilitate, and even radically change life.

The meaning of the name Ruslan for a boy briefly

The greatest problem and task for every parent is to provide their offspring with a bright future, to protect them from troubles and disasters. This is not at all easy to do, and good financial condition, constant care and proper upbringing are not enough. Ancient people firmly believed that much in the future could depend on the choice of a name, or more precisely, on the secret meaning originally inherent in it.

Ruslan, the meaning of the name, character and destiny - to find this information you need to turn to Muslim literature, because it was from here that it spread throughout the world. If you carefully study ancient legends and fairy tales, you will notice that this name is present here quite often, and even thousands of years ago it was popular and has survived to this day.

The meaning of the name Ruslan for a boy is brief, as evidenced by Muslim literature - “lion”. In fairy tales, a man with this name is depicted as a tireless fighter against evil, a fearless warrior. One can hope that at least partially this will affect the boy’s life and will certainly help him turn into a worthy man who will not disgrace his loved ones.

What does the name Ruslan mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Christian literature, including the calendar, the church calendar are the most reliable sources in which you can find accurate and interesting information about the name chosen in advance for the baby. Many Orthodox Christians use it to choose a name for a child, believing that in this way they are giving their offspring all the best, including a predetermined future. In Orthodox literature you can also find detailed information about which saints will monitor the upbringing, development and health of the baby. If necessary, they can intervene and correct mistakes made by parents.

Ruslan, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all the features that are intertwined, thanks to the name, adults will try to discover in Christian literature. Parents will certainly try to find out everything related to patron saints, upbringing and the secret meaning inherent in the name back in ancient times.

What does the name Ruslan mean for a boy according to the church calendar? You should not try to find anything related to this name in a book respected by Christians - there is no data about it here. This does not mean that you need to immediately start choosing a different name - if your family teaches your child to sincerely turn to God from childhood, he will certainly help in solving problems and protect him from troubles.

The mystery of the name Ruslan, ancient horoscopes

Despite the fact that the mystery of the name Ruslan is in no way interpreted in the church calendar, it is easy and simple to find many ancient books in which this name is often mentioned. The ancient horoscope of the Druids, for example, explains exactly what talismans, amulets, and zodiac signs are characteristic of this name and can play an important key role in the life of a child.

The first thing you need to know is your zodiac sign. For Ruslan, this is a lion - a symbol that fully corresponds to the secret meaning inherent in the name. The planet that will patronize the boy is the hot Sun. That is why the favorite season will be summer, filled with sunshine and warmth.

The tree that corresponds to this name is the sycamore. It is recommended to grow plants near the house that have a beneficial effect on the child’s life, but, unfortunately, this will not work - plane trees grow only in hot countries. A stone that will serve as a powerful amulet for a baby is aventurine. You can buy a ring with this stone - it will certainly protect your child from difficulties and difficulties in life.

Origin of the name Ruslan and its meaning for children

Having chosen a name for their beloved child, relatives will certainly be interested in whether the origin of the name Ruslan and its meaning for children can play an important role in the life of the baby? This name comes from Muslims, who preferred to attach secret meanings to the names of plants, animals, and natural disasters. You should not pay attention to the origin - most often, as practice shows, it is completely harmless and in no way can affect the future of the baby.

How important is the meaning of a name? Here you should understand in more detail, because it contains an important meaning that has a significant impact on the future. From birth, the child will resemble the king of animals - reasonable, fearless, merciless towards opponents and caring towards his family. These qualities will not disappear even over the years - the baby will turn into a man who will fully correspond to the secret meaning inherent in the meaning of his name. Relatives will certainly rejoice and be proud of how they raised the child and allowed him to take his rightful place in life and choose the right path.

Character of a boy named Ruslan

How unpredictable can the character of a boy named Ruslan be and will his parents have to make a lot of efforts to help him cope with his shortcomings? The child will have quite a lot of advantages:

  1. nobility;
  2. decency;
  3. prudence;
  4. ability to make decisions independently;
  5. wit;
  6. self-control;
  7. hardness;
  8. intelligence.

What disadvantages will the boy’s family have to face? One of the main ones is self-esteem. He will never be able to remain in the background, and will always strive to be the first, even if this means stepping over close people. This may even become important in your career, but it is better to try to partially cope with this negative trait - it can cause even close friends to turn away from the child.

