Characteristics of diagnostic work of physical education teachers with methodological competence. Psychological and pedagogical competence of a physical education teacher. Theoretical questions in psychology

The activities of a physical education teacher are based on solving the following tasks: developing a system of knowledge about physical education and vital motor skills; development of individual motor abilities and increasing the level of physical fitness of students; education of value orientations towards physical improvement of the individual; formation of the need for regular physical exercise and a chosen sport; education of moral and volitional qualities; development of interpersonal communication experience.

In physical education lessons we form the following competencies: key (forming the will to win); general cultural; social (sports games as a means of developing social competence); educational and cognitive; personal; informational; communicative; self-educational; competent attitude towards one's own health; subject: health-adaptive, organizational (daily routine), motor-conditioning, motor-applied, sports-recreational.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical culture: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance General cultural Knowledge of the cultural and historical foundations of physical culture, awareness of the role of physical culture in the formation of the ability to achieve comprehensive physical and spiritual development, a healthy lifestyle; maintaining health and high performance; preparation for work and defense of the Fatherland. Determining the importance of systematic physical education for improving health, increasing the level of physical fitness and preventing diseases; development of interest and habit of systematic physical education and sports.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical education: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Educational and cognitive Knowledge of the basics of physical development and education with the aim of forming a spiritually rich and physically healthy personality. Acquiring the knowledge necessary for physical education and sports; knowledge of the basics of personal and public hygiene; knowledge of the rules for regulating physical activity in the context of morning exercises and regular sports.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical education: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Communicative Possession of different types of information; ability to conduct a discussion on the problems of development of sports and physical education; developing your own position on these issues. The ability to analyze and evaluate the activities of friends and classmates; the ability to give recommendations for independent physical education, based on modern physical education and health technologies.

Demonstration of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical education: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Social Understanding of the benefits of physical exercise for human health, increasing one’s ability to work and increasing life expectancy, as well as the role of physical exercise in the prevention of occupational diseases and in the fight against industrial injuries . Ability to use physical education means to prepare for professional activities; possession of modern requirements for the scientific organization of work and rest.

Manifestation of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical education: Key competencies Social significance Personal significance Personal Proficiency in self-realization techniques; personal and life self-determination. Mastery of techniques of personal self-expression and self-development; the ability to control the physical state of the body.

The basis of the program of activities of a physical education teacher for the formation of key competencies of students is the educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in physical education, where the basic requirements for the level of training of high school graduates indicate that the student must acquire the following competencies: in the field of health and rehabilitation, motor activity, self-control and individual physical development. The development of communicative competence is carried out in all physical education lessons.

Communicative competence. It includes: knowledge of the necessary languages; ways of interacting with surrounding and distant people and events; group work skills; possession of various social roles in a team. The student must be able to: introduce himself, write a letter, questionnaire, application, ask a question, lead a discussion, etc.

Activities of a physical education teacher in developing key competencies of students: Formed competencies Goals of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health Personal Fostering a caring attitude towards one’s own health, acquiring skills in individual physical education classes aimed at increasing performance, prevention diseases. Complexes of therapeutic physical culture. Providing first aid for injuries. Determination of individual characteristics of physical development and preparedness. Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits through physical education.

Activities of a physical education teacher in the formation of key competencies of students: Formed competencies Goals of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health Social, competence in health-improving and rehabilitation activities Mastery of technologies of modern health-improving systems of physical education. Complexes of professionally applied physical exercises. The simplest techniques of autogenic training and relaxation to relieve fatigue and improve performance. Knowledge of the characteristics of human physical performance, factors of the positive impact of physical exercise on health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Activities of a physical education teacher in developing key competencies of students: Formed competencies Goals of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health Educational and cognitive competence in motor activity, taking into account individual characteristics of physical development and medical indications Enrichment of motor experience with professionally applied exercises oriented towards preparing for upcoming life activities. General and applied physical training. Mastery of methods of motor activity. Ability to perform test tasks that determine the individual level of physical fitness.

Activities of a physical education teacher in developing key competencies of students: Formed competencies Goals of physical education Means of physical education, skills and knowledge that ensure individual health General cultural, personal Assimilation of a system of knowledge about physical education classes, their role and significance in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and social orientation. Knowledge of the characteristics of individual health, physical development, the possibilities of their correction through physical exercise; knowledge of methods for organizing individual forms of physical exercise; the ability to perform individual sets of exercises, use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.

