Disruption of connection between subject and predicate. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate As the journalist said that three of my

Correct: The theme of freedom is raised in “Liberty.” OR: The ode “Liberty” raises the theme of freedom.

The title, enclosed in quotation marks and given AFTER the generic word (“novel”, “story”, “poem”, “ode”, “picture”, “magazine”, “newspaper”, “television program”, etc.), should stay in shape.

A name enclosed in quotation marks and given WITHOUT a generic word changes by case.

  1. Errors associated with incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
  • After the prepositions THANKING, ACCORDING TO, CONTRARY, LIKELY, CONTRARY, IN CONTRAST, nouns are used only in the DATIVE CASE

False: True success can only be achieved through perseverance, determination and deep knowledge of a person.

Correct: True success can only be achieved through perseverance, determination and deep knowledge of a person.

  • After the preposition PO meaning “after something,” the noun is used in the prepositional case

Wrong: Upon completion of the English language courses, I received a certificate.

(Correct: Upon completion).

False: Upon completion of construction, the workers left the site in perfect order. (Correct: Upon completion).

Wrong: Upon arrival in Venice, I immediately visited several of my old acquaintances. (Correct: Upon arrival).

Wrong: Upon arrival in Moscow, you should visit Red Square.

(Correct: Upon arrival E).

  • Grammatical errors associated with the case form of a noun or pronoun after a verb

Pay (what?) for travel (erroneously: pay for travel).

To be amazed at (what?) your patience (wrongly: to be amazed at your patience).

To reproach (what?) for unjustified heartlessness (wrongly: to reproach with unjustified heartlessness).

To be surprised (at what?) by stories (wrongly: to be surprised by stories).

  1. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate

Most often, an error appears in a sentence as follows:

  • the number of subject and predicate does not match;
  • The gender of the subject and predicate does not match.
  • Wrong: Those who arrive later will take the empty seats.

The sentence is complex. The basis of the main part will be occupied by (subject and predicate in ). The basis of the subordinate clause is who will come (who - in, will come - in the plural). The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, so you need to put the predicate “will come” in the singular.

Correct: Those who arrive later will take the empty seats.

  • False: A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem in which each side claims to establish the truth.

The sentence is complex. The basis of the main part is dispute is a method (subject and predicate in the singular). The basis in the subordinate part is each claim (each is singular, claim is plural). And although the subordinate clause refers to the parties, of which there are several, the word “parties” is not the subject. Instead, the subject is the word “each”. Therefore, the predicate “claim” must be put in the singular.

Correct: A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem in which each side claims to establish the truth.

  • Wrong: A team of ornithologists from several universities have developed a method for studying rare birds.

The basis of the sentence: the team developed (team is singular, developed is plural). Although the sentence talks about ornithologists, of which there are several, the subject is the word “team” (since the team is in the nominative case, and the ornithologists are in the genitive case). Therefore, the predicate “developed” must be put in the singular.

Correct: A team of ornithologists from several universities has developed a method for studying rare birds.

  • Wrong: The press, in particular youth magazines, pay a lot of attention to cultural issues.

The basis of the sentence: the seal is given (the seal is in the singular, the seal is given in the plural). Although the sentence has a separate part “in particular youth magazines” in the plural, it does not affect the number of the predicate. The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, so you need to put the predicate “pay” into the singular.

Correct: The press, in particular youth magazines, pays a lot of attention to cultural issues.

  • False: Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year.

The basis of the proposal is that fifty-one objects have been delivered. Since the subject has a numeral ending in one, the predicate must be singular, although the sentence refers to several objects. Therefore, you need to put the predicate “passed” in the singular.

Correct: Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year.

  1. Errors in constructing sentences with indirect speech

Wrong: Petka said that I am not yet ready for the exam and am very afraid of not passing it.

Correct: Petka said that he is not yet ready for the exam and is very afraid of not passing it. Or: Petka said: “I’m not ready for the exam yet and I’m very afraid of not passing it.”

The 1st and 2nd person pronouns are not used in sentences with indirect speech.

