Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Introduction to the letter b. Letters “ъ” and “ь” Tasks with the letter ь for preschoolers

A collection of tasks for seven-year-old children before preparing for school: hard mark, vocabulary dictation, speech development, formation of knowledge about the environment, memory development, solving problems in mathematics.

Learning to read. Getting to know "Kommersant"

Target: getting to know Kommersant.

Material: worksheet. Card with Kommersant.

- Guys, in the Russian language there is one more letter that does not have a sound - this is Kommersant.

The teacher shows a card with a letter.

- What does Kommersant look like? How is it different from b?
- Trace the letter with your finger.
- Listen to the words that contain Kommersant: EATED, DRIVED UP, WENT AROUND.
- Now listen to the fairy tale about Kommersant and the soft sign.

In the fairy-tale city of Alfavitsk there lived 32 funny letters. They were busy writing books. One day the letter A gathered all the residents and said:

Sisters! There are letters among us that are no match for us. They are not sounds and do not do the work that we do. I'm talking about soft and hard signs. I propose to exclude them from our team. Let them go in all four directions.

How so? What should we do now? – the soft sign whispered uncertainly and sadly.

You will regret this! - threatened the firm sign. - Let's go, brother, we can do without them.

And they went wherever they looked. The thin, soft sign walked timidly and uncertainly, stumbling all the time. And the fat and clumsy, hard sign put on his hat and, whistling a cheerful song, cheerfully walked along the path with his friend. On their way they met a dark forest. There they found an abandoned woodcutter's hut and began to live happily ever after.

At this time, the letters continued to do their business. They released another book. But not a single reader touched it, because everything in it was meaningless. Words without hard and soft signs have lost their meaning.

Hard times have come in the lives of letters.

It’s impossible to exist like that! - exclaimed the letter Y. - We must leave pride and return our friends.

She was supported by the letter D:

We need to get ready for the road!

Letter A commanded:

Hiking tomorrow!

Early in the morning they set off on the road. The journey was long and tiring. A lake appeared in front of them. Having built a boat, the letters began to float across the pond. Suddenly the bow of the boat hit something hard. The letter A wanted to shout:

Attention! We're running aground!

But instead it turned out:

We're sitting on chalk!

All the letters obediently climbed out of the water and smeared themselves in the chalk that covered the shore, although they did not understand why this was necessary. Dirty, dissatisfied and hungry, they wandered on.

Letter A realized that she needed to feed the team and thought:

“Now I will command that everyone stop, eat and rest.”

The letters sat there, but it didn’t give them any strength. Night fell, the travelers began to freeze and pitched a tent.

Fire up the coal! - the letter A commanded.

But everyone only heard “light the corner” and obediently set fire to the edges of the tent. A big fire started and the letters had to put it out.

Finally the forest and the woodcutter's hut appeared. When the tired letters went there, they saw that the soft and hard signs were happily drinking tea with sugar, talking peacefully and nothing bothered them. The environment is clean, warm and cozy.

They understood the letters that they had treated their comrades unfairly, asked for their forgiveness, realizing that it was impossible to live without hard and soft signs. The brothers were not angry with them, they fed them and gave them tea. In the morning everyone set off on their way back.

Since then, each resident of the city of "Alfavitsk" had his own task. Vowels and consonants indicated sounds, and soft and hard signs indicated their softness or hardness.

Learning to read "Kommersant"

Target: formation of knowledge of the image of a letter.

Material: worksheet.

Color b.

Circle and write b.

What does Kommersant look like?

Learning to read. Reading words with b

Target: formation of reading skills.

Material: worksheet. Sound cubes.

The teacher writes two words on the board - SAT and EATED. The teacher suggests laying out a diagram of the word SEL. As a result of this work, children see which word the proposed diagram on the board refers to. The teacher tells the children that another way to separate sounds in words is to use the letter b. The guys are working on the similarities and differences between the words sat and ate and draw conclusions that in the word ate, we clearly hear the merging of two sounds [Y] [E] and so that they do not merge with the sound [With] we write Kommersant.

Then the teacher draws attention to the task on the worksheet.

- Read the words.
- Underline b.
-Then the teacher asks the children to complete the next task on the worksheet.
- Divide the words into syllables. Write the number of syllables in the squares.

Dictation. Offer

Target: formation of writing skills, development of coding ability.

Material: worksheet.

Write a sentence from dictation:


Put emphasis on the words.

