Games on spelling. Spelling, game-test for knowledge of the Russian language. The game "Whose team will win?"

Lesson-game in the Russian language: “The Last Hero”.

Explanatory note

It has long been known that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight. The use of game moments in Russian language and literature lessons awakens interest in the subject, makes it exciting, loved and necessary. The more interesting a child is, the stronger his knowledge.

Target: repetition and systematization of students’ knowledge in spelling and stylistics.



    repeat basic theoretical information on spelling and style;

    to develop students’ ability to distinguish speech styles;

    learnstudentsfind solutions to complex situational problems that require not only theoretical knowledge, but also life skillsoh courage, ingenuity, dexterity.


    promote the development of interest in the academic subject;

    contributedevelopment of communicative properties of speech (expressiveness, expressiveness);

    contribute to the formationresearch skills;


    cultivate love for the native language;

    cultivate a culture of behavior, communication with friends and comrades;

    cultivate a careful attitude to the word.

Progress of the lesson-game

Teacher (or presenter):

Hello, guys and guests of our game. Today is the final lesson on the topic: functional speech styles. Our goal: to repeat and systematize knowledge of spelling and style.

We have gathered today to conduct the game “The Last Hero” in the Russian language. You, the participants in the game, have a difficult task ahead of you: remember everything you have studied in spelling. style, and also stretch your imagination to become a winner.

Here are the rules of the game:

The Last Hero” consists of 2 rounds. First, you should divide into 2 teams (choose the team name, captain, because we will go with you on an exciting journey). The team that scores the fewest points in 2 rounds leaves the island (game). After each task, 1 person is eliminated from the team, those who scored the least points. This will be monitored by a competent jury. Those who drop out become fans. In the end, only one will remain, and he will be the “Last Hero of 2015.”

So let's begin. I invite you to take an exciting journey, test yourself, your strength and knowledge. You and I will go on a ship to a desert island. But not everyone will get on the ship...

I round

    Exercise. It's called "Warm-up". Each team member will be asked 2 questions. Two people who fail to complete the task are eliminated (1 person from each team).

    What is a monologue? (One person speaks, everyone listens silently).

    What is dialogue? (conversation between two or more people).

    Tell the rule: -KOS-, -KAS-.(if there is a suffix -a- after the root, then A is written in the root; if there is no suffix, then O is written)

    Tell the rule: -GOR-, -GAR-.(if the stress falls on the root, then it is written at the root A, in the unstressed position O)

    What does stylistics study? (Stylists is a branch of the science of language that studies the styles of literary language and the linguistic means that create their features.)

    What do we call speech style? (Language style - this is its variety, which serves any aspect of public life: everyday communication, official business relations; propaganda and mass activities, science; verbal and artistic creativity.)

    What speech styles do you know? (colloquial, journalistic, artistic, scientific, official business).

    What do we call journalistic style? (and propaganda-mass activity (the style of newspapers, magazines, leaflets, etc.))

    A significant part of a word that carries the lexical meaning of the word.” What is this? (root).

    The grass is turning green. Is this a phrase or a sentence?(offer)

    What are antonyms?(words of the same part of speech with opposite lexical meaning)

    What part of speech are the words: bored, answered?(participle)

    I, someone, such, them. What part of speech is this?(pronoun)

    Name the part of speech that denotes the attribute of an object and answers the questions: which one? whose? (adjective)

    Name the part of speech that denotes the action of an object and answers the questions: what to do? what to do? (verb)

    How is the ancient Russian word “fingers” pronounced now? (fingers)

Teacher's word: the jury gives the floor. Two players who did not cope with the task at all are eliminated at once. If there are more such players or there are no such players, then you can play additional questions:

    What questions does the circumstance answer? (where, where, why, why, how...)

    Tell the rule “CHK, CHN”(In the combination CHK, CHN the soft sign is not written)

    Tell the rule ZHI, SHI. (ZHI, SHI write with the letter I)

    What are archaisms? (words that have fallen out of active everyday use; obsolete words)

Teacher's word: please board the ship! Adventure awaits us! So, we found ourselves on a desert island.Look around... there is water everywhere... and only you and me on a picturesque island. It doesn't have a name yet, but at the end of the game we have the right to give it a name. We propose to name our island after the winner of the game, after the last hero.

