M.Yu. Lermontov "Clouds". The feeling of loneliness and longing, the love of the exiled poet for the homeland he left behind. Reception of comparison as the basis for constructing a poem. Mikhail Lermontov - Clouds: Verse Eternal Clouds

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
Steppe azure, pearl chain
You rush as if like me, exiles
From the sweet north to the south.

Who is driving you: is it fate's decision?
Is envy secret? is malice open?
Or is crime burdening you?
Or poisonous slander of friends?

No, you are bored with barren fields ...
Alien to you are passions and alien to suffering;
Forever cold, forever free
You have no homeland, you have no exile.

Analysis of the poem "Clouds" by Lermontov

The poem "Clouds" was written by Lermontov a few months before his tragic death. Contemporaries claimed that this happened in April 1840 on the day of the poet's departure to the Caucasus for the second exile.

It is believed that Lermontov had a premonition of his death. This is confirmed by the special tragedy of his last poems. "Clouds" can be considered an example of this. Allusions to his fate in this work are quite transparent. The poet already had nothing to lose or be afraid of in life, especially since he was already heading into exile.

"Clouds" are perceived as a natural phenomenon only in the first two expressive lines. In the future, they are only a symbol of the fate of the poet. The expulsion "from the sweet north" looks rather strange. The north in poetry is a gloomy and inhospitable abode of cold, and the South is a happy kingdom of warmth and light. "Clouds" should rejoice in their movement to the south, and not feel like "exiles". This clearly shows Lermontov's Caucasian exile.

In the second stanza, the poet asks the question: what was the reason for his exile? Real direct cause was the duel between Lermontov and the Frenchman Barant. The true reason for the duel is still unknown. It is believed that the Frenchman was deliberately set up to challenge Lermontov. Be that as it may, but the Frenchman missed, and the poet behaved more than nobly: he shot into the air. Nevertheless, Lermontov was found guilty.

The poet considers himself right, and therefore lists the possible reasons: fate, envy, anger, crime, slander. In principle, the main reason lies somewhere in the middle. Lermontov has long been objectionable not only to the king, but also to most of high society. He was not loved for his independent way of life, for his secrecy and silence, and finally, for his works. Lermontov understood that many were irritated. Contemporaries recalled that before the last trip, the poet claimed that he was going to the Caucasus in search of death.

Therefore, the final stanza is imbued with great pessimism. Lermontov was tired of life, he could not find understanding in anyone and doubted the significance of his work. He became "alien ... passion and ... suffering." Eternal loneliness bored the poet. Being an ardent patriot, he makes a terrible confession: "You have no homeland." If the poet is being expelled from Russia for the second time, to which he wanted to devote his life, then it is difficult for him to remain an optimist. Without a sense of Russia, there can be no exile, so Lermontov is seized by complete indifference to his fate.

across the sky
Buckets full
The cloud blurted out
Bucket -
In the sky
Above the forest
Above the steep
With cloud.
Evil lightning!
Buckets are full!
With a cloud
Buckets across the sky
In the sky
Rocker -

Sapir G.

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
Steppe azure, pearl chain
You rush as if like me, exiles
From the sweet north to the south.

Who is driving you: is it fate's decision?
Is envy secret? is malice open?
Or is crime burdening you?
Or poisonous slander of friends?

No, you are bored with barren fields ...
Alien to you are passions and alien to suffering;
Forever cold, forever free
You have no homeland, you have no exile.

Mikhail Lermontov

Cloud white timidly
Drank water from the river
The cloud became lush
And curly as a lamb.
The breeze rushed across the sky,
Like a boy with balls
I met with a gloomy cloud
And shrugged her off.
From resentment, the cloud is crying,
Sprinkled the world with tears
Let him cry, that means
That there are clouds with the eyes.

Zelenkin G.

Clouds covered the sky
The clouds have dropped the rain
Not by chance, but on purpose
To be impossible
Us under this rainfall
Look through the hole in them with your eyes!
There is heavenly blue air,
They probably breathe the stars -
It is cool and spacious.
It is a pity that there is no telescope,
So that for all the stars
Peep at night.
As luck would have it - an unfortunate case:
Clouds clouded the sky...
I'll take a big broom
I will sweep the clouds to the side,
And I'll clear the sky quickly
Soft clean cloth!
To see the stars
Need to wipe the sky!