Speech development. Conversation on the topic "Activities and tools"

Target: development of speech, active and passive vocabulary, formation of ideas about the work of adults, about the tools used in the profession.

Materials: ball.

- Each job must be performed using special tools. I cooked the pancake using pots, pans, dishes, and a stove. What did the mouse chop wood with? (Axe, saw). Right. Let me name some activity, and you name the tools that are needed for this.
  • Janitor - What does he need? – (broom, rag, bucket, mop).
  • Hairdresser - What does he need? (Scissors, comb, water, hair dryer, razor).
  • Tailor - needle, thread, thimble, sewing machine.
  • Singer - stage, microphone, piano.
  • Student - books, notebooks, pen, pencil.
  • Mushroom picker - basket, knife, boots, cloak.
  • Fisherman - fishing rod, bucket.
  • Mathematics. We measure cereals with different standards

    Target: teach children to measure the same amount of cereal with measures of different sizes, to understand the dependence of the result obtained on the size of the measure. Development of the mental action of analysis-synthesis, comparison.

    Materials: two basins (one empty, the other with 3 “saucepans” of rice), a plastic “saucepan”, a plastic cup, lace beads. Numbers from 1 to 9. Signs "greater than", "less than", "equal".

    Make sure the measurements are complete!

    - What is the name of the cereal in the bowl?
    - How do you know how much rice is in the bowl? What needs to be done for this?
    - How can you measure rice? (All objects in which it can be poured).

    The teacher suggests measuring the rice with a saucepan - this will be the measure. Reminds us that every time we measure out a full cup, we need to place some object (for example, put a bead) in order not to lose count.

    - How many pots of rice were in the basin? (Three).

    Find and put this number in front of you.

    - Now let's measure the same rice with a glass.
    - How many cups of rice did you get? Find the number. Place it next to it.
    - How many pots of rice did you get? How many cups?
    - Place a sign between the numbers and read the entry. (For example, “three is more than five” and “five is more than three”).
    - Why did you get different answers with the same amount of rice? What can be concluded?
    - That's right, the larger the measure, the smaller the number, and vice versa: the smaller the measure, the larger the number.
    - What were a saucepan and a glass for us now? (Measurements).

    Graphic dictation

    Target: development of fine motor skills of the hand, formation of visual-motor coordination.

    Materials: worksheet.

    The teacher gives the children worksheets and asks them to put a pencil on a dot.

    The teacher dictates:

    One cell to the right. Two squares up. One cell to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the right. Two squares up. One cell to the right. Two cells down. One cell to the right. Two squares up.

    Continue the pattern yourself.

    Mathematics. Problem solving. Apples

    Target: development of thinking operations.

    Material: worksheet.

    Compose and solve a problem. Write down your solution.

    Formation of knowledge about the surrounding world. Furniture

    Target: formation of mental actions of generalization, classification, analysis-synthesis.

    Say it in one word:

  • The table where people dine is called...
  • The table for newspapers and magazines is called...
  • The table at which one writes is called...
  • The wardrobe is called...
  • The computer desk is called...
  • The book shelf is called...
  • The bookcase is called...
  • Say it the other way around:

  • The wardrobe is tall, and the bedside table...
  • The closet is large, and the shelf...
  • The sofa is soft, and the stool...
  • The chair is soft, and the table...
  • Mathematics. Examples

    Target: developing the ability to solve examples.

    Material: worksheet.

    The teacher draws attention to the next task on the worksheet.

    Solve examples.

    Ball game "Orientation in space"

    Target: formation of orientation in space.

    I will throw the ball and name the objects in this room. And you must use the words “left”, “right”, “in front”, “behind” in your answer.

    For example, “where is the table?” (ahead of me).

    Memory development. Who is sitting on the ladder?

    Target: practicing the concepts of “above, below”, “between”, “above”, “below”, ordinal counting within five, memory development.

    Materials: handout sheets 1 and 2, cards with studied numbers, felt-tip pen or plasticine (5 balls of different colors for each child).

    Children receive the 1st handout.

