What is personality? Presentation on the topic: The concepts of “personality” and “individuality Level - spiritual and moral properties

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A.N. Leontyev, psychologist about human personality

Features of the higher nervous system, physical constitution, biological needs that characterize an individual do not become features of his personality. For example, such an anatomical feature as a dislocation of the hip joint, which dooms a child to lameness, does not relate to personality. However, its significance for the formation of personality is enormous. Lameness dooms the child to isolation from his peers and gives rise to a feeling of inferiority. But some can overcome the awkwardness associated with a natural defect, while others plunge into it, become withdrawn and touchy. A person forms relationships that do not exist, have never existed and, in principle, cannot exist in nature, namely social ones. Neither ants, nor elephants, nor monkeys are familiar with them; they live in a different ecological niche. Consequently, personality arises in a special, specific niche.

History of the development of views on personality In the early Christian period, the great Cappadocians (primarily Gregory of Nyssa and Gregory the Theologian) identified the concepts of “hypostasis” and “face” (before them, the concept of “face” in theology and philosophy was descriptive, it could be called an actor’s mask or a legal role , which was performed by a person). The consequence of this identification was the emergence of a new concept of “personality,” previously unknown in the ancient world [the great Cappadocians Gregory of Nyssa Gregory the Theologian and the post-ancient world [

The first: formal-logical, corresponds to formal logic, common sense. In accordance with this approach, personality is defined through a broader, generic concept - a person, and then the characteristics that distinguish a person from a person in general are listed. Most often, these signs are various positive characteristics. Hence the conclusion follows: people who have certain positive qualities are recognized as individuals. In modern science, there are two approaches to determining personality.

Let us note that all people have certain common – biological and social – traits. At the same time, each person has his own unique characteristics (individuality). If we consider the general characteristics of a person related to the social sphere of his life and correlate them with his individual characteristics, then we will get a sociological definition of personality

Thus, a person is a general concept that represents a biosocial category. A person, taken in his social capacity, is a person. Personality is the integrity of a person’s social properties, a product of social development and the inclusion of the individual in the system of social relations through active substantive activity and communication.

An individual becomes a personality in the process of mastering social functions and developing self-awareness. Self-awareness is the awareness of one’s self-identity and uniqueness as a subject of activity as a member of society. The most important personality quality is social activity. Social activity can be viewed in two main aspects.

The first aspect involves considering social activity as a personality property, conditioned by its natural data and enhanced by the qualities that are formed in the process of upbringing, education, communication and practical activity. Some people are naturally active, energetic and active, which becomes noticeable already in early childhood. Others, on the contrary, are passive and inactive. Under the influence of many social factors, activity can develop, intensify or weaken.

The second aspect comes from the understanding of activity as some specific measure of activity. In this case, activity can be expressed in specific indicators. An example is the measurement of labor (production) activity. The criterion for social activity is the results of activity. The concept of social subject is closely related to the concept of social activity. A social subject is a person capable of active social activity.

Why is a person born?

A human child at the moment of birth is not a person, but only a candidate for a person


Difference between humans and animals

  • A person has thinking and articulate speech
  • Transforms the surrounding reality, creates the necessary material and spiritual benefits and values
  • A person reproduces not only his biological, but also his social essence and therefore must satisfy not only his material, but also spiritual needs
  • Capable of making tools and using them as a means of producing material goods ah

Creator: MOUSOSH teacher No. 4 - Spiridonova N.N.

speak well

capable of


know how to produce


have good

developed brain

capable of

upright walking

realize themselves



to action

according to plan



How does a person differ from other living beings?

What happened to the children

who were raised by animals?

What does a child need in order for him to develop as a person?

1. Why is a person born?

“Everything beautiful on Earth comes from the sun, and everything good comes from man” - M.M. Prishvin

“Man is the creator of his own happiness”

“The life lived is judged by human actions”

1. Why is a person born?

“Being human means feeling responsible. Feel shame in front of poverty, which, it would seem, does not depend on you. Be proud of every victory won by your comrades. To realize that by laying your own brick, you are helping to build the world.”

Think about what the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry mean.

What responsibility does a person have?

