Basic principles and algorithm of civic engagement. Systemic civic activity Civic activity definition

We all live in a dynamic, constantly developing world and are forced to keep up with its rapid movement forward. What seemed to our parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers to be an unshakable truth, today we can question, comprehend in a new way and experience a little differently. Of course, we are not talking about overthrowing traditional moral principles and principles of normative behavior, but no one will deny the fact that the patriarchal system of society is slowly but surely losing its position, and it is not at all accepted to punish a woman for going out without a headdress. At least in most countries.

The inexorable passage of time requires stability from a modern person in material, physical and moral terms, since without it the cycle of changes, stress and turmoil will simply knock you off your feet and carry you downstream in a direction that can hardly be called attractive.

Inner resilience is determined by a number of factors, from the ability to forgive to such a concept as citizenship.

Difficulty understanding

Of course, everyone has their own idea of ​​this component of human consciousness - for some it seems something akin to nationalism, but for others it remains a special internal core that helps them fight everyday troubles. However, after analyzing certain literature and studying some historical facts, we can highlight the features of this definition.

Not a word about violence

First of all, civic position in itself has nothing to do with cruelty and violence, contrary to popular belief. Many, in response to this statement, will begin to pour out wars, of which there are quite a few in the history of mankind, and will not be entirely right.

The whole point is that civic position is certain internal beliefs aimed more at self-determination than at inculcating certain ideals. Simply put, this is self-awareness of oneself as an individual, the ability to have one’s own opinion regarding the world around us in general and one’s country in particular.

Relations with the country

Oddly enough, for many it will be a revelation that being a patriot of your homeland and having a certain civic position are related, but not identical things. The first is love for your country with all its shortcomings and advantages. This is absolute unity with the cultural and historical heritage, the readiness at any time to show the most attractive sides of your homeland to any visitor, instilling love for your country in his heart.

Civil position is a slightly different phenomenon. This should rather be understood as a kind of internal autonomy, the ability to objectively assess the situation in the country. This is a more detached view of the world around us, based on personal beliefs, analyzes and erudition.

Revolutions and normative behavior

As mentioned earlier, a person’s civic position in itself has nothing to do with coups d’etat, riots or mass pickets. In essence, it is simply a sober view of things, the ability to evaluate and form one’s own opinion regarding a particular situation.

Civil position is not only a certain point of view on the economic, cultural or political situation within the state - to a greater extent it is the most ordinary human decency, accessible to everyone. It starts with a piece of paper thrown into the trash can, or a grandmother transferred across the road, and ends with the payment of taxes and, for example, the preference for a domestic product over an imported one.

Man and power

However, if we put aside sentimentality and some romance, the understanding that citizenship is also an attitude towards the government of the country will be more obvious. As mentioned earlier, this definition should be understood, first of all, as Personal ideas about one or another aspect that a person can easily argue and demonstrate their legitimacy if necessary.

An active civic position can sometimes lead to the most unpredictable consequences, examples of which abound in world history, but its presence is mandatory for every person who considers himself a full-fledged individual.

Activity level

So, we have come to the conclusion that citizenship is, first of all, everyone’s business. Of course, the possibility of disputes absolutely always exists, but most often they either do not arise or lead to a kind of common denominator. Nevertheless, there are situations in which active citizenship requires certain actions, since there are no other options.

An example is the confrontation between the northern and southern parts of the United States in the 60s of the 19th century. The slave system then emerged, which the planters continued to adhere to while the northern states abandoned such exploitation of people. Popular disagreement with the current situation ultimately led to a civil war in which more Americans died than in any other war involving the United States.

Another example of the manifestation of an active civic position that found support among the masses is the famous one in which the population managed to overthrow the regime of the police dictatorship and elect a leader respected by the people.

Where do you get something that doesn't exist in the first place?

None of us are born with firm ideas about the structure of the country and the world, but with experience comes an understanding of certain values ​​and awareness of the need for certain actions. The formation of civic position occurs at different levels. It begins with the family and ends with one’s own search for information of interest.

The more knowledge a person has, the wider his horizons, the easier it will be for him to form his own point of view on certain aspects of life.