    - List everyone who is sitting on the stairs. (Boy, girl, cat, dog, rooster).
    - How many friends are sitting on the stairs? (Five).
    - Show the card with this number. (Pick up card "5").
    - Who sits on the first, bottom step? (Girl).
    -Who is sitting on the top step? (Cockerel).
    - What is the top step in the account? (Fifth).
    - Who sits on the third step? (Dog).
    - On which step is the cat sitting? (On the second).
    - Show me the card with this number. (Two).
    -Who sits between the girl and the dog? (Cat).
    - Who sits between the cockerel and the cat? (Boy and dog).
    - Who flies over the stairs? (Three dragonflies).
    -Which dragonflies are more numerous: blue or green? (There are more green dragonflies than blue ones, two are more than one).
    - What grows under the stairs? (Dandelions).
    - Pick up a card with a number equal to the number of dandelions. (Raise "5").
    - Now look carefully at the sheet again and remember who is sitting on which step. Ready? Give me your sheets.

    Instead, children receive a 2nd handout sheet.

    - Take a felt-tip pen and connect the boy, the girl and their entire group with lines to the steps on which they were sitting.
    (This work can also be done using plasticine. To do this, children receive 5 small pieces of plasticine of different colors. Take the first piece, for example, red.
    - Divide a piece of plasticine in half, roll two balls out of it. Attach the first ball to the girl, and the second ball to the step on which she was sitting.
    - Now take blue plasticine, divide it into two parts, roll two blue balls. Attach one ball to the boy, and the second to the step on which he was sitting.
    - Take green plasticine. (Work by analogy).

    When the children have assigned all the characters to certain levels, the adult gives them the 1st sheet, and the children test themselves.

    Preparing your hand for writing. Eyelets

    Target: development of grapho-motor functions.

    Material: worksheet.

    Circle the loops.

    The teacher assigns homework to the children.

    Purpose of the lesson: we study the soft sign, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

    • introduce the preschooler to the letter b and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
    • teach how to write the letter b in squares;
    • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

    Name what is shown in the pictures below:

    Elk Lioness and lion Goose Bear

    Repeat: L. Write: L.
    Repeat: R. Write: R.

    Repeat: Rb. How to write "Рь"? If we write only the letter P, it will turn out to be “r”, but what we need is “r”.
    To write “рь”, you need to write the following letter b after the letter P. This letter is called a soft sign.
    Write this letter after the letter R. The letter is a soft sign indicating that you should read not “r”, but “r”.

    Read what you have written:

    • If you write a soft sign after the letter L, you get “l” (Write “l”). Write: l.
    • If you write a soft sign after the letter M, you get “m” (Write “m”). Write: m.

    Write: з; no.

    What letter does the soft sign look like?

    Assignment: printed letter b for preschoolers

    Consider the soft sign. Sew the letter b in the air and once in the notebook carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

    In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
    If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

    Continue the sentence

    He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,
    But the sun will start to warm up a little.
    On the road for honey and raspberries
    Sending... (bear).

    They look very strange:
    Dad has wavy curls,
    And my mother has her hair cut.
    Why is she offended?
    No wonder he often gets angry
    Everyone's mother... (lioness).

    A tale about the letter b

    Father and mother

    It was spring. Two small birds were sitting on a branch in the forest. He and she.
    - Sing?! Sing?! - he asks.
    - Sing! Sing! - she answers.
    - Sweet?! Swing?! - He’s already talking about the nest.
    - Swing! Swing!
    After some time they had chicks.
    - Five! Five! - the father sings joyfully.
    - Exactly the same! Exactly the same!! - He’s talking about how the chicks look like him.
    And the children are already squealing:
    - Drink! Drink! Eat! Eat!
    The father brought the worm. Asks his mother:
    - Give? Give?
    And the children in chorus:
    - Give!!. Give!!. Give!!.- and well, tear the worm into pieces.
    “It’s creepy,” says the father.
    The chicks grew up and flew out of the nest.
    - Return? - asks the father.
    “Let it, let it…” the mother answered quietly.

    Riddles for children starting with the letter b

    Who is coming.
    Who is leaving -
    Everyone leads her by the hand.

    Touching the grass with hooves,
    A handsome man walks through the forest,
    Walks boldly and easily.
    Horns spread wide.

    Sleeping or bathing
    Everything doesn't take off:
    Day and night on legs
    Red boots.

