Rasputin's predictions. From the fall of the Russian Empire to the events of our days. Grigory Rasputin - biography and predictions from a legendary personality Rasputin's predictions are reliable

It still remains a mystery how an illiterate peasant from a distant Tyumen region was able to influence all decisions of the royal family. Nicholas II, who has the best education in Russia, listened to the words of the illiterate peasant Grigory Rasputin, calling him "God's man", and the tsarina embroidered his shirts with her own hands.

They said that Rasputin visited many holy places, walked to the Greek monastery. Rasputin himself claimed that the Mother of God once appeared to him and ordered him to go to Petersburg in order to save Tsarevich Alexei. Rasputin immediately went to Petersburg, where a completely new life began for him. It happened in 1905. The heir to the throne, the little Tsarevich Alexei, suffered from an acute form of hemophilia, attacks followed one after another. And only the Siberian elder Rasputin managed to help the boy.

Every day, Elder Gregory strengthened his influence on the royal family, thanks to which he was received in almost all noble houses of the Russian capital. Without the advice of his "Siberian medicine man" the tsar did not make a single significant decision - whether it was the appointment of officials and churchmen or the adoption of financial resolutions.

All of Russia discussed Rasputin's relationship with the royal couple, discussed the endless drunken orgies organized by the "holy elder."

Of course, the man who had such a huge influence on the royal family was fabulously rich. He was not shy about taking bribes for solving this or that issue. Only wealthy clients could turn to him for help, who, in gratitude for the services, paid Rasputin significant amounts. It is known that the elder spent part of this money on the construction of a new house for his family in the Tyumen village of Pokrovskoye, purchased expensive clothes, but never paid for regularly arranged drinking parties. The elder did not have his own housing in St. Petersburg; his fans paid for his rented apartment on Gorokhovaya Street. A reasonable question arises, where did the money and jewelry, so generously transferred to him for services, go? After the death of the elder, banks were checked, but there was not a single account opened in the name of Grigory Rasputin. There is evidence that Rasputin allocated huge funds for the construction of churches and for other charitable purposes. Or maybe we are still waiting for an event related to the found treasure of Rasputin.

But let's get back to the unusual talents of the "holy old man", who so quickly ascended the Olympus of Russian history. Contemporaries claimed that Grigory Rasputin possessed not only the skills of hypnosis, but also had a visionary gift. It should be noted that most of the information about Rasputin is known not so much from documentary sources as from oral eyewitness accounts passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, perhaps some of the information does not look entirely plausible. This is especially true of the numerous prophecies spoken by the elder.

First prophecy made by Rasputin. Exactly 25 years after the death of the elder, the hordes of Germans will approach Petersburg and surround the city. The date of Rasputin's death is 1916 + 25 years - it turns out 1941! He said that the inhabitants would die of hunger and only “a small piece of bread in the palm of their hand” would remain with them. But, as the seer noted, the Russians will win. It is clear that it was about the blockade of Leningrad during the Second World War.

His second prophecy. One evening, looking at the bright disk of the moon, Rasputin said thoughtfully that the time would come when a human foot would set foot on it, most likely it would be the Americans. But he condescendingly remarked that “... earlier ours will be there. And our Yurka will be the first in the sky.”

Third prophecy Rasputin. “I see people burning, two cities that have burned down. Yaposhki God will not save, will not have mercy. It is clear that we are talking about the tragedy of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, subjected to an atomic attack.

And one more prophecy of Rasputin. It concerned the future of Russia. He called this time as "the swamp of the wicked" and "the red pit", and added sadly: "But I will not see it again."

Undoubtedly, possessing numerous abilities, Rasputin did not disdain to resort to fraud and charlatanism. It was said that Rasputin owed his parapsychological abilities to a certain secret sect of shipbuilders who sought to take control of the country into their own hands through their associates.

In the last years of the twentieth century, documents were made public containing the prophecies of Grigory Rasputin, recorded from his words shortly before his death. Historian-researcher D. Norwalk, who discovered documents in the archives, is sure that the essence of these prophecies was known to persons close to the Russian and then Soviet authorities, but was hidden by them.

It turned out that the elder predicted the time of the socialist revolution with an accuracy of up to a month, and also predicted the fall of the communist regime. Rasputin's prediction-testament was kept in the archives of special services for many years.

Judging by the fact that immediately before his death, Grigory Rasputin handed over the documents-prophecies into the hands of Tsar Nicholas II, the elder foresaw his death. A copy of this document was found many years later in foreign archives, and the original was found in the papers of the Russian emperor and hidden for a long time in secret archives.

From all this, we can conclude that Nicholas II, having received the prophecies of the elder, knew what was written in them. And that there will be a revolution, and that the entire royal family will perish. More Rasputin wrote that a new strong leader would soon appear in Germany, who would unleash a world slaughter. For Russia, he predicted the path of a new empire, assembled from several states. Most likely, in this case, he meant the creation of the USSR. However, the elder predicted the collapse of this empire on the basis of interethnic strife.

There is another prophecy Rasputin concerning a future event. So at the beginning of the 21st century, the "symbol of the West" will be captured by armed men. Experts cannot say for sure which place it is. Let's hope that some predictions still do not come true, because the world does not stand still and unexpected events can change the situation.

The mysterious prophecy of Rasputin - the Europeans will prove the existence of reincarnation and this will entail a wave of suicides. Many people who consider that they have not achieved their goal in this life will try to free themselves from their body shell, in the hope of acquiring happiness, wealth, good luck in a new life. But how realistic this is, Grigory Efimovich kept silent.

