Poets of the classics about the baptism of the Lord. Poems for the feast of the baptism of the Lord - baptismal - verses - beautiful verses. Calendar - records archive

Baptism is a great holiday, symbolizing the purification of the soul and body of a person. On this day, according to legend, the Son of God first revealed himself to the world. This event was announced by John the Baptist. These days, in regions where the winter is severe, the bravest of believers plunge into the consecrated reservoirs. According to the people who came out of the icy water on this holiday, everyone feels reborn. Therefore, often the most wonderful verses for baptism are born near the cruciform hole. By the way, you will find some of them on our website.

If in December winter has not yet entered into its sovereign rights, then in the days of January it completely rules the ball. Her character is especially clearly manifested before the Epiphany of the Lord, when bitter frosts knock on our windows with snow-covered tree branches. Wonderful patterns on glass, church chimes, as well as a solemn procession to the reservoirs - all this fills the heart with the expectation of a miracle. But a holiday without loved ones is just a date on the calendar. It is our warm feasts or friendly trips that fill our hearts with joy. We exchange emotions, give gifts, send postcards with many good wishes for the New Year, Christmas or baptismal verses that always keep wisdom and faith.

If you want your loved ones to remember the sent congratulations for a long time, then it is better to give preference to a postcard, since an SMS message cannot be put on a shelf and touched with your hands. In addition, the text that contains SMS is always short, and in our collection there are verses for the baptism of the Lord, which are suitable even for posters and wall newspapers. If your parents live in another city, then they probably keep your postcards in a special place and review them from time to time. For them, this is not just a multi-colored printing collection, but a kind of treasury where particles of your love are stored.

Baptism of the Lord one of the most ancient and revered holidays among Christians. In that significant and holy day water is blessed in churches, many Christians plunge into the hole, despite the severe frost and cold. Congratulate relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances with the bright feast of the Baptism of the Lord!

Poems with the Baptism of the Lord

The long-awaited day of Baptism!
We look forward to your forgiveness!
Your sins will be taken away
Just ask hard!
It is important to pray
And bathe in holy water!
So the soul is cleansed.
Life will be easy and good!

Come to Baptism:
There will be food in the house
And give holy water
You in honor of the holiday to wash
And we'll pour some more with us,
So that your house becomes clean,
Holy salt to the images -
So that you live richly.
On a frosty day at Epiphany
You accept the invitation:
Come to a warm house
Let's drink tea with pies!

Covenant Day (Baptismal Verses)

Faith is the path for you
Day of the covenant - the path is the beginning,
Good luck
In both big and small things.

And so that the light of radiant skies
Your path is illuminated
A thirsty heart, a pure heart
You seek close intimacy with God.

If the wind raises the waves
He is mighty to calm the sea,
Trust Him, be calm
He is with you in sorrow and sorrow.

Good luck
In a good word and in the right deed.
If your journey has begun with the Lord,
So you are on the right track!

January walking on the earth

Woke up Epiphany frosts.

The lantern that went out on a pole

He held icicles-tears with a glass.

A mighty echo of the snow crunch

Scares the pigeons on the roof.

Wearily dropping the load of snow,

Frost writes something on the windows.

And the fussy people

Prepares meals at home.

Leaving - the old New Year,

Comes - the Lord's Baptism.

Christ the Baptist John

Baptized in the holy Jordan.

Since then, to those sacred places

The priest rides and the layman.

And with early years their children

We lead to the Sacrament of Baptism:

For the Lord to light them up

And gave cleansing from filth.

Day of the Lord's baptism -
It's a celebration of dedication
This is a great mystery
Very good, holy!

The baptized have a keeper, -
Angel - God's Deputy
He helps people
Protects our sensitive sleep,

He saves from adversity
Gives us joy and happiness!
The Lord bless
On a bright holiday - the day of baptism!

(Kolesnik Olga)

I hasten to congratulate you on Baptism
And wish you purity
All thoughts and all aspirations,
Health, happiness and love!
May the angels protect you
And guard your sound sleep
Let the grief of loved ones not know
And the Lord will be by your side!