Ahead is a forest (jungle), teeming with wild animals and snakes. To overcome external difficulties, you need to learn to overcome your vices - this is anger, hatred, meanness, rudeness, and many others... The next test is Task No. 1 Common cause. If you insert the doubled consonants correctly, we will overcome this obstacle. Team members exchange work and give each other points. The task is graded on a 5 scale.

Answers: Kass eta, bal ans, miss iya, hal hereya, pass ivny, pass azhir, uhff ect, goll ya, basse yn, app it's likeP atiya, thosepp history, thosepp asa, copp respondent, kaR icature.

Teacher's word: I hope everyone completed the task. Look, here are the locals,aborigines. But they speak a language you don't understand. To understand each other you need to solve a crossword puzzle. The task is graded on a 5 scale.

Task No. 2


3. An item that all the kids who go to school use.


7. The science of spelling.

18. Science of language.

Teacher's word: while the jury is checking how the teams completed the task, let's do a physical exercise. Eye exercises (illusions). You can play with the fans (for the correct answer you will receive tokens, they can give them to any participant in the game). Now you know the language of the local inhabitants and you need to establish contact.

Teacher's word: the jury gives the floor.

Task No. 3. Now that you understand each other (the locals), come up with a greeting! Tell us about yourself, about our culture. Public speaking. The task is graded on a 5 scale.

Task 4 .

Where A ?
1. R_stov
2. water_sli
3. r_stock
4. age

Where e ?
1. burn
2. wipe
3. pick up
4. shit

Where O ?
1. in vain
2. look at
3. z_rnitsa
4. h
.. ori

Where And ?
1. lock up
2. age
3. die
4. bl_stet


Where A ?
1. Rostov
2. algae
3. sprout
4. age
A st

Where e ?
1. burn
2. you
e howl
3. pick up
4. rip off

Where O ?
1. dawn
2. illuminate
3. lightning
4. h
O ri

Where And ?
1. lock
2. erase
3. mind
And army
4. shine

2nd round

Rulesspelling - our good friends. There is so much fun in our writing, and what a harmonious system it is.AIsn't it better to abandon all the rules and write what you hear? The idea is tempting! Then let's try to unravel and correctly write down 2 proverbs that a local resident wrote. So, fordyay, friends! The team that solves the proverbs first gets an extra point.

“By the skill of a careless person but acquired by the skill of a guard”

“Who gramate garazt tamu neprapast”

Task No. 5.

When the spring ice drift passes...

    Scientific style: (1),(3).

    Conversational style: (4),(6).

Teacher's word: playing with players and fans.

We all love fairy tales very much, so you will find the questions interesting and not difficult.

This hero went through fire and water, won 4 battles, and died tragically in 5.(Kolobok)

An honest merchant, but he stole a gift for his daughter.("The Scarlet Flower")

The old man and the old woman begin to cry after the little animal's trick. They calmed down when they received an object in return, but only of a different color.(“The Ryaba Hen”)

What gray beast has offended an odd number of small children?(Wolf, "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")

With the help of this item you can make a variety of things, or you can kill a terrible villain - a character from Russian fairy tales.(Needle)

What is the name of the tale about the unfortunate singer who is eaten by a seemingly benevolent critic?(“Kolobok”)

What type of transport did Tsarevich Zabava take away with?(Flying ship)

In what fairy tale does the brother disobey his sister and turn into an animal? Which?(little goat)

Who managed to be at the same time far and close, high and low, see everything, hear everything?(Mashenka, “Mashenka and the Bear”)

In which fairy tale did the main character catch a bladed weapon and become the prince’s wife?("Princess Frog")

With the help of what fish did the fool become king?(Pike)

In which Russian folk tale is the heroine's assistant a cow?(“Little one – Khavroshechka”) (The winners of the quiz are awarded.)

Teacher's word: now the captains must decide who will leave the team. The jury gives the floor.

Task No. 6. Now imagine that this island is inhabited by people, animals... Imagine... Watch the cartoon “The Meaning of Life”. You are asked to write an essay based on the cartoon.

Teacher's word: the jury gives the floor. Summarizing.

Additional task : The word is written in huge letters in front of youIntelligence . What does this word mean? Who can explain? The task is as follows: in 1 minute you must collect the largest number of nouns using all the letters of a given word. You will name the words in order, you cannot repeat them.

Race for the leader. Let's choose a leader, the last hero.

Teacher's word: I ask questions. Your task is to respond very quickly. When answering, pay attention to the answers.

Let's start.