Of course, one cannot deny the fact that the formation of a person’s active civic position is directly related to the political regime operating in the country. Anyone who visited the USSR is familiar with the traditional gratitude to Comrade Stalin for a happy childhood, and for any resident of New Hampshire the phrase “Live free or die” will be an unshakable truth.

Other ways to influence personality

Despite the fact that citizenship is a personal choice of each person, in modern reality it is quite difficult to make it. And although in most countries the era of harsh dictatorship has long passed, the imposition of someone else’s opinion has remained relevant to this day. The reason for this lies in the continuous information noise with which a person is surrounded - the media, Internet resources promoting a certain opinion, literature and television - all this puts pressure on a person, thereby shaping his point of view.

The time of cruel imposition of a certain vision is long gone - it has been replaced by an era of false ideals and seductive pictures of a bright future that cover up pressing problems. Strength was replaced by cunning, and truth - by a convenient version. That is why every person who considers himself a truly individual has to look beyond the edge of the information fence sooner or later and look for facts to shape himself.

Social activity can be defined as a conscious, creative attitude to labor and socio-political activities, as a result of which deep and complete self-realization of the individual is ensured. Activism is considered as a harmonious combination of labor and socio-political activities. An active attitude to life presupposes deep knowledge, comprehensively developed abilities and civic consciousness. Social activity is understood as conscious activity based on deep knowledge of the laws of social development.

Civic consciousness personality develops based on the life position of the individual: awareness, assessment by a person of his knowledge, moral character and interests, ideals and motives of behavior, a holistic assessment of himself as an actor, as a feeling and thinking being as he realizes himself as a member of society, a bearer of social significant position. A student’s understanding of his inner world depends on the formation of his social attitudes for himself.

Civic Qualities are formed under the influence of the social environment and the individual’s own efforts in specially created conditions. A feeling of love for the Motherland, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and actions, initiative, independence - an important role in the process of educating these qualities is played by the formation and development of students’ needs and positive motives associated with these qualities.

Thus, the civic position is formed under the influence of the conditions in which the individual finds himself, and is realized in social activities through social activity, the effectiveness of the individual and the manifestations of his civic qualities.

An active civic position presupposes an interest in social work, initiative, diligence, awareness of personal significance, and the presence of organizational skills. The social activity and civic qualities of a teenager (the fundamental components of the active civic position of adolescents) can be judged by the position he takes when discussing and assessing the affairs of the team, and how he himself reacts to critical comments and assessments. The presence of the ability to reflect and adequate self-esteem is also an indicator of the level of civic consciousness of adolescents.

The task of developing an active civic position of an individual is associated with the formation of a complex set of human interactions with the outside world and society, determining one’s position in society in accordance with humanistic ideals and principles.

The formation of an active civic position among adolescents is a complex process of development of an integrative personality quality, characterized by social activity and initiative, an organic combination of personal and civic values, which presupposes awareness of oneself as a citizen and an active participant in public life.

The effectiveness of activities aimed at developing the active civic position of young people in modern society can be tracked through the stages of development of personality traits, which were identified by D.I. Feldstein.

The first stage is awareness of your “I”.

The second stage in the development of personality traits is readiness to choose.

The third stage is readiness for the manifestation of “I”.

The fourth stage is using the opportunities of the environment for your own development. This stage is reflected in social projects.

Thus, an active civic position is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout a person’s life. It is not a once and for all acquired quality, but changes depending on the conditions in which a person finds himself.

The inclusion of young people in various types of socially significant activities significantly expands the scope of their social communication, the possibility of assimilating social values, and the formation of moral qualities of the individual. It is in the team that such important motives for a young person’s behavior and activity as a sense of duty, collectivism, and camaraderie are formed.

Although teaching remains the primary activity for him, the main new formations in the psyche of a young man are associated with socially useful activities.

In the process of specially organized activities, young people master the cultural and material values ​​of society, acquire the skills and abilities of socially significant activities. A variety of activities helps them master the life experience necessary to implement personal plans, their views and judgments become broader, their creative abilities develop, and public opinion is formed. These activities can contribute to the formation of an active attitude of the young person to what he learns, sees and does. In this process, young people master the activity itself, becoming creators and not passive performers.