Korneeva M.

A black cloud has sailed
Our sun has closed
She called her girlfriends.
The wind whirls them across the sky.
Carries them to the main cloud,
The branches on the trees bend,
Howls, flies,
The mood is depressing.
Either day or night
I walked away from the street.
Just ran to the house
The rain ran out of the clouds.


A cloud walks in the distance
Holding the rain in his fist
What is a rain cloud to us -
We swim in the river!

Leontiev V.

Cloud, cloud, give me some water
For me and my sister!
For birch and aspen,
And for a thin mountain ash.

Semyonova S.

They do not know strong feelings,
And one lot - loneliness.

Have pity on them for a moment.

Khotiy N.

What are you growing up to!
You are a sparkling thundercloud,
And terribly loud
And pouring rain,
Get faster!

Lilo T.

Clouds covered the sky
The clouds looked into the river.
And as soon as they looked
So quietly sighed:
- Oh, what a water there!
We would like to wash gray!
Refresh your sides
We are essentially clouds.
And dived, sank,
Frequent rain poured down
The grayness in the river was wiped off,
Like a snowball has not yet become.
Well, what happened next?
The sun dried up the clouds!
These clouds dried up
Yes, back to heaven!
And float like a river
Feather clouds...

Marshalova T.

The cloud has become and stands.
The yard is covered with a fat roof.
The dog shuddered: - It's time!
The kennel has been empty since morning.
The nimble cat was alarmed:
And my attic is waiting for me.
Duck after them:
— Quack-quack-quack!
From the yard go in vain!
Let's take a shower together.
It is very boring to live without puddles.

Axelrod E.

The cloud with the sun again
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun hides
The cloud will cry all over.
How will the sun be found
The rainbow laughs.

Berestov V.

Clouds - fly!
Clouds - push!
Clouds - growling-rattling-fighting!
It can be seen that the clouds have five hundred fists
And imperceptibly quite bruises!

Dream Svetlana

The last cloud of the scattered storm!
Alone you rush through the clear azure,
You alone cast a sad shadow,
You alone grieve the jubilant day.

You recently circled the sky,
And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;
And you made a mysterious thunder
And watered the greedy earth with rain.

That's enough, hide! The time has passed
The earth was refreshed and the storm passed
And the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees,
Drives you from the calm heavens.

Alexander Pushkin

Thundercloud -
Terrible like that.
The sky is all covered
She lay like a shadow on the ground,
Sniffed, grumbled,
Scared everyone in the neighborhood
Suddenly sneezed -
Thunder boomed!!!
And ... burst into tears

Osmanova G.

Clouds floated across the sky.
Clouds - four things:
From the first to the third - people
The fourth was a camel.

To them, embraced by curiosity,
On the way, the fifth landed,
From her in the bosom of heaven
The elephant fled after the elephant.

And I don’t know if the sixth frightened me,
The clouds took everything and melted away.
And after them, chasing and devouring,
The sun chased - a yellow giraffe.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

A cloud flew across the sky -
Everything got fatter and fatter.
And then to our delight
Loudly burst at the seams.
"Ba-ba-boom!" — struck THUNDER,
And the rain poured down.

Oleksiak S.

A cloud lies in the sky
Sighs and grumbles
And a little cloud
Knocks with hooves.
Through the puddle
Along the track
According to the umbrella of the loader
Knocking like a deer

Belozerov T.

Thundercloud is crying
It is impossible for her otherwise!
How can the cloud not cry?
We need to water the land!
For a flower to bloom
Green forest.
For the river to run away
It just doesn't get enough rain!
To drink the river
Must heavy rain pour!

Yanushkevich M.

"Hello, little cloud!"
Upstairs alone is not boring?
Do you want to play together?
Do you want to read fairy tales?
Or kick the ball?
Just be kind, don't cry!

Shemyakina N.

I am going home
Just in case
Seeing Cloud.
Thunder struck
Behind the back,
The cloud rushed
Behind me!
with her home
From the river
I am now
Drying a baseball cap
Keds, shorts
And a t-shirt.
Who is faster
Escaped from us
You, of course,

Gette T.