1. Who wears a forest on their head? (Elk)

2. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge)

4. A cat with tassels on its head. (Lynx)

5. A month of winter holidays. (January)

6. Oak fruit. (Acorn).

7. The room in which they sleep. (Bedroom)

8. A butterfly that “eats” clothes. (Mole)

What spelling of the word is the answer? What is the role of b?

    Antoshka stands on one leg. (Mushroom)

    House for a car. (Garage)

    What is 12 months? (Year)

    Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. (Pillow)

    Knitted mitten. (Mitten)

    Stick for playing hockey. (Hockey stick)

    The tallest animal. (Giraffe)

    Glass with handle. (Mug)

What spelling of the word is the answer? How to check a paired consonant in a word?

    Blizzard. (Snowstorm)

    Forest dwellers, building insects. (Ants)

    A pet with a patch on its nose. (Pig)

    Plants with thick trunks and branches. (Trees)

    Mom, dad, children are... (Family)

    They grow in the spring, fall off in the fall. (Leaves)

    The bird's body is covered (with feathers)

    An animal similar in structure to humans. (Monkey)

What spelling of the word is the answer? What is the role of the separating b?

Additional questions:

The little blue fur coat has covered the whole world.(Sky)

When it flies, it speaks, but when it lands, it is silent.(Wasp)

The shoemaker is not a shoemaker, the tailor is not a tailor, he holds a bristle in his mouth and scissors in his hands.(Cancer)

It’s light, round, and you can’t lift the tail.(Clew)

The duck is in the water, and the tail is on the mountain.(Ladle)

On one side there is a forest, and on the other there is a field.(Fur coat)

The mother has 20 children, all the children are the same age.(Chick)

He doesn’t know the days himself, but tells others.(Calendar)

A white cat climbs into the window.(Dawn)

White doves sit around the ice hole.(Mouth)

Whoever looks will cry.(Onion)

Where does the water stand?(Well)

Bottom line.

Reflection. This is where our game ends. Students are awarded to the music of “Staying Alive” by the group “Bi-2”. Did you like the game? What caused you difficulties? What else do you need to work on?


Task No. 1

Answers: Kass eta, bal ans, miss iya, hal hereya, pass ivny, pass azhir, uhff ect, goll ya, basse yn, app it's likeP atiya, thosepp history, thosepp asa, copp respondent, kaR icature.

Task No. 2

Task 4 .


Where A ?
1. Rostov
2. algae
3. sprout
4. age
A st

Where e ?
1. burn
2. you
e howl
3. pick up
4. rip off

Where O ?
1. dawn
2. illuminate
3. lightning
4. h
O ri

Where And ?
1. lock
2. erase
3. mind
And army
4. shine

2nd round

Task No. 5. Read 3 texts. What style of speech do they belong to? How did you determine this?

1.Thunderstorm is a natural atmospheric phenomenon in which strong electrical discharges—lightning—accompanied by thunder occur in powerful cumulonimbus clouds and between the clouds and the ground. (scientific)

2. Siberia is mine! In floods - thunderstorm,

When the spring ice drift passes...

And it breaks my heart into pieces

Your last autumn ship (A. Kukarsky) (fiction)

3. Well, the thunderstorm passed over us! It's scary to go outside!

Yes, such a thunderstorm has not happened for a long time. (colloquial)

2. Select three texts in this passage that belong to different styles of speech.

(1) Rain – liquid precipitation in the form of droplets with a diameter of 0.5-6 mm. (2) Rain... (3) There are torrential and heavy rain. (4) Yesterday I got caught in the rain and was completely soaked. (5) It begins almost imperceptibly and goes on for a long time, without ceasing, drumming tediously on the roofs of houses over which the dreary gray sky hangs low. (6) Bad luck for you!

    Scientific style: (1),(3).

    Conversational style: (4),(6).

    Art style: (2), (5).


Task No. 1 Common cause .

Ka(s,ss)eta, ba(l,ll)ans, mi(s,ss)iya, ga(l,ll)reya, pa(s,ss)ivny, pa(s,ss)azhir, e( f,ff)ekt, go(l,ll)iya, ba(s,ss)ein, a(p,pp)etit, a(p,pp)atiya, te(r,rr)itoria, te(r, rr)a(s,ss)a, ko(r,rr)respondent, ka(r,rr)icature.

Task No. 1 Common cause .

