Why Prince Yaroslav received. Why was Yaroslav the Wise called wise? Nickname history. Strengthening of Kievan Rus by the "ruler of three thrones"

In Russian history there were many famous princes. But not everyone was honored to be called wise and great. So for what and why was Prince Yaroslav the Wise called the wise? The relevance of this topic, I think that every self-respecting person should know the history, and especially the history of their homeland. And Yaroslav the Wise is an integral part of Russian history. And to know his biography is very important and necessary.

Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054), (1019-1054) Grand Duke of Russia. Son of Vladimir Red Sun. The Moscow chroniclers of the 16th century called him wise, and later the historian Nikolai Karamzin .. And it is no accident, because Yaroslav was a wise ruler, a ruler who protects borders, develops culture, takes care of residents, builds relations with other countries and takes care of his country.

He accomplished his first feat by defeating his brother Svyatopolk in civil strife, avenging him for his father and other brothers. Perhaps the murder of a brother is not the best feat, but in this battle the qualities of an intelligent and prudent commander were manifested, which is very important for a wise ruler in order to protect his state. Then he himself began to rule in Kyiv. He began his reign with the development of science and culture. He created a workshop in Kyiv, where the monks copied old parchments, translated Greek, and possibly Roman books. Also under him, as under Vladimir, events that took place in Russia began to be recorded regularly.

In 1037 they began to build the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv in honor of the defeat of the Pechenegs, in which the book workshop was located. The cathedral was erected from pink brick - plinths by Greek masters. By order of Yaroslav in Kyiv, one of the three city gates was decorated with a church, and the gates were covered with gilded copper. Built in other cities. Chernigov Spassky Cathedral and the Church of St. Sophia still stand in Novgorod. On the Volga he founded a new city - Yaroslavl, and in the land of Estonians the city of Yuryev.

He also excelled in foreign policy. Under Svyatopolk, Poland captured the Cherven cities and Belz from Russia. In 1030-1031 Yaroslav and Mstislav conquered these cities. The princes settled the Polish prisoners in the fortified cities along the Ros River, creating a defensive line on the coast of the Dnieper. Soon relations with Poland improved. The Russians even helped King Casimir 1 to end the civil strife.

The biggest victory of Russia was the defeat of the Pechenegs near Kyiv in 1036. After that, the Pechenegs left for Hungary, and a small part of them settled in the Russian steppe borderlands, becoming a kind of guardian of Russia. So Yaroslav expanded the borders and improved relations with Poland. In foreign policy, he used diplomacy more than weapons. It is smarter and safer for the state. Prior to this, the princes had resorted more to wars. He also strengthened relations with other states by dynastic bark marriages between different dynasties or countries, marrying his children to the children of the rulers of other countries.

In addition to culture, he also introduced one of the first written laws, Yaroslav's Truth, into domestic politics, thereby streamlining the order, uniting the state and establishing governance.

If we return to the beginning of the work and re-read it again, we can conclude that Yaroslav fully justifies his nickname, the wise one. Why and for what? - for good and wise government, for the development of culture and science, for strengthening the defense of the country, for strengthening government, for improving relations with other countries and foreign policy, and finally for the love of science and education. For the fact that he was a wise ruler, they called him the Wise.

Updated: 2017-02-23

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Around 978. Even during his lifetime, Prince Vladimir gave the city to his sons. Svyatopolk - Turov, Yaroslav - Novgorod, Boris - Rostov, Gleb - Murom.

However, the division of land between the sons of the prince led to civil strife. As soon as Vladimir died, the empty throne was seized by Prince Svyatopolk and began a fight with his brothers Boris and Gleb, who did not resist their murderers.

In 1016-1018, it flared up between Svyatopolk and Yaroslav, who reigned in Novgorod. It was attended not only by squads and militias of local tribes, but also by the Varangians, Poles and. In 1019, Svyatopolk was defeated on the Alta River. He fled and died on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic.

With the reign of Yaroslav in Kyiv, the internecine struggle in Russia did not end. In 1021 the prince of Polotsk Bryachislav (nephew of Yaroslav) tried to capture Novgorod, and in 1023 his brother Mstislav attacked the prince of Kyiv. In 1024, in a battle near Listven, he defeated Yaroslav, but made peace, limiting himself to the division of the Russian along the Dnieper. Mstislav took the Left Bank for himself, and Yaroslav left the Right Bank. In 1036, Prince Yaroslav of Kyiv again united all of Russia under his rule.

