The birth of the moon. Moon origin and history. Description of an event from ancient times

Since ancient times, the best minds of mankind have thought about this satellite of the Earth, but only in the 60s of the 20th century, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the USSR Academy of Sciences put forward the hypothesis that in reality our satellite was created artificially. This hypothesis, which destroys all the foundations of traditional science, has eight main arguments that focus attention on a number of obvious facts regarding the Moon.

First mystery: artificial satellite.

Calculations have shown that the orbit of motion and the size of the Moon are physically practically impossible. The size of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the size of the Earth, and the ratio of the sizes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. In the studied part of space there is no other example of such a relationship.

The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and Moon are visually the same, which also does not occur anywhere else. This is what allows us to observe from Earth such a rare phenomenon as a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The same mathematical impossibility applies to the masses of both celestial bodies.

If the Moon were a cosmic body that at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and acquired a natural orbit over time, then theoretically and practically this orbit should have been elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.

The second mystery: the implausibility of the profile.

The implausibility of the profile that the surface of the Moon has is inexplicable. The moon is not the round body it should be. The results of geological surveys on it lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is a hollow sphere. Although it is such, modern science cannot explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without self-destructing.

One explanation proposed by Vasin and Shcherbakov is that the lunar crust is “made” of a solid titanium frame. Indeed, the lunar crust and rocks have been shown to have extraordinary levels of titanium. According to their estimates, the thickness of the titanium layer is about 30 kilometers.

The third mystery: lunar craters.

The explanation for the huge number of meteorite craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known and extremely clear - the absence of an atmosphere. Most cosmic bodies that try to penetrate the Earth encounter kilometers of atmosphere on their way and simply burn up in it. Few cosmic “cobblestones” are “lucky” to reach the surface.

The moon does not have this protective shell that would protect its surface from meteorites. What remains unexplained is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned visitors from outer space were able to penetrate. It really looks as if a layer of extremely durable material prevented meteorites from penetrating closer to the center of the satellite.

Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers in depth! Although, according to calculations, a body capable of leaving a crater of this size would have to penetrate at least 50 kilometers deep. And there is not a single crater like this on the Moon.

Fourth riddle: the seas.

How were the “lunar seas” formed? What is this? Where? These gigantic areas of solid lava, which must come from the interior of the Moon, could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where they could arise from meteorite impacts. But the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body and did not have “intraplanetary” activity. Another mystery is the location of the “lunar seas”. Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the Moon and only 20 on the invisible side?
Artificial Moon

Fifth mystery: Mascons.

The gravitational attraction on the surface of the moon is not uniform. This effect was already noted by the American crew of Apollo VIII when it flew around the lunar sea zones. Mascons (mass concentration) are places where a substance of greater density or abundance is believed to exist. This phenomenon is actually closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located almost underneath them.

Sixth mystery: inexplicable asymmetry.

A rather unexpected fact, for which no explanation at all can still be found, is the geographic asymmetry of the lunar surface. The dark side of the Moon has many more craters (this is at least somewhat understandable), mountains and relief elements. In addition, as we have already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are located on the side that is visible from Earth.

Seventh mystery: low density.

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, once again proves that the Moon is a hollow object. And according to some scientists, the above-mentioned cavity is clearly artificial.

In fact, given the arrangement of the surface layers that have been identified, scientists argue that the Moon appears to be like a planet that was formed "in reverse," and some have used this to argue for the "artificial casting or assembly" theory.

Eighth mystery: origin.

In the last century, for a long time, three theories of the origin of the Moon were conventionally accepted. Currently, most of the scientific community, of course not formally, has accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the lunar planetoid as no less valid than others.

First and the oldest theory suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth, but the vast differences in the character of the two bodies make this approach practically untenable.

Second the theory is that this celestial body was formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But this is also untenable, since the Earth and the Moon would have to have a similar structure.

Third the theory suggests that, wandering through space, the Moon fell into the gravity of the Earth, which turned it into its “prisoner”, having previously captured it. The big flaw in this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is essentially circular and cyclical. With this phenomenon (when the satellite is “captured” by the planet), the orbit will be sufficiently distant from the center or represent an ellipsoid. And in our case, the Moon seems to be specially “suspended” precisely in this unnatural orbit.

Fourth the assumption is the most fantastic of all, but it explains various anomalies and absurdities associated with the Earth's satellite. If the Moon were constructed by intelligent beings, then the physical laws to which it is subject would not be equally applicable to other celestial bodies.

In this case, it is appropriate to ask the question: if this theory is correct, then for what purpose was the Moon created and designed? There is an explanation that the Moon was built by ancient humanity, which had sufficient technology and capabilities to carry out this global project and served some utilitarian purpose. Correcting the Earth's climate, providing the planet with “free” light at night, an intermediate spaceport - it is now impossible for us to understand what goals the ancient creators pursued.

The mysteries of our only satellite, put forward by scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, are only some real physical assessments of the Moon's anomalies. In addition, there is a lot of video and photographic evidence, research results, mostly classified by governments, which give reason to claim that our “natural” satellite is not such.

From Vedic Knowledge (Vedas):

MOON- celestial bodies that revolve around the Earth.