  1. Violation in the construction of a complex sentence
  • Errors in the construction of complex sentences
  • We climbed to the top of the mountain, and it was hot below. (Semantic incompatibility of simple sentences as part of a complex sentence).
  • The author expresses his attitude to the problem, but he gives the reader the opportunity to agree or disagree with him. (Use of an adversative conjunction instead of a connecting one).
  • Parents and children often cannot find a common language, and they are offended by each other, and this is the main problem. (Tautology when using conjunctions).
  • Errors in constructing complex sentences
  • When the heavy battle was already over, separate shots were still heard here and there. (Simultaneous use of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in a complex sentence).
  • They dreamed that when spring came, the old bird cherry tree would bloom again. (Unjustified proximity of two subordinating conjunctions).
  • She said that in life there is not only useful, but also beautiful. (Use of an extra demonstrative word in the main sentence).
  • We are grateful to them that we live under a peaceful sky. (Absence of an indicative word in the main sentence).
  • He was late for lectures, because there was almost no transport due to ice. (Omission of part of a compound conjunction).
  • He saw a bird cherry tree growing in the yard of a house that did not survive the war. (Unjustified repetition of a conjunction or allied word (tautology).

  1. Errors associated with violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms

Wrong: he subjects Onegin to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby revealed the true essence of his hero.

That's right: he subjects Onegin to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby reveals the true essence of his hero.

These are just the main types of grammatical errors.

In task 7 of the demo version of the Unified State Exam for 2017, there are only 5 of them:

A) violation of the connection between subject and predicate;

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application;

C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;

D) incorrect construction of sentences with turnover;

D) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases.

How to make students’ oral and written speech more literate, how to reduce the number of grammatical errors?

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect use of pronouns with a preposition

B) violation of the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech

1) As the journalist said, three of my lives are not enough to exhaust the topic of Baikal.

2) A team of ornithologists from several universities have developed a method for studying rare birds.

3) The buzz of a flying fly is created by its wings; some flies are capable of moving at a speed of 15 m/s.

4) The girl, taking the music folder from the table, politely said goodbye to the teacher.

5) This symbol refers tourists to the history of the city, which has experienced more than one flood.

6) Eucalyptus oil is a powerful antiseptic, suitable for treating colds and healing wounds.

7) The monkeys made a strong impression on the zoo visitors: even the most serious ones laughed at them.

8) In an effort to get the perfect tan, a special cream will help you.

9) The head of the clinic received us quickly.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols

Task: to correlate sentences in which a speech (grammatical) error may be made with a classifier of speech (grammatical) errors. The execution algorithm is as follows:

1. Remember: a letter corresponds to a number and numbers are not repeated!

2. Let’s analyze the proposed classifier:

A) incorrect use of a pronoun with a preposition – it is necessary to analyze all prepositional-case constructions presented in the sentences.

B) violation of the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase – it is necessary to find sentences with participial phrases (look for participles) and analyze the correctness of their construction.

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase – it is necessary to find sentences with participial phrases (look for participles) and analyze the correctness of their construction.

D) violation of the connection between subject and predicate – It is necessary to analyze the agreement between subject and predicate in each sentence.

D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech – it is necessary to find a complex sentence (complex sentences) and analyze the correctness of their construction.

3. We begin to analyze the proposals.

Participial phrases presented in proposals No. 5 and No. 6:

5) This symbol refers tourists to the history of the city, survived more than one flood.

6) Eucalyptus oil is a powerful antiseptic, suitable for treating colds and healing wounds.

There is no error in 5th. In 6 – the agreement of the main word is violated antiseptic and participial form appropriate instead of suitable - B6 (and we remove proposal No. 6 from the list).

Participial phrases presented in proposals No. 4 and No. 8:

4) Girl, taking the music folder from the table, politely said goodbye to the teacher.

8) Striving to get the perfect tan, a special cream will help you.

There is no error in 4. At 8 – the unity of the actor is broken (the cream cannot strive to acquire a perfect tan) – B8 (we also exclude proposal No. 8).

So, we are left with sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9. We are looking for complex ones among them: obviously, there will be few of them.

1) As the journalist said that three of my lives are not enough to exhaust the topic of Baikal - complex.

2) A team of ornithologists from several universities have developed a method for studying rare birds - simple.

3) The buzz of a flying fly is created by its wings; some flies are capable of moving at a speed of 15 m/s. – complex non-union.

4) The girl, taking the music folder from the table, politely said goodbye to the teacher - simple.

5) This symbol refers tourists to the history of the city, which has survived more than one flood - simple.

