The Curse of the Titanic (2016). The Curse of the Titanic Prologue Through Time

Nov 10, 2016

The Curse of the Titanic Ekaterina Barsova

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Title: The Curse of the Titanic

About the book “The Curse of the Titanic” Ekaterina Barsova

Ekaterina Barsova is a talented modern Russian writer who, in her works, intricately interweaves the tragic events of the past with the present.

The writer was born in Moscow and always dreamed of devoting her entire life to literary creativity. As a teenager, she preferred historical and adventure literature. She also loved all kinds of secrets and riddles. She always imagined that she could solve them. Thus, a literary author’s series was soon born about how the secrets and mysterious incidents of past years continue to influence the present in a strange way. It is the discovery of these unique puzzles that constitutes the main intrigue of the works of the young writer.

Ekaterina Barsova loves to travel, and calls Paris and Rome her favorite cities. She is interested in theater arts and cinema. She recently wrote a play dedicated to the life and work of Greta Garbo, which will be staged in the near future.

The book “The Curse of the Titanic” is a story about how some events can be repeated and influence the destinies of people.

A hundred years after the sinking of the famous Titanic, another cruise liner sank in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Then many people immediately connected these two tragedies, despite the fact that these events were separated both in time and space. Rumors spread about the Titanic's curse.

At the center of the plot twists and turns of the novel “The Curse of the Titanic” are Ulyana and Dmitry - a young couple who are soon going to get married. In the midst of his vacation, Dmitry suddenly disappears. In his laptop, Ulyana finds very interesting information, perhaps capable of shedding light on his mysterious disappearance. Even before the trip, Dmitry began investigating the death of one of the passengers of the drowned liner.

Ekaterina Barsova managed to write a very interesting work, which has a rather dynamic and fascinating plot.

The novel “The Curse of the Titanic” should definitely appeal to all lovers of intricate stories and secret investigations. It is worth reading both for lovers of detective stories and for fans of historical novels.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “The Curse of the Titanic” by Ekaterina Barsova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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© Barsova E., 2016

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

Through me

Look longer at the sea when it is capricious or stormy, see how beautiful and terrible it can be, and you will have all the stories you want. About love and danger, about everything that life can bring to your network. And the fact that sometimes it is not your hand that controls the steering wheel and you can only believe is good.

Jojo Moyes. "Silver Bay"

Everything was as usual, and yet he felt strangely uneasy. This anxiety did not go away, and he did not know what to do about it.

The captain of the Titanic, Edward John Smith, was an experienced sailor and knew that giving in to panic at sea was the last thing. The captain must inspire a sense of confidence and calm, because in his hands is not only the ship, in his hands are the fates of the people entrusted to him for a while. But he didn’t want to admit to himself that he had been tormented by a headache since the morning and the pain wouldn’t go away. He was not a superstitious person, but for some reason he wanted to finish this voyage as quickly as possible, despite the fact that it promised to be the loudest and most famous in the entire history of navigation. The Titanic was overwhelming with its magnificence, stunning because it seemed to challenge the ocean, the daring element. It had everything one could wish for - never before had people been offered to travel in such comfort and in such luxury.

The ship was unsinkable, the captain heard it from all sides, which was alarming. There was some kind of catch here. Something is wrong. You can't be sure of anything at sea. This is an element beyond the control of people.

But the voyage would end in a few days, and if he tried hard enough, he would win the Blue Riband of the Atlantic, a prize for fast shipping. And the voyage on the Titanic will be left behind, it will become another milestone in his biography, which Smith will begin to remember when he retires. He was the most famous captain in the North Atlantic. The triumphant voyage on the Titanic was to end his career and be his last voyage.

There was one cargo on the ship that he tried not to think about. A mummy in a wooden box near the captain's bridge. At first he did not understand what was the matter, and then they explained to him that it could not be carried in the hold like ordinary cargo. She's too valuable. The captain winced, but did as he was asked. He was obliged to fulfill the wishes of the passengers of the Titanic. The richest and most famous people in the world sailed on the ship, whose word was law, and he had to do what was asked of him.

