Give sample sentences. Give up is an English phrasal verb. vernacular - stop believing in, give up on

synonyms renounce, backtrack, forgo, sacrifice, waive

Shecouldnotgiveuphercanaries - She couldn't leave her canaries

Ididwantaholidayabroad,butwe'vehadtogiveuptheidea - I really wanted to spend my holidays abroad, but we had to abandon this idea

It’s hard to give up the drinking habit without help - It’s hard to stop drinking without help

Give up smoking gradually - Quit smoking gradually

2) give up, give up

Don'tgiveupwithouteventrying - Don't give up without even trying

A thrown towel means the boxer is giving up - Throwntowelmeans, whatboxersurrenders

3) togivesmb.up- give up, put an end to

He is given up by the doctors - Doctorsfromhimrefused

Even his kin have given him up - Even relatives turned away from him

4) surrender, yield

He gave himself up unhesitatingly to the guidance of (Pope) Innocent - Hewithouthesitationgavemyselfunderpatronage(dads) Innocent

We had to give up the castle to the enemy - We had to surrender the fortress to the enemy

Being drunk, he gave up the driver's seat to PamBeing under a degree, he gave the driver's seat to Pam

5) disclose, publish, issue

synonyms divulge, reveal

We do not give up the names of our contributors - Wenotrevealnamesoursponsors

The data have not been given up yetyetnotannounced

to give smb. up

6) throw

Thewomangaveupherlovertosavehermarriage - A woman broke up with her lover to save her marriage

How can I give up my own child? How can I leave my own child?

7) vernacular - stop waiting

He waited for half an hour and gave up - Hewaitedhalf an hourandspaton theall

8) vernacular - stop believing in, give up on

They were alive, but they had given up on themselves and on the possibility of a future - They were alive, but lost faith in themselves and in their future

Looks like the neighbor has given up on life – Neighbor, it seems, at alldespaired

fun facts

A recent study at Harvard has shown that eating chocolate can actually help you live longer!

Phrasal verbs - Achilles' heel almost everyone who learns English. This is not surprising, because there are too many of them to remember. However, you still have to remember the most basic ones. Phrasal verb give is one of the most frequently used English language. This article contains his translations and exercises to consolidate this material.

What does

The general translation of the verb to give (gave, given) is to give, to give.

The table shows the meanings of the phrasal verb give.

Phrasal verb Values
to give away 1) give away for free, distribute, donate; 2) to give out a secret, to make public a secret, to discover; 3) to be planted by the father, to lead the bride to the altar
to give back give back, return
to give in 1) to hand over (report, report, homework etc.); 2) surrender, surrender
to give off emit, exude
to give out 1) pretend to be someone, impersonate someone; 2) deteriorate, break, dry out, end, come to an end (about reserves, strength, etc.); 3) distribute, distribute, distribute
to give up 1) give up, give up; 2) get rid (of a habit), give up something, stop doing something

Phrasal verb to give: exercises with answers

Exercise number 1. Choose the correct translation of the fragment in brackets.

Job number Job condition Translation options for the selected fragment
1 She (quit) smoking when her doctor told her that the disease was only getting worse because of smoking.
2 The perpetrator went to the police office and (revealed) himself.
3 He (surrendered) the final project to the teacher on the very last day of delivery.
4 The teacher (returned) the work to the students after making corrections.
5 The car (emits) too much smoke and so the police forbade him to drive it.
6 The worst job in my life (was handing out) flyers to passengers on the subway.

1) was given into

2) was giving up

3) was giving out

7 He pretended not to be scared, but his wide-open eyes (betrayed) him.
8 Election date (to be revealed) on the evening news today.

1) will be given in

2) will be given out

3) will be given up

9 The doctors expected him to die. They (surrendered) in an attempt to bring him back to life.

2) had given off

10 Friday nights (belong) to bar trips and I never miss this opportunity.

2) are given for

3) are given over

11 We can't find this key anywhere. We have already (gone) looking for him.

1) have given up

2) have given off

3) have given in

12 It was a very old car. Therefore, it is not surprising that she (stopped working).

1) has given into

3) has given out

13 You are really doing great. Do not give up). Keep doing what you're doing.
14 He constantly borrows money from me, but never (returns) it.
15 In this issue of the magazine they (play) a free trip to the cinema.

1) are giving away

2) are giving off

3) are giving out

Exercise number 2. Match the phrasal verbs and their translation.

Answers to exercises for the phrasal verb give

Exercise number 1.