In ancient times, our Midgard-Earth system initially had two Moons - Lelya and Month.

Then there were three Moons - this happened before the importation of people with skin the color of darkness from the dying Lands, or as they are now called Negroids, black peoples who previously lived on the Lands illuminated by three Moons, i.e. conditions were created for them and they were delivered. Then there were two Moons again, and now we have one left. And, note, only in two parts of the Earth there are legends about the Three Moons - these are India and Russia. What were our moons called? The first one was - LELYA, its circulation period was seven days. Ancient Legends say that there were 50 seas on Lele, i.e. It wasn’t just some cold stone rotating, it had its own atmosphere.

FATTA- this is the second moon, which our people dragged from the Land of Dey. In Greek myths, Fatta is called Phaeton, who supposedly was there and then almost destroyed the Earth. But this is exaggerated information, like a damaged phone. Fatta's circulation period was 13 days. Now compare, if Lelya was destroyed by Dazhbog, because the forces of darkness were gathering on her to attack Midgard - Earth, and capture it - they concentrated their forces there to attack Earth. And Dazhdbog completely destroyed it with one blow, and the older and younger EDDA write about it, and the Vishnupuranas write, and the Mahabharata writes, and the Santi Vedas of Perun tell us about it. Those. The Vedas say about the first flood that occurred, which was created by Dazhdbog: “... The waters of the Moon created a flood, they fell to the Earth from the heavens like a rainbow, for the Moon, having split into pieces, descended to Midgard as an army of Svarozhichs" Therefore, many people who lived in isolation, for example, the tribes of South America, Indochina, the Middle East, many of them retained in their subconscious a part of the lunar calendar, which has a revolution period of 7 seven days (Fig. 2). They counted according to the Little Moon.

And then they tried to remake it for the third Moon. A Fatta was destroyed a little over 13 thousand years ago. And so a large fragment of Fatta fell into the water area, what we call the Pacific Ocean, and a giant wave along the equator circled the Earth three times, and it is believed that in those days, Antlan - the Land of the Ants, a Slavic tribe - perished. The Greeks called it Atlantis, and then they Russified the Greek word, and it turned out to be Atlantis. Although the Slavic tribe of Ants still exists, and they are not called Little Russians, but they are called - crests or Ukrainians. A Little Russians are the Ros tribe, which is southeast of Antov (Novorossiya, Donbass, Crimea). And so in present-day Ukraine, two Slavic tribes, as it were, originally lived there - the Antas and the Rosas. But if the Dews braided their long hair in a ponytail, a braid, then the Antes, especially the warriors, left a tuft of hair that came from the fontanelle, which meant a connection with the Family. But this later passed to the Cossacks, the so-called Oseledets. Hence, note, the number is 13, many died, so the 13th number and the name Fatta gave a new phrase - fatality, as inevitability, as something predetermined.

MONTH - this is the third moon of Midgard - Earth. It has an orbital period of 29 days and one fraction of a day is 29.1 d.s.

One second was called a lobe - 0.5.

Notice, in ancient tales and legends, they say: “... So Lelya is shining in the sky, and the Moon has come" Or, let’s say, the Moon kidnapped Zarya Mertsana. This means that the Moon covered the Earth of the Dawn of Mertsana - Venus - in the sky, as if kidnapped her, hid her in his palaces, and then she received liberation. Everything is in poetic images.

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It happens that to connect into a single whole a series of events, finds of historical information, which, it would seem, have nothing in common with each other, belong to the distant (and very distant!) past, belong to different peoples and continents and do not receive unambiguous explanations of modern science, allows a hypothesis from the category of so-called crazy, or anti-scientific. One of these cases will be discussed below.

From some ancient myths and chronicles that have reached us, it follows that there was an era on Earth when the Moon was not in the sky above it. 06 wrote this in the 5th century BC. e. Greek philosopher and astronomer Anaxagoras of Klazomen, who used sources that have not reached us, where it was argued that the Moon appeared in the sky later than the appearance of the Earth. In the 3rd century BC. he was supported by the Greek philosopher and poet, chief curator of the Library of Alexandria, Apollonius of Rhodes. In his essay “Argonautics,” he cites the words of another philosopher, Aristotle, who a century earlier mentioned in one of his works about the ancient inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Arcadia (a region on the Peloponnese peninsula), who “ate on acorns, and this was in those days when there were still there was no moon."

The writer and historian Plutarch, who lived at the turn of the 1st-2nd centuries AD, speaks of one of the rulers of Arcadia named Proselenos, which means “below the moon,” his subjects, the Proselenites, the first inhabitants of Arcadia.

Modern scientists do not deny the possibility of a “moonless” stage in human history and give various explanations for this. According to one of them, the Moon was once one of the planets of the solar system, but then, due to some kind of cosmic catastrophe, it left its orbit and turned into a satellite of our planet.

In the north of Bolivia, in the Andean region, on the Altiplano plain, surrounded by the snow-capped ridges of the Cordillera, not far from the shores of the alpine Lake Titicaca, there are the ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco. They lie at an altitude of almost 4000 meters, where the vegetation is very sparse and the terrain is not suitable for human habitation.

