Practical material on the correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Differentiation of sounds etc. educational and methodological material on the topic. Differentiation of consonants d - t in words and sentences VI. Physical education moment

Sayana Dashimolonova
Differentiation of sounds [k]-[t], [d]-[g]

.Sounds [K], [T], [G], [D] are acquired by children by the age of 2-3 years. This sounds"early ontogenesis". In the literature, sufficient attention has been paid to the production and automation of back-lingual sounds(V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko, I.S. Lopukhina, while the front-lingual sounds [T], [D] not considered enough (I. S. Lopukhina). This occurs because the most common replacement is back-lingual sounds to sounds [T], [D]. When meeting a child in the exact opposite situation (replacement sounds [T], [D] on sounds [K], [D]) difficulties arise in searching for lexical material, first for the automation of the specified front-lingual sounds and then on them differentiation with back-lingual sounds.

Therefore, we consider the main task of this work to be the selection of lexical material for this problem.

Staging and automation sounds [T], [D]

At this stage, works are excluded from the speech material sounds [G], [TO].

1. Formation of perception sounds [T], [D].

- Clap when you hear word: (soup, basin, tail, mouth, table, house, boa constrictor)". One of these words is called interspersed with any other words.

- Clap when you hear syllable: (ta, tu, from, dy, to)". One of these syllables is called interspersed with any other syllables that do not contain sounds [G], [D].

- Clap when you hear sound [T]([D])". Sounds are called interspersed with any sounds, except [G], [K].

2. Isolated pronunciation sound [T]([D]).

Multiple isolated pronunciation sound based on symbols (Fomicheva): “How do the wheels of a train knock? - t-t-t”, “How does a woodpecker knock on a tree? - d-d-d.”

3. Automation sounds in syllables.

Ta - tu - then yes - do - do

You - te - ta dy - de - yes

From - at - it dy - yes - to

Ut - at - from du - dy - to

4. Automation sounds in words.

Words with sound [T]: there, basin, Tom, Tolya, shoes, lotto, this, four, fox cubs, wolf cubs, bear cubs, squirrels, hedgehogs, calves, piglets, chickens, turkey poults, hares, foals, lettuce, robe, mouth, here, plane, pilot , here, fireworks, waving, waving, sleeping, sleeping, drinking, drinking, clapping, clapping, building, building, sniffing, sniffing, looking, watching, running, crying, crying, sitting, sitting, eating, eating, singing, singing , dancing, dancing, lucky, being driven, no, screw, fog, rooster.

Words with sound [D]: yes, give, Dasha, dacha, house, oak, smoke, shower, hollow, perfume, think, Water, going, pyramid, going, leaving, trouble, freedom, beard, lipstick, victory, team, outfits, traces, ponds , gardens, dishes.

5. Automation sounds

Most often, at this stage, it is already possible to use speech material that simultaneously contains sounds and [T] and [D].

Tolya is there. Tom is here. I'll wear your shoes. I think Danya is sleeping. The bunnies left tracks. Mom takes lipstick. Piglets are sleeping in the garden. Dad tightens the screw. Toma claps his hands. The foals are carrying firewood. Grandfather has a beard. Baby squirrels are sitting in a hollow. There is water in the shower. Toma and Tolya took out the lotto. Friends eating melon. I'm walking across the bridge. There's a fountain over there.

6. Poetic texts with sounds [T], [D].

The raccoon has Aunt Tonya.

Aunt Tonya is drowning in the mud.

Aunt Tonya, don't drown!

Hey, pull it, pull it!

Here come my friends

It's time to serve lunch.

An oak tree stands near the house,

The house is located near an oak tree.

The cat is sitting by the oak tree.

The cat is sitting near the house.

Mom's at home, dad's home,

Only Tom is not around.

Find our Toma!

Dancing there near the house.

Grandfather Danil gives melon -

Here is Dane, here is Tanya.

A woodpecker sits on an oak tree,

A woodpecker is chiseling branches.

Mom washes the floor

Dad is fixing the table

I put away the dishes

Our house is clean.

Dasha and Natasha go into the forest. In the forest they see an oak tree. Baby squirrels are sitting on an oak branch. Dasha and Natasha are waving baby squirrels: "Go home, to the hollow!"

Tolya goes to the shower. Water is flowing there. Tolya is standing under the shower. Then he soaps himself up. It's good to be clean and washed!

Sound differentiation [K-T]

A. Differentiation of sounds [K-T] by ear.

Slam-stomp game. Instructions: “If you hear the syllable TA, clap, if you hear the syllable KA, stamp.” Later, the game is played on the material sounds. At this stage, any traditional games are possible differentiation of speech sounds.

B. Differentiation of sound pronunciation [K-T].

1. Alternate naming of isolated sounds. Game "Rain-train". Instructions: "When I say rain, you say sound [K] when I say train, you say sound [T]".

2. Repetition of one, two and three syllables with sounds [K-T].

ka - ta - ka ta - ta - ka

you - ky - you ko - ko - that

ku - tu - tu you - ky - ky

3. Repeating words and naming pictures.

Dictionary: office, rope, captain, hood, roll, skating, caftan, fleece, branch, baby, nine, pipe, duck, cat, current, comet, room, chest of drawers, candy, hoof, jacket, horseshoe, hammer, skein, hunter , knock, knock, traveler, satellite, skating rink, candy, pumpkin, whistle, herring, boat, scarf.

