Game - quest "Treasures of fifth-graders" lesson plan in psychology (5th grade) on the topic. Grammar riddles in the Russian language, educational and educational for children Riddles about homonyms

1 tone, HUN - MAGNETIC TONE OF THE TARGET, number one, receiving. Target. An association. Attraction. Source; Unity; God; Memory, possibility and intention; Source of creative energy; place of intention creation.
From the depths of the great mystical mystery rushes a spiral of the vital energy of the Spirit. Pure creative energy can only be perceived and understood by what it becomes. Therefore, the number one guides itself. One greatly enhances the quality of the Solar Seal, so its energy doubles. In addition, it sets the Tone for the next thirteen-day period, that is, it begins a new module of the Time Wave.

14 Seal - WHITE WIZARD-SAGE (IS). Timelessness. Susceptibility. Magic. Wisdom of the heart, victory over the forces of darkness, foresight, courage, intuition, magical powers. Energy is the power of magic.
The underworld was defeated, the world saw the sky and the sun, a time of rest and celebration began. The White Sage (Wizard) is perhaps the most significant character. He shares his wisdom with people. ISH symbolizes the feminine principle, hidden in the depths, in the darkness and in the night. Feminine power is the power of feelings, providing access to intuitive insights, secret knowledge and magic. IS is a magician. He was given the great task of the gods - to develop magical abilities in us. It gives us access to other dimensions. He is a limiter of magical powers. In order to competently create reality, people must acquire magical knowledge.

Analogue (Supporting, nourishing force): Red Snake - Vitality. Life force. Instinct. Sexuality.
Guiding Seal (Guiding, leading force): White Wizard - Timelessness. Susceptibility. Enchantment.
Antipode (Testing Power): Yellow Seed - Determination. Bloom. Awareness.
Occult Teacher (Invisible Spiritual Support): Blue Hand - Knowledge. Accomplishment. Healing.
Analogue controls the period from midnight to sunrise

The leader controls the period from sunrise to noon

Antipode rules the period from noon to sunset

The occult rules the period from sunset to midnight


2 WHITE WIZARD wave module, The Power of Timelessness, at the First Red Turning Castle.

Court of Birth: Initiates the Seed. Thanks to Birth, the Seed Turns.

2 White Mage Wave

1 Red Time Lock:

I unite to make magic happen
Attracting receptivity.
I seal the conclusion of timelessness
Magnetic tone of the target.
I am driven by my own redoubled strength.

I gratefully accept the first tone of the Source.
I am in Unity and Harmony with everyone.
I have a new beginning and I am determined!

I calmly observe my world around me. The wisdom of my heart allows me to avoid challenges that do not interest me. I use my Right of Free Will and choose my own experiences, not allowing anyone to impose them on me! I confidently manage energies, leveling fields and smoothing out sharp moments. I fill my world with music and colors. The beauty and harmony of my world is truly a miracle. I strive for goodness and Love, and I do not want to sink into the energy of evil! Their time is over. When everyone understands this and lives according to this principle, the Garden of Eden, sung for centuries, will bloom on Earth. And I do not forget that my world is in contact and interconnected with other worlds striving for perfection.

I quietly observe the wisdom of my heart. She is always with me and leads me to the worlds on the other side of the veil. Graceful as a jaguar, I bring the hidden into the visible world. I am a powerful Beacon of Light!

Today I call upon the Highest Energies of Creation into my field of life, and, without limiting myself, I expand my consciousness. Thinking everything thoroughly, I leave decision-making to my heart. The connection of heart and mind is an indicator of the highest Mastery.

Today I penetrate into the deeper layers of consciousness that lie on the other side of the rational, and enter into reality, where the law of MERCY is mandatory. Today I obey different laws than those that exist on Earth. Guided by the power of my heart, I can perform many miracles. Today nothing is impossible for me.
With a magnetic tone of determination, I go with renewed energy.

I receive and express the power of Timelessness and Enchantment. I discover in myself the receptivity of the radial nature of time - the eternal “Now”! My heart is the gate of Divine Enchantment. I become a sage, transparent to the entire spectrum of energies, and the magic of life will be freely created through me.

KIN 14 - White Magnetic M. With him, Tzolkin begins the second Wave, the White Mage Wave.
Dance begins with recognizing and reconnecting with purpose. Tone 1 teaches us that we must first become one with our purpose in order to attract the energy and means to make it happen. Working with purpose is an act of reconnection, the purpose of which is union and interaction. Purposefulness is magnetic in nature and leads us to Unity.

If the first Wave, the Dragon Wave, initiated the material program, then the Magician Wave has the task of opening the spiritual program. In this Wave, a person can activate his deep layers of consciousness, penetrate the veil to other realities and cognize the Divine Worlds.

The Wizard's Wave is associated with the theme of Eternity, with energies associated with space and time, with mastering one's own power and connecting with one's Higher Self.

Discover the inexhaustible source of Love within yourself.

Discover in yourself the receptivity of the radial, nonlinear nature of Time - the eternal “now”.

Discover the Wisdom of your heart and share it with everyone.

Become a conductor of the Divine Energy of creativity.

Express the power of Time - i.e. create beauty, for energy transformed by time is the process of creation.

Learn to live with the “Here and Now” principle.

Learn to competently create your reality.

Life force is given by the awareness of oneself as a whole in every moment, in the eternal “here and now”, the awareness of oneself as a Creator - a Magician. "I can do everything".

Through the White Wizard, humanity gains knowledge - how to create and Love its creation. This is the acquisition of magical powers. This is the highest level of individual consciousness.

Motto of the seal of the day: The spell of timelessness exudes from My receptive heart.

