Read the most shocking hypotheses of human secrets. Secrets of man. The Trojan War is an ancient international conflict

Igor Prokopenko’s book “Secrets of Man” is quite ambiguous in content, as many readers believe. Its author is known as the host of a television program that reveals the misconceptions of humanity. In this book, Igor Prokopenko shares his thoughts about who this person is, how he came to be, and not everyone likes these ideas. However, the most important thing is that the questions raised by the author make you think.

This book covers everything that concerns a person. Not only the man of today, readers will have to go back many years into the past and trace the evolution. Where did people even come from? What if life really began on Mars, and only then were people “resettled” on Earth? What if our planet and we ourselves were created by aliens as an experiment? If so, what was the purpose of this experiment? How do you generally respond to statements from people who say they have seen aliens?

If an apocalypse happens on Earth, what is the most likely cause? Is it worth conducting experiments related to human genetics? How will further human development occur? What creatures live in the depths of the ocean and why do they contact people, what are they trying to say? Many of these questions may seem strange, even absurd, but, nevertheless, it would be very interesting to know the answers to them. And with this book there is such an opportunity.

The work belongs to the genre of Documentary Literature. It was published in 2016 by the publishing house: Eksmo. The book is part of the series “The most shocking hypotheses with Igor Prokopenko”. On our website you can download the book "Secrets of Man" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.76 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

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The interior design of the book uses photographs from Odin-Media LLC, as well as: © Eraldo Peres, William C. Allen, Mark Keppler / AP Photo / EAST NEWS, © NEIL A. ARMSTRONG / NASA / AP Photo / EAST NEWS, © NASA /JPL–Caltech/Corbis//EAST NEWS; GEOFF TOMPKINSON / Science Photo Library RM / DIOMEDIA; Yuri Senkevich, Minkevich, Oleg Lastochkin / RIA Novosti, Archive / RIA Novosti; © Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft USA /Barcoft Media via Getty Images / Getty Simon Baylis, Mopic, HelenField, Alex Pix / Used under license from; Purestock / Thinkstock /, Dorling Kindersley / Thinkstock /, Digital Vision / Thinkstock /, Rastan, Esperanza33, Siempreverde22, estt / Istockphoto / Thinkstock /


Dear readers!

Now you are holding in your hands the first book in the “The Most Shocking Hypotheses” series.

The name is no coincidence! It is on the pages of this series that you and I, without looking back at authorities and conventional truths, without fear of accusations of anti-science, will look for answers to the most inconvenient, unexpected, and sometimes strange questions.

It must be said that this task will not be easy. In most cases - in textbooks or scientific works - there are no answers to our questions. Therefore, in search of truth, we will turn to a variety of hypotheses. From generally accepted ones, approved by official science, to the most unexpected, fantastic and incredible.

And let this not confuse anyone. After all, the hypothesis that “the Earth rotates!” also once seemed unscientific.

What topics will we talk about? Here's an example. For many years there has been a hypothesis that about fourteen thousand years ago representatives of an alien civilization could have landed on our ancient Earth. Our ancestors may have mistaken these “representatives” for gods who descended from heaven, and their spacecraft for “chariots of fire.” This hypothesis - the most consistent proponent of which is the famous translator of ancient texts, the Swiss writer Erich von Daniken - seems fantastic to many. Indeed, how can one take seriously a story about a visit from aliens? However, Daniken's conclusions, based on an analysis of Old Testament sources, sound quite convincing and much more interesting than the arrogant silence of official science. As you know, our historical science interprets ancient myths as a “fantastic reflection of reality,” that is, as a fairy tale. But Daniken, back in the early 70s, studying Old Testament texts, asked the question: what if these are not “fairy tales,” but a description of real events that ancient people witnessed? Indeed, why would the ancient Sumerians, for example, amuse themselves by writing fairy tales? And if all this is true, then, for example, the revelations of the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel sound completely different, who so reliably described how “the gods descended from heaven on a fiery chariot in clouds of smoke and soot”... And then quite serious questions arise: what kind of “fiery chariot"? Why smoke and soot? And why does God, who is omnipresent, in order to descend from heaven, need an aircraft that smokes and rumbles?.. Isn’t Ezekiel describing the arrival of aliens?..

Of course, we do not have the task of convincing you, dear readers and viewers, that everything in history was so. We just want to tell you that such an idea also exists. And she is not the only one.

No less interesting is the hypothesis of the Chinese historian Zhou Li. After analyzing ancient burials in Sichuan province, he came to the conclusion that once on our planet, along with Darwin’s monkeys, there were also populations of highly developed prehistoric people who were representatives of the previous earthly civilization that died as a result of a global cataclysm. It was they, and not “aliens from other planets,” as Däniken believes, who served as real prototypes for the divine biographies of powerful gods. And the fact that “our gods” persistently worked to improve the breed of anthropoids is a “scientific fact”. All ancient mythology consists of stories about the love of the gods for earthly girls. As a result of such love, the ancient Greek hero Perseus appeared. As you know, he was the son of the god Zeus and the earthly beauty Danae. Ancient papyri call all Egyptian pharaohs, without exception, children of the gods. Even Buddha, and he, according to myths, turned out to be the fruit of illegal intercourse with a local girl of a stranger, not very similar to the tribesman who caught up with her in the jungle.

Who to believe? And you don’t need to trust anyone. You just need to know that in science, as well as in life, there is no ultimate truth. And what we accept as the only true one is nothing more than our ideas about the truth, obtained by the “tools” of knowledge that humanity currently has at hand.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN TV channel. This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Best regards, Igor Prokopenko

Chapter 1
Don't joke with death

There is a hypothesis that a person can have a premonition of his death. Therefore, people with well-developed intuition can even, without suspecting it, avoid what is destined by fate. And vice versa, there are a huge number of examples, especially from the lives of actors, when he played a dead man, tried on the image of a hopelessly ill person - and a fatal illness comes to a person in real life. What facts does science have and what alternative versions do researchers put forward?

Unlucky passengers who escaped a plane crash because they were late or did not board the ill-fated flight... Actors who repeated the tragic fate of their heroes... People who, before their sudden death, seemed to be saying goodbye to their loved ones... They all have one thing in common - a premonition of death.

There is a hypothesis that everyone feels the approach of the “lady with a scythe”, and there is a lot of evidence for this.


