What is e in a function. Graphs and basic properties of elementary functions. Benefits of online charting

We choose a rectangular coordinate system on the plane and plot the values ​​of the argument on the abscissa axis X, and on the y-axis - the values ​​of the function y = f(x).

Function Graph y = f(x) the set of all points is called, for which the abscissas belong to the domain of the function, and the ordinates are equal to the corresponding values ​​of the function.

In other words, the graph of the function y \u003d f (x) is the set of all points in the plane, the coordinates X, at which satisfy the relation y = f(x).

On fig. 45 and 46 are graphs of functions y = 2x + 1 And y \u003d x 2 - 2x.

Strictly speaking, one should distinguish between the graph of a function (the exact mathematical definition of which was given above) and the drawn curve, which always gives only a more or less accurate sketch of the graph (and even then, as a rule, not the entire graph, but only its part located in the final parts of the plane). In what follows, however, we will usually refer to "chart" rather than "chart sketch".

Using a graph, you can find the value of a function at a point. Namely, if the point x = a belongs to the scope of the function y = f(x), then to find the number f(a)(i.e. the function values ​​at the point x = a) should do so. Need through a dot with an abscissa x = a draw a straight line parallel to the y-axis; this line will intersect the graph of the function y = f(x) at one point; the ordinate of this point will be, by virtue of the definition of the graph, equal to f(a)(Fig. 47).

For example, for the function f(x) = x 2 - 2x using the graph (Fig. 46) we find f(-1) = 3, f(0) = 0, f(1) = -l, f(2) = 0, etc.

A function graph visually illustrates the behavior and properties of a function. For example, from a consideration of Fig. 46 it is clear that the function y \u003d x 2 - 2x takes positive values ​​when X< 0 and at x > 2, negative - at 0< x < 2; наименьшее значение функция y \u003d x 2 - 2x accepts at x = 1.

To plot a function f(x) you need to find all points of the plane, coordinates X,at which satisfy the equation y = f(x). In most cases, this is impossible, since there are infinitely many such points. Therefore, the graph of the function is depicted approximately - with greater or lesser accuracy. The simplest is the multi-point plotting method. It consists in the fact that the argument X give a finite number of values ​​- say, x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ,..., x k and make a table that includes the selected values ​​of the function.

The table looks like this:

Having compiled such a table, we can outline several points on the graph of the function y = f(x). Then, connecting these points with a smooth line, we get an approximate view of the graph of the function y = f(x).

However, it should be noted that the multi-point plotting method is very unreliable. In fact, the behavior of the graph between the marked points and its behavior outside the segment between the extreme points taken remains unknown.

Example 1. To plot a function y = f(x) someone compiled a table of argument and function values:

The corresponding five points are shown in Fig. 48.

Based on the location of these points, he concluded that the graph of the function is a straight line (shown in Fig. 48 by a dotted line). Can this conclusion be considered reliable? Unless there are additional considerations to support this conclusion, it can hardly be considered reliable. reliable.

To substantiate our assertion, consider the function


Calculations show that the values ​​of this function at points -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 are just described by the above table. However, the graph of this function is not at all a straight line (it is shown in Fig. 49). Another example is the function y = x + l + sinx; its meanings are also described in the table above.

These examples show that in its "pure" form, the multi-point plotting method is unreliable. Therefore, to plot a given function, as a rule, proceed as follows. First, the properties of this function are studied, with the help of which it is possible to construct a sketch of the graph. Then, by calculating the values ​​of the function at several points (the choice of which depends on the set properties of the function), the corresponding points of the graph are found. And, finally, a curve is drawn through the constructed points using the properties of this function.

We will consider some (the most simple and frequently used) properties of functions used to find a sketch of a graph later, and now we will analyze some commonly used methods for plotting graphs.

Graph of the function y = |f(x)|.

It is often necessary to plot a function y = |f(x)|, where f(x) - given function. Recall how this is done. By definition of the absolute value of a number, one can write

This means that the graph of the function y=|f(x)| can be obtained from the graph, functions y = f(x) as follows: all points of the graph of the function y = f(x), whose ordinates are non-negative, should be left unchanged; further, instead of the points of the graph of the function y = f(x), having negative coordinates, one should construct the corresponding points of the graph of the function y = -f(x)(i.e. part of the function graph
y = f(x), which lies below the axis X, should be reflected symmetrically about the axis X).

