British cuisine in English. Topic “British cuisine. Crumpets - sweet cakes

From vinegar - they bite, - continued Alice thoughtfully, - from mustard - they are upset, from onions - they are cunning, from wine - they blame, and from baking - they become kinder. What a pity that no one knows about this ... Everything would be so simple. Eat a muffin - and dobrel!

Lewis Carroll

Traditionally British food is associated with fish and chips (fish and chips), classic teatime (teatime), as well as oatmeal for breakfast - where without it. We'll show you nine unusual British dishes, as well as teach you how to prepare a traditional English breakfast so that your every morning will be spent on the imaginary banks of the Thames.

First, let's watch a video in which the charming Kate Arnell - a British blogger - will tell us about the real cuisine of her country.

grub (colloquial)food
blandfresh, tasteless
a takeawaytakeaway, takeaway
scrumptious (colloquial)very tasty
gooey /ˈɡuːi/ (colloquial)sticky, sticky
crustywith crispy hard crust
succulent /ˈsʌkjələnt/juicy and tasty
stodgyheavy (of food)

1. Scotch eggs - Scottish eggs

Scotch eggs are the perfect picnic item. More precisely, for those who are ready to tinker with preparing dishes for a feast in nature. These are hard-boiled eggs that are wrapped (wrapped) in minced meat, topped with breadcrumbs (covered in breadcrumbs) and deep-fried.

If you want to give this dish a try, the Food Wishes vlog has a recipe from a British chef. According to him, the Scots borrowed this dish from the Indians.

to boilcook
on high heaton high fire
hard-boiledhard boiled
a yolkyolk
dry mustardmustard powder
an ounceounce (= 28.35 g)

2. Savory pies - savory pies

American Pie is the most commonly sticky and crunchy sweet pie from the world famous fast food chain. The British are more fond of savory pastries. And it extends beyond standard pot pies.

Culinary portal Saveur offers several recipes for British pies, from which you can’t even take your eyes off:

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with useful words - they will come in handy when choosing a recipe.

a crawfishcrayfish
to mincecut into small pieces, pass through a meat grinder
chicken stockchicken broth base
a crustcrispy crust
custardsweet custard
pungentspicy, spicy
a garlic clovegarlic clove
to chopcut, chop, chop
bay leavesbay leaves
a cottage-pieshepherd's pie (flaky minced meat casserole topped with mashed potatoes)
heavy creamheavy cream

We also want to tell you about Cornish pasties. They look like our Russian pies. A typical filling is meat and vegetables. We invite you to familiarize yourself with The Guardian video recipe. We trust this respected publication in all matters, including in cooking.

pliableflexible, plastic
sauteedsautéed, lightly fried
to seasonseason with (salt, spices)

3. Bangers and mash - sausages with mashed potatoes

A very simple and tasty dish for every day - bangers and mash. These are pork sausages with mashed potatoes and onion gravy. The name bangers comes from the word a bang (explosion), as they quickly explode in a hot frying pan. This dish is often served in gastropubs in London. In the kitchens of the British, it supposedly came from Rome, and now they are so obsessed with mashed sausages that they even founded the British Sausage Appreciation Society, which holds an annual holiday in honor of bangers and mash.

We are sure that everyone knows how to boil sausages and make mashed potatoes, but we invite you to see how the British cook this dish.

a panpan
a/the rolling boilboiling water
to slicecut into slices
cheat meal (here)diet violation
watercresswatercress, watercress

4. Curry - curry

Curry is not a traditionally British dish. But the British used to take everything from their colonies. Including they borrowed Indian cuisine. The British edition of The Telegraph has selected 10 curry recipes for you.

butter chickenchicken in creamy tomato sauce
a prawnbig shrimp
a lentillentils

5. Crumpets - rich cakes

Crumpets are a cross between a pancake and an English muffin. The dough is porous and resembles honeycombs. Therefore, if you want to make a delicacy out of this dish, just spread the cakes with butter: it will melt (to melt) and spread over the "honeycomb".

a tartpie with fruit, berries or jam
a shelf lifebest before date
to digestdigest food
to whipwhip
to sievesift

8. Scones - wheat buns

Traditional English scones are served with tea with jam or clotted cream. In Devonshire, cream is put in first, then jam. In Cornwall the opposite is true.