Rehearsal for death

2015 can easily be called the year of the death of stars. We are simply overwhelmed by the shocking news that this or that celebrity has been diagnosed with cancer. At the beginning of the year, it became known about the illness of actors Alexei Buldakov and Philip Yankovsky, opera singers Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Zurab Sotkilava. Actor Andrei Gaidulyan is being treated for cancer.

The deaths that shook the country say that even fame and money cannot solve everything. First, actor Gennady Vengerov, here is his post on Facebook:

“Dear colleagues and close friends. The countdown of my life began in the last months or maybe even weeks. The fact is that since the end of September 2014, my life has been divided into “before” and “after” the diagnosis of “Lung cancer with bone metastases.” Please, without lamentations and condolences - it’s too early... And without advice from the field of alternative medicine - it’s too late.”

Then, after a long struggle with a terrible disease, singer Zhanna Friske died. Why are stars devastated by oncology? Maybe the stars above the stars didn't align right?

Mikhail Vinogradov argues:

“If there had not been a death like Zhanna Friske’s, they would not have paid attention to the deaths of others. Therefore, perhaps such a “bright” death of Zhanna Friske served as the reason for all other deaths to be united and tied together.”

The singer's sudden illness surprised many. People's rumors spread rumors - it's all because of her role as a witch in the film "Night Watch". And indeed, this picture about vampires, witches, sorcerers and other evil spirits reaped a truly bloody harvest.

The actors collected in this film, one way or another, almost simultaneously passed away or lost their loved ones. Why this happens, what kind of death energy watches over people is very difficult to say.

After filming this “damned” film, Rimma Markova and Nikolai Olyalin died. Konstantin Khabensky's father died during filming, and after filming, his wife fell ill with cancer and died. And finally, Valery Zolotukhin and Zhanna Friske died from glioblastoma, a fairly rare brain tumor.

Perhaps this is payback for participating in the “devilish” film. After all, something like this has already happened: the sudden death of the actors who played in “The Master and Margarita” by Vladimir Bortko. Kirill Lavrov, Alexander Abdulov, Ilya Oleinikov, Vladislav Galkin passed away. The creators of the legendary film “Stalker” were killed by cancer one after another. Andrei Tarkovsky and actor Anatoly Solonitsyn died from lung cancer, actor Nikolai Grinko from leukemia, writer Arkady Strugatsky from liver cancer, Tarkovsky’s wife, who was the second director in the film, also died from cancer.

Actors and actresses paid for their participation in the play “Jesus Christ Superstar” with their health and lives.

There is a lot of evidence that a role in which the hero dies can become a scenario of imminent death for the actor himself. Thus, the hero of Leonid Bykov in the film “Aty-Bati, the Soldiers Came” dies under the tracks of a German tank, and then the actor almost repeats the fate of the hero of the film: Bykov dies in a car accident, colliding with an asphalt roller.

Alexander Dedyushko died in a terrible car accident along with his wife and little son. A few days before the tragedy, the actor seemed to feel the breath of death. He starred in the film "Albanian". In the last scene, everything spoke of impending death: the filming location was chosen next to a cemetery, and a stuntman dies during filming. There is another no less mystical opinion: Dedyushko’s death is connected with the film “Sarmat”, which was dubbed “cursed” among the actors. The editor and sound engineer died during filming. Immediately after the completion of the film, actor Ruslan Nurbi died, and then, like Dedyushko, director Igor Talpa died at the wheel of his car.

Actor Alexander Vasilevsky is sure that the role can influence the artist’s life. Moreover, if the actor gets used to the role, he can take on the fate of his hero.

Some people apparently cannot let go of a certain role, and it remains a part of their life. It is quite possible that this somehow affects them. Several years ago, the French conducted a study that proved that an actor who has been in the profession for about twenty years ceases to be himself, he becomes a person of the roles he plays. That is, this is a different personality.

Alexander experienced first-hand how a role can have an impact on real life. During the filming of the film “At All Latitudes,” death reminded him of itself more than once.

After the end of the shooting day, the anxious feeling did not leave the actor. The filming base was located near the sea, and Alexander decided to go for a swim. The actor did not find the light storm to be an obstacle.

Actor Alexander Vasilevsky shares his experiences:

“I starred in a film about submariners, there was a scene in the film where we were drowning. I played the commander of a submarine and, in general, I really felt a certain chill, fear... It would seem that before there were a lot of different scenes - they shot at me, and there were fights, but I treated it calmly, like work. There was some sense of the reality of what was happening here.

Well, I think, well, storm and storm. I'll go for a swim anyway. I made just a couple of strokes and suddenly realized that the sea had carried me quite far from the shore. I tried to get back, but the more I tried, the stronger the feeling that the sea would not let go.

Just a couple of days ago there was a scene where we were drowning, and here you are really being carried out to the open sea, and you can’t do anything about it.”

Alexander fell into the so-called “dead wave” - a natural phenomenon when a stream of water rushes not to the shore, but from it, taking a person with it into the open sea. For three hours the actor struggled with the elements until he finally managed to get out.

It would seem that this is it - a warning about possible death. But how often do we listen to these sensations? Alexander did not attach any importance to this “wake-up call” and a couple of days later, in the evening, he went swimming in the sea again.

“I turn around and suddenly see some lights approaching me from the darkness. I realized that it was a tourist boat that couldn’t see me, and it was coming straight towards me. Again, with some kind of fear, horror, I try to hide from this boat, I go to the side, but it continues to come towards me. There were rocks on the side, I even hit my head on them, for a second, I didn’t lose consciousness, but my vision became blurred. I also had the feeling that I was going to drown, that’s all. The boat, the night, the rock... In general, it was scary. Since then I started to be more careful about such things.”

There is another, non-mystical theory. It's not the role that kills the actor. The actor himself, anticipating death, chooses a tragic role - such roles become closer to his soul. The history of mankind knows a lot of evidence of how famous personalities, shortly before their death, seemed to be trying to rehearse their death. They were drawn to mentions of the afterlife and everything connected with it. Think about singers, musicians and rock stars; these things often happen to them. Listen, for example, to Tsoi’s later songs, where in his last albums he sings about death in virtually every song.

The tragic fates of actors who played roles in “cursed” films... Roles that became a rehearsal for imminent death... All this proves that premonitions of death are not an invention of mystics. There is other evidence.


Death as a premonition

There are many examples of people miraculously avoiding death. What is this? Just a coincidence? Extraordinary luck? Or did they simply sense the breath of approaching death in time?