Why is Tiahuanaco in such a place? Who built it and when? These were the questions that the first Europeans who found themselves in the ancient city asked themselves and those around them. The Indians who lived in these parts at the time of the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors believed that such a large city could not be built by ordinary people, that it was built once upon a time by a long-extinct tribe of giants. The Europeans who visited Tiahuanaco did not believe in giants, but they attributed a very ancient origin to the city. Thus, the Bolivian researcher Arthur Poznansky, who devoted half his life to the study of Tiahuanaco, argued that the city was founded at least 12-17 thousand years ago. And, according to archaeologist Dr. H.S. Bellamy, the age of the city is 250 thousand years. However, even such an unimaginable antiquity of Tiahuanaco does not correspond to the results of modern archaeological and geodetic research.

As already mentioned, Tiahuanaco lies above Lake Titicaca in a basin surrounded by mountains. On their slopes there are traces of the ancient shores of the lake. By connecting the former opposite banks with a straight line, we will see that the ancient water mirror was located obliquely in relation to the present one. Moreover, at a distance of 620 km the deviation is more than 300 meters. If we transfer these data to isohypses (geodesic horizontal lines) of the Earth’s surface in this area of ​​South America, it turns out that the Andes in the vicinity of Tiahuanaco were an island in the ocean, the level of which reached the level of Lake Titicaca, that is, it was then almost 4000 meters higher! In addition, Lake Titicaca is salty.

From the above it follows that Tiahuanaco was built on the shore of the sea or a body of water connected to it, which is confirmed by the ruins of port facilities, shells and remains of fossil sea animals, and images of flying fish found on its territory. And such a port city could only exist before the rise of the Andes. But the rise of the Andes and the decrease in the water level of the world's oceans are attributed by geologists to the Tertiary period (60-70 million years ago), that is, to the time when, according to modern science, there were no people on Earth. However, some findings give reason to challenge this assertion.

In the early 30s of the 20th century, 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Berea, Kentucky, USA, professor of geology, Dr. Wilbur Burrow and his colleague William Finnel, discovered human prints on fossilized sandstone in layers of Carboniferous rocks ( or very similar to human) feet. Twelve footprints 23 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “spread” fingers - looked as if someone had walked barefoot on wet sand, which subsequently froze and petrified. And it petrified, by all geological standards, no later than 250 million years ago.

In 1988, the Soviet magazine “Around the World” published a report that similar prints were found in the Kurgatan Nature Reserve, located in the Chardzhou region of Turkmenistan, most reminiscent of the footprints of a bare foot of a person or some kind of anthropoid creature. The length of the print is 26 centimeters. The age of the traces, according to scientists, is at least 150 million years.

Similar discoveries have occurred in other regions, in particular in Slovakia. It should be emphasized that in no case were traces of “hands” found next to the traces of “legs”.

But even more mysterious prints are known. In 1976, Thomas Andrews' book We Are Not the First was published in London. In it, the author reports that in 1968, a certain William Meister saw in Utah, USA, at the site of a rock fracture, two clear prints... of shoe soles. At the same time, the back part of the print with the heel mark is deeper, as it should be in accordance with the distribution of weight when walking. Geologists who examined the discovery site confirmed that at the time when the impression was formed, the formation was on the surface and only later was buried under layers of other rocks. The rock where the footprint appeared at the fracture site dates back to the Cambrian period, which began 570 million years ago and ended 80 million years later.

In the summer of 1998, an expedition from the MAI-Cosmopoisk Center searched for meteorite fragments in the southwest of the Kaluga region. On a former collective farm field near the abandoned village of Znamya, one of the expedition members picked up a stone fragment that seemed unusual to him from the ground, wiped off the dirt from it, and... everyone saw on a chip of a layered flint stone a bolt about a centimeter long with a nut at the end located inside it, How could the “bolt” get inside the stone?

Since it was embedded inside the stone, this could only mean one thing: it ended up there when the stone was not yet a stone, but was sedimentary rock, bottom clay. This clay was fossilized, as determined by geologists and paleontologists who studied the find, 300-320 million years ago.

Scientists at the Geology Department of the University of Tennessee, located in Chattanooga, have been in a state of complete bewilderment for decades after examining a rock fragment about 300 million years old in 1979. This weighty piece of stone was found by Dan Jones on the banks of the Tellico River while he was hunting for trout with a fishing rod in his hands. It turned out that a fishing reel of the type used by modern amateur fishermen was tightly embedded in this fragment of mountain crystalline shale. University geologists still cannot explain the origin of this find.

Now let’s ask ourselves: what process could cause the Andes to rise (that is, lower the sea level) by four kilometers and maintain it that way until our times? And could such a global transformation be connected with the appearance of the Moon in our sky?

It gives an answer to these questions and, moreover, combines all the events and phenomena mentioned above, one of the “anti-scientific” hypotheses. According to it, hundreds of millions, and maybe billions of years ago, a giant spaceship with numerous representatives of some highly developed alien civilization appeared in near-Earth space. It entered geostationary orbit and hovered motionless over the Western Hemisphere of the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. This is how the Moon appeared above our planet.

Under the influence of its gravity, which was then more than ten times closer to our planet than it is now, the shape of the Earth became pear-shaped or egg-shaped, and huge masses of water were concentrated on its “sublunar” surface.