Smith tried not to think about What is in the box, because when he thought about it, a strange numbness attacked him, and a slight fog appeared before his eyes.

On April 14 at nine o'clock in the evening, standing on the captain's bridge, Smith discussed the weather with the second mate.

It got very cold. Radiograms were transmitted about the accumulation of ice on their path. The situation was risky, but the ship seemed reliable, and risk is a constant companion of sailors. The captain wanted to quickly go to the cabin and fall asleep. He had never had a flight when he was so tormented by headaches and suddenly attacked by weakness, which he was forced to hide from everyone.

On this day, weakness appeared in the morning. As if in a dream, he looked at the telegrams warning about ice. It was necessary to slow down, but everything inside was against it. He didn't recognize himself...

He fell asleep... And during his sleep he was transported to the bridge. And with horror I felt a trembling and vibration coming from the box. He realized that something terrible was about to happen, he wanted to scream, wake up, warn the watchman, but he could not. He saw a moonless sky with bright stars, dark oily water, an iceberg that suddenly grew in the ship’s path, as if out of nowhere, and that was heading straight towards the ship... Smith’s tongue was constrained, he began to cry in a silent cry, and soon a sharp jolt shook the liner.

He opened his eyes: “What a terrible dream.”

But he needed confirmation that this whole nightmare was just a dream.

The captain quickly ran out of the cabin onto the bridge.

- What was it?

And I heard in response:

- Iceberg, sir.

Chapter 1
The beginning of a legend

The omnipresent, menacing and witchcraft sea dissolved in itself torment, burning desires, spiritual ties, hatred and hope, all this became distant, seemed meaningless, since in the sea a person becomes selfish and absorbed only in himself. And some things unbearable on land - thoughts, separations, losses - can be transferred to the sea.

Arturo Perez-Reverte. "Map of the Celestial Sphere, or the Secret Meridian"

From the diary of Elionor May

Soon I will go on a big trip. The first in my life. My nanny Maggie says that I should not worry, but be happy, because if the family council had not decided that I should see the world, I would have stayed at home.

It’s not that I didn’t love our town and our home. Everything was familiar and familiar. A quiet town in the north of England - rolling hills, an ancient abbey, a river dividing the city into two halves, our house - big, beautiful - the world in which I grew up from early childhood.

But the ocean... It always filled me with a strange expectation of something. Maybe a miracle? Before I left, my mother cried, she didn’t want to let me go, but my father frowned sternly and said that this was unnecessary, I was already an adult, and I could be let go alone.

“But she’s not traveling entirely alone,” my mother objected. - Cousin Betty will be there. “At these words, everyone’s faces fell, as if they had heard something obscene. I heard about my cousin out of the corner of my ear, but usually conversations about her were in a low voice and without continuation - as soon as I was discovered nearby, the conversation ended. One day I approached the door, but, hearing the voices of my parents, I hid and became an involuntary witness to the conversation taking place between them.

- She went crazy! - the father said angrily. - And he asks for a very large amount. We are not as rich as she thinks, and we cannot help her. It's time for her to learn to live on her own, and not rely on others.

“She tries,” Mom said guiltily, “but she doesn’t always succeed.” You know, after that story... Randolph... - she said pleadingly.

There was a pause, then I heard an endlessly tired, as if all my strength had been squeezed out of my father:

- Fine. I will do as you ask, Anne...

Then the sound of a kiss was heard, and I, recoiling from the door, quickly walked in the opposite direction.

Cousin Betty's name has always been surrounded by some mystery in our family. Mom never talked about her, and according to the old family tradition, I didn’t ask. Cousin Betty lived in Paris, having long left our tender England, occasionally sending us letters and postcards. Mom didn’t read them, but immediately put them in a beautiful rosewood box, which she locked with a key. A couple of times I saw her take out a letter and cry while reading it. I was not allowed to see the box, although it stood in a visible place in my mother’s bedroom, but my mother always carried the key with her.

