5 oceans on the globe. Map of the earth with continents and oceans. How many continents are there on Earth and what are they called?

A continent is a significant landmass washed by seas and oceans. In tectonics, continents are characterized as sections of the lithosphere that have a continental structure.

Continent, continent or part of the world? What is the difference?

In geography, another term is often used to designate a continent - a continent. But the concepts “mainland” and “continent” are not synonymous. Different countries have different views on the number of continents, called continental models.

There are several such models:

  • In China, India, as well as in the English-speaking countries of Europe, it is generally accepted that there are 7 continents - they consider Europe and Asia separately;
  • In Spanish-speaking European countries, as well as in the countries of South America, they mean division into 6 parts of the world - with a united America;
  • in Greece and some countries of Eastern Europe, a model with 5 continents has been adopted - only those where people live, i.e. except Antarctica;
  • in Russia and the neighboring Eurasian countries they traditionally designate 4 continents, united in large groups.

(The figure clearly shows different representations of continental patterns on Earth, from 7 to 4)


There are 6 continents in total on Earth. We list them in descending order by area size:

  1. - the largest continent on our planet (54.6 million sq. km)
  2. (30.3 million sq. km)
  3. (24.4 million sq. km)
  4. (17.8 million sq. km)
  5. (14.1 million sq. km)
  6. (7.7 million sq. km)

All of them are separated by the waters of the seas and oceans. Four continents have a land border: Eurasia and Africa are separated by the Isthmus of Suez, North and South America by the Isthmus of Panama.


The difference is that the continents do not have a land border. Therefore, in this case we can talk about 4 continents ( one of the continental models of the world), also in descending order by size:

  1. AfroEurasia
  2. America

Parts of the world

The terms “mainland” and “continent” have a scientific meaning, but the term “part of the world” divides the land according to historical and cultural criteria. There are 6 parts of the world, only unlike the continents, Eurasia differs in Europe And Asia, but North and South America are defined together as one part of the world America:

  1. Europe
  2. Asia
  3. America(both Northern and Southern), or New World
  4. Australia and Oceania

When we talk about parts of the world, we also mean the islands adjacent to them.

Difference between a mainland and an island

The definition of a continent and an island is the same - a part of land washed by the waters of the ocean or seas. But there are significant differences.

1. Size. Even the smallest continent, Australia, is significantly larger in area than the world's largest island, Greenland.

(Formation of the Earth's continents, a single continent Pangea)

2. Education. All continents are of tiled origin. According to scientists, there once existed a single continent - Pangea. Then, as a result of the split, 2 continents appeared - Gondwana and Laurasia, which later split into 6 more parts. The theory is confirmed by both geological research and the shape of the continents. Many of them can be put together like a puzzle.

Islands are formed in different ways. There are those that, like continents, are located on the fragments of ancient lithospheric plates. Others are formed from volcanic lava. Still others are a result of the activity of polyps (coral islands).

3. Habitability. All continents are inhabited, even the harsh climatic conditions of Antarctica. Many islands still remain uninhabited.

Characteristics of the continents

- the largest continent, occupying 1/3 of the land. There are 2 parts of the world located here: Europe and Asia. The border between them runs along the line of the Ural Mountains, the Black and Azov Seas, as well as the straits connecting the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

This is the only continent that is washed by all the oceans. The coastline is indented; it forms a large number of bays, peninsulas, and islands. The continent itself is located on six tectonic platforms at once, and therefore the relief of Eurasia is incredibly diverse.

Here are the most extensive plains, the highest mountains (the Himalayas with Mount Everest), the deepest lake (Baikal). This is the only continent where all climatic zones (and, accordingly, all natural zones) are represented at once - from the Arctic with its permafrost to the equatorial with its sultry deserts and jungles.

The mainland is home to ¾ of the planet's population; there are 108 states, of which 94 have independent status.

- the hottest continent on Earth. It is located on an ancient platform, so most of the area is occupied by plains, mountains form along the edges of the continent. Africa is home to the longest river in the world, the Nile, and the largest desert, the Sahara. Climate types present on the mainland: equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical.

