Files. Preparing for the All-Russian Olympiad in Russian Language Are you serious?! What about “ah, the real Russia”

Olympiad tasks in Russian language

Grade 10

Dear Olympiad participant!

We wish you success!


1. Determine and indicate under the appropriate number how many times sounds occur in the following sentences.

Sample entry: A5 B4 B3

Criteria - 2 points for each correct answer

Total – 6 points

2. It just so happened that, unfortunately, the letter e is constantly replaced by the letter e in books and newspapers.

Total - 2 points


For each correct answer - 1 point

Total – 3 points

4. Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the underlined words. (The text does not need to be translated.)

1) Entered (Noah) into the ark... and floating ark 40 days.

2) I guess swim

3) Yelma is water float

Total 9 points.

5.Read the text of the spelling rule. One letter N is written in the suffixes ˂….˃ ˂….˃nyh participles. Two letters Н are written in short adjectives formed from full ˂….˃, which arose as a result of the transition of ˂….˃ participles of the past tense into them.


1. For a correctly restored rule – 2 points.

2. For a sufficient number of examples of its use - 2 points.

Only 4 points.

6. In a combination of words (including “quasi-words”), a linguistic term is encrypted by rearranging letters (anagramming). Unravel the linguistic term encrypted in the anagram: Magda Pari.

Only 2 points


1. The following phrases with verbs are given: mend ten pairs of socks, catch all the criminals in the area, rewrite a bad test, break all the pots in the house, wash a bunch of dirty sheets. All these verbs are formally formed in the same way, but one of the verbs is significantly different from all the others in meaning.

Criteria and answers

2.(2 points.)

3. (1 point).

Total 4 points.

2. A number of words starting with -o are given: dangerous, imperious, visible. Determine what parts of speech or what syntactic function each of these words can have. Illustrate your answer with examples.

For each correctly defined part of speech and for indicating the syntactic function of the introductory word - 1 point (here 8 points in total).

For each example – 1 point

(only 8 points here).

Total 16 points.

3. Choose the desired form of the verb in brackets.

Sample entry: 1b2b3b

1) Sergei, looking around, saw her (a. waving - b. waving) her handkerchief after him for a long time.

2) At this factory, flax is only (a. ruffled - b. ruffled), and it is sent to Smolensk for further processing.

3) In a clearing, a horse (a. nibbles - b. nibbles) the grass.

4) Lying on the sofa, the cat Boris (a. purrs - b. purrs) and squints.

5) As soon as I (a. recover - b. recover), I will continue training.

6) Having told the truth, I will immediately (a. disgust him - b. disgust him), and goodbye to my career!

7) Our cat again (a. meows - b. meows).

8) The tourists did not wait until they were completely (a. exhausted - b. exhausted) and lay down to rest.

Criteria – 2 points for each correct answer

Total – 16 points

4. Determine the type of one-part sentence as part of a complex one:

A – nominative, B – definitely personal, C – indefinitely personal, D – impersonal.

Sample entry: 1В2Б

1) The house began to sing again, and from a distance the violin gave the impression of a human voice.

2) The moon was just rising, and it was difficult to make out in the darkness.

3) It’s night and the wolves are moaning behind the trees.

4) Speak up, or I’ll tell them everything myself today.

5) Well, for example, the New York Marathon, which two million people were involved in one way or another.

6) One day we received an invoice for a book that we did not order and did not receive.

7) When you drive around New York by car, you never really know whether you are in Manhattan, the Bronx or some Connecticut.

8) By the appointed hour, we learned that the movers were delayed at the site.

– 1 point for each correct answer

Total – 8 points

5. Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachkin, the hero of N.V. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat,” once had to turn one document into another: “The only thing was to change the title title and change the verbs here and there from the first person to the third.”

What kind of alteration of the document are we talking about and how does its genre change?

Total – 4 points

Block -3

Creative task

Note! The assessment will take into account the participant’s ability to create a written statement:

1. Understanding the text, consistent and adequate disclosure of it, through specific observations made from the text.

2. Compositional harmony and expressiveness of speech.

3.General language and speech literacy (no speech or grammatical errors)


Total -25 points

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“answers 10th grade Russian language”

Answers to Olympiad tasks in the Russian language

school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren - 2017/2018 academic year

Grade 10

Maximum score -100 points



1. Determine and indicate under the appropriate number how many times sounds occur in the following sentences.

Sample entry: A5 B4 B3

A. [b]: Boris’s rich imagination brought victory in the verbal battle.

B. [sh]: Well done to everyone, you are good: you have a handsome face, and you sing cheerfully.

V. [l]: The gentle sea lazily rocked the boat on the waves, in which people had already dozed off under the warm sun.

Answer - A2 B3 C5 - 2 points for each correct answer

Total – 6 points

2. It just so happened that, unfortunately, the letter e is constantly replaced by the letter e in books and newspapers.
It’s not surprising to completely forget where E is written, where E is written.
Indicate in which words only E is written and pronounced:
Custody, scam, shuttle, newborn.

Answer: E is written in a nutshell: guardianship, scam.

Total - 2 points

3. From the given excerpts from the poems of the poet Konstantin Skvortsov, write down phraseological units.

1) We are all in captivity, we are in prison from our own strife. 2) We have heard more than once: There is no trace of Rus'. But out of pitch darkness, Rus' came into the light. 3) There is no other place for me in the world.

Answer: 1) All of usin captivity , we are in a prison of our own strife. 2) We have heard more than once: Rus'no trace of it . But frompitch darkness appeared Rusinto the light . 3) I am at peaceno space another.

For each correct answer - 1 point

Total – 3 points

4. Read fragments of texts and determine the lexical meaning of the underlined words. (The text does not need to be translated.) 1) Entered (Noah) into the ark... and floating ark 40 days.

2) I guess swim a bird through the air, and fish through the water.

3) Yelma is water float on the earth, darkness and darkness stood above the waters.

Criteria: for each correct answer – 3 points

Answer:1) Plava – swam – float: do not sink, stay on the surface of water or any liquid (3 points).

2) Floats – float: move in the air, soar (3 points).

3) Plavaashe - swam - float: spread, spread (3 points).