Thus, the more meaningful and expedient the activity is structured and organized, the more opportunities there are for realizing the need for an active position, the more intelligently the process of interpersonal communication is structured, the more effective the formation of personality will be in the process of development.

Bakunova E.A. Manifestation of civic activity using examples of environmental organizations (movements) // International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. – 2018. – 1. – P. 34-37.



E.A. Bakunova, master's student

Scientific director: N.N. Rogoten, Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor

Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University

(Russia, Moscow)

Annotation . IN the article discussesthe concept of civic engagement h personal views that can be seen through ecologistical movements and organizations.

Keywords: civic engagement, environmental movement “Garbage. Bol yea. Not t", crowdfunding, crowdsourcing,campaign “Bloggers against waste”, “Green steam” about the cart."

A pressing issue at the present stage of development in Russia is research O civil serviceactivity and citizenship nsky participation. The concept of civil a to activity is considered scientificallyfrom different fields of science: political science, O ciology, psychology, jurisprudence, at the moment there is no clear definition of civic engagement. Basically and With Different definitions are used, but b What is common for them is the idea of ​​it as citizenship and civic O position. Civic engagement- this is for ma activity of society, which is directed V lena on the implementation of social inter e owls, inherent in the individual and various b public associations of citizens. It will depend on spiritual, political e cultural, cultural values ​​of man and society. Civil Activity V responsibility is a responsible attitude towards the world around us, the opportunity to realize one’s own t of valuable ideas and partnership, citizens m e change the role of passive observers to the possibility of active participation in the life of society. Civic engagement is one of the forms of social activity expressed A interested in the problems of society, ability and desire A the ability to demonstrate one’s own civic position, to defend group and personal rights and interests, this is the consciousness of personal T responsibility for the welfare of states t va.

Civic activity manifests itself in various forms of independent action. I activities of citizens, their associations, networks and associations, which are determined internally n their aspirations and motives not aimed at making profits s whether. At the moment, there is a tendency to increase the number of movements. The process of formation of gra activity and given, often occurs spontaneously, regardless of the activities of various social institutions, through the exchange of opinions, di With discussions, comparisons of different points of view. But often civic activity is the result of the actions of government agencies, politicalcultural organizations and media[ 2 ] .

Currently, civil society V in Russia is manifested in the activities of various non-profit (public T military) organizations. Public about R Organizations in Russia can be divided into several types:

1. Organizations that remain traditional n new since Soviet times, such as in e Teranian organizations, trade unions, org A nization of disabled people VOS, VOI and others.

2. Small focused organizations A nization in different spheres of life O ties and professional organizations.

3. Formed large feds e national and regional non-profit organizations at the end XX - early XXI centuries, in particular and received financiers a nie because of r running, until the adoption of the law “On Foreign Agents”.

4. A new type of organizations and movements, built on common issues, and organizational, as a rule, citizens n Chinese activists. Examples here o gut serve o r organizations – the “Let’s Do It”, “Strategy 31”, “Si” movements nie v ederki" and others [8].

In recent years, there has been an increase in civic activity among individual groups A citizens and public groups in solving pressing social problems.

E There are well-known examples of the successful influence of civil initiatives on society. n concrete decisions and actions. Positively – creative environmental movement “M” at the litter. B more. No" was founded in 2004on the personal initiative of St. Petersburg resident Den And sa Stark, in which he constantly involved A there are new participantsand cities, currently about100 participating cities in Russia and 5 CIS countries and more than 1000 about carried out actions, distribution of cult at ry of civil participation, a significant area of ​​harvested territories,the emergence of new movements andnetwork growth is active O sti. When the movement was created, it included only one branch, which O stood from a small group of people, uh effective wire diligent cleaning. One of the main reasons for the network development of traffic e niya became desire and h change the world around us. Now social movement shares And there are different numbers of participants, from n e how many people up to seven thousands of participants[ 6 ] .