4. Sound differentiation in phrases and sentences. Tasks:

a) “Count to five.” Several words are selected from the above dictionary,

b) "Ask and answer." The child asks about any inanimate object and answers: “What is this? - This is a rope.” The child asks about any animal and answers: “Who is this? - This is a dog” or “Who is here? - There is a sheep.”

Differentiation of sounds [G-D]

The tasks are the same as in the previous section.

Dictionary: guess, fortune telling, guess, arc, rainbow, weather, berry, when, bay, cities.

Differentiation of sounds [K-T-G-D]

1. Dictionary: guess, agate, Agata, taiga, cackle, drive, claw, ready, bassoon, team, girlfriend, thermometer, fishing rod, rain, herring, goslings, boat.

2. Offers:

Katya collects a bouquet. A fly is flying in the room. The house has two floors. Kolya eats cake. There is a cactus on the table. The sailor looks through binoculars. I'm going to the pharmacy for cotton wool. Tanya puts on a jacket. There is a chest of drawers in the room. Mom puts on a scarf. There are sweets on the plate. Grandfather pulls a turnip. The stork's nest is high. There is a bus at the stop. A cat is sitting on the window. The spider weaves a web. Katya has a beautiful bow. Grandfather sees a hippopotamus.

3. Lyrics:

The fog is falling

On bridges and bushes,

The fog is falling

On houses and gardens,

You can't see far here,

It's so easy to get lost!

What a house!

This is home!

There is one window in that house,

There's a movie going on in that window.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Who is this?

It's me, cat

Thin claw.

Everything is ready for hockey:

And skates and captains,

The teams are standing on the skating rink,

They are waiting for the whistle like a cat for sour cream!

Where am I going?

Who will I go from?

From that.

Who will be there?

There won't be anyone there.

I won't go there

I'll be home then!

There's a cat sitting on a chair,

He's watching the bow.

When the bow moves,

He'll throw himself at the bow!

Winter came. It's cold outside, freezing. Trees, roofs of houses, roads - everything is covered with snow. The rivers are covered with ice. The children are happy. They run with their skates to the skating rink.

Most of the texts provided are original. To independently select lexical material on this problem, you can use the literature from the list.


Konovalenko V.V., Klnovalenko S.V. Didactic material on pronunciation correction K sounds, K", G, G", X, X." - M.: "GNOM-PRESS", 1999.

Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy, exercises for development speeches: A manual for speech therapists and parents. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 1999.

Smirnova M.V. 2500 tongue twisters. For children 4-6 years old. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Neva", 2005.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

1. Teach the child to change the tempo of movement depending on the change in musical rhythm.

2. Develop dynamic hand praxis.

3. Teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds: [T] - [D], [T"] - [D"] (differentiation of voiced and voiceless consonants).

4. Teach the child syllabic synthesis of words.

5. Learn to analyze and compare words.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise “Listen carefully” (formation of general coordination of movements to rhythmic music).

An adult rings a tambourine, and a child runs to the sound of a tambourine. Then the adult knocks on the tambourine, the child marches to this music. The game is repeated several times.

Task 2. Exercise “Fists - palms” (development of dynamic hand praxis).

According to the instructions of the adult (according to the model, oral instructions), the child performs the following movements with his right and then with his left hand: clenches his hand into a fist, shows his palm, etc.

Task 3. Differentiation of sounds [T] - [D]. Name the first sound in children's names:

Tanya, Tolya, Tamara; Dasha, Dunya, Danila.

Compare the articulation of the sounds [T] and [D] (find the commonality and difference, paying attention to the “work of the neck”); remember the characteristics of the sounds [T] and [D], their designation.

Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [T]”:

t, d, d, t, t...; ta, yes, du, tu, you...; Tanya, Danya, shoes, water, hammer...

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”: ta-da, then-...; yeah, duh...

ta-ta-da; yes-yes; yes-ta-ta; ta-da-da; da-ta-da; ta-da-ta.

Didactic exercise “Make a word”: the adult pronounces the word syllable by syllable, and the child names it in its entirety.

Sa-mo-let, to-po-ry, to-va-ri-schi, do-ro-ga, for-sa-da, doo-bi-na...

The adult pronounces a series of words and asks the child to name the extra word (based on the presence of sounds [T] and [D] in the words):

shoes, house, road, oak; axe, firewood, pipe, current.

Task 4. From a number of pictures, select those whose names begin with the sound [T] ([D]); games with pictures: “What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?”.

Select words with sounds [T] and [D], determine the place of sounds in words (if it is difficult, use a card and blue circles, with and without a bell).

Remember the riddles for the sounds [T] and [D] (see topics No. 7, 10).

Replace the sound [T] with the sound [D] in words. What words did you get? Come up with suggestions with them:

tom - house, dot - ..., car - ...

Correct mistake. What sounds are mixed up?

The poet finished the line and put his daughter at the end.

A boy catches fish with a duck.

A fishing rod floats on the lake.

Task 5. Differentiation of sounds [T"] - [D"]. Name the first sound in the words Tim, Dima.

Compare the articulation of sounds [T"], [D"], paying attention to the “work of the neck”, remember characteristics and the designation of these sounds.

Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [D"]”:

t, d, d, t...; tya, dya, di, ti...; Timur, Denis, girl, tiger...

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

cha-dia, te-..., di-ti, ti-..., du-...

Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

cha-cha-dya, dia-cha-dya, dia-cha-dya, cha-dya-dya, cha-dya-dya, dia-dya-dya.

Didactic exercise “Make a word”:

te-le-fon, te-le-vi-zor, de-re-vo, Di-mu-la...