Rasputin left another terrible prediction. He wrote that in the 21st century, people will receive confirmation of the existence of Satan. That Lucifer come to earth to participate in the black mass. Perhaps this prophecy has some allegorical meaning, especially since it was made just before the death of the prophet.

Rasputin spoke a lot in his predictions about the impending ecological catastrophe. In the endless pursuit of money, people will poison the earth, sky and water. The inhabitants of the planet will begin to die from "lung disease", "heart disease" and other ailments, and this will be retribution for the barbaric attitude towards nature. Due to deforestation, construction of dams, destroyed mountains, climatic disasters will arise. According to prophecy, it is during one of the “terrible storms” that the Son of God will return to Earth to heal millions of those who suffer, to give them hope and protection..

So that they would not say bad things about Grigory Rasputin, his farewell letter, the letter “The Spirit of Grigory Efimych Rasputin Novykh from the village of Pokrovsky,” became the testament of a prophet who loved and was proud of Russia: “I am writing and leaving this letter in Petersburg. I have a presentiment that before the first of January I will be gone from life. I want to punish the Russian people, dad, Russian mother, children and the Russian land, what to do. If hired assassins, Russian peasants, my brothers, kill me, then you, Russian Tsar, have nothing to fear. Stay on the throne and reign. And you, Russian Tsar, do not worry about your children. They will rule Russia for hundreds of years. If the boyars and nobles kill me, and they shed my blood, then their hands will remain stained with my blood, and for twenty-five years they will not be able to wash their hands. They will leave Russia. Brothers will rise up against brothers and kill each other, and for twenty-five years there will be no nobility in the country. Tsar of the Russian land, when you hear the ringing of bells informing you of the death of Gregory, then know: if your relatives committed the murder, then none of your family, i.e. children and relatives will not live even two years. The Russian people will kill them. I am leaving and I feel in myself a Divine command to tell the Russian Tsar how he should live after my disappearance. You have to think, take everything into account and act carefully. You must take care of your salvation and tell your family that I paid them with my life. I will be killed. I'm no longer alive. Pray, pray. Stay strong. Take care of your chosen kind."

"Royal friend", "elder", "seer" and "healer" Grigory Rasputin was in fact a peasant who lived for some time in the Tobolsk province. In his youth, he was sick a lot, and therefore turned to religion, traveled a lot to holy places, even visited Mount Athos in Greece, in Jerusalem.

There he met many priests and monks, including the rector of the Theological Academy, Bishop Sergius (Stargorodsky), to whom he came to St. Petersburg in 1900. And already in 1903, he made acquaintance with the inspector of the St. Petersburg Academy, Archimandrite Feofan (Bystrov), who introduced him to Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganov).

In 1904, Rasputin finally moved to St. Petersburg, where he became a real celebrity, being known in the eyes of secular society as a holy man. Soon the Empress also became aware of him, and a year later he was honored with a personal meeting with Nicholas II.

According to contemporaries, Rasputin acquired a huge influence on the imperial family, and above all on Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, by helping her son, heir to the throne Alexei, fight a terrible disease - hemophilia.

However, at that time he was already being persecuted by the church: the Tobolsk Consistory received a report from the local priest Pyotr Ostroumov that Rasputin behaved strangely with women, about their “passions, from which he saves them ... in the bathhouse”, about that in his youth Rasputin "endured acquaintance with the teachings of heresy."

The investigator, when considering the complaint, did not find anything discrediting, and the case was put into the archive. The same fate befell the rest of the criminal cases brought against Grigory Rasputin in the future. However, by order of the Minister of the Interior, Makarov, he was nevertheless placed under surveillance, which continued until his death.

In 1914, an assassination attempt was made on Rasputin in the village of Pokrovsky. He was severely wounded with a knife by Khionia Guseva, who had come from Tsaritsyn. The investigation lasted about a year, then Gusev was declared mentally ill and released from criminal liability, placed in a psychiatric hospital, and in 1917, on the personal instructions of Alexander Kerensky, he was released.

Rasputin published two books: The Life of an Experienced Wanderer (1997) and My Thoughts and Reflections (Petrograd, 1915). These books, in fact, are a literary adaptation of his conversations, since the “elder” was an illiterate person.

Rasputin was killed on the night of December 17, 1916 in the Yusupov Palace on the Moika. The conspirators were Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, F. Yusupov, V. Purishkevich, British intelligence officer MI6 Oswald Reiner (however, officially the investigation did not consider him as a suspect).

According to the defendants, Rasputin was first lured into the basement, treated to red wine and a pie poisoned with potassium cyanide. Yusupov went upstairs and, returning, shot Rasputin in the back, causing him to fall. The conspirators went out into the street. Yusupov, who returned for a cloak, checked the body, but suddenly Rasputin woke up and tried to strangle the killer. The conspirators who ran in at that moment began to shoot at him, then began to beat him.

According to the killers, Rasputin came to his senses, got out of the basement and tried to climb over the high wall of the garden, but was caught. They tied him up with ropes, took him to a pre-selected place near Kamenny Island and threw him off the bridge into the Neva, and the body was under the ice. However, according to the materials of the investigation, the discovered corpse was dressed in a fur coat and there were no ropes on it.

"The last act of my stay in Peter [grad] was a completely conscious and thoughtful participation in the murder of Rasputin - as the last attempt to enable the Sovereign to openly change course, without taking responsibility for the removal of this person."