Example 2 Plot a function y = |x|.

We take the graph of the function y = x(Fig. 50, a) and part of this graph with X< 0 (lying under the axis X) is symmetrically reflected about the axis X. As a result, we get the graph of the function y = |x|(Fig. 50, b).

Example 3. Plot a function y = |x 2 - 2x|.

First we plot the function y = x 2 - 2x. The graph of this function is a parabola, the branches of which are directed upwards, the top of the parabola has coordinates (1; -1), its graph intersects the abscissa axis at points 0 and 2. On the interval (0; 2) the function takes negative values, therefore this part of the graph reflect symmetrically about the x-axis. Figure 51 shows a graph of the function y \u003d |x 2 -2x |, based on the graph of the function y = x 2 - 2x

Graph of the function y = f(x) + g(x)

Consider the problem of plotting the function y = f(x) + g(x). if graphs of functions are given y = f(x) And y = g(x).

Note that the domain of the function y = |f(x) + g(х)| is the set of all those values ​​of x for which both functions y = f(x) and y = g(x) are defined, i.e. this domain of definition is the intersection of the domains of definition, the functions f(x) and g(x).

Let the points (x 0, y 1) And (x 0, y 2) respectively belong to the function graphs y = f(x) And y = g(x), i.e. y 1 \u003d f (x 0), y 2 \u003d g (x 0). Then the point (x0;. y1 + y2) belongs to the graph of the function y = f(x) + g(x)(for f(x 0) + g(x 0) = y 1+y2),. and any point of the graph of the function y = f(x) + g(x) can be obtained in this way. Therefore, the graph of the function y = f(x) + g(x) can be obtained from function graphs y = f(x). And y = g(x) by replacing each point ( x n, y 1) function graphics y = f(x) dot (x n, y 1 + y 2), Where y 2 = g(x n), i.e., by shifting each point ( x n, y 1) function graph y = f(x) along the axis at by the amount y 1 \u003d g (x n). In this case, only such points are considered. X n for which both functions are defined y = f(x) And y = g(x).

This method of plotting a function graph y = f(x) + g(x) is called the addition of graphs of functions y = f(x) And y = g(x)

Example 4. In the figure, by the method of adding graphs, a graph of the function is constructed
y = x + sinx.

When plotting a function y = x + sinx we assumed that f(x) = x, A g(x) = sinx. To build a function graph, we select points with abscissas -1.5π, -, -0.5, 0, 0.5,, 1.5, 2. Values f(x) = x, g(x) = sinx, y = x + sinx we will calculate at the selected points and place the results in the table.

1. Linear fractional function and its graph

A function of the form y = P(x) / Q(x), where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials, is called a fractional rational function.

You are probably already familiar with the concept of rational numbers. Similarly rational functions are functions that can be represented as a quotient of two polynomials.

If a fractional rational function is a quotient of two linear functions - polynomials of the first degree, i.e. view function

y = (ax + b) / (cx + d), then it is called fractional linear.

Note that in the function y = (ax + b) / (cx + d), c ≠ 0 (otherwise the function becomes linear y = ax/d + b/d) and that a/c ≠ b/d (otherwise the function is a constant ). The linear-fractional function is defined for all real numbers, except for x = -d/c. Graphs of linear-fractional functions do not differ in form from the graph you know y = 1/x. The curve that is the graph of the function y = 1/x is called hyperbole. With an unlimited increase in x in absolute value, the function y = 1/x decreases indefinitely in absolute value and both branches of the graph approach the abscissa axis: the right one approaches from above, and the left one approaches from below. The lines approached by the branches of a hyperbola are called its asymptotes.

Example 1

y = (2x + 1) / (x - 3).


Let's select the integer part: (2x + 1) / (x - 3) = 2 + 7 / (x - 3).

Now it is easy to see that the graph of this function is obtained from the graph of the function y = 1/x by the following transformations: shift by 3 unit segments to the right, stretch along the Oy axis by 7 times and shift by 2 unit segments up.