One day she came out of the bedroom and was urgently called. I made my way there and stood near the dressing table, inhaling the sweet aroma of perfume. The box was slightly open, I looked back: my mother’s steps were moving away from the door. I decided at once. She quickly opened the box and, putting her hand in at random, took out a card. It smelled faintly of a sweet, enchanting scent... It showed a beautiful dark-haired young woman holding a rose in her hand and surrounded by a garland of flowers. She stood half-turned and smiled. And behind it was a Parisian street and the Eiffel Tower.

Light footsteps were heard, and I, without knowing why, put this postcard in my sleeve and jumped away from the dressing table.

Mom came in beaming, with a smile on her face.

- Are you here? – she asked.

– Yes, I was looking for you and that’s why I went into the bedroom.

Then, on long evenings before going to bed, I looked at this postcard and admired the woman and a piece of Paris. All this was new, painfully sweet, mysterious. A huge world existed outside the window of my house, and for now I was just a spectator, but not a participant in the events in it. But events were waiting for me, waiting for me to grow up...

Sometimes it seemed to me that time was passing criminally slowly... And I would never grow up, I would never enter another world that was different from ours.

And when my mother said over evening tea that she and I would go on a trip on the Titanic, I was incredibly happy. Well, I was sure I had misheard. But when she repeated: yes, yes, dear, we are sailing on the Titanic, I barely sat at the table, and then, when the tea party was over, I ran out into the garden and began to tell our red setter Charlie about my trip. The dog listened to me attentively, tilting its muzzle first in one direction or the other, and I sat down and buried my face in its fur. Oh, Charlie, I whispered, how happy I am, you can’t even imagine, my red little dog.

Before going to bed, as usual, I took out a postcard and looked at it for a long time.

Sometimes I talked to this lady, “Cousin Betty,” sometimes I just looked at her face and dreamed about Paris, about travel, about the fact that perhaps someday I would travel around the whole world.

Sometimes it seemed to me that at any moment she could step out of this postcard and speak to me.

That evening, when I found out about the trip, I didn’t sleep for a long time, as if I was daydreaming, music was playing in my ears, I imagined that I was already sailing on this ship, admiring the sea, sunsets, sunrises...

The time before leaving passed quickly, but literally the day before it turned out that my mother would not be able to go with me. Embarrassed, she said that I would soon have a brother or sister. And so she is forced to stay at home; traveling is too risky for her. I realized that she was not averse to going, but her father protested, and she had to obey him. Our distant relative, old Aunt Flossie, will go with me. I saw this aunt only two or three times in my life, she wore old-fashioned clothes and looked extremely sad, but I was warmed by the thought that Cousin Betty would be with me. Yes Yes! She is due to join us in Cherbourg, France, where we will stop before heading out into the Atlantic Ocean. I was glad to finally see my relative and get to know her.

The day before sailing we spent the night in London and from there we drove to Southampton.

I was in a wonderful mood. I turned my head in different directions, despite the comments of my mother, who all the time with a soft smile urged me not to be distracted, but to concentrate before sailing. I wanted to remember everything, to imprint it in my memory, I secretly felt that the day when I set foot on board the Titanic would be one of the most wonderful in my life.

And now we are approaching the ship... When I saw it, I was almost speechless: it was so huge and majestic. Plumes of smoke rose from its chimneys. My parents came on deck with Flossie and me. Mom was stunned by the splendor that had opened and did not even try to hide her shock. In her gaze, turned to her father, there was a hidden reproach. It was clear that she really wanted to go on this trip, but, as I already said, her father dissuaded her under the pretext of caring for the health of the unborn baby. Liveliness reigned everywhere, cheerful voices were heard. We approached a luxurious, wide staircase, at the top of which a large clock with bronze figures was built. And above the stairs towered a huge glass dome.

- Oh, Ellie! How beautiful everything is! – Mom whispered, leaning towards me to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. “I wish I could...” And she fell silent.

We went into the reading room, and then into the winter garden, passed the hall...

We tried to look at everything, remember...

We were amazed by the Louis XVI style restaurant: large window niches covered with silk curtains, walls finished in light walnut. And next to it is the Parisien cafe - light and elegant in summer: climbing plants and wicker chairs around the tables.