Another unpleasant quality is the ability to harbor a grudge. If you seriously offend a boy, he will certainly remember it for a long time and at the first opportunity he can take revenge. That is why family and friends should be well aware of this shortcoming and, if possible, try to prevent conflicts or try to resolve them peacefully.

The fate of a boy named Ruslan

The fate of a boy named Ruslan will be rich in interesting events. He will certainly try to surprise his family, both with his profession and his choice of his soulmate. The child will choose a specialty based on its merits even in childhood. He can focus on such professions.

There are several theories about what the name Ruslan means. About these theories and much more in our article.

One of the most popular theories is the Scandinavian theory. According to this version, the name Ruslan comes from the Scandinavian name for Kievan Rus - Rysaland. However, this theory is quite controversial, like other theories of the meaning and origin of the name Ruslan.

The second theory can be called the arrival of the name from ancient epics. For example, Ferdowsi's epic "Shahname", which was popular among the Turkic peoples, and later found its way into Russian-speaking culture. The name Ruslan gained especially great popularity after the release of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

The name Ruslan also has a feminine form of the name - Ruslana. You can find out its meaning for girls and women, translation into other languages ​​and much more by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Ruslan for a child

As a child, Ruslan often grows up as a spoiled and easily excitable child. He easily moves from a state of rest to nervous activity. Parents and others need to understand this feature of the child’s psyche. If parents make enough efforts, then negative characteristics can simply be outgrown and Ruslan will be a wonderful baby. Computer games, games on phones and tablets, and a large number of cartoons will be especially harmful to him.

Ruslan's studies are quite difficult, although the child certainly has a chance for a decent education. You shouldn’t put too much stress on the child’s psyche, but Ruslan should also rest properly. It is best if the boy also participates in the sports section. This will allow his nervous system to switch properly. Ask teachers to monitor Ruslan’s involvement. If your child cannot withstand classes longer than 30 minutes, then at least stick to this schedule at home.

Ruslan was in good health as a child. As we have already written, you need to pay attention to its emotional stress. Here, if you can’t cope on your own, it’s better to turn to a specialist. Ruslan sometimes has vision problems, but the main thing here is to diagnose the problem in time. Prevention of any disease is always preferable to its treatment.

Short name Ruslan

Rus, Rusya, Rusik, Rusych, Rusek, Ruska, Lana.

Diminutive pet names

Ruslanchik, Ruslanka (including in relation to men).

Children's middle names

Ruslanovich and Ruslanovna. The colloquial version of the male patronymic is Ruslanych. The female colloquial form is not particularly widespread.

Name Ruslan in English

The name in English and its transliteration are absolutely the same - Ruslan. So it will be easy for you to remember.

Name Ruslan for international passport- RUSLAN.

Translation of the name Ruslan into other languages

in Arabic - رسلان‎‎
in Bulgarian - Ruslan
in Belarusian - Ruslan
in Hungarian - Ruslan
in Greek - Ρουσλάν
in Georgian - რუსლან
in Hebrew - רוסלן‎
in Spanish - Ruslan
in Italian - Ruslan
in Chinese - 鲁斯兰
in Korean - 루슬란
in Lithuanian - Ruslanas
in Latvian - Ruslans
in German - Ruslan
in Polish - Ruslan
in Romanian - Ruslan
in Ukrainian - Ruslan
in French - Rouslan
in Finnish - Ruslan
in Czech - Ruslan
in Japanese - ルスラン

Church name Ruslan(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. The name Ruslan is not a church name. This means that at baptism Ruslan will be given a name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan

Ruslan has several characteristics and not all of them are positive. He is quite narcissistic, but sometimes he goes too far in this. His desire for popularity often bears fruit, but it is better not to cross paths with him on the road to it. He is ready to be cunning, deceive, hold back, but still become significant in the eyes of others. At the same time, he is romantic, and one might even say that he is a dreamer. It is the dream invented in his head about “how good it will be when I become popular” that moves him through life.

It is preferable for Ruslan to work in an industry related to physical labor. It is worth noting that completely monotonous work tires Ruslan emotionally. It is difficult for him to do monotonous work for a long time, although for some it is easy. Ruslan knows how to find a common language with colleagues, but his desire to appear “cooler” than he really is often backfires on him.