A lot of people suddenly suddenly stop buying tickets for that plane that will crash tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And oddly enough, statistics show that on planes that have crashed, most of the seats are always unoccupied: for some reason they either bought it and then returned it, or simply did not want to board the plane.

We often talk about how people who survived or escaped a disaster were saved by some miracle. But what if they weren't supposed to be there where others gathered to die? Anticipating their imminent death on an intuitive level, people seem to be attracted to each other and gather together.

There is a theory that people who are destined to leave this world gather together and die, led by some amazing force. How and with what to explain this? Maybe this is some kind of special attractive energy of death: it repels some people, and attracts others?

Researchers have noticed a shocking pattern. If a person is destined to end his life on this day, his attempts to avoid death will be futile.

People who should die at this time will die, even if they do not fly on this flight. The plane will fly without this person, and death will overtake him somewhere. There are often cases when people choose a car instead of a plane, and the car crashes.

Stories like this are shocking. Italian Joana Gonthaler missed Air France flight 447, which killed all 228 people on board. But the woman managed to cheat death only for two weeks. She died in a car accident.

Brazilian Jessica de Lima Rol, who at the last moment decided not to go to a nightclub, miraculously escaped death. That night there was a terrible fire there, killing 238 people. But the “old woman with a scythe” did not let her victim go - a week later the girl crashed her car.

Air France Flight 447 crash

Chinese student Ye Meng Yuan, who survived the Boeing 777 crash in San Francisco, was killed by a fire truck during the rescue operation.

Scientists explain this phenomenon this way: there are two types of death warnings. The first is a premonition that the person himself feels. He seems to know in advance that he is destined to die, experiences inexplicable anxiety, and struggles with gloomy thoughts. Some people have a very precise feeling of their death, and literally within a few days they already know that death will come to them.

The second type of warning is the strange circumstances that surround people at the moment of danger. In this case, a person reads the information and sometimes even unconsciously changes his plans.

Alexander Tolmachev remembers,

coordinator of the All-Russian Commission on Cosmobiorhythmology, Doctor of Law, Professor:

“When I was a child, my father, mother and my sister and I were going to Tashkent airport. We had to cover 30 kilometers in order to board a plane and fly to Moscow. During these 30 kilometers, our tire exploded several times, the taxi driver changed it. Something broke in the brakes, something in the steering wheel. We jumped out onto the road, tried to get someone to give us a lift, but nothing worked. As a result, we were late to the airport, and my father - then he was serving abroad - was forced to run around the airport in a panic and shout: “I need to fly out urgently!” Then one of the senior officers came out and said: “Captain, pray that you missed this flight. The plane took off from Tashkent airport, crashed into a mountain and everyone died.”

Premonition of death is exacerbated in people involved in extreme sports and activities associated with increased risk. Sometimes even little things can alert extreme sports enthusiasts. Leader of the international Russian digger movement, head of the Digger-Spas detachment Vadim Mikhailov recalls how, before the group left for the research site, they received a strange warning:

“We look at maps and talk. At this time, the following happens: with absolute stability inside the room, a helmet placed in a row of other helmets falls. This happens sometimes: something takes her and throws her. This is a signal that we need to stop."

After the group received such a warning, they began to remember exactly what phrase was uttered at that moment. After all, practice shows that there are no accidents.

It turned out that this was in the words “the main thing is that we have nothing to do with the train or the plane.” The group left with great difficulty, because there was no transport, they had to rent cars, make room, and not everyone went. On the way, the diggers learned that a plane was crashing in the direction they were supposed to fly, and that there were no flights at all.

Vadim is sure that all people receive such warnings, but not everyone tries to decipher them. Cases where people miraculously avoided death or, conversely, as if hypnotized, went to the place of death are convincing evidence. We know in advance when our life will end.


Call of Death

Approaching death can not only be felt, but also seen. It was noticed that in zoos, before the death of their relative, animals seem to sense the approach of the “bony one” - they begin to rush about in their cages and howl. African wild dogs pose a huge mystery to scientists. Their hunting efficiency is 95%, this is the best percentage in the entire animal kingdom. During a hunt, a pack of predators disperses in a flock of antelopes and seems to turn on the locator. They listen to the call of death.

One individual can be located at a distance of 300 meters or more from another, where no auditory perception is possible with the clatter of hooves, and the wind can blow in the other direction. The smell won't help. Sounds won't help. And suddenly all the dogs suddenly finish the hunt and gather around one of the weakest animals. How do they know that this is where the weak animal is? Scientists cannot answer this question. One can only assume that animals have a “mobile phone” in their heads.

Biologists are sure that telepathy for our little brothers is an ordinary and familiar perception of the world.

If a person has 5 million olfactory cells per square centimeter, then a dog has 250 million, and, accordingly, their representation in the brain is the same number of times. It turns out that the dog is much smarter than us in this regard. And the eagle sees much better than us. And only the fact that man was able to create additional devices for himself (binoculars, echo sounders, etc.) puts us at some level of their perception. And if 200-300 years ago a person, just like an eagle, could see a mouse from a distance of one kilometer, they would say that he was a sorcerer.

At the Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology of the Scriabin Veterinary Academy, scientists study brain rhythms, biorhythms and the aura of the body. The main task is to put an end to the question: do animals have telepathic abilities?

Our great physiologist Bekhterev also studied telepathy. More than 1,400 experiments on mental suggestion in animals were performed on dogs from “Grandfather Durov’s Corner.” Commands were given not only directly, but also behind a screen, from another room, and the animals carried them out. But Bekhterev is a great figure, a scientist whom almost the whole world knows. Therefore, these are indisputable facts.

Special equipment helps to take an encephalogram of the animal’s brain. Thus, scientists receive evidence in real time - all living beings can influence each other and read information from a distance.

Scientists conducted an experiment that proved an absolutely fantastic thing: telepathy exists!

Konstantin Gauss says:

Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiology and Ethology of Animals named after A. N. Golikov, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biology named after A. N. Golikov K. I. Skryabina, Candidate of Biological Sciences:

“The influence of one subject on another can occur absolutely without any visible manifestations. This is a type of telepathic hypnosis of perception. That is, we think about the animal, and we get the result. We placed electrodes on the animal's head, and I tried to influence it. Everyone present saw how the nature of the waves changed: the animal calmed down. When I stopped this influence, the test subject's anxiety returned. All this scientific data is recorded, analyzed, digitized - it is difficult to deceive the device.