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Let's discuss…

  • A life lived aimlessly...
  • Man is the creator of his own happiness
  • Selfishness and selfishness do not bring joy and happiness

What is personality?

PERSONALITY - This totality qualities person that are acquired in the process of living in society,

in activities and communication with other people







What is personality

Read the text “What is Personality”

  • 1 .Personality– stable system socially significant features, characterizing a person as a member of a particular society.
  • 2. Personality– subject relations and conscious activities

Creator: Spiridonova N.N. - teacher of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4"

The personality is capable of ACTIVITY



For the activity to proceed successfully, a person will acquire the necessary skills and abilities

What skills and qualities are needed for excellent study? ?


Make a verbal portrait of the girls depicted in the canvases of V.A. Serov and Z.E. Serebryakova.

Individuality – unique, unique features of a person

Personality traits are manifested in everything: in activities, behavior, emotions and feelings

Read the text on page 13

Did the artist manage to convey the individuality of each character in the picture? ? How did this manifest itself? ?

V.A. Serov. Peter I

Strong personality - who is she?

Valery Brumel - athlete

Ludwig van Beethoven

Strong in person there is




  • A strong personality must be moral and have positive traits.
  • You need to respect yourself, but be critical of your actions...
  • Individuality is good! A person must have his own characteristics and be different from others, this makes him interesting...

Make a sentence from "scattered words" A creature is born how, personality, how, man, and, biological, develops

A person is born as a biological being and develops as a personality

  • Read § 1, pp. 8-17,
  • questions after paragraph: 1-2 (oral),
  • In the Republic of Tatarstan – tasks 6,7,8,9, to paragraph 1 (in writing)

http://otvet.mail.ru/question/45477418/ What is heredity?

http://www.insai.ru/slovar/nasledstvennost-4 Glossary

http://referat.ukraine-ru.net/?cm=6237 Mendel Gregor Johann

http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B7 %D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA %D0%B8&stype=image&lr=54&noreask=1 pictures

The concept of personality began to take shape already in ancient times. Initially, the term “personality” meant the mask worn by the actor of the ancient theater, then the actor himself and his role in the performance. The term “personality” subsequently came to mean the real role of a person in public life.

Various definitions of the concept of personality: Personality is a set of social relations realized in diverse activities (Leontyev). Personality is a set of internal conditions through which all external influences are refracted (Rubinstein). Personality is a social individual, an object and subject of social relations and the historical process, manifesting itself in communication, in activity, in behavior (Hansen). The concept of personality denotes the human individual as a member of society, generalizes the socially significant features integrated into it (I.S. Kon). Personality is the subject of social behavior and communication (B.G. Ananyev). Personality is a person as a social individual, a subject of knowledge and objective transformation of the world, a rational being with speech and capable of work (A.V. Petrovsky). Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness (K.K. Platonov). Personality is a set of individual psychological characteristics that is formed throughout life, which determine a given person’s unique attitude towards himself, society and the world around him as a whole (Yu.V. Shcherbatykh).

The personality of each person is endowed only with its own inherent combination of psychological traits and characteristics that form its individuality, constituting the uniqueness of a person, his difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in traits of temperament, character, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination), in abilities, individual style of activity, etc. There are no two identical people with the same combination of these psychological characteristics - a person’s personality is unique in its individuality.

The statistical structure is understood as an abstract model abstracted from the actually functioning personality that characterizes the main components of the individual’s psyche. The basis for identifying personality parameters in its statistical model is the difference between all components of the human psyche according to the degree of their representation in the personality structure.

The dynamic structure model fixes the main components in the individual’s psyche, no longer abstracted from a person’s everyday existence, but, on the contrary, only in the immediate context of human life. At each specific moment of his life, a person appears not as a set of certain formations, but as a person who is in a certain mental state, which, one way or another, is reflected in the momentary behavior of the individual.