The dawn has risen over the Jordan,
The wave crashed into the sand
From surrounding places behind John
The stream of people hurried to the river.

The people hurried to hear the word.
So many years the Lord was silent.
But now the voice of God is again
Sounded through the prophet.

He was not the light, but walked before the Light
Fix the ways of the Lord.
His kind in this world,
Perhaps it was not to be found.

Herald of the True God,
He came in the spirit of Elijah,
So that all the wayward
They were able to find a heavenly home.

Not a reed swayed by the storm
Not a king who lives in a palace
Not a prince, but a husband in a camel's skin
Tells people about the Creator.

And if the heart is like granite
Let the stones break now
On this day, for those who suffer, it sounds
Voice in the wilderness.

But suddenly the speech of the prophet fell silent,
The messenger of heaven became timid,
Before you is the Son of God,
John saw the Messiah.

And the frost ran over the skin,
The people are worried:
“Behold, behold the Lamb of God,
That takes on sins."

And for the truth to come true
Christ bowed his knees
And the body hid in the Jordan,
The forerunner of the Lord baptized.

And immediately the Spirit in bodily form
descended on Jesus
I saw a white dove
The prophet is pretty good

And a voice from heaven burst into thunder
And he permeated everything:
“Behold my beloved Son, in whom
My blessing."

Under the Jordan, God is One
Revealed his greatness
In the Father, in the Holy Spirit, in the Son
God spoke to our souls.

Another society today
The world has changed a long time ago
But the day of the baptism of the Lord
Christians remember anyway.

From the days of the baptist until now
We take the kingdom by force,
In sins, wandering in the desert,
Forgiveness can only be found in God.

And for the truth to come true
By faith we baptize the saints,
So that life is transformed by the Spirit,
To increase faith in them.

When we are baptized, we make a promise:
In the light of the Word it is holy to live
And to God, in happiness or in suffering,
Serve only in good conscience.

Friends! May love and forgiveness live in the heart of every person on this Holy Day! May holy water wash away the burden of hardships, illnesses and hardships! May God give you the strength to keep your heart pure and your soul open in this difficult world, and we wish you many new happy days of the coming year! We wish
You that on this day your house is open to friends and family, and
everyone found a place in it at the festive table and a kind word!

May goodness come to you
Anxiety all in the soul will subside ...
In your hearts you will build your temple,
Let it be raised in love!
The soul will find peace, warmth
At the white stone apse.
And it will suddenly become light, light,
Rebellious grievances will go away!

Snow is falling outside the window.
Blizzards are circling in the yards.
It's running time again.
This is again a holiday - Epiphany.
Weightless silence in the night.
And there are pictures on the walls.
In an unfinished glass of wine
The scents of love are mixed.
Let's be happy today and in the future.
Let's be happy, let's be confident.
After all, it is given to you and me to get younger
In this world, beautiful, changeable.

Congratulations on your christening
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts!
So that Epiphany frosts,
They brought joy to your house!
So that with holy water,
Washed away past sins!
For the Lord to give you mercy,
All the way through life!

Click Jordan

The rattlesnake jumped
cool Jordan,
And a mighty voice
Hurricane River
Sends far to the edge:
“Get together, children, here;
Gather, channels and currents,
From mountains and foothills water;
Keys and streams from everywhere -
Valleys, plains
Leaving - in my arms,
Fly to the great miracle...
An unheard-of guest is coming to us.
We, the whole family, Jordanian waters,
Let's welcome and meet the Ruler of nature:
He brings joy and sweetness with Himself,
He will introduce a new soul into nature!”…

Has anyone heard, from years and centuries,
So that He ... the driver of heavenly waters and clouds,
He descended into this dust of the earth and took the form of slaves?!
And now, the bearer of other people's sins,
He bows his mighty head,
And at His river he will ask for ablution !!.
An incomprehensible example of this world
Unfathomable humility! ..