Various facts of super extrasensory perception are known, when a dog can feel its owner at a fairly large distance. There have been cases when people left dogs behind when moving, and they found their owners four thousand kilometers away. “Many scientists come to the conclusion that there is another source of perception – telepathy, the transmission of thoughts at a distance.”

We have all heard about amazing cases when a dog, anticipating trouble, saved a person from death, or a cat began to rush and meow when its owner was threatened with death. Scientists explain this phenomenon by the ability of animals to telepathy. They are not overwhelmed by the huge number of thoughts that a person is burdened with. Animals perceive information directly, without any obstacles or interference, and therefore are able to sense signals of death.

The mass suicides of dolphins pose a big mystery to scientists. Marine inhabitants wash ashore in groups of 50–200 individuals. The most shocking case of mass suicide was noted in 1988 - then more than 740 dolphins washed up on the East Coast of the United States. It is believed that these mammals wash ashore under the influence of morbillivirus, which causes the dolphins' brains to want to end their lives. And this is not fantasy. For example, the toxoplasmosis virus also sends death signals to the brain of an infected mouse. A rodent infected with toxoplasmosis ceases to be afraid of the cat and seeks to meet with her - with a predictable ending.

But there is another version that is truly shocking and can change our understanding of who dolphins really are. After all, the rational activity of a dolphin is no worse than that of the “primitive peoples” of Africa, for example. Or take the Neanderthal cave paintings. It is difficult to argue who was smarter, today's dolphin or that Neanderthal. Did Neanderthals have a religion? There was, because we see it in rock paintings. Do dolphins have a religion? Do cetaceans have them? After all, they are higher creatures. Isn't this the same mass suicide that happened in some totalitarian sects?

Mass suicide of dolphins. New Zealand, 2009

Animals are able to sense impending danger, and man has known about this since ancient times. For example, if sailors noticed rats leaving the ship before sailing, this was considered a bad sign. A ship abandoned by rodents would certainly be caught in a storm or run into reefs, and in wartime it would be subject to torpedo attacks.

Rats, mice, all kinds of insects suddenly suddenly move from one place to another. They are always more sensitive than humans. In this sense, each of us has a premonition (even, perhaps, not of death itself, but a premonition of danger that can lead to loss of health or life).

Man, in the process of evolution, has lost control of his danger radar. Our thoughts, emotions and logical constructs prevent us from hearing the warning signal.

When we find ourselves in some ridiculous situation that ends badly, we can all say: “After all, I felt it. Why didn’t I listen to the quiet inner voice?” This happens because the huge cerebral cortex drowns out the inner voice with its thoughts. If we are in danger, our brain and heart rhythms change, but we do not understand why this happens, except perhaps in hindsight.

Psychic animals that sense danger long before the threat appears are convincing evidence of the reality of premonitions of death. There is other evidence to support this hypothesis.


Immortal soul

Scientists have always been attracted by the phenomenon of premonition of the death of a loved one. The most striking example of such an invisible connection is twins. From the moment of conception to birth, they are in the same membrane and have a common blood circulation. Often twins feel like they are the same person. Doctors have long noted the phenomenon of the relationship between twins - if one gets a headache, the other will get a headache. Some scientists explain this by one genetic program for two, others by extrasensory telepathic communication. After all, the organisms of twins are identical, which means that the frequencies of radiation and reception of their brains are similar and this allows them to sense each other even at a distance. It is not surprising that the twins, as if connected by invisible threads, also feel each other’s death.

If one twin dies on the other side of the globe, the other feels his death and also dies. This is a very common occurrence. It happens that one twin dies in infancy, the second lives, but after some time allotted to him, he also dies on the very day and hour when his first brother died.

Another common phenomenon is maternal instinct. A huge number of examples prove that a mother senses danger for her child at any distance. Sometimes mothers find no place for themselves, although they do not even know that their children are on the verge of death.

This phenomenon is explained by Mikhail Vinogradov,

psychiatrist-criminologist, doctor of medical sciences:

“This is the maternal instinct and the instinct of good wives. When they accompany you to war, they already know, I emphasize, they know and feel whether he will return alive or not. Although funerals come after a long time, until after the battles the commander draws up a list, the woman already knows that her loved one is gone. How does she feel? How does communication occur between souls?

Few people know that through telepathy, loved ones exchange information with each other constantly, every minute, because our brain is a transmitter and receiver of waves. At the moment of death, the waves have peak activity, and a loved one will be able to receive a farewell signal.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, during the academic council, suddenly stood up and said: “Gentlemen, just on such and such an island, under such and such circumstances, my father died. I am forced to leave this room." But then there were no mobile phones or radio stations. Later it turned out that, indeed, it was at this time, precisely under such circumstances, that the father of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov died. This was an incident witnessed by members of the academic council.

I found a woman who is sure that telepathy between loved ones exists. Little Ekaterina Benger, with some mystical instinct, was protected from dangers by her grandfather throughout her childhood:

“How many times in childhood did he, for example, forbid me to go somewhere. Everything seems to be fine, I washed the dishes, did my chores, but in the end after lunch: “No, stay at home, read books, you have a bibliography.” Naturally, this offended me, and then it turned out: I was supposed to go for a walk with my friend, and she was attacked by a dog.”

Grandfather and granddaughter felt each other even at a distance. Catherine’s grandfather struggled with a terrible disease for more than a year. Finally, she retreated. According to the doctors, he was on the mend, his life was not in danger, all his relatives were sure of this, and the grandfather himself felt great. But the dream that Catherine had made her think: something is wrong!

In the dream, grandfather looked sadly at Catherine, and in the morning she realized that she needed to go to him. Mom assured her that she had talked with the doctors, that everything was fine and good, that she didn’t have to go.

But Catherine felt that the days were counting. A strange worry made her buy train tickets and go to her grandfather that same day. As it turned out, not in vain. Catherine is sure that if she had not listened to her feelings at that moment, she would not have had time to say goodbye. The grandfather died literally a few days after the arrival of his granddaughter. But Catherine always knew that the connection between them was so strong that it did not break even with his death. And the incident convinced her of this. One day she decided to visit the grave of her beloved grandfather: “I sat down on a bench and lit candles. I looked at them and felt so sad! And at this moment all the candles go out. I’m starting to think that he’s still there, anyway, he’ll always stay with me - in my heart. And when my tears dried up, one candle lit up again. It seems to me that this is impossible, this does not happen, but it happened. And after that, how can you not believe that he is nearby?