Task 6. From a series of pictures, the child must remove the extra one (based on the presence of sounds [T"] and [D"] in the words), while the adult does not name the pictures:

TV, sofa, tiger, telephone.

Didactic exercise “Give a gift to Tima and Dima” (choose words with the sounds [T"] and [D"]).

Replace the sound [T"] with the sound [D"] in words. What words will you get? Make up sentences with these words:

body - business, shadow..., Tim..., Tina...

Task 7. Differentiation of sounds [T] - [D], [T"] - [D"].

Name voiced consonants and voiceless consonants; name hard consonants, soft consonants ([T], [D], [T"], [D"]). Learn tongue twisters:

A black grouse sits on a tree,

And the grouse with the grouse.

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass.

The adult names a word with one of the sounds ([T], [D], [T], [D"]), and the child raises the corresponding letter.

Exercise for developing coordination of speech with movements:

- Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo,

Lost the shepherd doo-doo!

And I found a pipe

I gave away the shepherdess.


(The child imitates playing the pipe.)

Task 8. Sound analysis and comparison of words.

Composing words from the letters of the split alphabet, reading, copying, writing in block letters under dictation, transforming words using the letters of the split alphabet.

Tima - Dima, Tom - house.

Municipal state educational institution

"Talmen secondary school No. 6"

Talmensky district of Altai Territory

Regional competition "Innovation Project"

Subject: speech therapy

Group speech therapy lesson project

“Differentiation [D] - [T]”

2nd grade

Technology: health-saving

Nomination: correctional and developmental education

Prepared by: speech therapist teacher

Nazarenko Tatyana Viktorovna


Explanatory note

Various types of written speech disorders are not uncommon in schools, so correction of dysgraphia remains very relevant. Dysgraphic errors are specific writing errors that are not related to the application of the grammatical rules of the native language. The causes of the disorders may be underdevelopment of phonemic hearing (difficulties in distinguishing by the sound and pronunciation of sounds), leading to displacement of letters in words. Violation of language analysis and synthesis (the ability to divide text into sentences, sentences into words, words into syllables, syllables into sounds\letters) leading to: incorrect placement of periods in sentences, writing the first words of sentences with a small letter, spelling several words together or dividing writing of parts of one word, violation of the sequence of writing letters in a word, their omissions, insertions, substitutions. The proposed lesson is designed for 2nd grade speech therapy group students with reading and writing impairments caused by NVONR. It is aimed at developing skillsdifferentiate sounds in isolation, in syllables, words in a sentence by ear and correctly designate them in writing. The lesson uses self-assessment for each task, with the help of chips of different colors, students evaluate their success on this topic. Red chip - completed the task, yellow - experienced difficulties, green - could not complete the task.

The proposed lesson corresponds to current educational programs, therefore, when preparing for the lesson, it can be used by a teacher-speech therapist in the classroom.Having carried out reflection at the end of the lesson, I see the need for such classes, since this form increases interest in the lesson and students better understand this topic.

Target: To create conditions for students to establish the difference between voicedness and deafness, to learn to successfully differentiate sounds in isolation, in syllables, words in a sentence by ear and to correctly designate them in writing. Clarification of sound articulation.



    Form positive learning motivation.

    Build skilldifferentiate sounds in isolation, in syllables, words;

Correctional and developmental:

    Develop gross motor skills.

    Work on the development of articulatory motor skills;

    Expand your vocabulary;

    Develop phonemic awareness and self-control skills;


    Foster a desire to speak correctly and beautifully;

    Cultivate interest in classes.

Didactic tools:

Pictures whose names contain [D], [T]. Letters "D" and "T" according to the number of students. Individual mirrors, balls, syllable table,

interactive board.

Formed UUD:

Regulatory: determine the purpose of educational activities, develop the ability to control, and adjust one’s actions.

Cognitive : relate objects to known concepts.

Communicative: learn to formulate your thoughts in oral speech, taking into account educational speech situations, and interact in a group.

Planned results of the lesson:

    Subject: Students willbe able to distinguish the sounds [D], [T], by voicedness - deafness. Differentiate the sounds [D], [T], in isolation, in syllables, words, in a sentence.

    Metasubject: Students will be able to correctly perceive and retain information by ear, and perform actions according to verbal instructions.

    Personal: Students will be able to evaluate themselves.

Lesson stages

2. Organizational and preparatory stage.

2.1.Exercise for developing fine motor skills (using balls)

2.2. Articulation gymnastics

    Main part of the lesson

3.1. Differentiation of sounds [D], [T].

3.2. Differentiation of sounds [D], [T] in syllables

3.3. Differentiation of sounds [D], [T] in words

Physical education minute

(speech with movement)

3.4. Differentiation of sounds [D], [T] in a sentence

4. Reflection

5. Summary of the lesson

Names of the day of the week, date of the lesson. Remembering the months of the year I - XII ), days of the week. -The one who names the months, days of the week, with the sounds [D], [T], will sit down.

The little ones went out for a walk and started playing with balls:

-Hello index finger!

-Hello thumb!

-Hello middle finger!

-Hello thumb!

-Hello ring finger!

-Hello thumb!

-Hello little finger!

-Hello thumb!

And now the fingers began to play football and call for the ball.

We need to play with the sun, we’ll throw the ball up!

And now we’re stroking the ball here and there, that’s it!

Rate yourself!


Our lips smiled
They went straight to my ears.
You try “And-and-and” say,
Show me your fence.


