Ju history. Online GIA history tests. Grading system for individual tasks

This year, after passing the state certification after grade 9, the Ministry of Education drew attention to the fact that the level of knowledge among schoolchildren is quite low. In this regard, amendments have been proposed and some are still being discussed regarding a number of disciplines. Next year it is planned to make exams more difficult in some subjects, as well as to increase the number of exams.

To prepare questions for the exam, codifiers that were used in previous years will also be used; changes will not affect the form of questions.

In addition to structural amendments, the Ministry of Education has proposed and even to some extent regulated by order, partially. This also applies to the number of mandatory exams, which has been increased to four items, and the total number of attempts is three retakes.

Also in 2018 The school administration will have the right to leave students for a repeat year of study if the student refuses or does not pass state certification. As in previous years, the exam results will not be included in the certificate.

State Examination in History 2018 is not very popular among schoolchildren. As a rule, the historical discipline is chosen by those students who are studying in the humanities or in the future who plan to enter an educational institution of a similar orientation. History as an examination can be chosen as an additional subject.

In the event that a student becomes a winner or prize-winner of a historical Olympiad, the examination is automatically credited to him.

Some amendments will also affect the assessment of the work of the State Examination Agency. Verification of results and scoring will become much more transparent and the grading scale will no longer be tied to the regional component.

Some changes will also affect the structure of assignments in the historical discipline, namely, the form of answers to questions in first part, and some jobs will be swapped to optimize the structure of the entire CMM.

Structure of the 2018 GIA tasks in history

The tasks offered for passing the history examination consist of two parts. First category consists of questions that require a concise answer in the form of a word, number or date. Second category includes 5 tasks of increased complexity, which require a detailed answer in the form of several sentences.

Total in test 35 tasks.

In general, the tasks remained without any significant changes, with the exception of amendments in the design of questions and the content of some tasks.

Categories of those taking the State Examination in History

Only those schoolchildren who have good academic performance are allowed to take the exam; a mandatory requirement for admission to GIA, is that the student must have grades not lower than “satisfactory” in all disciplines. It is allowed to have an “unsatisfactory” mark only in the subject that will be taken at the final state certification.

Those students who did not score the required number of points in previous periods have the right to take the test again.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has approved specific dates for passing the exams. There are three periods - early, main and reserve. It will be possible to take the history test early April 23, in the main period the examination will take place June 7, and in the reserve period the state exam is scheduled for 10 September.

How to become a participant in the State Examination 2018

To be included in the list of GIA history participants, you must go through the registration procedure. The student must personally submit an application to the admissions committee at the place of registration and completion of the main course of study.

The application form is provided to the teenager on the spot, and the student himself must present a passport or other document identifying the student.

An application for participation in the State Examination is registered before 1st of February, and no less than a month before the state certification, the student can make changes to the list of subjects to be passed, which must be indicated in the application.

To make such amendments, the teenager must provide convincing arguments for his action. As arguments, you can use medical certificates, various acts and other official documentation.

Early completion of State Examination in History in 2018

Early exams will be available to everyone. Previously, only those schoolchildren who had good reasons for this were allowed to undergo state certification during this period, namely, took part in federal sports competitions or were participants in olympiads. In addition, it was possible to reschedule the examination in cases where the child was undergoing preventive treatment or was sent to study abroad.

All these issues were resolved in writing and allowed students to avoid missing the exam. Also, such a solution made it possible to divide the total mass of schoolchildren into groups. That is, one group took exams early, and second– in the main one.

However, this option also has significant disadvantages. The student is placed under an additional psychological and physiological load, which not all adolescents are able to cope with, hence the unsatisfactory results of the State Examination Test.

Demo version of the State Academic Examination in History 2018

A very effective way to prepare for the exam is to use a guide such as demo version of State Examination in History 2018 FIPI. These are demonstration options that were developed on the basis of CMMs from previous periods and the current year. Similar materials can be downloaded both on our website and in FIPI open task bank.

The difference between the materials and the exam ones is that although the structural component of the work is observed, the data used in the tasks is different from what will be offered during the exam.

Such applications are convenient in that they allow the student to become familiar with the structure of exam tasks and at the same time identify topics that need additional repetition.

Additional information about the State Examination 2018

The list of subjects allowed for examination is approved annually by Rosobrnadzor. You are allowed to bring a pen, registration form, identification document, and answer sheet with you to the exam. If necessary, the student has the right to take food or medicine with him to the examination.