The destruction of a familiar vacation spot in the Moscow region provoked a protest campaign in defense of the Khimki forest, which lasted since 2006Protest for 5 years t naya ka m The company gained nationwide and international fame. In the struggle to “Protect the forest” from deforestation, a certain initiative group of residents of the city has formed. Khimki, city Moscow and Moscow region With ty, the “Ecological Protest” was formed T naya wave”, protests were held To tions, both for canceling the construction of the route and for its construction. After graduation A decision on the construction of the highwayhas also acquired a political to races [8].

P types of civil action are revealed V features that are fully implemented in the Internet R no, for example, a fire assistance card, a separate waste collection card, map of the needs of orphanages, fundraising for specific purposes, election monitoring web -cameras and much more. The Internet has provided a medium for beings T the formation of various activist O societies and projects that exist b ko in virtual form. They and With used when another type of self-realization is not h possible (low ability to communicate A tions offline, high needs for anonymity, etc.) [9]. Thanks to the program many services, from members of network associations b societies there was an opportunity to use about the tool you quickly search for the necessary contacts and quickly install e building connections between people for society n activities and joint citizenship n ski promotions, thereby network communities t va rea organize the self-organizing function a tions [5].

Today, not only Inte R no, but to a greater extent social networks and civil Internet applications V are provided with a mechanism for effective and With use of civic activity, mobilization of civil activists and movements in general. Social networks and n Internet - applications providing e provide significant opportunities for communication, search for resources, transfer of information, it becomes really effective T a growing instrument of horizontal relations and connections in society. Social b networks help organize and concisely O urgent promotions that collect many l Yu action to solve a specific problem. As an example, we can cite the form of a mass subbotnik that was successfully passed all over Russia th skaya action “Bloggers pr against garbage”, which attracted about 20 thousand participants [3].

"Greenhouse of Social Technologies" with h provides a database of civilian applications e tion, in which there are more than two X hundreds of projects. Examples could be project "Ecofront". ru » , which is directedto fight against sanctionsionized clusters waste removal [7].

Internet activity is characterized by T with anonymity, heterogeneity and And namism, has the best scale O ity and adaptability. At the same time V activity on the Internet also depends on the activity V position of the initiator, since often a virtual community or group And joins in, approves of the initiative, not all where ready to share andcarry the organization and costs [8].

Also , mechanism for citizen development n activity on the Internet can cause at live crowdfunding and crowdsourcing O high platforms. In general, for Russia the crow d funding and kra sourcing is a fairly new phenomenon. Crowdfunding is a collective V funding of a project on the Internet, especially social, research b skies, volunteer, charity And telial projects. Crowdfundy sites nga and s used to attractfunds for the implementation of the idea.An example would be o serve, recently passed promotion in November 2017 crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for removal and processing of d tons of batteries from Izhevsk to Chel I Binsk to the Megapolisresurs plant(with b early on shares for ra h efficient collection of recyclables "Razdelyayka"). Share body And called by activists "Green locomotive" from Izhevsk. As part of the campaign, we plan O it was necessary to collect 200 thousand rubles, cat O ry were successfully collected, to implement the project. The sponsor could donate l Yu any amount or the amount set by the organizer of the promotion and also receive an eco-gift. 358 people took part in the action andOf these, 49 people are not from Izhe in ska [1].

Currently in Russia there is a formation I have everything more conditions for implementation e niya gr a citizen activity. Activation of NGO activities, growth of civil movements, development And The development of Internet technologies and the work of the state is aimed at the third sector, gives its benefits e results. The importance of civil society is increasing, e the number of people involved is limited T involved in civil movements and de I activity of NPOs, the quality of citizenship is growing n Russian participation. Every year on de I activity of social movements and R organization stands out increasingly large f And financial means. New teaching mechanisms a stia expand the boundaries of action And initiative citizens, where unification and interaction occurs through Inte R No. Carrying out civil activities O STI lies in and With using more efficient interconnection, aboutonline platforms for b judgments. By positive results of some civil cases m company increases the level of civil society T responsibilities, the experience of which is being adopted more and more often.


1. Battery for recycling// Crowdfunding inRussian public funding– URL: https://planeta. ru/campaigns/batareiki_na_utilizatsiu (date of access: November 20, 2017).