Any fraction y = (ax + b) / (cx + d) can be written in the same way, highlighting the “whole part”. Consequently, the graphs of all linear-fractional functions are hyperbolas shifted along the coordinate axes in various ways and stretched along the Oy axis.

To plot a graph of some arbitrary linear-fractional function, it is not at all necessary to transform the fraction that defines this function. Since we know that the graph is a hyperbola, it will be enough to find the lines to which its branches approach - the hyperbola asymptotes x = -d/c and y = a/c.

Example 2

Find the asymptotes of the graph of the function y = (3x + 5)/(2x + 2).


The function is not defined, when x = -1. Hence, the line x = -1 serves as a vertical asymptote. To find the horizontal asymptote, let's find out what the values ​​of the function y(x) approach when the argument x increases in absolute value.

To do this, we divide the numerator and denominator of the fraction by x:

y = (3 + 5/x) / (2 + 2/x).

As x → ∞ the fraction tends to 3/2. Hence, the horizontal asymptote is the straight line y = 3/2.

Example 3

Plot the function y = (2x + 1)/(x + 1).


We select the “whole part” of the fraction:

(2x + 1) / (x + 1) = (2x + 2 - 1) / (x + 1) = 2(x + 1) / (x + 1) - 1/(x + 1) =

2 – 1/(x + 1).

Now it is easy to see that the graph of this function is obtained from the graph of the function y = 1/x by the following transformations: a shift of 1 unit to the left, a symmetric display with respect to Ox, and a shift of 2 unit intervals up along the Oy axis.

Domain of definition D(y) = (-∞; -1)ᴗ(-1; +∞).

Range of values ​​E(y) = (-∞; 2)ᴗ(2; +∞).

Intersection points with axes: c Oy: (0; 1); c Ox: (-1/2; 0). The function increases on each of the intervals of the domain of definition.

Answer: figure 1.

2. Fractional-rational function

Consider a fractional rational function of the form y = P(x) / Q(x), where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials of degree higher than the first.

Examples of such rational functions:

y \u003d (x 3 - 5x + 6) / (x 7 - 6) or y \u003d (x - 2) 2 (x + 1) / (x 2 + 3).

If the function y = P(x) / Q(x) is a quotient of two polynomials of degree higher than the first, then its graph will, as a rule, be more complicated, and it can sometimes be difficult to build it exactly, with all the details. However, it is often enough to apply techniques similar to those with which we have already met above.

Let the fraction be proper (n< m). Известно, что любую несократимую рациональную дробь можно представить, и притом единственным образом, в виде суммы конечного числа элементарных дробей, вид которых определяется разложением знаменателя дроби Q(x) в произведение действительных сомножителей:

P(x) / Q(x) \u003d A 1 / (x - K 1) m1 + A 2 / (x - K 1) m1-1 + ... + A m1 / (x - K 1) + ... +

L 1 /(x – K s) ms + L 2 /(x – K s) ms-1 + … + L ms /(x – K s) + …+

+ (B 1 x + C 1) / (x 2 +p 1 x + q 1) m1 + … + (B m1 x + C m1) / (x 2 +p 1 x + q 1) + …+

+ (M 1 x + N 1) / (x 2 + p t x + q t) m1 + ... + (M m1 x + N m1) / (x 2 + p t x + q t).

Obviously, the graph of a fractional rational function can be obtained as the sum of graphs of elementary fractions.

Plotting fractional rational functions

Consider several ways to plot a fractional-rational function.

Example 4

Plot the function y = 1/x 2 .


We use the graph of the function y \u003d x 2 to plot the graph y \u003d 1 / x 2 and use the method of "dividing" the graphs.

Domain D(y) = (-∞; 0)ᴗ(0; +∞).

Range of values ​​E(y) = (0; +∞).

There are no points of intersection with the axes. The function is even. Increases for all x from the interval (-∞; 0), decreases for x from 0 to +∞.

Answer: figure 2.

Example 5

Plot the function y = (x 2 - 4x + 3) / (9 - 3x).


Domain D(y) = (-∞; 3)ᴗ(3; +∞).

y \u003d (x 2 - 4x + 3) / (9 - 3x) \u003d (x - 3) (x - 1) / (-3 (x - 3)) \u003d - (x - 1) / 3 \u003d -x / 3 + 1/3.

