Peoples living in the Irkutsk region. Indigenous peoples of the Irkutsk region The smallest people of the Angara region are called

Svetlana Kulikova
Peoples living in the Irkutsk region

History of population formation Irkutsk region begins with the Old and New Stone Ages. Evidence is provided by archaeological finds of tools, household items, jewelry, as well as the presence of ancient settlements and rock paintings with hunting scenes. These finds were discovered in the city Irkutsk at the former military hospital, in Malta, Bureti, Krasny Yar. They made it possible to establish the peculiarities of the life and everyday life of people of the Old Stone Age, their occupation by hunting mammoth, rhinoceros, reindeer, wandering through the forests and steppes of the Angara and Leningrad regions.

In the New Stone Age (IV-III millennium BC) on the banks of the Angara and Lena there were already more tribes living who left numerous monuments in the form of burial grounds and rock paintings. Their main occupation was not hunting mammoths, but elk, deer, bears, wild boars and fishing. These tribes significantly improved the tools of production; a bow, arrowheads, and an ax made of jade were invented.

During the Copper-Bronze Age (IV-I millennium BC) the number of tribes is growing, products made of copper and bronze, knives, fishhooks, needles, and awls appear.

In the VI-X centuries. n. e. on the banks of Lake Baikal, in the Angara valley, in the upper reaches of the Lena. Tunka Valley lived Kurykans - the most numerous and powerful people from an ancient Turkic tribe. They left numerous rock paintings on the banks of the Lena near the village of Shishkin, on Mount Manhai on the Kuda River, in Ityrkhey Bay on Lake Baikal, and on the Unga River. The main occupations of the Kurykans were cattle breeding, especially horse breeding, and hunting. They led a nomadic lifestyle. The tall and strong horses were presented as gifts to the Chinese court, according to the Chinese chronicle.

The Kurykans were engaged in farming (as evidenced by the found cast iron ploughshare, traces of arable land discovered during aerial photography, and irrigation of hayfields. Traces of irrigation ditches of the Kurykans can now be found in the Kuda River basin in the area of ​​the villages of Akhin, Bazoy, Kharazargai, Ust-Orda, Kapsal.

According to A.P. Okladnikov, from the 11th century. Mongolian nomadic tribes moved to the Baikal region, to the expanses of the Angara and Lena regions. These Mongol-speaking tribes assimilated the Kurykan and became the ancestors of the modern Buryats, as evidenced by the presence of many Turkic words and geographical names in the Buryat language.

Some of the Kurykans, pressed by the Mongols, moved to the north region, and from these groups the Yakut and Evenki were subsequently formed nationalities.

To the arrival of the Russians in the territory Buryats lived in the Irkutsk region, Evenks and Tofalars.

Buryats made up the majority of the population. They were divided into clan and tribal groups, which did not always get along with each other. Numerous of the Buryats were the Bulagats, who occupied the left bank of the Angara from Baikal to Balagansk, and the Ekhirites - in the basin of the Kuda and Upper Lena rivers; the Khorins occupied the area of ​​Bolshaya and Malaya Buguldeika and the island of Olkhon. Most of the Khorin Buryats lived in Transbaikalia.

The Buryats led a semi-nomadic lifestyle, breeding cattle, sheep and goats, and horses. Herds of horses grazed all year round along the Angara, Kudin, and Olkhon steppes and copses.

A secondary occupation of the Buryats was hunting goats, bears and fur-bearing animals. From the Kurykans, the Buryats adopted the high skill of blacksmithing and the system of irrigation of hayfields.

Evenks occupied the northern regions region and Eastern Siberia, the Evenki population was small. They occupied river valleys, raised deer, hunted large animals and fur-bearing animals (sable, squirrel, etc.). They led a nomadic lifestyle and lived through childbirth.

In the mountainous regions of the Eastern Sayan lived a small but ancient nationality - Tofalars(Tofs, whose main occupation is still reindeer herding, hunting, and fishing.

XVII century became a new stage not only in the development and settlement of territories region, it is characterized by a noticeable increase in population. Following the explorers, industrialists, merchants, entrepreneurs, and peasants followed the explorers to Eastern Siberia to develop the coastal lands. Local governors and clerks sent recruiters to the Yenisei fort to recruit people to develop the Ilim, Angara and Lena lands.

The government issued a Decree, according to which the governor obliged each settler to provide “three good geldings, three cows, two goats, three pigs, five sheep, two geese, five chickens, and two ducklings, and a year’s worth of bread, and plow for everyone’s arable land, and a cart, and a sleigh and all sorts of everyday rubbish, and in addition to that, 25 rubles were ordered to be given to each family. money."

Not all settlers could take advantage of this benefit by order. However, the flow of immigrants did not decrease. We went to Siberia from the central and northern regions of European Russia at our own peril and risk.

The main influx of population to Eastern Siberia, including Irkutsk province, was associated with the completion of the construction of the Moscow Overland Highway (1760) and the Trans-Siberian Railway (1898, connecting Irkutsk province with the European part of Russia. The stations, towns and villages that emerged during the construction of communication routes subsequently became large settlements and cities.

Population Irkutsk The province grew significantly due to exiles and political prisoners.

The Moscow Overland Route and the Trans-Siberian Railway, which reached Irkutsk province, strengthened its economic ties with the central regions of Russia. In connection with this, the influx of population increased noticeably, villages and villages grew.

In the second half of the 19th century. The population of the province doubled. Two thirds of the population were Russians and one third were Buryats, Evenks and Tofalars. Concept "Russians" generalized, in reality they were representatives of different nationalities. The bulk of the immigrants were from the European part of Russia. However, not all settlers and volunteers took root in the harsh conditions of Eastern Siberia. About a quarter of those who arrived in Siberia later returned to their homeland.

As a result of the adaptation of the Russian population to local Siberian conditions, the process of assimilation occurred "osibiration" arriving population.

The territorial community of people who settled in the Siberian regions, the historical past and some psychological factors determined the formation of the Siberian character of people: endurance, goodwill, national open-mindedness and devotion to the Motherland.

During the Soviet period, there continued to be a significant influx of population into Irkutsk region for great construction projects, mainly young people, from all over the former Soviet Union. A significant part of the youth remained in region for permanent residence (Angarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Sayansk, etc.).

Population formation Irkutsk region lasted for many centuries. The population increased due to natural growth and migration from other regions, especially from regions of European Russia. So formed in region people multinational, a national team, but, as Tvardovsky wrote, a selective one, who proved himself in labor and in the battle with Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War.

Population Irkutsk region, according to the All-Russian Population Census of 2002, amounted to 2581.7 thousand people, including the Ust-Orrdynsky Autonomous Okrug (135.3 thousand people). This represented 1.9% of the population of the Russian Federation and about 30% of the population of the East Siberian economic region. By population region superior to the Republic of Buryatia and Chita region, inferior to the Krasnoyarsk Territory (3.1 million people). In the Siberian Federal District Irkutsk region It ranks 5th in terms of population, 14th in the Russian Federation.

According to current accounting Irkutsk regional statistical office, population region in 2004. was 2560.9 thousand people, as of 01/01/2005 - 2545.3 thousand people, as of 01/01/2006 - 2526.7 thousand people, as of 01/01/2007 - 2513, 8 thousand people

Population region, like other administrative units, depends on a number of factors. First of all, from the fertility and mortality rates, i.e. from natural increase - the excess of the birth rate over the death rate. It depends on socio-economic conditions: material security, housing conditions, culture, education, employment of women in production, industrialization, urbanization. Secondly, from the mechanical movement of the population - entry and exit.

Population increase area amounted to: in 1959-1970 by 17%, in 1970-1979 - 10%, in 1979-1989 - 10.4%.