The seal can draw your attention to your loved ones. It's time to help them open their hearts to love and kindness. Master the magic of love, find its true power. Your desire to help your loved ones, your tenderness and love can work wonders!

IS challenges power, egoism, thirst for fame, and helplessness in the material world. Promotes appreciation of all aspects of life, openness and kindness.
This is the time to improve your personal affairs, improve your health and financial situation. A good period for women - weddings, travel, dating, pour out at this time like from a cornucopia. A time of mysticism and magic. Time for Santo Mundo - Sacred Land! Bonuses related to land and property.

Key words of the day: Feminine energy. Enchantment. Magic. Material goods.

Praise - approval
Luck –... (luck).

Work – ... (labor).
(M. Druzhinina)

Strongman - athlete
Secret – ... (secret).

Father's dear,
Heat - ... (heat).

Suddenly - suddenly,
Comrade - ... (friend).

Walk - walk
Dance - ... (dance).

Faithful - reliable,
Difficult – ... (difficult).

Wizard - magician
Banner - ... (flag).

2. Riddles about letters and words
Let's insert other people's words into the text
And we'll put them in quotation marks.
You guys know everything
What's in quotes is...

Russian speech sovereign
By nickname...

Everything has a name -
Both the beast and the object,
There are a lot of things around,
And there are no nameless ones!
And all that the eye can see is
Above us and below us, -
And all that is in our memory is
(In words.)

On a snowy slope
Black horses.
Standing in a row
They talk to us.

There is a hollow in the old tree
Well, just like a letter...

The word is divided into parts
Oh, what happiness this is!
Everyone can be literate
Make a word from parts.

We always attach to the beginning of the word
And we change it without difficulty
Its meaning is new.
There are a lot of us in the speech!
And there are others too,
It’s hard to count all of us!
Remember firmly, friends, -
In language it is impossible without us!
3. Riddles about homonyms
It is botanical, fruity,
Zoological, cherry,
And he can even be childish,
Who can guess this word?

There are many homonyms:
Here is the product, lard.
There was a moment in history -
That was the name of the secret agent.

So that we can get some water in the bath,
We will open it.
Well, at a construction site it’s different:
Large, liftable and steel.

That's what they call kindergarten
For the littlest kids.
This is also what the box will be called,
Where do they put food for the cow?
4. Riddles about synonyms I hope you friends are ready
Should I call the hotel in Russian?

In the native language, rich
Lots of similar words, guys.
What is another name for a doctor?
I wish you good luck.
(Doctor, healer, aesculapian.)

The answer to anyone is clear here:
Food, just in a different way.
It won't be difficult for you
Guess something -...

Sea robber, evil pirate,
I will be glad to hear the synonym.

You'll have to think a little here
And name the road differently.
Forget about the highway and the path!
The word is very common -...
5. Riddles about parts of speech We all apply this
Instead of the item name,
Instead of an object attribute
We also apply this
And the number of items
This often replaces it.
It will show us everything,
But he won’t say anyone’s names.
Often very used
It changes a lot.
Without him, no matter how you turn,
We can't get by with speech.

Everything that exists, it means
To the questions WHO? So what? answers correctly.
And so that all honest people do not be offended,
It always has both number and gender.
Moreover, he has three declensions,
There are six different cases at once.

He brings objects to life,
Involves them all in the matter,
tells them WHAT TO DO
He strictly monitors this himself.
He has three times
And he knows how to hide.
Many schools are being built for children,
So that everyone knows about...

The whole world knows our artist:
The artist will paint every object.
He will always answer the following questions:
With Dad Noun
Lives extremely amicably:
Change the ending
When he needs it.
She won't break up with him
Never again:
Stands in the same ranks with him,
Number and case.

And the maple leaf is BEAUTIFUL.
WIDE, you can see the sun in it!
Owls are GRAY and DARK,
At night they are not visible to mice.
All similar words -
Form of adjectives.
To us WHAT and WHAT -
They will definitely tell you!
(Short adjectives.)

The key is big, and SMALL is the key.
A beam is BRIGHTER than a thin beam.
The cake is tastier than candy.
Autumn is COLDER than summer.
Snow is WHITENER than milk.
ABOVE the house there are clouds.
The greener grass is greener grass.
Pussy is CLEANER than a pig.
Agree, these words
Compare everything in the world!
With this adjective
We are very grateful!
(Comparative degree of adjective.)

Mom - Adjective,
Dad is the Verb itself,
Their dear son
I went to the two of them.
Mom's questions
The son asks everyone
Signs by action
Distributes items.
This child
Lucky at birth:
Like mom, he has
Gender, case, number.
He has time
Like my own father,
Can you guess the name -
You'll be great!

We will enter the forest thicket -
A GROWLING bear roams there.
There are well-trodden paths,
The hedgehog is SCARED and timid.
There is a SINGING nightingale
In these lines, I note,
There is a special part of speech.

It quickly counts objects,
They know the strict order in counting.
Only two questions will be answered for you,
These are WHICH questions? and how many?
Numbers often replace it,
People incline him in oral speech,
Often they are wrong,
What is his name, who can guess first?

Signs of action it means
It answers all the curious
HOW? and when? WHY? FROM WHAT?
It really doesn’t like to change,
The family does not have, does not want to bow down.
The degree of comparison may have,
What is his name, answer quickly!

The dog is sitting on the road
There is a pillar behind the road.
I'll run to the road,
I'll run under the road.
There's an underground passage.
FROM the road - the cat is coming,
There is a turn near the road.
ABOVE the road there are clouds.
A pedestrian walked towards the road
Half an hour from afar.
We're going with class on the ride,
We will be on the road for 24 hours.
We were lucky on the road,
She was not lucky in the rain.
To us In a story about the road
Helped a lot...
6. Riddles about generalizing words Here are raspberries, blueberries,
Strawberries, blackberries.
What should we call this gift of the forest?
It is very interesting!