7) The monkeys made a strong impression on the visitors of the zoo: even the most serious ones laughed at them - complex non-union.

9) The head of the clinic received us quickly - simple.

Please note: there was only one complex sentence - No. 1. It was in this that the error was made, although we did not essentially analyze it.

indirect speech

1) As the journalist said, that my three lives are not enough to exhaust the topic of Baikal.

Thus, D1 (and we no longer need proposal No. 1).

We are left with: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9. Let’s analyze their grammatical basis and prepositional-case constructions:

Grammar basis

Prepositional case constructions

We will analyze all proposals:

2) Team ornithologists from several universities developed methods for studying rare birds.

3) The buzz of a flying fly create her wings; some flies are able to move with speed.

4) Girl, taking the music folder from the table, politely said goodbye with the teacher.

5) This one symbol sends tourists to the history of a city that has survived more than one flood.

7) Strong impression for zoo visitors produced by monkeys: from them laughed even the most serious .

9) Manager clinic accepted us quickly.

Answer: error in sentence No. 2.

We will analyze all sentences except 9, since there are no prepositions in it:

2) Team of ornithologists from several universities developed a method for studying rare birds.

3) The buzz of a flying fly is created by its wings; some flies are able to move with speed 15 m/s.

4) Girl taking a sheet music folder from the table, politely said goodbye to the teacher.

5) This symbol sends tourists away to history a city that has experienced more than one flood.

7) The monkeys made a strong impression on the visitors of the zoo: from them Even the most serious ones laughed.

Answer: error sentence No. 7.

4. It turns out.

Most often, an error appears in a sentence as follows:

The number of subject and predicate does not match; The gender of the subject and predicate does not match.

To find an error, you need to be able to determine the subject and predicate in a sentence, as well as know the basic rules:

The predicate must be consistent with the subject, and not with the secondary members of the sentence.

If the subject is a masculine noun denoting a position or profession, then the gender of the predicate is determined from the context.

If there is an indication of female gender, the predicate must be feminine, otherwise it must be masculine.

If the subject is a compound word, the gender of the predicate is determined by the main word from the phrase.

The pronoun “who” is used with a singular and masculine verb. The isolated phrase does not affect the form of the predicate.

If the numeral is the subject and ends in one, then the predicate must be singular.

1.Suggestion: Those who arrive later will take empty seats.

The sentence is complex, consisting of 2 parts: main and subordinate. The basis of the main part: those will occupy (subject and predicate in the plural). The basis in the subordinate clause: who will come (who is singular, who will come is plural). The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, so you need to put the predicate “will come” in the singular.
Correct option: Those who arrive later will take the empty seats.
2. A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each side claims to establish the truth.

The sentence is complex, consisting of 2 parts: main and subordinate. The basis of the main part: dispute is a method (subject and predicate in the singular). The basis is in the subordinate clause: each claim (each is singular, claim is plural). And although the subordinate clause refers to the parties, of which there are several, the word “sides” in the genitive case is not the subject. Instead, the subject is the word “each”. Therefore, the predicate “claim” must be put in the singular.

Correct option: A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each side claims to establish the truth.

EXAMPLE 3 Proposal: A team of ornithologists from several universities have developed a method for studying rare birds.

The basis of the sentence: the team developed (team is singular, developed is plural). Although the sentence talks about ornithologists, of which there are several, the subject is the word “team” (since the team is in the nominative case, and the ornithologists are in the genitive case). Therefore, the predicate “developed” must be put in the singular.

Correct option: A team of ornithologists from several universities has developed a method for studying rare birds.

EXAMPLE 4 Sentence: The press, in particular youth magazines, pay a lot of attention to cultural issues.

The basis of the sentence: the seal is given (the seal is in the singular, the seal is given in the plural). Although the sentence has a separate part “in particular youth magazines” in the plural, it does not affect the number of the predicate. The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, so you need to put the predicate “pay” into the singular.

Correct option: The press, in particular youth magazines, pays a lot of attention to cultural issues.

EXAMPLE 5 Sentence: Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year.

Basis of the proposal: fifty-one objects have been delivered. Since the subject has a numeral ending in one, the predicate must be singular, although the sentence refers to several objects. Therefore, you need to put the predicate “passed” in the singular.

Correct option: Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year.

EXAMPLE 6 Sentence: Sukhumi is located on the very shore of the sea.