Here we used the technique of factoring, reduction and reduction to a linear function.

Answer: figure 3.

Example 6

Plot the function y \u003d (x 2 - 1) / (x 2 + 1).


The domain of definition is D(y) = R. Since the function is even, the graph is symmetrical about the y-axis. Before plotting, we again transform the expression by highlighting the integer part:

y \u003d (x 2 - 1) / (x 2 + 1) \u003d 1 - 2 / (x 2 + 1).

Note that the selection of the integer part in the formula of a fractional-rational function is one of the main ones when plotting graphs.

If x → ±∞, then y → 1, i.e., the line y = 1 is a horizontal asymptote.

Answer: figure 4.

Example 7

Consider the function y = x/(x 2 + 1) and try to find exactly its largest value, i.e. the highest point on the right half of the graph. To accurately build this graph, today's knowledge is not enough. It is obvious that our curve cannot "climb" very high, since the denominator quickly begins to “overtake” the numerator. Let's see if the value of the function can be equal to 1. To do this, you need to solve the equation x 2 + 1 \u003d x, x 2 - x + 1 \u003d 0. This equation has no real roots. So our assumption is wrong. To find the largest value of the function, you need to find out for which largest A the equation A \u003d x / (x 2 + 1) will have a solution. Let's replace the original equation with a quadratic one: Ax 2 - x + A \u003d 0. This equation has a solution when 1 - 4A 2 ≥ 0. From here we find the largest value A \u003d 1/2.

Answer: Figure 5, max y(x) = ½.

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On the domain of the power function y = x p, the following formulas hold:
; ;
; ;
; ;
; .

Properties of power functions and their graphs

Power function with exponent equal to zero, p = 0

If the exponent of the power function y = x p is equal to zero, p = 0 , then the power function is defined for all x ≠ 0 and is constant, equal to one:
y \u003d x p \u003d x 0 \u003d 1, x ≠ 0.

Power function with natural odd exponent, p = n = 1, 3, 5, ...

Consider a power function y = x p = x n with natural odd exponent n = 1, 3, 5, ... . Such an indicator can also be written as: n = 2k + 1, where k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... is a non-negative integer. Below are the properties and graphs of such functions.

Graph of a power function y = x n with a natural odd exponent for various values ​​of the exponent n = 1, 3, 5, ... .

Domain: -∞ < x < ∞
Multiple values: -∞ < y < ∞
Parity: odd, y(-x) = - y(x)
Monotone: increases monotonically
Extremes: No
at -∞< x < 0 выпукла вверх
at 0< x < ∞ выпукла вниз
Breakpoints: x=0, y=0
x=0, y=0
Private values:
at x = -1,
y(-1) = (-1) n ≡ (-1) 2k+1 = -1
for x = 0, y(0) = 0 n = 0
for x = 1, y(1) = 1 n = 1
Reverse function:
for n = 1 , the function is inverse to itself: x = y
for n ≠ 1, the inverse function is a root of degree n:

Power function with natural even exponent, p = n = 2, 4, 6, ...

Consider a power function y = x p = x n with natural even exponent n = 2, 4, 6, ... . Such an indicator can also be written as: n = 2k, where k = 1, 2, 3, ... is a natural number. The properties and graphs of such functions are given below.

Graph of a power function y = x n with a natural even exponent for various values ​​of the exponent n = 2, 4, 6, ... .

Domain: -∞ < x < ∞
Multiple values: 0 ≤ y< ∞
Parity: even, y(-x) = y(x)
for x ≤ 0 monotonically decreases
for x ≥ 0 monotonically increases
Extremes: minimum, x=0, y=0
Convex: convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: x=0, y=0
Private values:
for x = -1, y(-1) = (-1) n ≡ (-1) 2k = 1
for x = 0, y(0) = 0 n = 0
for x = 1, y(1) = 1 n = 1
Reverse function:
for n = 2, square root:
for n ≠ 2, root of degree n:

Power function with integer negative exponent, p = n = -1, -2, -3, ...