“This reminds me of Paris,” my mother whispered.

My mother and her family were in Paris one and only time, even before marriage, and that trip left an indelible mark on her soul for the rest of her life. Although she did not like to remember that trip, when she wanted to emphasize the significance of the moment, she said: “It reminds me of Paris!”

The swimming pool and the complex of Turkish baths aroused admiration. Then for some reason my mother felt bad. She stopped and, smiling guiltily, said: “It seems that my heart has taken a breath.”

-What's wrong with you, dear? – her father leaned towards her. He threw an angry look at me, as if I was to blame for my mother’s illness. “I told you: stay at home, I can see Ellie off alone.” You volunteered...

- Yes Yes. – Mom still smiled guiltily, as if she had ruined the children’s holiday, which they had been looking forward to for a long time. “But I really wanted to see everything myself, to see what my little Ellie would travel on!”

They decided to return to shore. Mom was breathing heavily, beads of sweat appeared on her upper lip and on her forehead.

We also decided to stand on the shore next to them. Third class passengers passed us.

“I hope sanitary measures have been taken here,” Flossie said in a nasal voice.

“Randolph, do you think this is all right?” – Mother looked at father with concern.

“I made inquiries, all passengers will undergo a medical examination, so don’t worry about Elionor.”

I involuntarily glanced at Flossie. Even her imperturbable horse face expressed hidden delight: obviously, the Titanic could not leave anyone indifferent.

When it was time to say goodbye, I wrapped my arms around my mother. And she, usually so reserved, suddenly also hugged me tightly to her.

“Be smart, Elionor,” she whispered. “And please listen, Flossie.”

I’m ashamed to say, but I wasn’t very worried about the impending separation from my mother, the upcoming journey captured me so much. I couldn't wait to hit the road.

The signal bell sounded, and the echo of the ship's whistle echoed far away. This was a sign that the Titanic was setting sail.

We went into the cabin. I sorted out my things and put a photo of Betty under my pillow.

“I’m so happy,” I muttered.

The next day the celebration continued. Sometimes I stopped and pinched my hand to make sure that everything around me was not a dream, but a reality that looked like a fairy tale.

I wanted to see everything, to visit every corner of the Titanic, but Flossie was on her guard. She complained of a migraine and, under this pretext, lay in the cabin after breakfast, firmly forbidding me to leave the confines of our floating room, as Flossie called the cabin. I sat and looked out the window, where the wave ran behind the ship, and thought that, instead of wandering along the decks, I was sitting here and looking at Flossie. When she fell asleep, I slipped out of the cabin and walked down the corridor. I found myself on the deck, where I wandered around for a while among the crowd, then went down again, but ended up in a different part of the ship. In short, I was lost, but I didn’t want to call anyone for help. Then I turned into an unknown direction and stopped in despair.

And here Flossie came at me, accompanied by a handsome man.

“Thomas Andrews,” he introduced himself. - Your aunt is very worried about you, is it possible for a young lady to leave the cabin without permission, the ship is very large, and here you can easily get lost, moving from one part to another.

- How do you know this? – I asked.

He smiled.

– I am the chief designer of this ship. Do you like him?

I nodded shyly. Flossie was profuse in gratitude.

She walked to the cabin in silence, holding my hand tightly, as if I could slip away from her at any moment.

When we found ourselves in the cabin, she icily forbade me to go anywhere without her accompaniment. She supposedly is responsible for me to my parents.

I burst into tears, I felt so hurt. It's a real shame. While everyone is walking around the Titanic, I have to sit in the cabin next to Flossie, who ruins the whole trip for me with her lectures and instructions.

In the afternoon the ship passed the English Channel. There was a light breeze, the sea was calm, and I looked forward to landing at Cherbourg, where Cousin Betty would join us. The coast of France and the lighthouse on Cape Ag appeared. Flossie and I stood on the deck, and I counted the minutes to myself, clenching my fists tightly. I wanted us to land as soon as possible. Sometimes I broke out in a cold sweat: I imagined that Cousin Betty was late or did not arrive at all, her plans changed, and she decided to stay in France rather than sail on the Titanic. But then the ship slowed down, stopped, swaying on the waves, two ships approached it, and the first new passengers appeared.