Total - 9 points.

5. Read the text of the spelling rule. One letter N is written in the suffixes ˂….˃ ˂….˃nyh participles. Two letters Н are written in short adjectives formed from full ˂….˃, which arose as a result of the transition of ˂….˃ participles of the past tense into them.

1. Restore the school spelling rule: insert the missing fragments.

2. Give examples of its use.


1. For a correctly restored rule – 4 points.

2. For a sufficient number of examples of its use - 1 point.

Only 5 points.

Answers 1. One letter N is written in the suffixes of SHORT PASSIVE participles. Two letters N are written in short adjectives formed from full ADJECTIVES, which arose as a result of the transition of PASSIVE past participles into them.

2. Examples: the error has been corrected (Cr. participle), the athletes are collected (Cr. adjective).

Criteria: 1. For a correctly restored rule – 4 points.

2. For a sufficient number of examples of its use - 1 point.

Only 5 points.

6. In a combination of words (including “quasi-words”), a linguistic term is encrypted by rearranging letters (anagramming). Example: Ethiopian Yaro (spelling). Unravel the linguistic term encrypted in the anagram: Magda Pari.

Answer: Paradigm.

Only 2 points


27 points


1. The following phrases with verbs are given: mend ten pairs of socks, catch all the criminals in the area, rewrite a bad test, break all the pots in the house, wash a bunch of dirty sheets. All these verbs are formally formed in the same way, but one of the verbs is significantly different from all the others in meaning.

1. Indicate the formal way of forming these verbs.

2. Indicate a verb that differs from others in meaning and describe this meaning.

3. Describe the meaning of all other verbs.

Criteria and answers

1. The formal way of word formation is prefix (re-darn): darn - re-darn, catch - re-catch, write - rewrite, beat - interrupt, erase - re-wash (1 point). 2. The verb to rewrite differs from all others in meaning (1 point): it means “to write something again, one more time” (1 point). 3. The remaining verbs mean the following: “to extend the action named by the verb to a very large number or the entire set of objects” (1 point).

Total 4 points.

2. A number of words starting with -o are given: dangerous, imperious, visible. Determine what parts of speech or what syntactic function each of these words can have. Illustrate your answer with examples.


adjective: His behavior is dangerous.

dangerous adverb: The planes came dangerously close.

adjective: Time has no power over exploits.

authoritative adverb: He gave orders authoritatively.

adjective: From our window you can see a large lake.

introductory word: He will apparently be at home tomorrow.

For each correctly defined part of speech and for indicating the syntactic function of the introductory word - 1 point (here 8 points in total). For each adequate example – 1 point

(only 8 points here).

Total 16 points.

3. Choose the desired form of the verb in brackets.

Sample entry: 1b2b3b

1) Sergei, looking around, saw her (a. waving - b. waving) her handkerchief after him for a long time.

2) At this factory, flax is only (a. ruffled - b. ruffled), and it is sent to Smolensk for further processing.

3) In a clearing, a horse (a. nibbles - b. nibbles) the grass.

4) Lying on the sofa, the cat Boris (a. purrs - b. purrs) and squints.

5) As soon as I (a. recover - b. recover), I will continue training.

6) Having told the truth, I will immediately (a. disgust him - b. disgust him), and goodbye to my career!

7) Our cat again (a. meows - b. meows).

8) The tourists did not wait until they were completely (a. exhausted - b. exhausted) and lay down to rest.

Answer. 1a 2b 3a 4b 5b 6b 7a 8a – 2 points for each correct answer

Total – 16 points

4. Determine the type of one-part sentence as part of a complex one:

A – nominative, B – definitely personal, C – indefinitely personal, D – impersonal.

Sample entry: 1В2Б

1) The house began to sing again, and from a distance the violin gave the impression of a human voice.

2) The moon was just rising, and it was difficult to make out in the darkness.

3) It’s night and the wolves are moaning behind the trees.

4) Speak up, or I’ll tell them everything myself today.

5) Well, for example, the New York Marathon, which two million people were involved in one way or another.

6) One day we received an invoice for a book that we did not order and did not receive.

7) When you drive around New York by car, you never really know whether you are in Manhattan, the Bronx or some Connecticut.

8) By the appointed hour, we learned that the movers were delayed at the site.

Answer: 1B 2D 3A 4B 5A 6B 7B 8D – 1 point for each correct answer

Total – 8 points

5. Akakiy Akakievich Bashmachkin, the hero of N.V. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat,” once had to turn one document into another: “The only thing was to change the title title and change the verbs here and there from the first person to the third.”

What kind of alteration of the document are we talking about and how does its genre change?

Total – 4 points


Since the original document used verbs in the 1st person form, it could be a statement or complaint: I, Sokolov V.V., ask you to look into the current situation...

If the 1st person forms in the text are replaced by the 3rd person forms, it means that the document becomes a memo, attitude, report, etc.: Mr. Sokolov V.V. asked to understand the current situation...

Total – 4 points



Creative task

    Read a fragment of a letter from the artist A.A. Plastova to his son. What linguistic means does the author use to convey his thoughts and feelings more accurately and expressively? Determine the main idea of ​​the passage, the communicative purpose of the author of the letter, write down the tropes (metaphors, comparisons, epithets), determine their figurative and expressive role in the text, on the basis of which compose a written statement.

“Today, when I got up after working on a sketch and looked around at the most precious velvet and brocade of the earth, at the sky blazing with a ringing sunset, at the silhouettes of purple huts, at this entire shroud of the Universe, as if embroidered by the fingers of angels and seraphim, as again, in which once, I thought that our icon painters only in this feast drew all the imperishable and truly heavenly music of their creations, and we cannot do anything if we do not follow these only paths to the beautiful.”

Maximum score –25 points

The assessment takes into account:

3.1.Understanding the text, consistent and adequate disclosure of it, through specific observations made from the text.

Maximum 10 points. Rating scale: 0-5-7-10

3.2. Compositional harmony and expressiveness of speech.

Maximum 10 points. Rating scale: 0-3-7-10

3.3.General language and speech literacy (no speech and grammatical errors)

Maximum 10 points. Rating scale: 0-1-3-5

Note: If there are speech, grammatical, as well as spelling and punctuation errors in the work that make it difficult to read and understand the text (on average, more than three errors per page of text), the work receives zero points according to this criterion.