Letter from Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich to his father, Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich (Persia, 1917)

Information about the murder is confused both by the killers themselves and by pressure on the investigation by the Russian, British and later Soviet authorities. Yusupov changed his testimony several times: in the police of St. Petersburg, in exile in the Crimea, in a book written by himself ... However, they radically differed from the testimony of the investigation: from the color of Rasputin's clothes to the number of bullets fired at him. So, for example, forensic experts found three fatal wounds: in the head, liver and kidney. The killers unanimously talked about a shot in the heart.

Already the first interrogations of family members and servants of Rasputin confirmed that on the night of the murder he went to visit Prince Yusupov. The policeman testified that he had heard several shots during the night. During a search in the courtyard of the Yusupovs' house, traces of blood were found. On the afternoon of December 17, a passer-by noticed bloodstains on the parapet of the Petrovsky Bridge. Divers found the body of Rasputin here.

The original autopsy report has not been preserved. However, numerous damages are known to have been found; death followed from profuse bleeding due to a gunshot wound to the stomach; the shot was fired almost point-blank; there was also a gunshot wound in the back and a wound point-blank, in the forehead. There were no signs of death from drowning, which means that Rasputin was thrown into the water already dead. No poison was found in Rasputin's stomach.

There are a number of nuances in determining the involvement of O. Reiner. At that time, there were two MI6 officers in St. Petersburg who could have committed the murder: Yusupov's school friend Oswald Reiner and Yusupov Palace-born Captain Stephen Alley. Both families were close to Yusupov, and it is difficult to say who exactly killed.

The former was suspected, and Tsar Nicholas II explicitly mentioned that the killer was Yusupov's school friend. Rayner was awarded an MBE in 1919, but destroyed his papers before his death in 1961. Compton's chauffeur's log contains entries that a week before the murder he brought Oswald to Yusupov (and to another officer, Captain John Scale), and the last time was on the day of the murder.

Compton also directly hinted at Rayner, saying that the killer is a lawyer and was born in the same city with him. There is a letter from Alley written to Scale eight days after the assassination: "Although not everything went according to plan, our goal was achieved ... Rayner is covering his tracks and will no doubt contact you for briefing."

According to modern British researchers, the order for the three British agents (Reiner, Alley and Scale) to eliminate Rasputin came from Mansfield Smith-Cumming (the first director of MI6).

The investigation lasted two and a half months - until the abdication of Nicholas II. The Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government, Alexander Kerensky, ordered the investigation to be stopped, and the investigator was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

At first they wanted to bury the dead man in his homeland, in the village of Pokrovsky, but because of the danger of possible unrest, they buried him in the Alexander Park of Tsarskoye Selo on the territory of the temple of Seraphim of Sarov under construction.

After the February Revolution, Rasputin's grave was found and Kerensky ordered Kornilov to destroy the body. For several days the coffin stood in a special carriage. Rasputin's body was burned in the furnace of the steam boiler of the Polytechnic Institute - an official act was drawn up about this.

A white Russian shirt with embroidered collar and clasp, a twisted belt with tassels, black loose-fitting trousers and Russian boots fitted a tall, powerful figure. a mocking smile on his lips - a face, of course, spectacular, but somehow unpleasant.

The first thing that attracted attention was his eyes: black, red-hot, they burned, piercing through, and his gaze at you was felt simply physically, it was impossible to remain calm. It seems to me that he really possessed a hypnotic power that subjugated himself when he wanted it ... "
From the memoirs of Tatyana Grigorova-Rudynovskaya

One hundred prophecies of Rasputin are known. The most famous was the prediction of the death of the imperial house: "As long as I live, the dynasty will live."

Mother Russian and Children, what lies ahead for them. If I am killed by simple robbers, my brothers - Russian peasants, then you, Tsar of Russia, do not be afraid, stay on the throne, and rule, and do not be afraid for your children, for they will reign for another hundred years and more. If the nobles kill me, then my blood will remain on their hands, and for twenty-five years they will not be able to wash it off. They will have to leave Russia. Then brothers will kill brothers and kill each other. And twenty-five years there will be no nobles in the state. King of the Russian land, if you hate the ringing of the bell announcing that Gregory was killed, then you should know this. If your relatives lead to my death, then none of your family - neither children nor relatives - will remain alive in two years. They will all be killed by the Russian people... Pray, pray and be strong, remember your holy family.

I saved him again, and I don't know how many more times I'll save him... but I'll save him for predators. Every time I hug the king and mother, and the girls, and the prince, I shudder with horror, as if I were hugging the dead ... And then I pray for these people. ..I pray for the entire Romanov family, because the shadow of a long eclipse falls on them.

I see huge crowds of people and mountains of corpses. Among them are many great princes and counts. And their blood will stain the waters of the Neva... There will be no peace for the living, and there will be no peace for the dead. Three moons after my death, I will see the light again, and the light will become fire. That's when death will soar freely in the sky and fall even on the ruling family.

The poisons will embrace the earth like a passionate lover. And in a deadly embrace, the heavens will acquire the breath of death, and the waters in the fountains will be bitter, and many of these waters will be more poisonous than rotten snake blood. People will die from water and air, but they will say that they died from the heart and kidneys... And bitter waters will infect time, for bitter waters will give birth to bitter times.

The plants will get sick and die one by one. The forests will become huge cemeteries, and among the dry trees people will wander aimlessly, stunned and poisoned by poisonous rains.

The time of peace will come, but the world will be written in blood. And when two fires go out, the third fire will burn the ashes. Few people and few things survive. But what remains will have to undergo a new purification before entering the new earthly paradise.

