We study English and have learned to read everything. Rubric: English from scratch: learning to read. Learn the English alphabet

The desire to be able to read English-language literature in the original is one of the reasons why many people are in a hurry to start studying English courses. An incredible amount of information is available so far only in English. If you are striving for professional and personal growth, you simply do not have the right to deny yourself access to this information.

Reading in English will allow you to learn news from world sources, get important first-hand information from your field of activity, and feel like a full-fledged member of the global information community. We will not talk at length about expanding your horizons and other prospects that will open up before you along with the ability to read books in English - we all perfectly understand how important this skill is in the modern world. We have already talked about how to improve your reading skill in English. Today we’ll talk about how to master this skill, learn how to read English literature in a short time.

How to learn to read in English in a short time?

There are three main aspects that need to be taken into account when learning English and practicing reading skills: vocabulary, grammatical minimum and the ability to understand the text. Thanks to these aspects, we can indicate three mandatory conditions, the fulfillment of which will allow you to quickly form the skill of reading English-language literature:

Increase passive vocabulary and expressions

We can speak using only active vocabulary. Having at least 500 frequently used words of the English language in active stock, we can communicate in standard situations. The passive vocabulary is several times greater than the active one, and we understand the text that we read, thanks to the passive vocabulary. In order to increase it, it is not necessary to cram words. It is enough to listen, hear, read, pay attention to English words and phrases every day, hear new words in context. Movies in English, books, news, TV shows, etc. will help increase your passive vocabulary.

Improve your grammar

If you can avoid using complex grammatical structures in oral speech, then when reading books, you are likely to stumble upon them. That is why, in order to understand what is being said in the text, you will have to tighten up the grammar.

Try not to translate the text, but to understand what is being said

In the process of reading, you will sooner or later realize that not everything can be translated into your native language, some phrases, words or phrases exist only in English. Do you understand what they mean? It's enough. It is not necessary to try to literally translate the text of the book into Russian. After all, you are a reader, not a translator.

There are many ways to fulfill these conditions and learn to read books in English.

8 Ways to Quickly Learn to Read English Literature

Method number 1. Choose books that interest you. Start with the simplest - literature for children.

Method number 2. Use the wordsfromtext.com service. You can use this service before you start reading. Study the list of words that are found in the book, create a list of unknown words (better - the most frequently used in the work) and - start studying them. When you feel that you are already oriented in words, pick up a book.

Method number 3. Use lingualeo.com simulators to memorize new words. You can add the words that you extract from the text using wordsfromtext.com to one of the Lingua Leo simulators and learn them faster and more clearly, as these simulators allow you to automatically link pictures to words.

Method 4. Read books aloud. This helps to pay attention to each word, pronounce it clearly, remember what it means.

Method 5. Read e-books. Even if you are a fanatical connoisseur of printed literature, you will have to do this. Electronic books simplify the process of reading literature in English: if you come across an unfamiliar word, you can immediately click on it and see the translation (after downloading and installing the dictionary). There are a lot of resources thanks to which you can download electronic English-language books.

Method 6. Listen to audiobooks. After reading a piece you like, listen to it. This will help to consolidate the learned words, expand vocabulary. Classics of English literature, the most popular books have long had audio versions.

Method 7. For the final consolidation of new words, use the Anki program. The program helps you repeat words with the help of cards: you are shown a word, you mentally or aloud pronounce the answer, then click on the "Show answer" button. the card is turned over - you see if your answer is correct. After that press:

  • "Easy" - if the button is pressed without delay (in this case, the card will be postponed for 4 days)
  • "Good" - if remembered with a slight delay
  • "Again" - if you couldn't remember the word
Method 8. Use the reeed.me service while reading - it allows you to read books in the original and translate unfamiliar words.

English is one of the most widely spoken and demanded languages ​​in the world. Before starting the training, it is worth noting that "English", unlike German, has "pitfalls" that you can stumble upon when reading texts. English has specific rules regarding the reading of certain combinations of letters. They should be remembered, because without the correct pronunciation, even with the knowledge of a large number of words, a person will not be able to communicate with a native speaker.