    Funny poems about the letter b for children

    The letter R is upside down
    - She turned around with a soft sign.
    (V. Stepanov)

    Let's draw a soft sign
    Gently drop like this:
    A droplet will soften the letter
    - The word will sound soft.
    (A. Shibaev)

    The squirrel bent its tail
    The stump had a rest.
    She fluffed her tail, yes -
    Became like a soft sign!
    (E. Tarlapan)

    The soft sign lives carelessly,
    He goes around without a cap forever.
    (L. Shibaev)

    Our shadow is getting shorter and shorter,
    This means the day is coming soon.
    The shadow grows, moves away,
    This means it will be night soon.
    (V. Lunin)

    The blizzard whips this way and that,
    It hits you in the face with loose grain,
    Very tough and prickly,
    Despite the soft sign.
    (Ya. Akim)

    Hovering nearby
    Little river,
    Less than a trickle:
    Not to swim
    Neither dive
    Legs only
    Dip in a little!

    Lesson summary:

    1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
    2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
    3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
    4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

    Topic: Letter soft sign

    Goal: introduce the letter “b”


    Correctional and educational:

    learn to indicate the softness of consonants in writing using the letter ь

    develop the ability to explain spelling

    Corrective and developmental:

    develop phonemic awareness and hearing,

    development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills.

    Correctional and educational:

    develop the ability to interact with each other,

    cultivate interest in speech therapy classes.

    Equipment: flannelgraph, cash register of letters, traffic light cards, diagram for sound analysis of a word, chips (vowel sound, hard consonant sound, soft consonant sound), notebooks, pencils



    Senior subgroup

    Topic: Letter soft sign

    goal: to introduce the letter “b”


    Correctional and educational:

    learn to indicate the softness of consonants in writing using the letter ь

    develop the ability to explain spelling

    Corrective and developmental:

    develop phonemic awareness and hearing,

    development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills.

    Correctional and educational:

    develop the ability to interact with each other,

    cultivate interest in speech therapy classes.

    Equipment: flannelgraph, cash register of letters, traffic light cards, diagram for sound analysis of a word, chips (vowel sound, hard consonant sound, soft consonant sound), notebooks, pencils

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Organizing time

    the one who names the word with the sound [H"] sits down

    1. Repetition of covered material:

    What do you know about the sounds of your native language? (The sounds are vowels and consonants.)

    What do you know about vowel sounds? (vowel sounds are of the first and second row).

    What do you know about consonant sounds? (Consonant sounds are voiced and unvoiced, hard and soft).

    When do consonant sounds sound soft in words? (Before second row vowels).

    Which consonant sounds are only hard? Only soft ones?

    Didactic exercise “Who can name the most words?” - listen and repeat after the speech therapist the words: coal, dust, stump, horse, primer, crucian carp, bed, poplar, perch, fire, beast, deer.

    3 . Getting to know new material.

    1. - What did the last consonant sound sound like in all these words? (Soft).

    Why did he sound soft?

    2 . Sound analysis of the word angle.

    Name the first sound, what is it?

    What sound is 2, 3?

    How many sounds are there in a word?

    Replace the last hard sound L in the word diagram with a soft one. (change the blue square to green).

    What does the word sound like now? Say it!


    Let's write letters for the words ANGLE and COAL.

    What letter must be added to turn coal into coal? (Soft sign).

    There is such a letter - an assistant, which is written after consonant letters if the consonant sound in a word is pronounced softly. This letter is a soft sign.

    A soft sign is a cunning sign,

    Don't call him anything.

    It's not pronounced

    But the word is often asked.

    Why is the house at a corner

    Immediately turned into coal ?

    No fire, just like that?

    This is a soft letter.

    4.Development of phonemic hearing and perception. Speech exercise.

    Al-ol-ul-il at-ot-ut-it avi-ov-uv-iv

    As-os-us-is ar-or-ur-ir An-on-un-yin

    Yat-yat-yat - we went for a walk

    He-he-he - a horse is grazing in the meadow

    En-en-en - lilacs grow in the garden

    5. Didactic game “Traffic Light”.

    The speech therapist pronounces the words, the children should raise a green signal if they hear that the last sound in the word is soft: chair, coal, sofa, horse, house, lilac, mosquito, crucian carp, perch, sign, poplar, pump, bubble, sunflower, primer.

    6. Physical exercise. Coordination of speech with movement.

    We woke up early in the morning, rub their eyes

    Sweet, sweet reached out. Stretch

    To make the sleep go away, yawn yawn

    They shook their heads slightly.shake their head

    We were woken up by running in placeeasily run in place

    They ran to the bath together.

    We washed and splashed,make massaging movements on the face, spank

    palms over the body.