Jamie Oliver will tell us how to make such buns.

to dicecut into cubes
dried fruitsdried fruits
a cranberrycranberry
to roll outroll out (dough)

9. Gammon - pork ham

Gammon is a classic British pub treat. Smoked pork ham fillet topped with a fried egg or a pineapple slice. Served with fried potatoes and peas. The British love to cook this dish at Christmas.

bone-inwith bone
a gooseberrygooseberry
mouth wateringappetizing, salivating

Full English breakfast

Let's talk about the classic British breakfast. It is called fry-up, the full English or the full Monty. The main components (essential elements) are bacon with layers of fats (streaky bacon) or sausages (sausages). A British breakfast is not complete without a slice of toasted bread (toast), cooked in lard and butter. Another important ingredient is fried eggs.

Complements the dish (to anchor the meal) with a handful of stewed beans (baked beans). Optionally add mushrooms (mushrooms), potatoes and tomatoes - both stewed (stewed tomatoes) and fried tomatoes are suitable. Gourmets can also be offered fried blood (black pudding) or liverwurst (white pudding), lamb kidneys (a lamb kidney) and even smoked herring (a kipper).

We offer you a recipe from the SORTEDfood channel.

Got an appetite? Let's take a little test, and then we'll go cook something typically British for our relatives and friends.

Test on the topic "British cuisine, which you did not know about yet"

The phrase "typical English cuisine" means little to most people, and Traditional English Food tends to be consistently associated with the famous "oatmeal, sir!"

Tourists often limit themselves to dining in establishments focused on the culinary traditions of other countries, and quickly conclude that the local cuisine is simple and lacks variety. However, a more curious traveler who wonders what food is worth trying in England will certainly discover many famous and delicious national dishes.

Some of them may seem simple at first glance, but quite unusual upon closer acquaintance. An interesting highlight of modern England is the combination of conservative traditions with vibrant Indian culture, which is also reflected in cooking.

Fish and French fries (Fish and Chips)

Fish and French fries, or "fish and chips", is the most popular and well-known English dish today.

In the country, this typical food can be tasted literally everywhere: from pubs to expensive restaurants. It is even called the unofficial national dish.

Fish and Chips is the first fast food to be delivered to your home in England. It happened in 1935.

The famous dish is nothing more than fish and potatoes deep-fried in lard or vegetable oils. A feature of cooking is the use of a special batter prepared with the addition of.

Cod appears in the traditional recipe, but now the British often replace it with haddock, pollock, halibut, flounder. In some restaurants, you can even try an unusual version of "fish and chips" cooked to order - if you first choose your favorite type of fish from the offered assortment.

Meat and kidney pudding (Steak and kidney pudding)

The first mention of this famous national dish dates back to the 19th century. It was at that time that various variations of the pudding, quite traditional for England, began to appear. Then he was not associated with, but was a typical English hearty meal for ordinary people.

Known in England, Steak and kidney pudding is made from chopped beef chop and pieces of sheep or pork kidneys. The lard-based dough is mixed with meat ingredients, onions and a small amount of bone broth. The dish is steamed for about 4 hours. Put mashed potatoes, vegetables and pudding on a plate. The food is served hot.

This simple and at the same time popular dish allows you to get an idea of ​​the culinary preferences of ordinary Englishmen who lived a couple of centuries ago.

Leicestershire pork pie (Melton Mowbray pork pie)

The famous Leicestershire pork pie is a traditional English food from Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire.

The dish is officially recognized as the culinary heritage of the region and is prepared according to a strictly defined recipe. The country even has a special organization Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Association, which controls the production and distribution of this pie.

Before becoming one of the national dishes of England, Melton Mowbray pork pie was a typical meal in the diet of ordinary hard workers. An unusual pie hit the table of the nobility in the 18th century, after noble people got hungry during the hunt and did not disdain to try the food of the servants. Its satiety and taste were appreciated, and with minor changes, the recipe for this famous pie has survived to this day.