For representatives of space civilization, who traveled enormous distances in the Universe in search of a suitable planet, the Earth opened up rich opportunities for active intervention in the development of life on it. And they began intensive work on improving living beings living on Earth. As a result, over time, the same civilization arose on the planet, whose “pointed” traces modern people, as described above, occasionally find in layers of the earth’s crust, the age of which is estimated at hundreds of millions of years. Judging by some finds, that civilization was much superior to our current one in terms of technical development.

And then on Earth and in the space closest to it, a certain event occurred that entailed terrible and irreversible consequences. This is the story of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, which, among other things, tells about three cities in space and the war of the gods that led to the death of these cities:

“When these three cities appeared in the sky, the god Mahadeva struck them with a terrible ray in the form of three beams... When the cities began to burn, Parvati hurried there to see this spectacle.”

Translating this into modern language, we can assume that then a certain cataclysm occurred in space, which caused the Moon to leave its geostationary orbit and begin its accelerating rotation around the Earth. After this, our planet began to take a long and painful time to acquire the current appearance we know, and to redistribute the waters of the World Ocean. These processes caused powerful earthquakes and gigantic floods. Memories of this nightmare have survived to this day. If we assume that it was reflected in the description of the Flood (Bible, Genesis, chapters 7, 8), then the “rebirth” lasted approximately 375 days.

And in Greek mythology there is a story about Phaeton, the son of the sun god Helios, who, driving his father’s chariot, could not hold back the fire-breathing horses, and they, approaching the Earth, almost burned it down. To prevent a catastrophe, Zeus struck Phaeton with a lightning strike, and he fell into the river, blazing. As a result of such a global catastrophe, traces of the previous civilization were destroyed on Earth, and the handful of surviving people, gradually degrading, turned into cave dwellers of the Stone Age.

Thus, the existing order in the world was disrupted, the end came to the Golden Age of humanity, when the “gods” (that is, space aliens) lived among people, and the sky was full of vimanas - aircraft flying between space cities and the Earth with passengers on board : both people and gods.

After the War of the Gods, what survived, in addition to the Moon, was one of those space stations that were located in the space between the Earth and the Moon and, perhaps, served as “transshipment bases.” To save the surviving station and its inhabitants, there was only one way left: to send it to Earth, especially since in conditions when the Moon began to gradually move away from our planet, the station had to land anyway due to a change in the ratio of the forces acting on it.

It was decided to float down into the water, as this reduced the risk of an accident. In general, the splashdown was successful, despite the fact that the station - after passing through the atmosphere and hitting the water - received serious damage. To prevent it from sinking, it had to be placed on solid ground. The surviving vimanas conducted aerial reconnaissance and found a group of islands that surrounded a fairly deep bay, open to the south. The station was sent there so that when the water level dropped, it would settle to the bottom and eventually end up on land. It was this space object that later became the capital of Atlantis, and its crew - the Atlanteans.

It is appropriate to recall here that the average diameter of the Moon is now over 3,400 kilometers. So the dimensions of the surviving space station were apparently appropriate, and could well correspond to the dimensions of Atlantis (according to Plato): a diameter of more than 2000 meters, a height of about 180 meters.

After the space around the station turned into a vast valley surrounded by mountains, the Atlanteans began to explore the surface of the Earth. They searched for surviving people and engaged in their training and development, instilled in them activity and independence, and also carried out work on their genetic improvement. The result was the emergence of Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons and, apparently, those people whose cranial volume was up to 2300 cM3 (in modern humans, it usually does not exceed 1400 cM3). And these “brainy guys” lived, judging by the finds of their remains in Morocco and Algeria, about 12,000 years ago, that is, just during the last period of the existence of Atlantis, and then, like it, they disappeared forever from the surface of the earth.

The Atlanteans became teachers, mentors and educators for the surviving inhabitants of the Earth; they laid the foundations of a new civilization. Well, people revered them as gods and perceived them as their saviors. It was precisely as the founding deities of the state and culture that they remained in the collective memory of peoples - in Sumer, Ancient Egypt, among the primitive inhabitants of the American continent.

Well, what about the modern Moon - is it really just a dead celestial body, devoid of water and atmosphere? It seems that this is not entirely true. The fact is that almost three centuries ago, when regular observations of the Moon began, astronomers began to notice strange phenomena on its surface. These were appearing and disappearing glimpses of light and light rays, “lights” flying in different directions, spontaneously appearing and disappearing relief elements, some of which bore obvious signs of artificial origin. “Moon mysteries” continue to this day.

When, during the flight of the American expedition to the Moon on Apollo 13 in April 1970, the third stage of the ship’s launch vehicle was separated and fell on the Moon, its entire surface to a depth of 40 kilometers fluctuated for almost three and a half hours! According to one NASA scientist, the Moon behaved like a huge hollow gong. (It is appropriate to recall here that due to technical problems, the astronauts did not land on the Moon; the ship only circled it, and only thanks to the courage and resourcefulness of the crew was able to return safely to Earth).

