Download the presentation on the geography of Spain. Presentation "Spain" on geography - project, report. Information about Spain

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Geographical location Spain is located in the southwestern part of Europe. The country neighbors France in the north and Portugal in the west. Spain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Mediterranean Sea in the south and east. Spain includes several island groups, the most significant being the Canary and Balearic Islands. The total area of ​​the country is 504,750 square kilometers.

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The history of the birth of Spain The most ancient inhabitants known to us in the history of Spain appeared in the 3rd millennium BC. They are believed to have come from North Africa. They are called Iberians. The first people whose activities in Spain have evidence recorded in writing were the Phoenicians. The Roman presence in Spain lasted seven centuries. Rome declared Spain its possession, dividing it into 2 provinces - Spain Near and Spain Far. In 711, the Muslim period in the history of Spain begins. The reason for this was the lightning-fast occupation of the peninsula by the Moors. Spain became an independent state in 1492 after the expulsion of the Moors and the unification of the country. In 1931, the monarchy was overthrown in Spain and a civil war began, which ended in 1939 with the capture of Madrid and the establishment of the dictatorship of General Franco. The monarchy was restored again in 1975.

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Modern Spain The official name is the Kingdom of Spain. Spain is a parliamentary monarchy. The head of state is the king, who has only symbolic power. The capital of Spain is Madrid, with a population of 2,900,000 people. Other major cities: Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza. The population is 40.4 million people (30th place in the world). Spain is divided geographically into 50 provinces included in 17 autonomous regions (Andalusia, Balearic Islands, Valencia, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Madrid, Navarre, etc.)

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Madrid and its attractions. Royal Palace. It is considered the largest royal palace in all of Western Europe and the greatest landmark of Madrid. The central square of Madrid is the Plaza of the Sun. Once upon a time it symbolized the entrance to the city and was the gateway to Madrid. Here stands a bear reaching for the fruits of the strawberry tree, a symbol of the capital. Coat of arms of Madrid Home arena of Real Madrid FC. We advise avid football fans to attend a match of this team.

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Barcelona and its attractions. Construction of one of the most unusual buildings in Europe began in 1882 and is still not completed. According to calculations, construction of the Cathedral will continue until 2026. The Sagrada Familia Ramblas is a boulevard in the heart of Barcelona, ​​in the heart of the old town with living sculptures. The singing fountains of Montjuic in the high part of Barcelona are also called magic fountains. Park Güell is a famous park created by Antoni Gaudi in the early 20th century in the upper part of Barcelona. Oceanarium One of the largest aquariums in Europe, the Barcelona Aquarium.

Relief of Spain

Minerals of Spain

Climate of Spain

Population of Spain

City life in Spain

Economy of Spain

Economy of Spain (Continued)

Tourism industry


General information

Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula.

Area of ​​Spain: 505 thousand sq. km.

Population: almost 40 million people.

Official language: Spanish. Currency: Euro Capital: Madrid.

Relief of Spain

Spain is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe; there are very few lowlands in the country.

Most of the surface is occupied by the Central Plateau with an average height of 700-900 m above sea level.

In the north rise the Pyrenees, in the south the Andalusian mountains.

Minerals of Spain

Spain is rich in mineral resources. There are many deposits of iron ores and especially ores of non-ferrous metals (copper, silver, lead, mercury, etc.). There are reserves of coal, potassium salts, and uranium ores. The upper reaches of the rivers are rich in hydropower.

Climate of Spain

The climate of Spain is Mediterranean, however, there are differences between the climate of individual areas. In the central part of the country, summers are hot, winters are cool, and even snow storms occur.

On the northwest coast the climate is mild and humid. Forests of beeches, chestnuts, and oaks grow. The hottest climate is on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in January it is +13°C, in July +27°C.

Population of Spain

Spain includes a number of historical regions whose populations differ in language and culture. The core of the Spanish state is Castile. The Basques, Catalans, and Galicians differ from the Castilians, but they all form a single Spanish nation.

The population is distributed unevenly throughout the country; coastal areas are densely populated. The urban population predominates over the rural one. With the exception of Madrid, all major cities lie on or near the sea.