Preparation for the All-Russian Olympiad in Russian Language

From the experience of the Ulyanovsk regional jury

The first half of the year is the traditional time for holding school and municipal (district and city) Olympiads in the Russian language. These are the initial stages of the annual All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, and their role is very significant: it is necessary to organize and conduct qualifying Olympiads so that the strongest wins, and the remaining participants do not lose interest in the science of the Russian language and the desire to participate in the Olympiad next year. From the winners of the municipal rounds, the participants of the next – regional (regional) stage are formed, based on the results of which – usually in a difficult competition of leaders – a team of students in grades 9–11 is formed, representing their region in the final, all-Russian competition of Russian language experts.

Each stage of the Olympiad has its own specifics, and the level of complexity of the tasks, naturally, should increase from round to round, which means that the tasks of the municipal Olympiads should be somewhat simpler and more accessible to the student than the tasks of the regional and all-Russian stages. At the beginning of the journey, it is especially important not to lose the mass character of the Olympiad, to give the opportunity to many children interested in the Russian language to try their hand and show their knowledge. Therefore, it is appropriate, in our opinion, at the school and district levels to include in the set of Olympiad tasks several questions and practical tasks of a traditional school nature, testing students’ spelling and punctuation literacy, knowledge of spelling, lexical and grammatical norms of the modern literary language, and the ability to logically present theoretical information , reveal any concept within the school curriculum. At the next stages - regional and especially final - tasks like Place the punctuation marks... Put the correct emphasis... Fill in the missing letters... and so on. seem to us inappropriate: it is enough to assess the overall literacy of written answers, deducting points for spelling, punctuation, stylistic and speech errors. The winners among philologically gifted high school students must be determined by tasks of an Olympiad nature - tasks that go beyond the scope of the school textbook, opening up new linguistic horizons for the student.

At any stage, the Olympiad is not a test on the material covered at school. In order to timely identify among the participants the most capable and interested children in linguistic science, it is necessary to offer several tasks already at regional and city Olympiads that require creativity, ingenuity, guesswork, linguistic flair, the ability to independently analyze, classify linguistic facts, make generalizations and conclusions. The leading role here is played by tasks of a historical nature and tasks related to text analysis.

Olympiad tasks of the municipal stage are compiled by members of the regional jury (subject commission) and presented to the regional organizing committee along with the correct answers, recommendations for completing the tasks, as well as a clearly developed evaluation system (in points) for each completed task.

Proposed below as an approximate example is the version of tasks for the municipal (district/city) stages of the Russian language Olympiad illustrates the general principles of compiling a set of tasks, which were determined by us as a result of many years of work as part of the regional jury of the Olympiad. These are differentiation of tasks according to age parallels, coverage of all sections of the subject, combination of theoretical issues with practical analysis of specific linguistic facts, inclusion of tasks of different levels of complexity, cultural orientation and regional specificity of the proposed materials. The assignments are designed for classroom work within four hours. In practice, participants in regional Olympiads who take prizes usually score from 60 to 80% of the maximum points - we consider this a very good result. At each stage, the winner must see the prospect of further work.

As part of this publication, we also provide answers to some of the tasks of increased complexity.

9th grade


Above the horizon, the large circle of the full moon, still quite (not) bright (pinkish) ashy, was already (half) visible, ready every minute to become dark and draw long shadows of steppe grasses on the dusty path.

On the sandy (n, nn) ​​spit one could see complex (n, nn) ​​fish kurens made of mouse and large black solid tar (n, nn) ​​longboats with equally raised bow and stern lay (on) their sides, which made them look like Indian p_rogi. They had (no) anything in common with light clothed Scottish punts, but were real serious fishing vessels from the Danube Delta or, as they said, “from the arm of the Danube.”

Maybe on such vessels my Cossack ancestors, crossing the Black Sea, raided the Turkish shores and even reached Constantinople. (V. Kataev)

2. Find in each pair of sentences words that consist of the same sounds, differing only in their sequence.

1) You are as ruddy as a poppy, / I am like death, and skinny and pale. (A. Pushkin)“The prince then / built a crystal house for the squirrel, / assigned a guard to it / And, moreover, forced the clerk / to tell the nuts a strict count.” (A. Pushkin)

2) The bream was lying in the damp grass between the blackberry vines. (K. Paustovsky)– Awkward cage construction<…>they clung to the houses, their tiled roofs meeting so close at the top that only a narrow gap remained from the sky, and it was dark on the street even during the day. (D. Merezhkovsky)

3) And then the crab, with some imperceptible lateral, purely crab-like movement, swerved to the side, where a large flat green-white block lay. (Yu. Dombrovsky)“The office was huge, clean, bright, with high windows overlooking the children’s park. (Yu. Dombrovsky)

3. Which of these words can, in accordance with literary pronunciation, be written with the letter e ? What words have different pronunciations?

Life, scam, glider, edge, newborn, worthless, fable, eponymous, expired, faded, beet, driver, godfather.

4. Explain the spelling of the highlighted word with a lowercase (small) letter. Give your examples of words of this kind in modern language.

Occasionally stretched out Vanka on his skinny nag, looking out for a belated rider. (A. Pushkin)

5. What is the general feature of the use of highlighted words in the following fragments from A. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”? What stylistic device is represented in these sentences?

1) Tatyana is barely alive. Triquet, / Turning to her with a piece of paper in his hand, / Sang out of tune. Splashes, screams / They greet him. She / The singer is forced to sit down; / The poet modest, though great, / He is the first to drink her health / And gives her the verse. 2) Unfortunately, Larina trudged along, / Fearing the expensive runs, / Not at the post office, on her own, / And our maiden enjoyed it / Full of road boredom: / They rode for seven days. 3) There was, however, color capitals, / And nobles, and models of fashion, / Faces encountered everywhere, / Necessary fools;<…>.

6. Graphically indicate the morphemic composition of the selected cognate words. Which of the suffixes you highlighted are formative?