In April 1972, the crew of Apollo 16, measuring from orbit the strength of the Moon's magnetic field (which, in general, is almost a hundred thousand times weaker than the Earth's), discovered that it was very uneven and had a pronounced increased value in seven different regions of the lunar surface. ball. Another amazing discovery was made: under the lunar surface, at a depth of about one hundred kilometers, there are two belts of some ferromagnetic substances, each more than a thousand kilometers long, as if someone had laid two giant steel support beams in the bowels of the Moon.

It has long been believed that there is no water on the Moon. And it never was. But the instruments installed on it by the Apollo crews refuted this “immutable” truth. They recorded accumulations of water vapor extending over the lunar surface for hundreds of kilometers. Analyzing these sensational data, John Freeman from Rice University came to an even more sensational conclusion. In his opinion, instrument readings indicate that water vapor seeps to the surface from the depths of the lunar interior!

Thus, it turns out that the presented hypothesis about the origin of the Moon and its connection with Tiwanaku and Atlantis is not devoid of common sense and is not so “crazy.”

The most important mystery of the Moon lies in its origin. We still don't know where the Moon came from. But there are plenty of hypotheses about the origin of the Moon. Let's look at them.

But first

About the Moon

The Earth has only one satellite - the Moon. It moves around the Earth in an orbit at an average distance from it of 376,284 km.

The Earth's gravitational force gradually slows down the rotation of the Moon around its axis, so that now the Moon goes around its entire path around the Earth in exactly the same time as it takes one rotation around its axis. This synchronous rotation means that when we look at the Moon from Earth, we always see only one side of it. Only astronauts and spacecraft have been able to see the far side of the Moon.

As the Moon moves around the Earth, the Sun illuminates different parts of its surface.

Look at the picture. You see on it what the Moon looks like from the same point on the Earth, being at different points of its orbit: crescent moon, half of the lunar disk (first quarter), waxing Moon, full moon, waning Moon, half of the lunar disk (last quarter), lunar sickle.

The Moon is very large relative to the Earth. The diameter of the Moon at the equator (in the middle part) is 3475 km, which is slightly less than a quarter of the diameter of the Earth. Therefore, some astronomers even believe that the Earth-Moon system should be considered as a double planet.

But let us return to the question of the origin of the Moon.

Hypotheses about the origin of the Moon

Hypothesis one

In the early stages of Earth's existence, it had a ring system similar to that of Saturn. Perhaps the Moon was formed from them?

Hypothesis two (centrifugal separation)

When the Earth was still very young and consisted of molten rocks, it rotated so quickly that it stretched out, became shaped like a pear, and then the top of this “pear” broke off and turned into the Moon. This hypothesis is jokingly called the “daughter” hypothesis.

Hypothesis three (collisions)

When the Earth was young, it was hit by some celestial body whose size was half the size of the Earth itself. As a result of this collision, a huge amount of material was thrown into outer space, and subsequently the Moon was formed from it.

Hypothesis four (capture)

The Earth and Moon formed independently, in different parts of the solar system. When the Moon passed close to the Earth's orbit, it was captured by the Earth's gravitational field and became its satellite. This hypothesis is jokingly called the “marital” hypothesis.

Hypothesis five (joint education)

The Earth and the Moon formed simultaneously, in close proximity to each other (jokingly - the “sister” hypothesis).

Hypothesis six (many moons)

Several small moons were captured by the Earth's gravity, then they collided with each other, collapsed, and from their debris the present Moon was formed.

Hypothesis seven (evaporation)

From the molten proto-earth, significant masses of matter were evaporated into space, which then cooled, condensed in orbit and formed the proto-moon.

Each of these hypotheses has its pros and cons. Currently, the collision hypothesis is considered the main and more acceptable one. Let's take a closer look at it.

This hypothesis was proposed by William Hartman and Donald Davis in 1975. According to their assumption, the protoplanet (they called it Theia) about the size of Mars collided with the proto-Earth early in its formation, when the Earth had approximately 90% of its current mass. The blow did not land in the center, but at an angle, almost tangentially. As a result, most of the substance of the impacted object and part of the substance of the earth's mantle were thrown into low-Earth orbit. From these debris, the proto-Moon assembled and began to orbit with a radius of about 60,000 km. As a result of the impact, the Earth received a sharp increase in rotation speed (one revolution in 5 hours) and a noticeable tilt of the rotation axis.

Why is this particular hypothesis about the origin of the Moon considered the main one? It explains well all the known facts about the chemical composition and structure of the Moon, as well as the physical parameters of the Moon-Earth system. Initially, great doubts were raised about the possibility of such a successful collision (oblique impact, low relative speed) of such a large body with the Earth. But then it was suggested that Theia formed in Earth's orbit. This scenario well explains the low impact speed, the impact angle, and the current, almost exactly circular orbit of the Earth.

But this hypothesis also has its vulnerabilities, as, indeed, every hypothesis (after all, HYPOTHESIS translated from ancient Greek means “assumption”).

So, the vulnerability of this hypothesis is as follows: the Moon has a very small iron-nickel core - it makes up only 2-3% of the total mass of the satellite. And the metallic core of the Earth makes up about 30% of the planet’s mass. To explain the iron deficiency on the Moon, we have to accept the assumption that by the time of the collision (4.5 billion years ago) both on Earth and on Theia, a heavy iron core had already been released and a light silicate mantle had formed. But no unambiguous geological evidence for this assumption has been found.