2. Ox Kova N.V., Guseva L.A.Civic activity as a mirror of political and cultural groups b tour values ​​of society //Scientific review. Referative journal. – 2014. – No. 1. – pp. 80-81

3. Civil status report O society in the Russian Federation(2011) – M.: Public National Chamber of the Russian Federation, 2012. – 142 p.

4. Separate map waste collection from Greenpeace Russia– URL: (yes that appeal 11/20/2017) .

5. Morozova E.V., Miroshnichenko I.V. Network communities in emergency situations: new opportunities for citizens and for authorities // Politicalresearch. 2011.– No. 1. – P. 12.

6. About the movement " Garbage.More.No” / / "Garbage.No More"URL: (access date: 11/29/2017).

7 . Regional aspectscivic activity in modern Russia (using the example of YaRoslavl region): monograph / E. Isaeva, I. Maklashii, A. Sokolov, A. Frolov. – M.: Prospekt, 2015. – 216 p.

8 . Russian non-political acti Vism: sketches for a portrait of a hero // Result report tata studies of activism in Russia. – Edge Center, 2012.– 65 s.



E.A. Bakunova, graduate student

Supervisor: N.N. Rogotin, candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor

Moscow state university of psychology and education

(Russia, Moscow)

Abstract. In article deals with the concept of civil activity its different types which can be seen through the environmental movements and organizations.

Keywords: civil activity, environmental movements, " ", crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, action " Blogerprotiv ", " Zelenyi parovoz ".

In this article we will talk about such a concept as civic position. This is a term that many have heard of and understand what we are talking about. But not everyone can give him an accurate description. All aspects of this phenomenon will be discussed in detail here. After reading the article, you will get an accurate idea of ​​what civil position (CP) is and will not confuse it with other concepts.

Definition of the term

Before defining GP, we first need to find out what the term “position” means. Position is a diverse quality of an individual, manifested both in a person’s relationship to himself and to the surrounding reality (society, state). It includes the line of behavior of the subject as a social unit in the implementation of its life priorities and values.

Civil position is a set of views and beliefs, as well as moral and ethical standards that are characteristic of a person in relation to public life, as well as his actions and actions in this direction. GP is the responsible fulfillment by a person of his duty to others.

Civic position is a rather complex social phenomenon, expressed in a personal assessment of one’s position in society, one’s rights and responsibilities as a citizen of one’s country, in combination with individual traits. In pedagogy, GP is considered as a quality of personality and a system of attitude towards the world around us.

Where does citizenship originate?

Earlier than civic position and national feelings, love for the homeland, that is, patriotism, arises.

It is he who forms a caring attitude towards the ongoing processes in the world around him and stimulates the conscious fulfillment of civic duty.

The majority of people tend to feel a sense of belonging to the place where they were born and raised. Love for your land is akin to love for your own mother. If the family is included in a person’s value system immediately after birth, then the value of the homeland is realized by the person over time.

At first, the child’s homeland is his family and the house where he lives. Further, a street, district, town or city is already considered the fatherland. The older a person gets, the more his ideas about his homeland expand. It is already perceived on the scale of the country, which is also identified with the people, culture, faith, customs and nature. In other words, a person’s homeland is not only the place where he was born, but the totality of all concepts that characterize a certain state.

Formation of civic position

The formation of a state enterprise starts small. Some foundations and rudiments are laid at an early age. Of course, a child is not yet able to understand what civic duty is. However, by instilling in him respect for his native land and his fellow citizens, as well as instilling a caring attitude towards nature, parents thereby prepare the ground for the child to develop in the future a caring attitude towards the events taking place around him.

The formation of a civic position is becoming a very pressing issue for high school students. Children of school age cannot yet take part in elections. Because of this, they do not feel part of society. They don't understand what civic duty is. As a result, school graduates, for the most part, are socially passive. To prevent this from happening, it is important to instill the foundations of a civil worldview through the creation of a targeted model of the educational system that forms the GP of adolescents.

Instilling citizenship among schoolchildren and students is a very important stage in the formation of a socially active society.

Media as an important tool for the formation of SOEs

As we have already found out, a person’s civic position begins to develop at an early age and continues to develop throughout his life. If in childhood and adolescence it is mainly parents and teachers who are involved in the formation of a civil worldview, then in a more mature age a person is influenced by the media.