Wow and a black cloud
Smoked belly!
Creeps straight towards us
Behind a tail
pouring rain
Carries on the ground.
Belly cracked
in half!

And from there lightning:
And then,
And then
We just don't care -
We have a house
With a window!
We are sitting at home
We're looking out the window!

Lebedeva G.

Clouds thundered
In loudspeakers:
"Beware, children
and parents!
Hide faster
citizens, from us!
We warn you
last time:
We'll wait another three minutes
And we'll cover everyone with pouring rain.

Volkova N.

By the river closer to the ford,
Clouds lap the water.
- Hey, look, clouds,
So that the sides do not burst!

Orlov V.

The wind drives the clouds
It collects in a cloud.
The cloud looks down
The rain is scary.
She took water
whole trough,
Expect trouble from her
While the sun is hidden.
All around darkened
Like the night is above us
The cloud burst suddenly
Bitter tears.

Sidash N.

Olya looks out the window:
"It's going to rain soon!
I will blow on a cloud
Let her float."
Blows, stretching his lips,
Blowing, waving his hand ...
Papa called from the garden:
“What, daughter, is the matter with you?”
The lovely sun is up...
Heard crying at the window:
"Ah, I blew a cloud,
She got bigger!

Pozharova M.

gray clouds -
Harmful and wicked!
The sun was closed
The rain was brought
Pour now from a watering can
In the park on the benches
They make a terrible noise,
Babies are scared
To stay at home
Near grandmothers and mothers!

Efimova T.

For some reason, for some reason
The dark cloud is swollen.
Someone thundered terribly
Thunder fell on the swamp

Something frightfully flashed,
The drop fell first.
The cloud turned into rain
We are going to measure puddles!

Gurina I.

The ridges of hills were dimmed by the hoarfrost.
Masses of clouds in the vaults of blue days
They pile up (higher, tighter)
Clubs of lead, gray wings of pines,

Pillars of snow and clusters of wisteria
Hanging down... The heat is duller and duller.
And the horses run across the steppes,
Like the dark flight of angry Erinnias.

And threw Anger heavy thunder from his shoulder,
And, the fury of the waters wasting on the valleys,
Walks away. Copper-borax plains.

The blood of the gods turns black in the seas of dawn.
And smoky ones rise between the clouds
The sons of fire and dusk are the Assurs.

Maximilian Voloshin

Cloud instead of a hat
The sun sank
She will be for it from mom
Above the mirror lake
Fashionista spins:
"Oh, what a hat -
Warm and glowing!

Lipatova E.

In the crackling dusk
Like a parade of planets
Clouds, clouds, clouds
And from the cracks - light.
Like salting a grove
Someone above.
For a long time the rain rinses
Don't sleep for a long time.
Moknet behind the fence
The streets are stain.
Rain, fall, fall
But not to our window.

Borodinsky G.

A cloud wanders in the clear sky.
Where are you from to visit us?
You must have been rude
Somewhere brothers clouds?
You are probably offended
Did it turn black afterwards?
You are probably out of frustration
Has it rained on us?

Shevchuk I.

The gray cloud said gloomily:
- How obese I am ... What kind of figure?
I got upset, tears flowed in a stream,
Wept puddles all around.
Here in the mirror - she looked at the puddle:
- Hooray! I lost weight during the rain!
And what a frilly dress!
Now I'm not a cloud, but a cloud!

Ashto O.

The downpour with hail carried to us,
But I couldn't get there:
So flew, in a hurry,
What's up with the mountain...
And hung over the rock
Show your character:
Throw lightning at stones
Pour out the rain.
We will thank the rock
In a word of affection, respect:
"Thank you, cool,
That an evil cloud got stuck.

Volodya D.

Dark clouds in summer
Tears of rain
And in winter, huge,
But it's raining in winter
Somehow it didn't fit
Because from that cloud
Crystals are falling!

Shapovalova R.

In lace, in the frills of the king -
A cloud walked across the sky.
Caught on a knot
She tore her collar.
Crying, crying, tears flowing.
That's why it's raining...

Menzhinskaya E.

The best friend left.
I walk darker than clouds.
And in my window is visible
one gray cloud.
And I thought while
wrote a poem:
clouds are also clouds.
But in a bad mood.
Maybe this cloud
also best friend left?