The basis of the sentence: Sukhumi is spread out (Sukhumi is a city, that is, the word is masculine, spread out is feminine). Therefore, you need to put the predicate “spread out” in the masculine gender.

Correct option: Sukhumi is located on the very shore of the sea.

ERRORS with homogeneous members

EXAMPLE 1 Sentence: Classes are conducted in accordance with and on the basis of the approved schedule.

Homogeneous members: in accordance with and on the basis. There is a dependent word “graph”, which is common to homogeneous members. However, they require different controls: “in accordance” puts the dependent word in the instrumental case (in accordance with what? graph), and “based on” puts the dependent word in the genitive case (based on what? graph). Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the word “graph” ceases to be a general dependent word.

Correct option: Classes are conducted in accordance with the approved schedule and based on it.

EXAMPLE 2 Sentence: He felt that his soul was filled with admiration and love for his mother. Homogeneous members: admiration and love. There is a dependent word "mother", which is common to homogeneous members. However, they require different controls: “with admiration” puts the dependent word in the instrumental case (admiration for whom? mother), and with “love” puts the dependent word in the dative case (love for whom? for the mother). Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the word “mother” ceases to be a general dependent word.

Correct option: He felt that his soul was filled with admiration for his mother and love for her.

EXAMPLE 3 Sentence: Not far from the old quarter we saw and met local residents. Homogeneous members: saw and got to know each other. There is a dependent word “residents”, which is common to homogeneous members. However, they require different controls: “saw” puts the dependent word in the accusative case (saw who? residents), and “met” puts the dependent word in the instrumental case (met whom? residents). Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the word “residents” ceases to be a general dependent word.

Correct option: Not far from the old quarter, we saw local residents and got to know them.
EXAMPLE 4 Sentence: Getting closer, the hunters saw that the bear was not killed, but only wounded. Similar members: killed and wounded. The adjective “killed” is in the short form, and “wounded” is in the full form. Therefore, you need to put both words in either short or long form.

Correct option: Getting closer, the hunters saw that the bear was not killed, but only wounded.

EXAMPLE 5 Sentence: Pets, dogs, cats, and rodents are susceptible to colds. Homogeneous members: pets, dogs, cats and rodents. The generic concept “domestic animals” is combined into a homogeneous series with the specific concepts “dogs, cats, rodents”. Therefore, you need to either remove domestic animals from a homogeneous series, or make it a general word, since all the animals listed below are domestic.

Correct option: Pets are susceptible to colds: dogs, cats, rodents.

EXAMPLE 6 Sentence: The book is not only intended for teachers, but also for high school students. Homogeneous members: teachers and students. They are united by the double union “NOT ONLY... BUT ALSO.” However, the first part of the double conjunction is out of place. You need to put it before “for teachers.”

Correct option: The book is intended not only for teachers, but also for high school students

. EXAMPLE 7 Proposal: Graduate students at the University of Weimar have created a computer projector that displays both movies and TV shows on any surface. Homogeneous members: movies and television shows. They are united by the double union “AS... AND ALSO.” However, there is no such double union, there is a double union “AS... SO AND.” Therefore, you need to correct the second part of the conjunction to the correct one.

Correct option: Graduate students at the University of Weimar have created a computer projector that displays both movies and TV shows on any surface.

Violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms: example sentences
Most often this error appears in a sentence as follows:

the type of verbs does not match; The tense of the verbs does not match. To find an error, you need to be able to determine the type and tense of verbs in a sentence.

EXAMPLE 1 Sentence: Grandmother knits a scarf and gave it to her grandson. In sentence 2, the verbs “knits” and “gave” are used as homogeneous members, although “knits” is a present tense verb of the imperfect form (what is grandma doing?), and “gave” is a past tense verb of the perfect form (grandmother did what?). It turns out that the grandmother is knitting a scarf now, but she has already given it to her grandson. It is necessary that both verbs be of the same type and tense, so the form of one of them needs to be changed. For example, replace “knits” with “tied”

Correct option: Grandmother knitted a scarf and gave it to her grandson.
EXAMPLE 2 Sentence: They scattered in all directions, and some came very close to the narrator. There are 2 verbs in the sentence: they scattered and came up. “We scattered” is an imperfective verb (what did they do?), and “approached” is a perfective verb (what did they do?). It is necessary that both verbs be of the same type, so the form of one of them needs to be changed. For example, replace “approached” with “approached”. Correct option: They scattered in all directions, and some came very close to the narrator.