Prince Yaroslav received from his descendants the nickname Wise. He strengthened the unity of the country by seating his governors around the cities. The system of relations that had developed in Russia was reflected in the Russkaya Pravda adopted by Yaroslav. The prince sought to make Russia the center of the Christian world. He erected in Kyiv a huge St. Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gate with the Church of the Annunciation, and also founded the first monasteries.

The work of translating and writing books was also intensified, which strengthened the Christian faith and state relations of Russia, and also formed a certain idea of ​​its being chosen by God.

Yaroslav's foreign policy was very successful. Russian people began to explore the Baltics, where Yuryev (now Tartu) was founded. In 1036, the Pechenegs were defeated near Kyiv, after which their attacks on Russia practically ceased. In 1046, an alliance treaty was concluded between the Byzantine Empire and Russia.

Yaroslav's dynastic marriages show the wide scope of his diplomatic activities: Anna became France, Elizabeth - Norway, and then Denmark, Anastasia - Hungary.

Prince Yaroslav died in 1054, having divided his possessions between his sons.


  • Yaroslav the Wise

Yaroslav the Wise - Grand Prince of Kyiv. During his reign, Kievan Rus reached its highest power and international recognition. The noblest royal courts of Europe wanted to intermarry with the family of Yaroslav the Wise.

The nickname of the prince "Wise" is explained by his legislative and educational activities. Everyone admired that the prince himself read books, at that time it was a real miracle of learning. He created a library of Greek and Russian books, which, to ensure general accessibility, was transferred to St. Sophia Cathedral. Yaroslav sought to ensure that literacy spread everywhere, in connection with which the clergy were instructed to teach children. The opening by the prince of the Novgorod school for three hundred boys in the 11th century caused as much admiration as the opening of the first university could cause. Prince Yaroslav the Wise gave the Slavic lands the first handwritten law - "Russian Truth".

Prince Yaroslav the Wise realized that the state could achieve power through stability and peace, and not through impartial civil wars. The active energy accumulated among the masses must be directed to mutually beneficial trade, economic prosperity, friendship with neighbors, and the promotion of crafts, arts, and construction.

Yaroslav's foreign policy is also successful. In 1030, he made a campaign against the Chud tribe, built the city of Yuryev there. The defeat he inflicted on the Pechenegs in 1036 was so crushing that they never again appeared on the territory of the Kievan state. After three years of struggle with Byzantium, in which the princely army was defeated, a peace favorable to Kyiv was concluded. Byzantium released the prisoners, confirmed the privileges established earlier.

The zealous piety of the prince did not prevent him from thinking about the benefit of the state in church affairs. When Yaroslav felt the approach of death, he called his children and gave them prudent instructions, wanting to prevent any strife between them. In the annals, Yaroslav earned the name of a wise sovereign, who returned to Russia the lands lost in civil strife, showing genuine love for his people.

Only one ruler of the Russian state received the nickname Wise. Prepare a message on the topic "Why Prince Yaroslav is considered a wise ruler." Ask your parents what they mean by "wise ruler."


Old Russian chroniclers raise the topic of Yaroslav’s wisdom starting with the “praise of books” in The Tale of Bygone Years: he is wise because he built the churches of Hagia Sophia in Kyiv and Novgorod, that is, he dedicated the main temples to the wisdom of God, to which the main temple of Constantinople is dedicated. Thus, Yaroslav announces that the Russian Church is on a par with the Byzantine Church.

The reign of Prince Yaroslav fell at the beginning of the new century, and the throne went to the internecine struggle with the brothers. Having received sole rule as a reward, Yaroslav got the land battered by enemies and the poor, frightened by constant squabbles, the people.

During the reign of Russia, Yaroslav not only gathered and reunited all the lands together, but also rebuilt a majestic state, from a cultural point of view. It is not for nothing that the reign of Yaroslav in history was called the "Golden Age" of Kievan Rus, and the figure of Prince Yaroslav is considered the ideal manager of the time of the existence of Rus.

Another fact why Yaroslav was called wise is that he continued the work of his father Vladimir - he further spread Christianity throughout the territory of his state.

Also, it was Prince Yaroslav who was the first to create a collection of laws in Kievan Rus. "Ruska Pravda" consisted of the basic rules and laws by which the citizens of Kievan Rus were supposed to live. Also, this set of laws provided for various types of punishments in case of violation of the prescribed rules.