A typical filling for Melton Mowbray pork is finely minced pork, which is then wrapped in a dough kneaded with water. The traditional cake is baked without the use of special forms and therefore turns out to be somewhat irregular and unsightly in appearance. Outwardly, it resembles an onion, expanded from top to bottom.

Interestingly, for the preparation of this famous dish, the British take only the freshest and most natural pork meat grown without the addition of antibiotics and artificial ingredients to the feed.

"Toad in the hole" (Toad in the hole / Sausage Toad)

Despite the unusual name, frogs are not part of this typical English meal. It is not known for certain why in the country it began to be called that way. Some even suggest that the funny name is associated with the type of sausages that peek out a little from the recesses in the dough.

The first mention of this now popular English dish dates back to the middle of the 18th century. Then, not sausages, but meat, including even whole plucked pigeons, were added to Toad in the hole. One of these unusual recipes was called "Pigeons in a mink."

Toad in the hole these days, pork sausages are taken and baked in a Yorkshire pudding batter. The dish is fluffy, light and very tasty! It is served at the table with vegetables and onion sauce. Any British hostess can cook such typical English food in her kitchen.


Kedgeree can be attributed to those unusual English dishes, the history of which is firmly connected with the traditions of Indian national cuisine. It is believed that in England they took kitchari - stewed rice with the addition of spices and vegetables fried in oil.

The unusualness of this dish known to every Englishman lies in the way that conservative British cuisine has modified the dish of a distant and alien culture “for itself”, so that today it has become familiar and dear.

Only rice, vegetables and spices remained from the original kitchari in Kedgeree. The British diversified the popular dish by adding pieces of boiled fish (usually haddock), parsley, hard-boiled eggs, cream and raisins.

Until now, there is no generally accepted national recipe for Kedgeree, so in England you can try it with various types of fish (tuna, salmon) and vegetables. A typical kedgeree is served most often hot, usually with breakfast or lunch.

Oxtail soup

As the name suggests, this traditional English food is made from very unusual offal. It is believed that the famous oxtail soup was invented in the 17th century in the East End of London by people from Flanders. They used ingredients that they could afford financially for cooking.

Cuisines of different peoples of the world offer to try their variations of Oxtail soup. It is prepared in Germany and other countries.

The process of preparing a popular soup usually begins a day before serving. Chopped tails are fried, then added to vegetable broth and boiled for 3 hours. Then put the pan in the refrigerator overnight in order to remove the frozen layer of fat in the morning. The next day, just before eating, the soup is reheated. Sometimes flour mixed with hot broth is also added to thicken it. There are variations of the recipe with sherry or wine.

Oxtail soup is a real classic of traditional English national cuisine. It is quite fatty and satisfying and definitely worth a try. Today, the dish is so popular in England that it is produced in canned food and sold in almost every store.

"Chicken tikka masala" (Chicken tikka masala)

"Chicken tikka masala" is perhaps the most popular dish in modern England, which can be attributed to the heritage of the national cuisine.

In 2001, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook called Chicken tikka masala "true British national dish", which best exemplifies character traits nation.

There is still debate about the true origin of this famous and popular food. Some claim that it appeared in India, others believe that it was possible to try it for the first time in the UK. Be that as it may, today this dish is extremely famous and popular not only among the British themselves, but also among residents of other countries.

Chicken tikka masala is small pieces of chicken that are dipped in a masala sauce made up of tomatoes, cream, curry and other spices before serving. Prior to this, chicken meat is marinated in spices and yogurt, and then baked in a tandoor, a special oven-brazier.

Only hot food is served. In some, instead of the typical, conventional version of Chicken tikka masala, you can try unusual variations of this famous dish, cooked with lamb, fish or even paneer (Indian cheese).

Sunday roast

For the British, the Sunday roast is more than just a typical and well-known Sunday meal. This is a tradition that has been honored in the country since the 18th century, when people were devout, went to church services and gathered after them for a family dinner.

Sunday roast is a famous English dish that is served in combination with several components at once. The main component is baked meat, most often chicken or lamb, but beef, pork, duck and turkey are also popular.