Population growth area was connected, firstly, with increased natural increase, i.e., an excess of birth rates over deaths. Secondly, with the influx of population due to ongoing industrialization, when a large amount of labor was needed for great construction projects and the operation of factories and enterprises.

Komsomol construction projects were an important addition to the population, when young people came from all over the former Soviet Union to build Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station, Angarsk petrochemical plant, "Sayanskkhimprom", Usolsky Chemical Plant and other construction projects. Young people who came to construction sites started families and remained permanently. Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, Zheleznogorsk, Angarsk, Sayansk were the youngest cities in terms of age of residents.

Data from the 2010 All-Russian Population Census show a sharp decline in population Irkutsk region over the past 15 years. Comparing the results we see a decrease in population area at 243,2 thousand people, or 8.6%.

Population decline area explained, firstly, by a decrease in natural increase, that is, an increase in mortality and a decrease in the birth rate. Secondly, population migration outside areas in search"better life".

Population distribution. Population distribution by territory Irkutsk region is not uniform. It depends on natural conditions, their diversity, specificity, history of exploration and development of productive forces.

Average population density area is 3.5 people per square kilometer. This is more than two times lower than the Russian Federation (8 people/km2, for example, in the Novosibirsk region - 13 people/km2, in Kemerovo - 29 people/km2.

The most populated and developed territory is the southern, southwestern part region, adjacent to the East Siberian Railway. Moscow highway. The tract part of the territory has been inhabited Irkutsk-Kachug occupied by the steppe expanses of the Kudinsky, Ust-Ordynsky, Olzonovsky, Bayandaevsky, Khogotovsky steppes and forest-steppes. The Angara steppes and the valleys of rivers flowing into the Angara are inhabited. The population along the Taishet-Lena railway lines is increasing, and the western section of the Baikal-Amur Mainline is settling down.

The northern regions are sparsely populated region, where there is not even one person per 1 km2. These are the Katangsky, Kazachinsko-Lensky districts, part of the Kirensky, Ust-Kutsky districts. In the future, these areas will be settled as the mineral deposits in which they are rich are developed.

National composition. The 2010 All-Russian Population Census provided updated data not only on the size and distribution of the population, but also on the national composition of the population region. According to its results, in areas lived representatives of 140 different nationalities.

Of the total population, Russians made up 1,581 thousand people. (89.9%, second place in number was occupied by the indigenous population - Buryats - 80.6 thousand people (3.1%, third place - Ukrainians, their number was 53.6 thousand people. (2,1%) . Fourth - Belarusians - 14.2 thousand people. (0.5%) . IN Armenians live in the region(6.8 thousand people, Germans (6.2 thousand people, Poles (1.8 thousand people, Chinese (1.3 thousand people, gypsies) (1.6 thousand people) and etc.

In the north region few live peoples: Evenks (1431 people, Yakuts (922 people). Tofalar (tofs) (723 people) reside in the Nizhneudinsky district of Eastern Sayan.

Urban and rural population. Irkutsk province 1913. was an agricultural administrative unit of Eastern Siberia. In the cities then 70 thousand lived. people, or 10.2% of the total population, and in rural areas 617 thousand people, or 89.8%.

According to the 2010 All-Russian Population Census In the Irkutsk region, 2,047 thousand lived in cities. people, or 79.3%, in rural areas, including the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, 534.1 thousand people, or 20.7%. Due to the high proportion of urban population Irkutsk region takes first place in Eastern Siberia, second place in Siberia after Kemerovo region and twelfth in Russia. A high percentage of the urban population is characteristic of highly developed industrial administrative units of Russia, which has become Irkutsk region in the east of the country.

This is explained by the rapid development of industry in region and population migration from rural areas to cities. The influx of population into industrial centers was accompanied by the growth of cities and workers' settlements. If before 1913 in the territory Irkutsk The province had 7 cities, but now their number has increased to 22, urban-type settlements 55, rural settlements 1503.

Total number of settlements in areas 1503, united into 33 administrative districts. 55 village councils and 365 rural administrations, including 6 districts, 77 rural administrations and 322 settlements in the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

Sex composition. In the gender composition of the population region there is a disproportion. The number of females exceeds the number of males. What is it in the region as a whole, and to urban and rural populations.

According to the 1989 census, there were 1,065 women for every 1,000 men. In the 2010 census, this figure increased and was already 1,135 women per 1,000 men. IN

G. Irkutsk- amounted to 1205 women per 1000 men, however, statistics show that the superiority of the male sex over the female remains until the age of 41, but subsequently loses this advantage due to higher mortality, accidents, and deaths in military operations. At older working ages, there are significantly more women than men,

Average life expectancy of the population region since 1990., according to statistics, decreased by 5.8 years and amounted to 61.5 years, which is 3.3 years lower than the Russian one. Men in regions live 55 years, women – 69.3 years. In Russia, respectively - 58 years and 72 years.

Labor resources. Labor resources region are people of working age from 16 to 55 (women) and up to 60 (men, as well as teenagers, pensioners employed in production. The most productive are people aged 25 to 50 years. Labor resources are directly dependent on the population size and its structure. Important in the structure of the population have: age, gender, professionalism, education. These indicators determine the composition and demand for the use of labor resources on the farm region.

Population region and its natural increase do not satisfy production needs for labor. That's why Irkutsk region, like the whole of Eastern Siberia, has always felt a shortage of labor. Population migration to region was always high. The working population who arrived in region, found work in a growing industry.

Population in Irkutsk region from the beginning of its entry into market relations, it decreased in the period from 1992 to 2006 by 280.9 thousand people.

The reason for such a rapid decline in population area is that natural growth has fallen and the movement of people outside the borders has increased region.

From 1992 to 1998, labor resources were practically not replenished. Since 2000, they began to grow noticeably due to the development of production.

Employment of labor resources by industry region, as well as in general region changed slightly over the years. The largest number of labor resources is employed in industry. In second place are trade, public catering, supplies, procurement, and in third place is transport.

In the production sector, labor resources in industry occupy 24.6%, in trade and public catering - 16.7%, transport and communications - 9.3%, in agriculture - 8.1%, construction - 6.1%. The least is in forestry - 0.7%.

From these indicators should: By region the number of unemployed increased more than three times, in UOBAO - almost 10 times. This is due to the reduction of jobs at enterprises and the closure of some of them. In rural areas - with the dissolution of state farms, the dismemberment of collective farms and the liquidation of some of them.

Among the few peoples of the region, Evenks, average per capita income is low - 65-70% of needs, poor living conditions, high morbidity rate. All this requires a lot of attention and care. Toffs are not in the best conditions, residents in the taiga of the Eastern Sayan.

Labor population Irkutsk region needs improvement in material condition, care and attention, without which a noticeable increase in natural growth cannot be expected.

Irkutsk, December 19 – AiF-VS. These are very special people: shy and silent when it comes to defending their legal rights in bureaucratic offices, but at the same time fearless when hunting and incredibly strong-willed in the fight against everyday difficulties against the backdrop of fifty-degree frosts and piercing winds. From time immemorial, they took only the most necessary things from nature, without requiring help from the state. And now, due to the active development of deposits in the northern territories, the local population has to leave their ancestral lands and wait for the next social “handouts”.

The living conditions of the Evenks and Tofs in the taiga hinterland are easily shocked by the fact that in the 21st century, it turns out that in the 21st century, light is only provided for a few hours a day, food needs to be obtained, and the only way to get to the nearest hospital is by helicopter .

Hunter without gun and game

Local hunters who kill animals not for fun or enrichment, but for the sole purpose of survival, cannot sell their products at market prices. The federal law (Article 19 of the Federal Law “On Hunting...”) states that they do not require hunting permits in the quantities necessary to satisfy personal needs. At the same time, at the regional level, quotas for a family or one person are not established. Try and explain to the officials that you need to get enough animals so that there is not only enough for food, but also enough left for sale, because this is the only way to earn money for essential goods. In fact, it turns out that without documents it is impossible to take furs outside of your settlement: at the exit from the same Tofalaria, as local residents say, there is a cordon. So the men have to sell game for next to nothing to cunning resellers.