Before you learn to read in English, you will have to master special gymnastics for the language. Then it will be easier to pronounce the sounds of a foreign alphabet. You also need to create the right atmosphere. There should be nothing distracting around the student, it is better to put the phone aside, and turn off the TV and radio. The study room should be tidy and well lit. The fact is that foreign objects and the amount of light in the room affect the learning abilities of the individual. And if you ventilate the apartment before class, then it will be even easier to concentrate on work.

Before the lesson begins, it is necessary to draw up a small plan that reflects the topics that will be worked on. Otherwise, the result will be low, since the student will unnecessarily linger on each subsection. Yes, and with a plan it is more convenient to track the progress of language acquisition.

The most important rules

The most important difference between English and Russian is that the reading of a particular letter (or group of letters) will be influenced by their environment. It is important to consider this before memorizing the rules of pronunciation.

The basis of correct reading in English is the ability to distinguish between 2 types of syllables.

  1. Open - after the consonant there is a vowel (for example: take). In this case, the vowel sound is read as it stands in the alphabet, and the consonant - depending on the environment.
  2. Closed - when there is no sound at all after the vowel or another consonant comes (for example: cut). In this case, the vowel has a different pronunciation, and the consonant also depends on the adjacent letters.

Step by step learning plan from scratch

Let us consider in more detail all the points of studying the rules for reading consonants and vowels, starting from the basics.

Like Russian, English has vowels and consonants. Each letter has a specific pronunciation. It occurs in words with open syllables.

LetterPronunciationWord example
A a[hey]Name - [name]
Bb[b]But - [bat]
c c[k] or [s] (before "e")Cup - [cap] or Ice - [ice], since "c" comes before "e")
D d[e]Dog - [dog]
e e[and]Me - [mi]
F f[f]Fox - [fox]
G g[j]Go - [go]
H h[x] breathlesslyHot - [hot] (the sound is read on the exhale, not as rude as in Russian)
I i[ah]Like - [like]
Jj[j"]Juice - [juice] (the sound is pronounced softly)
Kk[k] breathlesslyKey - [ki] (the sound is pronounced on the exhale, much quieter than in the native language)
l l[l]Like - [like]
M m[m]My - [May]
N n[n]Nest - [nest]
O olong [o]Box - [boxing] (a long "o" with rounded lips at the end of the sound, it almost sounds like a smooth [oh]).
Pp[n] breathlesslyPen - [pen] (the consonant seems to fly out with a stream of air, it is not pronounced as loudly as in Russian)
Q q[to"]Qwerty - [Qwerty]
R r[p] "American"Rocket - [rocket]
S s[s] or [s] at the end of a wordSun - [san] Rose - [rose]
T t[t]tip - [type]
U u["Yu]Tune - [tune] (an additional [th] is usually pronounced before [u], as if there is a separating sign in front of it, reminiscent of the pronunciation of the word “blizzard”).
Vv[in]Violin - [vaylin]
Ww[in]Wolf - [wolf]
X x[ks]Box - [boxing]
Y y[and]My - [May]
Zz[h]Zebra - [zebra]

But not in every case the reading corresponds to what is presented in this table. Let's take a closer look.

Consonants in English in most cases are read as in the presented table. There are a number of letters that, in a certain position, will represent a certain sound.

CombinationHow to pronounceUsage example
age[age] in a striking position or [ij] in an unstressed positionHage - [page], Language - [landwidge]
au or aw[o] long or [o]Austria - [oustraliya],
Law - [lo]
erIn a stressed position, it is pronounced like [e], in an unstressed position - like [e]Detter - [bete], Her - [hye]
ghNot pronounced at allNight - [night]
Ssion, sion, cial, sion[shl]Special - [special], Mission - [mission], Position - [position], Version - [top].

  • in a closed syllable - [in]

  • in an open syllable - [wei]

Want - [won], Wake - [wake]
wh[X]Who - [hu]
ck[to]Black [black]
kn[n]Know [know]
sh[w]She [shi]
ch, tch[h]Catch [[catch], Champagne [champion]
thSomething between [s] and [f]Think [fink] or [sink]
ph[f]Photo [photo]

Vowels are more difficult. For each position and for different environments, there are certain rules for reading vowels. There are 6 vowels in English. Let's analyze each.