EXAMPLE 3 Sentence: In summer, the sky in the south is black and black, and the stars on it seemed to be dancing in a circle. The sentence is complex: in the first part there is no verb, but the present tense is implied, in the second part there is a past tense verb “led”. Therefore, you need to make sure that both parts are either in the present or in the past tense.

Correct option 1: In summer, the sky in the south was black and black, and the stars on it seemed to be dancing in a circle. Correct option 2: In summer, the sky in the south is black and black, and the stars on it seem to be dancing in a circle.

3. Two simple sentences with the conjunction – and- have a common subordinate clause.

If he finds the money, his wife’s dreams will come true and his son will go on vacation to the sea

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in the place of which(s) in the sentence should be stand comma(s).

Summer is in full swing (1\) and \(2) if you stay longer in the forest (3) \you will see a warbler (4)\ which flashes among the branches.

With the help of comparative conjunctions - as if, exactly, as if, as if

The forest is like a painted tower (for comparison we need 2 objects - a forest and a tower)


In combination with the date, the name of the month in the Genitive case is the Eighth of March

There is a numeral hundred - it has 2 forms - one hundred and one hundred, and there is a hundred - nine hundred, five hundred

No one, what? One hundred days, but nine hundred nights. About who about what? – about a hundred days, about nine hundred nights, T.P. - a hundred days, butnine hundred nights , five hundred

Errors in participle phrases

1.The amazing park in Pavlovsk with its beauty has long attracted the attention of tourists. Participial phrase: striking in its beauty.

It is divided into parts defined by the word "park", which is incorrect. It would be correct to place the participial phrase completely before or after the word being defined.

Correct option 1: Striking in its beauty a park in Pavlovsk has long attracted the attention of tourists. Correct option 2: The park in Pavlovsk, striking with its beauty, has long attracted the attention of tourists.

2. Eucalyptus oil - powerful antiseptic, suitable for the treatment of colds and wound healing.

Participial phrase: suitable for treating colds and healing wounds. It relates to the word “antiseptic”, since it stands next to it, although this participial phrase is not consistent with the word “antiseptic”, but with the word “oil”, which is incorrect. Therefore, you need to put the participle in the same form as the noun “antiseptic”: what antiseptic? suitable.

Correct option: Eucalyptus oil is a powerful antiseptic, suitable for treating colds and healing wounds.

EXAMPLE 3 Sentence: In the novels of M. Sholokhov there are no lies, pretending to be another truth. Participial phrase: pretending to be another truth. It refers to the word "lies" but is not consistent with it. The noun “lie” is feminine and in the genitive case, and the participle “pretended” is masculine and in the nominative case. Therefore, you need to put the participle in the genitive case and feminine gender: “pretending.”

Correct option: In M. Sholokhov’s novels there are no lies disguised as yet another truth.

EXAMPLE 4 Suggestion: In the fall, ears of wheat await that hour, heavy with ripened grains, when the combine harvesters appear in the field. Participial phrase: heavy with ripened grains. It is far from the defined word “ears”, which is why it seems that the participial phrase refers to the word “hours”. Therefore, you need to put the participial phrase before or after the word being defined.

Correct option 1: In autumn, ears of wheat, heavy with ripened grains, wait for the hour when combine harvesters appear in the field.

Correct option 2: In the fall, ears of wheat, heavy with ripened grains, wait for the hour when the combines appear in the field.


The work of the late Beethoven did not correspond much to the tastes of the contemporary Viennese public, who gave their sympathies to chamber music.

Northeast of the village of Zorina there are swamps formed by sedimentation

Errors in adverbial verbs

EXAMPLE 1 Sentence: While on the road, home is always remembered. Participial phrase: while on the road. The basis of the sentence: the house is remembered. The predicate “remembered” refers to the subject “house”. The participle “being” should also refer to the word “house”. But in this case it turns out that the house is on the way, and this is incorrect. The narrator, that is, “I,” is on the way.

Correct option: When I’m on the road, I always remember home.

EXAMPLE 2 Sentence: When leaving a shift, workers check the factory equipment.