Africa is usually divided into five regions: North, South, West, East and Central. There are 62 countries on the mainland.

It is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The result of the movement of tectonic plates was a highly indented coastline of the mainland, with a huge number of bays, straits, bays and islands. The largest island is in the north (Greenland).

The Cordillera Mountains stretch along the western coast, and the Appalachians along the eastern coast. The central part is occupied by a vast plain.

All climatic zones are represented here, except the equatorial one, which determines the diversity of natural zones. Most rivers and lakes are located in the northern part. The largest river is the Mississippi.

The indigenous population is Indians and Eskimos. Currently, there are 23 states here, of which only three (Canada, USA and Mexico) are on the mainland itself, the rest are on the islands.

It is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Along the western coast stretches the longest mountain system in the world - the Andes, or South American Cordillera. The rest of the continent is occupied by plateaus, plains and lowlands.

This is the rainiest continent, since most of it is located in the equator. The largest and most abundant river in the world, the Amazon, is also located here.

The indigenous population are Indians. Currently, there are 12 independent states on the mainland.

- the only continent on whose territory there is only 1 state - the Commonwealth of Australia. Most of the continent is occupied by plains, mountains are located only along the coast.

Australia is a unique continent with the largest number of endemic animals and plants. The indigenous population is the Australian Aborigines, or Bushmen.

- the southernmost continent completely covered with ice. The average thickness of the ice cover is 1600 m, the greatest thickness is 4000 meters. If the ice in Antarctica melted, the level of the world's oceans would immediately rise by 60 meters!

Most of the continent is occupied by an icy desert; life glimmers only on the coasts. Antarctica is also the coldest continent. In winter, temperatures can drop below -80 ºC (record -89.2 ºC), in summer - down to -20 ºC.

It is not enough just to know what a globe is. You need to learn how to read it correctly in order to learn a lot of new and interesting things. In this lesson we will learn what the colors on the globe mean. Let's learn the names of the oceans and continents, talk about their features and differences. Let's get acquainted with the amazing wonders of nature, flora and fauna.

Why are there the most blue and cyan colors on the globe? Most of the earth's surface is covered with water. In a photograph taken from space, all areas of water appear blue. This color on the globe indicates oceans and seas, rivers and lakes.

Rice. 2. Earth from space ()

But if you look closely, you will notice that in different places the ocean is indicated by different shades. This is done to show depth: the deeper the ocean, the darker the blue color, and the shallower the depth, the lighter the paint on the globe. - these are huge expanses of bitterly salty water that surround continents and islands.

Pacific Ocean- the largest on Earth.

Rice. 4. Physical map of the Pacific Ocean ()

The navigator Ferdinand Magellan gave it this name because during his journey on sailing ships this ocean was calm. Although in fact the Pacific Ocean is not quiet at all, especially in its western part, where it raises and drives huge waves - tsunami, bringing a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the Japanese islands.

Mariana Trench- the deepest place in the world. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, its depth is eleven kilometers and thirty-four meters.

Rice. 6. Mariana Trench ()

Previously, Europeans did not even suspect the existence of the Pacific Ocean. They knew only one ocean - Atlantic, which seemed limitless, so it was named after the most powerful hero of Greek myths, Atlas.

Rice. 7. Physical map of the Atlantic Ocean ()

In fact, the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest after the Pacific Ocean, the greatest depth of the ocean is 5 kilometers. In the Atlantic Ocean there are huge waves as high as a three-story house.

Indian Ocean It is especially restless in its southern part. It is warmer than others; even in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, the waters warm up to + 35 degrees.

Rice. 8. Physical map of the Indian Ocean ()

Arctic- the northernmost region, covered in winter and summer with a thick layer of ice and snow. There is a fourth ocean near the North Pole, almost its entire surface is covered with thick, strong ice, and there are multi-meter snowdrifts around. That's why this ocean was named Arctic.

Rice. 9. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

Relatively recently, oceanographers began to identify a fifth, South ocean.

Rice. 10. Physical map of Antarctica ()

Previously, this ocean was considered to be the southern parts of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. All oceans together: Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern - merge together into one world Ocean, which washes the entire globe.