Licenses, of course, are issued. Last year in Katanga, the limit of about 5,600 sables was set for indigenous peoples, and for Tofalaria - 100 wapiti. But not a single local hunter received permission, because all the documents were bought up by Irkutsk companies, and only for those species of animals that bring enormous profits, for example, musk deer, complained Vladimir KECHIN, a game manager from Nizhneudinsk. - Of course, they themselves will not go north to hunt, they will simply buy products from the locals for pennies by any means, and then resell them for big money. In my opinion, the papers should be issued locally, and then the hunter will decide who to sell to, or will go to the auction himself.

An equally painful issue for fishermen is the lack of weapons: departmental weapons are taken away by police officers, and acquiring them for personal use is not an easy task. So, in order to become the owner of a rifled hunting rifle, you need five years of experience in owning a smooth-bore rifle (pensioners simply will not live to see this happy day!), and they also force you to pass computer tests on your knowledge of the laws.

For some reason, officials think: give free rein to the aborigines, so they will shoot all the animals in the forest and deplete natural resources,” the Evenk woman is perplexed Nina VEYSALOVA. - But among our people it is considered a sin to take too much from nature. These are amateur hunters or vacationers who kill as many moose as they see, and then even with their modernized machines they cannot bring out all the prey, so they immediately abandon half.

So you can’t find better users of natural resources than the local population; it is thanks to them that it is still possible to preserve the ecosystem of the northern territories

On the shoulders of enthusiasts

Traditions and customs are gradually being forgotten: there are only a few native speakers of the language, but they can speak and read (although practically no books or dictionaries are published), for example, in Tofalar, children are taught from the second to the fourth grades, and classes are held once a week. The reasons for such a deplorable situation go back to Soviet times, when the authorities decided to resettle all nomads from the taiga to special villages, creating more civilized living conditions for them. True, by force - sometimes prohibiting speaking their native language and wearing national clothes.

“I’m not a choreographer and I don’t have a musical education, but I had to learn the basics of these professions because I can’t let children forget our culture,” Nina Veisalova further said. - At first, the guys were even embarrassed to go on stage in Evenki costumes.

Meanwhile, in the Katanga region there is a public organization “Evenki National Cultural Center”. It functions only thanks to sponsors and the efforts of activists.

“The municipal administration remembers its existence only when it is necessary to hold demonstration events for the arrival of distinguished guests or organize a traveling exhibition,” says Natalya MONGO. The girl returned to her native village of Hamakar from Ulan-Ude in the summer and immediately formed a family community here.

At the same time, things are going more or less well in the regional centers, unlike in hard-to-reach settlements. There, cultural centers are located in wooden, crumbling buildings, where there are no tables, chairs on three legs - like after the war! There is a catastrophic shortage of specialists, so true enthusiasts work in such institutions, performing the duties of a teacher, a methodologist, a supply manager, and technical technicians for a nominal fee. And with the money allocated under various regional programs, as a rule, the offices of local officials are furnished.

Nina Veisalova is convinced that the fate of a people is determined only by the people themselves, others can only help them:

The state, with its social programs, has accustomed people to dependency. We are not disabled and do not belong to the category of incapacitated citizens, and all talk about benefits and financial assistance leads away from fundamental problems. We need the right to use the lands on which we have lived for centuries, and priority access to natural resources. It is necessary to create conditions for sustainable development of the economy and traditional types of economic activity. That is, we are asking not for fish, but for a fishing rod.

Do indigenous youth believe in a bright future, AiF in the Armed Forces told Maria BAKANAEVA- a young resident of the Tofalar village of Aligzher.

I graduated from high school there, then went to Ulan-Ude to receive higher education, but eventually returned to my homeland. True, not for long. For some time she taught the Tofalar language at school. But since there was no housing or prospects, I moved to Irkutsk, although I still live with the problems of Tofalaria,” Maria sighs. - It’s a shame for our students, among whom there are so many talents! After all, they are not taken anywhere: neither to the Olympics, nor to conferences, they do not see an interesting life. The classrooms are cold, just like the airport in Nizhneudinsk, where women sit with their babies - the maternity ward is only in the city. I'm not even talking about the fact that the guys don't know what fruit looks like. It’s in Irkutsk that they shove them at you on every corner, and there’s a real slaughter for them. Sending children to university is almost impossible, because there is no money in families, so boys, when they are still in high school, grab a gun and run to hunt, and girls pick mushrooms and berries, embroider, and then take care of the family hearth. And if anyone is lucky enough to go to Irkutsk to study, they are like blind kittens: no one helps them! By the way, there are a lot of us in pedagogy, since work only exists in schools. But people still live, give birth to children, and try to revive traditions. The authorities say: your maintenance is too expensive for the budget, it’s better to take everyone to the city. But they don’t understand that outside of Tofalaria and the traditional way of life, we will simply die.


The girl’s story, in fact, concentrates the main troubles that the Evenks and Tofs spoke about at the II Congress of Indigenous Minorities.

The problem of lack of jobs is extremely acute. Mining companies that enter settlements densely populated by small-numbered peoples are in no hurry to employ locals (an addiction to alcohol and an insufficient level of education affect them); they don’t even hire them as support staff, admitted the head of the Evenki community in the village of Hamakar, Katanga region, Marina KOSTYUCHENKO. But it was thanks to their ancestors, who became full-time employees of expeditions, that reserves of oil, gas and other minerals were explored. Some territories are even sold “without giblets”. As Svetlana MALYUTINA, a resident of the village of Vershina Tutura (Kachugsky district), said, almost all of their land was leased to logging enterprises for a period of 49 years. It is clear that large-scale deforestation will lead to the extinction of hunting and fishing.

Meanwhile, the legislation dictates the priority right of indigenous peoples to use natural resources,” noted Nina VEISALOVA, president of the regional public organization “Union for Assistance to Indigenous Minorities of the North of the Irkutsk Region,” adviser to the governor and Evenki nationality.

In recent years, all positive norms have been washed out of the laws, and the conflict of interests of local residents and industrialists is intensifying every day. No one is obliged to ask the population for permission before laying roads and destroying the food supply of deer; even such actions are not always agreed upon with mayors.

In the language of numbers:

Indigenous peoples of the Irkutsk region live in 40 settlements in the territory 8 districts: Katangsky, Bodaibinsky, Kirensky, Mamsko-Chuysky, Ust-Kutsky, Kazachinsko-Lensky, Kachugsky and Nizhneudinsky.

According to the 2010 census, there are a total of them 1950 people, including 678 tofs and 1272 Evenka. For comparison, in 2002 the total number of representatives of indigenous minorities reached 2154 people, of which Tofs - 723 , Evenki – 1431 .

IN 88% settlements inhabited by indigenous minorities there is no stable year-round connection with the regional center.

Almost 48% (936 people) indigenous peoples have only primary and incomplete secondary education, and 17% (near 330 people) do not even have a basic education.

By the way:

The government of the Angara region is developing a long-term target program “Main directions of social and economic development of indigenous peoples of the Irkutsk region for 2013-2016” (for the first time, representatives of indigenous minorities were involved in the preparation process). It should replace the document that has been in force in the region for the past two years. The total amount of financing for it amounted to 32.8 million rubles. These funds were used, in particular, to train several students, purchase warm clothes for reindeer herders and spare parts for boat engines, help 46 families purchase essential goods, and provide subsidies for housing construction to another 11.