A baby elephant came to visit us,
Amazing child.
Look at the baby elephant
Pull your lips with your proboscis.

"Clock" "Pendulum"

One after another, one after another,
The arrows are moving in a circle.
You lick both lips
Show me how the arrows move.

Pendulum back and forth
He does it like this: “One – two”

The mint moves in the clock:
To the left is a tick, and to the right is like that.
You can do this:
Tick ​​and so, tick and so?

I rested and stretched,

Turned left, right,

Like this: tick-tock, tick-tock.


And now the swing is up,
We pull, we pull to the skies.
Down is their flight now,
And no one is lagging behind.

"Punish the naughty tongue"

Your tongue is mischievous,
He doesn't listen to you.
Punish him quickly:
“Five-five, five-five, five-five-five!”


We baked some pancakes

Cooled on the window,

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.


Our tongue has grown wiser.
He managed to make a cup.
You can pour tea there.
And drink it with sweets.

"Pussy is angry"

Our pussy got angry:
They forgot to wash her bowl.
Don't come close to her -
Pussy can scratch!


Clack-clack-clack along the pavement -The horse is coming towards you and me.Click your tongue fasterMay she come soon.


Let's take the drum in our hands,
And let's start playing on it.
The tongue was raised up
“D-d-d-d” they knocked.

( Isolation of differentiating consonants from syllables)

Which word is missing? Why?

Girl, doctor, car, daughter.

(Message of the topic of the lesson)

Differentiation [D], [T],

Comparison of [D], [T], by articulation.Speech therapist shows students portraits of sounds[D] and [T]. Guys, let's compare the sounds with their graphic representation.



1) Game “Catch the Sound” [D], [N] [R], [T] [M], [D] [S], [V] [T], [K] [D], [T] Let's now open the notebooks and write down the letters, alternating "d" and "t", in a line with pronunciation.Rate yourself!

2) The game “Repeat, take your time, and make sure you don’t make a mistake.” Yes-ta-da, then-do-youDoo-doo-too, you-you-youTla-dlaTmo-dmoTwo or twoThree-threeGuys, repeat after me the syllable sequence: da-ta-da, ta-da-ta, da-da-ta.Now we write down the syllable series da-ta-da, ta-da-ta, da-da-ta in a notebook and then read it.Rate yourself!

Guys, pay attention to the board, I suggest you insert the letters “d” and “t” into the words

Now try to insert the letters that represent the sounds yourself. [D] and [D], [T] and [T] and write the words in your notebook. Let's check if you completed the task.Rate yourself!

Shla MaTRyona and OgorodA.

BydbiteToh found UdOdA.

AnddOdto her: "Dy-dy-dy!

ITdon't sing to bothdy!

To the womanTI'll run away

Dast she to meTto the enemy!

Guys, while we were resting our lettersD and T got everything mixed up. Let's restore the correct spelling of words. Read. What happened?

Now, from memory, reconstruct the text from the plot pictures

What did I like?Where was it easy for me? Where was it difficult?What do you need to work on?

What sounds did we compare today in class?How are they similar and how are they different?

Students name months, days of the week, for example: MarchT , d December, Mondayd spruce forest, inT ornik,
Students move the ball with their fingers, accompanying them with words.

Roll the ball on the table from hand to hand.
Throw the ball up.
Roll the ball along the outer and inner palm.
Children choose chips according to their self-esteem.

Do the exercises.

Student answers.

Students look in individual mirrors, make sounds[D], [T]

They clap to the sounds [D], [T]

Students choose chips according to their self-esteem

Children repeat syllables with visual supportRepeat without visual support:
Read syllables according to a syllabic table

Students complete the speech therapist's assignment in their notebooks
Students choose chips according to their self-esteem

Students come to the board if they wish.

Students complete the speech therapist's assignment in their notebook.

Students choose chips according to their self-esteem
Students perform movements and speak together with the speech therapist.

Children's answer - text

Students choose chips according to their self-esteem

Students choose chips according to their self-esteem

Lay out the chips and answer questions.

Children's answers

Regulatory UUD: accept the goal of performing actions and planning joint activities.

Regulatory UUD: highlighting and realizing what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, assessing the quality and level of assimilation.Cognitive UUD: master a number of articulation exercises. Personal UUD: the ability to self-assess based on criteria for successfully completing exercises.

Communicative UUD: the ability to accurately and correctly perform the tasks of a speech therapist. Formulate your own opinion and position. Regulatory UUD: understand the purpose of performing actions Cognitive UUD: recording individual difficulties in performing exercises

Communicative UUD: the ability to accurately and correctly perform the tasks of a speech therapist. Formulate your own opinion and position. Regulatory UUD: understand the purpose of performing actions Cognitive UUD: recording individual difficulties in performing exercises.

Communicative UUD: the ability to accurately and correctly perform the tasks of a speech therapist. Formulate your own opinion and position. Regulatory UUD: understand the purpose of performing actions Cognitive UUD: recording individual difficulties in performing exercises

Regulatory UUD: understand the purpose of performing actions

Communicative UUD: the ability to accurately and correctly perform the tasks of a speech therapist. Formulate your own opinion and position. Regulatory UUD: understand the purpose of performing actions Cognitive UUD: recording individual difficulties in performing exercises

Communicative UUD: form your opinion and position. Use verbal means adequately, construct a monologue, and master the grammatical structure of speech. Cognitive UUD: Make comparisons, establish a cause-and-effect relationship in the range of phenomena being studied. Make judgments about an object, its structure, properties and connections. Communicative UUD: the ability to accurately and correctly perform the tasks of a speech therapist. Formulate your own opinion and position. Personal UUD: the ability to self-assess based on criteria for successful performance.