The meat is served with baked potatoes or mashed potatoes and other boiled, baked or stewed vegetables (carrots, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower, green beans, peas). Often, the dish is complemented with baked parsnips, mashed turnips or turnips.

But the most important ingredient of the traditional Sunday roast, without which it makes no sense to taste food, is gravy sauce or, more simply, gravy. The basis for it is the juice that is released during baking. Roasted or finely chopped vegetables are also added to the sauce.

Depending on the chosen meat, the set of other components of the dish also varies. So, it is customary to serve lamb sauce and redcurrant jelly, beef - Yorkshire pudding and mustard, and chicken - sausages, cranberry and bread sauce.

Roast cabbage and potatoes (Bubble and squeak)

The literal translation of "Bubble and squeak" - "bubble and squeak" - is quite funny and can cause bewilderment. The unusual name of the national dish of the British is explained by the fact that in the process of cooking cabbage, water gurgles (bubbles) and “beeping” sounds are made.

Bubble and squeak is a variation on the big Saturday breakfast. The main ingredient of this famous English meal is fried or boiled potatoes, which are wrapped in cold boiled cabbage leaves and then fried in a shallow dish.

Other typical ingredients may be cold meats, as well as green peas, Brussels sprouts, carrots, and other vegetables left over from a traditional English roast.

An unusual dish is seasoned with salt and pepper so that as a result it turns out to be quite spicy. Amazing ideas about, however, these Englishmen!


It is hard to imagine traditional English cuisine without trifle, a world-famous dessert. It was first mentioned in cookbooks as far back as the 16th century! Since that time, the recipe for this well-known and now popular sweet has been changed and supplemented more than once.

Trifle was originally a cream with sugar, ginger and rose water. Then the British began to add eggs, dough, jelly or fruit juice to these ingredients. In the modern version, the famous dessert is prepared in layers of biscuit (often soaked), custard, whipped cream, jelly, fruits and berries (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries). Traditional English trifle is served in portioned bowls or in a medium-sized dessert bowl. It is impossible to refuse it!

Own variations of the popular dish exist in and in the Southern states of the United States. In England, the trifle is a traditional Christmas treat.

What else do the British like to eat?

If you set out to try all the most popular and typical dishes of English cuisine, then you will very soon realize what a daunting task this is!

So, you definitely need to pay tribute to such famous national dishes as:

  • Cornish pasty- a pie stuffed with meat, vegetables or fruits;
  • Bread and butter pudding- a typical dish of buttered bread, baked under egg and sour cream filling;
  • Spotted Dick- pudding with raisins and dried fruits;
  • black pudding- sausage from coagulated pig's blood, lard and oatmeal with spices;
  • Lancashire Hotpot- lamb baked with black pudding and potatoes;
  • Shepherd's pie- potato casserole with minced lamb;
  • Laverbred- a jelly-like paste made from red Welsh seaweed.

And this is not the whole list of unusual and delicious dishes that the British came up with. In a word, there is really something to try!

british food

Although British cuisine is not recognized as a worldwide celebrity like French or Italy cuisine, but it obviously belongs to one of the most refined and special ones. Of course everyone has ever heard of English breakfast and afternoon tea which are an essential part of the Englishmen everyday life.

English breakfast can hardly be recognized as a dietary, it mostly contains eggs, beans, bacon. The punctual Englishmen usually have breakfast between 7 and 9 am and lunch is typically about 1:30 am. Dinner is the last meal of the day and it takes part between 6:30 and 8:00. Dinner may also be called “tea” in the northern area of ​​the country and being the main meal of the day, it is considered a whole art of its own. It is actually not what all visitors usually imagine: at half past three everyone sedately sips English tea. The menu of the afternoon tea is quite exquisite and various. It may contain smoked salmon with cream cheese, ham and mustard, coronation chicken, cucumbers, apple biscuit scones served with cream tea in a fine porcelain pot.

The afternoon tea is not common for the working class population, since everybody goes to work at this time. This meal is replaced by supper eaten rather at the end of the day than in the afternoon.