Today, scientists recognize that the phenomenon of “prophetic dreams” exists. Our subconscious often gives us pictures of upcoming events. This means that a person always feels the approach of death. But there is other evidence for our hypothesis.


A look into the fourth dimension

Physicists perceive time as the movement of an event point in a given reference frame. We look at our past like frames from a film, but we don’t know the future. Scientists believe that a person simply cannot perceive other dimensions, where the tape of events is presented completely from birth to death. But there are people on earth who can see the whole picture from beginning to end - they are called “clairvoyants.”


The famous TV presenter Igor Prokopenko talks in this book about mysterious events related to the history of various civilizations - from the Petrine era, which seems quite familiar to us from school textbooks, to archaic communities, traces of which scientists are beginning to find.

Who put the curse on Inca gold? Why doesn't anyone risk opening Tamerlane's grave? What secrets, unbearable for the human psyche, are hidden in the tunnels of the Ural Mountains? Where and why does the population of entire cities suddenly disappear? Was there a warm oasis in the Arctic Ocean, the legendary Sannikov Land? What monsters will meet a person during a deep sea dive? When did the Earth change its direction of rotation and when will it happen again?

This is only a small part of the questions that scientists and researchers are trying to answer. No matter how fantastic their assumptions may seem, there are facts that do not fit into a convenient, familiar and, most importantly, safe picture...

Decoration P. Petrova

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The interior design of the book uses photographs from Odin-Media LLC, as well as: © Eraldo Peres, William C. Allen, Mark Keppler / AP Photo / EAST NEWS, © NEIL A. ARMSTRONG / NASA / AP Photo / EAST NEWS, © NASA /JPL–Caltech/Corbis//EAST NEWS; GEOFF TOMPKINSON / Science Photo Library RM / DIOMEDIA; Yuri Senkevich, Minkevich, Oleg Lastochkin / RIA Novosti, Archive / RIA Novosti; © Laurentiu Garofeanu / Barcroft USA /Barcoft Media via Getty Images / Getty Simon Baylis, Mopic, HelenField, Alex Pix / Used under license from; Purestock / Thinkstock /, Dorling Kindersley / Thinkstock /, Digital Vision / Thinkstock /, Rastan, Esperanza33, Siempreverde22, estt / Istockphoto / Thinkstock /


Dear readers!

Now you are holding in your hands the first book in the “The Most Shocking Hypotheses” series.

The name is no coincidence! It is on the pages of this series that you and I, without looking back at authorities and conventional truths, without fear of accusations of anti-science, will look for answers to the most inconvenient, unexpected, and sometimes strange questions.

It must be said that this task will not be easy. In most cases - in textbooks or scientific works - there are no answers to our questions. Therefore, in search of truth, we will turn to a variety of hypotheses. From generally accepted ones, approved by official science, to the most unexpected, fantastic and incredible.

And let this not confuse anyone. After all, the hypothesis that “the Earth rotates!” also once seemed unscientific.

What topics will we talk about? Here's an example. For many years there has been a hypothesis that about fourteen thousand years ago representatives of an alien civilization could have landed on our ancient Earth. Our ancestors may have mistaken these “representatives” for gods who descended from heaven, and their spacecraft for “chariots of fire.” This hypothesis - the most consistent proponent of which is the famous translator of ancient texts, the Swiss writer Erich von Daniken - seems fantastic to many. Indeed, how can one take seriously a story about a visit from aliens? However, Daniken's conclusions, based on an analysis of Old Testament sources, sound quite convincing and much more interesting than the arrogant silence of official science. As you know, our historical science interprets ancient myths as a “fantastic reflection of reality,” that is, as a fairy tale. But Daniken, back in the early 70s, studying Old Testament texts, asked the question: what if these are not “fairy tales,” but a description of real events that ancient people witnessed? Indeed, why would the ancient Sumerians, for example, amuse themselves by writing fairy tales? And if all this is true, then, for example, the revelations of the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel sound completely different, who so reliably described how “the gods descended from heaven on a fiery chariot in clouds of smoke and soot”... And then quite serious questions arise: what kind of “fiery chariot"? Why smoke and soot? And why does God, who is omnipresent, in order to descend from heaven, need an aircraft that smokes and rumbles?..

Isn’t Ezekiel describing the arrival of aliens?..

Of course, we do not have the task of convincing you, dear readers and viewers, that everything in history was so. We just want to tell you that such an idea also exists. And she is not the only one.

No less interesting is the hypothesis of the Chinese historian Zhou Li. After analyzing ancient burials in Sichuan province, he came to the conclusion that once on our planet, along with Darwin’s monkeys, there were also populations of highly developed prehistoric people who were representatives of the previous earthly civilization that died as a result of a global cataclysm. It was they, and not “aliens from other planets,” as Däniken believes, who served as real prototypes for the divine biographies of powerful gods. And the fact that “our gods” persistently worked to improve the breed of anthropoids is a “scientific fact”. All ancient mythology consists of stories about the love of the gods for earthly girls. As a result of such love, the ancient Greek hero Perseus appeared. As you know, he was the son of the god Zeus and the earthly beauty Danae. Ancient papyri call all Egyptian pharaohs, without exception, children of the gods. Even Buddha, and he, according to myths, turned out to be the fruit of illegal intercourse with a local girl of a stranger, not very similar to the tribesman who caught up with her in the jungle.

Who to believe? And you don’t need to trust anyone. You just need to know that in science, as well as in life, there is no ultimate truth. And what we accept as the only true one is nothing more than our ideas about the truth, obtained by the “tools” of knowledge that humanity currently has at hand.

The book you are now holding in your hands is the result of the colossal work of a large number of authors of the television program “The Most Shocking Hypotheses,” which airs on the REN TV channel. This means that a lot of interesting, varied and little-known information awaits you, from which everyone has the right to draw their own conclusions.

Best regards, Igor Prokopenko

Chapter 1
Don't joke with death

There is a hypothesis that a person can have a premonition of his death. Therefore, people with well-developed intuition can even, without suspecting it, avoid what is destined by fate. And vice versa, there are a huge number of examples, especially from the lives of actors, when he played a dead man, tried on the image of a hopelessly ill person - and a fatal illness comes to a person in real life. What facts does science have and what alternative versions do researchers put forward?