You cannot use various electronic computers and other gadgets during the exam. Before state certification, schoolchildren are required to leave cell phones and other foreign objects in a specially designated place.

In addition to these items, it is prohibited to bring various reference literature not permitted by the organizers to the test. GIA.

During the examination in the historical discipline, the student can use only the main permitted subjects. No publications are provided as additional manuals and reference books.

In order for the exam to be accepted, the student is required to score at least 13 points– which corresponds to the mark “satisfactory”. The maximum score for the discipline is 44 .

If a student does not agree with the results of the examination, he has the right to protest the decision of the organizers. This is done in the appellate instance by filing a complaint with the conflict commission. If the student’s disagreement concerns the results, then the teenager is given four working days to protest. If a student protests the examination procedure, the complaint must be made without leaving the classroom on the day of the examination.

The conflict commission has the right to refuse for several reasons. First of all, this is possible if the complaint concerns the content and form of questions. A refusal can also occur when the student himself violated the examination procedure.

How to prepare for the 2018 State Examination in History

Preparation for the State Examination in History 2018 is an important step in the entire examination process. As a rule, this period allows the student to systematize previously acquired knowledge as much as possible and practice completing exam tasks against the clock. Also, the use of standard test items in the discipline when preparing will help you become familiar with the design of the questions themselves.

Ideal for real-time training and online GIA tests in history. Such tests include questions from past periods.

The GIA organizers also suggest using the information stored in the Open Task Bank on the official FIPI website. There are all the tasks that were presented to schoolchildren in the examinations of previous periods.

However, you can prepare using the old reliable method - using printed manuals and various collections of assignments:

All of these materials can be used to prepare for the exam, but the most optimal option would be to prepare them in combination, since the exam KIMs include tasks of various levels of complexity and different forms.

It is extremely important for the student to pay attention to his psychological state. In order not to get confused during the exam and not get a bad mark for this reason, you should be positive from the very beginning, namely, be sure that the exam will go in the best possible way.

The child’s parents also play an important role. It depends on them how determined the student will be for success. It is the parents who must provide maximum support to the teenager during this difficult period for him.

Statistics for passing the State Examination Test in History for past years

In previous years, about 10% schoolchildren, a C became a grade 32% students for assessment "four" were able to write papers about 44% students and assessment "five" earned about 15% all examinees.

Exam Schedule

It is not necessary to take the State Examination in the History of Russia after the 9th grade, unless it was chosen to be taken at the regional level - then the history exam is taken by all ninth-graders of the district, region, city, etc. Under normal circumstances, only those students who enter the 10th grade with a humanitarian profile, or those who consider this subject to be easy, take the GIA in History.

To prepare for the GIA (OGE) in history, you can study on your own, attend special courses, or take individual lessons from a tutor. Each option has both its pros and cons.

Do-it-yourself preparation is the cheapest. But in order to prepare well for the exam on your own, you need to have serious knowledge of the subject, a huge amount of time and unrealistic perseverance. Otherwise, preparing for the State Examination will turn into a feverish plugging of gaps in knowledge and will not give any positive result.
Teachers who teach preparation courses for the State Examination (OGE) in history train students specifically for exam tasks: they solve many demonstration tests with them, analyze the most difficult topics, explain the nuances of the test itself, etc. But they cannot pay attention to each student individually, since they focus on the group as a whole. Also, the disadvantages of the courses include their high cost and inaccessibility for residents of small settlements (there are simply no such courses there).

Tutoring tends to be the most effective way to prepare. The tutor sees what the student is doing well and what needs to be improved. Usually, before the exam, the teacher manages to fill gaps in knowledge and prepare his student for all types of tasks encountered in the State Examination. But, alas, not everyone can afford classes with an individual teacher. Fortunately, tutoring has a cheaper alternative - online preparation for the State Examination (OGE) in history.

In fact, online preparation for the State Examination (OGE) in history is the same individual lessons as tutoring, only conducted remotely, using some program for communicating via the Internet (usually teachers use Skype). An online GIA (OGE) history tutor charges less for his services than his “offline” colleague and at the same time gives his clients several useful bonuses, including:
the ability to study anywhere where there is a computer and a high-speed connection to the global network (at home, in the country, on vacation, etc.);
an individual approach to the lesson schedule (an online GIA (OGE) history tutor can choose the ideal time, frequency and duration of lessons for the client);
the possibility of high-quality repetition of the studied material using video recordings of lessons.