Bluish the stars were shining. The sky in the east is slightly bluish. Her eyes still seemed blue. Xin skies and green trees. Mushroom turned blue on the cut.

7. A) Indicate the gender of these words and explain your answer.

Receptionist, cockatoo, miss, aloe, pony, chimpanzee, esperanto, lady, pari, attaché, puree, curé, tsetse, bra, iwasi.

b) What feature of the gender of indeclinable nouns denoting exotic animals is reflected in the above text? Indicate all the words in the text that reflect the gender of nouns kangaroo And dingo.

Let the kangaroo tell you
Like in the Australian heat
Chased his sister through the forests
Lean, skinny dingo.
She is cunning - and I am not simple.
We ran all night to the stars,
And yet I caught her by the tail
The relentless dingo.


8. What definitions are called inconsistent? How are they expressed morphologically? Give one example for each case.

9. How is the artistic expressiveness of these sayings and beliefs associated with the folk calendar achieved?

On Korney (September 26), the roots in the ground become chilly (all root crops must be harvested before this date). Naum will come and give some guidance (from December 1, the day of Naum the literate, the education of peasant children began). Prokop (March 12) will dig a road in the snow. On Olena (June 3) flax is sown. On Luka (August 12) onions are dried. On Tikhon (June 29) the birds become quiet and sit down to hatch their chicks. Proclus (July 25) is cursed by all evil spirits.

10. Write a miniature essay (volume - 1 page) about your personal name.

10th grade

1. Copy the text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and adding punctuation marks.

The road along which they walked was once passed by a cart and had long been overgrown with grass. The elm and plane tree forests on both sides were so thick and overgrown that (no)thing could be seen through it. Almost every tree was entwined (from) top (to) bottom with wild vineyards (to) below dark thorns grew thickly. Every small clearing was filled with hedgehog bushes and reeds with gray swaying flaps. In some places, large animals (n, nn) ​​and small ones, such as (n, nn) ​​spruces, pheasant trails left the road into the thicket of the forest. The power of the vegetation of this forest (not) pierced by cattle struck Olenin at every step, who had never seen anything like it.<...>
Olenin was still behind when the old man stopped and began to look around the tree. Rooster tordoknul from a tree a dog barked at him and Olenin saw a pheasant. But at the same time a shot rang out like from a cannon from Eroshka’s hefty gun and the rooster jumped up, losing its feathers and fell (to) the ground. (L. Tolstoy)

2. Find and correct errors in the transcription of the words below.

Shel [sh’ol], wide [shir’], hedgehog, in the game [win’ uh], everything [fs’o], from a spark [from s hide], children's [d’ uh tsk’iy], shell [p A ntsyr’], to the club [vklup], mowing [kas’b A], you go [id’ O w'].

3. Determine the contextual lexical meaning of the highlighted words and indicate direct or portable it is. For words with a figurative meaning, indicate the method of transfer (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche).

1) Everything is alive there: hills, forests, / Amber And yacht grapes, / The sheltering beauty of the valleys, / And the coolness of the streams and poplars. (A. Pushkin) 2) Giray sat with his eyes downcast, / Amber there was smoke in his mouth. (A. Pushkin) 3) The guest found herself in a dress of a fashionable cut and color and long tails on the neck; jasmines rushed across the room. (N. Gogol) 4) Sitting in the living room shawls And frock coats, sigh, sip tea and orange. (I. Shmelev) 5) And suddenly, as if breaking free from the chain, they danced both halls, and danced after them and veranda. (M. Bulgakov)

4. Determine the lexical meaning of the highlighted word. Does it apply to active or passive vocabulary? Why? Name the phraseological unit that includes this word, and indicate the meaning of this phraseological unit.

You're all lying! - Raskolnikov screamed, no longer holding back, - you’re lying, open damn! (F. Dostoevsky)

5. What are the people of Kursk called? Omsk? Arkhangelsk? Name at least five suffixes that are used to form the names of residents of Russian cities, giving one example each. Highlight the suffixes graphically.

6. Determine the lexical meaning of the highlighted word in each sentence. Which of them represents the original, original meaning of this archaic verb? Indicate the etymological composition of the morphemes of this verb and name the noun of the modern language, historically derived from it.

1) One hundred bright-eyed beauties / Presided over at the tournament. / All are wild flowers; / And mine alone is like a rose. ( V. Zhukovsky. Winner) 2) They said that every evening a carousing gang gathers at her place, who dine from midnight until the morning. What is Lyubinka presides in this company and, posing as a “gypsy”,<…>with her hair down and with a guitar in her hand, she sings. ( M. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Messrs. Golovlevs)

7. What prepositions are called derivatives? In sentences from “Readings and Stories on the History of Russia” by S.M. Solovyov, find derived prepositions and indicate on the basis of which parts of speech and in what way they were formed. Determine the part-speech affiliation of the highlighted word, select homonymous words for it and indicate the type of homonymy.

1) It was they [Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv] who built this city [Kyiv], but then they bent it. 2) When the Volokhs [Vlokhs, Vlachs, Magi] attacked the Danube Slavs, settled behind them and began to oppress them, the Slavs again began to move north. 3) Here the Russian land could more easily gather into one state and gathered near Moscow. 4) But a great danger now arose from the West, prudence demanded that we go to it towards. 5) Sweden aroused even greater irritation against itself in three other neighboring states - Denmark, Poland and Russia. 6) The matter is not limited to the movement within a certain people, it also embraces other peoples.

8. From the sentences below, write down the case forms of nouns that do not correspond to the literary norm. Determine the case and indicate the modern literary version of this case form. What grammatical gender and type of declension do these nouns belong to?