    Tried to brush my teeththe index finger is “drawn” along the teeth

    Comb your hair neatlyrun your hand from top to bottom along the hair.

    Everyone dressed up neatlymake movements with their hands along the body from top to bottom

    We don't want to sleep anymore!wag their index finger

    Let's have fun playing!Clap your hands

    7.Introduction to the letter b.

    How many letters are in the word coal?

    How many sounds? There are 5 letters and 4 sounds.

    The letter b does not indicate a sound, but only tells how to read a consonant sound. Let's print a new letter:

    The letter R has turned over.

    She turned around with a soft sign.

    8. Consolidation of new material.

    The speech therapist invites children to listen to a fairy tale about the letter b.

    Once upon a time there were letters in the ABC, different ones - vowels, consonants. They went to visit each other and sang their songs. (Children’s reading of syllables with vowels of the second row)

    The letters lived - they didn’t grieve, because everyone was friends. And among them lived one letter, similar to half Y, with which no one was friends; it did not denote a sound.

    What letter is this? - they laughed.

    This is the letter. (The speech therapist shows the letter b.)

    What is it called? (children name the letter).

    The letter was silent, could not speak, no one was friends with her, she lived alone.

    One day, letters began to form words, this was their favorite pastime.

    Let's hear what those words were. But they are encrypted with a riddle:

    Without a head, but in a hat, one leg - and that one without a boot. (nail)

    The letters began to form the word NAIL. But it only turns out - NAIL.

    Something is not working out right for us! - the letters said. The sound D in a word sounds soft, but in ours it sounds hard. They called the letter I to stand after the letter D.

    What happened? - Nails.

    What to do? Guys, tell me! (You need to put b.)

    They called the letters b, he happily agreed to help and stood up at the end of the word.

    What happened? (Nail.)

    The letters became cheerful and began to invite everyone to visit B.

    The letters invite the children to guess other riddles and print the answers themselves:

    Who comes, who leaves - everyone leads her by the hand. (Door.)

    Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest,

    It walks boldly and easily, with its horns spread wide. (Elk)

    Whether he sleeps or bathes, he still doesn’t take off his shoes.

    Red boots on feet day and night. (Goose.)

    Since then, consonants often invite soft sounds to visit. And not only to soften the last consonant at the end of a word, but also in the middle of a word between consonants.

    1. Independent work in notebooks

    Color the letter soft sign and complete the tasks in the notebook

    Summary of the lesson.

    What new letter did the children become familiar with?

    How does the new letter differ from the ones you already know?

    Why is the letter b needed in words?

    When does a new letter come to our aid when writing?

    Name words with soft sounds.

    Soft sign

    Lives carefree

    He's without a cap

    It goes on forever.

    And stubborn

    Solid sign

    Wears a cap

    The only way.

    brother - brothers

    chair – chairs

    tree - trees

    sat down ate

    we went we moved out

    ate ate

    Funny poems

    "b" LetterR turned over -

    She turned around with a soft sign.

    Soft sign, soft sign -

    Ladle, ladle and ladle.

    V. Stepanov

    "Kommersant" Out of the bucket for a reason

    Let's drink some water:

    We need a ladle - a solid sign,

    To avoid getting wet.

    V. Stepanov

    1. Unscramble the words

    f – 1 l – 3 1 2 3 4 5

    f – 1.8 g – 5

    o – 2, 4 r – 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    1. And gra “Who is attentive?”

    1. According to the last sounds of wordstable, window, goose - make up a new word. ________________________________

    2. What do the words have in common:

    linen, coat, monkey, gun, dust ?

    3. What do the names of these items have in common:

    entrance, ad, crane, edible, eat ?

    2. Game “Who is bigger?”

    1. Come up with words in which one sound is represented by two letters.



    3. Game "Ladder".

    1. Soft sign “b”. 2. Solid sign “Ъ”.

    ___ ___ ___ b ___ b ___ ___ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ___ b ___ ___ b ___ ___ ___

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

    4. Game “Finish the word.”

    1. Beech_________, tet__________, slo___________, Jan__________, Feb__________, honey____________.

    5. Read carefully.


    Spring has come. There was ice on the river. There were a lot of people on the shore. Everyone watched the ice fall. Suddenly everyone saw a dog on the same ice floe. She howled pitifully.
    Vitya grabbed a long hook and caught an ice floe. Vitya quietly pulled the ice floe towards the shore. When the ice floe was near the shore, the dog jumped to the ground.