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In physical education, it is necessary to be based on the spiritual foundation of the individual, developing in children the desire for introspection, self-esteem, and self-improvement. A competency-based approach in the field of physical education will help to implement these and other tasks of a modern lesson, contributing to the formation of key competencies of students.

Physical culture is one of the components of a person’s general culture, which largely determines his attitude to learning, behavior in everyday life, and in communication. Modernization of the Russian education system requires a radical restructuring of physical education. Currently, the activities of a physical education teacher are based on solving the following tasks:

Formation of a system of knowledge about physical culture and vital motor skills;
development of individual motor abilities and increasing the level of physical fitness of students;
education of value orientations towards physical improvement of the individual;
formation of the need for regular physical exercise and a chosen sport;
education of moral and volitional qualities;
development of interpersonal communication experience.

Today, there is no single classification of competencies, nor is there a single point of view on how many and what competencies students should develop. Having studied the pedagogical works of domestic teachers V.V. Davydova, V.D. Shadrikova, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.V. Khutorskoy, I tried to systematize the manifestations of key competencies in the process of studying the academic subject “Physical Education”, determining their social and personal significance for students (see. table 1).

Table 1

Demonstration of key competencies in the process of education in the field of physical education
Key competencies Social significance Personal significance
1. General cultural Knowledge of the cultural and historical foundations of physical culture, awareness of the role of physical culture in the formation of the ability to achieve comprehensive physical and spiritual development, a healthy lifestyle; maintaining health and high performance; preparation for work and defense of the Fatherland Determining the importance of systematic physical education for improving health, increasing the level of physical fitness and preventing diseases; development of interest and habit of systematic physical education and sports
2. Educational and cognitive Knowledge of the basics of physical development and education in order to form a spiritually rich and physically healthy personality Acquiring the knowledge necessary for physical education and sports; knowledge of the basics of personal and public hygiene; possession of knowledge about the rules for regulating physical activity in the context of morning exercises and regular sports activities
3. Communication Possession of different types of information; ability to conduct a discussion on the problems of development of sports and physical education; developing your own position on these issues The ability to analyze and evaluate the activities of friends and classmates; ability to give recommendations for independent physical education, based on modern physical education and health technologies
4. Social Understanding the benefits of physical exercise for human health, increasing one’s ability to work and increasing life expectancy, as well as the role of physical exercise in the prevention of occupational diseases and in the fight against industrial injuries Ability to use physical education means to prepare for professional activities; possession of modern requirements for the scientific organization of work and rest
5. Personal Mastery of self-realization techniques; personal and life self-determination Mastery of techniques of personal self-expression and self-development; ability to control the physical state of the body

The work done made it possible to create a program of activities for physical education teachers to develop key competencies of students (see . table 2). The basis is the educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in physical education, where the basic requirements for the level of training of high school graduates indicate that the student must acquire the following competencies: in the field of health and rehabilitation, motor activity, self-control and individual physical development.

The development of communicative competence is carried out in all physical education lessons.

The introduction of this program into the educational process will help to develop in students:

Ability to work without constant supervision and take responsibility on one’s own initiative;
the ability to take initiative without asking others whether to do so;
willingness to notice problems and look for ways to solve them;
the ability to analyze new situations and apply existing knowledge in them;
ability to get along with others;
willingness to acquire new knowledge on one’s own initiative (taking into account one’s experience and feedback from others);
the ability to learn new things from higher-class athletes.