If you want to become a know-it-all,
Learn to generalize objects.
Kayak, barge, icebreaker.
Have you found a common word?

In general terms, certainly
Name me an athlete:
Karate and sumo wrestler
Judoka or sambist.

Bulls, rams and cows...
Can you give them a general name?
7. Riddles about cases You create - BY WHOM? Are you creating - WHAT?
I'll tell you - no problem!
Prepositions “before”, “under” and “above”
At any moment I am very happy.
If you're smart,
Find out the case...

I don’t like prepositions since childhood,
I can’t stand them around me.
My questions - WHAT? and who? -
Nobody will confuse you.
(Nominative case.)

I am very worried.
WHAT is missing?
I'll go searching.
Please, friends, help quickly!
Which case, please tell me quickly!
WHOM should I give everything to? Call for WHAT? -
Only I can say.
I sometimes make friends with the preposition “to”,
I go for a walk with the excuse “by”.
Be sure to remember
My friend, you're a loser...

WHO is to blame, ask me,
Not a day goes by without accusations.
But I can't only blame
WHAT I see, I can also tell you.
Prepositions “in” and “on” and “under”
You will find me without any hassle.
Prepositions “through”, “about” and “for”
They will catch your eye too.
So who is the smartest one here?
Who can tell me what my name is?

WHO everyone thinks about, WHAT they dream about -
They only reveal their secrets to me.
I don’t like the white light without excuses,
Without them, my family, I wouldn’t live a day.
It’s not difficult for you to guess my name,
If I have prepositions, then I -...
8. Changeling And
I am the famous bird's cry,
Not jackdaws, not tits.
turn me over
And look into the water.
I like water
I always live in it.
(Kar – cancer)

I am needed where they struggle with water,
And you need it where you need water.
Put the first syllable
To where the second one was -
I'll be a tree then.
(Pump – pine)

In the seas and oceans
I let out fountains.
On the contrary, you will write -
You will hear it in the room.
(Whale - tick)

I'm a small animal.
Now I will ask:
You rearrange the syllable -
I'll rustle quietly.
(Mouse - reed)
9. Charade
The hidden word consists of several parts, each of which can be an independent word.

Three letters - a term in the game,
The other three are a victory cry,
But in general you will meet in the yard,
Suddenly hearing a dog growl.

Write the name of the note,
Add a name quickly -
And I'll swing along the road
Or I'll shoe your feet.

You write with the first syllable.
The second you hit the ball,
Join a game with a friend.
But in general you will hear about the stream,
When the stream is shallow,
It won't hide your legs up to your knees.

Take my first syllable from the squeak of birds,
The second is from a lamb's head.
Open the oven and find there
What you have eaten more than once.
10. Palindromes
Palindromes are words, phrases or sentences that are read the same from left to right and from right to left.

Insert the appropriate word - a three-letter palindrome:

Give me... a pencil (that one).
Do you know how this word is written? (How)
Come in. Here... I live (here).
What a delicious lunch you prepared. You are real... (cook).

Game-quest for fifth graders:

"Treasures of Fifth Graders."

Goal: to create a game situation in which fifth-graders could demonstrate positive personal qualities, gain experience interacting with peers outside of educational activities and actively relax.

1 station . Background (possible in the recreation area on the 2nd floor). Fifth graders rightfully own the treasures to be found. And Nadezhda arranged everything so that the guys have tips that will help them complete the quest. Let's hit the road! (On card No. 1 there is a hint text, the answer to which is the Russian language classroom (office No. 406).

Hint - direction to the Russian language classroom.







Every student writes carefully.

We read the rules and learn them by heart.

Well, guys, what kind of lesson is this? (Russian language lesson)

Even an animal or a bug
Here he becomes a hero.
Here they look for hints in fairy tales,
And of course, they find it.

2 station – Russian language classroom. Here the guys have to complete 3 tasks.

A) “Synonyms - rhymes” You need to choose a synonym for the spoken word, which is also a rhyme for the previous pair:

Wizard-mage, banner - (flag).

Noise-roar, laughter - (laughter). Praise is approval; luck - (luck).

Strongman - athlete; mystery – (secret). Father's - dear; Heat - (heat). Suddenly - suddenly; comrade – (friend). Walk - walk; dance - (dance). Faithful - reliable; difficult – (difficult). Here; work – (labor).

B) “Choose a rhyme” - for these words “textbook”, “notebook”, “diary”, “pencil” you should choose a rhyme and compose couplets.

C) “Help the poet” - The aspiring poet composed couplets, but then abandoned them because he couldn’t do it any further. Help me complete the quatrains:

"Pinocchio and Alice

We decided to go to the store..."

“Leopold is angry with mice,

He says: “There will be no friendship!”

“Winnie the Pooh once said:

I won’t eat honey anymore!...”

“Once Shrek and Fiona together

We're going fishing..."

As soon as the children complete these tasks, they will receive the following hint (for the mathematics room):

Well, what's the lesson? That's a lesson... (mathematics)

3 station . In the mathematics classroom they are asked to solve the following tasks:

A) “Complete to cube.” P. 50

B) “Replace the numbers with letters.” A series of numbers and their corresponding letters are written on the board:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The children are asked to replace the numbers in the following rows with letters and guess the “hidden” word.

3561 – (ALIS – fox) 1568 – (SLIT – leaf)

34527 – (ADLOK – boat) 31427 – (ASDOK – board)

4123 – (DSOA – soda)

B) "Proportions".