On the globe, large areas of land called continents are depicted in green, yellow, brown and white. On the ground six continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America.

Eurasia- the largest continent, within its borders lie two parts of the world: Europe and Asia.

Rice. 11. Physical map of Eurasia ()

It is the only continent on Earth washed by four oceans: the Arctic in the north, the Indian in the south, the Atlantic in the west and the Pacific in the east. Our homeland is located on this continent Russia.

Rice. 12. Russia on the map of Eurasia ()

The surface of the continent is very diverse. Mountains and plains are the main forms of the earth's surface. Brown indicates the location of mountains, while green and yellow indicate plains. The largest of them West Siberian(flat plain) Eastern European(hilly plain).

Rice. 13. West Siberian Plain ()

Rice. 14. Physical map of the East European Plain ()

Rivers are indicated on the globe by uneven blue lines drawn along the surface of the continents. Rivers flow across the East European Plain Volga, Don, Dnieper, a river flows across the West Siberian Plain Ob. Mountains rise above the surface of the plains. The higher the mountains, the darker their color on the globe. Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world.

Rice. 15. Himalaya mountains ()

Jamalungma (Everest)- the highest mountain in the world (8 km 708 m).

Rice. 16. Mount Jamalungma ()

Located in Eurasia Baikal- the deepest lake,

Rice. 17. Lake Baikal ()

The largest lake

Rice. 18. Caspian Sea ()

largest peninsula Arabian,

Rice. 19. Coast of the Arabian Peninsula ()

lowest point of land in the world - depression Dead Sea.

Rice. 20. Dead Sea ()

Rice. 21. Pole of Cold Oymyakon ()

Africa is the second largest continent, which is located on both sides of the equator, washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the west and the Indian Ocean from the east and south.

Rice. 22. Physical map of Africa ()

Africa is known for its diversity of nature: impenetrable tropical forests with orchids,

Rice. 23. Rainforest ()

grassy plains with baobabs (huge trees up to forty meters in circumference),

vast expanses of desert.

Rice. 25. Desert in Africa ()

Africa is the hottest continent on the planet. Here it is Sahara Desert.

Rice. 26. Sahara Desert ()

It is the largest desert in the world and the hottest place on Earth (the maximum recorded temperature is +58 degrees). On this continent flows Nile- the second longest river in the world.

Rice. 27. River Nile ()

Volcano Kilimanjaro- the highest point in Africa.

Rice. 28. Mount Kilimanjaro ()

Victoria, Tanganyika, Chad- the largest lakes on this continent.

Rice. 29. Lake Victoria ()

Rice. 30. Lake Tanganyika ()

Rice. 31. Lake Chad ()

In the Western Hemisphere are North America And South America, they are washed from the west by the Pacific Ocean, from the east by the Atlantic, and North America is also washed by the Arctic Ocean from the north.

Rice. 32. Physical map of North America

Rice. 33. Physical map of South America

North America also includes the largest island on Earth, it is called Greenland.

Rice. 34. Coast of Greenland ()

These continents are rich in rivers and lakes. North America is home to one of the world's greatest rivers Mississippi,

Rice. 35. Mississippi River ()

and in South America there is a river that is the largest in the world in terms of depth and length.

Rice. 36. Amazon ()

There is a bay on the coast of North America Fundy, which, in addition to its incredible beauty, is famous for the largest tides in the world, more than seventeen meters.

Rice. 37. Bay of Fundy ()

Just imagine, millions of tons of water approach the shore in twelve hours and then move away from it. South America is home to the world's tallest waterfall - Angel, its total height is 979 meters.

Rice. 38. Angel Falls ()

It seems as if it is shrouded in fog - a curtain of tiny particles of water that is sprayed, falling from such a great height. The most powerful waterfall in the world is located on the same continent Iguazu.

Rice. 39. Iguazu Falls ()

Although in fact it is a whole complex of 270 individual waterfalls, which is about 2.7 km wide. South America is home to the driest place in the world - the desert. Atacama.

Rice. 40. Atacama Desert ()

In some places in this desert, rain falls once every few decades.