Surely no one can imagine British cuisine without roasted beef, noble and famous dish in the English identity. The history of the beef-eating dates back to the times of Queen Elizabeth when it was condemned by the church propagating a vegetarian diet, and then glorified in the song “The Roast Beef of Old England”. Anyway it remains a celebrity on the table of all noble and middle class Englishmen. There are thousands of recipes and hundreds of restaurants cooking them for the most hypercritical visitors.

As a result of trading partnership between Britain and India established in the middle of 17th century the curry dishes have conquered the British cuisine forever. British colonial rulers had to control their affairs in India, that is how Indian curry took root in the British cuisine. The main dish is the chicken Tikka Masala, a very creamy marinated chicken cooked in a variety of recipes: each restaurant you visit will serve you with its own unique curry Tikka Masala dish. Every week the British eat about eighteen tons of Tikka Masala dish every week. It may not only be an independent dish, but also a filling for pizza, sandwiches or pies. Today the number of Indian restaurants grows in Great Britain with influx of the Indians and the popularity of curry keeps spreading all over this area.

One more part of the British cuisine is pubs. About 75% of the Englishmen of all ages, occupations and classes visit pubs. The special feature of a pub is a non-waiter system, that is no one will come to serve you if you will sit at a table outside. A traditional pub should have at least two bars: public bar and lounge bar. The public bar is mostly for the male visitors, typically laborers speaking loud and drinking much. The lounge bars are rather for sitting down, talking slowly and having rest after a hard day with a friend. There is also a price difference between them, the lounge bars are a little more expensive.

The modern pubs are now competing with restaurants: it is a place to spend time with a partner, friend, eating, drinking and talking about business. Tea and coffee are also on the menu, so children and women are surely welcome. In the pub you will surely have the possibility to taste the famous steak, kidney pie, sandwiches, pickled eggs, crisps or Welsh rabbit.

Anyway it is worth going to the UK to experience the variety and splendor of the British cuisine.

"British cuisine" (topic, topic, text)

British cuisine looks quite simple. The fact is that in the United Kingdom they focus on the quality of products, and not on the complexity of recipes. This makes it possible to enjoy the excellent, natural taste of dishes. The sauces and seasonings of traditional British cooking are also relatively simple and are used to bring out the natural flavor of the food rather than alter it.

During the heyday of Great Britain as a colonial power, British cuisine was strongly influenced by the cuisine of "overseas" countries, primarily India. For example, the Anglo-Indian chicken dish - tikka masala - is considered a real British "national dish". British cuisine has been stigmatized as "unimaginative and heavy" and has received international recognition only as a full breakfast and traditional Christmas dinner. This reputation was especially strengthened during the First and Second World Wars, when the British government introduced food rationing. Traditional British dishes are fish and french fries, potato casserole with meat and mashed potatoes.

British cuisine has a number of national and regional variants, such as English cuisine, Scottish cuisine, Welsh cuisine, Gibraltar cuisine and Anglo-Indian cuisine, each of which has developed its own regional or local dishes, many of which are named after the places of origin of the products, such like Cheshire cheese, Yorkshire pudig and Welsh cheese toast.

Each historical region of this country is replete with a large number of interesting and delicious dishes. Residents of the UK have well-established traditions regarding food intake - breakfast at 7-8 in the morning, second breakfast (lunch) at 13-14, a light lunch at 17, or just tea drinking, and a full and hearty dinner at 19-00. Moreover, the majority of restaurants and cafes adhere to the same meal schedule.

Morning in the United Kingdom it starts with a traditional English breakfast which includes fried or scrambled eggs, bacon and/or sausages, beans in tomato sauce, bread, mushrooms and tomatoes. All this is served on one plate. Also for breakfast, the British prefer pates, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, cereal. From drinks - coffee or black strong tea with milk.

Dinner in the UK, sandwiches with fillings such as tuna with corn and mayonnaise, ham and cheese, chicken with sauce, or egg with mayonnaise.

famous British tradition of drinking tea at 5 pm(five o'clock tea), which is served with raisin buns like Easter pies, as well as jam and buttercream, is rarely observed today.