Consider a power function y = x p = x n with a negative integer exponent n = -1, -2, -3, ... . If we put n = -k, where k = 1, 2, 3, ... is a natural number, then it can be represented as:

Graph of a power function y = x n with a negative integer exponent for various values ​​of the exponent n = -1, -2, -3, ... .

Odd exponent, n = -1, -3, -5, ...

Below are the properties of the function y = x n with an odd negative exponent n = -1, -3, -5, ... .

Domain: x ≠ 0
Multiple values: y ≠ 0
Parity: odd, y(-x) = - y(x)
Monotone: decreases monotonically
Extremes: No
at x< 0 : выпукла вверх
for x > 0 : convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: No
at x< 0, y < 0
for x > 0, y > 0
; ; ;
Private values:
for x = 1, y(1) = 1 n = 1
Reverse function:
for n = -1,
for n< -2 ,

Even exponent, n = -2, -4, -6, ...

Below are the properties of the function y = x n with an even negative exponent n = -2, -4, -6, ... .

Domain: x ≠ 0
Multiple values: y > 0
Parity: even, y(-x) = y(x)
at x< 0 : монотонно возрастает
for x > 0 : monotonically decreasing
Extremes: No
Convex: convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: No
Sign: y > 0
; ; ;
Private values:
for x = 1, y(1) = 1 n = 1
Reverse function:
for n = -2,
for n< -2 ,

Power function with rational (fractional) exponent

Consider a power function y = x p with a rational (fractional) exponent , where n is an integer, m > 1 is a natural number. Moreover, n, m do not have common divisors.

The denominator of the fractional indicator is odd

Let the denominator of the fractional exponent be odd: m = 3, 5, 7, ... . In this case, the power function x p is defined for both positive and negative x values. Consider the properties of such power functions when the exponent p is within certain limits.

p is negative, p< 0

Let the rational exponent (with odd denominator m = 3, 5, 7, ... ) be less than zero: .

Graphs of exponential functions with a rational negative exponent for various values ​​of the exponent , where m = 3, 5, 7, ... is odd.

Odd numerator, n = -1, -3, -5, ...

Here are the properties of the power function y = x p with a rational negative exponent , where n = -1, -3, -5, ... is an odd negative integer, m = 3, 5, 7 ... is an odd natural number.

Domain: x ≠ 0
Multiple values: y ≠ 0
Parity: odd, y(-x) = - y(x)
Monotone: decreases monotonically
Extremes: No
at x< 0 : выпукла вверх
for x > 0 : convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: No
at x< 0, y < 0
for x > 0, y > 0
; ; ;
Private values:
for x = -1, y(-1) = (-1) n = -1
for x = 1, y(1) = 1 n = 1
Reverse function:

Even numerator, n = -2, -4, -6, ...

Properties of a power function y = x p with a rational negative exponent, where n = -2, -4, -6, ... is an even negative integer, m = 3, 5, 7 ... is an odd natural number.

Domain: x ≠ 0
Multiple values: y > 0
Parity: even, y(-x) = y(x)
at x< 0 : монотонно возрастает
for x > 0 : monotonically decreasing
Extremes: No
Convex: convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: No
Sign: y > 0
; ; ;
Private values:
for x = -1, y(-1) = (-1) n = 1
for x = 1, y(1) = 1 n = 1
Reverse function:

The p-value is positive, less than one, 0< p < 1

Graph of a power function with a rational exponent (0< p < 1 ) при различных значениях показателя степени , где m = 3, 5, 7, ... - нечетное.

Odd numerator, n = 1, 3, 5, ...

< p < 1 , где n = 1, 3, 5, ... - нечетное натуральное, m = 3, 5, 7 ... - нечетное натуральное.

Domain: -∞ < x < +∞
Multiple values: -∞ < y < +∞
Parity: odd, y(-x) = - y(x)
Monotone: increases monotonically
Extremes: No
at x< 0 : выпукла вниз
for x > 0 : convex up
Breakpoints: x=0, y=0
Intersection points with coordinate axes: x=0, y=0
at x< 0, y < 0
for x > 0, y > 0
Private values:
for x = -1, y(-1) = -1
for x = 0, y(0) = 0
for x = 1, y(1) = 1
Reverse function:

Even numerator, n = 2, 4, 6, ...