Australia- the fifth continent, which is smaller than all the others. The Pacific Ocean washes the northern and eastern coasts, the Indian Ocean washes the western and southern coasts.

Rice. 41. Physical map of Australia

Most of the continent is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, there are very few rivers, which is why Australia is considered the driest continent on Earth. Common here screams(English creek - rivulet) - rivers that exist only during the rainy season and completely dry up for most of the year.

It is not enough just to know what a globe is. You need to learn how to read it correctly in order to learn a lot of new and interesting things. In this lesson we will learn what the colors on the globe mean. Let's learn the names of the oceans and continents, talk about their features and differences. Let's get acquainted with the amazing wonders of nature, flora and fauna.

Why are there the most blue and cyan colors on the globe? Most of the earth's surface is covered with water. In a photograph taken from space, all areas of water appear blue. This color on the globe indicates oceans and seas, rivers and lakes.

Rice. 2. Earth from space ()

But if you look closely, you will notice that in different places the ocean is indicated by different shades. This is done to show depth: the deeper the ocean, the darker the blue color, and the shallower the depth, the lighter the paint on the globe. - these are huge expanses of bitterly salty water that surround continents and islands.

Pacific Ocean- the largest on Earth.

Rice. 4. Physical map of the Pacific Ocean ()

The navigator Ferdinand Magellan gave it this name because during his journey on sailing ships this ocean was calm. Although in fact the Pacific Ocean is not quiet at all, especially in its western part, where it raises and drives huge waves - tsunami, bringing a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the Japanese islands.

Mariana Trench- the deepest place in the world. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, its depth is eleven kilometers and thirty-four meters.

Rice. 6. Mariana Trench ()

Previously, Europeans did not even suspect the existence of the Pacific Ocean. They knew only one ocean - Atlantic, which seemed limitless, so it was named after the most powerful hero of Greek myths, Atlas.

Rice. 7. Physical map of the Atlantic Ocean ()

In fact, the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest after the Pacific Ocean, the greatest depth of the ocean is 5 kilometers. In the Atlantic Ocean there are huge waves as high as a three-story house.

Indian Ocean It is especially restless in its southern part. It is warmer than others; even in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, the waters warm up to + 35 degrees.

Rice. 8. Physical map of the Indian Ocean ()

Arctic- the northernmost region, covered in winter and summer with a thick layer of ice and snow. There is a fourth ocean near the North Pole, almost its entire surface is covered with thick, strong ice, and there are multi-meter snowdrifts around. That's why this ocean was named Arctic.

Rice. 9. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

Relatively recently, oceanographers began to identify a fifth, South ocean.

Rice. 10. Physical map of Antarctica ()

Previously, this ocean was considered to be the southern parts of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. All oceans together: Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern - merge together into one world Ocean, which washes the entire globe.

On the globe, large areas of land called continents are depicted in green, yellow, brown and white. On the ground six continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America.

Eurasia- the largest continent, within its borders lie two parts of the world: Europe and Asia.

Rice. 11. Physical map of Eurasia ()

It is the only continent on Earth washed by four oceans: the Arctic in the north, the Indian in the south, the Atlantic in the west and the Pacific in the east. Our homeland is located on this continent Russia.

Rice. 12. Russia on the map of Eurasia ()

The surface of the continent is very diverse. Mountains and plains are the main forms of the earth's surface. Brown indicates the location of mountains, while green and yellow indicate plains. The largest of them West Siberian(flat plain) Eastern European(hilly plain).

Rice. 13. West Siberian Plain ()

Rice. 14. Physical map of the East European Plain ()

Rivers are indicated on the globe by uneven blue lines drawn along the surface of the continents. Rivers flow across the East European Plain Volga, Don, Dnieper, a river flows across the West Siberian Plain Ob. Mountains rise above the surface of the plains. The higher the mountains, the darker their color on the globe. Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world.

Rice. 15. Himalaya mountains ()

Jamalungma (Everest)- the highest mountain in the world (8 km 708 m).