Dividend – divisor = multiplier - ? ( factor , product, quotient, multiplication, division).

Addend – sum = minuend - ? (subtrahend, difference , addition, result, quotient).

Dividend – divisor = ? – subtrahend ( minuend , difference, quotient, division, subtraction).

Figure - square = number - ? (sum, fraction,

Rectangle - plane = cube -? (edge, height, triangle, face, space).

Diameter – radius = circumference - ?( arc , segment, segment, line, circle).

Triangle – isosceles triangle = quadrilateral - ?( trapezoid , figure, equilateral triangle, angle, side).

Segment - length = square - ? ( square,

After solving the proportions, participants receive a hint to the story room:

Everyone knows that she
Full of miracles and secrets.
Learn from other people's mistakes
And you will never get bored!

4 station.

Exercise: The team receives a list of historical figures, next to which they need to write who they were and where they lived.

A) Hammurabi - 6th king of Babylon (1750 BC), creator of written laws

Confucius - Chinese sage.

Prometheus – the grandson of the Earth goddess, who taught people to plow and build, swim and sew, count and write. He stole the fire of Hephaestus and gave it to people.

Homer ancient Greek poet, author of the Iliad and Odyssey

Hephaestus – Greek god – blacksmith.

Cyrus - leader of the Persians, Persian king who conquered Media, Lydia, Babylonia and others. King of kings.

Rhea Silvia - mother of Romulus and Remus, priestess of the goddess Vesta.

Odysseus - king of the island of Ithaca, hero of Homer's poem "Odyssey".

Herodotus - ancient Greek historian who described the military exploits of Cyrus


Cheops – Pharaoh of Egypt 2600 BC.

Seth - brother of Osiris, desert god of sandstorms

Isis - wife of Osiris, patron goddess of wives and children

Persephone - Greek goddess, daughter of Demeter, wife of Hades

What were the kings of Egypt called? Pharaoh

What is Mesopotamia?The country between the Euphrates and the Tigris that existed for more than 5,000 years ago can also be called Mesopotamia.

What is the Sphinx?Mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a man

What was the name of the most beautiful woman in Egypt? Nefertiti

Which king had a huge clay library?? Assyrian king Ashurbanipal in Nineveh (600 BC)

What kind of paint did the Phoenicians invent? She was considered royal.Purple (purple-red, the Phoenicians extracted it from special shells, the snails of which produced this paint).

Is the country the birthplace of tea? China

Where was paper first invented? In China.

Why did the Egyptians call the Euphrates River “the river that flows backwards”?The Egyptians (Thutmose's troops) were surprised that the waters of the river flowed in the direction opposite to the Nile flow they were accustomed to. After all, the Nile, flowing from the south, flows into the Mediterranean Sea, and the waters of the Euphrates flow from north to south. The conquests of Thutmose are evidenced by texts in the temple at Karnak (Annals of Thutmose III). One of the inscriptions talks about crossing the “great inverted river.”

Which river did the Chinese call “the river of a thousand disasters, the wandering river”?Yellow River, as it spread very widely and destroyed villages.

It is a special culture.

And run a cultural cross-country(Physical Culture).

5 station. In the gym, the “Swamp” test awaits them. There are sheets of bumps attached to the floor with tape. The guys should cross from one “shore” to another over these bumps, without touching the floor outside the “bump” with their shoes. If someone makes a move, then the whole team goes to the beginning of the crossing. After some attempt, the team completes the task and receives a hint:

And develop your memory.

And respect the friendship of others,
How to be collected in class.
How to complete tasks.
And the purpose of their important work is
Teach kids how to learn.

6 station.

The team goes to the 5th floor and in the office they do“Portrait of a fifth-grader” - each participant writes down on a card, in beautiful handwriting and their own color, one quality that they personally showed in the game. From each participant - according to the quality, which he beautifully designs on the issued card. As a result, the guys together make a “portrait” - a picture in a frame - an applique.

After completing this task, they are asked a question: did the guys guess what treasures the fifth-graders were talking about? Yes, this is their Knowledge!

Everyone is congratulated on successfully completing the quest and the children are given gifts.

Materials for the game.








The lesson is interesting, in it we believe

Together we solve examples and solve problems.

Compasses, everything is accurate - without any romance.

Well, what's the lesson? That's a lesson...

Everyone knows that she
Full of miracles and secrets.
Learn from other people's mistakes
And you will never get bored!

It is a special culture.
And every schoolchild should know
How to get along with her culturally,
And run a cross-country race in a cultural manner.

They teach them to think correctly
And develop your memory.
How to be patient with each other
And respect the friendship of others,
How to be collected in class.
How to complete tasks.
And the purpose of their important work is
Teach kids how to learn.


Dividend – divisor = multiplier - ? (factor, product, quotient, multiplication, division).

Addend – sum = minuend - ? (subtrahend, difference, addition, result, quotient).

Dividend – divisor = ? – subtrahend (minuend, difference, quotient, division, subtraction).

Figure - square = number - ? (sum, fraction, product, difference, rhombus).

Rectangle - plane = cube -? (edge, height, triangle, edge, space).

Diameter – radius = circumference - ? (arc, segment, segment, line, circle).

Triangle – isosceles triangle = quadrilateral - ?

(trapezoid, figure, equilateral triangle, angle, side).

Segment - length = square - ? (square, volume, size, straight, rectangle).


Since Ancient times, history has thousands of figures who possessed supernatural abilities. We are talking about both great prophets who followed the instructions of the Higher Powers and leading adepts, and about predictors of the future. In almost every corner of the globe there was at least one person whose stories have been passed down for many years.