The properties of the power function y = x p with a rational exponent , being within 0 are presented.< p < 1 , где n = 2, 4, 6, ... - четное натуральное, m = 3, 5, 7 ... - нечетное натуральное.

Domain: -∞ < x < +∞
Multiple values: 0 ≤ y< +∞
Parity: even, y(-x) = y(x)
at x< 0 : монотонно убывает
for x > 0 : monotonically increasing
Extremes: minimum at x = 0, y = 0
Convex: convex upward at x ≠ 0
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: x=0, y=0
Sign: for x ≠ 0, y > 0
Private values:
for x = -1, y(-1) = 1
for x = 0, y(0) = 0
for x = 1, y(1) = 1
Reverse function:

The exponent p is greater than one, p > 1

Graph of a power function with a rational exponent (p > 1 ) for various values ​​of the exponent , where m = 3, 5, 7, ... is odd.

Odd numerator, n = 5, 7, 9, ...

Properties of a power function y = x p with a rational exponent greater than one: . Where n = 5, 7, 9, ... is an odd natural number, m = 3, 5, 7 ... is an odd natural number.

Domain: -∞ < x < ∞
Multiple values: -∞ < y < ∞
Parity: odd, y(-x) = - y(x)
Monotone: increases monotonically
Extremes: No
at -∞< x < 0 выпукла вверх
at 0< x < ∞ выпукла вниз
Breakpoints: x=0, y=0
Intersection points with coordinate axes: x=0, y=0
Private values:
for x = -1, y(-1) = -1
for x = 0, y(0) = 0
for x = 1, y(1) = 1
Reverse function:

Even numerator, n = 4, 6, 8, ...

Properties of a power function y = x p with a rational exponent greater than one: . Where n = 4, 6, 8, ... is an even natural number, m = 3, 5, 7 ... is an odd natural number.

Domain: -∞ < x < ∞
Multiple values: 0 ≤ y< ∞
Parity: even, y(-x) = y(x)
at x< 0 монотонно убывает
for x > 0 monotonically increases
Extremes: minimum at x = 0, y = 0
Convex: convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: x=0, y=0
Private values:
for x = -1, y(-1) = 1
for x = 0, y(0) = 0
for x = 1, y(1) = 1
Reverse function:

The denominator of the fractional indicator is even

Let the denominator of the fractional exponent be even: m = 2, 4, 6, ... . In this case, the power function x p is not defined for negative values ​​of the argument. Its properties coincide with those of a power function with an irrational exponent (see the next section).

Power function with irrational exponent

Consider a power function y = x p with an irrational exponent p . The properties of such functions differ from those considered above in that they are not defined for negative values ​​of the x argument. For positive values ​​of the argument, the properties depend only on the value of the exponent p and do not depend on whether p is integer, rational, or irrational.

y = x p for different values ​​of the exponent p .

Power function with negative p< 0

Domain: x > 0
Multiple values: y > 0
Monotone: decreases monotonically
Convex: convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: No
Limits: ;
private value: For x = 1, y(1) = 1 p = 1

Power function with positive exponent p > 0

The indicator is less than one 0< p < 1

Domain: x ≥ 0
Multiple values: y ≥ 0
Monotone: increases monotonically
Convex: convex up
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: x=0, y=0
Private values: For x = 0, y(0) = 0 p = 0 .
For x = 1, y(1) = 1 p = 1

The indicator is greater than one p > 1

Domain: x ≥ 0
Multiple values: y ≥ 0
Monotone: increases monotonically
Convex: convex down
Breakpoints: No
Intersection points with coordinate axes: x=0, y=0
Private values: For x = 0, y(0) = 0 p = 0 .
For x = 1, y(1) = 1 p = 1

I.N. Bronstein, K.A. Semendyaev, Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Students of Higher Educational Institutions, Lan, 2009.