A special component of personality is its morality. Only highly moral and deeply intellectual individuals experience an acute sense of tragedy from the consciousness of their non-personality, that is, the inability to do what the innermost meaning of the self dictates. Thus, personality is a measure of a person’s integrity; without internal integrity there is no personality. It is important to see in a person not only the unified and common, but also the unique and original. An in-depth comprehension of the essence of personality involves considering it not only as a social, but also as an individually original being. But at the same time, personality is something unique, which is connected, firstly, with its hereditary characteristics and, secondly, with the unique conditions of the microenvironment in which it is nurtured.

Activities category social. Animals have access only to life activity, which manifests itself as a biological adaptation of the body to the demands of the environment. A person is characterized by a conscious separation of himself from nature, knowledge of its laws and a conscious influence on it. A person as an individual sets goals for himself and is aware of the motives that encourage him to be active.

Any type of activity is associated with movements, regardless of whether it is the muscular movement of the hand when writing, when performing a labor operation as a machine operator, or the movement of the speech apparatus when pronouncing words. Movement is a physiological function of a living organism. Motor, or motor, function appears very early in humans. The first movements are observed during the intrauterine period of development, in the embryo. The newborn screams and makes chaotic movements with his arms and legs; he also exhibits congenital complexes of complex movements; for example, sucking, grasping reflexes.

On a physiological basis, all human movements can be divided into two groups: congenital (unconditioned reflex) and acquired (conditioned reflex). The overwhelming number of movements, including even such an elementary act, common with animals, as movement in space, a person acquires in life experience, that is, most of his movements are conditioned reflex. Only a very small number of movements (screaming, blinking) are innate. The motor development of a child is associated with the transformation of unconditionally reflex regulation of movements into a system of conditioned reflex connections.

The game does not create a socially significant product. The formation of a person as a subject of activity begins in the game, and this is its enormous, enduring significance. Training is the direct preparation of an individual for work, develops it mentally, physically, aesthetically, and only at the final stage of mastering a profession is it associated with the creation of material and cultural values. The game is organized freely and unregulated. No one can oblige a child to play board games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and then play mother-and-daughter games after 2 p.m. A child’s play can be organized, but he must accept what is proposed. This does not mean that the child should not have a strict daily routine. Sleep, food, walks, play and activity times must be strictly defined. But the content of the game, the child’s involvement in it, and the termination of the game are difficult to regulate. The child himself moves from one game to another. Learning and work take place in organizational forms obligatory for a person. Work begins at a precisely set time, and during it, labor products are produced in accordance with the plan and given productivity. The same picture is observed in teaching. Classes begin according to the schedule, and throughout the lesson the student is engaged in this particular subject.

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Concept: Man is a generic concept, indicating that a creature belongs to the highest degree of development of living nature - to the human race. The concept of “man” affirms the genetic predetermination of the development of actually human characteristics and qualities.

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The generic essence of a person: The generic essence of a person always manifests itself in every individual in a special way. Identification of the peculiarities of the manifestation of social essence in each person is reflected in the personalistic approach of philosophy. And this is not accidental, because a person, as a representative of a race or society, is an individual - an elementary part, determined by its relationship with the whole (nature, society). But what does he represent outside of this whole or even within the framework of this whole? Is it possible to talk about each specific person on his own, with all the properties inherent only to him? The solution to this problem led to the emergence of personalism, which sought to separate the concepts of “man” and “personality”. Typically, all personalist philosophers share the position that a person is at the same time a person. At the same time, they always emphasize that the human individual and personality are not two different human beings, but, as it were, two different forces, two qualities. In this regard, the concepts of “person” and “personality” are considered by them, as a rule, in the relationship of the general and the individual. Man is generic, general, and personality is a single, special, individual principle that breaks through the generic type. By the way, even etymologically, the terms “human individual” (individuum - from the Latin word “indivisible”) and “personality” (mask, persona - mask) orient to explore the singular and unique in a person. However, does this mean that the concept of “personality” should be entirely associated with the individuality of a person, individually special in his relationships with other people, and the concept of “man” - only with the generic, common, unifying principle of all people? In other words, is it possible to operate with the concept of “personality” on the basis of the opposition between the individual (individual) and the social (general)? There are different solutions in answering this question, and therefore in determining the content of the concept of “personality” in philosophy. Here, much depends on what methodological approach underlies the solution to the question of the essence (definition) of a person.

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