I looked with all my eyes and still missed the moment when Betty appeared. She appeared behind us and called out:

- Elionor!

I turned around sharply. Standing in front of me was a beaming lady of about thirty. Extraordinarily beautiful. Her smile was especially beautiful. When she smiled, it seemed that a radiance was spreading around her, a smile fluttered across her face like a sunbeam and illuminated everything around.

Betty extended her arms to me for a hug, and I cautiously approached her.

- Kuzi... Betty! - I blushed. I didn't know how to address her correctly. “Cousin Betty” is her nickname at home.

“Bettina,” Flossie hissed. - Mademoiselle Bettina.

“Oh, Florence, what are these ceremonies for,” said the cousin with annoyance. - Just call me Betty.

She pulled me into her arms and kissed me on the cheek. She smelled of fine perfume.

“You’re so big,” she said with slight sadness. - How time flies.

– I am already fourteen years old.

“Elionor, Bettina probably wants to rest from the road, and you’re delaying her,” Flossie muttered.

- Not at all, come with me. I'll change, and then we'll go on deck. Yes, Florence? – she turned to Flossie half-questioningly and half-affirmatively.

She frowned, but nodded in agreement.

We walked, no, ran together along the deck, and then down the stairs. Cousin Betty, I couldn’t call her anything else, the name stuck so firmly to her, she walked easily and swiftly, I could barely keep up with her. I usually walked at a sedate pace; my mother taught me that a lady should have decent manners and not be in a hurry. At first I tried to walk slowly, then faster and faster, and then we almost started racing. I always remembered that inspired flight until my death. Betty turned to me and burst out laughing, then she took my hand, and we, like schoolgirl friends, merrily rushed forward. We almost knocked down some elderly gentleman with a mustache. He stopped, grunted into his mustache and turned to look at the beautiful, swift Betty.

We flew into the cabin, and then Betty began to laugh and bother me.

“You saw how this guy looked at us.” With a mustache, as important as a walrus... - And she mimicked the gentleman we met so funny that, looking at her, I also began to laugh.

Betty's laughter suddenly stopped.

- Oh, Elionor. – She extended her hands forward. “I’m so glad I finally met you, you can’t even imagine.” Anne wrote to me about you in almost every letter, so I have an idea about your life. Although very vague.

She fell silent, as if she saw something that I could not see. Her gaze became clouded, and I felt somehow uncomfortable.

- Cousin Bettina!

“What kind of ‘Cousin Bettina’ is this?” she said angrily. - Betty, that's all. No “aunts” or “cousins”. Okay, let's not be sad. There's no point in this. We have many joyful days ahead. So let's have fun. My luggage is already here. And now I’ll show you a lot of interesting things.

Cousin Betty brought out various miracles: a Chinese fan, a mirror with a mother-of-pearl handle, a jewelry box.

I liked everything, I touched things and turned them over in my hands.

Finally, Betty sat down at the table with the mirror and laid out her feminine artillery. Perfume, powder, lipstick... Everything was new to me. The perfume smelled so sweet and gentle, like the card that lay under my pillow.

I mustered up my courage.

– The postcard you sent to my mother smells the same. I took it for myself.

Betty quickly turned to me:

“Did you climb into the mailbox, little minx?”

I blushed.

- No. Just one time. And she took a postcard from there. She's here on the ship, I'll show her to you someday.

I thought Cousin Betty breathed a sigh of relief.

- So you didn’t read the letter? Little girls are not supposed to read adult correspondence. There may be a lot of unknowns...

This is how I met my cousin Betty. I literally spent days and nights in her cabin. She was really fun to be with. She knew how to quickly meet people and become the life of any company. Together with her, we covered almost the entire ship, making forays into its different parts. My cousin especially loved the French restaurant where we often ordered food. Along the way, she told me funny stories about Paris, her life and the Parisians.