Despite all the merits, the nickname Wise did not always belong to Prince Yaroslav. He was also called Lame (the prince had a broken leg bone) and Old. But why contemporaries called Yaroslav wise is not surprising, since this prince wisely ruled the state and in a fairly short time elevated Kievan Rus to unprecedented heights.

My parents believe that a ruler can be considered “wise” if he considers advice and different points of view when deciding issues, thinks through the consequences, evaluates how a particular decision will be perceived, and chooses the most effective option.

The name of the son of the Grand Prince of Kyiv Vladimir the Holy, Yaroslav, is widely known not only to historians, but also to ordinary people. During his more than thirty-year reign, he committed many serious actions for the state, for which Yaroslav was called the wise.

Early life

The future Grand Duke was born in the family of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. He was the second oldest son, from childhood he showed serious abilities in studies, but early began to participate in the political life of the country. The imperious father tried to make his sons realize from the earliest times the need to think on a national scale, and, in addition, demanded unquestioning obedience to himself. Initially, young Yaroslav was appointed prince to Rostov, where he stayed until the death of his brother Vysheslav, after which he was appointed prince-governor of the second most important city in Russia - Novgorod. The prince had a rather difficult character, which his subordinates and squad spoke about more than once, nevertheless he tried to resolve everything through negotiations, and only as a last resort went to an open break. Perhaps that is why Yaroslav the Wise was called wise.

The beginning of the struggle for the throne

Being a prince of Novgorod, he was not without reason considered the heir to the throne of Kyiv. However, Vladimir, who was known among his contemporaries as a "loose lover of women", became very pious at the end of his life, and more than all his children fell in love with the offspring from Anna, Boris and Gleb. Perhaps the prince wanted to transfer his throne to the first of them. But Vladimir did not take into account that other brothers also claimed the title of supreme ruler of the country, and one of them was Prince Yaroslav of Novgorod. In 1014 a conflict broke out between father and son. Vladimir was even going to go to war against his rebellious son, but in the midst of the preparations for the campaign, the baptist of Russia died. Immediately after that, large parts began to break away from the state - this always happened when the central government weakened. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the adopted son of Vladimir, Svyatopolk, seized power in the state.

Path to power

The stepson did not want to lose power and decided to deal with his competitors. The first to fall under the blow of a cousin were two of Vladimir's favorite brothers - Gleb and Boris. Both did not want to join the fight for the throne, for which the squad left them. In 1015, Prince Boris was killed near Kyiv, and soon the same fate befell the Murom prince Gleb, on the orders of Svyatopolk, he was stabbed to death by his own cook. He also killed another son of Vladimir I, Svyatoslav, who was killed by conspirators sent by the prince. And here the Novgorod prince Yaroslav enters into an open struggle. Even at the time of preparing responses to his father's threats, he turned to the Varangians for help, with the help of which he organized his army. Svyatopolk, in turn, attracted to the aid of the nomadic Pechenegs, who more than once made devastating raids on Russia, and thereby further turned the people against themselves. In this struggle, Yaroslav acted as the personification of centripetal forces, which is why Yaroslav the Wise was called wise.

Yaroslav as head of state

The two opposing sides met in 1016 near the city of Lyubech. In the battle that began, Svyatopolk's army was completely defeated, and he himself ran for help to his father-in-law, the Polish king. Together with the provided troops, he returned to Russia. At the same time, the Poles behaved like invaders, which caused violent discontent among the population. The fight continued. Using the popular mood, Yaroslav again defeated his cousin. However, it was not immediately possible to immediately restore the former united state. Mstislav did not want to submit to the power of Kyiv, and a major battle took place between the brothers in 1024. In it, the Kyiv prince was defeated, but he did not fight again with his brother, but only concluded an agreement with him, according to which the brothers divided their possessions, but at the same time repelled the attacks of enemies and helped each other in different situations. That is why contemporaries called Yaroslav wise. After the death of Mstislav, all his lands were annexed to Kyiv.

Yaroslav the legislator

Having become united, Yaroslav directed all his efforts to strengthening it. One of the most important actions of the new ruler was to restore order in the state. To do this, it was necessary to create a legal system, which Yaroslav Vladimirovich took up with remarkable energy. Already at the initial stage of his reign, he put into effect a code of laws, called "Russian Truth". This legal monument of ancient Russia became the first written collection of laws of the country. The norms regulated, first of all, public order, protected property. In addition, the one that caused significant damage to the country was banned, now it was allowed only by close relatives or was replaced by a fine. That is why Yaroslav the Wise was called wise.