City life in Spain

With the transition to more developed production and the expansion of the service sector, the migration of Spaniards from rural areas to cities began. Now in

About 75% of the population lives in cities. The largest city in Spain is Madrid.

Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain with which Madrid constantly competes. Barcelona is an important Mediterranean port and the center of a large, densely populated industrial region.

Economy of Spain

At the global level, Spain leads in the production of olive oil and mercury mining, ranks second in the world in the production of pyrites and third in the production of grape wines.

Spain is a country with developed industry and agriculture. Natural resources create a good basis for industrial development. A significant role is played by the mining industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering (ships, cars, machine tools).

Oil refining is growing, the textile and food industries are developing.

Almost half of the country's territory is in agricultural use. 12% of the territory is occupied by forests, and 48% by pastures. The main food crops are wheat and barley.

An important industry is sheep breeding.

Many branches of agriculture work for export.

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The presentation on the topic "Spain" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

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General information Relief of Spain Minerals of Spain Climate of Spain Population of Spain City life of Spain Economy of Spain Economy of Spain (Continued) Tourism industry Conclusion

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General information

Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula. Area of ​​Spain: 505 thousand sq. km. Population: almost 40 million people. Official language: Spanish. Currency: Euro Capital: Madrid. .

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Relief of Spain

Spain is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe; there are very few lowlands in the country. Most of the surface is occupied by the Central Plateau with an average height of 700-900 m above sea level. In the north rise the Pyrenees, in the south the Andalusian mountains.

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Minerals of Spain

Spain is rich in mineral resources. There are many deposits of iron ores and especially ores of non-ferrous metals (copper, silver, lead, mercury, etc.). There are reserves of coal, potassium salts, and uranium ores. The upper reaches of the rivers are rich in hydropower.

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Climate of Spain

The climate of Spain is Mediterranean, however, there are differences between the climate of individual areas. In the central part of the country, summers are hot, winters are cool, and even snow storms occur. On the northwest coast the climate is mild and humid. Forests of beeches, chestnuts, and oaks grow. The hottest climate is on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in January it is +13°C, in July +27°C.

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Population of Spain

Spain includes a number of historical regions whose populations differ in language and culture. The core of the Spanish state is Castile. The Basques, Catalans, and Galicians differ from the Castilians, but they all form a single Spanish nation. The population is distributed unevenly throughout the country; coastal areas are densely populated. The urban population predominates over the rural one. With the exception of Madrid, all major cities lie on or near the sea.

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City life in Spain

With the transition to more developed production and the expansion of the service sector, the migration of Spaniards from rural areas to cities began. Nowadays, about 75% of the population lives in cities. The largest city in Spain is Madrid. Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain with which Madrid constantly competes. Barcelona is an important Mediterranean port and the center of a large, densely populated industrial region.

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Economy of Spain

At the global level, Spain leads in the production of olive oil and mercury mining, ranks second in the world in the production of pyrites and third in the production of grape wines. Spain is a country with developed industry and agriculture. Natural resources create a good basis for industrial development. A significant role is played by the mining industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering (ships, cars, machine tools). Oil refining is growing, the textile and food industries are developing.

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Tourism in Spain

Spain is one of the five countries most popular among tourists. In 2000, its tourism revenues exceeded $30 billion. Foreign guests are attracted by the warm climate, magnificent Mediterranean beaches and large historical centers of art and architecture - Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Valencia. About 50 million tourists visit the country every year.

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    Worked on the project: Balueva Anastasia, Baraulya Daria.


    • Among the most beautiful countries in the world, it is impossible not to notice Spain. You cannot associate this country exclusively with bulls, beaches and flamenco. Spain is a diverse, picturesque country, its rich history is reflected in prehistoric rock art, ancient fortresses, Gothic cathedrals, and Roman ruins.

    Geographical position

    Capital - Madrid

    • Spain is a colorful, cheerful, sunny country located in southwest Europe.
    • It occupies approximately 85% of the territory of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as minor islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
    • The country is bordered by Portugal to the west and Andorra and France to the north. The natural border is the Pyrenees Mountains.
    • Spain is washed in the south by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, in the west by the Atlantic Ocean, in the north by the Bay of Biscay, and in the east by the Mediterranean Sea.