The time will come when the sun will begin to cry and its tears will fall on fiery sparks, burning plants and people. The deserts will advance like mad horses without a rider, and the pastures will turn into sand, and the rivers will become the rotten navel of the earth. The tender grass of the meadows and the leaves of the trees will disappear, for two deserts will rule: the desert of sand and the desert of night. And life will die out under the burning sun and ice cold.

The air that enters our lungs to bring life will one day bring death. And the day will come when there will be no mountains, no hills, no lakes, no seas that would not be shrouded in the ominous breath of death. And all people will breathe death, and all people will die from the poisons with which the air will be filled.

People are heading towards disaster. The most inept will drive the wagon. And in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places... Mankind will be crushed by the march of madmen and scoundrels. Wisdom is bound in chains. The ignorant and powerful will dictate laws to the wise and even the humble. And then the majority will believe in those in power, but will disbelieve in God... God's punishment will be slow, but terrible. And it will happen before the end of our century. Then, at last, wisdom will be released from the chains and the person will again trust God, as a child trusts his mother. And along this path, a person will come to heaven on earth.

When a continual trembling passes over the earth, do not take your eyes off the east, for new prophets will come from there. They will prepare the way for the Lord, who will also come in splendor from the east...

The seas, like thieves, will enter cities, houses, and the lands will become salty. And salt will enter into the waters, and there will be no water that is not salty. Salty lands will bear no more fruit, and if they do, it will be bitter fruit. Therefore, you will see fertile lands turned into salt marshes. And other lands will be dried up by the growing heat. Man will be under salty rain and will roam the salty land, between drought and flood.

The barns will be full, and streams of cool water will flow, and the trees will bear fruit; but whoever eats this grain and whoever drinks the water will die, and whoever eats the fruit will die. Only the fruits harvested by the previous generation will not contain death...

In the lands where olive trees used to grow, there will be only snow. For everything is mixed up at this time. Mountains will be where there were seas, and seas where there were mountains.

For some, Grigory Rasputin is the personification of cunning, devilry, hysteria, intimidation and debauchery. And someone still considers him a saint and the embodiment of virtue on earth. From the Devil or from God, but he definitely possessed a special mindset, incredible attractiveness, strong-willed qualities and the gift of foresight of the future. Now it is reliably known and proved that Grigory Rasputin predicted the revolution in Russia and the death of the royal family long before the events indicated.

About human clones

Grigory Rasputin at one time spoke of certain monsters that would be born everywhere, but at the same time they would not be people, but they would not be animals either. It is now clear that, most likely, we are talking about clones of people, in the future, of course, at the moment, funding, development and research in the field of cloning in most countries is either limited or completely prohibited, not to mention the cloning of the person himself. Nevertheless, according to some scientists, if this matter is properly taken up, then the first person can be created within the next ten years.

The great prophet foretold:

“And many of those who will not have a birth mark (umbilical cord) on their body will find it in their soul.” And the day will come when people will find in the cradle a creation that all monsters will be a monster - a soulless person.

Rasputin did not specifically talk about genetic experiments, he called it human alchemy:

“The stupid human alchemy will turn ants into huge monsters that will destroy houses and even entire countries, fire and water will be powerless before them. And you will see flying frogs, and butterflies will turn into kites, while bees will crawl on the ground like snakes.

Also in Rasputin's predictions, one can find a warning about the fall in moral values ​​and the distortion of material values, which will cause the spread of a number of incurable diseases, such as AIDS or cancer.

Grigory Rasputin's prediction about the Tsar Savior

According to G. Rasputin, terrible cataclysms should occur in Russia, and in the days of trouble, a certain “king-guardian angel” should return to us. Here is how he described it:

“And the time will come for wind, water and fire, and then the guardian angel will return and everything will change. Life in Siberia will bloom with new colors, and the palaces in St. Petersburg will bloom with lemon trees.

The king will be carried away by the wind, and with the wind he will return. And the same wind will bring another king, which he will not actually be, but with greater power than the sovereign will have.

And when the king rides through the groves on a white horse, many of the old men will stop him and remind him that where only snow previously lay, now olive trees have sprung up.

And where olive trees used to grow, only snow will remain, much will change and mix in these times. Mountains will arise where previously the seas stretched, and where there were mountains, there the seas will arise.

Rasputin also predicted the appearance of huge "predators" in the sky and the arrival of the Savior of mankind, which would oppose the Antichrist himself:

“As soon as the bear (Russia) bleeds out and loses its last drop, he (Antichrist) will be deposed and buried. And five grave-diggers will dig a hole for him, and the name of shame will be inscribed on the tablet. And then everyone will see the Tsar-Savior, who will sit on a white horse. He will be very just, because his name will be the Righteous. This will be the time of repentance, and the year when the five predators will cross the sky.”

As we can see, difficult times await us all, but there is still a chance for salvation. Other prophets also mentioned in one form or another about a certain Savior for Russia, sent by God, but for this we all need to turn our eyes to God and turn to face Him.

Grigory Rasputin's predictions about the future of Russia

For our days and the days of the future, G. Rasputin predicted little, basically all his prophecies refer to the past century. And if for the 20th century all the predictions are mostly clear and accurate, then for the days to come his prophecies are no longer so unambiguous. And some options for the development of events in our future loom very disturbing and even frightening. So, for example, judging by the words of the famous prophet, Russia in the future will face a lot of temptations coming from the Antichrist himself, and if our country and peoples succumb to them, then Russia may completely lose its way and disappear.

But if Russia resists the temptations of the Antichrist, it will take a leading position in the world. Otherwise, only ashes and ashes will remain from Russia. Other countries of Europe will also be tempted by the Antichrist, and if they are seduced by the gifts of the Antichrist, then inevitable death awaits them.