What else did the Kyiv prince become famous for?

The name of Yaroslav the Wise is known for the fact that he intermarried with many ruling European dynasties. His daughters became the wives of Norway, Hungary, Denmark, his sons married princesses from Byzantium, Germany, Poland. By this, the prince significantly strengthened the position of his dynasty and state. Already before his death, he bequeathed that the eldest in the family should become the Grand Duke in Russia. This ancient family tradition will later become one of the causes of destructive civil strife. In the meantime, the prince enjoyed nationwide fame, in fact, that's why Yaroslav the Wise was called wise.

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    it's all pretty prosaic. Yaroslav the Wise knew literacy and science. he was educated. we know this from the second edition of The Tale of Bygone Yearsquot ;. So, in those days there were very few educated people in Russia, and Tsar Yaroslav embodied education.

    He received the nickname Wise in the 16th century - from Russian chroniclers, and later - from the historian Karamzin. As for wisdom itself, it was also mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Yearsquot ;, but with a small letter. It was meant that he honored knowledge, science, had a large library. In addition, he built the Sophia Cathedrals in Kyiv and Novgorod, and Sophia is the wisdom of God. The chroniclers compared him with the Old Testament Solomon. And he was allegedly the author of Russian Pravda - a collection of laws of Russia.

    The son of the baptist of Russia Vladimir - Yaroslav the Wise - the Grand Duke of Kyiv (ruled from 1016 to 1054). He was called wise because he tried with all his might to preserve the greatness of the state, turned the territories occupied by enemies, strengthened the borders. During his reign, a collection of laws Russkaya Pravdaquot ;, which provided for punishment for murder, theft, insult, was published. During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, new cities were built, the capital city of Kyiv expanded and prettier. Orthodoxy was further strengthened, churches were built, which at that time were centers of education and art.

    Yaroslav the Wise is still not a nickname) Previously, all rulers were given a definition, firstly, to distinguish them from others in this dynasty, since names were most often repeated in one family, and secondly, to describe the most striking qualities of this ruler. Remember Ivan the Terrible, Catherine the Great and so on. Yaroslav was really wise: he was engaged in sciences and developed them, which was not accepted at that time, and he was also a very wise ruler in his own right.

    Yaroslav the Wise really made a huge contribution to the heyday of his native land. He contributed to the construction of temples, which still attract believers from all over the world. He was able to competently build the foreign policy of the state. And inside the country he had harmony and order.

    Yaroslav the Wise was not just called the Wise. He lived and ruled from 978-1054. He did a lot to strengthen power in Russia. Yaroslav the Wise read a lot of books, translated from Byzantine into Slavonic. He introduced into fashion reading. Under Yaroslav, children were gathered and taught to read and write. The reign of Yaroslav the Wise is the growth, flourishing of culture, economy, political opportunities. Yaroslav was called wise for his state activity and the development of education.

    Yaroslav the Wise lived from 978-1054, and ruled in the same years. He was a smart man, read a lot of books, built his own library. He built Sophia Cathedrals in Kyiv and Novgorod. And in the 16th century, he received the nickname Wise from Russian chroniclers.

    The images of the meaning of the words of those and modern ones are different. For example, what is wise for modern man? Synonym - smart, thoughtful, consistent, logical, experienced, etc. But was it so before the advent of figurative modernity? What is wise? Mudra - seal, sign in Sanskrit. The owner of the seal and the sign is wise. Prince Yaroslav had a mudra from Byzantium, which is why he was called wise. This is how the meanings of the words of the past and present create Images about People.

    Yaroslav the Wise ruled Kievan Rus from 978 to 1054. The prefix Wisequot ;, appeared after the death of the prince, in the 16th century. Yaroslav really did a lot for the development and prosperity of Russia. During his reign, quite a few churches were built, including the famous St. Sophia Cathedrals in Kyiv. He also competently led the country's foreign policy, concluded a lot of trade and union agreements, and translated books into Slavic. Yaroslav the Wise really deserved such a prefix to the name.

    I would answer this question this way: Why was Yaroslav the Wise called wise? quot ;, this prince probably really deservedly received this nickname - wisequot ;.

    Yaroslav was engaged in arranging peaceful improvement in Russia, for this he wielded a wise both domestic and foreign policy.