Fly well, caress
To sacred feet:
Get up, run away
Behold, He Himself is coming!

And He descended to the stream of the Jordan,
And bowed the sovereign head
Under the hand of the baptizing John;
And a wonderful thing happened in the sky:
Mysteriously, deep down
The sapphire sky suddenly dissolved;
And the light shone, like a reflection of the glow,
And, - under the crystal, far blue,
A white dove appeared ... light,
And, over the dredge Krestimago's head,
He swam in light blue moisture ...
And something sounded like a trumpet,
Like a mighty giant's voice;
And for the first time, in the great moment of miracles,
Heard the earth from the mouth of heaven
Great, - the holy name of the Son! ..

Glinka Fedor Nikolaevich
(1786 -1880)

At the Baptism of the Lord

I am baptized by You, Lord! in the Jordan
Yes, in the sanctifying water and Spirit bath
Wash away the sin of the verbal nature,
In three Persons, the revered Deity appeared:
Invisible Father, Siy, all kinds of Reason,
He proclaimed you, beloved Son;
And in the form of a dove, an example of purity,
The Spirit of God has flown down on you from on high,
The unfairness approved the Father's words.
You are the world in a cloud of body cover
Appeared, Holy Light! dispersed the sinful darkness,
And by faith the bright world proclaims Your praise.
To the voice You came, thundering in the desert:
“Prepare for the Most High the path of truth and holiness!”
Bridegroom of verbal souls! to the groom's friend,
Baptism asking not leading sin,
Having perceived the sight of a slave, the Lord of all nature!
They saw you and were afraid of the water;
And the trembling man called, sent by the Creator,
Husband-angel, before Your face to precede:
How does Light illuminate an inconspicuous lamp?
How will a poor servant put his hand on the Tsar?
You will take the sin of the world, save the mortal race,
Holy! You sanctify me and the abyss of waters.

Shirinsky-Shikhmatov Sergei Alexandrovich (1783-1837)


Among the sands of the desert of the Jordan,
Where rows of gloomy rocks rise,
Where the hungry wolf and the jackal roam,
St. John's speech sounded,
As a call to repentance of the people,
Crowds of people, like waves of the sea tide,
Flocked to the shelter of the Forerunner
And listened to prophetic speeches
Hermit. Exhausted by posts
Feeding on locusts and honey
And clothed in a sackcloth of harsh hair,
The Holy Prophet appeared before the people
And in fiery, scourging words
He taught him and rebuked him for his sins.
When I chose, as a symbol of purification,
In the waters of the river Kreshchenye -
Believing in his teaching,
Many went to be baptized by him.
He announced the coming of the One
To whom the belt from His shoes
He was not worthy to untie the ashes.
He spoke to the audience about Tom,
Who created Baptism by fire
And by the Holy Spirit, about Him - the Infallible,
Who will gather wheat into the granary
With a shovel, it will burn the straw
He is on His inextinguishable fire.

And now, when thirty years have passed
Savior, leaving Nazareth,
To this sermon and Baptism,
To harsh and pure teaching
He also came.
The prophet did not know Christ,
But she was so sinless and pure
Savior Holy beauty,
And something so high in Him was
And the light that struck the soul
Hermit's majesty,
When Christ appeared before him
On the banks of the flowering Jordan!
Love and fear embraced John,
And he, who was inexorable to sin,
Holy Prophet who threw the denunciation
in the face of kings, seized with embarrassment,
I suddenly felt worthless
Before Jesus. Need from you
Baptize me, O Lord, and are You
Came to me? - they said in excitement
His mouth, his humble expression.
But the Savior answered kindly:
- Leave it now, it's not right
We must fulfill the truth! - and obediently
He did the Lord's command.
When did the Savior come out of the waves.
The vault of heaven opened in radiance,
And gold in azure blue
The Holy Spirit descended from heaven over Him,
And from above a wonderful voice was heard:
- This is My beloved Son, on Him
Rest my favor! -
And John understood: it was a revelation,
And he bowed before the Lord Christ!