And, despite the fact that Grigory Rasputin, in his predictions, tries to warn us of many troubles, one should not take all this too close to heart. You have to live your life and your mind. Undoubtedly, Grigory Rasputin himself was not an ordinary person, and in a sense even legendary. And, of course, he possessed some gift from above, otherwise he would not have become famous and would not have risen to such heights.

Nevertheless, one should not forget that people like to attribute certain predictions to famous people, hoping to become famous at the expense of others or even make a profit. And sometimes it is very difficult to make out what this or that prophet really predicted, and what is attributed to him.

But even if something bad was predicted by this or some other great prophet, it still does not mean that it is guaranteed and 100% will come true. We all have a choice in any case, and most prophets try to warn us not to forget about such simple virtues as honor and conscience, and then there will always be a chance for both hope and salvation.

The biography of Grigory Rasputin interests people to this day. There is hardly a Russian person who has never heard of this famous person who left a significant mark in the last years of the Russian Empire. Many fiction books, studies, dissertations and simply essays were written on the basis of the life of this man, who had outstanding, downright extraordinary data, physical and spiritual.

In the article:

Grigory Rasputin's childhood

The patronymic of this legendary personality is Efimovich, and Grigory was born in the family of an ordinary Russian peasant from the village of Pokrovskoe, which to this day is located in the former Tobolsk province. He was born in the sixty-ninth year of the nineteenth century, at a time when popular movements were already beginning to gain strength, and the kings felt how the hitherto uncomplaining people were raising their heads, protesting against tyranny.

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich

He was born a frail and weak child, but survived, unlike his sisters and brothers, who left this world at the age of less than a year. They baptized him the morning after his birth, they called him Gregory, which means - awake. Because of his health, he could not indulge in childish games with his peers, who did not accept him on an equal footing. From this, the boy closed himself in, became unsociable, began to show a craving for solitude and reflection alone with himself. Like many elders, saints and other miracle workers, for example, it was at the age of childhood because of his rejection that he felt a craving for religion and found peace of mind in it.

At the same time, Grigory did not forget about earthly activities: he helped his father, grazed cattle, mowed hay, planted and harvested crops, went, like everyone else, to cart. But because of his health, he quickly got tired and weakened. Therefore, the villagers considered him defective and not like them, although the boy tried to be useful to the family.

At the age of fourteen, Gregory was struck by a serious illness, from which he fell ill and almost died. The family was already preparing to bury their only son, when suddenly the teenager's condition improved, and soon he completely recovered, striking those around him. According to Rasputin, the Mother of God healed him, appearing to him in a dream. After his illness, he became even more religious, immersed himself in the study of theological texts. There was no school in the village, but he had such a craving for knowledge that he got information from everywhere. Even without being able to read, he learned many prayers by heart, memorizing them by ear.

The son of an illiterate peasant, who himself never attended a class and did not read the alphabet, he had an amazing gift of insight, which determined his entire future fate. Who could have imagined that even after a century and a half, people would remember how Grigory Rasputin once lived, whose biography will become the basis for many scientific works and works of art - from the cartoon "Anastasia", where he is depicted as a demonic villain, to comics, books and films? It was truly an extraordinary person.

Rasputin Grigory Efimovich - biography of adult years

Grigory Rasputin and Iliodor

At the age of eighteen, which in modern times means entering adulthood, Gregory made a pilgrimage to many monasteries and temples. He did not take tonsure and monastic vows, but made many useful acquaintances with priests, wanderers, representatives of the white and black clergy of all ranks. It helped him a lot in the future.

Years later, already in adulthood, Grigory Rasputin arrived in the capital. This happened in the third year of the twentieth century, in St. Petersburg, where the doors of the imperial palace were opened for a wanderer with amazing abilities. Only when he arrived in the city on the banks of the Neva, Gregory did not have a penny for his soul. In search of help, he came to Bishop Sergius, who was the rector of the theological academy. He brought him to the right person - Archbishop Feofan, the spiritual mentor of the entire royal family. He had heard a lot about the prophetic gift of Rasputin, since rumors had already spread throughout the vast country.

Colonel Dmitry Loman, Grigory Rasputin and Prince Mikhail Putyatin

Rasputin made acquaintance with the royal family in difficult times for the Russian Empire. Revolutionary movements such as "Narodnaya Volya" had considerable influence, covering all segments of the population. Workers went on strike every now and then. They demanded tough decisions, strong-willed acts from the tsar, and Nicholas II, with a soft character, feeling enormous pressure, was confused. Probably, that is why a simple peasant from Siberia managed to make such an impression on the king that he talked with him for hours. Being the so-called "holy elder", Grigory Rasputin had simply incredible influence on the entire imperial family, but in particular on the Empress, Alexandra Feodorovna, who trusted the newly-minted spiritual mentor in everything.

Many historians believe that the main factor in acquiring such influence was the completely successful treatment of the heir to the throne, Alexei Nikolaevich, the empress's beloved only son. He was seriously ill with hemophilia, a rare hereditary disease characterized by chronic bleeding and poor blood clotting. Rasputin calmed the boy in an unknown way. The prophet weakened his pain, and it seemed that he was getting better, as far as it was possible with the treatment of folk remedies.

So a simple peasant son became a confidant of the emperor himself, his personal adviser and a man with tremendous influence on the fate of the whole country. Rasputin Grigory Efimovich, whose biography is striking in the dizziness of takeoff, has been and remains the subject of controversy. To this day, people's opinions on his account are extremely different. Some believe that Gregory was a man of amazing spiritual strength, patient and intelligent, who wanted only good for Russia. Others call him Grishka and say that he was a greedy self-lover who indulged in debauchery, who, taking advantage of the indecision of Nicholas II, only pushed the empire to destruction.