And second: if the Moon had somehow ended up in the Earth’s orbit at such a distant time and after that had not undergone significant shocks, then, according to calculations, a multi-meter layer of dust settling from space would have accumulated on its surface, which was not confirmed during space landings. devices on the lunar surface.


Until the 60s of the 20th century, the main hypotheses of the origin of the Moon were three: centrifugal separation, capture and joint formation. One of the main goals of the American lunar expeditions of 1960-1970 was to find evidence of one of these hypotheses. The first data obtained revealed serious contradictions with all three hypotheses. But during the Apollo flights there was no hypothesis of a giant collision yet. . It is she who is now dominant .

Surprisingly, modern science cannot give an exact answer to the question of where and how the Moon appeared near the Earth. There are many theories about the origin of the Moon, and in each of them there are contradictory facts. Initially, scientists thought that all the planets were formed simultaneously, from protoplasm. But later they came to the conclusion that this is not entirely true. When samples of lunar soil arrived on the researchers' desk, the research scientists gasped in surprise - the Moon turned out to be much older than the Earth - about 1.5 billion years! And immediately the theory of the simultaneous origin of the planets turned out to be untenable! But this rather added more questions than answers about how the Moon appeared. For a long time, they adhered to the main version of the origin of the Moon - a mega-impact. According to which, at the time of the formation of protoplanets, a certain protoplanet Theia, crossing the path of the Earth, hit its surface. And it knocked out a huge piece from the Earth, which took its place in its orbit, becoming a satellite. However, the different chemical composition of the Moon and the Earth, the difference in age, as well as the fact that scientists do not know a single case of planets flying around star systems as freely as Theia, slightly adjusted the theory of mega-impact and the appearance of the Moon. According to the updated version, at the time of the formation of the solar system, the planets revolved around the star in unstable orbits. And where the asteroid belt is now located, between Mars and Jupiter, there was once another planet - Phaethon. In size and mass, Phaeton was half as large as our planet, while the angle of inclination of the planets caused a serious danger of collision. And one day it happened! Phaeton came too close and was caught by the Earth in a gravitational trap; Phaeton could no longer escape from the larger planet in terms of mass! And the collision happened. Fortunately, the trajectories of cosmic bodies did not completely coincide, and the Earth suffered little damage. But here is Phaeton - the planet was literally torn apart by the impact! A large piece of matter is all that remains of Phaeton, which took its place in the Earth’s orbit and became the planet’s eternal satellite, the Moon. Everything else was scattered across outer space in different directions.

The surface of the Moon often changes its shape. The reliability of this theory is indicated by the remains of a weak magnetosphere, but still a magnetosphere; satellites do not have a magnetosphere. But this version does not satisfy researchers either. The existence of the planet Phaeton in ancient times is not denied, but what happened to the planet... and whether it became a satellite of the Earth is questioned by research scientists. Researchers, based on the latest data, believe that the planet that crashed into the Earth could not have been Phaeton at all. As you know, the Moon’s equator does not coincide with the Earth’s, but it perfectly coincides with the plane of the Martian orbit! In addition, the Earth's satellite has a strange character trait: despite the stronger influence of Venus, the Moon tends to get closer to Mars. It’s like an invisible cosmic umbilical cord connects Mars and the Moon! It is impossible to explain why this phenomenon is connected. The influence of Phaeton on Mars. If we assume that Phaeton exploded from a collision with the Earth, then this could not but affect neighboring Mars. Now we see the Red Planet, with a lifeless, dead desert. But once upon a time everything could have been different! Huge fragments of the exploding Phaeton began to bombard Mars non-stop. No one could survive on it; the planet was doomed! From the powerful impacts of Phaeton fragments, the planet shook and lost its orbit, the atmosphere and magnetosphere of Mars died. Under powerful impacts of unprecedented force, the debris of Mars also scattered in all directions. The fact that Mars was subjected to terrible impacts is evidenced by the discovery of 2000. Then the Yamato meteorite was discovered in Antarctica; it is believed that it was brought to us from Mars, which was broken by a massive attack. The rock at the core of the Yamato meteorite is 16,000,000 years old! They are badly damaged - according to experts, the destruction is typical of a catastrophe on a planetary scale! And the upper melted crust of the meteorite indicates that Yamato entered the Earth’s atmosphere 12 thousand years ago. But we must not forget about Phaeton - after all, once upon a time there could have been a fertile time here, when the planet was alive and flourishing. And on the surface of the planet lived an intelligent culture. Let's take a moment to remember how the Moon behaves in orbit. The Moon is an amazing satellite planet whose shape is almost perfectly round. It is also interesting that the center of mass of the Moon is 1830 meters closer to the Earth than its geometric center. It would seem that with such a statement of forces, the Moon should rotate chaotically. However, nothing like that! The flight path of our satellite is perfectly accurate and verified! It moves strictly maintaining a stable speed and course. It is impossible to explain this... Along with this, no one has ever seen the far side of the Moon! It is as if it is forever hidden from earthly observers. Why is that? What could be hiding in the darkness of the invisible side that earthlings cannot see? But even now, despite a sufficient number of probe satellites that have explored the Moon, it is rare to find photographs of the reverse side of a satellite that have not been corrected.