    Krupenchuk, O. I. Teach me to speak correctly! Speech therapy manual for children and parents. / O. I. Krupenchuk. - St. Petersburg : Litera Publishing House, 2001. - 208 p.

    Kukushina V.S. “Speech therapy at school” edited by V.S. Kukushina - publishing center "Mart" Rostov-on-Don 2010

    Uzorova, O. V. Finger gymnastics. / O. V. Uzorova, E. A. Nefedova. - M., Ast, Astrel, 2002. – 94 p.

    Sirotyuk A. L. Correction of education and development of schoolchildren. / A. L. Sirotyuk. – M.: TC Sfera, 2002. – 80 p.

    Correction of written speech grades 1-4 N.P. Meshcherikova, E.V. Zubovich, S.V. Leontyev Volgograd edition 2009

  1. Grodilova V.I., M.Z. Kudryavtseva “Collection of exercises for correcting deficiencies in writing and reading”\a manual for classes with children of primary school age - KARO St. Petersburg 2008

    Disc “Interactive speech games” Federal State Educational Standard, “TRAINER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS”

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Speech therapy topic: Differentiation of sounds [d]-[t], [d"]-[t"].

Grammar topic: Prepositions TO, FROM, TO.

Lexical topic: Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic “Transport”.

Form: lesson-travel.

Type of lesson: explanation of new material.

Group: 1st grade teachers with NV ONR.

Lesson duration: 45 minutes (second half of the year)

Purpose of the lesson: differentiation of sounds [d] - [t], [d"] - [t"] in syllables, words and sentences based on conscious control over the work of the organs of articulation.

Correctional educational tasks:

  • clarify the articulatory structure when pronouncing sounds [d] - [t], [d"] - [t"];
  • differentiate the sounds [d] - [t], [d"] - [t"] in syllables, words, sentences and designate them in writing with the corresponding letters;
  • activate, clarify and enrich students’ vocabulary;
  • clarify the specific meaning of prepositions to, from, to;
  • practice the correct use of prepositions.

Correction and development tasks:

  • practice using words with complex syllable structures;
  • develop phonemic perception, sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis skills;
  • develop and train motor-motor coordination, visual-spatial gnosis and praxis;
  • develop visual and auditory attention, logical thinking and memory;
  • develop gross and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational tasks:

  • develop the ability to work at a given pace;
  • develop the ability to work in a group;
  • cultivate a culture of pronunciation;
  • promote the development of perseverance and attentiveness;
  • develop interest in speech therapy classes.

Lesson equipment: magnetic board, marker, colored magnets, workbooks, pens, pencils; screen, projector, computer.

Didactic material: transport image.

Lexical material: syllables, words, sentences rich in studied sounds.

Lesson plan.

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Introduction to the topic.
  3. Comparative characteristics of sounds. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.
    1. Comparison by articulation.
    2. Characteristics of sounds, correlation with symbols to designate them.
  4. Articulation gymnastics
  5. Speech exercise
  6. Development of phonemic awareness.
  7. Physical education lesson “Locomotive”
  8. Sound and syllabic analysis.
  9. Differentiation in syllables: Definition of a syllable with the sounds d–t, d"-t" in words.
  10. Physical education lesson “How are you living?”
  11. Differentiation d–t, d"-t" in words: Transformation of words. Working with homonyms.
  12. Differentiation d–t, d"-t" in sentences: Working with prepositions K, OT, DO.
  13. Summary of the lesson.

The presentation is made for frontal work. Each slide consists of tasks that change at the click of a mouse or automatically after the previous slide. If necessary, install the Propisi.TTF font on your computer (included in the presentation package).

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.


- Guys, name the days of the week in order. How many days are there in a week? What day of the week is it today? What season? What comes after winter, after spring? What time of year is it before autumn? And so on.

II. Introduction to the topic.

– Today we will be traveling, so let’s collect the things we will need along the way (sneakers, suitcase, phone, water, umbrella, toothbrushes). (Slide 2)

Analysis of words: presence of sounds d - t in words, place of sound (beginning, middle, end).

– What sounds did we find in the words? (sounds D – T, D " – T ")

III. Comparative characteristics of sounds. Formulation of the topic of the lesson.

1. Comparison by articulation

– Look in the mirror and determine what helps us pronounce the sounds [d] – [t]. When we pronounce them, our tongue and lips behave in exactly the same way. The only difference is that when pronouncing the sound [d], the vocal cords are involved, that is, our neck works, we pronounce the sound with our voice. Place the back of the pen on your throat and feel it for yourself. And when pronouncing the sound [t], the neck does not work, that is, the sound is pronounced without a voice.

– What conclusion can we draw? (the sound D is pronounced with a voice, which means it is voiced, and the sound T is pronounced without a voice, which means it is deaf).

– What letters represent these sounds? (letters De and Te).

- Let's remember how they are written. (Slide 3, 4)

2. Characteristics of sounds, correlation with symbols to designate them.

– Now we will characterize the sounds:

  • [d] – consonant, voiced, hard, its symbol is a blue square with a bell;
  • [d"] – consonant, voiced, soft, its symbol is a green square with a bell;
  • [t] – consonant, voiceless, hard, its symbol is a blue square;
  • [t"] – consonant, voiceless, soft, its symbol is a green square. (slide 5, 6)

– Today we will learn to distinguish the sounds D – T, D “- T”.