Ka(s,ss)eta, ba(l,ll)ans, mi(s,ss)iya, ga(l,ll)reya, pa(s,ss)ivny, pa(s,ss)azhir, e( f,ff)ekt, go(l,ll)iya, ba(s,ss)ein, a(p,pp)etit, a(p,pp)atiya, te(r,rr)itoria, te(r, rr)a(s,ss)a, ko(r,rr)respondent, ka(r,rr)icature.


1. A branch of linguistics that studies the sounds of speech and the sound structure of language.

3. An item that all the kids who go to school use.

7. Writing that conforms to spelling rules and requires the application of those rules.

12. Words that came into the Russian language from other languages.

14. A figurative, stable combination of words, built on a figurative meaning.

17. Word-forming morpheme standing before the root.

19. A branch of linguistics that studies the correct pronunciation of sounds, words and stress in words.

21. Words that have the same lexical meaning.

23. Changing names of nouns and adjectives according to numbers and cases.


2. Words that have opposite lexical meanings.

4. A talking window that both adults and children love.

5. Speech sounds consisting of voice and noise or noise alone.

6. Homonym for the word lightning, discharge.

7. The science of spelling.

8. Part of a word that forms forms of the same word, which serves to connect words in phrases and sentences.

9. Part of speech denoting an object.

10. A word that has several lexical meanings.

11. The meaning of a word that transfers direct meaning to another object.

13. Transmission of speech sounds in words in writing.

15. Words that have two or more lexical meanings.

16. Changing verbs by persons and numbers.

18. Science of language.

20. Words with the same root, similar in sound, but not the same in meaning.

21. A word that has one lexical meaning.

22. Words that are similar in lexical meaning.

Task 4 . Before you is a labyrinth. The one who completes the table correctly will pass the maze. .





Where .. ori

Where And ?
1. lock up
2. age
3. die
4. bl_stet

Task 4 . Before you is a labyrinth. The one who completes the table correctly will pass the maze. .





Where .. ori

Where And ?
1. lock up
2. age
3. die
4. bl_stet

Task No. 5. Read 3 texts. What style of speech do they belong to? How did you determine this?

2. Siberia is mine! In floods - thunderstorm,

When the spring ice drift passes...

And it breaks my heart into pieces

3. Well, the thunderstorm passed over us! It's scary to go outside!

2. Select three texts in this passage that belong to different styles of speech.

(1) Rain – liquid precipitation in the form of droplets with a diameter of 0.5-6 mm. (2) Rain... (3) There are torrential and heavy rain. (4) Yesterday I got caught in the rain and was completely soaked. (5) It begins almost imperceptibly and goes on for a long time, without ceasing, drumming tediously on the roofs of houses over which the dreary gray sky hangs low. (6) Bad luck for you!

    Scientific style:

    Conversational style:

    Art style:

Task No. 5. Read 3 texts. What style of speech do they belong to? How did you determine this?

1.Thunderstorm is a natural atmospheric phenomenon in which strong electrical discharges—lightning—accompanied by thunder occur in powerful cumulonimbus clouds and between the clouds and the ground.

2. Siberia is mine! In floods - thunderstorm,

When the spring ice drift passes...

And it breaks my heart into pieces

Your last autumn ship (A. Kukarsky)

3. Well, the thunderstorm passed over us! It's scary to go outside!

-Yes, such a thunderstorm has not happened for a long time.

2. Select three texts in this passage that belong to different styles of speech.

(1) Rain – liquid precipitation in the form of droplets with a diameter of 0.5-6 mm. (2) Rain... (3) There are torrential and heavy rain. (4) Yesterday I got caught in the rain and was completely soaked. (5) It begins almost imperceptibly and goes on for a long time, without ceasing, drumming tediously on the roofs of houses over which the dreary gray sky hangs low. (6) Bad luck for you!

    Scientific style:

    Conversational style:

    Art style:

It was created by automatically merging several explanatory dictionaries into a single database. As a result, many words came into the game that did not comply with the rules, and simply had spelling errors.

The general rules for correcting the dictionary are described below.