The diagnosis is disappointing

To date, there are no official statistics on the health status of the population representing small ethnic groups. It is known that the incidence rate among them is 2-2.5 times higher than in the region as a whole. Dentist of the Katanga Central District Hospital Nadezhda BOYARSHINA Based on the data that I managed to obtain from colleagues (mainly from the settlements of my native region), I conducted my own analysis and came to rather sad conclusions.

Experts are concerned, first of all, with the demographic situation, which is caused by two negative trends: a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in mortality. If in 2010 there was a natural increase in the population, now there is a natural outflow. The average life expectancy indicators are also frightening: among the Tofs - 42.7 years, while in 2010 it was 54, among the Evenks - 39.5 (52). If we consider the Katangese Evenks separately, among them men live on average longer than women: 41 years (in recent years, plus ten years) versus 35.5 (minus 27.5). Among the causes of mortality in the first place are injuries, suicides, drowning, poisoning due to low-quality alcohol (vodka accounts for the lion's share of food deliveries) and frostbite, in second place are cardiovascular diseases and in third place is tuberculosis. The dispensary register consists mainly of residents of regional centers. In adults, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and alcoholism are most often diagnosed, while children suffer mainly from diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

Most of the indigenous population does not undergo examinations and is not registered with therapists or pediatricians simply because they live far away. Not all localities have healthcare facilities. People often turn to doctors only in emergency cases, and sometimes it is too late to help with anything,” states Nadezhda Boyarshina.

The situation is aggravated by the lack of necessary equipment in remote villages, in particular a mobile fluorograph, and where there is enough equipment, there is no one to work on it: there are no phthisiatricians, radiologists, or ultrasound specialists.

According to local doctors, it is necessary to allocate funds to organize visits of medical teams not only to regional centers, but also to hard-to-reach villages, as well as to pay for travel for children who need to undergo treatment in Irkutsk. In addition, it would be a good idea to adopt a program to combat alcoholism among indigenous peoples, which would provide for limiting the import of such products during the hunting seasons.

The Tofs are a unique people; these people live only in the Nizhneudinsky district of the Irkutsk region. There are only 678 of them left. It would seem that the authorities should take care of the preservation of a small people, whose representatives are nowhere else in the world. But apparently, those in power are not yet interested in them. But these people have much more problems than other residents of the Angara region.
The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Irkutsk Region, Valery Lukin, spoke about how the Tofs actually live. He is preparing a special report “On the protection of the rights and freedoms of small peoples of the north living in the Irkutsk region.” It is impossible to write such a work without visiting the place where the Tofs live. That is why the ombudsman went to Tofalaria. However, the first attempt was not successful; he did not have enough space in the helicopter and had to return to Irkutsk. A few weeks later, the ombudsman finally managed to fly to the Tofs. For a city dweller, the topic is not entirely ordinary, but the Tophs are already accustomed to the fact that for 10-15 days they cannot fly to the mainland or return back. The only way to get to the mainland in the warm months is by helicopter; it is impossible to overcome 200 kilometers of impenetrable taiga in any other way.

“In all settlements we held meetings with the population, at which we heard a lot of claims and complaints to government authorities. The fact is that previously they led a nomadic lifestyle, they are not suitable for farming, their main occupation is reindeer herding, hunting, and fishing. But Stalin decided to accustom them to a sedentary lifestyle so that they would not live in poverty. Three villages were built: Nerkha, Verkhnyaya Gutara, Alygdzher. In total, approximately 1,200 people live in Tofalaria, of which 60% are Tofs. The most pressing problem is transport accessibility. The old-timers who are there say that after the war, AN-2 planes flew to these settlements twice a day to ensure their livelihoods. Today, the MI-8 helicopter flies once every ten days,” said Valery Lukin.
Due to the transport problem, all the others are piling up.
For example, there are many problems related to medical care. All medical institutions are located in the regional center - Nizhneudinsk. Tophs should go there for examination and treatment. Having arrived for a consultation, a person must stay for ten days, since he cannot fly away. This means you have to look for accommodation for the night, and this is an additional expense.
“Teachers need to undergo a medical examination, but you can’t pass it in one day, they also need to live somewhere during this time. Based on these difficulties, the heads of these three settlements received a letter from the financial department of Nizhneudinsk, which draws attention to the fact that the paramedics who work there should write out a referral for examination as a last resort. Well, what is an “extreme case”? And who will determine this?” says Valery Lukin.

Tofalaria resident Dmitry Kangaraev had to wait two weeks for his turn on the helicopter. The man was in a hospital in Nizhneudinsk after heart surgery.
“I didn’t come to Nizhneudinsk for some kind of walk. I was in the hospital. And I can’t fly back. Stayed again. They took thirteen people, but there wasn’t enough room for me,” said Dmitry Kangaraev.
Another problem is the insufficient supply of perishable products. According to calculations by officials of the Nizhneudinsk municipality, about 900 tons of perishable products per year need to be delivered to Tofalaria. But those helicopters that are financed from the regional budget can only provide 40 tons.
“When we visited stores that could hardly be called stores, we were convinced that there was nothing perishable there; they stocked mostly canned goods. One of the local entrepreneurs said that delivery of perishable food costs 75 rubles per kilogram. But he won’t work at a loss; some kind of compensation is necessary. Of course, during the winter period, which is quite short, when the rivers freeze, food and fuel for diesel power plants can be delivered there. Flour, sugar, canned goods are delivered there. Although, of course, they also have deadlines for implementation,” says the ombudsman.

