The hope of the world is the Slavic peoples. What do Edgar Cayce's predictions say? Salvation and hope of the world

The famous soothsayer from the USA lived at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. It is reliably known and proven that he could heal people and predict the future. For example, he accurately predicted the beginning and end of the Second World War, as well as its outcome. It is believed that he even announced in advance the exact date of the German surrender.

In the Soviet Union, his predictions were prohibited, and they were not particularly believed. Moreover, he promised us all the collapse of our country. True, he did not speak openly about the collapse of the USSR, but in a slightly veiled manner: “before the 20th century ends, communism will collapse, the communists will lose their power.” Well, who in our country in 1944 could believe such a thing? But he promised a Russia free from socialism a long and difficult crisis, which, however, we will overcome over time.

Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2017, 2018, 2019

One of the greatest American forecasters in the entire history of mankind argued that in 2017, 2018 and 2019 there will be a very large number of natural disasters. As a result, not only the geographical map of the earth, but also the political one will be subject to global changes. It is believed that 2017 should be a turning point and mark the beginning of a new era.

Of course, disasters always happen and will always happen, but already in mid-2017 we are seeing an abnormally cold summer in the western regions of Russia, while in Siberia, on the contrary, there is an abnormal heat that is unusual for this region.

Yes, most likely there will be a scientific explanation for this, but everything can be learned by comparison, for example, in Russia we have a more severe climate, but we have fewer natural disasters, and some do not exist at all, such as strong hurricanes, typhoons, tsunamis and things like that. And there is a widespread belief among the people that every such anomaly will mark or precede some global change in our lives.

Casey's predictions about Russia and Ukraine

It is believed that E. Casey predicted the arrival of Putin back in 1938; he also predicted not only the collapse of the Soviet Union, but also its further revival. The last statement is very controversial, but if it happens, it will most likely be through Russia, to which Crimea and Sevastopol have already returned. Under some circumstances, Russia could be joined by Eastern Ukraine, which is currently fighting for independence, Abkhazia, the Transnistrian Republic and South Ossetia. Also, if you remember, at one time in Kyrgyzstan there was a very heated discussion about the possibility of holding a referendum on the annexation of Kyrgyzstan to Russia.

But on the other hand, the Baltic countries and Western Ukraine will never voluntarily join Russia.

For Ukraine, Edgar Cayce predicted not only the loss of Crimea along with Sevastopol, but also the loss of Eastern Ukraine. And if in the first case everything is clear, and most likely Crimea and Sevastopol will never go back to Ukraine, then in the second case the issue is still being resolved, but in all likelihood Ukraine has forever lost control over its eastern part.

Salvation and hope of the world

For our sins and lack of faith, as E. Casey believed, we will be punished, and environmental disasters will be sent to us as punishment. And the famous soothsayer saw salvation for humanity in Russia, that it was our country, thanks to its spiritual and religious development, that could give the world hope for salvation.

The famous soothsayer also argued that unbelievers still have a chance to be saved, but they still need to take advantage of it. The goal of all surviving people on earth will be the creation and construction of a new Jerusalem, and only after that will the revival come.

E. Casey believed that the Russian people have a natural instinct to live in peace and friendship with their fellow man and people of other nationalities. And it is precisely thanks to this trait that Russia in the future will be able to become hope and salvation for humanity.

Without a doubt, many people may have a completely logical question: “why should Russians suddenly become almost the saviors of the world?” The fact is that Russians from generation to generation have always prioritized friendship, unity, something spiritual, but not material.

For example, in many Western countries, even a husband and wife live together, but they can even eat separately, the husband has his own life, and the wife has hers. And if a wife, for example, declares that she is leaving for three days with friends in the mountains, then the husband does not have the right not to let her go, and if something goes wrong, then immediately a divorce, well, they say, a tyrant, oppresses her rights and so on Further.