In the dictionary it is permissible to use:

  • Common nouns in the nominative case in the singular (tree, dog)
  • Common nouns are nouns that in the nominative case have only the grammatical form of the plural in some meaning (scissors, glasses, children)
  • Compound abbreviated words formed from combinations of: - truncated words and full words (working clothes, car park) - truncated words alone (collective farm, battleship) - combined compound abbreviated nouns (head teacher, general store)
  • Words marked "colloquial" (spoken)
  • Substantivized nouns (presto, sexual, hydroid). Substantivization is checked by a spelling dictionary
  • Obsolete words if there are no modern words with the same meaning that are closely spelled
  • Proper names used in a common noun figurative meaning (the Bible is the main book for someone)
  • Brands that have become common nouns (jacuzzi, kulman)
  • Surnames that became units of measurement (ampere, tesla)
  • Names that have become common nouns (Maxim, Katyusha)
  • Toponyms that have become common nouns (Bermuda shorts, bikini)
  • Car brands used as names of technical products (Lada, Peugeot)

The following are not allowed to be added and are removed from the dictionary:

  • Abbreviations made from the initial sounds of words or the names of their initial letters (GOST, registry office, dot, university)
  • Dialectal (regional, local, colloquial), colloquial, colloquially reduced, rude, abusive and slang words and, accordingly, having marks: (simple), (regional), (local), (vernacular-colloquial) .), (colloquial-low.), (vulg.), (branch.), (jarg.), (abbr.), (folk - poet.), (trad. - poet.), (argot) in most dictionaries
  • Suffixal nouns that have the marks of diminutive, endearing, augmentative, intensifying, dismissive or pejorative, unless they are used in a separate independent meaning
  • Words marked "predic." (predicative) (smack, tsvirk, etc.)
  • Words, the use of which in modern language is directly vulgar or offensive in relation to a person’s personality (except for words that are neutral in the literal sense), his nationality (Jew, etc.)

If you notice that the dictionary of the games Balda, Scrabble and Gallows does not contain a word that is worthy of being in it, or, conversely, there is a word in the dictionary that does not comply with the rules, write about it in, following the recommendations below.

It is the responsibility of the author of the post (application) to prove or disprove the appropriateness of the presence of a term in the game dictionary.

Remember, the SPELLING of a word should be checked in a spelling dictionary. Modern explanatory dictionaries and encyclopedias may contain words with spelling errors.

We offer online dictionaries for use on the following resources.

Task 7 Among the proposed rows, find two words that are written with NN: a) careful... ny, verch... y, vulcanized... y, cherry... ik; b),,,; c) completed, pampered, crowned, smoothed; d) modern, living room, jasmine, quiet.

Task 8 In which row is there a double consonant in all words? a), intel...agent, al...egoriya, dialem...a; b) gal...era, kol...edzh, kiril...itsa; c) at...action, narcissus..., caricature...caricature, palace...; d) il...uzion, com...edia, idil...iya, hok...ey; e), suf...ix, gal...erey, tsnl...ofan.

Task 10 Among the rows of words, find the one in which all the words are written with “not” separately: A (not) was, (not) indignant, (not) handsome, but bad, (not) a mess; B) (un)hatred, (not) started on time, (not) taught, (not) educated, (not) anyone; B) (not) made, (not) leather, (not) hot, (not) skillful; d) (not) salted, but fried mushrooms, (not) skillful, (not) weather, (not) weather, (not) when; D) the book (not) read yesterday, (not) strives, (not) expensive, but cheap, (not) (from) whom.

Task 14 Determine what people in these professions did: solicitor, policeman, policeman, skipper, jockey, helmsman, mayor. A) The helmsman leading the ship; b) builder, architect c) judicial supervision official; d) servant in a tavern; e) commander of a non-self-propelled vessel; person responsible for deck property; f) horse race rider; h) the head of the city.