The manual that you are holding in your hands is a unique author’s methodology for the full school course of Russian history, thanks to which thousands of students every year pass the Main State Exam (OSE). The use of visual and graphic elements allows you to better understand and assimilate the educational material that is included in the OGE tests in history. The handbook is intended for both students and teachers. The material of the book is presented in accordance with the structure of the content of KIM OGE in history.

A study guide for preparing for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 20 training versions of exam papers, is offered to graduates of 9th grade of general education organizations.
Each option includes assignments of different types and levels of difficulty for all sections of the Russian history course: “Antiquity and the Middle Ages,” “Modern Times,” “Modern History,” the knowledge of which is tested as part of the OGE.
A significant bank of examination materials (600 tasks from Part 1,100 - Part 2) provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastery of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for successfully passing the OGE.
At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks in part 1 and the main content of the answers to the task in part 2 are given.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 20 training versions of exam papers, Artasov I.A., 2018

This manual is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the state final certification - the main state exam (OGE) in history. The publication includes standard tasks for all content areas of the examination work, as well as sample options in the 2019 OGE format.
The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

Download and read OGE, History, Preparing for the final certification, Artasov I.A., Melnikova O.N., Gavrilina Yu.G., Lozbenev I.N., 2019

The publication contains assignments of various types on all topics tested by the OGE in history, a list of key questions and concepts. Answers and assessment criteria are provided at the end of the manual.
The publication will provide invaluable assistance to students in preparing for the OGE in history, and can also be used by teachers in organizing the educational process.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, Assignments, answers, comments, Gevurkova E.A., Solovyov Y.V., 2018

A study guide for preparing for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 10 options for exam papers, is offered to graduates of the 9th grade of general education organizations.
Each option includes assignments of different types and levels of difficulty for all sections of the Russian history course: “Antiquity and the Middle Ages,” “Modern Times,” “Modern History,” knowledge of the content of which is tested as part of the OGE.
A significant bank of examination materials (300 tasks in Part 1, 50 in Part 2) provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastery of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for successfully passing the OGE.
At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks in part 1 and the main content of answers to tasks in part 2 are given.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 10 training options, Artasov I.A., 2018

The authors of the assignments are leading scientists, teachers and methodologists who are directly involved in the development of control measuring materials for the OGE.
The manual contains 14 options for standard test tasks of the Main State Exam 2019, answers to all tasks and detailed criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed answer.
The purpose of the manual is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the OGE in history.
The manual is intended for teachers and methodologists who use tests to prepare students for the Main State Exam, as well as for self-preparation and self-control of 9th grade students in basic schools.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 9th grade, 14 options, Typical test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G.

Showing page 1 of 9

Tests (options 1 and 2) on Russian history for 9th grade students

Note: I use tests to assess the level of educational achievements. Monitoring initial results allows me to determine the trajectory of students’ further learning, identify existing difficulties in studying the subject and applying practical skills. In accordance with the results obtained, I make adjustments to the organization of the educational process. Unified State Exam tests are the most optimal option for testing students’ knowledge; I offer a number of tasks, through which I also develop patriotic competence. I offer the presented tests to 9th grade students as an incoming diagnostic test. Analysis of work shows the number of mistakes made by students.

From this table it can be seen that in part “A”, which involves choosing an answer, at the beginning of the year 10 people made mistakes, which is 40% of the class; by the end of the year, the number of students who made an error dropped to 5 people, 20%. In part “B” we We also see improvements in results. Part “C”, which provides an open answer consisting of 2 components, needs to be paid attention to by a teacher who will work in the third stage of education.

Appendix 9

Test on the history of Russia 9th grade



A1. Which of the named names is associated with the period of the Mongol invasion of Rus'?

1) Yuri Vsevolodovich

2) Vladimir Monomakh

3) Ivan Danilovich Kalita

4) Yuri Shemyaka

A2. In what year did the Decembrist uprising take place?

1) 1822

2) 1825

3) 1855

4) 1861

A3. In what year did the First World War begin?

1) 1907

2) 1913

3) 1914

4) 1917

A4. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and indicate in which year the described event occurred.