    Answer the questions.

    What time of year is it? What went on the river? Who came ashore? Why did they come? What did everyone see? What was the dog doing? What did Vitya do? What did the dog do?

    6. Read the story. And try to retell the content.


    Mom called Anya, Sima and Yasha to eat. There was breakfast on the table: butter, cheese, honey, bread and tea. There were apples and pears. Mom brought another watermelon. Anya ate bread and butter. Sima ate bread and cheese. Yasha ate bread with honey. And then the children began to eat fruit.

    Z Assignment: Write sentences 1, 5, 6 and 7.

    Write examples in the empty cells and solve them.

    Task No. 1

    Everything is lying around in the apartment:

    Slippers - three, socks - four.

    Fold them up and put them away.

    (And wipe the dust on the shelves!)

    To please my mother,

    You need to put things away.

    Problem No. 2

    Mishka had toys hanging on his Christmas tree.

    Four toys fell from the top of my head...

    “How many toys are left on the tree?” -

    The bear thought, sweeping up the fragments.

    3 Solve examples

    7 + ___ = 10 ___ + 4 = 10 2 + ___ = 10

    5 = 10 1 + ___ = 10 ___ +6 = 10


    9 – 3 = 5 + 2 = 4 – 3 =

    6 + 4 = 8 – 4 = 1 + 7 =

    Increase by 3 Decrease by 4 ˂ ˃

    How much in total? Circle the correct number.

    Aera yes, nechkәrtә dә -

    Shundy bilge nechkalek.

    Kirәk sүzә yazmy kalsan,

    Bozylachak echtalek.

    Kalınlık bilgese

    әkiyat achkychy street.

    Pinocchio Yugaltmas,

    Karabas ala almas.

      Bu sүzlәrdә “ъ” - kalynlyk bilgesen language! Put b in the words, read and translate.

    tәүfik____ _____________ al____yapkych _____________________

    Yah___ya _____________ mәg____nә ______________________

    Nig___mәt ____________ under____entrance ______________________

    Җәг___фәр _____________ kul____yaulyk ___________________

    Sәg___di _______________ ash____yaulik __________________

      Noktalar urynina “b” kuep, s ү evil ә rne d ө res itep ukygyz.

    To ө no___yak

    With ә gat___

    With ө m___i



    To ә gas____

    d ө n___i


    T ө no___yak


    M ә p___yam

    WITH ә yyt____

      Learn poems.

    M yay!

    We sing, we sing, we sand,

    Sory sinen toskәen.

    Yomshak sinyon yonnaryn,

    Yyly sinen tunnaryn.

    Robert Minullin

    I h

    Yaz kil! Yaz kil!

    Syerciklar kil,

    Gөrlәshep, sayrashyp,

    Yyrchy koshlar kil. Bari Rakhmat

    Learn poems. Remember Tatar words.

    We are with you

    Our teacher says:

    “Head otherwise – BASH.”

    This is a trifle to learn:


    Zilya looks in the mirror,

    AND THE FACE, of course, is BIT.

    Brush your teeth before you eat!

    UB, remember, there will be TESH.

    If you suddenly catch the flu,

    Then the DOCTOR - TABIB will help.

    How can I cope without a friend?

    My best FRIEND is DUS.

    BOY, come play with us!

    Let's call him MALAY.

    The GIRL read the book.

    Goes to KYZ BALA school.

    Sections: Working with preschoolers


    • sheets of paper,
    • pencils,
    • a set of colored chips for each child (2*2 cm squares in red, blue and green),
    • letter box with learned letters.


    • sentence diagrams;
    • yellow box with chalk;
    • colored chips to indicate sounds;
    • letters;
    • a sheet with the words SOL, DEN, ROL, CON, LEN, NOL, written in a column;
    • marker;
    • cardboard letter “b”,
    • glue,
    • tassel,
    • cotton wool,
    • peas,
    • foam balls.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Consolidation of the writing of the studied letters.

    Educator: Guys, I propose to remember which letters we have already studied. But, unfortunately, we ran out of chalk. How can I show you the letters without naming them?

    Children: You can draw in the air.

    Q: Indeed, this is a way out. Then I will draw a letter in the air for you, and you write it down on a piece of paper. (The teacher “draws” the letters N, K, Zh, O, Yu, Y, Sh, R, A, L in the air with his right hand, turning his back to the children. Children write down the letters on their own pieces of paper).

