“And this respectable man, a lawyer, was sitting in front of me at a desk?!” The capital celebrates the day of the meeting of graduates. What kind of holiday is the day of the meeting of graduates? When is the graduation party

We all studied at school, institute, someone in college or college. In such establishments, you have to spend time side by side with different people, who in the future can become true friends or just buddies. It is customary to celebrate the date of the meeting of graduates with a large team, where all fellow students and classmates gather. In Russia, it is traditionally celebrated on the first Saturday of February. It is, so to speak, a meeting with the past, and a new look at the present.

Miscellaneous meetings

Everyone celebrates this date differently. Today, many Internet users put likes on social networks, correspond and communicate. Spicy lovers make various photo collages and exhibit photos of school or student years. Invitations are sent out to meetings scheduled in advance. Lots of holiday fun. In order to find out about this event, you do not need to be too keen on the computer, just having one page in any of the social networks will be enough to find your fellow students.

In any Russian school these days the doors are open for any guest. The holiday is a bit sad because we all grew up and will never return to our school and student years. Our teachers are going to this event to meet their alumni. Now these are not noisy and carefree children, but adult and respectable uncles and aunts. Everyone comes here to once again feel like that naive and carefree teenager, when there were no many worries and problems that we face in adulthood.

Beautifully decorated school corridors, balls and flags, everything reminds of a great time. To meet someone who has been sitting at the same desk with you for so many years, isn't it a wonderful and touching feeling. Many in these years had a first love and so many vivid memories are associated with it. Those cute girls with stupid pigtails, now real princesses and queens, those boys chasing the ball around the school playgrounds, and now solid and reserved men.

Everyone meets within the walls of their school, hugging and expressing special joy after separation. When we meet, we are interested in everything that happened during this time, as if returning again to those days. We exchange phone numbers for further communication, talk about our achievements and brag about what we have. The meeting of graduates is like a book that is flipped back and every time we experience those strongest emotions that are so dear to us.

How the school welcomes guests

Usually, in the schools of the country, they prepare for this event in advance, teachers and students are sure to prepare the solemn part. Where the oldest graduates and graduates perform. On the threshold of the school, you can see the happy faces of teachers who are waiting for this event every year. A mandatory program is a concert prepared by the students of the school, who surprise with various numbers and good humor associated with the school years. Be sure to include a tour of the school in the whole event, you need to look into your class and remember everything and everyone. Original numbers and wonderful sincere words make the meeting dear and close. Many graduates stay for a tea party, after all the programs, in order to once again remember vivid stories from school life over a cup of tea.

Universities celebrate this event

The atmosphere of the holiday is also held in many universities of our country. Here are the more mature and conscious years of our lives. And the meetings are as hot as the school ones. Already former boys and girls, at a mature conscious age, allow themselves memories associated with years of study in institutions. Respectable young ladies and young people gather at the graduation ceremony at the Universities, many of whom have started a family. At such events, communication is very important, it is for the sake of it that all graduates gather.

Fun party

Such holidays are simply necessary for our society, they carry so much goodness and meaning. Looking back, you can evaluate and revise your life anew. Perhaps, when they get together, they will be able to remind you of something most important, something that you simply forgot, spinning in the bustle of everyday life. At such events, graduates feel at ease, where they can talk on various topics and, most importantly, remember this wonderful time. How sweet it is to hug your teacher, who is getting older every year and his gray hairs are only increasing. As you know, every teacher remembers his students. If you go to reunions, he won't be able to just forget you. Doing once again pleasant to your teacher, you thereby express all your gratitude for his patience and endurance.

At meetings, everyone looks happy, regardless of age and gender. We will never return to childhood, we can only leave the memories that arise when we meet. Pleasant conversations and the best memories make our souls softer and kindle some special light in them. For the celebration, some prepare gifts for their teachers, usually something memorable.

If you conduct a survey on the street and ask the question of whether we need a graduation day, then most likely more people will say yes. After all, coming to this holiday, we get so many positive emotions that it cannot be compared with anything. Moreover, we give warmth to our beloved teachers, who in our time are not given much attention. A wonderful holiday, and you need to celebrate it on a grand scale, because in our life sometimes simple pleasant things are so lacking.