The mystery of the Moon and the Yamoto meteorite in the legends of ancient civilizations. Academic science has sorted out the formation of the Universe and the Solar system into pieces. But some facts “fall out” from the generally accepted hypothesis of the origin of the planets, and the Moon in particular. All ancient civilizations have records of how the Moon came into being. It turns out that legends remember those times when the Earth did not yet have a satellite! Ancient texts describe the appearance of the Moon in a very interesting way. Moreover, these are deadly facts for the generally accepted theory of the origin of the Moon. But the Moon was placed into orbit by none other than the Gods! - after a terrible catastrophe in the solar system.

The symbol of the Dendera zodiac, which speaks of the origin of the Moon Egypt, Dendera, a place known as the temple of the goddess Khankhor, here is the Dendera calendar - it is believed that this is a chronicle of past events, records of great catastrophes, not yet fully deciphered by man. The female figure is believed to represent the Earth, and the baboon in her hand symbolizes the Moon. An outstretched arm indicates that the Moon was pulled towards the Earth! And the Gods did it! Tiwanaku, far from Egypt, the walls of the Kalasasaya temple /Temple of Standing Stones/ here researchers read that the Moon appeared near the Earth about 12 thousand years ago. The walls of the temple are dotted with reflections of the scale and significance of the event when the Moon appeared. And similar inscriptions, speaking about events of the past, were found in all ancient civilizations. The recordings of the Greeks, Aristotle and Plutarch, and the Roman Apollonius of Rhodes, talking about a certain people who lived in the mountainous area of ​​Arcadia, sound amazing. And they spoke about themselves as about a people whose ancestors came to these places even before the Moon appeared in the sky. - And people remember this, preserving knowledge for posterity. Obviously, different ancient cultures describe the appearance of the Moon in their own way, but the essence remains the same - before the Earth did not have its own satellite. In some civilizations, the Moon appeared from under water, in others from underground. The appearance of the Moon in the sky is also associated with the Great Flood. By the way, with the advent of the satellite there is another legend, although it is still unclear. According to Indian legends, people used to live longer and stood on the threshold of almost immortality - life up to 10 thousand years. However, a catastrophe changed everything, after which life expectancy was reduced to 1 thousand years. This is also mentioned in the Bible, and subsequently longevity was completely lost. Is this related to the appearance of the Moon? - It’s difficult to answer, but it’s a remarkable fact.

How the planet Phaeton died 16 million years ago. So what did our ancestors so carefully preserve, carving on stone? What did they want to convey to us? The story of how the planet Phaethon died and Mars was destroyed, and during this event the Earth acquired a satellite? Isn’t this what ancient legends tell about, convey to us the history of our planet, and also reflect phenomena on a cosmic scale? According to ancient texts, the planet Phaeton did not die by accident, but in a slightly different way, according to researchers. In those distant times, two powerful powers fought each other. Developed cultures, weapons of unimaginable power - and as a result the planet was destroyed and broken. The Moon and the Earth, Jericho and Giza, how similar they are. But this does not explain why the gods dragged the Moon to the Earth. Unless we assume that the gods did not do this. And in this case there is an interesting theory. What if, in a long-standing battle, not all the spaceships of the warring parties died? Then the ship, damaged but not completely dead, could “fix” itself in the orbit of the nearest planet, and the crew of the broken ship could settle on the planet. In support of this version, there are numerous and well-known lunar anomalous phenomena. These are jets of emitted gas, as if they are being vented by an on-board system when purging modules or some working system. Moreover, we are not talking about short duration, but rather about the frequency of emissions. Observers also repeatedly notice mysterious changes on the lunar surface. It’s as if the subsurface mechanisms of a huge ship are working. The scientific elite is well aware of what is happening on the Moon, and in general does not deny the phenomena occurring. However, for some mysterious reason, it does not want to acknowledge what is happening and what was written by ancient civilizations..... Why?

Rarely is a novel or love poem complete without such a character as the Moon. Where do the most romantic meetings take place? Of course, under the moon. And it’s impossible to imagine a serenade under your beloved’s balcony without the moon hanging over the tiled roofs.

Who gave us such a gift, where did the Earth's natural satellite come from? Without dwelling on the versions of the construction of the Moon by ancient super-developed earthlings or the Moon as an alien spaceship that periodically descends on our planet and abducts a couple of particularly annoying ufologists, we will dwell on the most plausible and popular hypotheses in the scientific community.

The Moon is a fairly large satellite on the scale of the Solar System, and if we consider it in proportion to the mother planet, then it is very large. The largest moon in the solar system is Jupiter's moon Ganymede, which is twice as massive as the Moon and one and a half times larger. However, in comparison with its planet, Ganymede is a speck of dust: less than 4% in size and about 0.008% in mass. While the diameter of the Moon is about 27% of the Earth’s, and its mass is more than one percent of the mass of our planet.

Until the beginning of the last century, in the scientific community there was, by and large, no question of how the Moon was formed. Most astrophysicists unanimously preached the hypothesis of the simultaneous formation of the Earth together with a satellite from an initial gas and dust cloud. However, later this option began to acquire more and more opponents, who argued that the Earth’s gravity would not have allowed such a large cosmic body to form in its orbit.