Unlucky passengers who escaped a plane crash because they were late or did not board the ill-fated flight... Actors who repeated the tragic fate of their heroes... People who, before their sudden death, seemed to be saying goodbye to their loved ones... They all have one thing in common - a premonition of death.

There is a hypothesis that everyone feels the approach of the “lady with a scythe”, and there is a lot of evidence for this.


Rehearsal for death

2015 can easily be called the year of the death of stars. We are simply overwhelmed by the shocking news that this or that celebrity has been diagnosed with cancer. At the beginning of the year, it became known about the illness of actors Alexei Buldakov and Philip Yankovsky, opera singers Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Zurab Sotkilava. Actor Andrei Gaidulyan is being treated for cancer.

The deaths that shook the country say that even fame and money cannot solve everything. First, actor Gennady Vengerov, here is his post on Facebook:

“Dear colleagues and close friends. The countdown of my life began in the last months or maybe even weeks. The fact is that since the end of September 2014, my life has been divided into “before” and “after” the diagnosis of “Lung cancer with bone metastases.” Please, without lamentations and condolences - it’s too early... And without advice from the field of alternative medicine - it’s too late.”

Then, after a long struggle with a terrible disease, singer Zhanna Friske died. Why are stars devastated by oncology? Maybe the stars above the stars didn't align right?

Mikhail Vinogradov argues:

psychiatrist-criminologist, doctor of medical sciences:

“If there had not been a death like Zhanna Friske’s, they would not have paid attention to the deaths of others. Therefore, perhaps such a “bright” death of Zhanna Friske served as the reason for all other deaths to be united and tied together.”

The singer's sudden illness surprised many. People's rumors spread rumors - it's all because of her role as a witch in the film "Night Watch". And indeed, this picture about vampires, witches, sorcerers and other evil spirits reaped a truly bloody harvest.

The actors collected in this film, one way or another, almost simultaneously passed away or lost their loved ones. Why this happens, what kind of death energy watches over people is very difficult to say.

After filming this “damned” film, Rimma Markova and Nikolai Olyalin died. Konstantin Khabensky's father died during filming, and after filming, his wife fell ill with cancer and died. And finally, Valery Zolotukhin and Zhanna Friske died from glioblastoma, a fairly rare brain tumor.

Perhaps this is payback for participating in the “devilish” film. After all, something like this has already happened: the sudden death of the actors who played in “The Master and Margarita” by Vladimir Bortko. Kirill Lavrov, Alexander Abdulov, Ilya Oleinikov, Vladislav Galkin passed away. The creators of the legendary film “Stalker” were killed by cancer one after another. Andrei Tarkovsky and actor Anatoly Solonitsyn died from lung cancer, actor Nikolai Grinko from leukemia, writer Arkady Strugatsky from liver cancer, Tarkovsky’s wife, who was the second director in the film, also died from cancer.

Actors and actresses paid for their participation in the play “Jesus Christ Superstar” with their health and lives.

There is a lot of evidence that a role in which the hero dies can become a scenario of imminent death for the actor himself. Thus, the hero of Leonid Bykov in the film “Aty-Bati, the Soldiers Came” dies under the tracks of a German tank, and then the actor almost repeats the fate of the hero of the film: Bykov dies in a car accident, colliding with an asphalt roller.

Alexander Dedyushko died in a terrible car accident along with his wife and little son. A few days before the tragedy, the actor seemed to feel the breath of death. He starred in the film "Albanian". In the last scene, everything spoke of impending death: the filming location was chosen next to a cemetery, and a stuntman dies during filming. There is another no less mystical opinion: Dedyushko’s death is connected with the film “Sarmat”, which was dubbed “cursed” among the actors. The editor and sound engineer died during filming. Immediately after the completion of the film, actor Ruslan Nurbi died, and then, like Dedyushko, director Igor Talpa died at the wheel of his car.

Actor Alexander Vasilevsky is sure that the role can influence the artist’s life. Moreover, if the actor gets used to the role, he can take on the fate of his hero.

Some people apparently cannot let go of a certain role, and it remains a part of their life. It is quite possible that this somehow affects them. Several years ago, the French conducted a study that proved that an actor who has been in the profession for about twenty years ceases to be himself, he becomes a person of the roles he plays. That is, this is a different personality.

Alexander experienced first-hand how a role can have an impact on real life. During the filming of the film “At All Latitudes,” death reminded him of itself more than once.

After the end of the shooting day, the anxious feeling did not leave the actor. The filming base was located near the sea, and Alexander decided to go for a swim. The actor did not find the light storm to be an obstacle.

Actor Alexander Vasilevsky shares his experiences:

“I starred in a film about submariners, there was a scene in the film where we were drowning. I played the commander of a submarine and, in general, I really felt a certain chill, fear... It would seem that before there were a lot of different scenes - they shot at me, and there were fights, but I treated it calmly, like work. There was some sense of the reality of what was happening here.

Well, I think, well, storm and storm. I'll go for a swim anyway. I made just a couple of strokes and suddenly realized that the sea had carried me quite far from the shore. I tried to get back, but the more I tried, the stronger the feeling that the sea would not let go.

Just a couple of days ago there was a scene where we were drowning, and here you are really being carried out to the open sea, and you can’t do anything about it.”

Alexander fell into the so-called “dead wave” - a natural phenomenon when a stream of water rushes not to the shore, but from it, taking a person with it into the open sea. For three hours the actor struggled with the elements until he finally managed to get out.

It would seem that this is it - a warning about possible death. But how often do we listen to these sensations? Alexander did not attach any importance to this “wake-up call” and a couple of days later, in the evening, he went swimming in the sea again.

“I turn around and suddenly see some lights approaching me from the darkness. I realized that it was a tourist boat that couldn’t see me, and it was coming straight towards me. Again, with some kind of fear, horror, I try to hide from this boat, I go to the side, but it continues to come towards me. There were rocks on the side, I even hit my head on them, for a second, I didn’t lose consciousness, but my vision became blurred. I also had the feeling that I was going to drown, that’s all. The boat, the night, the rock... In general, it was scary. Since then I started to be more careful about such things.”

There is another, non-mystical theory. It's not the role that kills the actor. The actor himself, anticipating death, chooses a tragic role - such roles become closer to his soul. The history of mankind knows a lot of evidence of how famous personalities, shortly before their death, seemed to be trying to rehearse their death. They were drawn to mentions of the afterlife and everything connected with it. Think about singers, musicians and rock stars; these things often happen to them. Listen, for example, to Tsoi’s later songs, where in his last albums he sings about death in virtually every song.