Be that as it may, Grigory Efimovich Rasputin, whose biography originates in a remote village even without a school, lived in the emperor's palace in his mature years. No one could be appointed to a post without a preliminary consultation with Rasputin. Possessing amazing insight, this "God's man" could open the king's eyes to the secret thoughts of the courtiers, the true essence of a person, advise to bring someone closer or dissuade him from rewarding. He participated in all palace affairs, having eyes and ears everywhere.

Assassination attempts on Rasputin and his death

Before committing the murder of Rasputin, who was interfering with their plans, his opponents tried in every possible way to denigrate Gregory in the eyes of the emperor. Rasputin was accused of witchcraft, drunkenness, debauchery, embezzlement and theft. Gossip and slander had no result: Nicholas II continued to unconditionally trust his adviser.

As a result, a conspiracy of the great princes arose, who wanted to remove the old man who was interfering with them from the political arena. Actual State Councilor Vladimir Purishevich, Prince and, in the future, Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the Russian Empire, Nikolai Nikolaevich Jr., and Prince Felix Yusupov seriously set out to destroy Rasputin. The plot was drawn up at the highest level, but in the end everything did not go smoothly.

Khionia Guseva

For the first time, they sent a shooter to Grigory - Khionius Gusev. The elder received a severe wound and was on the verge of life and death. At this time, left without an adviser who tried to dissuade him from participating in the war in every possible way, Nicholas II announced a general mobilization and announced the start of the war. When Rasputin began to recover, the emperor continued to consult with him, to be interested in Rasputin's opinion about his actions, and to trust the seer.

This did not suit the great princes-conspirators at all. They were determined to see it through to the end. For this purpose, Rasputin was invited to the palace of Prince Yusupov, where potassium cyanide, a deadly poison, was added to his food and drink, which, however, did not kill the old man. Then he was shot - but even with bullets in his back, Rasputin continued to fight fiercely for his life. He ran out into the street in an attempt to escape from the killers pursuing him. However, the wounds quickly weakened him and the chase was not long. Grigory was thrown onto the pavement and began to be severely beaten. Then he, almost beaten to death, having lost a lot of blood, was thrown from the Petrovsky bridge into the Neva. Even in the icy water, the elder and prophet Grigory Rasputin lived for several more hours before death nevertheless took him.

This man was distinguished by a truly titanic fortitude and craving for life, but he was sentenced by the will of the great princes. Nicholas II, left without an adviser and assistant, was overthrown after only two and a half months. Almost when the life of Rasputin ended, the history of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia for several centuries, also ended.

Terrible predictions of Rasputin

A little earlier, we called this elder a seer. Indeed, it is believed that the Siberian peasant had the gift of seeing the future. Rasputin's predictions made him famous throughout Russia and eventually brought him to the imperial palace. So what did he prophesy?

The most famous prophecies of Grigory Rasputin include the prediction of the catastrophic 17th year, the brutal destruction of the royal family, the horrors of the war between the whites and the reds that engulfed Russia. In their "Pious Reflections" Rasputin wrote that, embracing one of the royal children, he felt them dead - and this terrible insight caused him the deepest horror. He also said that if he was killed by people in whom imperial blood flows, the whole house of Russian lords would not stand for two years, they would all be killed for the shed blood of the elder.

Skeptical people say that Rasputin's prophecies are too much like. Maybe it is so. But even in the quatrains themselves, the appearance on Russian soil of such a person as Rasputin is indicated. It is likely that the elder could be influenced by familiarization with.

Rasputin's predictions are perhaps one of the most significant prophecies made in the twentieth century. Despite the fact that many of them have come true, there are those that have not been confirmed. For example, the coming of the Antichrist and the Apocalypse in two thousand and thirteen. Therefore, we can confidently assert that not all visions of the prophetic elder were accurate.

Rasputin's predictions about Russia

With regards to our days, Gregory left almost no prophecies. In any case, as unambiguous as about the twentieth century in which he lived. Rasputin's predictions about Russia have a disturbing message: many temptations, probable death if the country succumbs. Antichrist temptations and lose your way.

Basically, Rasputin's prophecies about the future of Russia are, if you make a dry extract from the facts: if Russia manages to avoid all temptations, then it will take a significant place in the world. If not, then only death, decay and ashes await her. As well as other powers of Europe, if they are tempted by the gifts of the Antichrist and lose their moral values.

There is no doubt that, being an extremely religious, deeply religious man, Rasputin was greatly influenced by biblical prophecies. In his speeches very often there were references to Christian motives - in particular, to the Apocalypse. For Rasputin, the decline of moral values, the rejection of Orthodox virtues, atheism, the impending triumph of science were harbingers of the onset of bad times for the church. He was right: after the overthrow of the tsarist government, the Bolsheviks oppressed the church for a long time, denying religion as a necessary component of people's lives.

Although his prophecies have many sinister messages, they promise fire from heaven, poison in the earth, water and air, the Third World War, devastation and death, they should not be taken very close to heart. Of course, Grigory Rasputin possessed a certain gift. He was an extremely charismatic, strong-willed person, had an extraordinary mind, otherwise he would not have risen so high. But, despite the prophecies that have come true, his predictions do not have a 100% guarantee. Therefore, they cannot serve as an indicator of the coming years. It is necessary to live with one's own mind, not forgetting about honor and conscience, about the main Christian virtues - this is what this elder of a very unusual and dramatic fate probably wanted to say with his predictions.