See also:

The length of the segment on the coordinate axis is found by the formula:

The length of the segment on the coordinate plane is sought by the formula:

To find the length of a segment in a three-dimensional coordinate system, the following formula is used:

The coordinates of the middle of the segment (for the coordinate axis only the first formula is used, for the coordinate plane - the first two formulas, for the three-dimensional coordinate system - all three formulas) are calculated by the formulas:

Function is a correspondence of the form y= f(x) between variables, due to which each considered value of some variable x(argument or independent variable) corresponds to a certain value of another variable, y(dependent variable, sometimes this value is simply called the value of the function). Note that the function assumes that one value of the argument X there can only be one value of the dependent variable at. However, the same value at can be obtained with various X.

Function scope are all values ​​of the independent variable (function argument, usually X) for which the function is defined, i.e. its meaning exists. The domain of definition is indicated D(y). By and large, you are already familiar with this concept. The scope of a function is otherwise called the domain of valid values, or ODZ, which you have been able to find for a long time.

Function range are all possible values ​​of the dependent variable of this function. Denoted E(at).

Function rises on the interval on which the larger value of the argument corresponds to the larger value of the function. Function Decreasing on the interval on which the larger value of the argument corresponds to the smaller value of the function.

Function intervals are the intervals of the independent variable at which the dependent variable retains its positive or negative sign.

Function zeros are those values ​​of the argument for which the value of the function is equal to zero. At these points, the graph of the function intersects the abscissa axis (OX axis). Very often, the need to find the zeros of a function means simply solving the equation. Also, often the need to find intervals of constant sign means the need to simply solve the inequality.

Function y = f(x) are called even X

This means that for any opposite values ​​of the argument, the values ​​of the even function are equal. The graph of an even function is always symmetrical about the y-axis of the op-amp.

Function y = f(x) are called odd, if it is defined on a symmetric set and for any X from the domain of definition the equality is fulfilled:

This means that for any opposite values ​​of the argument, the values ​​of the odd function are also opposite. The graph of an odd function is always symmetrical about the origin.

The sum of the roots of even and odd functions (points of intersection of the abscissa axis OX) is always equal to zero, because for every positive root X has a negative root X.

It is important to note that some function does not have to be even or odd. There are many functions that are neither even nor odd. Such functions are called general functions, and none of the above equalities or properties hold for them.

Linear function is called a function that can be given by the formula:

The graph of a linear function is a straight line and in the general case looks like this (an example is given for the case when k> 0, in this case the function is increasing; for the occasion k < 0 функция будет убывающей, т.е. прямая будет наклонена в другую сторону - слева направо):

Graph of Quadratic Function (Parabola)

The graph of a parabola is given by a quadratic function:

A quadratic function, like any other function, intersects the OX axis at the points that are its roots: ( x 1 ; 0) and ( x 2; 0). If there are no roots, then the quadratic function does not intersect the OX axis, if there is one root, then at this point ( x 0; 0) the quadratic function only touches the OX axis, but does not intersect it. A quadratic function always intersects the OY axis at a point with coordinates: (0; c). The graph of a quadratic function (parabola) may look like this (the figure shows examples that far from exhaust all possible types of parabolas):


  • if the coefficient a> 0, in the function y = ax 2 + bx + c, then the branches of the parabola are directed upwards;
  • if a < 0, то ветви параболы направлены вниз.

Parabola vertex coordinates can be calculated using the following formulas. X tops (p- in the figures above) of a parabola (or the point at which the square trinomial reaches its maximum or minimum value):

Y tops (q- in the figures above) of a parabola or the maximum if the branches of the parabola are directed downwards ( a < 0), либо минимальное, если ветви параболы направлены вверх (a> 0), the value of the square trinomial:

Graphs of other functions

power function

Here are some examples of graphs of power functions:

Inversely proportional dependence call the function given by the formula:

Depending on the sign of the number k An inversely proportional graph can have two fundamental options:

Asymptote is the line to which the line of the graph of the function approaches infinitely close, but does not intersect. The asymptotes for the inverse proportionality graphs shown in the figure above are the coordinate axes, to which the graph of the function approaches infinitely close, but does not intersect them.

exponential function with base A call the function given by the formula:

a the graph of an exponential function can have two fundamental options (we will also give examples, see below):

logarithmic function call the function given by the formula:

Depending on whether the number is greater or less than one a The graph of a logarithmic function can have two fundamental options:

Function Graph y = |x| as follows:

Graphs of periodic (trigonometric) functions

Function at = f(x) is called periodical, if there exists such a non-zero number T, What f(x + T) = f(x), for anyone X out of function scope f(x). If the function f(x) is periodic with period T, then the function:

Where: A, k, b are constant numbers, and k not equal to zero, also periodic with a period T 1 , which is determined by the formula:

Most examples of periodic functions are trigonometric functions. Here are the graphs of the main trigonometric functions. The following figure shows part of the graph of the function y= sin x(the whole graph continues indefinitely to the left and right), the graph of the function y= sin x called sinusoid:

Function Graph y= cos x called cosine wave. This graph is shown in the following figure. Since the graph of the sine, it continues indefinitely along the OX axis to the left and to the right:

Function Graph y=tg x called tangentoid. This graph is shown in the following figure. Like the graphs of other periodic functions, this graph repeats indefinitely along the OX axis to the left and to the right.

And finally, the graph of the function y=ctg x called cotangentoid. This graph is shown in the following figure. Like the graphs of other periodic and trigonometric functions, this graph repeats indefinitely along the OX axis to the left and to the right.

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How to successfully prepare for the CT in Physics and Mathematics?

In order to successfully prepare for the CT in Physics and Mathematics, among other things, three critical conditions must be met:

  1. Study all the topics and complete all the tests and tasks given in the study materials on this site. To do this, you need nothing at all, namely: to devote three to four hours every day to preparing for the CT in physics and mathematics, studying theory and solving problems. The fact is that the DT is an exam where it is not enough just to know physics or mathematics, you also need to be able to quickly and without failures solve a large number of problems on various topics and varying complexity. The latter can only be learned by solving thousands of problems.
  2. Learn all formulas and laws in physics, and formulas and methods in mathematics. In fact, it is also very simple to do this, there are only about 200 necessary formulas in physics, and even a little less in mathematics. In each of these subjects there are about a dozen standard methods for solving problems of a basic level of complexity, which can also be learned, and thus, completely automatically and without difficulty, solve most of the digital transformation at the right time. After that, you will only have to think about the most difficult tasks.
  3. Attend all three stages of rehearsal testing in physics and mathematics. Each RT can be visited twice to solve both options. Again, on the CT, in addition to the ability to quickly and efficiently solve problems, and the knowledge of formulas and methods, it is also necessary to be able to properly plan time, distribute forces, and most importantly fill out the answer form correctly, without confusing either the numbers of answers and tasks, or your own name. Also, during the RT, it is important to get used to the style of posing questions in tasks, which may seem very unusual to an unprepared person on the DT.

Successful, diligent and responsible fulfillment of these three points, as well as responsible study of the final training tests, will allow you to show an excellent result on the CT, the maximum of what you are capable of.

Found an error?

If you, as it seems to you, have found an error in the training materials, then please write about it by e-mail (). In the letter, indicate the subject (physics or mathematics), the name or number of the topic or test, the number of the task, or the place in the text (page) where, in your opinion, there is an error. Also describe what the alleged error is. Your letter will not go unnoticed, the error will either be corrected, or you will be explained why it is not a mistake.

Build a function

We bring to your attention a service for plotting function graphs online, all rights to which belong to the company Desmos. Use the left column to enter functions. You can enter manually or using the virtual keyboard at the bottom of the window. To enlarge the chart window, you can hide both the left column and the virtual keyboard.

Benefits of online charting

  • Visual display of introduced functions
  • Building very complex graphs
  • Plotting implicitly defined graphs (e.g. ellipse x^2/9+y^2/16=1)
  • The ability to save charts and get a link to them, which becomes available to everyone on the Internet
  • Scale control, line color
  • The ability to plot graphs by points, the use of constants
  • Construction of several graphs of functions at the same time
  • Plotting in polar coordinates (use r and θ(\theta))

With us it is easy to build graphs of varying complexity online. The construction is done instantly. The service is in demand for finding intersection points of functions, for displaying graphs for their further transfer to a Word document as illustrations for solving problems, for analyzing the behavioral features of function graphs. The best browser for working with charts on this page of the site is Google Chrome. When using other browsers, correct operation is not guaranteed.