There are times when it is necessary to take a deceased person for examination. And he is transported along with the passengers in the same helicopter, despite the fact that this is unacceptable neither according to sanitary standards nor according to all other standards. And this summer a completely shocking story happened. A resident of the village of Aligdzher filed a complaint with the Commissioner for Human Rights. The man said that in July he was forced to independently resolve issues regarding the removal of the body of his father, who died in the taiga 80 km from the village, to the regional center for examination in the prescribed manner. It was possible to transport the body to the “mainland” only by helicopter. His appeals to the administration of the village of Alygdzher and the Nizhneudinsky district, to the internal affairs bodies of the city and district, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Irkutsk Region, to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the district and regional prosecutor's office, and the office of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region did not yield any results. For 11 days, the relatives of the deceased guarded the body from wild animals in a deep forest. As a result, the son was forced to enter into an agreement with the Angara airline to remove the body by helicopter, for which he paid 140 thousand rubles.
“I believe that in this situation we are actually talking about desecration of the body of the deceased by the authorities, who for 11 days did nothing to take him out of the taiga. The officials showed extreme cynicism and callousness towards the memory of the deceased and his relatives,” the ombudsman said.
The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Irkutsk Region, Valery Lukin, addressed the First Deputy Government of the Irkutsk Region, Nikolai Slobodchikov, with a request to take action in connection with the inaction of the authorities, as well as law enforcement agencies. A resident of the village of Alygdzher is currently preparing documents to file a claim in court.
Another problem is unemployment of the local population. According to Valery Lukin, there used to be a division - Consumer Cooperation, which accepted furs and other things from the Tofs, and settled accounts with them. Now this organization does not exist, and what is mined from the Tofs is bought by visiting businessmen at reduced prices.
Things are going better with education. There are educational institutions in all settlements. In Aligdzher there is an eleven-year school and a boarding school, in two other villages there are small primary schools with 30-40 students each.
“The buildings are clean, but they were built during the reign of Tsar Gorokh; the toilets, of course, are on the street. School directors noted that they are fully provided with educational literature, but there are no notebooks or pens in stores. Okay, before, when there were no notebooks, you could write on newspapers, but there are no newspapers there,” noted Valery Lukin.
And also to the question of education. In 2010, a school with 72 places was put into operation in the village of Nerja. But children still do not study there. The fact is that the work was carried out poorly, and there is a scope of work for which they paid, but in fact they were not completed.
“Externally, the school is not bad, it will be a kindergarten school. By the way, there hasn’t been a kindergarten in Nerja for a hundred years. Equipment, desks, and beds have already been delivered there. But the boiler room there, which according to the project should have 4 boilers, there are only two boilers of an unknown brand. The floors appeared to be made of raw material, with gaps between the boards as thick as a finger. 48 million regional funds were invested in it. And the customer is our regional UKS. The outstanding work is estimated at 5 million rubles. People are asking to finish the school at least by the beginning of the next school year. But decisions must be made now so that the necessary materials can be delivered there via the winter road. If they are not delivered in winter, then nothing will be done,” said Valery Lukin.
Problems of development and consolidation of their native language, culture, folk craft, the presence in Tofalaria of enterprises that operate there and do not compensate for the damage caused - all of them will be reflected in the ombudsman's report.
After the trip to the tofs, Valery wrote an appeal to the governor of the Irkutsk region, Sergei Eroshchenko, with a request to solve at least three main problems of the tofs: to increase funding for air transportation; organize medical examinations for the local population; complete the construction of a school in the village of Nerja.
“According to the calculations of the administration of the Nizhneudinsky district, in order to solve the problems of medical care for the residents of Tofalaria, the delivery of perishable products there, and the settlement of other issues requiring the mandatory travel of residents to the district center or beyond, it is necessary to annually provide funding for at least 400 flights by MI-8 helicopter. In 2013, 134 flights were financed from the regional budget, and in 2014 only 91 flights were planned, which, of course, is not enough,” Ombudsman Lukin wrote in his address to the governor. The Commissioner drew the attention of the head of the region to the fact that the Minister of Transport of the Irkutsk Region, Artur Suleimenov, and his deputy, Maxim Tyuryumin, visited Tofalaria in June to consider the transport problem and its negative consequences. They were convinced on the spot of the need to increase funding. However, management decisions to resolve the problem have not yet been made. In order to relieve social tension, the Ombudsman proposes to give the leadership of the Nizhneudinsky district the opportunity to now use the financial resources of the regional budget provided for the organization of air transportation in the 4th quarter of 2014, with a guarantee of their restoration in the future.
By the way, it so happened that employees of the prosecutor’s office of the Irkutsk region worked together with the ombudsman in Tofalaria. They received almost 50 complaints from local residents. “Local residents reported numerous violations of environmental legislation during the extraction of mineral resources by subsoil users, and an increase in poaching in forests and rivers. As a result, populations of wild animals and fish are declining in areas where the Tofalars traditionally use natural resources. During an inspection of complaints from residents of the village of Verkhnyaya Gutara about the inaction of law enforcement agencies, the fact of illegal logging of a cedar grove was revealed. After the West Baikal Environmental Prosecutor’s Office has assessed the damage, the materials will be sent to the investigative authorities,” says the material posted on the official website of the Irkutsk Region Prosecutor’s Office.
In order to protect the most vulnerable category of the population, the prosecutor of the Irkutsk region ordered “to conduct checks on each fact of violation of the legal rights of residents of Tofalaria, to take measures to establish the causes and conditions conducive to them.”
In addition, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Angara region sent a letter to East Siberian Transport Prosecutor Anatoly Merzlyakov with a request to strengthen control over compliance with current legislation by employees of the line police department for transport at the Nizhneudinsk airport. The reason was numerous appeals from residents of Tofalaria, who complained about the illegal and rude actions of employees of this department, about systematic post-flight inspections of passengers flying from the settlements of Nerja, Aligdzher, Verkhnyaya Gutara, as well as about the illegal seizure of hunting products by the police.
On this issue, Valery Lukin previously addressed the head of the East Siberian Line Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Transport, Viktor Kobas. But he replied that the employees of the inspection group of the Nizhneudinsk linear police department are among the best in the said Department and, according to the results of the inspections, they act strictly in accordance with the current legislation. At the same time, the constitutional rights of citizens are not violated, which, according to Viktor Kobas, is confirmed by the absence of complaints from passengers to the East Siberian Department of the LU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for transport during 2014.
In September, the Commissioner prepared and distributed a leaflet for air passengers in Tofalaria. The document is based on the provisions of the Air Code of the Russian Federation and other documents and informs passengers about their rights and obligations.
Photos provided by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Irkutsk Region Valery Lukin

2014, newspaper “Baikal Siberia”

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1 LESSON 16. Irkutsk region at the turn of the century. Know: characteristics of the Irkutsk region during the period of its historical development. Be able to: analyze historical information presented in tests; present the results of the study in the form of written answers. Questions and tasks: Option I 1 Task 1: choose the correct answer to the questions asked. Write your answer as a combination of two numbers (question number and answer number). (Maximum points 26). 1. The smallest people of the Angara region are called: 1) Buryats; 2) tofalars; 3) Russians 4) Evenks. 2. Which people belongs to the house in the photograph? 1) tofalaram; 2) Kurykans; 3) Evenks; 4) Buryats. 3. The disappeared tribal community that lived in the lower reaches of the Selenga, the Barguzin valley, the Tunkinskaya valley, the Angara region and the upper reaches of the Lena River was called: 1) Kurykans; 2) tofalars; 3) Evenks; 4) Buryats. 4. The construction of which fort was crucial for the future advance of the Russians into the depths of Eastern Siberia? 1) Irkutsk; 2) Ilimsky; 3) Yenisei; 4) Verkhnelensky. 5. The fraternal prison was set up by: 1) Yakov Pokhabov; 2) Rasputa Potapov; 3) Maxim Perfilyev; 4) Archpriest Avvakum. 6. The first “man eager for arable land” in the Bratsk prison was: 1) Maxim Perfilyev; 2) Rasputa Potapov;

2 3) Archpriest Avvakum; 4) Yakov Pokhabov; 7. The Irkutsk fort was founded in: 1) 1620; 2) 1661; 3) 1672; 4) 1682 8. What is the name for furs - one of the most significant types of tribute? 1) jewel; 2) sable fur; 3) soft gold; 4) yasak. 9. Explain the etymology of the name “Tulun”: 1) guilt, misconduct; 2) cold; 3) dirt; 4) bag. 10. In 1710, the following people lived in the Baikal region: 1) 10 thousand people; 2) 40 thousand people; 3) 102 thousand people; 4) 247 thousand people. 11. For the discovery of which mineral deposit did geologists receive a State Prize? 1) magnesite; 2) lapis lazuli; 3) jade; 4) fluorite. 12. The governor of the Irkutsk province was: 1) Zimin N.N.; 2) Dagurov G.V.; 3) Tolstoy A.I.; 4) Nagel L.T. 13. Which of the Irkutsk governors led the expedition along the Amur River and signed the Aigun Treaty on borders with China? 1) Muravyov-Amursky N.N.; 2) Selifontov I.O.; 3) Pestele I.B.; 4) Korsakov M.S. 14. Which German scientist was invited by Peter I to Russia in 1716 to study “all three kingdoms of nature” of Siberia. 1) Messerschmidt D..; 2) Miller G.; 3) Gmelin I.; 4) Rosen G. 2

3 15. Which of the Irkutsk merchant travelers was called the “Russian Columbus”? 1) Shelekhova G.I.; 2) Nikitin A.; 3) Sibiryakov M.V.; 4) Shastin A.I. 16. Who owned the estate? 3 1) Volkonsky S.G.; 2) Sukachev V.P.; 3) Trubetskoy S.P.; 4) Shastin A.I. 17. Whose house was listed as a World Heritage Site? 1) mayor V.P. Sukacheva; 2) merchant.i. Shastina; 3) Prince S. G. Volkonsky; 4) Prince S.P. Trubetskoy. 18. Which river is Vitim a tributary? 1) Lena; 2) Hangars; 3) Enchantment; 4) B. Chewie. 19. Execution of the Supreme Ruler of Russia Admiral A.V. Kolchak was produced in: 1) 1917; 2) 1918; 3) 1919; 4) 1920 20. The center received city status after the Great Patriotic War: 1) Slyudyanka; 2) Shelekhov; 3) Bodaibo; 4) Tulun.