The tragic fates of actors who played roles in “cursed” films... Roles that became a rehearsal for imminent death... All this proves that premonitions of death are not an invention of mystics. There is other evidence.


Death as a premonition

There are many examples of people miraculously avoiding death. What is this? Just a coincidence? Extraordinary luck? Or did they simply sense the breath of approaching death in time?

A lot of people suddenly suddenly stop buying tickets for that plane that will crash tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And oddly enough, statistics show that on planes that have crashed, most of the seats are always unoccupied: for some reason they either bought it and then returned it, or simply did not want to board the plane.

We often talk about how people who survived or escaped a disaster were saved by some miracle. But what if they weren't supposed to be there where others gathered to die? Anticipating their imminent death on an intuitive level, people seem to be attracted to each other and gather together.

There is a theory that people who are destined to leave this world gather together and die, led by some amazing force. How and with what to explain this? Maybe this is some kind of special attractive energy of death: it repels some people, and attracts others?

Researchers have noticed a shocking pattern. If a person is destined to end his life on this day, his attempts to avoid death will be futile.

People who should die at this time will die, even if they do not fly on this flight. The plane will fly without this person, and death will overtake him somewhere. There are often cases when people choose a car instead of a plane, and the car crashes.

Stories like this are shocking. Italian Joana Gonthaler missed Air France flight 447, which killed all 228 people on board. But the woman managed to cheat death only for two weeks. She died in a car accident.

Brazilian Jessica de Lima Rol, who at the last moment decided not to go to a nightclub, miraculously escaped death. That night there was a terrible fire there, killing 238 people. But the “old woman with a scythe” did not let her victim go - a week later the girl crashed her car.

Air France Flight 447 crash

Chinese student Ye Meng Yuan, who survived the Boeing 777 crash in San Francisco, was killed by a fire truck during the rescue operation.

Scientists explain this phenomenon this way: there are two types of death warnings. The first is a premonition that the person himself feels. He seems to know in advance that he is destined to die, experiences inexplicable anxiety, and struggles with gloomy thoughts. Some people have a very precise feeling of their death, and literally within a few days they already know that death will come to them.

The second type of warning is the strange circumstances that surround people at the moment of danger. In this case, a person reads the information and sometimes even unconsciously changes his plans.

Alexander Tolmachev remembers,

coordinator of the All-Russian Commission on Cosmobiorhythmology, Doctor of Law, Professor:

“When I was a child, my father, mother and my sister and I were going to Tashkent airport. We had to cover 30 kilometers in order to board a plane and fly to Moscow. During these 30 kilometers, our tire exploded several times, the taxi driver changed it. Something broke in the brakes, something in the steering wheel. We jumped out onto the road, tried to get someone to give us a lift, but nothing worked. As a result, we were late to the airport, and my father - then he was serving abroad - was forced to run around the airport in a panic and shout: “I need to fly out urgently!” Then one of the senior officers came out and said: “Captain, pray that you missed this flight. The plane took off from Tashkent airport, crashed into a mountain and everyone died.”

Premonition of death is exacerbated in people involved in extreme sports and activities associated with increased risk. Sometimes even little things can alert extreme sports enthusiasts. Leader of the international Russian digger movement, head of the Digger-Spas detachment Vadim Mikhailov recalls how, before the group left for the research site, they received a strange warning:

“We look at maps and talk. At this time, the following happens: with absolute stability inside the room, a helmet placed in a row of other helmets falls. This happens sometimes: something takes her and throws her. This is a signal that we need to stop."

After the group received such a warning, they began to remember exactly what phrase was uttered at that moment. After all, practice shows that there are no accidents.

It turned out that this was in the words “the main thing is that we have nothing to do with the train or the plane.” The group left with great difficulty, because there was no transport, they had to rent cars, make room, and not everyone went. On the way, the diggers learned that a plane was crashing in the direction they were supposed to fly, and that there were no flights at all.

Vadim is sure that all people receive such warnings, but not everyone tries to decipher them. Cases where people miraculously avoided death or, conversely, as if hypnotized, went to the place of death are convincing evidence. We know in advance when our life will end.


Call of Death

Approaching death can not only be felt, but also seen. It was noticed that in zoos, before the death of their relative, animals seem to sense the approach of the “bony one” - they begin to rush about in their cages and howl. African wild dogs pose a huge mystery to scientists. Their hunting efficiency is 95%, this is the best percentage in the entire animal kingdom. During a hunt, a pack of predators disperses in a flock of antelopes and seems to turn on the locator. They listen to the call of death.

One individual can be located at a distance of 300 meters or more from another, where no auditory perception is possible with the clatter of hooves, and the wind can blow in the other direction. The smell won't help. Sounds won't help. And suddenly all the dogs suddenly finish the hunt and gather around one of the weakest animals. How do they know that this is where the weak animal is? Scientists cannot answer this question. One can only assume that animals have a “mobile phone” in their heads.

Biologists are sure that telepathy for our little brothers is an ordinary and familiar perception of the world.

If a person has 5 million olfactory cells per square centimeter, then a dog has 250 million, and, accordingly, their representation in the brain is the same number of times. It turns out that the dog is much smarter than us in this regard. And the eagle sees much better than us. And only the fact that man was able to create additional devices for himself (binoculars, echo sounders, etc.) puts us at some level of their perception. And if 200-300 years ago a person, just like an eagle, could see a mouse from a distance of one kilometer, they would say that he was a sorcerer.

At the Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology of the Scriabin Veterinary Academy, scientists study brain rhythms, biorhythms and the aura of the body. The main task is to put an end to the question: do animals have telepathic abilities?

Our great physiologist Bekhterev also studied telepathy. More than 1,400 experiments on mental suggestion in animals were performed on dogs from “Grandfather Durov’s Corner.” Commands were given not only directly, but also behind a screen, from another room, and the animals carried them out. But Bekhterev is a great figure, a scientist whom almost the whole world knows. Therefore, these are indisputable facts.

Special equipment helps to take an encephalogram of the animal’s brain. Thus, scientists receive evidence in real time - all living beings can influence each other and read information from a distance.

Scientists conducted an experiment that proved an absolutely fantastic thing: telepathy exists!