LetterPronunciation optionsExamples
A[hey] - in an open syllableLake - [lake]
[e] - in a closed syllable (called a frog, because the mouth opens like a frog)Map - [map]
[a] short - in a closed syllable that ends in rCar - [ka]
[o] - in combination with "ll" and "u"Tall - [thol]
O[ow] - in an open syllableHome - [home]
[o] short - in a closed syllableBoss - [boss]
[o] - in combination with "r"Horse - [hos]
[y] - in combination "oo"Food - [food]
[au] - in combination with "w"Now - [now]
[oh] - in combination with "y"Boy - [fight]
U[yu] - in an open syllableBlue - [blue]
[ʌ] - in a closed syllableCup - [cap]
[ё] - in combination with "r"Hurt - [hye]
E[and] long - in an open syllable, as well as in combinations with "e" and "a"He - [hee], meet - [mit]
[e] - in a closed syllableLeaf - [bodice]
[ё] - in combination with "r"Her - [hye]
I[ai] - in an open syllableFine - [fine]
[and] - in a closed syllableBig - [big]
[ё] - in combination with "r"Girl - [girl]
Y[ay] - at the end of a wordCry - [edge]
[e] - at the beginning of a wordYellow - [yelow]

In order not to memorize the pronunciation of each word, you need to learn how sounds in a certain position are recorded in transcription. Then, with further study, it will be possible to look into the dictionary without any problems and find out the correct pronunciation.

Video lesson

Which authors' manuals to use

Ideally, of course, it is better to buy foreign literature from publishers such as Cambridge or Oxford. Russian authors can be used, but with caution. Most often, there are many errors in domestic textbooks. Do not use Soviet manuals, as there are a large number of inaccuracies in pronunciation.

There is a myth that only English speakers can read original books. But today you will be convinced that even a beginner is able to master a literary work and understand its meaning (especially if these are adapted books in English for beginners). In addition, you can always click on an unfamiliar word and see its translation.

Why is it so important to read books at an elementary level?

  • First, reading books guarantees a deeper immersion in the language than texts from textbooks.
  • Secondly, this is a huge plus for self-esteem and motivation, which is very important for further language learning.
  • And, finally, this is one of the easiest and most interesting activities, if the appropriate literature is selected.

That's why we found for you the best adapted versions of foreign works(just follow the links). All books have been rewritten by professional linguists and significantly reduced: the average volume of a simplified version is about 10-20 pages, which is quite realistic to read in one evening.

A story about the friendship of two smart mice from France and Great Britain, who are concerned about the fate of Shakespeare's cultural heritage. This book uses direct speech a lot, which means you won't have problems speaking English in the future.

by Mark Twain (beginner - 7 pages)

It's hard to find someone who hasn't heard about the thrilling adventures of Tom Sawyer. And reading about them in the original is even more fun. The vocabulary of the story is suitable even for those who "yesterday" began to learn English.

by Sally M. Stockton (elementary - 6 pages)

An ageless tale of a brave archer who fights for justice. After reading the book, you can watch one of the many film adaptations.

by Andrew Mathews (elementary - 6 pages)

A beautiful story about a teenage girl, Susie, living in the shadow of her more attractive friend Donna. Susie hates her freckles and thinks they make her look ugly. Find out how the story ends and whether Susie's attitude towards herself will change.

by John Escott (elementary - 8 pages)

In our selection there was a place for a story about ghosts. The author has a very bright style of narration, so it is difficult to break away from the story. So, you can easily master 8 pages in one go.

by Mark Twain (elementary - 9 pages)

Another work of Mark Twain in our selection will delight you with the story of Huckleberry Finn. A great chance to remember your childhood. The adapted version of this children's book is a real boon for the beginner!

More than ten pages - success! Simple books in English for beginners

by Peter Benchley (elementary - 12 pages)

An adapted version of the famous "Jaws" - a novel about a great white shark attacking vacationers in a resort town (brrr, horror!). The long, common sentences may make the book difficult for the elementary level, but we believe that 12 pages is no problem for you.

Hercules Serpents Shadows by Timothy Boggs (elementary - 13 pages)

If you like the myths of Ancient Greece and stories about exploits, then the story of Hercules made our list just for you. Get ready to replenish your vocabulary with a couple of dozen epic words.

by Lewis Carroll (elementary - 13 pages)

A wonderful opportunity to once again be in Wonderland and learn the names of the characters in English. The book is read very quickly and easily - tested on my own experience in elementary school.

by Jack London (elementary - 15 pages)

A heartbreaking story about the life of a dog during the gold rush. The book focuses on the relationship between man and animals. In my opinion, this work is one of the best in our selection in terms of plot and style of writing.

by Roger Lancelyn Green (elementary - 16 pages)

A great opportunity to get acquainted with the exploits of King Arthur and the famous knights of the round table. Welcome to the era of the English Middle Ages.