  • A GAME in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    a type of physical and intellectual activity that is devoid of direct practical expediency and provides the individual with the opportunity for self-realization that goes beyond the scope of his current social...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a type of physical and intellectual activity that is devoid of direct practical expediency and provides the individual with the opportunity for self-realization that goes beyond the scope of his actual...
  • A GAME in the Lexicon of non-classics, artistic and aesthetic culture of the 20th century, Bychkova:
    One of the main and oldest forms of aesthetic activity (see: Aesthetics), i.e. non-utilitarian, performed for its own sake and delivering, ...
  • A GAME in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
    - see gambling...
  • A GAME in the Big Legal Dictionary:
    - see Gambling...
  • A GAME in the Directory of Telephone Codes of Russian Cities and Mobile Operators.
  • A GAME
    PURE - see PURE GAME...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ADVANCED - the practice of concluding transactions, taking into account the latest amount of information received from brokers and market analysts to ...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ON THE YIELD CURVE - making a profit from using changes in the ratio of short-term and long-term interest rates...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ON THE EXCHANGE - carrying out speculative operations on the exchange through the successful purchase and sale of securities and other objects of exchange trading...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ASSETS - gaining cheap access to assets by purchasing securities whose current market price does not reflect the real value of the assets...
  • A GAME in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, fixed in socially fixed ways of implementing objective...
  • A GAME in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which lies not in its results, but in the process itself. In the history of human society intertwined with...
  • A GAME in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • A GAME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a type of activity whose motive lies not in its results, but in the process itself. In the history of human society intertwined with magic,...
  • A GAME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -s, pl. games, games, games, g.1. see play. 2. An activity used for entertainment, recreation, or sports competition. Chess and. Sports...
  • A GAME in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    game”, and “games, games”, and “gram, game”, and “gram, game”, and “games, games”, game”, and “grams, games”, ...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of epithets:
    About hidden (usually unseemly) actions and actions. Unscrupulous, big, nasty, dirty, double, ambiguous, diplomatic, devilish, serpentine, skillful, insidious, deceitful, hypocritical, crafty, ...
  • A GAME in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • A GAME in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    - "s, pl. "games, games, w. 1) (with whom, at what, only singular) Passing time for the purpose of entertainment, fun, ...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    The case of both Kasparov and...
  • A GAME in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: performance, ...
  • A GAME in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: performance, ...
  • A GAME in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    fun, fun, prank, joke; play. Wed. . See fun, prank || ...
  • A GAME in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. 1) a) An activity for entertainment, relaxation, health promotion, etc. b) Which one. type, method of such activity, based on certain ...
  • A GAME in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    creating situations typical for the profession and finding practical solutions to them Business and. (simulation of a production situation in order to develop the most ...
  • A GAME in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    games, many games, w. 1. units only Action according to verb. Play. Children think only about the game, forgetting about their lessons. A game …
  • What is a spelling dictionary? When do we turn to him?

1. Read an excerpt from a poem by M. Yasnov.

orthographic dictionary

For last year's mistakes, last year's mistakes
It’s hard for me to watch without smiling.
I write better than many in the class,
Vasya gave me a gift:
I studied studied all January January
Arfagraphic Spelling dictionary.

  • What mistakes did the student make? Try to fix them. And if you can’t do it yourself, look in a spelling dictionary!

2. Read the table of contents of the textbook. Name the rules of writing that you have become familiar with.

7. Spelling words with a hard separator.

3. Remember these rules. Give examples of words that have spellings based on the studied writing rules.

1. Spelling words with unstressed vowels at the root.
water, wave, mountain, pin, balls, window
2. Spelling words with voiceless and voiced consonants at the root.
flags, mushroom, eyes, boat, jumping, horse
3. Spelling words with an unpronounceable consonant sound at the root.
starry, joyful, sun, pasture, whistle
4. Spelling words with double consonants.
class, ton, seedlings, trolleybus, Saturday
5. Spelling of suffixes and prefixes.
fly, passed, finish writing, bush, day
6. Spelling of prefixes and prepositions.
wrote on the envelope, ran in the footsteps
7. Spelling words with a hard separator.
detour, moved out, explanation, furious

4. Read. What rule does each group of words correspond to?

1. Spelling of words with unstressed vowels at the root, checked by stress.
2. Spelling words with voiceless and voiced consonants at the root.
3. Spelling words with an unpronounceable consonant sound at the root.
4. Spelling words with a hard separator.
2. Spelling words with unstressed vowels at the root, unchecked by stress.

Choose any rule and compile your own dictionary of words with a spelling for this rule. You can choose words from a textbook, workbook or dictionary. Write the words in alphabetical order. Underline the spelling patterns in the words for the chosen writing rule. Prepare to present your vocabulary in class.

Spelling words with voiceless and voiced consonants at the root.

The letter B is at the beginning of the alphabet. It denotes a voiced consonant sound. But it doesn't always sound like that. The sound depends on neighboring sounds. When suddenly a quiet, muffled sound appears next to B, B immediately changes. Where does the cheerfulness, the ringing joy go?! In these cases, when writing a word, the letter B is often confused with its distant relative, the letter P. The sound it represents has the same labial origin as the sound b.

F. Krivin

arbu h, birch, beard, camel, viscous, eye, fungi, rain, path, hedgehog, liquid, riddle, exercise, toys, emerald, claws, mug, ice, boat , honey, soft, back, leg, trimmings, mistake, preparation, planting, sharp, fish, sweet, watchman, grass, tube, narrow, packaging, flags, bread , cold, cup, drawing, scarf, fur coat, berry.