4 21. The first industrial enterprise in the region was: 1) Taltsin glass factory; 2) Nikolaev Railway Plant; 3) Ust-Kut salt plant; 4) Telmin cloth factory. 22. The Sukhoi Log gold deposit is located in the area: 1) Nizhneudinsky; 2) Kazachinsko-Lenskoye; 3) Bodaibo; 4) Mamsko-Chuysky. 23. How many years did the Trans-Siberian Railway take to build? 1) within 10 years; 2) within 15 years; 3) for 20 years; 4) for 25 years. 24. A novel by an Irkutsk writer, awarded the State Prize in 1950. 1) Markov G. “The Strogovs”; 2) Vampilov A. “Elder Son”; 3) Rasputin V. “Money for Maria”; 4) Sergeev D. “Behind the Front.” 25. Vampilov A. was born in a maternity hospital in the city: 1) Irkutsk; 2) Angarsk; 3) Usolye-Sibirsky; 4) Cheremkhovo. 26 Who is the monument dedicated to? 4 1) Pokhabov Ya. 2) Bugor V.; 3) PyandeP; 4) Kolesnikov V..

5 Option II Task 1: choose the correct answer to the questions asked. Write your answer as a combination of two numbers (question number and answer number). (Maximum points 26). 1. To increase the productivity of pastures, the first people in Eastern Siberia to use artificial irrigation were: 1) the Evenks; 2) Kurykans; 3) tofalars; 4) Buryats. 2. Which people belongs to the house in the photograph? 5 1) tofalaram; 2) Kurykans; 3) Evenks; 4) Buryats. 3. Place of settlement of the Tofalars: 1) o. Olkhon; 2) river bank Angara; 3) Nizhneudinsky district; 4) Verkhnelensky district; 4. In the VIII-IX centuries. the Baikal region was part of: 1) the Arab Caliphate; 2) State of Zhou; 3) Shan State; 4) Uyghur Khanate. 5. The Bratsk prison was established in: 1) 1620; 2) 1631; 3) 1685; 4) Irkutsk fort was founded by: 1) Maxim Perfilyev; 2) Rasputa Potapov; 3) Archpriest Avvakum; 4) Yakov Pokhabov. 7. When was the Irkutsk fort given the status of a city? 1) in 1631;

6 2) in 1620; 3) in 1685; 4) in 1686 8. What goods were transported from China through Baikal? 1) tea; 2) coffee; 3) corn; 4) tobacco. 9. Explain the etymology of the name “Kirensk”: 1) bag; 2) cold; 3) guilt, misconduct; 4) dirt. 10. According to the 1897 census, Little Russians lived in the Irkutsk province; 2) Great Russians; 3) Buryats; 4) Evenks. 11. Large reserves of salt are located in the area: 1) Bratsk; 2) Katangese; 3) Bodaibo; 4) Usolsky. 12. The idea of ​​​​creating navigation schools in the east of Russia belonged to: 1) Lag L.; 2) Bering V.; 3) Tatarinov M.; 4) Pestel I. 13. When was the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society created in Irkutsk? 1) in 1851; 2) in 1861; 3) in 1871; 4) in 1881 14. The first governor of the Irkutsk province in 1764 became: 1) Karl Lvovich von Frauendorf; 2) Adam Ivanovich Bril; 3) Ivan Varfolomeevich Jacobi; 4) Ivan Bogdanovich Zeidler. 15. Siberian educator and publisher at the beginning of the 20th century: 1) Makushin P.; 2) Kuznets D.; 3) Nikitin I.; 4) Kolchak A. 16. Who owned the estate? 6

7 7 1) Sukachev V.P.; 2) Volkonsky S.G.; 3) Trubetskoy S.P.; 4) Shastin A.I. 17. With the money of which merchant was this shelter built? 1) Shastina A.I.; 2) Sibiryakoav M.V.; 3) Bazanova I.; 4) Medvednikova E. 18. In the west, the Irkutsk region is bordered by: 1) Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Buryatia; 2) Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Tuva; 3) Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Yakutia; 4) Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia. 19. The Irkutsk region within its modern borders was formed: 1) August 15, 1920; 2) November 15, 1928; 3) September 26, 1937; 4) October 26, 1948 20. The largest district in terms of area and the smallest in terms of population:: 1) Mamsko-Chuysky; 2) Bodaibo; 3) Nizhneudinsky; 4) Katangese. 21. What industry unites the cities: Zima, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Angarsk? 1) woodworking; 2) chemical; 3) shipbuilding;

8 4) microbiological. 22. Indicate the largest reservoir by area: 1) Mamakanskoe; 2) Bratskoe; 3) Irkutsk; 4) Ust-Ilimskoe. 23. When was the Trans-Siberian Railway built? 1) in 1900; 2) in 1905; 3) in 1915; 4) in 1920 24. In 1968, the regional prize named after Joseph Utkin was awarded to: 1) Rasputin V.; 2) Shastin A.; 3) Sokolov V.; 4) Kobenkov A. 25. What famous writer is named after the Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators? 1) Sedykh K.; 2) Markova G.; 3) Rasputin V.; 4) Vampilova A. 26. Who is the monument dedicated to? 8 1) Volkonskaya M.; 2) Annenkova P.; 3) Borozdina M.; 4) Muravyova A.

9 Option III Task 1: choose the correct answer to the questions asked. Write your answer as a combination of two numbers (question number and answer number). (Maximum points 26). 1. To increase the productivity of pastures, the first people in Eastern Siberia to use artificial irrigation were: 1) the Evenks; 2) Kurykans; 3) tofalars; 4) Buryats. 2. Which people belongs to the house in the photograph? 9 1) tofalaram; 2) Kurykans; 3) Evenks; 4) Buryats. 3. Place of settlement of the Tofalars: 1) o. Olkhon; 2) river bank Angara; 3) Nizhneudinsky district; 4) Verkhnelensky district; 4. The construction of which fort was crucial for the future advance of the Russians into the depths of Eastern Siberia? 1) Irkutsk; 2) Ilimsky; 3) Yenisei; 4) Verkhnelensky. 5. The fraternal prison was established in: 1) 1620; 2) 1631; 3) 1685; 4) The first “man eager for arable land” in the Bratsk prison was: 1) Maxim Perfilyev; 2) Rasputa Potapov; 3) Archpriest Avvakum; 4) Yakov Pokhabov; 7. When was the Irkutsk fort given the status of a city?