For those who are serious. Reading books in English for beginners

The second story by Arthur Conan Doyle, dedicated to the investigations of Sherlock Holmes. In the simplified version of the work, the beauty of the story and the mystery of this detective story are perfectly preserved.

by Elizabeth Gaskell (pre-intermediate - 51 pages)

The novel "North and South" describes the confrontation between manufacturers and aristocrats during the industrial revolution in England. The book will appeal not only to fans of the romantic classics performed by Jane Austen, but also to those who like historical works.

Books in English with translation for beginners

Wanting to prepare their baby for school, many parents think about how to quickly teach a small child to read English. This skill will come in handy not only in the classroom, but also in later adulthood, so the sooner you start training, the better. There are several effective techniques that will help the child gradually get used to the world of foreign words and begin to read consciously.

best age

The importance of learning English and understanding the rules of reading is recognized by everyone, but another question is how old to start. Experts suggest that the best age is 4 years. Right now, the child is able to remember a huge flow of information, to differentiate native and foreign speech, so reading classes will be most appropriate for him. It has been proven that children 4-5 years old are best able to pronounce the sounds of a foreign language and learn to see them in "letter design" in the text.

However, it is important to note the importance of preliminary preparation: in order to teach a child to read at the age of 4, it was necessary to introduce him to English speech at the age of about 2 years: include funny rhymes and songs performed by native speakers, watch cartoons, read fragments of text to one of the parents in English.

Learning background

It should be remembered that every child is an individual, so some at the age of 4 are not ready to comprehend the rules of English reading.

The kid who will be trained must have the following preliminary knowledge:

  • be able to read in their native language;
  • know the English alphabet;
  • be familiar with the sounds of the English language, their pronunciation (there are diphthongs, consonants and vowels that have no analogues - the child must know that they exist).

Without all this, a preschooler will not be able to learn to read in English. Therefore, if the baby incorrectly pronounces most of the sounds of his native language, knows few words, speaks very poorly and speaks little, then he is not yet ready to get acquainted with English - he must first solve problems with Russian. But if the child is well developed, then you can start teaching him to read.

Parents themselves need to be proficient in the norms of foreign pronunciation, only in this case homework will be useful and productive.

When teaching a 4-year-old baby, the following rules should be followed.

  • Better more often, but less. So, every day to read for 10-15 minutes is much more effective than to spend one full lesson for 45 minutes once a week.
  • It is worth using a variety of gaming techniques, visual aids.
  • The importance of an example in reading is the same as in introducing a child to the language, so rhymes and songs should be constantly heard in the classroom.
  • For the full development of the crumbs, it is necessary to combine teaching English with classes in the development of fine motor skills, fantasy, and imagination. Each English lesson at home should turn into a fun and unusual game filled with bright emotions and colors.
  • Be sure to praise the young "student" for success and effort, but you should not scold, otherwise he will lose motivation.

If now the parents choose the wrong tactics, they can permanently kill the desire to study English in the child, so the construction of each “lesson” must be approached responsibly.

Common mistakes parents make

Of course, every mom and dad want only the best for their baby, so they strive to teach the child to read English as quickly as possible so that at school he already reads fluently, significantly ahead of his peers. And this understandable desire causes them to make mistakes.

So, you don't need to do the following.

  • You can not sign the pronunciation of English words in Russian letters. At first glance, this will make the child's task easier. Perhaps the way a particular word sounds will be deposited in his memory and the next time he will be able to pronounce it correctly - but not read it. That is, the effect of the lesson is zero, the child already knows how to read in Russian, but he has not come close to foreign reading. In addition, it is simply impossible to convey some sounds in Russian letters.
  • To acquaint a 4-year-old kid with transcription. Firstly, for his consciousness, it is a set of incomprehensible symbols that are not perceived as rules for the pronunciation of certain sounds. Secondly, it is simply not needed for learning to read. The child must understand how to pronounce a certain combination of sounds, and not how to write it down.

And, of course, you can not be nervous, break down, scream at the child.