table 2

Activities of a physical education teacher in developing key competencies of students
Objectives of physical education Means of physical culture, skills
and knowledge that ensures individual health
Formed competencies
1. Fostering a caring attitude towards one’s own health, acquiring skills and abilities in individual physical education classes aimed at improving performance and preventing diseases Complexes of therapeutic physical culture.
Providing first aid for injuries.
Determination of individual characteristics of physical development and preparedness.
Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle, preventing bad habits through physical education
2. Mastery of technologies of modern health-improving systems of physical education Complexes of professionally applied physical exercises.
The simplest techniques of autogenic training and relaxation to relieve fatigue and improve performance.
Knowledge of the characteristics of human physical performance, factors of the positive impact of physical exercise on health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle
competence in health and rehabilitation activities
3. Enrichment of motor experience with professionally applied exercises aimed at preparing for upcoming life activities General and applied physical training.
Mastery of methods of motor activity.
Ability to perform test tasks that determine the individual level of physical fitness
Educational and cognitive, competence in motor activity, taking into account individual characteristics of physical development and medical indications
4. Mastering a system of knowledge about physical education, their role and significance in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and social orientation Knowledge of the characteristics of individual health, physical development, the possibilities of their correction through physical exercise; knowledge of methods for organizing individual forms of physical exercise; ability to perform individual sets of exercises, use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities General cultural, personal

Sergey Kizlasov,
physical education teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia

cialists in the field of software engineering. - Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. University, 2005.- 244 p.

3. Zhurbenko L.N. Didactic system of flexible mathematical training. - Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. technol. University, 1999.- 160 p.

4. Kondratyev V.V. Fundamentalization of vocational education at a technological university. - Ka-zan: Kazan Publishing House. technol. University, 2000.- 323 p.

5. Derkach A.A., Zazykin V.G. Acmeology.- St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003.- 256 p.


I.E. Konovalov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kama State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Naberezhnye Chelny

Key words: paradigm of professional education, competence, competencies, personal competencies, social competencies, professional competencies, competence of a physical education teacher.

Continuing, according to the Concept of modernization of the Russian

education for the period until 2010, positive changes in the field of education increasingly focus it on “free human development”, creative initiative, independence, competitiveness and mobility.

The state of society, its significant potential (intellectual, moral, functional, etc.) depends on the quality of education and upbringing of young people, which inevitably leads to a change in the educational paradigm.

Within the framework of the formation of a new paradigm of professional education, the issues of ensuring a person’s entry into the social world and his full adaptation to it, the formation of the spiritual side of the personality, its value-semantic orientation,

formation of professionally significant skills and abilities, i.e. obtaining a more complete education in order to achieve a personally and socially significant result.

Solving these problems is possible subject to deep modernization of the education system, active introduction of innovative technologies into it, and most importantly, the readiness of the teacher himself for such transformations.

In our opinion, the concept of “competence” serves as a general definition of teacher readiness as an indicator of integration.

Currently, the issue of the competence of a physical education teacher carrying out his professional activities in a music educational institution has been practically not studied. Conducting a study of this pro-

the problem is relevant, and it has prospects and relevance.

Since the middle of the last century, the concepts of “competence”, “competence” and the derivative “competent” have been widely used in everyday life and literature, its interpretation is given in dictionaries. So, for example, in the “Concise Dictionary of Foreign Words” (1952) the following definition is given: “competent (Latin soshre1ep8, soshre1en^8 - proper, capable) - knowledgeable, knowledgeable in a certain area; having the right, based on his knowledge or authority, to do or decide something, to judge something.”

In 1959, R. White, one of the first to consider the category of competence from a scientific point of view, filled it with personal components, including motivation.

Later, in 1965, N. Chomsky for the first time makes an attempt to separate the concepts of “competence” and “competence”.

Thus, in the 1960s, an understanding of the differences between the concepts of “competence” and “competence” was laid, where the latter is interpreted as knowledge, intellectually and personally determined experience of a person’s social and professional activities. During the same period, the concept of “communicative competence” appeared.

The 1970-1980s are characterized by the use of the category of competence in the theory and practice of training, professionalism in management, leadership, management, in communication training, content is being developed

understanding the concept of “social competencies”.

In 1984, J. Raven, in the book “Competence in Modern Society,” gives a detailed interpretation of the concept of competence: “this is a phenomenon that consists of a large number of components, many of which are relatively independent of each other, ... some components are more likely to be cognitive sphere, and others to the emotional, ... these components can replace each other as components of effective behavior.”

In 1989, a book by L.A. appeared in social psychology. Petrovskaya “Competence in Communication”, where not only communicative competence itself is considered, but also specific special forms of training are proposed for the formation of this “personality property”.