On the dinner The British choose puree vegetable soups (tomato is traditional), which are complemented by a slice of bread with butter. The most beloved second course in the United Kingdom is the freshest beef tenderloin steak in varying degrees of doneness, ranging from uncooked steak with rare to deep fried. By the way, in the UK they cook almost without sauces. And for such dishes as steaks, they are not needed at all: properly cooked meat has juice and a natural taste. Steaks are usually served with vegetables or potatoes.

Traditional and national British dishes
Perhaps the most popular traditional British dishes should be considered fish(usually fried cod) and chips. Usually they are sold in specialty stores (“fish and chips”). As a rule, the menu of most British cafes and restaurants also has fish and chips.

Another traditional dish Cornish pasture(Cornish pasty). It is a small oval-shaped baked pie, often puff pastry, with various fillings. The classic is the filling of pieces of beef, potatoes and onions. In addition, Cornish pasta with chicken, pork, cheese, etc. is popular.

Sunday lunch(Sunday Roast Carvery) is a popular tradition not only in the UK, but also in the US, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia. The main dish of such a dinner is fried meat (beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, etc.) with potatoes or mashed potatoes, vegetables, sauces and Yorkshire pudding.

Yorkshire pudding A traditional English Yorkshire pudding made with batter and usually served with roast beef and gravy. Often it is eaten before the main meat course with sauce from roasted meat.

Scotch eggs(Scotch egg) is another dish that you should definitely try when you are in the UK. These are boiled eggs smeared with minced meat and fried in breadcrumbs. The dish is sold in every grocery store.

Shepherd's Pie or cottage pie has more than a century of history. From English, it translates as "shepherd's pie" and is a casserole of mashed potatoes with ground beef.

The former British colony of India had a great influence on the cuisine of the United Kingdom. So, today in the UK, the Anglo-Indian dish of chicken with sauce is considered “national” - tikka masala.

Also considered traditional crispy pasta, baked in the oven with minced meat and Bechamel sauce, pies with various fillings, roast beef (a large piece of beef meat baked in the oven), crickets, which are eaten with cheese, as well as vegetable jams for meat.

Moreover, every part of Britain is known for its delicacies: Wales - lamb in mint sauce, Scotland - oatmeal with meat and spices; Northern Ireland for trout, and England for their superb steaks, of course.

National dishes worth trying in this country:
. deep-fried fish and potatoes - lightly salted and seasoned with alcohol vinegar;
. English sausages with mashed potatoes - served with gravy and onions;
. cucumber sandwich - the name speaks for itself;
. Cumberland sausage - twisted in the form of a spiral and fried in oil;
. jellied eel - served with mashed potatoes, a dish popular in London.
. shepherd's pie - potato casserole with ground beef;
. English roast beef - a large piece of beef baked in the oven;
. oxtail soup - cooked with carrots, onions, turnips, herbs and spices;
. veal kidney casserole - made from shortcrust pastry, with onions and carrots;
. the famous oatmeal - with the addition of fruit juices;
. jacket potatoes - served with curdled milk.
. Lancashire stew - meat, onions and potatoes cooked in a pot;
. Irish boxy - potato pancakes;
. kolkenon - a dish of Savoy cabbage;
. oatmeal cake - especially delicious in Scotland;
. haggis - stuffed mutton tripe, is considered the national dish of Northern Ireland;
. Dublin-style shrimp - with the addition of lemon;
. pudding on kidney fat - from eggs, milk, flour and fried meat.

It is customary to serve many national dishes, the cuisine of Great Britain, various sauces. There are purely English sauces - bread sauce, mint, horseradish sauce, apple sauce, and even redcurrant sauce, which is considered an amazing seasoning for hare and lamb. Also, try English cheese. Of course, there are not as many varieties as in Holland and France, but Stilton and Wensleydale cheese differ in excellent taste.