Participial phrase: leaving a shift. The basis of the sentence: the equipment is being checked. The predicate “checked” refers to the subject “equipment”. The participle “leaving” should also refer to the word “equipment.” But in this case, it turns out that the equipment leaves the shift, and this is incorrect, since the workers leave the shift.

Correct option: When workers leave their shift, they check the factory equipment.

EXAMPLE 3 Sentence: While enjoying a delicious dinner, our conversation flowed serenely. Participial phrase: enjoying a delicious dinner. The basis of the sentence: the conversation proceeded. The predicate “proceeded” refers to the subject “conversation”. The participle “enjoying” should also refer to the word “conversation.” But in this case, it turns out that the conversation was enjoying a delicious dinner, and this is not true, since “we” were enjoying the dinner.

Correct option: While enjoying a delicious dinner, we chatted serenely.

Where is the mistake?

While preparing for the speech, the opponent’s point of view became clear.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, you should never lose hope for a favorable outcome of events!

People's lives have always depended heavily on nature. Despite the fact that humanity has now achieved great results in its development, it is still an inseparable part of it. In his text, the author raises the problem of the responsibility of generations to their descendants for the conservation of nature.

The text by Yu. Yakovlev tells how the children found an unusual flower near the house. First they asked their parents about him, but they did not give an answer. Neighbors came and looked at it, and everyone had their own version of the appearance of the flower, but no one could say anything for sure. Then everyone remembered about their grandmother and decided to turn to her. The author says that people now know about the time in which she lived only from books. She gave the answer: it was chamomile. The grandmother said that there used to be a lot of these flowers, but they were picked all over and there were none left. The text ends with a statement from the grandmother, who accuses her generation of not saving the most native flower of our land. Modern children do not know about its existence. Yakovlev ended his text with such sad words in order for the reader to think about the fact that each of our actions has its consequences, which our descendants will feel.

According to the author, chamomile is the most native flower of our land: “From childhood to old age, a small sun with white rays shone for man.” Yu. Yakovlev believes that previous generations are to blame for the modern one for not treating nature with care, and because of this, some plant species have not survived to this day: “We are to blame for you, children! They didn't save the chamomile. The most dear flower of our land was not saved, and it became alien to you, like an alien.”

The work of R. Bradbury “Smile” describes the events of the future. Humanity survived a war, as a result of which the entire civilization disappeared, and people returned to their traditional way of life. Not only the achievements of science suffered, but also nature and the environment: the roads were like a saw, up and down, from bombings, the fields glowed from radiation at night. It is difficult to say what harm this war caused to the environment, but, of course, children born after these terrible events saw a completely different world. All this happened because someone didn’t share something. People in the past acted irresponsibly and selfishly, and the consequences have to be dealt with by younger generations, who received only a tiny part of natural resources.

Another example confirming the words of the author is the work of A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard". The estate of the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya had a huge cherry orchard, which was the pride and simply a favorite place of the Ranevsky family. Unfortunately, the beautiful garden was soon to be sold for debts. Lyubov Andreevna always squandered money, and for the last five years she lived abroad and did not take care of her estate. Ranevskaya receives an offer to cut down the garden and give the land for summer cottages in order to avoid selling the estate. Lyubov Andreevna is horrified by this proposal, and she refuses it. It turns out that she doesn’t want to cut down the garden, but she allowed it to be brought to this state. Gaev, Ranevskaya’s brother, is trying to make some plans to save the garden, he even asks his aunt from Yaroslavl for money, but everything is in vain. It was already too late, and on August 22, the day of the auction, the estate was sold to Lopakhin, who had previously persuaded Ranevskaya to cut down the garden. He planned to do the same after purchasing it. Thus, the family did not preserve this wonderful garden for future generations. Due to the negligence of the Ranevsky family, no one will be able to admire it anymore, walk between the trees and pick cherries. Descendants learn about him only from stories.

In conclusion, I want to say that nature undoubtedly plays a key role in human life. People must understand that nature is very fragile, and we must protect it not only for ourselves, but also for our children, for the sake of the future of all humanity.

Essay 4 – about animals.

Pets have always been man's friends. Therefore, they deserve to be treated properly. Even though humans have a lot of power over their pets, they should not treat them as they please. People must look after their pet, groom and cherish it, and only in this case the pet will respond in kind. It is the problem of people’s attitude towards animals that the author raises in his text.