1) In the waters and in the flames he thinks: / Either he will die, or he will win. (G. Derzhavin) 2) My Sashka among his friends did not know another name. (M. Lermontov) 3) Will not meet with an answer / Among the noise of the world / From flame and light / The born word. (M. Lermontov) 4) Either he will press them to the crown, or he will string them onto his tail. (I. Krylov) 5) Believe that he has neither the time nor the desire / for this. (I. Krylov)

9. Among these proposals, indicate one-piece(write down their numbers). Determine the type of each one-part sentence.

1) Make way, O old man of the sea... (M. Lermontov) 2) Here is the front entrance. (N. Nekrasov) 3) Missyus, where are you? (A. Chekhov) 4) Sorin. Why is your sister in a bad mood? Treplev. Bored. Jealous. (A. Chekhov) 5) The bell rang at the hippodrome. (A. Kuprin) 6) In the villages they bake bread well. (I. Bunin) 7) Small forest. The steppe and the distance. (S. Yesenin) 8) Darling, let’s sit next to each other, / Let’s look into each other’s eyes. (S. Yesenin) 9) She accompanied her friend to the front hall, / She stood in the golden dust. (A. Akhmatova) 10) I feel warm in a cold dugout / From your unquenchable love . (K. Simonov) 11) Two steamships washed up on the rocks . (K. Paustovsky) 12) Fireweed is a very warm flower. (K. Paustovsky)

10. Write a miniature essay (no more than 1 page) on the topic “Thank you, music, for that...”.

11th grade

1. Insert the missing letters in these words and indicate which spelling principle governs the spelling of words in each group.

1) Affection, habits, stipend, k_silk, k_morka, k_valeria, d_l_tant.
2) And_spend, and_beat, ra_paint, ra_vest, sleepless, voiceless.
3) Bright fire, loud fire, barn on fire, barn on fire, sowing campaign, cheerful campaign.
4) Babies babble, branches sway, trains rumble.

2. What is the name of the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of normative pronunciation? Explain the origin of the term you named.

What sound is pronounced in place of the highlighted letters and why? Indicate the lexical meaning of any three words from this list.

ABOUT azis, b O ah, flamenque O, b O mond, water polo O, vet O.

3. What is the peculiarity of the use of highlighted words in these sentences? What are the relationships between these words outside of this context?

1) And mothers death - this is not death, but Dormition . (M. Prishvin) 2) And - the double who felt the double - through the lung face will appear - face. (M. Tsvetaeva) 3) Podtyagin, a neat, modest old man who ate A ate <….>, looked over the glasses of his pince-nez at Ganin. (V.Nabokov)

4. One of the chapters of the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Twelve Chairs” is called “The Union of Sword and Ploughshare.” What does the word mean? plowshare and how is it formed? What is the meaning of the fixed expression beat swords into ploughshares ? Name the source of this phraseological unit.

5. Which dictionaries contain the following dictionary entries? Prove your answer.

1)Snide. Borrowing from Art.-Sl. language in which viper -“cunning, malicious” goes back to the Greek. echidna – “snake”.

2)VALOR,-And, and. (high). 1. Courage, bravery, bravery. Voinskaya village2. High dedication to work. Trudovaya d.

3) EYES, EYESraised,LEADERStraditional-poet., ZENITSI traditional-poet.,BURKALYdecomposition (especially about protruding large eyes),peepersspaciousness, contempt,FLASHING LIGHTSspaciousness, contempt,BELMArough-spacious,ZENKIrough-spacious

4) Peck on the tongue to whom. Razg. Unkind wishes to those who say the wrong thing. I dropped the letter onto my lap. Oleg asked: “Grandma died?” - Why do you think so? Peck your tongue! (O. Neklyudova. My home.)

[Tipun is a painful, cartilaginous growth on the tip of the tongue of birds.]

6. Determine the meaning of the prefix pro- in the words of a fragment of a poem Nikolai Rubtsov. What stylistic device is based on verbs with the prefix pro- in this text?

No, I won’t be happy - what are you doing!
Lonely wandering star.
My planes have flown by
My trains whistled

My steamships sounded their horns,
My carts creaked,
I came to you in days of bad weather,
So at least give me some water!

7. What word-formation method was used to form the toponym? Novgorod ? What ancient feature of the declension of this word is reflected in the above text and for what purpose did the author use this lexical-morphological archaism?

I looked at Rublev’s faces as if in a mirror,
The crafty Pechenegs were cut to the saddle,
In Novgorod tasted the tart honey,
Bells rang in shackles in the Urals.

(A. Dolsky)

8. What is special about the highlighted words in the following sentences from the novel? I. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”? Give examples of similar words in modern literary language.

1) “A cigar with a cigar,” said Sitnikov, who had managed to fall apart in the chairs and lift your leg up - let us have breakfast, we are terribly hungry. 2) This fez and a casually tied tie hinted at the freedom of village life; but tight collars the shirts, though not white, but mottled, as it should be for morning dressing, rested with the usual inexorability on his shaved chin.

9. Read the quote from M. Bulgakov’s story “The Heart of a Dog” and explain what mistake in Shvonder’s speech causes the indignation of Professor Preobrazhensky.

“We, the management of the building,” Shvonder spoke with hatred, “came to you after a general meeting of the residents of our building, at which the issue of densifying the apartments of the building was raised...”
- Who stood on whom? - Philip Philipovich shouted. – Try to express your thoughts more clearly.

10. Describe the means of communication between sentences in this text. Write down incomplete sentences. What is the reason for their incompleteness?

Butterflies live only when life is good. As soon as they feel bad: cold, windy, damp - they die. They fall into a special sleep: they don’t see, don’t hear, don’t feel anything. And then everything bad and unpleasant passes by, as if it were not there at all. There are no hard and cloudy days in the life of butterflies - only bright, warm, sunny ones. That is why they flutter over the meadow so carefree and cheerfully. (N. Sladkov)

11. Read a fragment of the artist's letter A.A. Plastova(a native of the Ulyanovsk region) to his son.

Today, when I got up after working on a sketch and looked around at the most precious velvet and brocade of the earth, at the sky blazing with a ringing sunset, at the silhouettes of purple huts, at this entire shroud of the Universe, as if embroidered by the fingers of angels and seraphim, as again, once again , I thought that our icon painters only in this feast of nature drew all the imperishable and truly heavenly music of their creations, and we cannot do anything if we do not follow these only paths to the beautiful. (Prislonikha village, Karsun district, Ulyanovsk region)

What linguistic features of the text indicate that it was written by an artist? Do you agree with the main idea of ​​the letter writer? Give your answer in the form of a miniature essay.