Suprunyuk M.

It started with the wind
answered her rudely.
The snake did not want to play -
such a business flew.
Plus about her, as it seemed to her,
willow whispered with linden
and with a sheet
twisted at the temple ...
The cloud puffed out the cheeks,
inflated, inflated
blown up, blown up...
And then it broke:
burst into three streams,
groaning uncontrollably.
I decided not to be like a cloud
don't accumulate resentment in a heap.
... That will clear up a little,
And I'll go to my friends - put up!

Nella D.

The clouds crowded into a dark flock.
About their pain if people knew!
They do not know strong feelings,
And one lot - loneliness.
Sobs - thunder, hugs - lightning.
Are they lacking warmth?
Clouds cry only about the lost,
Have pity on them for a moment.
Smile, don't hide
Tears of joy will turn into rain.
Clouds need to fly to another land,
For good will reward us with a rainbow.

Khotiy N.

The wind blew across the sky
Chased gray clouds
I collected clouds in a basket,
And got a big pile.
He put down the basket
And the sun asked:
"What should I do with this pile of
Large volatile clouds?
The sun answered him:
"I'll give you my advice,
You release them into the world
And watch them."
The wind blew across the sky
Broken, played
He began to blow with all his strength,
And dropped the basket.
A bunch just fell out
Immediately turned into a cloud
It rained down in the gardens
And disappeared without a trace.

Kulakovskaya E.

Irakli Andronikov wrote: "Each time we pronounce the name of Lermontov, deep reflection and admiration for his poetry is mixed with a feeling of regret and bitterness."

M.Yu. Lermontov "Clouds". What prompted the poet to turn his gaze to the eternal heavenly wanderers - the clouds?

The poem was written on the day of departure for exile in the Caucasus, in the apartment of the Karamzins, where friends gathered to say goodbye to the poet. According to V.A. Sollogub, Lermontov composed a poem, standing at the window and looking at the clouds floating over the Neva and the Summer Garden ...

"Clouds" Lermontov concluded a collection of his poems and set the date: April 1840, thereby indicating the date of his exile.

This poem is the subject of our lesson.

We continue to get acquainted with the work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov (Fig. 1), we will analyze the poem "Clouds".

Rice. 1. P. Zabolotsky. Portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov. 1837 ()

In 1840 M.Yu. Lermontov was again exiled to the Caucasus for the duel (Fig. 2). (The first time, in 1837, he was sent there for the poem "The Death of a Poet" - a response to the death of A.S. Pushkin). There was a war in the Caucasus, the tsar ordered the appointment of M.Yu. Lermontov to the regiment, which was located in the most dangerous sector of the war and suffered heavy losses.

Rice. 2. M.Yu. Lermontov. Memories of the Caucasus. Cardboard, oil. March - April 1838. ()

The poet understood that he was being sent to certain death. By this time, he was already famous: critics wrote about him, readers argued. M.Yu. Lermontov wanted to resign in order to devote himself entirely to literature, but this was not destined to come true.

One of his contemporaries recalled: Friends and acquaintances gathered in the Karamzins' apartment to say goodbye to young friend his own, and here, touched by the attention to himself and the unfeigned love of the chosen circle, the poet, standing in the window and looking at the clouds that crawled over the Summer Garden and the Neva, wrote the poem “Clouds of heaven, eternal wanderers!”. Several people surrounded the poet as a guest and asked him to read the poem he had just written. He looked around with the sad look of his expressive eyes and read it. When he finished, his eyes were wet with tears ... "(according to the memoirs of V.A. Sollogub).

Let's turn to the poem.

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers! Steppe azure, a chain of pearls Rush you, as if like me, exiles

From the sweet north to the south.

Who is driving you: is it fate's decision? Is envy secret? is malice open?

Or is crime burdening you? Or poisonous slander of friends?

No, you are bored with barren fields... Passions are alien to you and suffering is alien;

Forever cold, forever free, You have no homeland, you have no exile.

At the beginning of the first stanza, the poet turns to the clouds with a feeling of sadness, seeing in them the same wanderers as himself. He calls them "eternal wanderers", because the clouds have no home, no homeland, they travel through the sky all their lives. The poet calls the sky “azure steppe”, because the boundless steppe seems to be reflected in a heavenly mirror, and when reflected, it acquires a bluish tint. So the poet seems to expand the space, making it infinite.