The day (or still the evening) of the meeting of school graduates in Russia, as well as in the "fraternal" countries that were part of the USSR in the past, is celebrated every year on the first Saturday of February.

If a in 2015 the first Saturday of February fell on February 7, 2015, then in 2016 meeting evening will be February 6, 2016.

How are alumni meetings going?

On this day accepted to go to school. In schools, they usually arrange an official part with a speech by the director, often the students themselves prepare concert numbers for the graduates who have come. After the solemn part, the guests gather in their own class, communicate with the class teacher, or choose another place for communication, such as a cafe.

Regarding the continuation of the banquet outside the walls of the native school, it would not be superfluous to take care of booking seats in a cafe, bar or restaurant in advance. Do not even hope - there will be no empty seats anywhere on the evening of the meeting.

If for graduates this day is a holiday, then for teachers it is also a serious preparation, because you need to organize a concert and prepare yourself and the office.

The day of the meeting is a day of memories, so you can take school photos with you, prepare contests that will help you remember your school years, funny stories, and you should not forget to just thank your schoolmates and teachers.

What date is the meeting of university graduates:

The days of the meeting are celebrated both by graduates of secondary and professional educational institutions - schools, colleges, and higher educational institutions - institutes, universities. Only universities do not have such a single date as for schools. Each university chooses its own date. It can be either the first Saturday of July or September, or the last Saturday of August.

In some countries of the world, in Russia or Ukraine, meetings of classmates are traditionally scheduled on the first Saturday of February, the tradition came from the army as 100 days before the order to retire.

Alumni meetings were especially popular when there was no Internet, Facebook, classmates, VKontakte, however, even now virtual communication cannot always replace a live meeting of classmates, but over the years people become not so close, everyone has their own worries and the like. The meeting of classmates is over at the same time and a simple party - barbecue with alcoholic drinks and the opportunity to chat, find out what's new in people, what they have achieved, how fat they have become.

Naturally, the first is the consent of at least many to meet, you should always take into account that half of the meeting will fail, as always there will be some kind of business there, so the number of seats in the restaurant should simply be divided by two. If earlier it was necessary to call each other, now instead of the phone there are social networks through which classmates communicate, naturally, you can just throw a call on the social network, choose the topic and place of the legal meeting there. If it is February, then you can spend Shrovetide, both on the street, in the park, in the forest, and in a restaurant, or even somewhere at school and also talk with former teachers, if they are not all retired yet.

The theme of the evening is also an important point, of course, this topic is more appropriate when meetings are held frequently, for example every year, then such meetings may seem interesting in themselves and wines with snacks will fade into the background.

If the meeting takes place all the same in the summer, then this is an option to go barbecue with friends in nature, you can choose wild places in the park and in the forest, you can chip in and choose a paid place, a table under a canopy, such a joy can cost 2000 rubles or 300-400 hryvnia, if the amount is divided by all participants, then the money will be symbolic.

On a social network, it is better to read the posts of classmates, since there is absolutely no chance that you will be sent a personal invitation to a party, because you remember that the class is run by excellent students, hooligans, athletes or socially active elders. If you are a typical outcast, and such are the majority of the class, then perhaps it is better for you to continue to maintain such an image.

Real freaks classmates do not go to such meetings, they are invisible in social networks.

Many of us are wondering why most of the classmates are not present in the classmates themselves, in contact and facebook? The answer is that many of them are simply not connected with a computer in their work and life in general, naturally, if you graduated from school back in the days when computers and smartphones were not common, then it is highly likely that your classmates never were able to make friends with computer technology, many consider social networks to be stupid, which will take a lot of time, which can be spent more productively. If you graduated from school relatively recently, then it is much more likely that all your friends are represented on social networks, try using the search to try to find someone, they may have already seen you or are following you, but they were just embarrassed to add you as a friend.