Exercise number 2.

You will now be able to use the phrasal verb give in a variety of situations.

Hello friends. Phrasal verbs are very commonly used in spoken English. Therefore, it is necessary to know them. In this article, we will look at the use of the phrasal verb give and the meanings it can have.

Verb give- incorrect, has the form: givegavegiven[‘gɪvən].

Basic meanings of the verb Give

The main meanings of the verb give are: to give, to give, to donate.
It is also used to express a one-time short action corresponding to the meaning of a noun:

  • to give a kiss - kiss
  • to give a laugh - laugh
  • to give a smile - smile
  • to give a lead - show an example
  • to give a look - look
  • to give a tip - hint, suggest
  • to give cry - (Sun) shout
  • to give a reply / an answer - answer, give an answer
  • to give an order - give an order, order
  • to give a push - push
  • to give a blow - hit
  • to give a kick - kick

Let's look at how this phrasal verb is used:

  1. give away- give (gifts), distribute something, give out (secret).

    He gave away the secret. - He gave away the secret.

    She gave away all the money to the poor. She gave all the money to the poor.

    They're giving away a CD with this magazine. – A CD is included as a gift with this magazine.

  2. give back- return, give back.

    Give back the book you borrowed. - Return the book you took.

  3. give forth- publish, emit, promulgate, spread a rumor.

    It won't do to give forth. “Spreading rumors is not good.

  4. Give in- give in, yield submit (written work).

    Don't give in without a fight. - Don't give up without a fight.

    She gave in her exam paper. She passed her exam paper.

  5. give off- emit, emit (smell, smoke, light, heat).

    This lamp gives off a very bright light. This lamp is very bright.

    The fire was giving off a lot of smoke. “There was a lot of smoke coming from the fire.

  6. give out- distribute, announce, end.

    His strength gave out after running that long distance. – His strength ended when he ran such a long distance.

    He gave out copies of the report at the end of the meeting. He handed out (distributed) copies of the report after the meeting.

    The food supplies gave out. - Food supplies have run out.

  7. give over- to pass, to throw (to do something).

    Give over pushing! - Stop pushing!

    We gave the keys over to our neighbors during our absence. During our absence, we left the keys to the neighbors.

  8. give up- leave, refuse, quit, leave (hope), surrender (about a criminal).

    He gave up his seat to her. He gave her his seat.

    He gave up smoking. - He gave up smoking.

    You were so late that we gave you up. You came so late that we stopped waiting for you.

    The murderer gave up. The killer surrendered.

  9. Give up on smth- to give up something (for example, an idea).

    Jack gave up on improving relation. Jack gave up the idea of ​​improving the relationship.

  10. Give up on smb- give up (for example, from the hope) that someone will do what you expect from him.

    After the quarrel she gave up on him. She broke up with him after a fight.

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. He returned my phone.
2. Stop pushing!
3. She gives away her old clothes.
4. He gave in to my requests.
5. She handed out her business cards.


1. He gave my phone back.
2. Give over hustling!
3. She gives her old clothes away.
4. He gave in to my requests.
5. She gave her business cards out.

Let's move on to the second give . The main semantic content of this is the following meanings: to give, to give, to give, to devote. What other meanings can this word take in combination with prepositions?

Meanings of the phrasal verb give

  1. give away- give (gifts), distribute something, give out (secret).

    He gave away the secret. - He gave away the secret.

    She gave away all the money to the poor. She gave all the money to the poor.

    They're giving away a CD with this magazine. – A CD is included as a gift with this magazine.

  2. give back- return, give back.

    Give back the book you borrowed. - Return the book you took.

  3. give forth- publish, emit, promulgate, spread a rumor.

    It won't do to give forth. “Spreading rumors is not good.

  4. Give in- give in, yield submit (written work).

    Don't give in without a fight. - Don't give up without a fight.

    She gave in her exam paper. She passed her exam paper.

  5. give off- emit, emit (smell, smoke, light, heat).

    This lamp gives off a very bright light. This lamp is very bright.

    The fire was giving off a lot of smoke. “There was a lot of smoke coming from the fire.

  6. give out- distribute, announce, end.

    His strength gave out after running that long distance. – His strength ended when he ran such a long distance.

    He gave out copies of the report at the end of the meeting. He handed out (distributed) copies of the report after the meeting.

    The food supplies gave out. - Food supplies have run out.

  7. give over- to pass, to throw (to do something).