If something stubbornly does not work out, it is better to stop classes so that tomorrow with fresh forces you can finally solve a difficult task.

Stages of classes

In order for a child to quickly and without problems learn to read in English at preschool age, one should gradually complicate the tasks for him, moving to the next stage only after the previous one has been fully mastered.

The sequence of actions is as follows.

  1. Reading syllables (eg da-na-ma-ba). Mom can tell her baby an interesting story that consonants and vowels are friends, so they should be read in pairs.
  2. When simple syllables no longer cause difficulties, one should move on to more complex ones that have no analogues in Russian, for example, the, ship, ring.
  3. Finally, the last stage is whole words.

You can complicate the level only after the previous material is fully mastered. You can’t rush, because each child has his own level of perception of information.

Forms and methods of teaching

Modern tools allow you to introduce the child to the rules of reading English words with the help of cartoons that the baby will definitely like. In addition, there are two of the most popular methods used by parents. Their essence is presented in the form of a table.

Method/Characteristic Whole word method Phonix training
essence The child is offered a card with the image of the subject and its name in English. An adult reads the word several times so that the child remembers. Children first repeat, then learn to read the word themselves. Words are grouped on the basis of common reading, for example: cat - bat - fat. Considering the words, the child gradually deduces patterns from reading and, as a rule, he can read a similar word without problems: “mat”.
pros Visualization is used to promote memory.

Suitable for learning to read exception words, which are very common in English.

Some manuals with phonics are colorful and bright.

The child makes a "small discovery", understanding himself how the new word is read.

Minuses Children remember more than they learn to read. Some words cannot be grouped in this way.

Each of the methods has both pluses and minuses, so it is best to use elements of both to get the result. In addition, learning to read in English for children should be preceded by familiarity with words.

Best of all, if the child was able to remember a few words, how they sound and are written, so he will have a kind of pattern.

A selection of exercises

To quickly and effectively teach your baby the rules of reading in English, you should use a variety of exercises.

Efficient work with cards. The parent prepares a card in advance, on which an object familiar to the child is depicted, for example, a ball, and the corresponding word is written - “ball”. He pronounces the word several times, focusing on the fact that the picture shows “ball”. The child must remember that this combination of letters is read that way.

Next, the adult offers a card with a word, for example, "mall", it is very similar to the already familiar "ball", so the child must read it. The main combinations of sounds are worked out in a similar way: “cat”, “fox”, “dog” and others.

It is very important that the baby listens to the speech of native speakers, so every home lesson should include audio recordings for him.

The following simple reading exercise is working with phonics, which looks like this step by step:

  • words are grouped by sounds, for example: sun, gun, run (it is better to arrange them in the form of cards);
  • an adult reads them aloud several times, ensuring that the child remembers how a certain row is read;
  • gives the baby the opportunity to read it himself, using memory;
  • further offers the child a card with the word fun;
  • a child who listened carefully to the parent will read the word without any problems.

Similarly, work is being done with other combinations of sounds:

  • may, say, pay, stay, play - the child must guess and read "way" himself;
  • late, mate, gate, rate, fate;
  • mice, twice, lice, ice.

If the child is unable to pronounce any sounds, phonemic gymnastics should be performed, which will help strengthen the muscles, make the ligaments more flexible and learn to take the correct position of the lips and tongue.

The next step is reading English rhymes and tongue twisters, and the material must necessarily be adapted, that is, originally created for young native speakers, and not for foreigners. This will take into account age features.

The lesson is structured like this.

  1. A parent reads a poem to a child. At this moment, you can look at pictures, seat toys to make the process playful, exciting. The task of the child is to listen several times, repeat.
  2. Further, in the next lesson, a similar situation is created, the same toys are placed, the text is repeated again.
  3. After that, the adult lays out in front of the baby several pre-prepared cards on which the text is written. The child should try to read them.

In the third lesson, after the repetition, you should make sure that the baby is really trying to read, and not just relying on his memory. To do this, one word is covered with thick cardboard, and the parent is carefully watching to see if it sounds wrong in the process of “reading”.

Organization of the lesson

A child of 4-5 years old is distinguished by the desire to move, to explore the world, he is restless and not ready to sit with a book for 30-40 minutes. And this feature can be safely used in the learning process. Mom's or dad's English lessons should not exceed 10-15 minutes. There are several forms of teaching that are interesting for children to help them learn to speak and read.