In contact with

The "Tsar's friend", "old man", "seer" and "healer" Grigory Rasputin was in fact a peasant who lived for some time in the Tobolsk province. In his youth, he was sick a lot, and therefore turned to religion, traveled a lot to holy places, even visited Mount Athos in Greece, in Jerusalem.

There he met many priests and monks, including the rector of the Theological Academy, Bishop Sergius (Stargorodsky), to whom he came to St. Petersburg in 1900. And already in 1903, he made acquaintance with the inspector of the St. Petersburg Academy, Archimandrite Feofan (Bystrov), who introduced him to Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganov).

In 1904, Rasputin finally moved to St. Petersburg, where he became a real celebrity, being known in the eyes of secular society as a holy man. Soon the Empress also became aware of him, and a year later he was honored with a personal meeting with Nicholas II.

According to contemporaries, Rasputin acquired a huge influence on the imperial family, and above all on Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, by helping her son, heir to the throne, Alexei, fight a terrible disease - hemophilia.

However, at that time he was already being persecuted by the church: the Tobolsk Consistory received a report from the local priest Pyotr Ostroumov that Rasputin was behaving strangely with women, about their “passions, from which he saves them ... in the bathhouse”, that in his youth, Rasputin "endured acquaintance with the teachings of heresy."

The investigator, when considering the complaint, did not find anything discrediting, and the case was put into the archive. The same fate befell the rest of the criminal cases brought against Grigory Rasputin in the future. However, by order of the Minister of the Interior, Makarov, he was nevertheless placed under surveillance, which continued until his death.

In 1914, an assassination attempt was made on Rasputin in the village of Pokrovsky. He was severely wounded with a knife by Khionia Guseva, who had come from Tsaritsyn. The investigation lasted about a year, then Gusev was declared mentally ill and released from criminal liability, placed in a psychiatric hospital, and in 1917, on the personal instructions of Alexander Kerensky, he was released.

Rasputin published two books: The Life of an Experienced Wanderer (1997) and My Thoughts and Reflections (Petrograd, 1915). These books, in fact, are a literary adaptation of his conversations, since the "elder" was an illiterate person.

Rasputin was killed on the night of December 17, 1916 in the Yusupov Palace on the Moika. The conspirators were Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, F. Yusupov, V. Purishkevich, British intelligence officer MI6 Oswald Reiner (however, officially the investigation did not consider him as a suspect).

According to the defendants, Rasputin was first lured into the basement, treated to red wine and a pie poisoned with potassium cyanide. Yusupov went upstairs and, returning, shot Rasputin in the back, causing him to fall. The conspirators went out into the street. Yusupov, who returned for a cloak, checked the body, but suddenly Rasputin woke up and tried to strangle the killer. The conspirators who ran in at that moment began to shoot at him, then began to beat him.

According to the killers, Rasputin came to his senses, got out of the basement and tried to climb over the high wall of the garden, but was caught. They tied him up with ropes, took him to a pre-selected place near Kamenny Island and threw him off the bridge into the Neva, and the body was under the ice. However, according to the materials of the investigation, the discovered corpse was dressed in a fur coat and there were no ropes on it.

“The last act of my stay in Peter [grad] was a completely conscious and thoughtful participation in the murder of Rasputin - as the last attempt to enable the Sovereign to openly change course without taking responsibility for the removal of this person.”

Letter from Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich to his father, Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich (Persia, 1917)

Information about the murder is confused both by the killers themselves and by pressure on the investigation by the Russian, British and later Soviet authorities. Yusupov changed his testimony several times: in the police of St. Petersburg, in exile in the Crimea, in a book written by himself ... However, they radically differed from the testimony of the investigation: from the color of Rasputin's clothes to the number of bullets fired at him. So, for example, forensic experts found three fatal wounds: in the head, liver and kidney. The killers unanimously talked about a shot in the heart.

Already the first interrogations of family members and servants of Rasputin confirmed that on the night of the murder he went to visit Prince Yusupov. The policeman testified that he had heard several shots during the night. During a search in the courtyard of the Yusupovs' house, traces of blood were found. On the afternoon of December 17, a passer-by noticed bloodstains on the parapet of the Petrovsky Bridge. Divers found the body of Rasputin here.

The original autopsy report has not been preserved. However, numerous damages are known to have been found; death followed from profuse bleeding due to a gunshot wound to the stomach; the shot was fired almost point-blank; there was also a gunshot wound in the back and a wound point-blank, in the forehead. There were no signs of death from drowning, which means that Rasputin was thrown into the water already dead. No poison was found in Rasputin's stomach.

There are a number of nuances in determining the involvement of O. Reiner. At that time, there were two MI6 officers in St. Petersburg who could have committed the murder: Yusupov's school friend Oswald Reiner and Yusupov Palace-born Captain Stephen Alley. Both families were close to Yusupov, and it is difficult to say who exactly killed.

The former was suspected, and Tsar Nicholas II explicitly mentioned that the killer was Yusupov's school friend. Rayner was awarded an MBE in 1919, but destroyed his papers before his death in 1961. Compton's driver's log contains entries that a week before the murder he brought Oswald to Yusupov (and to another officer, Captain John Scale), and the last time on the day of the murder.

Compton also directly hinted at Rayner, saying that the killer is a lawyer and was born in the same city with him. There is a letter from Alley written to Scale eight days after the assassination: "Although not everything went according to plan, our goal was achieved ... Rayner is covering his tracks and will no doubt contact you for briefing."