Gifted people

Even from biblical stories, we all remember people who possessed, on the one hand, unprecedented wisdom, and on the other hand, some kind of magic. For example, King Solomon, who could judge any dispute fairly. Samson, who did not have human physical strength, and, unfortunately, lost his strength after his hair was cut off. The same applies to ancient “magicians”, for example Hermes Trismegistus.

In addition, many cultural figures from different countries were also considered visionaries of some kind. Dante in his work “The Divine Comedy” so skillfully described the circles of Hell. Bulgakov, in the famous novel “The Master and Margarita,” imbued with mysticism, showed readers interesting details of our life, from the perspective of a person who notices certain deviations from the norm.

What can we say about Gogol? His works “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Dead Souls”, “Viy”, was all this really just a figment of the writer’s imagination? Or did he see more than ordinary people of that time?

What is the secret of magicians and seers?

There are countless similar figures in history. However, there are people whose actions have glorified them throughout the world and left no doubt that a person can have some kind of gift from above. For example, Vanga. Each of us is familiar with the story of this poor woman, who helped those in need and did not demand countless amounts of money from them.

On the other hand, Hitler's achievements on the world stage during the war are also attributed to his gift in the field of the occult sciences. The history of the life and development of the abilities of such gifted people is described in this section of the site. Messing, the Queen of Sheba, Hans Herbiger, John Dee, Cagliostro, Saint Germain and many other magicians lived at different times and taught the population to believe in miracles and change the existing reality.

Will we be able to follow their path? Is the information that comes to us in various legends and tales reliable? To answer questions like these, check out the articles presented in the “Great Magicians and Seers” section.

An attempt to refute the common misconception that all “magical activities” are the same thing.

This article will attempt to refute the common misconception that all “magical activities” are one and the same.

Why is it generally accepted that wizards, sorcerers, and others like them are one and the same?

1. Apparently, this belief was initially formed under the influence of the respected Christian church, which unites all sorcerers, sorcerers, and soothsayers into the general category “of the Devil”

The Church, in fact, once exterminated these same wizards and sorcerers from our society, as competitors in the struggle for minds. Yes, so thoroughly that now no one really knows what they were?

2. Representatives of modern traditional science perceive these categories as “fictional activities that do not exist in reality.”

On the one hand, since there are no objects of study, then there is nothing to study (that is, there is no one). On the other hand, the prevailing belief in science in the conditionality of the phenomena of spiritual life by the movement of elementary particles (namely, faith, this has not yet been proven by anyone), and so, this belief instructs scientists to explore the world around them using exclusively the five senses.

Everything that is perceived by intuition, foresight, premonition, feelings of love, beauty, danger, rhythm, gravity, spatial orientation, etc... physicists, chemists, geologists, biologists and doctors consider “unscientific”, “not existing as an object of scientific knowledge” ”, “that which can be expressed through the physiological phenomena of the body.” That is, they sharply limit their ability to perceive the world.

All women know very well that intuition, premonition and love are not processes of the body’s organs, although they influence them.

In the same way, men in military specialties have observed many times that a feeling of danger often arises even when the danger itself is neither seen nor heard. And this feeling must be trusted if you want to stay alive. Especially in battle.

Where is the physiology and movement of molecules here?

This is not science, but pure faith!

That is, it turns out that natural scientists do not want to see many phenomena of our world and, therefore, of course, do not see them.

And, in the end, I note that the numerous charlatans who give advertisements like: “A hereditary sorcerer will remove family curses, the evil eye and damage (of course, you have all this!) for crazy money greatly contribute to the denial of everything “magical” by people of science. He will correct the poor quality work of other specialists for free.”

3. It is interesting that not only atheistic science, but also the religion of Marxism-Leninism believes that all processes in human society are caused exclusively by economic prerequisites. That is, processes in society. Magic by its nature, (judging by fairy tales), is completely asocial. That's why it doesn't exist.

So, in the end, we see that there are three categories of people who believe that sorcerers, sorcerers and magicians are anointed with the same world.

Why isn't this true?

The above belief is just an ideological position. Not all people can agree with her.

For example, in any theater the costumes of sorcerers and magicians, wizards and sorcerers are necessarily different. For researchers of folklore traditions, the difference between such fairy-tale characters is beyond doubt.

In addition, every philologist knows that in the same culture, in the same language different words necessarily mean different concepts(at least in terms of shades).

Maybe these words actually mean the same thing, but came from different languages?

Let's try to look for the answer in the most reliable primary sources that we have at our disposal, that is, in the fairy tales of the peoples of Europe.

Folklore analysis

At the first cursory glance, you can easily notice that all the magical characters differ very much in their occupation and in their external attributes:

Where they live (in a hut, in a high tower, in a forest).

Whether they brew potions, or cast spells, use magic staves, rings, or make passes with their bare hands.

How they dress (in a robe, in rags, or like other people).

They are exclusively men, or only women, or both;

Do men have (or is it not at all necessary) a beard, are they physically strong, or only spiritually.

Are women of these professions necessarily beautiful (or, conversely, ugly), etc...

You can easily notice that sorcerers are always assigned a strictly defined set of attributes, witches - another, wizards - a third... And these complexes never change their owners.

For example, magicians do not brew potions, sorcerers do not heal, witches do not read magic scrolls and do not use enchanted robes or staves, sorcerers are not kind and do not live in white high towers, and wizards do not make themselves more beautiful, etc...

Moreover, the most interesting thing is that the characteristics of these characters almost do not depend on the nation that composed fairy tales about them. They seem to be common to the entire European culture.