Rice. 16. Mount Jamalungma ()

Located in Eurasia Baikal- the deepest lake,

Rice. 17. Lake Baikal ()

The largest lake

Rice. 18. Caspian Sea ()

largest peninsula Arabian,

Rice. 19. Coast of the Arabian Peninsula ()

lowest point of land in the world - depression Dead Sea.

Rice. 20. Dead Sea ()

Rice. 21. Pole of Cold Oymyakon ()

Africa is the second largest continent, which is located on both sides of the equator, washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the west and the Indian Ocean from the east and south.

Rice. 22. Physical map of Africa ()

Africa is known for its diversity of nature: impenetrable tropical forests with orchids,

Rice. 23. Rainforest ()

grassy plains with baobabs (huge trees up to forty meters in circumference),

vast expanses of desert.

Rice. 25. Desert in Africa ()

Africa is the hottest continent on the planet. Here it is Sahara Desert.

Rice. 26. Sahara Desert ()

It is the largest desert in the world and the hottest place on Earth (the maximum recorded temperature is +58 degrees). On this continent flows Nile- the second longest river in the world.

Rice. 27. River Nile ()

Volcano Kilimanjaro- the highest point in Africa.

Rice. 28. Mount Kilimanjaro ()

Victoria, Tanganyika, Chad- the largest lakes on this continent.

Rice. 29. Lake Victoria ()

Rice. 30. Lake Tanganyika ()

Rice. 31. Lake Chad ()

In the Western Hemisphere are North America And South America, they are washed from the west by the Pacific Ocean, from the east by the Atlantic, and North America is also washed by the Arctic Ocean from the north.

Rice. 32. Physical map of North America

Rice. 33. Physical map of South America

North America also includes the largest island on Earth, it is called Greenland.

Rice. 34. Coast of Greenland ()

These continents are rich in rivers and lakes. North America is home to one of the world's greatest rivers Mississippi,

Rice. 35. Mississippi River ()

and in South America there is a river that is the largest in the world in terms of depth and length.

Rice. 36. Amazon ()

There is a bay on the coast of North America Fundy, which, in addition to its incredible beauty, is famous for the largest tides in the world, more than seventeen meters.

Rice. 37. Bay of Fundy ()

Just imagine, millions of tons of water approach the shore in twelve hours and then move away from it. South America is home to the world's tallest waterfall - Angel, its total height is 979 meters.

Rice. 38. Angel Falls ()

It seems as if it is shrouded in fog - a curtain of tiny particles of water that is sprayed, falling from such a great height. The most powerful waterfall in the world is located on the same continent Iguazu.

Rice. 39. Iguazu Falls ()

Although in fact it is a whole complex of 270 individual waterfalls, which is about 2.7 km wide. South America is home to the driest place in the world - the desert. Atacama.

Rice. 40. Atacama Desert ()

In some places in this desert, rain falls once every few decades.

Australia- the fifth continent, which is smaller than all the others. The Pacific Ocean washes the northern and eastern coasts, the Indian Ocean washes the western and southern coasts.

Rice. 41. Physical map of Australia

Most of the continent is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, there are very few rivers, which is why Australia is considered the driest continent on Earth. Common here screams(English creek - rivulet) - rivers that exist only during the rainy season and completely dry up for most of the year.

Continents and oceans on the globe
The planet we live on

It is not enough just to know what a globe is. You need to learn how to read it correctly in order to learn a lot of new and interesting things. In this lesson we will learn what the colors on the globe mean. Let's learn the names of the oceans and continents, talk about their features and differences. Let's get acquainted with the amazing wonders of nature, flora and fauna.

Look closely at the globe. It has many colors: blue, cyan, green, yellow, brown and white. This is done in order to tell us as much as possible about the Earth.

Why are there the most blue and cyan colors on the globe? Most of the earth's surface is covered with water. In a photograph taken from space, all areas of water appear blue. This color on the globe indicates oceans and seas, rivers and lakes.

Rice. 2. Earth from space ()

But if you look closely, you will notice that in different places the ocean is indicated by different shades. This is done to show depth: the deeper the ocean, the darker the blue color, and the shallower the depth, the lighter the paint on the globe. - these are huge expanses of bitterly salty water that surround continents and islands.

Pacific Ocean- the largest on Earth.