Social networks

Social networks are different, classmates are the most “frostbitten network”, there are often people of the older generation who do not know how to communicate or communicate only through greeting cards that this network sells, people go to contact to watch illegal content, movies, music, read jokes , only Facebook remains, where the most adequate and socially advanced people gather, however, in terms of Russian-language content, VKontakte boasts much larger thematic groups where you can chat according to interests, Facebook also has this, but Facebook is very far from contact in terms of popularity in Russia .

Photos of classmates

When going to a reunion, do not tell everyone that you have a lot of photos from school time, the first of September, the last call or graduation, remember that your friends have exactly the same photos, because then there were film, not digital times, and photos were taken very rare and very much appreciated, it’s better to digitize such memories, use the scanner at your work or at home and put the phonographs on the net, they will also raise your prestige if you are interested in this, otherwise you will also have to drag a paper photo album to the graduate meeting.

Where to meet

Remember that the house is a purely intimate space, you do not need to invite to meet at your place, then you will regret it while washing the dishes. The exceptions are cases when people like to have parties at home, call friends, or show off an enviable interior and room size.

Questions at meetings of classmates

At alumni meetings, the most typical questions will be interrogations about your current job, marital status, having children, a wife, providing evidence. If you have not achieved career growth in your life, such questions can be unpleasant, especially after the answers of your classmates who have achieved higher positions in this world.

By car to a meeting

Think about whether you need to go to a meeting in your car, whether you need to show your status in this way if you don’t have a car, and everyone will come to those, it will be hard to justify why you didn’t save up for a car in such years.

Show yourself and see others

In high school, we looked at the opposite sex with great interest, for sure, the guys and girls made up their rating in my head, this girl or boy I liked the most, but this one is in second place, perhaps in secret you were in love with whom - something, a meeting of classmates can be for you either a release from the burden of a lost one, or vice versa, in the first case it will be good if your love has grown fat, lost teeth, gone bald, had a bunch of children and looks poor and wrinkled, but if your love, on the contrary, has turned from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan, and at the same time unmarried, then maybe it will be grief, especially if you cannot boast of similar omissions in life like getting fat and starting a family.

Who is old and fat

Sometimes a real shock happens to us when we see how our former classmates have changed in 10 or 20 years, someone has become very fat, someone has grown old, who is already bald, has lost its former brilliance and attractiveness, we see those whom we were in love with and we understand how good it is that we did not make a hasty choice. A future meeting of classmates can be an incentive to look better, it is worth sitting on a healthy diet, changing your image, clothes, manner of communicating, but in most cases such drastic changes are impossible for many to enlighten themselves with. Meetings of classmates common in Western countries.

The funny thing is that we always have a much better opinion and understanding about other people than it really is, if you think that life has beaten you very much, then really go to a meeting of classmates and make sure that your problems are compared with strangers no problem at all. You will be surrounded by some healthy uncles, aunts, in fact, upon a detailed examination of grandparents, in their new look, you will look for those fragile figures of your classmates from a distant fairy-tale childhood, which over all these years has been greatly idealized, the meeting of classmates is the most an example of the discrepancy between expectation and reality.

Every year, the end of January is characterized by rapid bursts of activity in social networks. Often, photographs from distant school times appear with calls to attend the upcoming meeting of former classmates. After all, each meeting is that joyful event that can again take us to the best and most serene school years. So what date is the reunion day? It's the first Saturday in February.

Holiday features.

On this beautiful February day, the courtyard and the school premises are filled with former students who have already matured and embarked on their life path. When the day of the meeting of graduates is celebrated, such a native school bell sounds again, already former students try to squeeze into such small desks, and the teacher, who has changed over the years, greets everyone with a kind smile on the threshold of the class. Everyone peers into each other's faces, trying to find familiar features. And again, cheerful noise, and din, and again jokes, and the eternal question "Do you remember how we ...". When the meeting of graduates takes place, it is necessarily accompanied by pleasant memories and an exchange of impressions. And also the stories of former classmates about themselves and their lives.

Order of conduct.