9th grade

2. 1) Tosh – count; 2) bream - gap; 3) crab - park.

4. There is a transition of a noun from the category of proper names to the category of common nouns. Vanka(obsolete, disdainful) - the name in everyday speech of a driver on an inferior horse with poor harness. Usually this was a peasant who came to the city to earn money.

5. Words modest, great, color, enjoy abstracted from the context they contain a positive assessment, but in the examples given they are used in directly opposite meanings and contain subtle ridicule. This stylistic device is called irony. Irony is one of A. Pushkin’s favorite techniques. Compare, for example, in Onegin’s description of surface formation: And there was deep economy

7. a) The neuter gender includes inanimate indeclinable nouns: aloe, pari, puree, sconce. The masculine gender includes nouns with the meaning of a male person: attaché, porter, curé, as well as the names of animals: cockatoo, chimpanzee, pony. The feminine gender includes nouns denoting a female person: miss, lady. For the rest of the words in this list, the gender is determined by the generic word: Esperanto– masculine (language); tsetse(fly) and Ivasi(fish, herring) – feminine.

b) Indeclinable nouns - the names of animals are masculine, but in a context that emphasizes the gender of the animal, they can also be used as feminine words if we are talking about a female. The grammatical gender of such words is revealed in the form of words consistent with them (definitions and predicates), as well as in correlative pronouns of the 3rd person ( He or she). In the above poem, the gender of the noun is dingo– male: lean, skinny, unforgiving(dingo), (I) not simple; chased, caught . This text talks about two kangaroo: 1) drove through the forests his sister- male genus; 2) word sister indicates the female gender of the second kangaroo, accordingly, feminine forms appear, cf. she's cunning, caught her .

9. These samples of oral folk art are based on the deliberate convergence of proper names with some other words on the basis of accidental phonetic similarity: Quiet He - quiet oh, oh linen A - linen etc. These are examples folk etymology, which consists in a deliberate or spontaneous desire to motivate the meaning of unmotivated words. In this case, folk etymology acts as a means of expression, a type of verbal play.

10th grade

2. Shel [shol], width [syr’], children’s [d’ ec k’ii], to the club [fclup], mowing [kaz’b A], you go [id’ O w].

4. Polichinelle- “a person who causes laughter by his behavior, a jester.” In the French folk theater - a comic character, a jester, a clown; corresponds to Russian parsley.

The word refers to passive vocabulary, because is archaic. Used as part of a phraseological unit open secret- “a secret known to everyone; imaginary secret."

6. Pre-sed– literally: “to sit in front, before anyone." This original meaning is represented in sentence 1: the beauties sat in the front row at the jousting tournament. The figurative meaning is “to play a leading role, to lead, to rule, to set the tone” (cf. sentence 2).

Word chairman directly derived from the stem of this verb using the suffix - tel.

9. 1 and 8 are definitely personal, 2 and 7 are nominal, 5 and 6 are indefinitely personal, 10 and 11 are impersonal.

The remaining sentences are two-part. Incomplete two-parts: second replica of sentence 4 (Missed. Jealous.) and sentence 9.

11th grade

1. The spelling of words in the 1st group is determined by the historical (traditional) principle. The choice of letters in these words is not motivated from a modern point of view (although in some cases they can be explained by the etymology of the word). Such spellings should be remembered.

The spelling of words in the 2nd group is regulated by the phonetic principle, which provides for the writing of morphemes (in this case, prefixes) in accordance with their sound.

Words of the 3rd group demonstrate a differentiating principle of writing. Differentiating spellings are used to distinguish between words and grammatical forms.

The spelling of words of the 4th group is subject to the morphological principle, which provides for the uniform spelling of morphemes - roots, prefixes, suffixes and, as in this case, endings (the personal ending of verbs of the 1st conjugation - ut).

2. The branch of linguistics that deals with the study of normative pronunciation is called orthoepy- from Greek. orthos "correct" and epos "speech". These words are foreign words, not fully mastered by the Russian language system. Their pronunciation does not yet “submit” to the pronunciation norms of the Russian literary language: in place of the highlighted vowels, which are in pre-stressed and post-stressed positions, the sound [o] is pronounced. For the meaning of words, see the dictionary.

3. Words death And Dormition, face And face, there is And eat These are linguistic synonyms. The stylistic shades by which they differ can, in a certain context, be specifically emphasized for artistic and expressive purposes, which leads to a contrast between words; thus the synonyms become contextual antonyms. Wed. Also: does not walk, but walks; she doesn't have eyes, but eyes and so on.

4. Plowshare- a device for plowing land, a plow (cf. also the folk form of this word - Ralo"plow") The word is formed from the Old Russian verb orati"to plow" using the instrumental suffix - l(o)(cf.: light¬ shine, soap¬ wash, bedspread¬ cover and etc.). Wed. in N. Nekrasov’s poem “Peddlers”: Titus - home. No fields O wounds.

Let's beat swords into plowshares- this is the slogan of the transition from war to a peaceful, creative life. An expression of biblical origin: the ancient call for the renunciation of strife and enmity in this verbal form is already contained in the Old Testament. Wed. transformation of this phraseological unit in the poem “Motherland” by E. Baratynsky:

The diligent peaceful plow, exploding the reins,

More honorable than the sword.

5. Dictionary entry– a brief linguistic description of the word. The word that opens a dictionary entry is usually called title or headword. The structure of a dictionary entry depends on the type of dictionary. For example, the main components of a dictionary entry sensible dictionary are the following: 1) headword; 2) accentological, grammatical and (if necessary) stylistic characteristics of the word; 3) interpretation of lexical meaning; 4) illustrative material as a means of revealing the meaning(s) of a word (see example under number 2). Required component etymological The dictionary contains a historical and etymological reference (see example 1). In dictionaries synonyms the entire synonymous series is given, headed by the dominant capital word, and the stylistic features of synonymous words are noted (see example 3). In phraseological in the dictionary, in the first place is a stable combination (phraseologism) or the key word of this phraseological unit, its main grammatical and stylistic features are noted, the lexical meaning is indicated, which is usually accompanied by a literary illustration; Some phraseological units are accompanied by historical and etymological information (see example 4).

