Essay on what beauty is in art. How to write an essay on the topic “What is beauty?” What is beauty

Beauty is an ambiguous concept and each person sees it in something different. For some, beauty is the nature that surrounds them: rivers, mountains, forests, pretty landscapes, sunrise or sunset. Someone sees beauty in a person - a slender, healthy body, regular facial features, blush, big eyes or a certain hair color. For me: beauty is something higher, which is not perceived by sight, but felt by the soul.

I can never call something beautiful that carries evil or bad intentions. Many people admire weapons encrusted with precious stones, but for me they will never be beautiful because they carry death within them. It’s the same with a person: he can have magnificent and correct facial features by all standards of fashion, impeccable appearance and have excellent style, but if his thoughts are filled with negativity, he will never be perceived by me as beautiful. The conclusion is obvious, beauty, in my understanding, is kindness, sincerity, empathy and the ability to support.

I also love nature: fresh air, green meadows, tall dense forests and gardens blooming in spring. But the most beautiful places for me are those where I can fully relax my soul, where my heart is calm, and my eyes rejoice in what they see.

It is worth clarifying that beauty is not found in something global, but in small things - in the flower that bloomed first in the spring, in the little kitten that barely managed to open its eyes, in the fragrant freshly baked bread, in the smile of a loved one, in the eyes of a happy mother. , in good deeds.

Most often, drowning in the cycle of everyday worries, a person does not notice the beauty around him and, following the stereotypes dictated by television, naively believes that beauty is a set of parameters and numbers. Surprisingly, a person has certain requirements for everything that exists in the world, and if something does not meet certain parameters, it is not considered unique and is called incorrect. But isn't it beautiful when someone or something deviates from the standard? Is a red-haired man with freckles ugly? Can a short guy or a girl with slightly unusual shapes be considered ugly? Why are people who do not have the financial opportunity to dress fashionably also called ugly? Beauty is not in clothes, not in hair color, not in figure, height, weight, etc., beauty is much deeper - in behavior, in actions, in the sparkle in the eyes, in neatness, in the ability to get along with oneself and the whole world.

Beauty is something that you cannot buy with money, that you cannot build with your own hands, with resentment in your soul and anger in your thoughts. Beauty is how we see the world, how we perceive ourselves and what surrounds us, it is an indicator that cannot be measured by any units, it is harmony that we must strive for daily, hourly, every minute. Beauty is in love. Only by loving yourself, your loved ones, life and the world, can you see beauty in everything: in yourself, in people, in thunderstorms, in birdsong, in smiles and in your soul.


on the topic " What is beauty?


11th grade student, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 8

G.o. Zheleznodorozhny

Isakova Nina

What is beauty? There is no definite answer to this question, because everyone has different concepts of beauty, different views on life. One thing is for sure: beauty is something that evokes joy, warm memories, lifts the soul to heaven, and removes us from this cruel materialistic world.

In my opinion, no life should be lived in vain. Every person should leave behind a trace that brings joy to people, even if it is small and inconspicuous. After all, each of us is unique. Some paint pictures, some create delicious masterpieces, some write poetry, etc. And I believe that if you are thanked or recognized on the street by at least a few people, complete strangers, but still aware of your existence, your life has not been lived in vain. But we must not forget that fame does not mean kindness and beauty. If your photographs are hanging in the police department in the “wanted” column, and people on the streets, timidly moving aside, quietly say: “It’s him,” this is not a joyful trace that brings happiness, but a red scar on the history of the city, and, possibly, countries. Always, no matter what a person does, he should bring goodness, joy, warmth and happiness to people, and not remind them of the danger and fear that lurk at every step. And only in this case “every noble life leaves its threads forever woven into the cause of peace, and thus the power of humanity grows more and more with healthy roots and branches rising ever higher to the sky.”

Beauty is the personification of everything beautiful in the world. Something that makes you swoon and admire. This is nature, art, architecture and, of course, people. But if everything is clear with the inanimate world, and we can definitely say what is beautiful and what is not, then with people the situation is much more complicated.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts,” the great writer Chekhov once said. Indeed, the outer shell can hardly be called beauty. Thus, a person who is beautiful in face and body, but ugly in soul, cannot be beautiful. But the one whose soul is more beautiful than his shell can truly be considered a beautiful person. But what does external beauty and internal beauty mean and what is their difference?

External beauty is the ideals and parameters imposed by society that have developed over centuries. This is a proportional figure, soft facial features, well-groomed and neat. Over the centuries, beauty standards have changed, but one thing has remained constant: people have followed beauty again and again. And it just so happened that society first looks at the outer shell, and only then at the inner one. Often this is wrong, the wrong first impression is created and we have to get to know the person again, but we can no longer get rid of this bad habit. All that remains for us is to try to discern the essence of a person behind his outer shell.