(Children write down the lowercase and capital letters D and T in their notebooks.)

IV. Articulation gymnastics.

- Let's do gymnastics for the tongue.

Exercises for the tongue: “Smile”, “Tube”, “Spatula”, “Clock”.

V. Speech exercises.

– It’s always more fun on the road when you sing songs. Let's practice.


DA-DA-DA DIM-DIM-TIM TO-DO-DO. (we answer)

TI-DI-TI HOUSE-COM-TOM DO-YOU-YOU! (we are surprised)

VI. Development of phonemic awareness.

- Well, now we are ready to travel. Guys, look at the board, name what is shown in one word (transport). What types of transport do you see here? (ground passenger and cargo; underground passenger; water passenger and cargo; air passenger).

– What type of transport did you not name? (if children do not name any transport, the speech therapist explains)

– You and I will travel by ground passenger transport, the name of which contains the sounds [T] or [D]. Name the transport we will need (bus, tram, car, train) d) (Slide 9).

- Let's clap how many syllables are in these words. Let's determine which syllable our sounds are in. Describe these sounds.

VII. Physical education lesson “Locomotive”.

– The first type of transport we will travel by is a train. Let's imagine that we are traveling on a steam locomotive.

The train is going, going: Rotate both hands alternately at the elbow joint;
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug. “fist-rib-palm” counting 2 times;
He takes the kids home: repeat the “train” movement;
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug. “fist-rib-palm” 2 times;
Past the pines and mountain ash: “little train”, we speed up the pace;
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug. “fist-rib-palm” 2 times;
Past the fir trees and aspen trees: "train" at a fast pace;
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug. “fist-rib-palm” 2 times, fast pace;
Stop on the lawn: slowly spread your arms to the sides, stretch;
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug. “fist-rib-palm” 2 times, slow down the pace;
We'll jump like bunnies: hands on the belt, jumping on two legs;
One-two-three, one-two-three. jumping alternately on the left and right leg;
Let's play, let's have fun jumping with turns left and right;
And we get on the bus. We march in place. (Slide 10)

VIII. Sound and syllabic analysis.

– Now let’s clap how many syllables are in the word “bus” (3 syllables). Draw a diagram of the word in your notebooks. What's the first syllable? (av) Fill the first syllable with colored circles. (Work with 2 and 3 syllables is carried out in a similar way. One student composes at the board with magnets)

- Let's call the word “bus” and highlight the stressed syllable. Let's put the emphasis on the vowel in the diagram.

– What is the number of sounds [t]? (sound [t] third in a row)

- Let's check if you did the right thing.

IX. Differentiation d–t, d"-t" in syllables.

Definition of syllables with sounds d–t, d"-t" in words.

– When we traveled by bus, we saw a lot of interesting things along the road. – Who remembered what we saw? (trees, houses, flowers).

- I will tell you the words, and you will write down in your notebooks only the syllable that contains the sound - t, d "-t".

Words: du would, pine trees, That field, birch, before Mick, Yes cha, de rhubarb, those lega.

- Let's check which syllables you wrote down. (du, then, before, yes, de, those)

(Collective review underway)

X. Physical education minute.

Finger gymnastics. "How are you?"

- How are you? - Like this (show thumb)

- How are you going? Like this (walk two fingers across your palm)

-Are you running? – Like this (bend your elbows and make movements as if running)

- Do you sleep at night? - Like this (hands under the cheek, bend your head)

– How do you take it – Like this (bend your palm into a fist)

- How do you give it? - Like this (open palm)

- How are you silent? - Like this (Cover your palm with your hand)

- Are you threatening? - Like this (shake your finger at your neighbor).

XI. Differentiation d–t, d"-t" in words.

Working with homonyms.

– So that you don’t get bored while traveling, I suggest playing the game “Say the Word.” (Slide 12–15)

– Here are encrypted words. Let's solve the first word. What is the third sound in the word “bucket”; what is the sound before the M sound in the word “catfish”; third sound in the word "suitcase"? (Slide 12)

- What word did you get? (the word "house").

The second word is analyzed similarly according to the task (the word “volume”) (Slide 13).

– What sound do the words differ in? (differ in sounds T - D) (Slide 14)

– Let’s write down the words HOUSE, TOM in a column in a notebook. Replace the vowel O in the word HOUSE with Y. What is the word? (SMOKE) Write this word in your notebook, moving to the right of the word HOUSE.

Replace the vowel O in the word TOM with A. What word do you get? (THERE).

– Write it down in your notebook, indenting to the right of the word TOM. Underline with one line T, and two – d.

house smoke

Tom there

– What is the difference between the words duck and fishing rod?

(in the word fishing rod the second sound is [d], and in the word duck the second sound is [t]) (Slide 15).

XII. Differentiation d–t, d"-t" in sentences.

Working with prepositions TO, FROM, TO.

– To get home, we need to transfer to another passenger transport. Guess the riddle and find out which transport we will use next.

He rides loudly on the rails,
And it rings: “Hey, don’t yawn!”
Rest at the bus stop
And he will go again...( tram)

“Our journey is coming to an end, so it’s time for us to go home.” Look at the screen. Where did the tram go?

(The tram has arrived before Houses). (Slide 16)

– How many words are there in a sentence? (four) The word “before” is written separately because it is a preposition.

– Make up a sentence with the words “car” and “tractor”.