    2. Consolidation of knowledge about letters.

    Which of these letters represent vowel sounds in writing? (O, Yu, Y, A).

    And what sounds are represented by the remaining letters? (consonants).

    What letters always indicate hard consonants? (F, W)

    Which letter is missing? Why? (the letter Yu sometimes denotes two sounds)

    3.Working with proposals.

    The teacher pronounces the following sentences:

    It was winter.

    Alyosha and dad were walking.

    The boy made a snowman.

    Children draw diagrams on pieces of paper on their own. Then the teacher hangs the diagrams on the board, but with errors (there is no dot in the diagram of the first sentence, only three words are indicated in the diagram of the second sentence, the diagram of the last sentence begins with a “small letter”)

    Children highlight mistakes, correct them, and explain them.

    Q: Let's finish this little story. Come up with another sentence for the last diagram that fits this story.

    4. Physical education minute.

    Every day in the morning we do exercises (walking in place)
    We really like to do it in order:
    Have fun walking (walking)
    Raise your hands (hands up)
    Squat and stand up (squat 4-6 times),
    Jump and skip (10 jumps)

    5.Sound-letter analysis.

    Q: While we were resting, I remembered that I found this box this morning. It contains the answer to the riddle. (Shows the box).

    Guess: The white pebble has melted,
    He left marks on the board.

    D: This is chalk.

    Q: I propose to parse this word.

    Name the first sound. What is he like?

    What color will we use?

    Name the second sound. What is he like?

    What color will we use?

    Name the third sound. What is he like?

    What color will we use?

    How many sounds are there in this word?

    How many consonants?

    How many vowels?

    What is the vowel sound?

    What is the soft consonant?

    Which consonant is hard?

    (Questions are asked individually, the children lay out the diagram of the word with chips on their desks, the teacher on the board.)

    6.Introduction to the letter “b”.

    Q: Look, I’ll turn the last hard sound [l] into a soft one (changes the blue chip to a green one). How will this word sound now?

    D: Stranded.

    Q: A new word has emerged. What is “stranded”?

    D: Shallow place. Where it’s not deep, where there’s little water...

    Q: Yes, a shallow is a shallow place in a body of water. Place this diagram next to the diagram of the word “chalk”. How are these schemes different?

    D: In the word “mel” the last sound is a hard consonant, and in the word “mel” it is a soft one.

    Q: How are these words similar?

    D: There are only three sounds, the first two are the same.

    Q: Let's now label the sounds with letters. (Colored chips are replaced by letters, which the children name). First the word “chalk”, then “chalk”. (It turned out two words “chalk”). The sound [l] is indicated by the letter “l”, but how can you make the last sound read softly? There is such a helper letter, it is placed after the consonant letter to show that it should be read softly. This letter is called a soft sign. (The teacher adds a soft sign to the word “chalk” on the board).

    How many letters are in this word? How many sounds are there in the circuit? Why are there more letters than sounds?

    The fact is that the letter “b” does not indicate a sound in itself, but only tells how to read a consonant sound. (An explanation is given if the children find it difficult to formulate this conclusion themselves.)

    Let's write this letter:

    Let's draw a soft sign
    Gently drop like this:
    A droplet will soften the letter,
    The word will sound soft.

    (Children write the letter together with the teacher in the air, with their finger on the desk, on pieces of paper). Add a chip with this letter to the second word.

    7. Game “Guess the word.”

    Children go out onto the carpet and sit in a semicircle in front of a sheet of paper attached to a wall or stand. Words on the sheet:

    Q: To guess the word, you need to soften the last sound. How to show this in writing?

    D: Add the letter “b”.

    (Children take turns adding the letter “b” to the words and read them)

    8. Summing up. Collaboration.

    Children remain on the carpet, but sit around the module covered with a napkin.

    What new did you learn today?

    Which letter did you meet?

    What is it for?

    Do you want to make a portrait of a soft sign?

    The teacher removes the napkin from the module; on it is a large letter “b” cut out of cardboard, glue, a brush, cotton wool, foam crumbs, peas, etc.

    Q: What material would you choose for a soft sign?

    D: Vatu, it’s the softest.

    Each child takes a piece of cotton wool and glues it to the cardboard on both sides.

    Q: Now the letter “b” will be a guest in our group.