    Give over pushing! - Stop pushing!

    We gave the keys over to our neighbors during our absence. During our absence, we left the keys to the neighbors.

  8. give up- leave, refuse, quit, leave (hope), surrender (about a criminal).

    He gave up his seat to her. He gave her his seat.

    He gave up smoking. - He gave up smoking.

    You were so late that we gave you up. You came so late that we stopped waiting for you.

    The murderer gave up. The killer surrendered.

  9. Give up on smth- to give up something (for example, an idea).

    Jack gave up on improving relation. Jack gave up the idea of ​​improving the relationship.

  10. Give up on smb- give up (for example, from the hope) that someone will do what you expect from him.

    After the quarrel she gave up on him. She broke up with him after a fight.

This topic is closely related to others described in articles that need attention.

The phrasal verb give is one of the most frequently used action words in modern speech of both native speakers and people learning English, regardless of their level of mastery. Its base values ​​are:

  • give;
  • present;
  • give;
  • visit.

For example:

  • Give me please a ball. - Give me the ball, please.
  • You gave me a good book. - You gave me a good book.

give- irregular verb, therefore, it is necessary to know its forms in order not only to use it correctly in your speech, but also to correctly understand the essence of other people's statements:

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle

  • (to) give - gave - given

Examples of using the verb give in three forms:

  • Give infinitive: I will give you chocolate ice-cream if you want. I will give you chocolate ice cream if you like.
  • Give past simple: I gave you all you need to finish project last week. I gave you everything you need to complete the project last week.
  • Give past participle: I have already given you money. - I already gave you money.

In combination with prepositions, its semantic range is significantly expanded. Consider the most common uses of the phrasal verb give.

give away

1. The combination "give away" is translated into Russian in a negative sense as spending, blurting out, giving out someone else's secret, losing a chance.

For example:

  • I hope you are not going to give away my secret. I hope you're not going to give away my secret.
  • You have given away your chance to win this competition. You missed your chance to win this competition.

2. The second meaning of "give away" is also negative - to retreat, to give vent to tears, to fall into despair, to surrender to the disease.

For example:

  • My mother was very tired and gave away to tears. My mother was very tired, so she gave vent to tears.
  • The island gave away to water. - The island surrendered under the onslaught of the water element.

give up

The translation of the phrasal verb “give up” is very diverse: quit, stop fighting, refuse, give out or reveal, declassify, put an end to (on something, someone).

For example:

  • You doctor recommended to give up smoking as soon as possible. Your doctor has recommended quitting smoking as soon as possible.
  • Run, run, run. Never give up! - Run, run, run. Never give up!
  • Why did doctors give her up? Why did the doctors refuse to treat her?

The third meaning of “give up to” is to dedicate oneself to someone, something.

For example:

  • Do you really think about giving up to music? Are you really thinking about devoting yourself to music?

give back

The combination "give back" is translated as return.

For example:

  • Are you going to give back my game? Are you going to return my game?

give in

In the meaning of agree or yield, "give in" is used.

For example:

  • You should give in to your sister. She is right. - You must (should) give in to your sister. She is right.

give out

The combination “give out” has a fairly large list of meanings: publish (sound), gossip, deceive (posing as another), run out (of strength).

For example:

  • Sometimes my cat gives out so strange cry. Sometimes my cat makes such a strange howl.
  • I do not like to spend time in our country house because of our neighbors who like to give out rumors. I don't like spending time in the country because of our neighbors. She gave herself out as his wife. She pretended to be his wife.

As you can see, give out phrasal a verb that allows you to convey semantic loads that are completely different in meaning.

give off

"Give off" is translated into Russian as emitting, highlighting.

For example:

  • It's cold. When you breath you give off stream. - Cold. When you breathe, release steam.

give over

“Give over” conveys the meaning of stopping something, giving up (a habit), giving someone away.

For example:

  • I am so happy you have given over smoking. I'm so glad you quit smoking.

give forth

"Give forth" is translated as to publish (sound), release (smoke).

For example:

  • To give forth smoke. - Release smoke.

There seems to be too much information to remember. This is just the first impression. Trying to remember all the nuances of the combination of the phrasal verb give makes no sense if you are not the owner of a phenomenal memory. In order for this information to take a long place in your memory, it is necessary not only to learn give combinations with prepositions, but also to perform written and oral consolidation exercises, as well as listen to the speech of native speakers. You can start with cartoons, eventually moving on to watching movies with and without subtitles.

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