    • Almost 90% of the territory is dominated by mountain ranges and plateaus.
    • The flora and fauna are rich in rare species, and all because of the extent of the kingdom from north to south and the diversity of landscapes - from mountain peaks with wild rivers and clear mountain lakes to flat landscapes with fields covered with emerald grass and flowers.
    • The main feature of the Spanish climate is the sharp transition from winter to summer: from +50 °C to 0 °C
    • The predominant climate is Mediterranean , which is characterized by scanty precipitation and is divided into three types: Mediterranean maritime, Mediterranean continental and arid.

    • Due to the arid climate, there are few forests and they are located mainly in the north-west of the country. The trees are dominated by beech, walnut, poplar and olive.
    • Oranges and almonds grow on the coast.

    beech, walnut, poplar, olive

    oranges, almonds.

    • Central European and African connections are evident in the fauna of Spain. Among European species, two varieties of brown bear, lynx, wolf, fox, and forest cat deserve mention. There are deer, hares, squirrels and moles. The imperial eagle is found in Spain and North Africa, and the blue magpie, found on the Iberian Peninsula, has also been found in East Asia. On both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar there are genets, Egyptian mongooses and one species of chameleon.

    Natural resources

    • The subsoil of Spain is replete with minerals. The reserves of metal ores are especially significant.
    • Iron ores are found in the north and south of Spain.
    • Significant reserves of potassium salts, coal, uranium, gold, silver, etc.
    • It is worth noting, however, that most of the mineral deposits in the country are very modest in size and are quite depleted, like many deposits in other European regions, which makes Spain dependent on the import of minerals, mainly from North Africa.

    The meaning of the colors of the flag is symbolic and is associated with the legend of its origin. The legend says that the king of Aragon wanted his army to have its own banner. The king's subordinates were given the task of coming up with this banner. When the projects were completed, the king, having examined them, chose from all those proposed one banner with a smooth golden field. The king looked at the monochromatic banner for a long time and finally ordered a cup of blood to be brought to him. When the cup was brought, the king dipped two fingers into it and ran them along the banner. Two red stripes were imprinted on the banner, top and bottom.

    • On the sides of the shield are the famous “pillars of Hercules”, reminiscent of Gibraltar and Tangier - two fortresses located respectively on the sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. The pillars on the coat of arms are surrounded by a ribbon on which the motto is written: “Plus Ultra”, which means “nowhere further”. This motto symbolized the advance of the empire westward - to the shores of America. In the center of the coat of arms is a shield with images of the emblems of the kingdoms.

    Long live Spain! Let's all sing together. In different voices

    But with one heart.

    Long live Spain! From the green valleys

    To the endless sea, Anthem of brotherhood!

    Love the Fatherland,

    Glory to the sons

    What did history give, Justice and greatness,

    Democracy and peace

    • ¡Viva España! Cantemos todos juntos con distinta voz y un solo corazón ¡Viva España! desde los verdes valles al inmenso mar, un himno de hermandad Ama a la patria pues sabe abrazar, bajo su cielo azul, pueblos en libertad Gloria a los hijos que a la Historia dan justicia y grandeza democracia y paz .

    Form of government

    • Currently, the government system of Spain is a constitutional monarchy. The head is the king. Currently – Philip 6
    • Currency unit - euro
    • Administratively, Spain is divided into 15 historical regions, consisting of 50 provinces


    • 2015 - 46.4 million people.
    • Urban population - 76%. Population density - 79.7 people/km².
    • The Spaniards are recognized as a single people, consisting of different ethnographic groups: Catalans, Andalusians, Castilians, etc.
    • Spain is a secular state whose constitution guarantees freedom of religion. The majority of the population professes Christianity and belongs to the Roman Catholic Church 75% In June 2015, 25.4% of respondents declared themselves irreligious.
    • The official language is Castilian; In the autonomous regions, other languages ​​are official along with Castilian (Spanish).