10 1) in 1631; 2) in 1620; 3) in 1685; 4) in 1686 8. What is the name for furs - one of the most significant types of tribute? 1) jewel; 2) sable fur; 3) soft gold; 4) yasak. 9. Explain the etymology of the name “Kirensk”: 1) bag; 2) cold; 3) guilt, misconduct; 4) dirt. 10. In 1710, the following people lived in the Baikal region: 1) 10 thousand people; 2) 40 thousand people; 3) 102 thousand people; 4) 247 thousand people. 11. Large reserves of salt are located in the area: 1) Bratsk; 2) Katangese; 3) Bodaibo; 4) Usolsky. 12. The governor of the Irkutsk province was: 1) Zimin N.N.; 2) Dagurov G.V.; 3) Tolstoy A.I.; 4) Nagel L.T. 13. When was the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society created in Irkutsk? 1) in 1851; 2) in 1861; 3) in 1871; 4) in 1881 14. The first governor of the Irkutsk province in 1764 became: 1) Karl Lvovich von Frauendorf; 2) Adam Ivanovich Bril; 3) Ivan Varfolomeevich Jacobi; 4) Ivan Bogdanovich Zeidler. 15. Which of the Irkutsk merchant travelers was called the “Russian Columbus”? 1) Shelekhova G.I.; 2) Nikitin A.; 3) Sibiryakov M.V.; 4) Shastin A.I. 10

11 16. Who owned the estate? 11 1) Sukachev V.P.; 2) Volkonsky S.G.; 3) Trubetskoy S.P.; 4) Shastin A.I. 17. With the money of which merchant was this shelter built? 1) Shastina A.I.; 2) Sibiryakoav M.V.; 3) Bazanova I.; 4) Medvednikova E. 18. Which river is Vitim a tributary? 1) Lena; 2) Hangars; 3) Enchantment; 4) B. Chewie. 19. The Irkutsk region within its modern borders was formed: 1) August 15, 1920; 2) November 15, 1928; 3) September 26, 1937; 4) October 26, 1948 20. The center received city status after the Great Patriotic War: 1) Slyudyanka; 2) Shelekhov; 3) Bodaibo; 4) Tulun. 21. What industry unites the cities: Zima, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Angarsk? 1) woodworking; 2) chemical; 3) shipbuilding;

12 4) microbiological. 22. The Sukhoi Log gold deposit is located in the area: 1) Nizhneudinsky; 2) Kazachinsko-Lenskoye; 3) Bodaibo; 4) Mamsko-Chuysky. 23. When was the Trans-Siberian Railway built? 1) in 1900; 2) in 1905; 3) in 1915; 4) in 1920 24. A novel by an Irkutsk writer, awarded the State Prize in 1950 1) Markov G. “The Strogovs”; 2) Vampilov A. “Elder Son”; 3) Rasputin V. “Money for Maria”; 4) Sergeev D. “Behind the Front.” 25. What famous writer is named after the Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators? 1) Sedykh K.; 2) Markova G.; 3) Rasputin V.; 4) Vampilova A. 26 Who is the monument dedicated to? 12 2) Pokhabov Ya. 5) Bugor V.; 6) PyandeP; 7) Kolesnikov V..

13 13 Criteria for assessing test tasks The level of preparation is assessed in points. Each correctly completed task is scored 1 point when calculating the results. The maximum number of points is 20. A score of “5” is given for points (90-100%); “4” for points (89-79%); “3” - for points (78-68%). A student cannot receive a positive grade if the level of his knowledge and training is below 68% of the standards specified above.

Explanatory note The work program was developed on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004

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0 Employment rate of minors aged 14 to 18 years in their free time from school in the Irkutsk region 12987 13408 12335 12528 +9% 12907-8% 11843 31.3 7177 8853 7234 3749 3479 96%

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Employment and unemployment in the Irkutsk region: Express information, January-June 2017 (Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region. 2017. 10 p.) The release of express information contains the main

Regional state budgetary educational institution of primary vocational education Vocational School 66 of Ust-Ilimsk APPROVED by the order of the director dated September 16, 2014.


Employment and unemployment in the Irkutsk region: Express information, January-July 2017 (Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Irkutsk Region. 2017. 10 p.) The release of express information contains the main

FEDERAL STATE STATISTICS SERVICE 1 Federal State Statistics Service Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Irkutsk region (Irkutskstat) Preliminary

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A.P. Sukhodolov, Head of the Department for Development of the Industrial Complex of the Administration of the Governor of the Irkutsk Region V.F. Fedorov Advisor to the Department for Development of the Industrial Complex of the Administration

Contents 1. Data on the number of graduates in GIA-9 in the OGE form 2. Participation of graduates in GIA-9 in elective subjects (the number of subjects that graduates took electively on a voluntary basis,

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2 state and municipal services" (hereinafter referred to as PRF Resolution 1376) amounted to an average of 92.67% for the MFC, and an average of 87.50% for the TOSP. The best result of compliance with the requirements of the PRF resolution

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APPROVED by Director of GBPOU AATT N.F. Argany 207 Order WORKING PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE History of the Irkutsk region 207 AGREED at the meeting of the DCC 207. Protocol Chairman of the Commission L.A. Shkineva

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BRIEF INFORMATION about the territory of settlement of the long-term target program of the Irkutsk region “Providing assistance to the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Irkutsk region,

DECREE OF THE GOVERNOR OF THE IRKUTSK REGION January 9, 2017 Irkutsk On introducing into the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region the draft law of the Irkutsk region “On amendments to the Law of the Irkutsk region “On

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE IRKUTSK REGION State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Irkutsk Region “Institute for Educational Development of the Irkutsk Region” State Autonomous Institution of Further Professional Education

Concept of the series “Comprehensive notebook for testing knowledge” The proposed manuals are collections of tests for conducting input, current, thematic and final control of the quality of students’ knowledge


S/n Name of medical organization 10/31/2017 Monitoring November 28, 2017 11/07/2017 11/10/2017 11/14/2017 11/16/2017 11/20/2017 11/23/2017 11/28/2017 OGBUZ "Ust-Ilimsk" 1 city clinic

APPROVED by Director of GBPOU AATT N.F. Argany 018 Order WORKING PROGRAM OF EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE History of the Irkutsk region Angarsk, 018 AGREED at the DCC meeting 018. Protocol Chairman of the Commission L.A. Shkineva

WHAT IS COMPULSORY MEDICAL INSURANCE (CHI) Compulsory medical insurance is a type of social insurance that represents a system of measures aimed at ensuring guarantees of free provision of medical care to the insured person

Option I

Task No. 1:

    The smallest people of the Angara region are called:









    The disappeared tribal community that lived in the lower reaches of the Selenga, the Barguzin valley, the Tunkinskaya valley, the Angara region and the upper reaches of the Lena River was called:





    The construction of which fort was of decisive importance for the future advance of the Russians into the depths of Eastern Siberia?





    The fraternal prison was established:

    Yakov Pokhabov;

    Rasputa Potapov;

    Maxim Perfilyev;

    Archpriest Avvakum.

    The first “man eager for arable land” in the Bratsk prison was:

    Maxim Perfilyev;

    Rasputa Potapov;

    Archpriest Avvakum;

    Yakov Pokhabov;

    The Irkutsk fort was founded in:

    1620 g;




    What is the name for furs - one of the most significant types of tribute?


    sable fur;

    soft gold;


    Explain the etymology of the name “Tulun”:

    guilt, misconduct;




    In 1710, the following people lived in the Baikal region:

    10 thousand people;

    40 thousand people;

    102 thousand people;

    247 thousand people.

    For the discovery of which mineral deposit did geologists receive a State Prize?


    lapis lazuli;



    The governor of the Irkutsk province was:

    Zimin N.N.;

    Dagurov G.V.;

    Tolstoy A.I.;

    Nagel L.T.

    Which of the Irkutsk governors led the expedition along the Amur River and signed the Aigun Treaty on borders with China?

    Muravyov-Amursky N.N.;

    Selifontov I.O.;

    Pestele I.B.;

    Korsakov M.S.

    Which German scientist was invited by Peter I to Russia in 1716 to study “all three kingdoms of nature” in Siberia?

    Messerschmidt D.;

    Miller G.;

    Gmelin I.;

    Rosen G.

    Shelekhova G.I.;

    Nikitin A.;

    Sibiryakov M.V.;

    Shastin A.I.

    Who owned the estate?

    Volkonsky S.G.;

    Sukachev V.P.;

    Trubetskoy S.P.;

    Shastin A.I.

    Whose house was listed as a World Heritage Site?

    mayor V.P. Sukacheva;

    merchant A.I. Shastina;

    Prince S. G. Volkonsky;

    Prince S.P. Trubetskoy.




    B. Chewie.

    Execution of the Supreme Ruler of Russia Admiral A.V. Kolchak was produced in:









    The first industrial enterprise in the region was:

    Taltsinsky glass factory;

    Nikolaev Railway Plant;

    Ust-Kut salt plant;

    Telmin cloth factory.