In general, they live as if under one roof, but everyone has their own life and even adult children, as a rule, eat separately from their parents. Their relationships are more tied to money and material values. It’s our girl or guy who falls in love, “loses his head” and doesn’t even remember about money. But if you, for example, divorce your Mexican wife, then she will definitely leave you without a penny, at least she will do everything for it. Specifically, peaceful divorces there are very rare, so without scandals and litigation.

According to E. Casey, Western Siberia should become the center of a new civilization. In fact, this region is considered one of the safest in this regard, there are no disasters such as tsunamis, floods or any seismic movements. And according to many scientists, Western Siberia is capable of surviving even a nuclear war. So if anything happens, we all run there! I’m joking, of course, but let’s hope that Edgar Cayce was wrong in his predictions, or at least they will somehow pass us by.

E. Casey's predictions for the future of Europe and the world

The famous seer’s forecasts on this matter, unfortunately, are not comforting; in his opinion, many states as a result of natural disasters will either disappear completely and go under water or will suffer greatly from this. For example, according to his statements and the map he compiled, most of Russia and Canada will go under water. And countries such as Japan, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan will completely disappear, Europe will be almost completely flooded.

Edgar Cayce on the USA and the Third World War

The famous seer, unlike other prophets, did not speak or predict a third world war; moreover, he argued that it would not happen as such. But our world is facing other strong shocks and natural phenomena, which will lead to very large casualties, unprecedented until now.

So, for example, he predicted strong earthquakes on the east coast of the United States, as a result of which many cities, including New York, would disappear.

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Will the fate of Byzantium await Russia?

For comparison, to classify yourself and your family as middle class in China, your annual income would have to be $28,000 per year, and in Switzerland $72,900, in the USA $50,000 thousand. In Western countries, this figure is much higher; another thing is that there is an opportunity, if you do not reach the middle class, then at least save 20,000 thousand dollars in a year. Even…

Edgar Cayce had a completely atypical view of Russia for his time. He spoke about our country exclusively constructively and completely without biased negativity. Moreover, this American clairvoyant, in fact, saw in it the basis and means for humanity to achieve harmony in the future. As for 2017 specifically, Casey’s predictions regarding events in the world in the most general case can be characterized as unusual, sometimes frightening, but undoubtedly interesting and deserving of our attention.

Being an American, Casey knew how and had the opportunity to sensibly and impartially assess the situation in his country, even in the future. As for 2017, for the United States the predictor saw problems associated with the principles of conducting its foreign and domestic policies. The clairvoyant called his country a victim, against which what until now had helped her to deceive and rob other territories and states would be turned against her. Moreover, the general context of his statements on this matter suggests that in America the problem of religious conflicts, as well as terrorist attacks, will become more relevant than ever before.

However, Casey believed that the United States would not plunge into chaos. Peace in the souls of people and common sense in the heads of the leaders of this state will begin to come after certain artifacts are raised from the bottom of the ocean not far from the American coastline. The fortuneteller claimed that these finds, in addition to historical significance, would also have great spiritual meaning. Cayce said that they would contain a unique source of energies capable of beneficially influencing the minds and souls of entire masses of people. And it was from this moment, the clairvoyant insisted, that Americans would begin to change for the better, becoming more peaceful, more humane, and their leaders more careful in their statements and decisions.

In addition, for 2017, Casey predicted a decrease in tension in the world associated with the danger of using nuclear weapons. A very complex Rubicon - events that occurred in 2014-2015. and which created a lot of tension in relations between different countries - will be successfully passed during this period. And in the future, states will “swing” their nuclear potential less and less.

Casey saw political problems in 2017 for Israel. He even pointed out the likelihood of a significant number of people leaving this country who would try to find refuge in various parts of the planet from Australia to Russia.