Rice. 4. Physical map of the Pacific Ocean ()

The navigator Ferdinand Magellan gave it this name because during his journey on sailing ships this ocean was calm. Although in fact the Pacific Ocean is not quiet at all, especially in its western part, where it raises and drives huge waves - tsunami, bringing a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the Japanese islands.

Mariana Trench- the deepest place in the world. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, its depth is eleven kilometers and thirty-four meters.

Rice. 6. Mariana Trench ()

Previously, Europeans did not even suspect the existence of the Pacific Ocean. They knew only one ocean - Atlantic, which seemed limitless, so it was named after the most powerful hero of Greek myths, Atlas.

Rice. 7. Physical map of the Atlantic Ocean ()

In fact, the Atlantic Ocean is the second largest after the Pacific Ocean, the greatest depth of the ocean is 5 kilometers. In the Atlantic Ocean there are huge waves as high as a three-story house.

Indian Ocean It is especially restless in its southern part. It is warmer than others; even in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, the waters warm up to + 35 degrees.

Rice. 8. Physical map of the Indian Ocean ()

Arctic- the northernmost region, covered in winter and summer with a thick layer of ice and snow. There is a fourth ocean near the North Pole, almost its entire surface is covered with thick, strong ice, and there are multi-meter snowdrifts around. That's why this ocean was named Arctic.

Rice. 9. Physical map of the Arctic Ocean

Relatively recently, oceanographers began to identify a fifth, South ocean.

Rice. 10. Physical map of Antarctica ()

Previously, this ocean was considered to be the southern parts of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. All oceans together: Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Southern - merge together into one world Ocean, which washes the entire globe.

On the globe, large areas of land called continents are depicted in green, yellow, brown and white. On the ground six continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America.

Eurasia- the largest continent, within its borders lie two parts of the world: Europe and Asia.

Rice. 11. Physical map of Eurasia ()

It is the only continent on Earth washed by four oceans: the Arctic in the north, the Indian in the south, the Atlantic in the west and the Pacific in the east. Our homeland is located on this continent Russia.

Rice. 12. Russia on the map of Eurasia ()

The surface of the continent is very diverse. Mountains and plains are the main forms of the earth's surface. Brown indicates the location of mountains, while green and yellow indicate plains. The largest of them West Siberian(flat plain) Eastern European(hilly plain).

Rice. 13. West Siberian Plain ()

Rice. 14. Physical map of the East European Plain ()

Rivers are indicated on the globe by uneven blue lines drawn along the surface of the continents. Rivers flow across the East European Plain Volga, Don, Dnieper, a river flows across the West Siberian Plain Ob. Mountains rise above the surface of the plains. The higher the mountains, the darker their color on the globe. Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world.

Rice. 15. Himalaya mountains ()

Jamalungma (Everest)- the highest mountain in the world (8 km 708 m).

Rice. 16. Mount Jamalungma ()

Located in Eurasia Baikal- the deepest lake,

Rice. 17. Lake Baikal ()

The largest lake

Rice. 18. Caspian Sea ()

largest peninsula Arabian,

Rice. 19. Coast of the Arabian Peninsula ()

lowest point of land in the world - depression Dead Sea.

Rice. 20. Dead Sea ()

Rice. 21. Pole of Cold Oymyakon ()

Africa is the second largest continent, which is located on both sides of the equator, washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the west and the Indian Ocean from the east and south.

Rice. 22. Physical map of Africa ()

Africa is known for its diversity of nature: impenetrable tropical forests with orchids,

Rice. 23. Rainforest ()

grassy plains with baobabs (huge trees up to forty meters in circumference),

vast expanses of desert.

Rice. 25. Desert in Africa ()

Africa is the hottest continent on the planet. Here it is Sahara Desert.

Rice. 26. Sahara Desert ()

It is the largest desert in the world and the hottest place on Earth (the maximum recorded temperature is +58 degrees). On this continent flows Nile- the second longest river in the world.

Rice. 27. River Nile ()

Volcano Kilimanjaro- the highest point in Africa.

Rice. 28. Mount Kilimanjaro ()

Victoria, Tanganyika, Chad- the largest lakes on this continent.