(The car arrived To entrance. The tractor drove off from at home.) (Slide 16)

– Name the prepositions in these sentences. (prepositions To And from).

– Let’s write down the outline of the sentence “The tractor drove away from the house” in a notebook.

- Let's find the letters De and Te in the words and write them in the diagram. Write the preposition OT in the diagram.

– Check if you wrote it down correctly. (Slide 17)

– Let’s write down the outline of the sentence “The car pulled up to the entrance.”

(The sentence is analyzed in the same way. One student writes on the board.)

– What great fellows you are! They did everything right!

XIII. Summary of the lesson.

- Our journey has ended. So, what did we do in class today? What sounds did they learn to isolate from syllables and words, what letters did they write, what new things did they learn? (we learned to identify the sounds [d]-[t] and [d"]-[t"]. We wrote the letters “De” “Te”. We learned to use small words correctly - prepositions, remembered all types of transport. We wrote down syllables and words with sounds [d]-[t]. They made sentence diagrams.

- Well done, goodbye!

The speech therapist thanks all the children for their work, especially noting individual students. Says goodbye to the group.


  1. Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P. Teaching to read and write without errors: A set of exercises for speech therapists to work with primary schoolchildren to prevent and correct deficiencies in reading and writing. – M.: ARKTI, 2007.
  2. Yastrebova A.V. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in primary school students in general education institutions. – M.: ARKTI, 1999.
  3. Yastrebova A.V., Bessonova T.P. Instructional and methodological letter on the work of a speech therapist teacher at a secondary school ( The main directions of forming the prerequisites for productive mastery of the native language teaching program for children with speech pathology). – M: KOGITO – CENTER, 1996. – (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers).

Training exercises

Exercise 1.Read the syllables in pairs. Tell me what sounds these pairs of syllables differ in.

yes - ta ta - yes uncle - tya - dya dyatya do-to-do-do - te to-do te-de do - tu tu - du du-ty tu-du de-te dy - you you - dy di - ti ti - di tu - du.

Task 2.Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.

Ta, dia, po, do, then, you, dy, do, ti, te, de, de, then, tu, tu, du;

tla, for, tlo, dlo, tlya, dli, tly, dra, tra, tru, lie.

Task 3.Listen to the sound combinations, write down only the consonant:

Ada, ata, ode, ota, utu, udu, go, iti, udu, udi, uti.

Task 4.Listen, Remember the rows of syllables, repeat them in same sequence:

ta - da - ta tu - doo - tu ta - da - ta - da da - ta - da doo - tu - doo da - ta - da - ta



Task 5.Read and repeat the syllable sequences:

to-do-to to - to - do- to to -do - to - to di - ti - di ti - di - di - di di - ti - di - ti di - uncle du - du - du - t you - dy - you - dy de - te - de be - te - te - de de - te - de - te.

Task 6.Write down the syllables and sound combinations in two lines: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with the letter t:

a) Yes, ta, tu, de, te, tu, tu, du, dy, you, then, do, di, ti;

b) ada, ata, atu, adu, odu, otu, uda, uta ute, ude, udi, uti.

Exercise7. Write down syllables and sound combinations from dictation:

Yes, then, before, you, you, dy, ti, de, those, du, tu; hell, atu, ote, ode, go, iti, yuta, food, these.

Differentiation d - t in words

Exercise 1.Listen to the words, name which sound - d or t - a) is at the beginning of the word, b) is in the middle of the word.

Sample answer a: a) in the word house there is a sound d;

b) in the word rooster - the sound t.

a) House, smoke, there. Tom, dark, share, roofing felt, think, quietly, shoes, friend, aphid, for, friendship, difficult, work;

b) rooster, branch, buckets, wind, weather, victory, dishes.

Task 2.Listen to the words, write down the syllables with the letters d or lit , write down these syllables.

Melons, body, business, breathe, quiet, sofa, perfume, you, fog, gardens, honeycombs, cats, I'm going, go, traces, rainbow, victory, quiet, trumpet, grass, dragon, wall, broom, other, difficult.

Task 3. Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. What sounds do these words differ in? Orally make a sentence with each word.

House - volume;

dacha - wheelbarrow;

Dima - Tim;

daughter - dot;

shower - mascara;

business - body;

fishing rod - duck;

fruits - rafts;

day is shadow.

Task 4. Look at the pictures. Determine the presence and location of the sounds d, t in the names of these pictures.

Exercise7. Write down the words in three columns: in the first - with the letter d, in the second - with the letter that, in the third - with the letters d and t. Divide three or more complex words into syllables.

There, difficult, notebook, date, touched, reached, wind, cloud, blew, knocking, elegant, moved away, countries, hit, fog, dragged, dozed off, doors, whistle, trumpet, girlfriend, grass.

Task 8.Complete the words by adding the syllables yes or ta.

Task 9.Complete the words by adding the syllables du or tu.

May for...small forgot... ...may

Ha pros...yes at... ...goy

Task 10.Complete the words by adding the syllable di. or tee.

de... ...ho lu...

howl... ...tetra... howl...those

uh... ...hiy in...those.

Task 11.Change the words by adding the syllable te. Write down the resulting words syllable by syllable.

Sample: come in-voy-di-te.

Go - ..., leave - ..., come - ..., move away - ..., find - ..., come in - ..., move away - ..., put on - ..., think - ..., erase -

Task 12.Change the words by adding the prefix do. Write down the resulting words.

Sample: drag - drag.

Heat - .... melt - .... pull - ..., hold -..., carry - ..., drink-..., run-..., eat-..., move - ..., knock -..., endure - ..., pound - ....