The leaders and residents of China will have to begin to reconsider many of their priorities and views on the world. They will finally have a tendency to consider themselves not an exclusive nation, but part of a common human civilization. It is not a fact that this will be felt already in 2017, but the fact that these processes will acquire a certain dynamics during this time period, according to Casey, is beyond doubt. True, one cannot help but notice that the clairvoyant was quite critical of the Chinese, considering their ideological position unacceptable, especially in the 21st century. So, maybe there is an element of subjectivity here, because it’s difficult to imagine that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will suddenly consider themselves only part of the world and will not assume that they are the most cunning, intelligent and far-sighted. Although it is possible that life will still force them to do this.

Disasters and ecology

In 2017, Casey saw quite large-scale natural problems for Europe. He mentioned the danger of earthquakes, which could cause parts of the territories of France, the United Kingdom, and Spain to go under water (that is, to be flooded). Seismic activity (but without the danger of flooding) will also be relevant for the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. By the way, the key word here is “can”; There are no predictions from which it would follow with 100% certainty that this will definitely be the case.

The soothsayer also has time for this and an opinion about the ecological state of the planet as a whole. Based on the fact that our planet is a living organism that adequately responds to humanity’s attitude towards itself, he prophesied serious climate changes for people if they did not stop treating the Earth in a consumerist manner. In the coming years, this could lead to climate changes that, having passed the point of no return, will put us all on the path to destruction. And 2017 may, in this sense, turn out to be the time when something similar will happen (unless people, of course, come to their senses). For example, already today the movement of the earth's poles is occurring at an unprecedentedly high speed. And if nothing changes in the minds of the powers that be, then there is a risk that the Northern Lights may no longer be seen by residents of areas close to the Arctic, but by ordinary Europeans.

Casey's 2017 predictions about Russia

For our country, the soothsayer saw continued development and strengthening. Moreover, in this case we are talking about both the material and spiritual sides of life. It is very difficult to identify any specific events that occurred specifically in 2017, because Casey did not leave a strict chronology of his visions by date. But in general, this year, according to his predictions, is entering a period when the role and power of Russia will increase. And he didn’t name anything that could prevent this. This means that everything will go, as they say, according to plan and to our benefit.

An interesting forecast from Casey was also given regarding Russia’s closest neighbor and partner. We must assume that in this case we are talking about Belarus. This state, according to Casey, will demonstrate amazing political apathy in 2017. Moreover, 2017 in this case is only a moment in a fairly long period, during which Belarusians will find themselves practically indifferent to the ups and downs taking place in the world. And this, the clairvoyant argued, would be an exclusively positive moment for them, because it would allow them to safely continue to build their state, while learning mainly from the mistakes of others. Moreover, first of all, this will affect the so-called “European values” that contribute to the corruption and permissiveness of people. This prediction has great significance specifically for Russia. It means that the “Western partners” will never be able to improve security along the entire perimeter of our borders.

On the issue of Ukraine

Residents of this country will have to - willy-nilly - make a choice. Those who live simply by waiting, or believing that the situation will somehow “resolve” itself, or believing that abroad will help, will finally have to make a choice in favor of one side or another participating in the internal confrontation. For the West or for the Russian world - this dilemma in 2017 will require an unambiguous decision and awareness of one’s own place in one of these “camps”.

By the way, Casey himself believed that Ukraine should not try to become part of European politics and economics, because in this case it would definitely be a loser. Meanwhile, she definitely needs to be friends with Russia, because from here there will be no trick or desire to take advantage of its resources. But Ukrainians can count on the help of this neighbor with one hundred percent confidence. Of course, all this cannot be achieved in one day, however, the turning point that will determine the further direction of development of the territory called Ukraine will occur in 2017.

In one of the texts left by Edgar Cayce to his descendants, he stated that he would reincarnate on Earth again in the 21st century. Of course, he did not name the exact date of this event, however, he said more than affirmatively that he would be born again in Russia, choosing it as his new homeland. He explained his choice of birthplace by the fact that the most interesting and most important processes in the world will take place right here, and he certainly wants to be a living witness of this. And therefore, we need to survive 2017 with honor, even if it seems to us a difficult period of our lives and history. If we can, then we will take another step towards our bright - without irony and sarcasm (!) - future.