7. Noun Novgorod was formed in the Old Russian language in the way fusions (lexico-syntactic way), i.e. merging elements of a generating phrase New city into one word without the participation of word-forming affixes (cf. modern words like evergreen, inconspicuous and etc.). The first part of the fusion is New- is a short adjective, which in ancient times was declined according to the model of a noun: new, new etc. Preservation of the independent declension of the two parts that make up the word ( Novgorod, Novugorod, in Novgorod etc.) quite often occurs as archaism in works on historical topics. In this poetic text, the archaic form is an element of stylization, which also performs the function of creating historical flavor and transferring it to Ancient Rus'.

8. Words armchairs And collars in these examples denote one object, i.e. correspond to modern words armchair And collar. In texts of the 18th–19th centuries. reflects their belonging to the category of nouns with one numerical form (plural only), like modern words trousers, scissors, glasses, sleigh and so on.

9. Professor Preobrazhensky is outraged by the linguistic ignorance of the newly-minted representative of the government. In Shvonder’s speech, the order of words is violated: according to the rule, a subordinate clause with a conjunctive word which(and which one, whose) must be in close proximity to the word that this sentence replaces (in this case, the word meeting, but not house).

10. Basic means of interphrase communication: lexical repetition (butterflies - butterflies; no - no), repetition of cognates (live - lives - in life), pronouns (they – to them – they), unions (just a little) adverbs indicating the sequence of events in time or cause-and-effect relationships (then, that's why). In this case, lexical antonyms also perform a text-forming function. (good - bad, live - die, hard days, cloudy - bright, sunny days).

The contextual incompleteness is represented in the third sentence: They fall into a special dream: they see nothing...(subject omitted) and in the second part of the fifth sentence: (is) only light, warm, sunny(days). The presence of incomplete sentences does not cause misunderstanding precisely because we are faced with not a set of sentences, but a coherent text.

For text features and means of interphrase communication, see: 1) Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M.. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: Textbook for 10–11th grades of general education institutions. M.: Education, 2001. 2) Gorshkov A.I.. Russian literature. 10th–11th grades. M.: Bustard, 2002. (Chapter VII)

Last interview with the son of Arkady Plastov (No. 5)

Nikolai Arkadyevich Plastov, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, son of the Master, was not given much attention by journalists, especially in the last years of his life. Well, the old man changed Moscow for Prislonikha - his business. And in general, what should you ask your son about if you already know everything about your father...

We talked with Nikolai Arkadyevich in the studio of his father, a national artist - a skewed wooden hut 40 years old, filled to the brim with works by Arkady Alexandrovich that were not included in museum exhibitions. Plastov’s son, in the pauses between the conversation, continued the work that I found him doing: he carved the wooden ornament of the iconostasis for the very church that, according to his grandfather’s design, was erected in Prislonikha in 1878. It was an unspring-like cold April with snow. Nikolai Arkadyevich was wearing felt boots and a warm jacket. I didn’t take off my jacket either - it was almost outside cold in the workshop.

As fate would have it, this now ten-year-old interview turned out to be the last for Nikolai Arkadyevich - in 2000, Plastov’s son passed away. Our conversation was never published - newspaper editors and the authorities always wanted to see the Plastovs as a textbook idyllic family of artists. The son of Arkady Plastov in his interview raises questions that were carefully not “noticed”...

- Nikolai Arkadyevich, how is life in your family nest?

I haven’t been feeling very well for two years now, but my father’s nest requires so much strength that I can’t get to the capital, where I actually live. I was also born in Prislonikhe, I went to elementary school here. Secondary - this was already in Yazykovo, and at the age of 17 he entered the Art Institute. Surikov. I always feel good in Prislonikha - you live within yourself, and Prislonikha helps this in every possible way. Just look - spring is coming, everything is changing: I have been consciously seeing this here, in my homeland, for 65 years, and my father saw it the same way. And I, like my father, am amazed at the help that changes in the seasons have on a person’s mental well-being.

- Do your fellow villagers treat the arrival of spring with the same reverent and philosophical attitude?

When almost all of Plastov’s heroes died, Prislonikha changed. Not even externally, but internally. And they made every effort to do this, thinking that they were driving the “horses” towards progress, and the more passion we have for consumption, the better the human material will turn out. Everything happened wrong. In our country, a terrible imbalance has created between those who produce bread and those who consume. I, of course, am also a consumer - some kind of chewing individual... But who is on earth - there are very few of them left, they have lost the psychology of the peasantry. These are not people of the earth, these are mercenaries who do the work. Everyone admires: ah, Plastov peasants, ah, real Russia! Of course, my father chose faces for portraits, but, as luck would have it, they were all individual farmers. That's how it worked out. The whole village was rewritten by the father in three generations, but there are no more such people. And not only the faces - the villages and forests that my father wrote are not there. The lean-to was also prepared for demolition. Quite by chance, my friend showed me a project for the destruction of the village - a livestock complex was to be built here.

- Are you seriously?! But what about “ah, the real Russia”?

That's it... I still have a draft of my letter to the regional committee - only then they stopped it. There was no one to stand up for other villages. I remember my father and I walked around the area - every 5-7 kilometers there was a village. Orly, Shilovka, Kalmykovka, Medyanskoye, Malinovsky, dozens of others - all died. The authorities are trying to survive by any means necessary, and they never regret whatever comes their way. The trouble with the Russian leadership for many decades is that they lack a sense of culture. They don't have it. Either because they rise from certain circles where this simply does not exist. Either while they are climbing these steps, stepping over their loved ones in a cruel way, they are killing these feelings in themselves. Whatever the authorities do in relation to culture, everything happens, surprisingly, out of place. Even good intentions. Culture for them is a saddled cow. And this is a very unfortunate and funny sight when a cow, on which a saddle has been put, imagines itself as a trotter. The authorities are unmerciful and cannot be merciful. We are an amazing people - the only one in the world who destroyed ourselves, forbade ourselves to remember the past.

- But you haven’t stopped remembering!

God himself told me that these are the traditions in the family. If I weren’t one of the Plastovs, I would look just as calmly at this devastation. Look, only three of his works remain from my grandfather. This icon, the Archangel Michael, a letter from my grandfather, was bought by my father from a local storekeeper.