Like any holiday, this day has its own specific rules. The beginning of the holiday is a solemn concert in the assembly hall, then there is a tour of the school and, then, the graduates disperse into classes. Often, the concert is prepared by the school team, or the students of the school. The motto of the concert again goes under the slogan "Do you remember? It consists of funny moments and situations that are nice to remember for every graduate. However, all those who prepare skits and jokes for graduates cannot possibly know any features and funny moments from their studies , therefore, most often, they resort to templates.This is a button for the teacher on a chair and steps, and endless deuces.

Therefore, one should not expect special originality from such events. And every year the number of graduates coming to school is only declining. Often, they already meet directly in a cafe or restaurant. Therefore, it is better not to rely on someone, but to plan and organize a program, communication and a table for yourself and your classmates. You can, for example, a week before the meeting, collect the most interesting and vivid photographs and instruct someone from the class to make a collage so that it would be interesting for everyone to watch and remember past years.

What needs to be done in advance?

In general, no matter what date the day of the reunion of graduates is held, everything needs to be planned and ordered in advance. In particular, this applies to the place chosen for the banquet. Indeed, on the eve of the meeting, often, most cafes and restaurants will be busy. And so that no one gets bored at the meeting, it is desirable that there be such a person who will direct the conversation in the right direction. This should be someone who knows everything about everyone, knows how to keep the conversation going, give a topic for a new conversation, or tell something for general amusement. If you look, then in every class there is always such a person. He must be the ringleader tonight.

The meeting of graduates, no matter what date it is held, will always be, to some extent, a sad holiday. After all, having plunged for a moment into those carefree years with school mates, you will not want to return to your usual routine later. However, the day of the reunion of graduates is a kind of therapy, an opportunity to nostalgic together, to remember those years when it was so good and fun for everyone together. The meeting of graduates is an event that you should definitely visit at least occasionally in order to prolong your childhood for a moment, remember the old years and again spend the evening in the company of those people with whom fate once brought under the roof of one school.

Every year, on the first Saturday of February, a bell rings in the schools of our country and not boys and girls, but quite adult respectable men and beautiful ladies are on the threshold. This day is called the Alumni Meeting Day, when students who have long graduated from school, having said goodbye to their youth, again come to their native walls to see familiar faces, recognize the one with whom they sat at the same desk for 10 years, present flowers and shower with words of gratitude to their beloved class teacher.

The evening of the meeting is reminiscent of youth, first love, first confessions and kisses, notes through desks, a blackboard rubbed with soap, and buttons on the teacher's chair. Even after years, coming to school, former students seem to plunge into childhood, make promises to each other, exchange news. Someone boasts about how he went abroad, someone how he raises children, is engaged in business or creativity. The whole atmosphere of the holiday is saturated with memories and everywhere you hear “Do you remember?”, “How are you?”, “Where do you live?”, “Do you have children?” etc.

Homecoming Day is a tradition passed down from one school generation to the next. At the same time, a cheerful and sad holiday shows us how fleeting time is, how years fly by and people change. And with each celebration it is felt more and more. But on the other hand, such an event is a great occasion to see once again former friends, girlfriends, party neighbors and just spend a pleasant evening in the circle of once close people.

Homecoming Day 2020 - congratulations

The school is somewhere far away
Many years have passed since then,
When life was light and easy for us,
When I met a spacious school yard.

And today we will meet, friends,
Let's remember our youth!
I wish you good luck on this day
And wish you good health!

Pour into glasses of strong wine,
Let's remember our teachers!
Ah, school wonderful time!
Let's talk about her today!

No more tears, no more words
I want to congratulate
Today all graduates
We were like a family!

Yes, many years have passed since then
How did we get out!
But the years are just nonsense
When hearts are full

Enthusiasm, cheerfulness, kindness -
Soul hunting to sing!
I'm happy to see you friends
Look at you all!

Today we finally meet
We are former graduates!
We touch each other with our eyes,
In the eyes, lights shine.

We had so much in common
Even if we weren't the same!
I know they were all good
And everyone is born for happiness!

My congratulations,
Let you old friends
Life is waiting for warmth, luck,
You always be happy!