Since 1990, works have appeared devoted to the study of competence as a scientific category in relation to education. Professional competence becomes the subject of special comprehensive consideration. In the book by N.V. Kuzmina “Professionalism of the personality of a teacher and a master of industrial training” based on the material of pedagogical activity, competence is considered as a “personal property”. Professional and pedagogical competence, according to N.V. Kuzmina, includes five types of competence: special and professional competence in the field of the taught discipline; methodological competence in the field of methods of forming knowledge and skills in students; socio-psychological

competence in the field of communication processes; differential psychological competence in the field of motives, abilities, directions of students; autopsychological competence in the field of advantages and disadvantages of one’s own activities and personality.

In the same year A.K. Markova conducts research devoted to studying the structure of a teacher’s professional competence, based on the results of which she identifies four main blocks in this structure: a) professional, psychological and pedagogical knowledge; b) professional, pedagogical skills; c) professional, psychological positions, attitudes of the teacher required of him by his profession; d) personal characteristics that ensure the teacher’s mastery of professional knowledge and skills.

In later works by A.K. Markova (1996) already distinguishes special, social, personal and individual types of professional competence.

In 1998, V.A. Kalney and S.E. Shishov, after conducting a study, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to separate everyday, civil and professional competence into a separate group.

In 2001, the “Strategy for Modernization of the Content of General Education” formulated the main competencies, where the authors propose to differentiate competencies by areas of activity: competence in the field of independent cognitive activity, based on the assimilation of methods of acquiring knowledge from various sources of information;

formations, including extracurricular ones; competence in the field of civil and social activities (performing the roles of a citizen, voter, consumer); competence in the field of social and labor activities (including the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market, assess one’s own professional capabilities, navigate the norms and ethics of relationships, self-organization skills); competence in the everyday sphere (including aspects of one’s own health, family life, etc.); competence in the field of cultural and leisure activities (including the choice of ways and means of using free time that culturally and spiritually enrich the individual).

In 2002, A.V. Khutorskoy, in a report at the department of philosophy of education and theory of pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, outlined the following key educational competencies: value-semantic, general cultural, educational-cognitive, informational, communicative, social-labor and personal self-improvement competencies.

Recently, specialists conducting research in this area have proposed an approach in which the concept of “competence” includes a wide range of issues. So, for example, A.N. Konyukhov and Z.V. Spirin offers two types of competencies - general and professional. General competence is defined by them as the competence necessary for successful activities in both professional and non-professional spheres, and professional competence for obtaining and implementing skills, knowledge

tions and skills required in professional activities.

Another example of this approach is the study

B.N. Scriabin and T.Yu. Christian In their work, the authors identify two areas of competencies: activity-based and social.

I.A. Zimnyaya in her research suggests dividing competencies into three main groups: competencies related to oneself as an individual, as a subject of life; competencies related to human activity, manifested in all its types and forms; competencies related to a person's interaction with other people.

While noting the different approaches in developing issues of competence, it is still necessary to note that in many works competence and competencies are considered as synonyms, and the concept of competence itself is often interpreted as professionalism in the narrow sense of the word.

In this regard, the purpose of our research is to specify the concept of “competence” and identify its competencies, which reflect the entire range of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a physical education teacher in modern conditions of a vocational school.

After conducting a detailed analysis of the literature, we came to the conclusion that competence is a set of competencies (where competence, according to the Russian language dictionary

S.I. Ozhegova, - “a range of issues in which someone is well-versed”

Domlen"), reflecting the knowledge necessary in everyday life and the chosen profession. That is, competence is the possession, possession by a specialist of relevant competencies, including his personal attitude towards them and the subject of activity, and competence is a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality and productive activities in relation to them. Competencies are inherently internal, potential and hidden new formations, manifested in knowledge, ideas, action programs, systems of values ​​and relationships, which, interacting, constitute competence.

Experts studying the issue of competence define from 2 to 39 groups of competences, while identifying different types for different activities.

In our study, the competence of a physical education teacher as an indicator of readiness to implement the teaching and educational process in accordance with the increasing requirements for the quality of professional education is multifunctional in nature, reflecting the entire breadth of the range of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a teacher in his daily life and in the profession.