According to modern British researchers, the order for the three British agents (Reiner, Alley and Scale) to eliminate Rasputin came from Mansfield Smith-Cumming (the first director of MI6).

The investigation lasted two and a half months - until the abdication of Nicholas II. The Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government, Alexander Kerensky, ordered the investigation to be stopped, and the investigator was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

At first they wanted to bury the dead man in his homeland, in the village of Pokrovsky, but because of the danger of possible unrest, they buried him in the Alexander Park of Tsarskoye Selo on the territory of the temple of Seraphim of Sarov under construction.

After the February Revolution, Rasputin's grave was found and Kerensky ordered Kornilov to destroy the body. For several days the coffin stood in a special carriage. Rasputin's body was burned in the furnace of the steam boiler of the Polytechnic Institute - an official act was drawn up about this.

“A tall, powerful figure was encircled by a white Russian shirt with embroidery on the collar and clasp, a twisted belt with tassels, black loose-fitting trousers and Russian boots. .. Black thick hair, a large black beard, a swarthy face with predatory nostrils and some kind of ironically mocking smile on his lips - a face that is certainly spectacular, but somehow unpleasant.

The first thing that attracted attention was his eyes: black, red-hot, they burned, piercing through, and his gaze at you was felt simply physically, it was impossible to remain calm. It seems to me that he really had a hypnotic power that subjugated himself when he wanted it ... "
From the memoirs of Tatyana Grigorova-Rudynovskaya

One hundred prophecies of Rasputin are known. The most famous was the prediction of the death of the imperial house: "As long as I live, the dynasty will live."

Mother Russian and Children, what lies ahead for them. If I am killed by simple robbers, my brothers - Russian peasants, then you, Tsar of Russia, do not be afraid, stay on the throne, and rule, and do not be afraid for your children, for they will reign for another hundred years and more. If the nobles kill me, then my blood will remain on their hands, and for twenty-five years they will not be able to wash it off. They will have to leave Russia. Then brothers will kill brothers and kill each other. And twenty-five years there will be no nobles in the state. King of the Russian land, if you hate the ringing of the bell announcing that Gregory was killed, then you should know this. If your kindred leads to my death, then none of your family - neither children nor relatives - will be alive in two years. They will all be killed by the Russian people... Pray, pray and be strong, remember your holy family.

Again I saved him, and I don't know how many more times I will save him ... but I will save him for predators. Every time I hug the king and mother, and the girls, and the prince, I shudder with horror, as if I were hugging the dead ... And then I pray for these people. ..I pray for the entire Romanov family, because the shadow of a long eclipse falls on them.

I see huge crowds of people and mountains of corpses. Among them are many great princes and counts. And their blood will stain the waters of the Neva... There will be no peace for the living, and there will be no peace for the dead. Three moons after my death, I will see the light again, and the light will become fire. That's when death will soar freely in the sky and fall even on the ruling family.

The poisons will embrace the earth like a passionate lover. And in a deadly embrace, the heavens will acquire the breath of death, and the waters in the fountains will be bitter, and many of these waters will be more poisonous than rotten snake blood. People will die from water and air, but they will say that they died from the heart and kidneys ... And bitter waters will infect the time, for bitter waters will give birth to bitter times.

The plants will get sick and die one by one. The forests will become huge cemeteries, and among the dry trees people will wander aimlessly, stunned and poisoned by poisonous rains.

The time of peace will come, but the world will be written in blood. And when two fires go out, the third fire will burn the ashes. Few people and few things survive. But what remains will have to undergo a new purification before entering the new earthly paradise.

The time will come when the sun will begin to cry and its tears will fall on fiery sparks, burning plants and people. The deserts will advance like mad horses without a rider, and the pastures will turn into sand, and the rivers will become the rotten navel of the earth. The tender grass of the meadows and the leaves of the trees will disappear, for two deserts will rule: the desert of sand and the desert of night. And life will die out under the burning sun and ice cold.

The air that enters our lungs to bring life will one day bring death. And the day will come when there will be no mountains, no hills, no lakes, no seas that would not be shrouded in the ominous breath of death. And all people will breathe death, and all people will die from the poisons with which the air will be filled.

People are heading towards disaster. The most inept will drive the wagon. And in Russia, and in France, and in Italy, and in other places... Mankind will be crushed by the march of madmen and scoundrels. Wisdom is bound in chains. The ignorant and powerful will dictate laws to the wise and even the humble. And then most of them will believe in those in power, but will disbelieve in God... God's punishment will be slow, but terrible. And it will happen before the end of our century. Then, at last, wisdom will be released from the chains and the person will again trust God, as a child trusts his mother. And along this path, a person will come to heaven on earth.

When a continual trembling passes over the earth, do not take your eyes off the east, for new prophets will come from there. They will prepare the way for the Lord, who will also come in splendor from the east...

The seas, like thieves, will enter cities, houses, and the lands will become salty. And salt will enter into the waters, and there will be no water that is not salty. Salty lands will bear no more fruit, and if they do, it will be bitter fruit. Therefore, you will see fertile lands turned into salt marshes. And other lands will be dried up by the growing heat. Man will be under salty rain and will roam the salty land, between drought and flood.

The barns will be full, and streams of cool water will flow, and the trees will bear fruit; but whoever eats this grain and whoever drinks the water will die, and whoever eats the fruit will die. Only the fruits harvested by the previous generation will not contain death...

In the lands where olive trees used to grow, there will be only snow. For everything is mixed up at this time. Mountains will be where there were seas, and seas where there were mountains.