Goncharova begins her text by introducing the main character, Seraphim, a Chernivtsi veterinarian who dotes on his patients. A man communicates exclusively with those people who treat their pets well; he doesn’t even want to know the rest. For example, Seraphim stopped communicating with Leva Gold, from whom the turtle ran away. For the veterinarian, this person automatically became bad: “Goodbye, Leva Gold, you are an animal.” Next, the writer talks about a beautiful cat who was fed so much by her owners that she stopped moving and being active. Such owners are also not friends of Seraphim. The next pet is a parrot. He behaves horribly, steals and swears. The veterinarian explains that the bird, unlike its owner, can be pointed out once about mistakes, and it will immediately understand them. The first one to receive positive reviews is the donkey Socrates. Seraphim says that he is smart and very quick-witted, although sometimes he still shows his donkey, stupid qualities. Seraphim says about the Osadchikh goat that she is amorous, stupid and annoying. He blames her owners, whom he considers animals, for her tobacco addiction. The veterinarian also talks about the piglet Fyodor, who, according to Seraphim, is not getting fat, because everything goes into his mind. The piglet's owners are evil people, they want to kill him. The owners are to blame for the loss of hearing in the Tomultsovs' dog, who ruined his talent by taking the dog hunting in winter. Seraphim himself does not have his own pet, because he devotes all his time to others: not only animals, but also their owners. For example, recently a great dog I knew brought puppies. Seraphim spends every day with her, but not only because of the puppies, but because the owners are people. Goncharova, concluding her text, writes that it is Seraphim who will be able to tell: which person is good and which one is not worth communicating with.

The author believes that the habits of pets can tell us about the character of their owners, which is why people should treat animals well. According to the author, only decent and intelligent owners can have well-mannered and intelligent pets.

I couldn't agree more with the author. In my life I have encountered similar situations more than once. It seems to me that pets are like children, they take cues from people and imitate their behavior, so owners should monitor their behavior, pay attention to their pets and educate them.

A striking example is the story of Yu. Kazakov “Arcturus - the hound dog”. It talks about a hound dog who was born blind. Because of his shortcomings, his owners threw him out onto the street, where he grew up very fearful because people were always kicking him and shouting at him. One day a doctor who was returning from duty saw him, he took him to his home, washed him and fed him. After that, the doctor wanted to drive the dog away, but he stubbornly refused to go. So a new inhabitant appeared in the house. Kazakov describes Arcturus as an unusual dog. The animal loved its owner passionately, with all his soul. The Doctor is the only one who treated Arcturus kindly, so the dog was incredibly loyal to him. After some time, Arcturus began to spend a lot of time in the forest, hunting instincts made themselves felt. One day he came across a fox and chased it through the entire forest. Rumors about the unusual dog quickly spread, and people came to the doctor and offered big money for the dog. The doctor flatly refused, he loved Arcturus very much, he did not need any money. It seems to me that Arcturus understood everything and therefore did not even think about leaving his master or cheating on him. Probably, if not for the accident in the forest, they would have lived in perfect harmony with the doctor. This story shows in the best possible way that a person’s attitude towards an animal is directly related to the animal’s attitude towards a person.

Another, no less striking example is the work of K. Paustovsky “Grey Gelding”. The story tells about a horse that worked for people all its life. When she could no longer work, the chairman of the collective farm wanted to send her to the farrier, but the groom Petka took pity on the horse and took it for himself. That is why the gelding tagged along with him when Petya and Reuben walked to the river. The horse felt kindly treated by Petka, and therefore treated him the same way.

In conclusion, I want to say that many people treat animals as stupid creatures, treat them poorly and allow themselves to be pushed around by them, but even pets understand everything, therefore they become the same as their owners, they imitate them in everything, in including behavior.

Incorrect use of the case form of a noun


Offer: The pilot acted in accordance with instructions received from the airport's chief dispatcher. (The noun “instructions” is in the genitive case, but should be in the dative case (according to what? instructions)).

Correct option: The pilot acted in accordance with instructions received from the airport's chief dispatcher.


Offer: Upon arrival in the city, we stayed in a small, cozy hotel. (The noun “arrival” with the preposition “by” in the meaning “after arrival” is in the dative case, but should be in the prepositional case)

Correct option: Upon arrival in the city, we stayed in a small, cozy hotel.