The British love sweet dishes. English desserts, even by world standards, are considered the highest achievement of culinary art. Here are just a few of them:
. English apple pie;
. caramel pudding;
. Cornish peysti - puff pastry pie with various fillings;
. English fruit jams;
. ekls puff - stuffed with currants;
. simnel - fruit cake with almond paste;
. pudding with raisins - in addition to raisins, flour, crackers, apples, zest, candied fruits, lemon juice, nutmeg, cognac, rum and porter beer are added.
. Christmas cakes - with almonds and raisins.

main drink, in the national cuisine of Great Britain, is the traditional English tea. To tea in the country, almost a ritual attitude. Of alcoholic beverages, beer is in the first place, especially the Guinness brand; Scotch whiskey (Glenfiddich); creamy Irish liqueur; English cider; ale and gin.

Of course, these are not all traditional British dishes, but only those that you should definitely try in order to make sure that the cuisine of the United Kingdom is not so simple and ordinary. Bon appetit or, as the British say, enjoy your meal!

Welcome to hospitable Great Britain and bon appetit to all!

15 Sep

Topic in English: Traditional British cuisine

Topic in English: Traditional British cuisine (British food). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on the topic.

staples in britain

British cuisine is traditionally based on beef, lamb and fish served with potatoes or other vegetables. The most common and typical food in Britain includes sandwiches, fish and chips, pies, biscuits and roast dinners. The main products in Britain are meat, fish, potatoes, flour, butter and eggs.

Main dishes

British main dishes are often roast beef, meat and potato casserole, sausages with mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, fish and chips, roast cabbage and potatoes, black pudding, bacon rolle-poly and many others.


The British love puddings - a dessert after the main courses. However, not all of them are sweet and can be served as a main dish. There are hundreds of varieties of sweet pudding in Britain, but each starts with the basic ingredients of milk, sugar, eggs, flour and butter, and many include fresh fruit such as raspberries or strawberries and sweet cream.


There are three main meals: breakfast, between 7 and 9, lunch, between 12 and 1.30 and lunch, between 6.30 and 8. Lunch is also called dinner or tea.

English breakfast

A traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, baked beans and mushrooms. However, nowadays, people prefer to have a plate of cereal with milk, a piece of toast, a glass of orange juice or a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Typical British lunch

A typical British lunch is "meat with two kinds of vegetables". One of them is almost always potatoes. Such an earlier traditional meal rarely takes place nowadays except on Sundays. Now the British prefer rice or pasta dishes.

Traditional four o'clock tea

The traditional four-hour tea is a small meal of tea or coffee served with freshly baked flatbread, sandwiches or pastries.


The British usually spend a lot of time on good table manners. They eat most of their meals with cutlery. Foods that can be eaten without utensils include sandwiches, chips, boiled corn on the cob, and fruit.

Download Topic in English: Traditional British cuisine

british food

Traditionally British food

British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable. The most common and typical foods eaten in Britain include the sandwich, fish and chips, pies, trifle and roasts dinners. The staple foods of Britain are meat, fish, potatoes, flour, butter and eggs.

Main meal dishes

As main meat dishes British people often have Roast Beef, Cottage Pie, Bangers and Mash, Yorkshire Pudding, Fish and Chips, Bubble and Squeak, Black Pudding, Bacon Roly-Poly and many others.


The British are fond of puddings – the dessert course of a meal. However, not of them are sweet and can be eaten during the main course. There are hundreds of variations of sweet puddings in Britain, but each pudding begins with the same basic ingredients of milk, sugar, eggs, flour and butter and many involve fresh fruit such as raspberries or strawberries, custard and cream.

Meals a day

There are three main meals a day: breakfast, between 7 and 9; lunch, between 12 and 1.30 p.m. and dinner, the main meal eaten anytime between 6.30 and 8 p.m. The dinner is also called supper or tea.

English breakfast

The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans and mushrooms. However, nowadays, people prefer to have a bowl of cereals, a slice of toast, orange juice or a cup of coffee for breakfast.

typical british meal

A typical British meal for dinner is “meat and two veg”. One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. The traditional meal is rarely eaten nowadays, apart from on Sundays. Rice or pasta dishes are now favored as the “British Dinner”.

4 o'clock tea

The traditional 4 o'clock tea is a small meal, which consists of tea or coffee served with freshly baked scones, sandwiches or pastries.


The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners. They eat most of their food with cutlery. The foods that are not eaten with cutlery include sandwiches, crisps, corn on the cob and fruit.