It is noteworthy that the names of these fairy-tale characters are in every language, and they are different everywhere. Only the word “magician” sounds the same in all languages. Apparently, it came to Europe from another culture. Most likely - from Persian, since in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. A nomadic tribe called “Mag” or “Magush” came to this country. The men of the tribe were engaged in something occult, and claimed that they were priests chosen by God for other nations (like the nomadic Levites among the Jewish farmers). Gradually they became such among the Persians.

Characteristics of magical characters

Below, in a more detailed examination, we will limit ourselves to only Russian and English names of occult professions (Russian terms are also common Slavic).

And we will do this because East Slavic and English mythology in this area are unusually developed. That is, the folklore of the Eastern Slavs and the English people may have preserved the most complete description of these types of activities.


This is a man who does magic. The word “to conjure” is related to the word “koltun” - a tightly twisted bundle (of grass, hair, mane). That is, the sorcerer twists, twirls, connects something, or perhaps cooks something, stirring it in a circle with a spoon. In the popular imagination, sorcerers always live in houses hung with herbs and roots. Or they travel in search of potion ingredients.

The main working tool of the sorcerer is a bubbling cauldron with the next brew. In the end, you must drink it (very rarely rub it into the skin or drop it into the eyes). This folk idea is very stable, and passes from fairy tale to fairy tale, both among the Russians and the British.

Who often needs to cook something from herbs? First of all - healers, somewhat less often - shamans who use all sorts of hallucinogens and similar substances for contacts with the other world. It is quite possible that, due to the great similarity of occupations, in ancient times shamans and healers were the same persons.

It follows from this that the sorcerer’s interest in the other world is very peculiar. He does not meddle in vague, subtle matters, or in someone’s fate, but wants to know what needs to be mixed in order to drink and strengthen himself in some aspect. That is, the sorcerer’s tasks are practical, and his desires are quite tangible. Treatment of all sorts of ailments, love and lapel potions, damage to offenders, etc...

To successfully master such an art, the following character traits are required: great observation, attention to detail and side effects, the ability to carefully diagnose a patient in order to identify the effect of the medicine and the ability to find hidden connections between things (substances).

If we assume that human relationships are also a kind of energy or matter (torsion fields in the physical theory of vacuum), then we can expand the definition of “sorcerer” to relationships with people. (Conjure – (Latin) “con” – with, together, “juro” – to swear, to call).

I mean that if a person can choose the proportion in which ordinary substances should be mixed, then he can do the same with subtle matter (if, of course, he is convinced of its existence).

A good example of such mixing is paired folk and ballroom dancing (not sports). It would seem that there is not so much movement in them. Stomps, claps, turns. This is not for you to run a hundred meters, and not for you to jump on the court for an hour or two. However, the boost of energy after dancing is enormous.

Still, let’s assume that subtle matters do not exist, and let’s return to medicines and love potions.

Noteworthy is the fact that, according to fairy tales, women are much better at witchcraft of any kind. They have it, as they say, in their blood.

And according to logically derived character traits, it is their natural inclinations that make it possible to find hidden connections between things (and people), to combine, twist and mix something.

Women's witchcraft in fairy tales is considered more subtle and comprehensive than men's, but it is mentioned many times that it is also much weaker. A male sorcerer, as a rule, can perform only 3-4 miracles, but very powerful ones.

And in the end we come to the following conclusion. A sorcerer (Conjure) is probably a doctor of the ancient world, an alchemist, a researcher of connections between substances, (possibly an organizer of ritual actions).


Resource – (English) resource, means, opportunity, recreation, entertainment, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

The origin of the Russian word is unclear. Possibly from the word “Magi”.

In folklore, the image of a wizard is associated with all sorts of transformations, spell casting and various illusions such as disappearance and invisibility.

In English, the word similar to “wizard” sounds like “sorcerer”, and in meaning is related to the word “resource”. In the oral fairy tale tradition of the English, a “sorcerer” is a person who draws power from the other world, accumulates it, and uses it at his own discretion. He doesn’t negotiate with anyone or anything, doesn’t ask otherworldly spirits for anything, he does everything himself. Because “there is strength, the rest is not needed.”

We can say that a wizard is a specialist in studying the vibrations of subtle matters. You can accumulate energy-force only when you know how to tune in well to its vibration. So to speak, get into resonance. Good tuning and “gaining strength” are synonymous concepts, both in the language of esotericists and in the language of physics (in the theory of physical vacuum).

So, a wizard can strengthen (dampen) the desired vibration in himself or some object. Then “bang” and those around you see a miracle. For example, he shouted a sound of a certain frequency and broke a huge stone into pieces.

Here it would be appropriate to recall Indian yogis who claim that the effect of invisibility is achieved by complete cessation of thought processes in the brain. True, yoga does not really explain why and how exactly this happens. They probably don’t know themselves.

So, in the popular imagination, a wizard is necessarily associated with some kind of tricks, illusions, or invisible force. Other esoteric specialties - magicians, sorcerers and sorcerers - do not perform such miracles. Everything with them is either absolutely not material, or, on the contrary, very material.

The main fairy-tale activity for wizards is constantly figuring out who is the best. A sort of Volshempian games. The winners usually walk to the end of the fairy tale, puffed up with pride, and the losers either win back or take revenge for the defeat.

Both men and women are equally endowed with the ability to sense vibrations. The former are more in the external world, the latter - in the internal. And in folklore, wizards and sorceresses are equally common.

Summarizing all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that a sorcerer is a kind of athlete of subtle matters. He wants to accumulate power and be the best at something.


The origin of the English word is unclear.

A sorcerer is a person who can cast a spell, bewitch, and change people's perceptions of themselves, thus quietly turning other people into their allies. This is a master of external illusions, achieving his goal on a completely physical plane. As a rule, by passing off the imaginary as real. The sorcerer creates the necessary atmosphere of communication, orients the mood or emotional states of his interlocutor.