“When he arrived, he ordered the idols to be overthrown - some to be chopped up, and others to be put on fire. And Perun ordered to tie a horse to the tail and drag him from the mountain along the Borichev entrance to Ruchey and ordered 12 men to push Perun with poles... After that, Vladimir sent a messenger throughout the city with the words: “Who will not be on the river tomorrow, whether rich, poor, beggar or a slave, he goes against me.”

1) 945g.

2) 988

3) 1054g.

4) 1113

A5. Read an excerpt from the speech and indicate who these words belong to.

“The small owner will undoubtedly be the core of the future small zemstvo unit; He, hardworking and with self-respect, will bring culture, education, and prosperity to the village. Only then will written freedom turn and be transformed into real freedom, which is composed of civil liberties and a sense of statehood and patriotism.”

1) V.I.Lenin

2) P.A. Stolypin


4)K.P. Pobedonostsev

A6. In what year was the Peace of Paris signed, marking the end of the Crimean War?

1) 1849

2) 1856

3) 1858

4) 1864


IN 1. Place the following events in chronological order:

A) reunification of Ukraine with Russia

B) annexation of Crimea to Russia

B) annexation of the territory of the Siberian Khanate

D) inclusion of the Vyatichi lands into the Old Russian state

AT 2. Which of the following belonged to the period of state fragmentation? Indicate two correct positions out of the four proposed.

A) the creation of Russian Truth

B) Battle of the Neva

B) creation of the Council Code

D) formation of the Moscow Principality

AT 3. Which of the names mentioned are contemporaries? Indicate two correct positions out of the four proposed.

A) M.V. Lomonosov

B) V.V. Golitsyn

B) B.F. Godunov

D) P.A. Rumyantsev


Read an excerpt from a historical text and briefly answer questions C1 and C2. Use information from the source as well as knowledge from the history course in your answers.

From the work of A.O. Ishimova

“(...) declared nineteen cities with different volosts as his property; chose 6,000 people from princes, nobles and boyar children and gave them estates in these cities, and transferred the local owners to other places... New horrors began along with the new order in government... young people were chosen, excellent not in dignity, but in daring and daring readiness to All. The Tsar took an oath from them to serve him with faith and truth, to denounce traitors, not to be friends with the zemstvos, not to share bread and salt with them, not to know their father and mother, to know one sovereign... (...) sometimes exterminating entire generations of princes and boyars, not He also spared those of them who were distinguished by their great merits in military or civil affairs: he executed them on a par with ordinary criminals, and therefore the number of smart and famous tsarist advisers continually decreased... The enemies who surrounded Russia and looked with envy at its power were delighted with such change and rushed to take advantage of it... Enemies attacked our poor fatherland from all sides. The first of them was the Crimean Khan Devlet - Girey...”

C 1 . Name the king referred to in the passage and indicate the name of the policies he pursued.

C 2 . Using the text and knowledge from the history course, name the year the Tsar’s new policy was introduced and its consequences for Russia.



A1. In what century did the Time of Troubles begin in the Russian state?

1) 13th century

2) 15th century.

3) 17th century

4) 18th century

A2 . Read an excerpt from the chronicle and indicate the name of the prince in question.

“In 1480, news came to the Grand Duke that King Akhmat was definitely coming with his horde - with princes, lancers and princes, as well as with King Casimir in the general Duma; the king led the king against the Grand Duke, wanting to ruin the Christians... The guides led the king to the Ugra River, to the fords. Then the Grand Duke sent his son, brother and his commanders with all his forces to Ugra. Having arrived, they stood on the Ugra and occupied fords and carriages.”

1) Dmitry Donskoy

2) Ivan Kalita

3) Ivan 3

4) Ivan 4

A3. Which of the named names is associated with the events of the Crimean War?

1) M. Skobelev

2) V. Kornilov

3) M. Kutuzov

4) S. Witte

A4. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky and indicate the name of the battle in question.

“Soviet troops wrested the strategic initiative from the hands of the enemy, preventing him from achieving any of the strategic goals provided for by the Barbarossa Plan.” Under the influence of crushing blows, the “Barbarossa plan” collapsed, and its basis - the theory of lightning war - suffered a complete collapse, forcing the fascist leadership to switch to a charged war strategy. During the winter offensive, Soviet troops defeated up to 50 enemy divisions, inflicting a particularly serious defeat on the main group of enemy troops - Army Group Center?