To determine the competence of a physical education teacher, we have identified three main groups of competencies, without which, in our opinion, the implementation of high-quality

pedagogical activity in a modern vocational school becomes difficult and ineffective:

1. Personal competencies:

Willingness to preserve health: knowledge and adherence to healthy lifestyle standards, knowledge of the dangers of bad habits; knowledge and observance of personal hygiene rules; freedom and responsibility of choosing a lifestyle;

Readiness for value-semantic orientation in the world: the values ​​of being, life, culture (in all its manifestations), science, production; history of civilizations and one’s own country;

Readiness for citizenship: knowledge and observance of the rights and responsibilities of a citizen; freedom and responsibility, self-confidence, self-dignity, civic duty; knowledge and pride in the state, respect for state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

Willingness for self-improvement, self-regulation, self-development; meaning of life; professional growth and development.

2. Professional competencies:

Readiness for professional activities: knowledge of theoretical and practical material, formulation and solution of educational and educational tasks; non-standard and creative solutions, spiritual development, physical, mental and functional preparedness, image, intellectual activity;

Readiness for teaching activities: communication skills,

Readiness for innovation: advanced foreign and domestic experience; health-saving and health-forming technologies; transformation of pedagogical methods into the process of physical education;

Readiness for integration activities: interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary relationships, structuring of knowledge, situationally adequate updating of knowledge, interaction of accumulated knowledge;

Readiness to use information technologies: reception, processing and transmission of information; computer literacy and Internet technology.

3. Social competencies:

Willingness for social interaction: with society, team, family, friends, partners; conflicts and their repayment; cooperation, tolerance, respect, mobility;

Willingness to communicate: oral, written, dialogue, monologue, production and perception of text; knowledge and observance of traditions, rituals, etiquette; interethnic communication, etc.

The arrangement of competencies we propose has its own logical sequence, according to which a teacher is, first of all, a person who has consciously dedicated

herself as a teacher, striving to achieve the highest mastery in her activities, capable of interacting with people, society and easy integration into the educational and sociocultural space.

Based on the results of the study, the following conclusion can be drawn: competence is a set of competencies that reflect the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in everyday life and the chosen profession, where the choice of competence emphasizes the position that a person as an individual is manifested in a system of relationships to himself, to professional activities, society and other people.


1. Alekseeva L.P., Shablygina N.S. Teaching staff: the state and problems of professional competence. - M., 1994.

2. Belitskaya G.E. Social competence of the individual. - M., 1995.

3. Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies - a new paradigm for the results of modern education // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2006 / www.eidos

4. Key competencies and educational standard // Internet magazine “Eidos”. - 2002 / www.eidos

5. Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the personality of a teacher and industrial training master. - M., 1990.

6. Markova A.K. Psychological analysis of a teacher’s professional competence // Soviet pedagogy. - 1990. - No. 8.

7. Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M., 1996.

8. Mitina L.M. Psychology of professional development. - M., 1998.

9. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - Ekaterinburg, 1994.

10. “On the Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010.” Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2002. No. 393.

11. Petrovskaya L.A. Competence in communication. - M., 1989.

12. Raven John. Competence in modern society. Identification, development and implementation. - M., 2002 (English 1984).

13. Skryabin V.N., Khristich T.Yu. Model of practice-oriented training of a specialist // Secondary vocational education. - 2008. - No. 4.

14. Strategy for modernizing the content of general education. - M., 2001.

15. Chomsky N. Aspects of the theory of syntax. - M., 1972 (English 1965).


Planning a course in general psychology

Themes Psyche and brain.
Deadlines September October October November November-February March-May
Creative works Cluster on the topic Message “Modern trends in psychology”, “Prospects for the development of psychology” Dictionary Cluster on the topic. Project “Stages of Psychic Development”. Dictionary Cluster on the topic Dictionary Cluster on the topic. The structure of my character. Self-development program. Dictionary
Assignments for educational practice The use of MNI in the pedagogical activities of teachers Observation and analysis of a lesson on the topic “Structure of Activity”. Drawing up a summary plan and conducting a lesson on organizing any type of activity. Drawing up a summary plan and conducting a developmental lesson. Study the personal characteristics of the student. Write a psychological profile of the child (or yourself).
Certification form Test in the form of portfolio defense or test work.