Edgar Cayce and his predictions about Russia for 2017 are today the most popular and relevant topics when it comes to prophecies and trance states. The sleeping prophet, as he was called, Edgar Cayce independently developed for himself a unique and effective method of immersing himself in a trance state. Thanks to this technique, a person who did not even have a higher education cured tens of thousands of ordinary Americans. Edgar Cayce not only made predictions for his patients about the best medicine and its proportions. Having gained extensive experience in immersion in trance, Edgar Cayce also made various predictions about Russia for 2017 - 2018. Among the various materials, researchers highlight the following: the map of the flooding of the world and Russia by Edgar Cayce, the Akashic Chronicles or the Book of Life, that is, a repository of information about each person.

Edgar Cayce was born in 1877 in the USA, Kentucky. He lived an average life expectancy by human standards until 1945. However, this life was filled with a huge number of useful things for all humanity and was completely devoted to ordinary people. Edgar Cayce made his predictions only for patients who needed his help in order to overcome a fatal illness or dangerous disease over which ordinary doctors were powerless. Edgar Cayce took virtually no payment for his unique predictions, which brought him and his family to the poverty line several times in his life. It is possible that it was this approach that allowed him to develop his talent throughout his life, achieving significant results.

Edgar Cayce and his predictions about Russia
A special place when considering the results of the work of Edgar Cayce is occupied by his predictions about Russia for 2017 - 2018, since they coincide with other prophecies from around the world. Although Edgar Cayce was a deeply religious man, he entered into a trance simply by an effort of will, falling asleep on his couch. In this state, Edgar Cayce dictated his predictions to the typist, and after coming out of his trance, he could no longer remember anything. After many years of working with patients to compile unique recipes, events from the past and future, as well as future disasters in different countries of the world, began to be revealed to the sleeping prophet.

Edgar Cayce had a completely atypical view of our country for that time, since at that time Russia and the United States were ideological opponents. Edgar Cayce made his predictions about Russia without regard to the time in which he lived, since he knew well that years would pass and communism would fall in the USSR, and it would be replaced by a completely different time.
Edgar Cayce: map of the flooding of Russia, Europe and the world

The predictions about Russia that Edgar Cayce made shock everyone who turns to them in our time. The fact is that this American clairvoyant healer believed that Russia would occupy a central place in the world and become the basis for achieving harmony for all humanity.

Edgar Cayce made various predictions, but if we take 2017 - 2018 about Russia, he described these events as largely unusual, of course, even frightening in places, but without a doubt extremely interesting and worthy of close attention, since this is precisely when time, our country will choose the very path that the whole world will subsequently follow. The question arises, what is this path of development of the country, to which Edgar Cayce urged the political leaders of the mid-last century to take a very close look? This picture of predictions is complemented, oddly enough, by a man who lived long before the sleeping prophet. His name is Michel Nostradamus. IN prophecies of Michel Nostradamus you can find many answers and additions to Edgar Cayce's information.
We can safely assume that this is definitely not the communist path of social development, since at the time when Edgar Cayce himself made his predictions about the future of Russia, our country was already closed by this ideology. At the same time, this unique future path of development cannot be capitalist, since the United States at that time was precisely the number one capitalist power in the world, and even now America holds first place.
Edgar Cayce: predictions about Russia for 2017 - 2017