How do people learn about events happening in their country and around the world? Of course, from various media sources. Moreover, which is typical, not only the facts themselves are important, but also the degree of presentation of information. The same events can be told in completely different ways. Based on how the information was presented, the subject’s attitude to certain facts is formed and a civic position is formed. Journalists take this phenomenon into account in their professional activities. This is used by politicians and others involved in the formation of the civil worldview of society, people and organizations.

Development of citizenship

Certain factors contribute to the intensive development of SOE society. As a rule, the most socially active and united by a common civic worldview are the citizens of a country in which certain unrest is occurring. Common difficulties unite people more than ever.

And if society previously did not particularly delve into the intricacies of the social and political life of the country, busy satisfying its immediate needs, then in moments of danger and serious changes, almost no one remains indifferent to the events taking place.

With regard to the civil position of the Russian Federation, the following trend has recently been observed: the attitude towards such values ​​as patriotism, love of the Motherland, pride in one’s Fatherland, honor, duty, loyalty to traditions and knowledge of the history of one’s country is undergoing significant changes. These concepts are brought to the fore, which is certainly a positive phenomenon in the public life of the state.

Active citizenship

If we have more or less figured out the civic position, let’s try to understand the term “active civic position.” What does it mean?

Active GP implies the conscious participation of an individual in public life, which reflects his conscious actions and actions in relation to the surrounding reality. These actions are aimed at realizing social values. At the same time, the personal and public interests of the subject are in a reasonable balance.

The components of an active civil society are social activity, civic outlook and civic qualities. Active GP can change depending on the external conditions in which the subject finds himself.

Why is active citizenship important?

Every thinking member of society should engage in the formation of an active civic position. Indifferent participation in political and public life is fraught with the fact that it gives the opportunity to incompetent people in power to make the most unpopular and dangerous decisions.

By law, every person has the right to express his civic position. Each subject has the opportunity to take an active part in the political sphere of life. There is no need to think that everything has already been decided from above and your opinion cannot influence anything. It is necessary to monitor the events taking place in the country, analyze information coming from various sources, draw conclusions, and exert all possible influence on what is happening in the state. Because of the tacit consent and obedience of people, the Holocaust, Holodomor, Red Terror and other terrible events in human history became possible.

Civic duty

If citizenship presupposes the responsible performance of civic duty, then what is civic duty? Let's figure it out.

Civic duty is the requirements that are presented to a member of society in the form of his duties to society. In this case, society means the collective, classes and society as a whole.

Fulfilling civic duty is the responsibility of every person who wants to live in a developed and successful state. If it seems to someone that public interests in no way concern your personal sphere, then this is a big misconception. The processes taking place in society sooner or later affect everyone to a greater or lesser extent.


The development of citizenship is an important lever for the influence of an individual and society as a whole on the processes occurring in the political and other spheres of life in the country. If people do not recognize themselves as full-fledged members of society, capable of influencing the surrounding reality, there is a great risk of ending up in a totalitarian state, when all decisions are made by a handful of people and are not subject to criticism.

We are all citizens of some country. As every citizen, we have certain rights and responsibilities. There is no need to neglect them. In fact, a lot depends on us. Therefore, you should not stay away.

Active citizenship is a person’s conscious participation in the life of society, reflecting his conscious real actions (actions) in relation to the environment on a personal and social level, which are aimed at realizing public values ​​with a reasonable balance between personal and public interests.

The development of an individual’s active civic position is a continuous process of conscious, personal and socially significant, psychologically determined, civically oriented strengthening and development of the cognitive, motivational, moral and behavioral spheres of the individual under the influence of external and internal influences, one’s own efforts and specially designed pedagogical conditions.

We have identified the components of active citizenship: social activity, civic consciousness and civic qualities.

Social activity can be defined as a conscious, creative attitude towards labor and socio-political activities, as a result of which deep and complete self-realization of the individual is ensured. Activism is considered as a harmonious combination of labor and socio-political activities. An active attitude to life presupposes deep knowledge, comprehensively developed abilities and civic consciousness. Social activity is understood as conscious activity based on deep knowledge of the laws of social development.