Dictionary of basic concepts in general psychology

Psychology -


Mental processes

Mental conditions

Mental properties of personality

Scientific Research Methods








Centripetal nerves

Nerves are centrifugal






Psychophysiological functions






Development phases

Periods of development





Scheme of the plan - lesson summary (lesson)

Summary of an open lesson on ___________________________ (specify the subject), conducted (when, by whom, where) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson type (by purpose):

Expected result: (subject, meta-subject, personal)


Purpose of observation:

During the classes.

What types of activities are children involved in during the lesson?

What activities did the teacher perform?

Was there consistency between the activities of the teacher and students?

What results were achieved in the lesson?

Highlight the structure of the activity in your notes.

What cognitive processes (CPP) developed during the lesson? How was the PPP managed by the teacher?


Characteristics plan for the student

1. Biographical information.

3) age (full years),

2. Individual characteristics.

1) temperament,

2) character,

3) abilities (general (level of development of PPP) and special),

4) capabilities (level of development of cognitive mental processes),

5) emotional-volitional sphere of personality,

6) interests, personality orientation.

For example.

Ivanova Olga Ivanovna, female, 8 years old. Lives in a complete family, prosperous, has a younger brother. Olga is lively, emotional, unrestrained (choleric). General abilities are developed at an average level. Mainly succeeds at “4” and “5”. She goes to classes with pleasure, but is not always attentive and restless. Reads a lot. Loves literary reading, physical education, and the world around him. He is interested in sports: athletics, skiing. Shows good results. In relation to her peers she is attentive, modest, and friendly. In her work she is disciplined, efficient, diligent, but does not always bring the work to a high-quality end. Always responds to requests.

Questions and tasks for the exam

Tickets: 1) theoretical question (1-2),

2) presentation of a portfolio with practical tasks.

Theoretical questions in psychology

For exam tickets

1. Psychology as a science.

2. From the history of the development of psychology.

3. Methods of scientific research in psychology.

4. The place of psychology in the system of sciences.

5. Structure of modern psychology (industry).

6. General concept of the psyche. Stages of mental development.

7. Consciousness and unconsciousness.

8. The nervous system as the physiological basis of the psyche. Structure, functions.

9. The nervous system as the physiological basis of the psyche. The work of the nervous system.

10. General concept of activity. Activity structure.

11. Types of activities.

12. Levels of activity.

13. Psychological characteristics of activity.

14. Attention as a cognitive mental process.

15. Perception as a cognitive mental process.

16. Memory as a cognitive mental process.

17. Speech as a cognitive mental process.

18. Thinking as a cognitive mental process.

19. Imagination as a cognitive mental process.

20. Emotions as a cognitive mental process.

21. Will as a cognitive mental process.

22. The concept of personality. Characteristics and structure of personality.

23. Personality as a self-governing system. Self-image. Structure, types, stages of formation.

24. Personal development (factors, phases, periods).

25. Individual psychological properties of a person. Temperament.

26. Individual psychological properties of a person. Character.

27. Individual psychological properties of a person. Capabilities

Sample practical tasks for the exam

Portfolio presentation:

Portfolio structure,

The most interesting works from your point of view...

Achievements list

Themes Psychology as a science. From the history of development. Psyche and brain. Activity and cognitive mental processes. Personality and mental properties of the individual.
Deadlines September October October November November-February March-May
Submitted materials:
Practical work
Creative works
Test papers
Number of points


Practical work

psychology student

Student's name:___________________________

Course II, group 221

Specialty 02/49/01 –

Physical Culture


Martirosyan Elena Evgenievna


About Me. Psychological characteristics

1. List of general and professional competencies of a physical education teacher

2. Monitoring

3. Planning a psychology course

4. Assignments for independent work

5. Portfolio structure:

Workbooks, independent and test work, clusters, creative work, summary tables:

Development of notes for developmental activities (optional on topics: attention, perception, memory, speech, thinking, imagination);

Scheme of analysis of an activity (lesson), analysis of a lesson (extracurricular activity);

Study of personality traits, characterization plan for a student, characteristics of a student;

Dictionary of basic concepts, diagram of the logic of psychology through the basic concepts of science;

Achievements list.

6. Questions and tasks for the exam


Dear student! By studying a new science, you will learn what psychology is, what it studies and what it does. We will try to see the applied nature of science. Studying the topics “Activity and cognitive mental processes”, “Personality and mental properties of the individual”, “School psychology” we begin to explore our own and schoolchildren’s mental processes and personality properties, to establish the correspondence of the level of development of children with age norms.