Inner beauty is deeper. It cannot be grasped quickly; You cannot understand a person’s soul just by looking at his appearance. Inner beauty is certainly hidden from the eyes of strangers and stupid people. These are always the best qualities: kindness, honesty, sincerity, fortitude, dreaminess and much more. But first of all, it is fullness – the mind.

A person who is beautiful on the outside but empty on the inside can hardly be called an ideal. But an unkempt smart guy, endowed with all the qualities, cannot be called beautiful. Everything in a person should be in harmony: both internal and external beauty. Only then can a person be considered truly beautiful.

Option 2

Beauty is a dual concept if human beauty is taken into account. After all, outwardly a person can be beautiful, that is, attractive in appearance.

But if at this moment he carries evil and negative emotions, this person can no longer be called beautiful, because having the correct facial features, dressed according to the latest fashion trends, he thinks that he is beautiful. But this person only thinks about how to make more money.

And buy yourself another fashionable car or expensive gemstone. I think this man does not bring beauty to our world. Accordingly, it follows that beauty should be not only external, but also internal.

A person dressed in ordinary clothes who does not have an outstanding appearance. But at the same time, he is very kind and sympathetic, he brings more positive emotions and goodness to our world. Accordingly, his spiritual beauty is true human beauty.

Many people see beauty in the beautiful landscapes of nature in bright sunsets and sunrises. And here it is indisputable, yes, this is beauty. The bank of the river, flooded with rays of sun, lush green grass around, and on the opposite bank there is a dense forest.

The scenery is undeniably breathtaking. Or the seashore, soft, warm sand, transparent foamy sea waves. The sun is shining brightly, people are resting peacefully on the shore.

Mountains, forests, sunrises, sunsets, rain, snow - all this is the beauty of nature. Fabulous winter landscapes, when all the trees, houses, and everything around are covered with soft, fluffy snow, like in a fairy tale.

Or a winter landscape, everything around is covered with a thin layer of snow, there are snowdrifts on the ground, narrow trodden paths. The evening light of street lamps, in severe frost, creates shine and a fabulous crunch. The entire snowy environment glows and sparkles like fabulous diamonds.

Beauty is not something specific, it consists of many details. Fluffy snow, clear water, bright, mesmerizing landscapes. Sparkle in the eyes, kind attitude towards others, harmony and sincerity.

For a person, this is not only the external, but also the internal world. Behavior in society, communication with each other and mutual assistance. There is a saying that beauty is not in appearance, it is in the soul of each of us.

Therefore, summing up the above, we can conclude that beauty is harmony with oneself and the world around us. External attractiveness and warmth of soul, goodwill of actions and statements.

Each person is beautiful in his own way and this does not depend on the price of his clothes or car. Likewise, a beautiful person becomes unattractive due to the inner anger burning him and hatred of others.

9th grade 15.3

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Often we talk about any object or phenomenon, calling it beautiful. Life is truly full of wonder and splendor. And she herself, in general, is an amazing miracle. What is common in those phenomena that attract our attention with their harmony? What is hidden under this concept?

Relativity of definition

Students who need to write an essay on the topic “What is beauty?” can consider not one, but several meanings of this concept. After all, it can be interpreted in completely different ways. For one, beauty is good deeds. For another - external attributes, a view that gives aesthetic pleasure. And for a third it may be art. In an essay on the topic “What is beauty?” you can specify one or more definitions. Those that will be closer to the author.

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Magnificence of personality

In an essay on the topic “What is beauty?” a student may mention that the desire for external attractiveness often comes at the cost of losing internal harmony. In pursuit of the latest trends in fashion and cosmetology, it is difficult to keep up with spirituality and self-development. At a young age, beautiful appearance is determined by hormones. But when you get older, everything becomes different. Whether an elderly person is good in appearance or not no longer depends on his physical characteristics. A person may well be both ugly and beautiful at this age, and it will depend on his personality.

Essay-argument “What is beauty?” - this is an excellent reason to reflect on such an issue as human harmony. Existing in harmony with oneself and nature is one of the oldest ideas of all mankind. Some may say that it is characterized by banality. However, everyone can notice that people who live in joy and harmony with themselves and with the world around them are a rarity in our time. In an essay-reasoning on the topic “What is beauty?” You can mention such examples from life or literature. However, we must admit that it is now very difficult to meet a person who is excellent in his professional activities, in communicating with others, and is healthy both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, these are the realities of the modern world - due to human activity, its appearance cannot always be called beautiful.