Ruslan has serious demands in love. As a person heading towards success, the woman next to him should be the embodiment of his aspirations. Look great, be sophisticated and know how to go out. At the same time, he is prone to displaying jealousy, so Ruslan’s future soulmate will have a hard time.

The mystery of the name Ruslan

Ruslan's main secret can be called his duplicity. He can be a great company person and a wonderful friend. And behind all this there may be an ocean of inner passions. For the sake of satisfying his own vanity and advancing towards his goal, he often makes “profitable” friends. At the same time, Ruslan often uses friends for his own purposes.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Tree- Sycamore.

Plant- Dandelion.

Stone- Aventurine.

Guardian angel of the name Ruslan and his patron will depend on Ruslan’s baptismal name and the saint in whose honor his church name was chosen.

According to the version most common and recognized by most people, the male name Ruslan is the Russian version of the Turkic name Arslan (Aslan), which has the proud and majestic meaning of “lion.”

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    general characteristics

    Sometimes the meaning of the name Ruslan is translated as “blond”.

    Short forms:

    • Russia;
    • Rusik;
    • Ruslanka;
    • Ruslanchik;
    • Rustic;
    • Russia;
    • Ruska.

    This male name has powerful energy that determines his destiny. Such a person has developed intelligence and unprecedented endurance. Proud, strong, vain Ruslan always knows what he wants and achieves it by any means.

      Some people with a similar name are distinguished by touchiness and vindictiveness - they do not know the word “mercy”, do not forgive other people’s mistakes and do not give anyone a second chance. Ruslan has few true friends, and this is not surprising, because for his own benefit he is ready to deceive and set him up.

      Ruslan has such negative character traits as pride and stubbornness. Sometimes men with this name are petty, vindictive, calculating and selfish.

      Childhood and youth

      Little Rusik grows up to be a harmful, capricious, emotional child. He cannot tolerate various criticism (even if it is useful and justified), so he perceives any attempt to point out mistakes as hostile. But Russia loves praise, so much so that if it doesn’t receive it from those around it, it immediately begins to be offended. Getting along with a baby is difficult, but this does not mean that parents are obliged to indulge his fickle desires.

      Despite the negative character traits, the child’s future energy can be directed in a positive, creative direction. The grown-up Ruslan will be grateful to you for the reverent love of sports or creativity that you instilled in him in early childhood.

      In adolescence, a guy's character becomes more explosive, dangerous and selfish. He is not particularly concerned about the opinions of teachers, parents and other people of the older generation. The young man constantly gets involved in various adventures and agrees to any risky actions, without thinking at all about the consequences. Peers are afraid of Ruslan because of sudden attacks of aggression and hot temper, but they respect him for his bold, original decisions and tempered character. Despite this type, the guy is smart beyond his years, so he consistently gets good or excellent grades, sometimes even being among the best students.

      Relationships and family life

      Most men with this name have a strong, toned physique, since they are actively involved in sports, and with enviable regularity. It is not surprising that Ruslan is so popular among a variety of girls, because his appearance is attractive. However, the man, named Ruslan, is in no hurry to choose the right companion - stormy, passionate romances in the life of a young man flare up as quickly and suddenly as they go out and fade away. Throwing another beauty into the abyss of mental suffering is in the order of things for him, but Ruslan will not tolerate the same act from a girl towards him, because this is a real blow to his male pride.

      Not every Ruslan is suitable for a strong, strong-willed, self-confident woman with a strong inner core. For relationships, especially long-term ones (in a family, for example), he will look for a soft, modest, flexible girl who is ready to always obey her man and agree with his opinion in any situation. Despite the fact that Ruslan can date some representatives of the fair sex for quite a long time, he is in no hurry to get married, and if he marries, it will be with a woman with stunning appearance, because marriage for him is another way to profitably assert himself.

      The first attempts at family life often turn out to be failures for Ruslan, but the man hopes for the best, so he marries several more times. In a serious relationship, he always remains faithful to his partner, despite the huge number of fans who constantly surround him. Ruslan, in turn, demands mutual fidelity from a woman, therefore, if he finds out about betrayal, he never forgives her. He becomes a good father and a good family man, but he does not feel any special love for his children, even if he tries to do everything possible for them.