Good luck in studying psychology!

About Me



List of general and professional competencies of physical education teachers (GC and PC)

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

OK 4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

OK5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, interact with management, colleagues and social partners.

OK 7. Set goals, motivate students’ activities, organize and control their work, taking responsibility for the quality of the educational process.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. Carry out professional activities in conditions of updating its goals, content, and changing technologies.

OK 10. Prevent injuries, ensure the protection of the life and health of children.

OK 11. Conduct professional activities in compliance with the legal norms governing them.

OK 13. Perform military duties, including using acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

5.2.1. Teaching physical education in basic
general education programs.

PC 1.1. Determine goals and objectives, plan training sessions.

PC 1.2. Conduct training sessions on physical education.

PC 1.3. Carry out pedagogical control, evaluate the process and results of teaching.

PC 1.4. Analyze training sessions.

5.2.2. Organization and conduct of extracurricular activities and activities
for additional education programs in the field of physical

PC 2.1. Determine goals and objectives, plan extracurricular activities and activities.

PC 2.2. Conduct extracurricular activities and activities.

PC 2.3. Motivate students, parents (persons replacing them) to participate in physical education and sports activities.

PC 2.4. Carry out pedagogical control, evaluate the process and results of students’ activities.

PC 2.5. Analyze extracurricular activities and activities.

5.2.3. Methodological support for the physical process

PC 3.1. Select an educational and methodological set, develop educational and methodological materials (work programs, educational and thematic plans) based on the educational standard and sample programs, taking into account the type of educational institution, the characteristics of the class/group and individual students.

PC 3.2. Systematize and evaluate teaching experience and educational technologies in the field of physical education based on the study of professional literature, self-analysis and analysis of the activities of other teachers.

PC 3.3. Prepare pedagogical developments in the form of reports, abstracts, speeches.

PC 3.4. Participate in research and project activities in the field of physical education.

Conceptual apparatus Competence (from the Latin competentia - “belonging by right”) - the terms of reference of an institution or person; a range of issues in which a given person has knowledge and experience. (Large Dictionary of Foreign Words) Competence - possession of knowledge that allows one to judge something, express a weighty, authoritative opinion. (Large Dictionary of Foreign Words) Competence in education - level of education. (O.E. Lebedev) Competence in pedagogy is the ability to act in a situation of uncertainty.

Levels of educational competencies: - key - relate to the general (meta-subject) content of education; - general subject - relate to a certain range of academic subjects and educational areas; - subject - specific in relation to the two previous levels of competence, having a specific description and the possibility of formation within the framework of academic subjects. (A.V. Khutorsky)

Components of key competencies for a teacher are communicative competencies: orientation in social situations, determining the personal characteristics and emotional state of other people, choosing adequate ways to treat them and implementing these methods in the process of interaction, distributing and concentrating attention, acting in a public situation, attracting attention, establishing psychological contact, speech culture, - information competencies: the amount of knowledge and the ability to acquire it in the following areas: about oneself, about students and their parents, about the work experience of other teachers, in the scientific and methodological plane, as well as general worldviews,

Components of key competencies for a teacher - regulatory competencies: goal setting, planning, mobilization and sustainable activity in achieving results, evaluation of performance results, reflection, - intellectual and pedagogical competence: a complex of intellectual-logical and intellectual-heuristic pedagogical competence (according to V.I. Andreev ), namely analysis and synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization and specification (intellectual-logical); generating ideas, analogy, fantasy, overcoming inertia of thinking, critical thinking (intellectual-heuristic),

The components of key competencies for a teacher are operational competence: a set of actions necessary for a teacher to carry out professional activities (that is, in essence, pedagogical skills) - predictive, projective, methodological, organizational, pedagogical improvisation, expert actions.

Characteristics of professional competence 1. Effective use of individual abilities, allowing fruitful professional activities. 2. Possession of professional knowledge, skills and abilities; flexibility in solving professional problems; developed cooperation with colleagues. 3. An integrated combination of knowledge, abilities and attitudes that are optimal for performing professional functions.