The study of soil brought from the Moon during NASA manned flights also added points to opponents of the theory. As it turned out, rock samples from our satellite differ from those on Earth both in density and in chemical composition: they contain less iron and some other heavy elements.

Surface of the Earth's satellite

Could a piece “fall off” from the Earth?

Around the 70s...80s of the twentieth century, a hypothesis was born according to which the Moon was formed from matter separated from the Earth. According to her, this became possible when our planet was still in its formation stage and consisted of extremely hot rocks in a liquid state.

The matter separated from the surface of the protoplanet as a result of its very rapid rotation under the influence of centrifugal forces. The theory partially explained the difference in chemical composition. The heavier elements were in the central part of the Earth and remained, but the lighter compounds were located outside the rapidly rotating sphere, and they were “thrown off”.

The assumption was made by the son of the author of the theory of the origin of species, Charles Darwin. It is known that the Moon is gradually moving away from the Earth (something about 2 centimeters per year). Based on this fact, as if “rewinding” time back, George Darwin suggested that the Earth and its satellite were once a single whole.

The theory was refuted by a mathematician. Careful calculations showed that the Moon could not approach the Earth closer than 7...10 thousand kilometers.

Space detective with kidnapping

The option of stealing the Moon by the Earth was proposed by the Americans at the very beginning of the 20th century. According to the hypothesis put forward, the once independent celestial body was captured by the gravity of our planet. The theory perfectly explained the difference in density and chemical composition of lunar rocks compared to terrestrial ones.

The fly in the ointment, which ultimately ruined the hypothesis, was the same computer models. According to calculations, gravitational capture of such a massive body is practically impossible.

"Shock" version

Impact version of the origin of the Moon as imagined by the artist

The studies of our natural satellite were filled with new colors after the delivery of samples of lunar rocks to Earth. About two hundred grams were delivered to Earth by the Soviet Luna-24 spacecraft, and about two hundred kilograms in total were brought to the planet by American manned missions. The study of the samples gave new impetus to solving the question: how the Moon was formed. So, the researchers were struck by two facts revealed during the study of samples of the lunar surface.

Firstly: as it turned out, the soil on Earth and on the Moon, despite all the differences in chemical composition, is absolutely identical in the content of heavy oxygen isotopes (an indicator that is individual for all bodies of the Solar System). This gave researchers evidence that both objects were either once a single whole, or were formed in the same region of the system, at approximately the same distance from the star.

Fact number two was that all the soil that makes up the surface of our satellite was molten in the past (former lava), like all basaltic rocks of the Earth. Astronomers were told about this by the almost complete absence of water and some other easily evaporating elements, such as potassium and lithium, in the samples. And the lunar soil acquired its modern appearance as a result of long-term, over billions of years, bombardment by asteroids and meteorites of various sizes, which turned the surface into dust.

The combination of these two facts gave people the fourth theory of finding the Moon, which is currently the main one, accepted by most serious scientific organizations and explaining the largest number of lunar mysteries. This is the "Big Impact" theory.

It is assumed that at the dawn of the formation of the Solar system, in the area where our planet now rotates, another celestial body, a protoplanet, the size of present-day Mars, formed. Romantics even came up with a name for it: Theia. During the period when both planets had not yet completely cooled down and were covered with oceans of molten stone, their collision occurred, Theia crashed tangentially into the future Earth.

Part of Theia's substance, along with the heavy iron core, remained on Earth forever. Another, very small part, as a result of the impact, received sufficient speed to leave the solar system forever. And finally, the third part of Theia’s debris ended up in Earth’s orbit. About a year after the impact, the debris came together to form the Moon.

Immediately our satellite was extremely hot, its entire surface was covered with a multi-kilometer ocean of liquid lava, shaken from time to time by terrible tsunamis caused by comets and asteroids crashing into the fiery abyss. However, after several hundred million years, the Moon cooled down and slowly began to take on the shape we are familiar with.

Our planet also received qualitative changes as a result of the impact. Its rotation speed has increased. According to some calculations, the day immediately after the collision lasted only less than five hours. In addition, as a result of the merger of the iron-nickel cores of Proto-Earth and Theia, the inner metal core of our planet has grown significantly.

And as a result...

The significance of this cosmic incident for earthlings is difficult to overestimate. Perhaps we can agree with those scientists who believe that thanks to the collision, conditions for the existence of life exist on Earth.

It was as a result of the conjunction of Earth and Theia that our planet received a massive iron core. Due to the presence of a natural satellite, which is quite heavy relative to the mother planet, tidal phenomena exist on Earth. And not just in the oceans.

Tidal forces are constantly: either stretching or compressing the earth's core, as a result of which frictional forces heat up the heart of our planet. In the liquid hot core, conditions are created for the formation of giant vortex phenomena - the source of the magnetic field of planet Earth.

Our closest neighbor in the solar “home”, Mars, does not have such an active nucleus and does not have a magnetic field. Many astronomers are inclined to assume that it is precisely because of this that there is no dense atmosphere, no water, no life on Mars. The solar wind simply “blown away” all the gases from Mars, clearing the way for deadly cosmic radiation.