It turns out that the great sleeping American prophet, clairvoyant, healer and predictor Edgar Cayce made his descriptions about Russia, which for some reason will follow a completely unusual spiritual path of development, which the author himself could not accurately describe, even despite his many years of experience . We agree that in a state of trance, it may be quite difficult to determine this new path of development of statehood, especially since there have not yet been examples of this system. Here we can only highlight the main features, which will already be a huge success for researchers.
Edgar Cayce made his predictions about Russia and its path of development, describing the following main points:
  • this is not the communist system and not Bolshevism
  • people understand the laws of karma and live for each other
  • Russia is a free country in every sense
  • the country has a special mission
  • Russia is implementing an international project that is changing for the better the very essence of modern human relations
  • within the framework of this international project, there is an explanation about the correction of such qualities as selfishness and gross materialism
  • within the framework of an international project in Russia, it conducts educational activities in other countries; information is being disseminated about the need to comply with the basic laws of the system: love, trust and wisdom as an active channel for receiving information from the Noosphere
  • Russia is becoming a new religious leader, that is, it is developing a new system, since the previous ones have not coped with their tasks and are hopelessly outdated
  • Russia is gaining enormous support among other nations
If you carefully study these descriptions, Edgar Cayce made predictions about Russia that correlate with other international prophecies. In particular, they resonate with predictions of the Hopi Indians. The conclusions suggest themselves. Based on the fact that the effectiveness and popularity that Edgar Cayce possessed today raises absolutely no doubts, and some researchers even call him the most powerful prophet in history, we can safely use these conclusions about Russia in our future work.

It is important to note that the policies of the modern leadership in no way correspond to the description of the new Russia that Edgar Cayce saw in his prophecies. From this we can draw a simple and logical conclusion that the country’s leadership must make room for a new political leader in the very near future. This may seem strange to some. In modern conditions, when there is a National Guard and harsh laws have been passed that make it possible to shoot demonstrations, there is no way to see how a fresh wave, much less a new political independent leader, can come into political life.

However, we should not forget that the new technologies of this leader of the new era have not yet been applied at this level in politics and economics. The effect of their use cannot be predicted by any force. Receiving information from the Noosphere has been proven in various ways in many countries. These people can be called prophets, clairvoyants, mediums, and other terms. The essence remains quite simple: a special person, using a certain unique skill, enters a trance-altered state of consciousness and receives from the noosphere or the Book of Life, from the Akashic Chronicles or the Global Information Bank all the information he needs.

Having received such information as part of his destiny, this person, or, to use religious terminology, the prophet, implements it for the benefit of the people living around him in this world. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that Edgar Cayce tried to make various predictions about business. He tried to make forecasts for various commercial structures. Cayce made such predictions on a wide range of issues. However, as soon as he realized that all his predictions in this area were wrong, Edgar Cayce stopped working in this area.

From this we can draw another conclusion: every person is able to receive information from the Noosphere in accordance with his purpose. Thus, if you have to treat people, then they simply won’t let you run a successful business and vice versa. Then, as soon as a new political leader appears in Russia, whose mission is to exercise political leadership in making the most important government decisions with the help of information from the Noosphere, this will immediately become known, since the channel of such information will be incredibly powerful and obvious to everyone around.

Edgar Cayce: Akashic Records or Book of Life

The term Akashic itself is used by various theosophical movements or individual researchers and practitioners, to which such a large-scale personality as Edgar Cayce can undoubtedly be attributed: he called it the Akashic Chronicles or the Book of Life. Initially, the term Akashi itself existed in Hinduism, from where it was borrowed, and in the original version it meant the fundamental principles and primary causes of nature, that is, everything that surrounds us. It is from Akasha that all the elements emerged: fire, air, earth, water and ether, which correspond to the five senses of any person. It is believed that the term Akashic Records itself was not invented by Edgar Cayce, but by Rudolf Steiner.

There are different opinions regarding the understanding of the deep true meaning of the term Akashic, but if we simplify the understanding of this designation, then it is better to use it for simplicity as a designation similar to the ether. Then Akash are the smallest particles that make up everything around, they have information about the entire set of events of the past and future, and information about all events is transmitted instantly, as experiments in quantum physics show. Religiously speaking, Akash is the body of God. Sometimes, taking into account one or another religious tradition, Akash is the mind of God.