Competencies of a specialist in physical culture and sports: - general professional (general scientific and research competencies), corresponding to the level of a specialist with a university education; professionally focused on all main groups of areas of training and is associated with solving cognitive problems and searching for non-standard solutions; determines the fundamental nature of education;

Industry-wide (educational and physical culture-sports competencies), related to the training of specialists in physical culture and sports, integrating educational (psychological-pedagogical) and physical culture-sports scientific and practical spheres; refers to orientation in general theoretical, socio-economic and organizational and managerial issues in the field of physical culture and sports and the educational field, planning and organization of team work, resource support for activities, labor quality management system, etc.; ensures multi-professionalism, readiness to solve general professional problems (the totality of them that a specialist with a higher education in the field of physical culture and sports should be able to solve) and creates a basis for specialization;

Special (pedagogical, managerial, recreational competencies) related to the professional functions of a) physical education teacher and coach, b) head of a physical education and sports organization, employee of physical education and sports management bodies, c) physical education methodologist (instructor), organizer in a sports committee , municipality, at enterprises and organizations, in public physical culture and sports, youth and other organizations, in cultural and educational institutions d) a methodologist (instructor) in therapeutic physical culture as an implementer of the rehabilitation functions of specialists in physical culture and sports.

General professional competencies General scientific - associated with orientation in general philosophical, socio-economic, cultural, historical, scientific, methodological and other issues. Research - associated with solving cognitive problems, searching for non-standard solutions, collecting and processing information, etc., providing the ability for creative innovative activity

Industry-wide competencies Educational: General theoretical - scientific sphere of competence: history and philosophy of education, legal foundations of educational activity, management of educational systems, fundamentals of pedagogical activity, natural scientific foundations of pedagogical activity. General pedagogical - scientific sphere of competence: principles, patterns, goals, content, teaching methods; principles, patterns, goals, content, methods of education; educational approaches and technologies. General psychological - scientific field of competence: developmental psychology, psychology of activity, psychology of communication.

Industry-wide competencies Physical culture and sports: General theoretical - scientific field of competence: history and sociology of physical culture and sports, economics and management of physical culture and sports, legal foundations of physical culture and sports Industry - scientific field of competence: theory of physical culture and sports, content and types of physical culture and sports activities , scientific foundations of the school course, fundamentals of educational activities in physical education and training, pedagogy of physical education and training, psychology of physical education and training.

Special competencies (pedagogical) Goal-setting: Orientation: involve guiding students/pupils in moral values. Developmental: involve the development of thinking, imagination, skills, speech, etc. students. Mobilizing: activating the attention of students, developing their sustainable interest in learning, including physical education and physical education classes. Informational: involving the search, selection and structuring of subject and methodological information.

Special competencies (pedagogical) Organizational and structural: Constructive: include the design of a lesson/training session, extracurricular activities, multi-level tasks, independent work of students, communication, etc. Organizational: organizing information in the process of its preparation, activities and behavior of students. Communicative: include the establishment of constructive relationships and the organization of interaction between participants in the educational process. Gnostic: include research and diagnosis of individual students/pupils and the team, levels of training and education of students, levels of their physical development and sports readiness, etc., oneself as a subject of activity.

Special competencies (recreational) Gnostic: involve enriching one’s own knowledge about the methods and forms of physical recreation and rehabilitation. Communicative: include the establishment of constructive relationships between participants in physical culture and recreational activities, the creation of a favorable microclimate, and the motivation of a positive attitude of different groups of the population towards active recreation. Design: provide for long-term planning of strategic, tactical, operational tasks related to the organization of leisure time for schoolchildren and the conduct of extracurricular and extracurricular physical education activities.

Special competencies (recreational) Constructive: involve the selection and compositional construction of the content of physical culture and recreational activities, the choice of specific types and forms of organizing active recreation for different groups of the population, ways and methods of promoting a healthy lifestyle and active recreation. Organizational: direct implementation of physical culture and recreational plans.

Special competencies (managerial) Design (related to analysis, planning and forecasting of activities). Constructive (relate to the sphere of developing and making various management decisions, performing specific professional actions). Mobilization (related to the area of ​​motivation and stimulation of the activities of subordinates and the team). Communication (relates to the sphere of constructing business relationships and organizing connections with the external environment). Organizational (refers to the rational organization of activities, its control and coordination).