Reception of inversion helps to express the mood of aspiration, restlessness, anxiety.

INVERSION- unusual word order in a sentence.

The first use of the inversion "azure steppe" draws attention to the adjective.

The epithet "pearl" indicates that the clouds are not stormy, heavy and dark, they are light, white and small, like pearls.

STANZA- a group of poems united by a repeating size, rhyming method, intonation, etc.

EPITHET- figurative definition.

These means of language help Lermontov, a talented artist, to paint a verbal picture.

The expression "... a chain of pearls" should be called metaphor.

METAPHOR- use of the expression figurative meaning based on the similarity of objects.

Clouds of the color of pearls float one after another, like pearls strung on a string. By this, the poet seems to emphasize the connection between nature and man.

With the word "exiles" the poet means clouds, but this word can also apply to himself. He feels like an exile and with the help of the word "as if" he compares the fate of the clouds with his own.

COMPARISON- visual means of language; creating an image by comparing the already known with the unknown (old with new). Comparison is created with the help of special words (“like”, “as if”, “exactly”, “as if”), instrumental form or comparative forms of adjectives.

The meaning of this comparison lies in the fact that the poet cannot find understanding and shelter anywhere. He is forced to wander in search of love. However, the poet experiences a feeling inaccessible to clouds: he suffers, he is tormented by passions, bitterness from someone else's envy, anger and slander. "Or poisonous slander of friends?" - the rhetorical question in the third stanza sounds bitter, even more reinforced by the anaphora (the repetition of the union “or” at the beginning of the line). Not enemies, but friends - what could be worse?

RHETORICAL QUESTION - means of expression language: a statement in the form of a question that does not require an answer.

ANAPHORA- expressive means of language: repetition at the beginning of poetic lines, stanzas, paragraphs of the same words, sounds, syntactic constructions.

In the last stanza, the hero denies his initial idea that the clouds are exiles: after all, they have no homeland, which means they have nothing to lose.

They are alien to both passions and suffering. The repetition of the word "alien" is not accidental. Thus, the author emphasizes that they have a different fate: the clouds and the lyrical hero are "alien" to each other. The clouds are not capable of suffering, as the lyrical hero suffers and feels, the clouds have no homeland - which means they are not exiles at all. It is no coincidence that the author endows them with the epithets "eternally cold, eternally free." The clouds cannot suffer, they are free from a sense of duty, love for the motherland. Only those who deeply love their homeland can experience the bitterness of exile the way a poet does.

Thus, we can say that the poem is built on the technique of antithesis (opposition): the hero’s involuntary exile is opposed to the free wandering of the clouds. However, it is through exile that the hero discovers his true destiny.

ANTITHESIS- a compositional technique based on opposition, creating the effect of a sharp contrast of images.


  1. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov (1814-1841) - artist [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  2. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  3. State Museum-Reserve"Tarkhans". Official site [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().


  1. Learn by heart a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Clouds of heaven, eternal wanderers!"
  2. Learning to analyze a lyrical work.

    Illustrate the following sentences with examples from the poem:

    1. Metaphors and epithets speak of attitude lyrical hero to the abandoned land. The lyrical hero is sad about the irretrievably lost world. For example: …
    2. Usage rhetorical questions allows the poet to show the culmination in the mood of the lyrical hero. For example: …
    3. The author uses repetition, which creates a sad mood. The author leaves his homeland, going into exile. For example: …

What gives reason to attribute the poem "Clouds" to the genre of elegy?

Read the lyric below and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.

M. Yu. Lermontov, 1840

Calling the clouds "eternal wanderers", the poet endows the phenomenon of nature with human properties. Specify the name of the corresponding technique.


This technique is called impersonation. Let's give a definition.

Personification - the image of inanimate objects as animate, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings: the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel.

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!

In real life, the clouds do not stand still, so Lermontov compared them with "eternal wanderers"

Answer: personification.

Answer: personification

The second stanza of the poem contains "unanswered" questions. What are their names?


Such questions are called rhetorical. Let's give a definition.

A rhetorical question is a question that is not required or expected to be answered because of its extreme obviousness.