Rice. 29. Lake Victoria ()

Rice. 30. Lake Tanganyika ()

Rice. 31. Lake Chad ()

In the Western Hemisphere are North America And South America, they are washed from the west by the Pacific Ocean, from the east by the Atlantic, and North America is also washed by the Arctic Ocean from the north.

Rice. 32. Physical map of North America

Rice. 33. Physical map of South America

North America also includes the largest island on Earth, it is called Greenland.

Rice. 34. Coast of Greenland ()

These continents are rich in rivers and lakes. North America is home to one of the world's greatest rivers Mississippi,

Rice. 35. Mississippi River ()

and in South America there is a river that is the largest in the world in terms of depth and length.

Rice. 36. Amazon ()

There is a bay on the coast of North America Fundy, which, in addition to its incredible beauty, is famous for the largest tides in the world, more than seventeen meters.

Rice. 37. Bay of Fundy ()

Just imagine, millions of tons of water approach the shore in twelve hours and then move away from it. South America is home to the world's tallest waterfall - Angel, its total height is 979 meters.

Rice. 38. Angel Falls ()

It seems as if it is shrouded in fog - a curtain of tiny particles of water that is sprayed, falling from such a great height. The most powerful waterfall in the world is located on the same continent Iguazu.

Rice. 39. Iguazu Falls ()

Although in fact it is a whole complex of 270 individual waterfalls, which is about 2.7 km wide. South America is home to the driest place in the world - the desert. Atacama.

Rice. 40. Atacama Desert ()

In some places in this desert, rain falls once every few decades.

Australia- the fifth continent, which is smaller than all the others. The Pacific Ocean washes the northern and eastern coasts, the Indian Ocean washes the western and southern coasts.

Rice. 41. Physical map of Australia

Most of the continent is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, there are very few rivers, which is why Australia is considered the driest continent on Earth. Common here screams(English creek - rivulet) - rivers that exist only during the rainy season and completely dry up for most of the year.

Rice. 42. Dry river mouth (

The Earth's surface has an extremely uneven relief. The deep depressions are filled with water, the rest of the planet is represented by land. All this together - oceans and continents. They differ in size, climate, shape, and geographical location.

Interaction of oceans and continents

Despite the fact that the world's water and land have a number of distinctive properties, they are inseparably linked. The map of continents and oceans is evidence of this (see below). Water continuously influences processes occurring on land. In turn, the continents shape the features of the world's oceans. In addition, interaction occurs in both the animal and plant worlds.

The geography of continents and oceans demonstrates clear boundaries between water and land areas. Continents are distributed unevenly on the surface of the planet. Most of them are located in That is why the South is called hydrological in science. The continents are also divided into two groups relative to the equator. Those above the line belong to the northern half, the rest to the southern half.

Each continent borders the world's waters. So which oceans wash the continents? The Atlantic and Indian border on four continents, the Arctic on three, and the Pacific on all except Africa. In total, there are 6 continents and 4 oceans on the planet. The boundaries between them are uneven and prominent.

Pacific Ocean

It has the largest water area among other pools. A map of continents and oceans shows that it washes all continents except Africa. It includes dozens of large seas, the total area of ​​which is about 180 million square meters. km. Through it connects with the Arctic Ocean. It shares a swimming pool with the other two.

The maximum depth of the water area is the Mariana Trench - more than 11 km. The total volume of the basin is 724 million cubic meters. km. The seas occupy only 8% of the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. The study of the water area began in the 15th century by Chinese geographers.

Atlantic Ocean

It ranks second in size in the world basin. As is customary, each is derived from an ancient term or deity. Atlantic is named after the famous Greek titan Atlas. The water area extends from Antarctica to subarctic latitudes. It borders on all other oceans, even the Pacific (via Cape Horn). One of the largest straits is the Hudson. It connects the Atlantic basin with the Arctic basin.

The seas make up about 16% of the total ocean area. The basin area is just over 91.5 million square meters. km. Most of the Atlantic seas are inland, and only a small part of them are coastal (up to 1%).