Edgar Cayce actively used this means of obtaining information, which he called the Source or Akashic Chronicles, as well as the Book of Life. We see that simply different terms are used here that mean the same thing, which usually only confuses readers. The term Akashic Records or etheric library began to be used in theosophical circles in the 19th century. There are two opinions on how a person can connect to this library: this is possible only by the Will of God or the Higher Powers, and also if a person shows the strongest true motivation. In this case, we can say that Edgar Cayce very much wanted to help people from childhood.

The Akashic Records, as Edgar Cayce understood them, is a universal and accessible Source of information, which in religion is called God. Based on your purpose and following the correct laws of the Universe, you can connect to this ethereal library and download from it absolutely any knowledge that is stored in it about all events of the past, present and future. Edgar Cayce and his predictions about the fate of Russia for 2017 - 2018 are obviously connected with this term, which in different cultures is designated, based on traditions, in its own way, but according to the described qualities and characteristics it means absolutely the same object.
The new world leader who will appear in Russia in 2017 - 2018 must be able to connect to such a Source and receive all the necessary information from it.

If we take into account this mandatory condition, then all the predictions that Edgar Cayce made about Russia as a world leader become completely simple and understandable. It is also obvious that this leader will assemble a team whose members will be highly spiritual people, because the implementation of an international project requires worthy personnel. Creating such a team in modern conditions is not a particular problem, since there are enough effective tools to implement this task.

The prophecies of this famous American thinker have not lost their enormous significance even now. They are often quoted by various astrologers and esotericists.

Edgar Cayce had extraordinary abilities since childhood. It all started with the appearance of stigmata on his body. Soon after, he felt a genuine connection with the Cosmos and used it to gain insight into the future. The seer dictated his predictions to a stenographer, who then retyped them.

These prophecies are of undoubted interest even now. They are of particular importance because at their birth not only the secretary was present, but a number of people were ready to testify that Edgar Cayce did not use any additional means.

The predictor was born in 1877 and, having lived a short but eventful life, died in 1945. He became famous as one of the leaders of prophecies for the future, made not only about individual people, but about the whole world.

While receiving information about the future, he fell into a transcendental state and made his predictions without realizing them, because he communicated with higher powers. He was asked leading questions, which he then covered in great detail.

Edgar Cayce left to his descendants about fourteen thousand different predictions, obtained over more than forty years of thought.

They first saw the light at the beginning of the twentieth century. Even then, the soothsayer predicted wars that engulfed the entire European continent. Moreover, the exact years of their beginning and end were named.

Edgar Cayce made a prediction about certain major battles in World War II, the defeat of Hitler and the triumphant march of Russia throughout Europe.

He also foresaw the Great Depression in the United States, which gave way to the prosperity of the country in the early thirties.

Subsequently, even skeptics had to admit the obvious correctness of his words. The American predictor made prophecies about the war unleashed by Hitler, about the collapse of the Soviet Union, about the emergence of China on the world stage as a key figure, and about other important events in history.

Therefore, it is very important to highlight the most basic issues of what Edgar Cayce's deep prophecies speak about. They are truly of great importance in light of the fact that the vast majority of them have already been fulfilled. Therefore, it is very important to understand the supporting points of his reasoning.

What predictions came true

We can give an example of the thinker’s most famous predictions, which have already come true:

Edgar Cayce's forecasts by year

If we structure his prophecies by individual years, we get the following picture:

Edgar Cayce turned out to be surprisingly insightful, slightly shifting only the time frame of his predictions. However, their general direction, guessed by him, is striking in its amazing accuracy.

It is very important that the predictor saw the danger posed by environmental disasters. He was sure that there would be few corners of the Earth that would not be covered by them, and our country would suffer less than others.

He even foresaw a decrease in ice cover in the Arctic and Antarctic, an increased risk of earthquakes and enormous volcanic activity.

He also predicted that there would be no danger of a new world war, which, however, would be replaced by an even more terrible threat of the consequences of people’s careless attitude towards nature.