An individual's civic self-awareness develops based on the individual's life position: awareness and assessment by a person of his knowledge, moral character and interests, ideals and motives of behavior, a holistic assessment of himself as an actor, as a feeling and thinking being as he realizes himself as a member of society, bearer of a socially significant position. A student’s understanding of his inner world depends on the formation of his social attitudes for himself.

Civic qualities are formed under the influence of the social environment and the individual’s own efforts in specially created conditions. A feeling of love for the Motherland, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and actions, initiative, independence - an important role in the process of educating these qualities is played by the formation and development of students’ needs and positive motives associated with these qualities.

Social activity as a person’s active attitude to society, which determines his civic behavior, life position (unstable in adolescence) influence the formation of civic consciousness and the development of civic qualities of the individual - patriotism, a sense of responsibility to the Motherland, a feeling of love for it.

The main vector in the formation and development of civic position is the development of the subject’s ability to rationally comprehend reality, understand the essence of social phenomena, situations, processes, development trends, the formation of civic consciousness, and as a result - self-determination and self-realization of the individual himself.

An active civic position is considered as a set of stable attitudes, assessments, attitudes towards the state, society, profession, towards other people, towards oneself, manifested in active activity and determining a person’s actions and actions in the aspect of civic values.

Need as a driving force for personal development encourages creative activity if it is mediated by social relations. The life position is realized in activity and requires activity from the individual. Activity is a reflection of certain integral personality traits: beliefs, knowledge, skills, inclinations, abilities, moral and volitional qualities.

Thus, the civic position is formed under the influence of the conditions in which the individual finds himself, and is realized in social activities through social activity, the effectiveness of the individual and the manifestations of his civic qualities.

An active civic position presupposes an interest in social work, initiative, diligence, awareness of personal significance, and the presence of organizational skills. The social activity and civic qualities of a teenager (the fundamental components of the active civic position of adolescents) can be judged by the position he takes when discussing and assessing the affairs of the team, and how he himself reacts to critical comments and assessments. The presence of the ability to reflect and adequate self-esteem is also an indicator of the level of civic consciousness of adolescents.

Speaking about the active civic position of adolescents, we rely on the fact that this is a life attitude that only begins its development in adolescence, therefore, to denote this process we use the term “becoming” the active civic position of adolescents.

The task of developing an active civic position of an individual is associated with the formation of a complex set of human interactions with the outside world and society, determining one’s position in society in accordance with humanistic ideals and principles.

The formation of an active civic position among adolescents is a complex process of development of an integrative personality quality, characterized by social activity and initiative, an organic combination of personal and civic values, which presupposes awareness of oneself as a citizen and an active participant in public life.

The effectiveness of activities aimed at developing the active civic position of young people in modern society can be tracked through the stages of development of personality traits, which were identified by D.I. Feldstein.

The first stage is awareness of your “I”.

The second stage in the development of personality traits is readiness to choose.

The third stage is readiness for the manifestation of “I”.

The fourth stage is using the opportunities of the environment for your own development. This stage is reflected in social projects.

Thus, an active civic position is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout a person’s life. It is not a once and for all acquired quality, but changes depending on the conditions in which a person finds himself.

The inclusion of young people in various types of socially significant activities significantly expands the scope of their social communication, the possibility of assimilating social values, and the formation of moral qualities of the individual. It is in the team that such important motives for a young person’s behavior and activity as a sense of duty, collectivism, and camaraderie are formed. Although teaching remains the primary activity for him, the main new formations in the psyche of a young man are associated with socially useful activities.

In the process of specially organized activities, young people master the cultural and material values ​​of society, acquire the skills and abilities of socially significant activities. A variety of activities helps them master the life experience necessary to implement personal plans, their views and judgments become broader, their creative abilities develop, and public opinion is formed. These activities can contribute to the formation of an active attitude of the young person to what he learns, sees and does. In this process, young people master the activity itself, become creators, and not passive performers..

Thus, the more meaningful and expedient the activity is structured and organized, the more opportunities there are for realizing the need for an active position, the more intelligently the process of interpersonal communication is structured, the more effective the formation of personality will be in the process of development.