- How did he get it?

When the church was destroyed - in the year 35-36, I stood with my grandmother, holding on to her sundress - they threw out, as they say here, all the holy things at the church gates. Icons, books, utensils - all this shone, sparkled... I had not seen this before: the church was at first closed, and then they decided to destroy it. The Gospel taken away was thrown away by the Prislonikhinsky peasants - wonderful, 18th century, in crimson velvet. The driver came up, tore off the velvet and cleaned the boots. I remember everything very well - how the pages of church books rustled in the wind, flew around Prislonikha, how books of the 16th century were torn to wipe tractors. Grandfather painted the church in half with the artist Groshev. So the canvases with this painting - gospel scenes, ornaments were torn from the walls, rolled into rolls and dragged to the baths.

- For what?!

And so that, when the paints fade, we can make wearless footcloths out of these canvases. Well, my grandmother says to me: “Come on, let’s get out of here - it’s embarrassing to look at this with a little one.”

Can't this happen again?
- If we find someone to smash, why not. I think that's the way we are made. Recently I was leafing through the book “Reserved Forests of Russia” - a whole page is dedicated to Plastov’s places: supposedly as some kind of state-protected value. And who will protect it if the Ulyanovsk authorities do not care about those corners where my father painted his paintings? No matter how much I talk, no one needs it.

- That is, another anniversary has passed, and thank God...

This is how I live - from one date of my father’s funeral to the next: for some reason, the authorities really love to celebrate the day of Plastov’s death. They will come, talk and leave... But for the last many years there has been no one at all. But there’s nothing you can do about it - this is how the authorities treat the Russian singer, and culture in general. My father did not hold exhibitions during his lifetime, but I dared to organize posthumous exhibitions of his works in Manege, in St. Petersburg - brilliant, I must say. And what? There is no interest from the authorities, although, it would seem, God himself ordered to look at what kind of “feather” the “bird” of our Russian places has. And I never asked for anything. If you ask, you become dependent, you will be in the role of a kind of supplicant. Come on, just me, otherwise you’ll bring your father with you. Why does he have to wander around the hallways? He did his job. If anyone doesn’t see... I won’t even stand for my father in the president’s hallway. Father's works will outlive all presidents. It seems that Courbet... who refused the Legion of Honor... said: “The state is incompetent in matters of art.” And he's right. This is what I would like to say to the authorities, my bitter word. Because this does not apply to me, Plastov, but to Russia. About 15 years ago, if not more, the village asked me to design a monument to those who died for their Motherland. Of the 200 people who left Prislonikha for the front, about 30 returned. And no matter how you meet former soldiers, you would at least draw them for us. Did. We started work - homemade work began. Instead of bronze numbers and marble tablets there is cement. The bronze figures, however, were cast, but for some reason they were taken to Ulyanovsk by representatives of restoration workshops. Now the monument to the fallen stands in a pitiful, half-finished form - I cannot recognize it as my work. And almost all the veterans died - two or three people remained. But every Victory Day, a pitiful scene plays out near the monument, unnecessary, false words are spoken, but they were never able to implement the project worthy of the memory of the front-line soldiers.

- Nikolai Arkadyevich, was the floor in the workshop always so inclined?

What are you talking about - the foundation has sunk, the logs are rotten: I myself cannot fix all this. Although, according to documents, there has been a museum-estate here since 1993, a monument of Russian significance, protected by the state. From this workshop came everything that Plastov is famous for, everything that hangs in museums. How much has been changed here, how much has been composed! My father made this wooden horse for my son Kolya, he is also an artist. Please note, the horse has a real tail - my father went to the horse farm with Kolya on purpose - they allowed to cut off the horse’s “curl”, so to speak. Yes, all these objects were alive for him. I don’t put an equal sign, of course, but in Florence, in Michelangelo’s absolutely empty house, his allegedly surviving shoe and a terracotta sketch are on display. This is served with great respect, and excursions are conducted. And Plastov will soon show the foundation on which the house stood.

- But is the house guarded by anyone?

By whom - me. Family.

- Well, it turns out that the next generations won’t even see Plastov’s shoe?

While I'm alive, I'll save something.

Sooner or later Russia will remember Plastov. The father will take his place both here and in world art for a number of discoveries that did not and could not have happened before him. It was only he, if you please, who took it into his head to be here every year for 60 years. Even on the roof of a carriage, but here - to share a way of existence with your heroes, to know them from the inside. This is a way of life that has not been repeated. When the replay will take place and what the result will be is unknown. My father’s works are a historical monument to a bygone Russia. When Russia wants to look back at itself, it will have to look at Plastov in order to understand itself.

Lyudmila Duvanova

1. The word “epidemic” contains the Greek element “EPI -”. Determine its meaning. In what linguistic and literary terms does this element exist?

Score – 3 points

2. In which words does the stress fall on the second syllable?

Cool, fragile and fragrant.

The forest languishes in early spring,

And all the happy melancholy, and all its fragrance

He gave it to the bitter flower.

Score – 10 points

8. Is there a contradiction in the phrase “MOWING HAY”? Justify your point of view.

Score – 2 points

9. Form the genitive plural form from the following nouns:

Turks, Kazakhs.

Fables, apples, grams.

Saucers, oranges, epaulets, candles, frosts.

Score - for each correct answer 0.5 points. Maximum score - 5 points.

10. Write down words that do not have the suffix - OT in modern Russian:

Care, orphan, hunting, Saturday, quota, benefit, literacy, lepota, infantry.

Score - 4 points.

2 round

Read a fragment of a letter from the artist A.A. Plastova to his son.

“Today, when I got up after working on a sketch and looked around at the most precious velvet and brocade of the earth, at the sky blazing with a ringing sunset, at the silhouettes of purple huts, at this entire shroud of the Universe, as if embroidered by the fingers of angels and seraphim, as again, in which once, I thought that our icon painters only in this feast drew all the imperishable and truly heavenly music of their creations, and we cannot do anything if we do not follow these only paths to the beautiful.”

What linguistic features of the text indicate that it was written by an artist?

Score – 20 points.