Almost all women know how to do this, and many are fluent in some aspects. Women without charm are a rarity, as are men who brilliantly master this art.

That is, it would be more correct to say “sorceress” rather than “sorcerer”. By the way, in the English language there is no masculine gender for the word “Witch”, that is, theoretically there is, but Witch-men as characters in fairy tales are never found (the Scots have Witch-man and Witch-wife).

It is very common for sorcerers to use all kinds of enchanted objects. The overwhelming majority are clothes, shoes, raincoats, hats, rings, amulets or bracelets, and even mittens. That is, everything that can be called in the general words “jewelry and clothing.”

Sorcerers never use magic staves, enchanted swords, armor, shields or clubs. These are the attributes of wizards. And for some reason, sorcerers don’t like to go out onto the battlefield.

Summarizing all of the above, we can confidently conclude that the Witch or Enchantress is a secular lady of antiquity, perfectly mastering a rich arsenal of various means to attract men.


Vis – (lat.) power, physical or moral, spiritual strength,

Ardeo - burn, glow, shine, sparkle.

A sorcerer is a person who knows something, knows something. He definitely knows something otherworldly and mysterious. Moreover, he not only knows, but can also talk about his subject. This could be knowledge about the structure of the world, about some significant event in life, about the past and future, and so on...

The English (not Latin) concept “Wizard” carries the same connotation. In the English oral tradition, the Wizard always knows something well and can teach it to you in a wonderful, quick way. Remember what, for example, buttons labeled “wizard” do in many computer programs.

“Sorcerer” is very close to the concept of “teacher”, however, unlike the latter, he accumulates knowledge and keeps it intact, and does not live by constantly teaching something for a fee.

“Wizard” is a predominantly male form of activity. The word “Wizard” does not have a feminine gender, and the Russian “Wizard” is used extremely rarely, being confused with witch-sorceress. Witches in fairy tales, by the way, never teach anything; they mostly do various dirty tricks with their herbs and potions. Altruism and the desire for abstract truths are completely unusual for witches. This is the prerogative of sorcerers.

The latter, by the way, are almost the only representatives of magical activities who are able to predict the future or see with their inner gaze the events of the past that happened far from here.

By the way, the existence of this ability is not fiction, but a scientifically proven fact. Here are a couple of examples I borrowed from the site

“A classic example of the creation of events is Edgar Poe’s story “The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym.” It describes the misadventures of four survivors of a shipwreck. After many days of hopeless wandering on the open sea, maddened by hunger and thirst, three of them kill and eat the fourth. The writer was pleased to give the murdered man the name Richard Parker. The story was published in 1838. And in 1884, after a terrible shipwreck, the Magnonette sank. Only four survived. Like the heroes of Edgar Allan Poe's story, they wandered in a boat on the deserted sea for many days. Driven to despair by thirst and hunger, the three kill and eat the fourth. The fourth one turned out to be Richard Parker.

Here is another striking example of such a writer’s “creation of the world”: in 1898, M. Robertson’s novel “The Death of the Titan” was published in the USA. It described in great detail the crash and death of the Titan passenger liner. At that time, the novel did not attract the attention of contemporaries. Interest in it awoke only in 1912, after the shipwreck of the Titanic superliner. The coincidences between Robertson's fictional and real events were not limited to the name of the ship that collided with the iceberg. The tonnage, the length of the ship, the number of propellers, the speed at the time of the collision, the number of passengers, the number of boats on board, the month of the tragic incident and many other smaller details, right down to the shouting of curse words by drowning people, coincided” (end of quote).

Ask any mathematician, and he will tell you that the probability of such a number of facts coinciding is one chance in a billion, if not less. Figuratively speaking, this is the same chance as hitting a flying mosquito with a rifle at a distance of a kilometer. The first time.

Returning to the consideration of sorcerers, we find that, most likely, a sorcerer (wizard) is an ancient bookworm, teacher, and predictor of the future. By the way, in the modern world, highly educated scientists also often correctly predict the future (although not in an esoteric way at all).

For people of non-scientific specialties, their predictions are real miracles, just like in ancient times. A physicist came to the plant, looked at the unit and said: “It will work for a year and break.” And so it happened. Isn't it a miracle? Or the historian read the same newspapers that we read, and rendered a verdict: “this government will completely ruin the country in five years.” And so it happened. Again a miracle (it would have been better if it hadn’t happened)!


It is possible that this word comes from the root “to be able”.

And then a “magician” is a person who can do something. For example, maybe something that others cannot do, which in the ancient world meant communication with beings of the subtle plane, with the spirits of the dead, gods, owners of fields, forests, rivers, etc...

Or maybe, as mentioned above, it also came from the name of a nomadic people.

In any case, it cannot be said that the concept of “magician” for European culture was entirely borrowed. That is, it came along with the legends of other peoples and did not have real bearers.

Most likely, this word supplanted its more ancient analogues.

This statement can be confirmed by the following considerations:

1. In the fairy tales of the peoples of Europe, magicians have very special attributes, clearly defined, with capabilities unlike any other occupation.

2. If Magi really existed and once came to Europe, then, following the example of the Levites, they could well destroy their competitors physically. Remember the biblical: “do not leave sorcerers alive,” “let the sorcerers and conjurers of spirits be destroyed among you,” etc. By the way, the same thing happened in Persia.

In folklore, magicians always communicate with otherworldly entities, summon the souls of the dead, and talk with the gods. Magicians and only magicians are able to influence a person’s fate unnoticed. Sorcerers or witches can also influence a person’s future, however, only with the help of curses, damage or spells.