Arctic Ocean

It has the smallest water area on the planet. It is entirely located in the Northern Hemisphere. Occupied territory - 14.75 million square meters. km. At the same time, the volume of the pool is about 18.1 million cubic meters. km of water. The deepest point in the Greenland Sea is considered to be 5527 m.

The bottom relief of the water area is represented by the outskirts of continents and a large shelf. The Arctic Ocean is conventionally divided into the Arctic, Canadian and European basins. A distinctive feature of the water area is a thick ice cover, which can persist all 12 months of the year, constantly drifting. Due to the harsh cold climate, the ocean is not as rich in fauna and flora as the rest. However, important trade shipping routes pass through it.

Indian Ocean

It occupies a fifth of the world's total water surface. It is noteworthy that each name of the oceans has either a geographical or theological background. The only difference is the Indian Pool. Its name has rather a historical background. The ocean was named after the first Asian country that became known to the Old World - in honor of India.

The water area covers an area of ​​76.17 million square meters. km. Its volume is about 282.6 million cubic km. It washes 4 continents and borders the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It has the widest basin in the world's waters - more than 10 thousand kilometers.

Eurasian continent

It is the largest continent on the planet. Eurasia is located primarily in the Northern Hemisphere. In terms of territory, the continent occupies almost half of the world's landmass. Its area is about 53.6 million square meters. km. The islands occupy only 5% of Eurasia - less than 3 million square meters. km.

All oceans and continents are interconnected. As for the Eurasian continent, it is washed by all 4 oceans. The border line is heavily indented and deep. The continent consists of 2 parts of the world: Asia and Europe. The border between them runs along the Ural Mountains, the Manych, Ural, Kuma rivers, the Black, Caspian, Marmara, Mediterranean seas and a number of straits.

South America

The oceans and continents in this part of the planet are located mainly in the Western Hemisphere. The continent is washed by the Atlantic and Pacific basins. It borders North America through the Caribbean Sea and the Isthmus of Panama.

The mainland includes dozens of medium and small islands. Most of the inland water basin is represented by rivers such as the Orinoco, Amazon and Paraná. Together they make up a water area of ​​7 million square meters. km. The total area of ​​South America is about 17.8 million square meters. km. There are few lakes on the continent, most of them are located near the Andes mountains, for example Lake Titicaca.

It is worth noting that on the mainland there is the world's highest waterfall - Angel.

North America

Located in, washed by all oceans except the Indian. The coastal waters include the seas (Bering, Labrador, Caribbean, Beaufort, Greenland, Baffin) and St. Lawrence, Hudson, Mexican). North America shares borders with South America via the Panama Canal.

The most significant island systems are the Canadian and Alexandria archipelagos, Greenland and Vancouver. The continent covers an area of ​​more than 24 million square meters. km, excluding islands - about 20 million square meters. km.

African continent

In terms of territorial area, it ranks second after Eurasia, with which it borders in the northeast. It is washed only by the Indian and Atlantic oceans. The largest coastal sea is the Mediterranean. It is noteworthy that Africa is both a continent and a part of the world.

In this area of ​​the planet, oceans and continents cross several climatic zones and the equator. In turn, Africa stretches from the northern to southern subtropical zone. That is why the level of precipitation here is extremely low. This leads to problems with fresh water and irrigation.

Mainland Antarctica

This is the coldest and most lifeless continent. Located at the South Pole of the Earth. Antarctica, like Africa, is a continent and part of the world. All adjacent islands belong to the territorial possessions.

Antarctica is considered the highest continent in the world. Its average height fluctuates around 2040 meters. Most of the land is occupied by glaciers. There is no population on the mainland, only a few dozen stations with scientists. There are about 150 subglacial lakes within the continent.

Australian mainland

The continent is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The entire territory it occupies belongs to the state of Australia. It is washed by the seas of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, such as the Coral, Timor, Arafura and others. The largest adjacent islands are Tasmania and New Guinea.

The continent is part of a part of the world called Australia and Oceania. Its area is about 7.7 million square meters. km.

There are 4 time zones across Australia. In the northeast of the mainland, the coast is represented by the largest coral reef in the world.