Essay-argument “What is beauty?”: arguments in favor of harmony

It may seem that this is too difficult for an individual. There are too many requirements to fulfill for this. However, harmony is internal consonance and balance. A person in such a state is not torn apart by internal conflicts and contradictions. And since he lives in harmony with himself, he does not destroy the harmony of the world around him - on the contrary, he becomes its creator.

Such a person, who lives in harmony with his inner world, will also demonstrate behavior that can be called aesthetic. After all, he feels the joy of his existence and cannot bring evil into the world, since it simply does not exist inside him. Now there are many different schools and directions that teach a person to agree with himself and with the world around him - for example, these are schools of meditation. However, this way to become a better person is not always suitable for our society. The Western approach - psychotherapy or independent work on oneself - may turn out to be much more effective in achieving internal harmony.

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For what?

You can often find among the OGE tasks the essay “What is beauty?” This is due to the fact that this topic makes you think about many important things, and school age is the best time for such thoughts. When writing a text, it is important to remember not only the semantic content, but also the grammar and punctuation. Don’t forget about stylistic harmony in an essay on the topic “What is beauty?” And then a good grade in the exam will be ensured.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is a popular saying dating back to the 3rd century AD. Anyone who was lucky enough to be a contemplator, I think, was convinced of this.

Shakespeare, the literary genius, expressed this idea perfectly in his 1588 play Love's Labour's Lost:

Although my beauty is mediocre,
I don't need flowery praise.
It is assessed with the eyes -
The dealer's language has nothing to do with it.

(translation by M. A. Kuzmin)

When it comes to art, some people may argue that it is not always beautiful, but in reality the same piece of art does not have to be beautiful for everyone. After all, one person's views are extremely different from another's in many aspects of life, everyone has a different understanding of peace, hope, love and happiness. And even two very close people may have different views on the same work of art. Does this mean that everything is based on individual opinion or not?

What is the world? A nice, quiet day spent with family, or a peaceful sky above? What is faith? Is it a deep conviction in something global, in the world order, or is it just the conviction that a wonderful day awaits you today?

How many people, so many opinions. Nevertheless, these concepts are based on the peculiarities of interpretation.

Beauty is a subjective concept. It is reflected in your preferences. She is what resonates in your heart.

The painting “After School” by artist Ferdinand Waldmuller reflects a range of emotions - from cheerfulness to annoyance, from aggression to tenderness, which gives viewers good food for thought.

There is a fundamental, but not necessarily correct, opinion about beauty, which supposedly should have completeness, accuracy and purity. Most often, these ideas are imposed by society.

The debate about beauty can be continued indefinitely. But we can turn to history to understand what it is and whether it has a place in art.

The most famous meanings of the word “beauty”

Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, once said a phrase in which he succinctly expressed the idea of ​​​​beauty in art: “ It is on this ability of people to become infected with the feelings of other people that the activity of art is based. If a person infects another and others directly with his appearance or the sounds he makes at the very moment he experiences a feeling, makes another person yawn when he himself yawns, or laugh, or cry when he himself laughs or cries at something, or to suffer when oneself suffers is not yet art. Art begins when a person, in order to convey to other people the feeling he has experienced, again evokes it within himself and expresses it with certain external signs <…>».

What is beauty in art?

The impact of art can be truly powerful, so much so that we can be inspired to create our own work. Some people can achieve a sense of well-being by using art as therapy. It allows them not only to relax, but also clears their thoughts, which makes solving difficult issues much easier. However, encountering works of art can also have the opposite effect. For example, some of them may make some people feel angry or even furious. The reaction of people exposed to art is unpredictable. It expresses our inner feelings, has power over our emotions, motivates us to take certain actions, and even opens our eyes to what we had not noticed before.

Johann Winckelmann, a German art critic, insisted that beauty has three basic levels:

  • Beauty of form
  • The beauty of the idea
  • The beauty of expression, which, according to him, is only possible if the first two factors are present

So, beauty should be the highest form of expression and, in turn, the main goal of art.

Famous journalist and fiction writer, Victor Cherbuliez, viewed art as an activity that

  • satisfies our innate love of images;
  • brings ideas to these images, thereby pleasing our senses, heart and mind at the same time. Beauty is just an illusion, there is nothing that can be called absolutely beautiful, but we think that what is harmonious is beautiful.

Based on this point of view, we can say that beauty is an illusion. Perhaps beauty does not exist at all, let alone absolute beauty.

Beauty is what is harmonious for us.

Art is beautiful

One way or another, you are sure that beauty has its place in art, and any of its manifestations, one way or another, influence you. Obviously, this is difficult to fully explain and understand.

Each piece of art, be it a painting, a vase or a statue, has its own unique characteristics - colors, lines and textures that resonate with your heart and your soul.

The feelings that a piece of art makes you feel will, in turn, help you decide whether it is beautiful or not.

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