Offer: Due to heavy rains, the water in the river kept rising. (The noun “rains” is in the dative case, but should be in the genitive (due to what? rains)).

Correct option: Due to heavy rains, the water in the river kept rising.


Offer: At the end of the holiday, participants begin making new lanterns for the next year. (The noun “to the end” with the preposition “by” meaning “after the end” is in the dative case, but should be in the prepositional case).

Correct option: At the end of the holiday, participants begin making new lanterns for the next year.

Offer: Thanks to his friendship with Cherkasov’s family, upon his arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the writer’s house. (The noun “friendship” is in the genitive case, but should be in the dative case (due to what? friendship)).

Correct option: Thanks to his friendship with Aksakov’s family, upon his arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the writer’s house.


Offer: The head of the clinic received us quickly. The noun “polyclinic” is in the genitive case, but should be in the instrumental case (the head of what? a clinic).

Correct option: The head of the clinic received us quickly.

Disruption of connection between subject and predicate


Offer: Those who arrive later will take empty seats. (The sentence is complex, consisting of 2 parts: main and subordinate. The basis of the main part: those will take (subject and predicate in the plural). The basis in the subordinate part: who will come (who - in the singular, will come - in the plural). The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, so you need to put the predicate “will come” in the singular).

Correct option: Those who arrive later will take empty seats.


Offer: A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each side claims to establish the truth. (The sentence is complex, consisting of 2 parts: main and subordinate. The basis of the main part: dispute is a way (subject and predicate in the singular). The basis in the subordinate part: each claim (each - in the singular, claim - in the plural) And although in the subordinate clause we are talking about parties, of which there are several, the word “sides” in the genitive case is not the subject. Instead, the subject is the word “each.” Therefore, the predicate “claim” must be put in the singular).

Correct option: A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each side claims to establish the truth.


Offer: A team of ornithologists from several universities have developed a method for studying rare birds. ( The basis of the sentence: the team developed (team is singular, developed is plural). Although the sentence talks about ornithologists, of which there are several, the subject is the word “team” (since the team is in the nominative case, and the ornithologists are in the genitive case). Therefore, the predicate “developed” must be put in the singular).

Correct option: A team of ornithologists from several universities has developed a method for studying rare birds.


Offer: The press, in particular youth magazines, pay a lot of attention to cultural issues. (The basis of the sentence: the press is given (press - in the singular, given - in the plural). Although the sentence has a separate part “in particular youth magazines” in the plural, it does not affect the number of the predicate. The connection between the subject and the predicate is broken, therefore, you need to put the predicate “pay” into the singular).

Correct option: The press, in particular youth magazines, pays a lot of attention to cultural issues.


Offer: Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year. (The basis of the sentence: fifty-one objects were handed over. Since the subject has a numeral ending in one, the predicate must be in the singular, although the sentence deals with several objects. Therefore, you need to put the predicate “passed in” in the singular).

Correct option: Fifty-one construction projects were completed last year.


Offer: Sukhumi is located on the very shore of the sea. (The basis of the sentence: Sukhumi is spread out (Sukhumi is a city, that is, the word is masculine, spread out is feminine). Therefore, you need to put the predicate “spread out” in the masculine gender).

Correct option: Sukhumi is located on the very shore of the sea.

Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application


Offer: About his attitude towards classical music V.P. Astafyev wrote in the essay “Postscript”. (Defined word: essay. Appendix: Postscript (in which essay?). It is necessary to coordinate the appendix with the defined word (essay “Postscript”) or remove the defined word, and then the form of the word “Postscript” will depend on the verb “wrote”).

Correct option 1: About his attitude towards classical music V.P. Astafyev wrote in the essay “Postscript”.

Correct option 2: About his attitude towards classical music V.P. Astafyev wrote in Postscript.


Offer: In the morning the guys were already at the Raduga tourist base. Defined word: base. (Appendix: Raduga (on which basis?). It is necessary to coordinate the application with the word being defined (based on “Rainbow”). Correct option: In the morning the guys were already at the tourist base “Rainbow”. EXAMPLE 3 Sentence: We met, having driven away from the city of Sochi a few kilometers. Defined word: cities. Application: Sochey (from which city?). The name of the city Sochi is not inflected, so the sentence needs to be corrected Sochey to Sochi).

Correct option: We met a few kilometers away from the city of Sochi.