1) Nizhneudinsk;

2) Kazachinsko-Lenskoye;

3) Bodaibo;

4) Mamsko-Chuysky.

23. How many years did the Trans-Siberian Railway take to build?

1) within 10 years;

2) within 15 years;

3) for 20 years;

4) for 25 years.

1) Markov G. “The Strogovs”;

25. Vampilov A. was born in a maternity hospital in the city:

1) Irkutsk;

2) Angarsk;

3) Usolye-Sibirsky;

4) Cheremkhovo.

26 Who is the monument dedicated to?

    Pokhabov Ya.

    Bugoru V.;


    Kolesnikov V.

Option II

Task No. 1: choose the correct answer to the questions asked. Write your answer as a combination of two numbers (question number and answer number). (Maximum number of points – 26).





    Which people owns the house in the photograph?





    Place of settlement of Tofalars:

    O. Olkhon;

    river bank Angara;

    Nizhneudinsky district;

    Verkhnelensky district;

    INVIII- IXcenturies the Baikal region was part of:

    Arab Caliphate;

    State of Zhou;

    Shan State;

    Uyghur Khanate.

5. The fraternal prison was installed in:

1) 1620;

2) 1631;

3) 1685;

4) 1686.

6. Irkutsk fort was founded by:

1) Maxim Perfilyev;

2) Rasputa Potapov;

3) Archpriest Avvakum;

4) Yakov Pokhabov.

1) in 1631;

2) in 1620;

3) in 1685;

4) in 1686

8. What goods were transported from China through Baikal?

1) tea;

2) coffee;

3) corn;

4) tobacco.

1) bag;

2) cold;

3) guilt, misconduct;

4) dirt.

10. According to the 1897 census, 2177 people lived in the Irkutsk province

1) Little Russians;

2) Great Russians;

3) Buryats;

4) Evenks.

1) Bratsk;

2) Katangese;

3) Bodaibo;

4) Usolsky.

12. The idea of ​​​​creating navigation schools in the east of Russia belonged to:

1) Lagu L.;

2) Bering V.;

3) Tatarinov M.;

4) Pestel I.

1) in 1851;

2) in 1861;

3) in 1871;

4) in 1881

2) Adam Ivanovich Bril;

3) Ivan Varfolomeevich Jacobi;

4) Ivan Bogdanovich Zeidler.

15. Siberian educator and publisher at the beginning of the 20th century:

1) Makushin P.;

2) Kuznets D.;

3) Nikitin I.;

4) Kolchak A.

    Sukachev V.P.;

    Volkonsky S.G.;

    Trubetskoy S.P.;

    Shastin A.I.

    Shastina A.I.;

    Sibiryakoav M.V.;

    Bazanova I.;

    Medvednikova E.

    In the west they border the Irkutsk region:

    Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Buryatia;

    Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Tuva;

    Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Yakutia;

    Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia.

    The largest district by area and the smallest by population::









    Indicate the largest reservoir by area:





    When was the Trans-Siberian Railway built?

    in 1900;

    in 1905;

    in 1915;

    in 1920

    In 1968, the regional prize named after Joseph Utkin was awarded to:

    Rasputin V.;

    Shastin A.;

    Sokolov V.;

    Kobenkov A.

    Sedykh K.;

    Markova G.;

    Rasputina V.;

    Vampilova A.

    Who is the monument dedicated to?

    Volkonskaya M.;

    Annenkova P.;

    Borozdina M.;

    Muravyova A.

Option III

Task No. 1: choose the correct answer to the questions asked. Write your answer as a combination of two numbers (question number and answer number). (Maximum number of points – 26).

    To increase the productivity of pastures, artificial irrigation was the first to be used in Eastern Siberia:





    Which people owns the house in the photograph?





3. Place of settlement of Tofalars:

1) o. Olkhon;

2) river bank Angara;

3) Nizhneudinsky district;

4) Verkhnelensky district;

4. The construction of which fort was crucial for the future advance of the Russians into the depths of Eastern Siberia?

1) Irkutsk;

2) Ilimsky;

3) Yenisei;

4) Verkhnelensky.

5. The fraternal prison was established in:

1) 1620;

2) 1631;

3) 1685;

4) 1686.

6. The first “man eager for arable land” in the Bratsk prison was:

1) Maxim Perfilyev;

2) Rasputa Potapov;

3) Archpriest Avvakum;

4) Yakov Pokhabov;

7. When was the Irkutsk fort given the status of a city?

1) in 1631;

2) in 1620;

3) in 1685;

4) in 1686

8. What is the name for furs - one of the most significant types of tribute?

1) jewel;

2) sable fur;

3) soft gold;

4) yasak.

9. Explain the etymology of the name “Kirensk”:

1) bag;

2) cold;

3) guilt, misconduct;

4) dirt.

10. In 1710, the following people lived in the Baikal region:

1) 10 thousand people;

2) 40 thousand people;

3) 102 thousand people;

4) 247 thousand people.

11. Large reserves of salt are located in the area:

1) Bratsk;

2) Katangese;

3) Bodaibo;

4) Usolsky.

12. The governor of the Irkutsk province was:

1) Zimin N.N.;

2) Dagurov G.V.;

3) Tolstoy A.I.;

4) Nagel L.T.

13. When was the Siberian Department of the Russian Geographical Society created in Irkutsk?

1) in 1851;

2) in 1861;

3) in 1871;

4) in 1881

14. The first governor of the Irkutsk province in 1764 became:

1) Karl Lvovich von Frauendorff;

2) Adam Ivanovich Bril;

3) Ivan Varfolomeevich Jacobi;

4) Ivan Bogdanovich Zeidler.

15. Which of the Irkutsk merchant travelers was called the “Russian Columbus”?

    Shelekhova G.I.;

    Nikitin A.;

    Sibiryakov M.V.;

    Shastin A.I.

16. Who owned the estate?

    Sukachev V.P.;

    Volkonsky S.G.;

    Trubetskoy S.P.;

    Shastin A.I.

17. With the money of which merchant was this shelter built?

    Shastina A.I.;

    Sibiryakoav M.V.;

    Bazanova I.;

    Medvednikova E.

    Which river is the Vitim a tributary of?




    B. Chewie.

    The Irkutsk region within its modern borders is formed by:

    The center received city status after the Great Patriotic War:





    What industry unites the cities: Zima, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Angarsk?





22. The Sukhoi Log gold deposit is located in the area:

1) Nizhneudinsk;

2) Kazachinsko-Lenskoye;

3) Bodaibo;

4) Mamsko-Chuysky.

    When was the Trans-Siberian Railway built?

    in 1900;

    in 1905;

    in 1915;

    in 1920

24. A novel by an Irkutsk writer, awarded the State Prize in 1950.

1) Markov G. “The Strogovs”;

2) Vampilov A. “Elder Son”;

3) Rasputin V. “Money for Maria”;

4) Sergeev D. “Behind the Front.”

    The Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators is named after which famous writer?

    Sedykh K.;

    Markova G.;

    Rasputina V.;

    Vampilova A.

26 Who is the monument dedicated to?

    Pokhabov Ya.

    Bugoru V.;


    Kolesnikov V..

Standard answers

Option I

Task No. 1.



























Option II

Task No. 1.




















































Option III

Task No. 1.





















































Criteria for evaluation test tasks

The level of preparation is assessed in points. Each correctly completed task is scored 1 point when calculating the results. Maximum points -26 . Rating "5"billed for 24 - 26points (90-100%); "4" - for 21- 23 points (89-79%); "3"- behind17 - 20 points (78-68%).

A student cannot receive a positive grade if the level of his knowledge and training is below 68% of the standards specified above.