Task 13.Change the words by adding the prefix from. Write down the resulting word syllable by syllable.

Sample: melted - melted.

Gave - ...” dragged - ..., divided -..., pressed - ..., sharpened - ..., pulled - ..., melted - ..., pushed - .... gave - ....

Task 14.Fill in the missing letter d or t in the words.

Trak...or, boro...a, s...reoa, vor...a, gr...usnik, zavo...noy, ve...ka,, pogo. ..a, jelly...i, m6lo...ok, o...blanket,, capus...a, steam...a, y...point, ...e ...ra...b, ...ozh...ik, s...a...o,

Task 15.Copy the words by inserting the missing letter d or t. Explain why you inserted this particular letter:

A) Duck - y...ochka, berry - yago...ka, weather - sunny...ka, herring - sele...ka, boat - lo...ka, joke - shu...ka,

notebook - tetra...ka, twig -ve,..ka, baby - de...ka, lining-lining.-.ka; .

b) sweet -, mark - sharp, smooth - smooth, rare -, short d - short;

c) ridge - ridge... ka, scarf -, patch - patch... ka, strands-straight... ka.

Task 16. For these words, select test words so that after the consonants d, t a vowel appeared. Write these words down.

Sample: bush - bushes, notebook - notebooks.

cold-... ice-... ticket-... robe-... factory - ...

record - ... city-... nail-... bear-... pond-...

dinner - ... ice drift-... bridge-... hi-... rod-...

trail - ... parade - ... milk mushroom - ... mole-... year-...

brother-... raccoon-... plane-... hail-...

Task 17. Insert the missing letter d or t into the words. Write the test word in brackets.

Sample: city(s).

barely..., bare..., whip..., pr..., gra..., salyu..., zavo..., drank..., ogoro..., sa..., vinogra..., ala..., plaka..., como..., barely..., barely..., chocolate..., marmela..., droz..., glue... .

Task 18. Answer the questions in one word. Write down the answer words. Underline the letters d, t in them."


What is the weather like in winter?

What is the weather like in summer?

What days are there in summer?

What days are there in winter?

What is the name of the tool used to make holes in the wall?

Words for reference: warm, cold, short, long, drill.

Task 19.. Name and write down the following concepts in one word:

The last month of the year, the first month of spring; the last month of summer, the first day of the week; third day of the week; fifth day of the week.

Task 20. Guess the riddles. Write down the answers. Underline the letter d or t.

Round, not a month. Yellow, not oil. Sweet, not sugar.

With a tail, not a mouse.

I'm a fluffy ball

I turn white in a clean field,

And the breeze blew -

A stalk remains.

It goes between villages and fields, I do it at any time of the year, and people still walk along it. And in any bad weather

Colored rocker,

It hung in the sky.

Very quickly at any hour I will take you underground.

Guess: melon, dandelion, road, rainbow, subway

Task 21.Solve the crossword puzzle.

Methodical instructions. Students are given cards with a crossword puzzle. On the board there is a description of the items that are included in the crossword puzzle. Mandatory condition: select for the crossword only those words whose names contain there is sound d or T.

Vertical: 1. Educational accessory for classroom and homework.

4 6 8

Horizontal: 2. A punctuation mark that is placed at the end of a sentence.

3. A tool used by a blacksmith.

4. The substance found in the thermometer. .

5. A piece of classroom equipment on which students write.

6. Forest bird. .

7. Mesato, where children have fun in winter.

8. Sudden attack of troops. ---- Words for right k: vertical: 1. Notebook.

Horizontally; 2. Dot. 3. Hammer. 4. Mercury, 6. Board. 6.

Woodpecker. 7. Ice rink. 8.Attack.

Differentiation d - t in sentences

Training exercises

Exercise 1.Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate word.

dacha - wheelbarrow In the summer we lived in a small...

Tolya carried bricks to...

daughter - period At the end of the sentence you should put...

Mom led the little one by the hand....

shower - mascara For drawings you need...

Cold... useful to everyone.

fishing rod - duck A gray girl was swimming on the lake...

The fisherman needs a good...

fruits - rafts Delicious fruits have ripened in the garden....

We floated along the river....

day - shadow Under the tree-...

Today is good....

board - longing In sister Alyonushka's heart...

Rotted in the fence....

chair - blown away The wind... the last leaves.

Move the guest... Move... closer.

passed-became Kolya... an engineer.

Brother... final exam.

Task 2.For the words from point a, select the words from point b that are suitable in meaning:

a) Cold, thick, heavy, copper, younger, ancient;

b) Melody, bucket, grass, sister, trumpet, wind;

a) Commodity, summer, copper, swan, icy, berry;

b) Rain, trains, places, pipe, flock, water.

Task 3.Write word combinations with letters from the sentence d, t. Underline the letters d, t different pencils.

Example: A cold wind has been blowing all day. Cold wind.

The sun shines dimly. Cold wind is blowing. Cold rains often occur. The last leaves are falling from the trees. The birds flew to warm countries. The days have become short. Dima always has clean notebooks. The students wrote a difficult dictation. Alyosha fell ill and was given a thermometer. Cold showers are beneficial. There was an old dacha by the pond. The girl collected cold water from a wooden well.

Task 4.Come up with and write down sentences with each phrase. Underline the letters d, t.

It's a difficult matter. Shady garden. Difficult task,

Blank notebook. Oak pillars. Heavy bucket.

Sweet cake. Smooth ice. Last leaves