Mages and only magicians live in high towers (sometimes standing in the center of the city, sometimes in the desert or in the mountains, but never in the forest). Their towers are either bright white or very black, but not multi-colored. Wizards occasionally live in golden or silver towers (but never in white or black ones).

In terms of their fabulous skills, magicians coincide exactly with the concept of “shamans” and quite well with the concept of “druids”. All representatives of these three occupations differed from those around them primarily in that could(can) communicate with the other world, while all other people of their tribes could not(or they can't).

Magicians are the only characters who in fairy tales necessarily have some kind of hierarchy dividing them into skill levels. They certainly have a rank to which they reach through long training (by the way, exactly like shamans). A mage's rank is closely related to how powerful spirits he is able to summon (although it is difficult to argue that this is what determines his rank). Wizards, sorcerers and sorcerers very rarely have such a division into levels. The texts simply say that such and such a witch is stronger in such and such matters, or that this wizard knows the necessary spells, but that other one does not, but knows some others.

Mages, unlike other magical specialties, quite rarely live on their own. They always have a “Guild of Mages,” that is, some kind of permanently functioning community.

Let's think about what could be the essence of the activities of a person whose main characteristic is the ability to communicate with those with whom other people cannot contact?

In our modern society, such people are found in abundance. Some of them are called translators, others - diplomats.

In both cases, these people themselves never produce anything, but perform a kind of “transport” function. If a diplomat needs something, he goes and negotiates with the right people. Translators often do the same. Why get into a fight if you can come to an agreement with the military, who will do everything much better than you? Why stand in line at OVIR offices if it’s faster to contact a specialized company and save time?

This, of course, is just my speculation, but why not assume that magicians are the same translators or diplomats who communicate with entities of the other world, other dimensions, and, in principle, it doesn’t matter where they live, the main thing is not here, not on the physical plane.

Developing this crazy idea, it’s probably worth thinking about what services these same hypothetical astral entities can offer? What so necessary and useful can a magician get from them?

Ghosts are unlikely to move objects, cause an earthquake or rain, just as they can transform lead into gold. This requires a lot of raw physical energy. This means that in matters of gross matter, the essences or spirits of the dead are completely useless.

Now, if we assume once again that communication between people is based on a certain kind of “subtle matter” (torsion fields), then we can immediately notice that it is from this subtle matter that these invisible entities consist. Consequently, they have many opportunities to influence people's behavior. Instill in the right person some thought, desire, or orient his attention in the right way.

That is, subtle entities are quite capable of influencing the course of a person’s destiny, pushing his actions in a certain direction.

As a result of this long series of hypotheses, we get that magicians are individuals whose main interest is to correct their own destiny (or someone else’s).

It was mentioned above that magicians in fairy tales always unite in guilds? Isn't this happening for the same reason as with diplomats?

Among the latter, mistakes are usually severely punished, and the first major “blunder” often becomes the last.

For example, the Japanese ambassador to Buckingham Palace once threw a cat from his chair, and the end of his diplomatic activity came the very next day. By the standards of “subtle entities” - that is, the British, this act was incompatible with the high rank of ambassador. And he, the poor guy, didn’t even suspect that he had to politely apologize to the cat and gallantly ask her to give up her seat, carefully facilitating this. And nothing else!

Among translators, as well as among diplomats, it is also very difficult to maintain a reputation, and easy to lose it. It is enough to create something similar to the Russian translation of the book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” just once.

In both of these cases, if “theirs” are not covered, then that’s it, career over. For this, “our own”, i.e., “the guild of such and such”, as a matter of fact, is what is needed.

In passing, we note that it is extremely important for both diplomats and translators to know the art of performing rituals accepted in the environment in which they move.

Similarly, magicians in folklore perform long, complex and often very dangerous rituals. When addressing entities, they carefully list their titles, draw pentagrams in a certain way, and speak strictly defined words.

In fairy tales, often because of a minor mistake in the pentagram or because the magician was interrupted in the middle of the ritual, an evil spirit breaks free and kills the person who called it.

This is probably why the art of magic in fairy tales is always performed exclusively by men. Responsibility is more characteristic of them.

A woman magician in a white tower is nonsense.

By the way, what kind of towers are these? Where did they come from?

Alas, fairy tales do not give a direct answer. You can only try to find related concepts in the descriptions of Chukchi shamans or Irish druids.

Shamans claim (note that it is not me who claims, shamans) that each of them communicates with the other world through a special “astral pipe” coming out of his forehead or crown and going vertically up into the heavens. The quality of this pipe is determined by its height and width. The higher and wider it is, the better. The most interesting thing is that shamans have two types of “astral pipe”: white – allowing contact with the inhabitants of the “upper world”, and black – providing contact with the underground “lower world”. For some reason, the black pipe, like the white one, still goes up from the head, not down.

Thus, in the concepts of “astral pipe” and “magician’s tower” something common is felt. Although it must be recognized that this commonality lies entirely in the area of ​​esotericism, that is, it requires recognition of the existence of the subtle world, invisible entities and similar objects.

Probably, our distant ancestors were in precisely such a system of views on the world and believed in all such esoteric things. Modern science categorically does not recognize them, however, at the same time, it cannot answer the question, where do 20 grams of weight go from a person’s body at the moment of his death?

In the end, we note that in the old days, many magicians were probably also sorcerers, wizards were sorcerers, and sorceresses were witches. For ordinary people, they were something mysteriously incomprehensible. And which of the modern “ordinary people” can point out the difference between, say, a hydrobiologist and a biohydrologist?

Apparently, this is another reason why all magical specialties today have merged in people’s minds.

The illustrations used in this article were taken mainly from the site

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