Olga Nikolaevna Chumina (1858–64?–1909),
by her husband Mikhailova was published under the pseudonym Chyumin,
talented poetess and translator

Epiphany night

Dark spruce forest with snow, like fur,
Gray frosts have sprung,
In spangles of frost, as if in diamonds,
Dozed off, leaning over the birches.

Their branches froze motionless,
And between them on a snowy bosom,
Just through the lace silver,
A full moon looks from the sky.

He rose high above the forest,
In its bright light, numb,
And strangely shadows creep,
Blackening in the snow under the branches.

The bowls of the forest were covered with a blizzard, -
Only traces and paths wind,
Running away between pines and fir trees,
Between the birches to the dilapidated gatehouse.

Gray-haired blizzard lulled
With a wild song, the forest is empty,
And he fell asleep, covered with a blizzard,
All through, motionless and white.

Mysteriously slender thickets sleep,
They sleep, dressed in deep snow,
And glades, and meadows, and ravines,
Where once the streams roared.

Silence - even the branch does not crackle!
And, perhaps, behind this ravine
The wolf makes his way through the snowdrifts
Cautious and insinuating step.

Silence - and, perhaps, he is close ...
And I stand, filled with anxiety,
And I look tensely at the thickets,
On footprints and bushes along the road.

In the distant thickets, where the branches are like shadows
Patterns weave in the moonlight
Everything seems to me something alive,
Everything looks like animals are running.

Light from the forest guardhouse
Cautiously and timidly flickers,
As if he hid under the forest
And waiting for something in silence.

A diamond radiant and bright,
Now green, then blue playing,
In the east, at the throne of the Lord,
A star shines quietly, as if alive.

And above the forest, higher and higher
The moon rises, and in wondrous peace
Freezing midnight freezes
And the crystal kingdom of the forest!

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin


Jesus bowed his head
I entered the water up to my waist,
Spirit, like a dove descended,
A voice from heaven called out:
Here is my Son, my joy,
He is given to you by grace ... "
And raised his right hand over him
Delighted John!

Nikolai Vasilyevich Remorov (1875–1919),
priest since 1904
Published in the Tambov Diocesan Gazette

On the Jordan

Under the sultry sky of Palestine
Beautiful holy Jordan
When the fog rises
From the silently dormant plain
And in the crystal swell, tender,
The southern moon will look.
Enchant the waters of the Jordan
His shrine of the world,
Baptized over Himself
They have Jesus from John.
The sky opened its chamber,
And the Triune God is revealed.

I. Lebedinsky
This poem is included in the book.
S. Uspensky "Catechism in stories",
issue 2–3 “The Lord's Prayer. sacraments”,
last pre-revolutionary edition
(Issue 4-5) which was published in 1914

On the day of christening
(See the 2nd troparion of the 2nd canon on the Theophany of I. Damaskin)

humbly accepting the baptism of John,
In His Humanity the Lord
Solemnly dedicated to the salvation of mankind
The voice of God the Father.
And humanity is sanctified in the God-Man
For participation in His work,
Building to perfection
human being.

Alexander Solodovnikov
After 1960

Theophany of the Lord
(Holy Gospel of Matthew, ch. 3, v. 1)

Voice in the wilderness
Covenant to repentance,
He says, "Christ is coming,
Prepare the way for him now."
A crowd of countless people,
Listening to the voice of John
Strives for the Jordan
Accept Baptism in the bosom of the waters.
And sees from bright clouds,
descending under the guise of a dove,
the Lord's life-giving Spirit,
And the voice of the Creator of the worlds is heard,
Which secrets explanation
Gives the Universe Lord:
“This is my beloved Son,
My favor is on Him."
Praise be to Thee, O God of strength!
Our merciful Redeemer!
You are heaven again
He opened to us unworthy!
Oh, let us from the cradle
Thy paths went to the grave,
Oh, give us water fonts
To be a Jordanian stream!

Vasily Bazhanov,
protopresbyter (1800-1883)