He saw the threat of climate warming as quite real, moreover, posing an undoubted danger to all life on Earth, since it would lead to increased seismic activity and serious consequences for humanity.

People also expect difficulties with fresh water, the transformation of southern territories into non-residential areas, as well as the emergence of new continents and islands.

Prophecies of E. Casey about Russia

He made many predictions about our country. Even during his lifetime, he considered Russians to be God's chosen people. He was of the opinion that they embody the light of Christian civilization. Therefore, the seer believed that Russia's achievement of prosperity is a benefit for all countries of the world.

Edgar Cayce, in his time quite distant from ours, already predicted the collapse of the socialist system before the onset of the new millennium.

He also foresaw protracted economic difficulties for Russia. He saw a way out of them only in a sincere appeal to God. He provided a fairly long period for achieving such a goal, but considered it clearly achievable both for our country individually and for the whole world as a whole.

Of great interest is what he predicted about the new unification of the former Soviet republics. He believed that the United States should provide enormous assistance.

Edgar Cayce also predicted the emergence of a new leader of our country. He foresaw that a man with a rare mind and a genuine diplomatic gift would eventually come to power there. He will actively develop the technical component of Russia and push it to the center of the world stage.

The seer predicted the events in Crimea and the escalation of the confrontation with the United States. However, he predicted that the difficulties would only be temporary.

Even then, Edgar Cayce spoke about the coming year like this:

  • The political and economic relations of our country with China will gain new strength;
  • Russia's role in the East will strengthen;
  • relations with Europe will become more complicated;
  • economic cooperation with the West will worsen;
  • the eastern part of the country will flourish;
  • Russia's cultural role in the world will increase;
  • there will be an opportunity for fateful achievements in relation to other powers.

E. Casey foresaw a great danger of natural disasters on all continents, which, however, would bypass Russia. In his opinion, the most favorable for people’s lives will be the west of Siberia


Predictions about the future of the United States

He also made predictions about the United States. In her homeland, the thinker was not highly regarded due to many negative prophecies about her destinies. The fulfilled vision of the death of two presidents alone has already made him not a very popular figure.

American historians believe that he made predictions about the coming of Obama and his upcoming reign.

He also predicted that the forty-fourth Head of State would also be the last in his position.

E. Casey thought that the future of the Americans lay only in cooperation with Russia and would become inevitable. Moreover, a large number of them will move to permanent residence in our country and Siberia will become their stronghold.

His native country faces difficult trials, which it can only withstand if it cooperates closely with Russia.

In the mid-thirties, Edgar Cayce made unequivocal predictions about such events. He foresaw popular unrest in the United States, the decline of the role of individual leaders of world politics and the disappearance of individual states from the face of the Earth.

He was of the opinion that these trends would have a very painful effect on America, even to the point of the cessation of the existence of entire states.

The predictor foresaw severe natural disasters for the entire western continent, which would largely make life on it unacceptable for everyday existence. Such catastrophes will be a heavy retribution for the multiple sins of the country's inhabitants. If Americans do not remember God, they will face severe shocks.

He saw the role of the messiah only in Russia.

Today, E. Casey's predictions have not lost any of their sharpness, despite the fact that most of them are not strictly tied to a specific time frame. They can even take a hundred years or more to complete.

His greatest merit lies in drawing the attention of world leaders to environmental problems that require urgent solutions.

Many of them have already become a reality. The number of natural disasters around the world is increasing, which speaks of the amazing insight of E. Casey.

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Curiosity and the desire to find out what will happen in the near future is a trait inherent in all generations. Since time immemorial, our ancestors independently or turned to clairvoyants for help. One of the most revered seers of all time is Edgar Cayce. The American medium lived and worked in the first half of the last century, but interest in his prophecies still does not dry up. Casey was able to foresee two world wars, the economic crisis of 1929 and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler. What is remarkable about the works of the clairvoyant, and what is “planned” for 2017?