Here you can turn on your imagination: arrange pieces of furniture around the room, decorate them with cards and toys. These will be stops. At each such station, you can seat your favorite child's dolls, or place images of fairy-tale characters, then the journey will be called "Into a fairy tale." The role of the train can be played by a large box in which the baby sits, and the mother will transport from station to station.

  1. So, first stop. Here the child finds cards with phonics already familiar to him, reads them.
  2. The second station is new material, a small discovery. Mom reads unfamiliar words, the child first repeats, then he is given a card with a word that is very similar to all previously heard. The kid must guess and read it.
  3. The third stop is reading the familiar words learned in the previous lessons.

Cards can be brightly and colorfully designed to make it fun and interesting for the baby to work with them.

Help for dolls and toys

The situation is played out - a bear came to us from the forest, he really needs help, otherwise he will not be able to find his way home. Let's help the clubfoot, read the words from the cards for him. Mom offers the baby a series of cards with English words or whole simple sentences (depending on the level of preparation).

English classes with the right organization will help not only to gain useful knowledge, but also to have fun, enjoy watching the progress of your own child. Therefore, it is very important to approach each workout with a soul, come up with game plots, include all new tasks in training, actively use cartoons and songs of native speakers. Then the result will not be long in coming.

We have already talked with you about how to learn English using the Pimsleur method, but there we considered learning English in the aspect of speaking. And in this article we will consider the question of how to learn to read in English using the Pimsleur method? It is difficult to say what is the priority. However, speaking is the foundation of meaningful reading aloud. So let's learn to read English! Learning to read in English by the method of Dr. Pimsler Therefore, it is in the course with the first level of mastering English by the method of Dr. Pimsler that 21 reading exercises are included. You can work on these exercises while studying 30 audio lessons of the main course in parallel. This will be your next step in language learning.

In preparing these exercises, Pimsleur's main goal was to help you make connections between the letters of the alphabet and the sounds of spoken language. To get started with free online exercises, you just need to have an understanding of the letters and American sounds.

In the course of online learning, consistently studying the material of each free lesson, you will gradually move from the already known repetition to the comprehension of new knowledge. You will learn letter-sound combinations step by step, gradually learning to read more and more complex examples and combinations.

Learning to read in English

Do not forget that the lessons contain the basic patterns and rules of spelling and pronunciation adopted in American English. Of course, there are various exceptions to these rules. However, as you get deeper into the language and build up vocabulary, you will quickly learn to recognize these exceptions. How to learn to read in English? And in order for you to meet as few difficulties as possible on your way, the material of the online lessons reflects the most common constructions and examples. Soon you will be able to easily recognize and perceive English words without having to spell them out.

Although, of course, learning to read in any foreign language will require you to work, patience, strength, and great desire. All exercises are recorded at the end of the English for Russian Speakers course after online oral lessons. You can study them completely free of charge and without interfering with the course.

You also decide which option to work with reading exercises: you can alternate them with mastering 30 audio lectures of colloquial speech, or you can postpone reading until you have completed mastering the main cycle, or you can not study the main cycle at all.

However, keep in mind that the reading exercises will contain both words from the core course and new information. Therefore, it may be easier for you to learn reading lessons after studying the main course.

English reading exercises

The choice of the pace of work on Pimsleur reading lessons is up to you. Repeat the reading exercises as many times as you see fit in order to move on to the next lesson. You will receive other instructions for working with the course from the speaker, starting to study the audio recordings. Pimsleur Course "English for Russian Speakers" Listen carefully to how the American announcer pronounces the word. Then repeat the word or phrase several times after the pro, as close to the original as possible. Keep in mind that speech constructions should be repeated aloud in order for the result to be most effective.

Of course, nothing comes easy. But to date, nothing better than the language system of Dr. Pimsler has been proposed. Put in minimal effort and you will be pleasantly surprised when you quickly learn to read English and understand the speech of Americans.

On this site you will find all 21 reading exercises from Dr. Pimsler, which you can listen to online or download for free. Learn to read in English with us!

Below you can go directly to the exercises.
Lesson No. 1 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 2 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 3 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 4 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 5 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 6 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 7 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 8 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 9 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 10 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 11 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 12 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 13 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 14 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 15 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 16 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method