Important people were traveling on the ship. Multimillionaires John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim, vice-president of the Pennsylvania State Railroad John Thayer, journalist and public figure William Stead, American writer, Colonel Archibald Gracie, military assistant to the US President Archibald Butt and others. Betty met some of them and behaved as if she had moved in these circles all her life. A couple of times we encountered a tall, gloomy man. He looked at Betty intently and then looked away.

- Who is this? – I whispered when we had already moved away.

“Lord Canterville,” Betty also answered me in a whisper, although he could no longer hear you. - Important person. They say he is transporting a mummy.

© Barsova E., 2016

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2016

Through me

Look longer at the sea when it is capricious or stormy, see how beautiful and terrible it can be, and you will have all the stories you want. About love and danger, about everything that life can bring to your network. And the fact that sometimes it is not your hand that controls the steering wheel and you can only believe is good.

Jojo Moyes. "Silver Bay"

Everything was as usual, and yet he felt strangely uneasy. This anxiety did not go away, and he did not know what to do about it.

The captain of the Titanic, Edward John Smith, was an experienced sailor and knew that giving in to panic at sea was the last thing. The captain must inspire a sense of confidence and calm, because in his hands is not only the ship, in his hands are the fates of the people entrusted to him for a while. But he didn’t want to admit to himself that he had been tormented by a headache since the morning and the pain wouldn’t go away. He was not a superstitious person, but for some reason he wanted to finish this voyage as quickly as possible, despite the fact that it promised to be the loudest and most famous in the entire history of navigation. The Titanic was overwhelming with its magnificence, stunning because it seemed to challenge the ocean, the daring element. It had everything one could wish for - never before had people been offered to travel in such comfort and in such luxury.

But the voyage would end in a few days, and if he tried hard enough, he would win the Blue Riband of the Atlantic, a prize for fast shipping. And the voyage on the Titanic will be left behind, it will become another milestone in his biography, which Smith will begin to remember when he retires. He was the most famous captain in the North Atlantic. The triumphant voyage on the Titanic was to end his career and be his last voyage.

There was one cargo on the ship that he tried not to think about. A mummy in a wooden box near the captain's bridge. At first he did not understand what was the matter, and then they explained to him that it could not be carried in the hold like ordinary cargo. She's too valuable. The captain winced, but did as he was asked. He was obliged to fulfill the wishes of the passengers of the Titanic. The richest and most famous people in the world sailed on the ship, whose word was law, and he had to do what was asked of him.

Smith tried not to think about What is in the box, because when he thought about it, a strange numbness attacked him, and a slight fog appeared before his eyes.

On April 14 at nine o'clock in the evening, standing on the captain's bridge, Smith discussed the weather with the second mate. It got very cold. Radiograms were transmitted about the accumulation of ice on their path. The situation was risky, but the ship seemed reliable, and risk is a constant companion of sailors. The captain wanted to quickly go to the cabin and fall asleep. He had never had a flight when he was so tormented by headaches and suddenly attacked by weakness, which he was forced to hide from everyone.

On this day, weakness appeared in the morning. As if in a dream, he looked at the telegrams warning about ice. It was necessary to slow down, but everything inside was against it. He didn't recognize himself...

He fell asleep... And during his sleep he was transported to the bridge. And with horror I felt a trembling and vibration coming from the box. He realized that something terrible was about to happen, he wanted to scream, wake up, warn the watchman, but he could not. He saw a moonless sky with bright stars, dark oily water, an iceberg that suddenly grew in the ship’s path, as if out of nowhere, and that was heading straight towards the ship... Smith’s tongue was constrained, he began to cry in a silent cry, and soon a sharp jolt shook the liner.

He opened his eyes: “What a terrible dream.”

But he needed confirmation that this whole nightmare was just a dream.

The captain quickly ran out of the cabin onto the bridge.

- What was it?

And I heard in response:

- Iceberg, sir.