1) the battle of Yelnya

2) Moscow battle

3) Stalingrad bat

4) battle on the Kursk Bulge

A5. In what century did the Mongol invasion of Rus' take place?

1) 10th century

2) 11th century

3) 13th century

4) 14th century.

A6. In what year did the first meeting of I. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill take place?

1) 1941

2) 1942

3) 1943

4) 1944

Part 2

IN 1. Arrange the names of historical figures in the chronological order of their activities.

A) Nestor

B) Aristotle Fioravanti

B) Bartholomew Rastrelli

D) Simon Ushakov

AT 2. Place the following events in chronological order.

A) expulsion of the Poles from Moscow

B) Battle of Poltava

B) Battle of Kulikovo

D) Battle of Gangut

AT 3. Which of the above related to the internal policy of Yaroslav the Wise? Indicate two correct positions out of four suggested.

A) defeat of the Pechenegs

B) introduction of St. George's Day

C) the creation of a written code of laws

D) suppression of the Drevlyan uprising

Part 3

Read a passage from a historical text and briefly answer questions C1 and C2. Use information from the source as well as knowledge from the history course in your answers.

From the work of S. F. Platonov

“Firstly, on the issue of the great reign, the Moscow prince directly and decisively took the view that the grand ducal rank and the city of Vladimir constitute a “patrimony,” that is, the hereditary property of the Moscow princes... Secondly, in relation to the other princes of Vladimir - Suzdal Rus', as well as in relation to Ryazan and Novgorod […] behaved imperiously and commandingly... Thirdly, Rus' for the first time reflected in the open struggle with the Tatars... left behind several sons... At the same time, in his will he expressed himself this way: “and by sin God will take away my son Prince Vasily, and whoever my son will be under him, otherwise Prince Vasily will be my son’s inheritance.” Based on these words, the second son […], Yuri, considered himself the heir of his brother both in the Moscow lands and in the great reign.

C1. Indicate the name of the prince and the name of the metropolitan who led the affairs of the principality “due to the prince’s childhood.”

C2. Using the text and knowledge from the history course, indicate where and when a major battle of the united Russian army under the leadership of this prince against the Mongol army took place.

OGE on the history of Russia is not a compulsory exam for 9th grade. It is taken by graduates of their own choice or if such a choice is established at the regional level - in this case, the exam is taken by all graduates of the 9th grade of the region or district.

After familiarizing yourself with the general information about the exam, you can immediately begin preparing. The 2019 version of the KIM OGE does not differ from the 2018 version.

Structure of the OGE test

The structure of the test has not changed: in 2019, schoolchildren will take the same exam as the year before. The exam is divided into two parts:

  • part 1 – 30 tasks (No. 1-30) with choosing the correct answer or writing a short answer: sequences of numbers, words, phrases;
  • part 2 – 5 tasks (No. 31-35) with a detailed answer.

OGE assessment

The minimum threshold for the OGE is determined by local regional authorities after the early stage of the exams. Therefore, the most accurate information on this issue should be found on the website of the executive body in the field of education of your subject of the Federation. In Moscow, for example, this is the Department of Education.

However, the regions have a standard with which they compare and, as a rule, do not deviate from it - these are the annual recommendations of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). According to these recommendations, in order to pass the OGE in history with at least a C, you need to score at least 13 primary points. This is equivalent to completing the first 13 tasks correctly. Not all tasks are worth one point, so to get the minimum score you can choose another tactic: tasks 24,26,31,32,34 are worth 2 points, and tasks 33, 35 are worth 3 points.

To get an A, you need to score 35-44 primary points, which is equivalent to correctly completing the first 30 tasks. The table for converting primary points into grades using a five-point system can be found here.

Preparation for the OGE

Trial OGE on Russian history online

On our website you can take OGE tests online for free without registration or SMS. At the moment, the section is being updated, and over time, new tests will appear in it for the entire period of the OGE. The tests presented are identical in complexity and structure to the actual exams conducted in the corresponding years.

Demo versions of the OGE

In 2019, there will be no innovations or changes in the structure of the test compared to previous years, so preparation can be carried out using any OGE tests in history. High-quality testing of knowledge during the preparation process is the key to success in the exam.