Answer: rhetorical.

Answer: rhetorical | rhetorical | rhetorical question

What stylistic figure is used by the poet in the given lines?

Or is crime burdening you?

Or poisonous slander of friends?


The following lines use anaphora. Anaphora is unity. The repetition of the word "or".

Or is crime burdening you?

Or poisonous slander of friends?

Answer: anaphora.

Answer: Anaphora

Arina Zvyagintseva 05.03.2017 17:28

Isn't this an epiphora? In the poem itself, these lines are at the end of the stanza. I mean, it's like a single ending.

Tatiana Statsenko

No, we are talking about specific lines in the wording of the task itself.

Indicate a stylistic device based on a combination of the same consonant sounds in a line and enhancing the sound expressiveness of the verse (“From the dear north towards the south”).


This technique is called alliteration. Let's give a definition.

Alliteration - the repetition in poetic speech (less often in prose) of the same consonant sounds in order to enhance the expressiveness of artistic speech; one of the types of sound recording.

"From the sweet north to the south"

Repetition of the "s" sound.

Answer: alliteration.

Answer: alliteration

Indicate the three-syllable size in which M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Clouds" is written (without indicating the number of feet).


Dactyl is a three-syllable poetic meter, characterized by the alternation of one percussive sound and two unstressed ones after it.


Answer: dactyl.

Answer: Dactyl

What works of Russian poets, reflecting the connection between the inner world of man and nature, are consonant with Lermontov's "Clouds"?


The inner world of the lyrical hero Lermontov is connected with the world of nature. The clouds are lonely, like the poet himself. Where his soul asks, where he will go, he does not know. The hero is driven by the wind like clouds.

The theme of the relationship between the inner world of man and nature is revealed in Tyutchev's poem "Shadows of gray mixed", in M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "I go out alone on the road ..."

The central theme of F. Tyutchev’s poem “Shadows of gray mixed” and “I go out alone on the road” by Lermontov is the theme of the unity of man and his divine mind with the natural world. In both poems, the nighttime thoughts of the lyrical hero, his inexpressible longing, sound. The only way out of the painful loneliness for the human soul is an attempt to merge with the outside world. In this poem Lermontov, Tyutchev consonant.


Elegy (other Greek ἐλεγεία) - a genre of lyrical literature; in early ancient poetry, a poem written in elegiac distich, regardless of content; later (Callimach, Ovid) - a poem with the character of thoughtful sadness. The elegy has stable features: intimacy, motives of disappointment, unhappy love, loneliness, the frailty of earthly existence, determines the rhetoric in the depiction of emotions. Elegy is a classic genre of sentimentalism and romanticism. Lermontov's poem "Clouds" refers to romantic lyrics. It just sounds the motives of loneliness, disappointment, the problem of the meaning of life is raised. All this allows us to classify the poem as an elegy.

Two of the greatest Russian poets - Pushkin and Lermontov - have poems with almost the same titles. And in 1835 Pushkin wrote the poem "Cloud", and in 1840 Lermontov created his famous "Clouds".
Pushkin's poems "Cloud" and Lermontov's "Clouds" are completely different in mood and ideological content, however, in both works, the description of clouds is an opportunity to talk about the world of a person, his soul, relationships with others.

Lermontov M. Yu. - "Clouds"

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!
Steppe azure, pearl chain
You rush as if like me, exiles
From the sweet north to the south.

Who is driving you: is it fate's decision?
Is envy secret? is malice open?
Or is crime burdening you?
Or poisonous slander of friends?

No, you are bored with barren fields...
Alien to you are passions and alien to suffering;
Forever cold, forever free
You have no homeland, you have no exile.

Ruben Nikolaevich Simonov (March 20, 1899, Moscow - December 5, 1968, ibid.) - Russian actor and director; People's Artist of the USSR (1946), laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR; one of the brightest talents of the national scene.

For thirty years, Ruben Simonov was the chief director of the Vakhtangov Theater (1938-1968) - it was to him that the Vakhtangovites owe all their success in the 1940s-1960s. He has more than fifty productions on his account, many comedic, dramatic and heroic roles; he created a number of theater studios and as a director and professor at the Higher Theater School. Schukin brought up more than one generation of actors.