    • The Spanish economy is one of the most highly developed in Europe.
    • Agriculture occupies a special place in the structure of the economy. It employs 5.3% of Spain's working population. A small group of landowners own large tracts of land in the south of the country. Key indicators: Spain is third in the world in wine production, fourth in citrus production, and also provides a significant part of the world's olive and olive oil production.

    Recreation and entertainment

    Spain is famous for its holidays. It is difficult to find another country where you can spend time so intensely, filling every minute of your vacation with unforgettable impressions. It is capable of surprising even the most sophisticated tourist, and all thanks to its culture, which has absorbed all the best from a large number of directions and styles. Each region has unique attractions, many are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

    While in this country, it is impossible not to visit the knightly tournament, which takes place in the real ancient Valtordera castle. It is impossible to ignore the “art of tauromachy” - bullfighting. Throughout the world, Spaniards are famous for their hot temperament and courage. Perhaps this is why bullfighting has become a national symbol of passion, blood and courage. Bullfighting is an integral part of national history and culture; it is the most beloved and main holiday for any Spaniard.

    Holidays also make an indelible impression on tourists, during which various festivals and carnivals are held. They take place both in big cities and in small villages and are dedicated to patron saints, compatriots who have become famous in the world, seasons, creativity and sporting success.

    Tourism in Spain began to develop actively in the 1960s, when the country became a favorite holiday destination for tourists from other European countries, especially Great Britain, France, Central and Northern Europe.

    In 2007, according to the World Tourism Organization, Spain became the second most visited country in the world after France. Since 2010, Spain has been the 4th most visited country after France, the USA and China.

    In 2015, the country was visited by 69-70 million tourists, who spent about 60 billion euros in Spain.

    Famous places in Spain

    Sagrada Familia

    Thank you for your attention

    Economic and geographical characteristics of Spain

    Worked on the project: Daria Baraulya, Anastasia Balueva.

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    Contents General information Relief of Spain Mineral resources of Spain Climate of Spain Population of Spain City life of Spain Economy of Spain Economy of Spain (Continued) Tourism industry Conclusion

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    I SPAIN Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, which forms the extreme southwestern tip of Europe. The area of ​​Spain is 505 thousand sq. km. The population is almost 40 million people. The official language is Spanish. The capital is Madrid. The monetary unit is the Spanish peseta. Content

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    Relief of Spain Spain is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe; there are very few lowlands in the country. Most of the surface is occupied by the Central Plateau with an average height of 700-900 m above sea level. In the north rise the Pyrenees, in the south the Andalusian mountains. Content

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    Mineral Resources of Spain Spain is rich in mineral resources. There are many deposits of iron ores and especially ores of non-ferrous metals (copper, silver, lead, mercury, etc.). There are reserves of coal, potassium salts, and uranium ores. The upper reaches of the rivers are rich in hydropower. Content

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    The climate of Spain is Mediterranean, however, there are differences between the climate of individual areas. In the central part of the country, summers are hot, winters are cool, and even snow storms occur. On the northwest coast the climate is mild and humid. Forests of beeches, chestnuts, and oaks grow. The hottest climate is on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in January it is +13°C, in July +27°C. Climate of Spain Contents

    Slide 7

    Population of Spain The population is unevenly distributed throughout the country; coastal areas are densely populated. The urban population predominates over the rural one. With the exception of Madrid, all major cities lie on or near the sea. Spain includes a number of historical regions whose populations differ in language and culture. The core of the Spanish state is Castile. The Basques, Catalans, and Galicians differ from the Castilians, but they all form a single Spanish nation. Content

    Slide 8

    City life in Spain Contents With the transition to more developed production and the expansion of the service sector, the migration of Spaniards from rural areas to cities began. Nowadays, about 75% of the population lives in cities. The largest city in Spain is Madrid. Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain with which Madrid constantly competes. Barcelona is an important Mediterranean port and the center of a large, densely populated industrial region.

    Slide 9

    Contents At the global level, Spain leads in the production of olive oil and mercury mining, ranks second in the world in the production of pyrites and third in the production of grape wines. Spain is a country with developed industry and agriculture. Natural resources create a good basis for industrial development. A significant role is played by the mining industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering (ships, cars, machine tools). Oil refining is growing, the textile and food industries are developing. Economy of Spain