Ever since I first watched James Cameron's film telling the tragic story of the Titanic, I have been fascinated by this story. Not so much a romantic plot line, but a dramatic shipwreck story. Since then, I have read many articles, watched documentaries about the Titanic, how it was built, about the people who sailed on it, about the people who built it and who supervised the construction, about the fate of the survivors and about the trials that followed. With this event, with great interest I learned more and more details about the causes of this great tragedy.
Naturally, when I saw this book in the “new releases”, it instantly interested me. The two words that captivated me were “Titanic” and “Curse” - after all, I adore everything mystical))
So such a title simply could not leave me indifferent, I was really looking forward to this book, and when I got it, I immediately started reading it.
Naturally, the book captivated me with its references to the history of the Titanic, and for this I immediately give it a big plus, but even so, I gave the book 3.5 (which for me is almost the lowest possible rating)
Besides the title, I was interested in the plot, it is really intriguing. The story tells that exactly 100 years after the sinking of the Titanic, the liner Astoria sank in the Mediterranean Sea, and many began to associate this shipwreck with the “Curse of the Titanic.” The main character Ulyana was sailing on this liner with her fiancé Dmitry; soon after the tragedy, Dmitry mysteriously disappears. Ulyana learns that he was conducting a journalistic investigation dedicated to the Astoria and one of the passengers who also disappeared from the cruise ship without a trace. Trying to find Dmitry, Ulyana begins his own investigation.
At first I was very interested, curses, mysterious disappearances, and, of course, the Titanic, I just love all this! But.. in the end I didn’t really like the book, not that it turned out to be uninteresting, or boring, no.. It was quite exciting to read, but the book was written too simply and in some places even primitively, so you sit #handface and think cry or laugh at how stupid everything is written, strange phrases and actions of the characters will make you laugh) In fact, this is a mixture of a simple Russian romance and a detective story in interesting settings. Historical references to the Titanic, the voyages themselves described in the book, and the fact that most of the action takes place in Italy, and yes, the main character has an affair with a handsome Italian)) all this, of course, was a plus for me, but not the romantic line , nor a detective story, in general, they didn’t captivate me, as soon as the mysticism left the book, I was no longer interested: D
I wouldn’t call The Curse of the Titanic too much of a crushing book disappointment; in principle, you can read it as an easy book for relaxation and entertainment, but I won’t recommend it to anyone) If you were interested in the history of the Titanic, then there’s most likely nothing new in this book you will find, like a novel or a detective story, this is not the most successful representative of modern prose.)
By the way, I was also very interested in the myths and legends about the Titanic that are mentioned in the book; I had never heard of this before. For example, the book talks about how radio signals from the sinking Titanic are still being received. At first I decided that this was fiction, but after Googling, I found quite a few articles on this topic, which really surprised me)
One such case was recorded on April 15, 1972, when the radio operator of the American warship Theodore Roosevelt received a signal for help from a long-sunk ocean liner. The ship's radio operator began his investigation. It turned out that in different years, with a frequency of once every six years, many other radio operators heard similar signals from the sinking Titanic.
The legend about time loops and the fact that some people from the Titanic fell into them seems completely inexplicable. That many years after the shipwreck, passengers from the Titanic were found at sea and they insisted that it was 1912 and that they had escaped from the sinking Titanic. On the Internet, again, I found a lot of stories on this topic, I can’t say that I believe in it, although I admit the possibility of various supernatural events)) In any case, learning such stories is very interesting)

In 1912, the famous liner Titanic crashed and sank in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Exactly one hundred years later, another liner sank in the Mediterranean Sea, and many then started talking about the “curse of the Titanic”...

Ulyana Pavlova came to Italy, to Rome, together with her fiancé, journalist Dmitry Dronov. Suddenly, in one of the Roman cafes, Dmitry noticed a beautiful girl, went up to her table and soon... disappeared with her, leaving Ulyana alone! Several days passed, their trip came to an end, but Dmitry never showed up. Not knowing what to think, Ulyana decided to look into her groom’s laptop and found out: he was conducting a journalistic investigation. It concerns the disappearance of one of the passengers on board the cruise ship Astoria, which recently suffered a disaster off the coast of Italy...

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