The Life and Predictions of Edgar Cayce

Casey is one of the brightest personalities in history. The future prophet was born in 1877 in Kentucky, USA. Since childhood, the boy had a closed character and claimed that he heard voices and saw ghosts of dead relatives. As a young man, Casey contracted laryngitis, which caused him to completely lose his voice. Local hypnotist Al Lane helped him recover.

Edgar Cayce revealed his superpowers by helping people

After a brief immersion in a trance, Edgar regained the ability to speak, and together with Lane he began treating the residents of his city. Soon his work took on a remote form. While in a trance, Cayce made diagnoses and prescribed treatments for patients who lived thousands of kilometers from Kentucky. The talent of a healer made Edgar Cayce famous throughout the country, and because of his unusual method of work, he was nicknamed the “sleeping prophet.”

In addition to diagnoses, which were confirmed with amazing accuracy, the medium often spoke about reincarnation (transmigration of souls), the death of Atlantis and the fate of its inhabitants. He also mentioned future wars, coups and natural disasters. All the prophecies and reasonings of Casey, immersed in a trance, were recorded by the medium’s wife (or his stenographer), after which these “readings” were scattered around the world in huge editions.

Casey's predictions for the near future

In his prophecies, the medium was rarely tied to specific dates, especially ones as distant as the beginning of the 21st century. So all articles about Cayce's prophecies for 2017 are the fabrication of scammers. However, the real predictions of the medium seem quite realistic and are worth our attention. One of the topics that concerned Cayce was climate change occurring on a planetary scale. The medium was sure that in the new century the coastal areas of America, Northern Europe and Japan would go under water.

The prophet predicts a period of numerous troubles and upheavals for humanity

New York and San Francisco, as well as most of Greenland, will disappear from the face of the earth. The central regions of the United States will not escape destruction either. Breaks in the earth's crust will occur throughout the world, and new lands will form in the Caribbean Sea. Most of South America will suffer from devastating earthquakes, which will also redraw the map of the planet. The fight against the elements will radically change the political and economic situation in the world.

The Earth is threatened by global warming. Regions with temperate and subtropical climates will turn into tropics. At the beginning of the new millennium, the Fifth Root Race will appear on Earth. Its representatives will have a more advanced form of DNA, a high level of energy and the ability to self-heal. They will also have high levels of phosphorus in their bodies. The name of this element is translated from ancient Greek as “luminiferous,” which hints at the special mission of the new race.

Cayce's prophecies for Slavic countries

In his “readings” the medium often touches upon. Thanks to its favorable geographical location, the state will suffer less from natural disasters than other countries. According to Casey, the expanses from the Urals to Lake Baikal will become Noah’s Ark for their inhabitants. The medium calls Western Siberia a place of accumulation of clean energy that will protect the region from natural disasters.

Edgar Cayce considers Western Siberia the new cradle of humanity

Casey was confident that it was in the Slavic countries that a new worldview would emerge, based on the freedom of each person and mutual assistance. The Seer emphasizes that this philosophy will not be communism or Bolshevism. Casey sees the main task of the Slavs in changing the essence of human relationships, abandoning pride and passion for material wealth.

Should we believe Edgar Cayce's prophecies?

Many of us are already accustomed to being skeptical about the predictions of clairvoyants. However, real events testify in favor of Cayce's prophecies. For example, scientists have noted that the planet’s magnetic pole has been moving at record speeds over the last century. If this process continues, the northern lights will be seen not by the inhabitants of Alaska, but by the inhabitants of Europe! The climate changes caused by this process do not seem to be an exaggeration.

As for political events, the medium drew attention to the strengthening of China. The seer said that the country has enormous potential and will soon “awaken.” Indeed, in recent decades, the Chinese economy has made a sharp leap forward. The state's GDP is second only to that of the United States, and by the end of 2040 it could triple. But it is worth understanding that Cayce’s predictions can be interpreted in different ways. So we advise you not to give up and maintain an optimistic attitude under any circumstances!