Konstantin Gauss says:

  1. Colonization of Mars
  2. Dinosaurs were killed by caterpillars
  3. We live in the Matrix
  4. The Universe is an intelligent creature

Often among the most shocking hypotheses one can find assumptions whose sole purpose is to attract attention and surprise. At the same time, many people forget that a hypothesis is, first of all, a scientific assumption. Therefore, below we will present hypotheses that, despite the shocking component, have a basis.

Earth's mass extinction will begin in 2100

Scientists associate the future catastrophe with a disruption of the carbon cycle in the World Ocean and atmosphere. According to the hypothesis, extinction will trigger an increase in carbon dioxide emissions.

According to geophysics professor Daniel Rothman, the critical mass of carbon is 310 Gt. Through human efforts, the specified amount of carbon should accumulate in the World Ocean by 2100. This does not necessarily mean that a disaster will occur in the same year. However, in the past, similar changes have led to mass extinctions.

Ben Strauss, an employee of the New Jersey Climate Center, says that the 22nd century will be a real hell for humanity. As a result of rising ocean water levels, many large cities, as well as some nations, will disappear from the map. This will be the century of the coastal exodus.

Ancient Egypt was destroyed by volcanoes

At the beginning of our era, Egypt turned from a powerful empire into a Roman province. Egypt's decline was not immediate, but was the result of gradual regression, in which climate change played an important role.

According to research led by historian Joseph Mannin, the final collapse of Egypt was facilitated by climate changes caused by volcanic eruptions in the 3rd-1st centuries. BC. The active activity of volcanoes provoked a decrease in precipitation, which led to a decrease in the water level in the Nile.

The flooding of the Nile River, bringing with it fertile silt, played a key role in Egyptian agriculture. The consequence of its decline was famine, social stress, unrest and other political and economic changes.

Dreams are a side effect of electrical activity in the brain

Both ordinary people and some scientists are trying to see some meaning in human dreams. Psychiatrist Alan Hobson suggests abandoning such theories. In his opinion, dreams do not carry meaning.

According to Hobson's hypothesis, dreams are the result of random electrical impulses that occur from time to time in the human brain. These impulses are responsible for emotions and memories. As the brain interprets these signals, various stories arise in the subconscious.

Colonization of Mars

According to a number of scientists, as well as the famous inventor and billionaire Elon Musk, settling the Red Planet is a necessary task. According to this hypothesis, Mars should become a reserve home for human civilization. This should help avoid the extinction of humanity as a result of a natural disaster or major conflict.

Musk recently introduced the public to the ITS interplanetary transport project, designed to deliver the first colonists to Mars. According to his forecasts, already in the 22nd century the size of the Martian colony will reach a million people. Future Martians will independently extract resources, generate energy and manage their households.

It would likely take centuries to create Earth-like conditions on another planet. However, scientists already estimate the probability of colonization of Mars at 85%.

Turning off part of the brain is the path to genius

Quite a long time ago, psychiatrists noted the existence of so-called “idiot geniuses” or mentally retarded people with exceptional abilities in a certain narrow area. They often find it difficult to communicate with others, but they can show amazing abilities in a variety of fields, be it art or science.

Australian University researchers Allan Snyder and John Mitchell believe that the abilities found in “idiot geniuses” are also characteristic of ordinary people, but in the latter they are masked by high forms of thinking.

This hypothesis is supported by evidence of adults who developed extraordinary artistic abilities after an illness destroyed part of the cortex of their left hemisphere. To test his hypothesis, Allan Snyder plans to turn off the part of his own brain responsible for forming concepts.

Dinosaurs were killed by caterpillars

American paleontologist Brian Switek believes that millions of years ago the Earth was a huge blooming garden. Birds did not yet exist at that time, so the caterpillars multiplied on an incredible scale. At the same time, they ate plants, which were also food for herbivorous dinosaurs.

By devouring vegetation, the caterpillars deprived the lizards of their main source of food. The fewer herbivorous dinosaurs became, the more difficult it was for predators. As a result, the dinosaurs fell victim to starvation.

The 6th period of extinction has started on Earth

Over the last century, species extinction has increased 100-fold. According to scientists, this has not happened since the time of dinosaurs, and they became extinct 66 million years ago.

If the hypothesis is correct, and we are living in the period of the 6th extinction, we should expect disastrous consequences for the functioning of all ecosystems, as well as enormous environmental, economic and sociocultural changes. The natural environment provides more than one might imagine (pollination, soil fertility, air purification, etc.).

Interplanetary migration should start in 30 years

If this is not done, then humanity is doomed to destruction. Stephen Hawking recently made this statement. The astrophysicist believes that the only salvation for humanity from overpopulation, destructive climate change and the fall of an asteroid is the colonization of Mars and the Moon.

Hawking calls for the creation of a "Noah's Ark" of fungi, plants and animals that will help recreate earthly conditions. He believes that a base on the Moon can be built in just 30 years. In addition, the scientist suggests paying attention to the Alpha Centauri star system, where, in his opinion, there is a planet Proxima suitable for life.

Ancient Africans Were Light-Skinned

In recent research, scientists have been able to isolate the genes responsible for skin color and understand their evolution. As a result, it turned out that the first was the “fair skin” gene. It was only later replaced by variations associated with dark skin.

According to geneticists, this supports the idea that our southern African ancestors had a light skin tone. Ultraviolet levels in South Africa are lower than in the equatorial parts of the mainland. And today the fairest-skinned Africans live here.

The apocalypse will be triggered by a solar storm

The source of solar storms is large-scale flares on the Sun. The danger is that they destroy the magnetosphere of our planet. The most severe solar storm was recorded in 1859. It caused fires on different continents. The current was sent through telegraph cables.

Physicist Patricia Reiff notes that if a magnetic storm of the same magnitude happened now, it would lead to “terrible consequences.” Large areas of the Earth would be plunged into pitch darkness, perhaps for years at a time. The risk of a storm of this magnitude occurring before 2022 is 12%. According to experts, phenomena of a similar scale occur at least once every 2 centuries.

We live in the Matrix

Many philosophers, physicists and techno-enthusiasts take this hypothesis quite seriously. Moreover, a number of scientists estimate the probability of this to be 50%. For example, Elon Musk believes that human civilization may well be virtual entertainment in someone’s thoughtful universe.

Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom noted in one of his publications that if humanity does not self-destruct, it will be able to learn to model reality. He also believes that we can already live in a computer simulation. The fact that the world was created on a “supercomputer” can be evidenced by the existence of universal rules by which the Universe is governed.

The Trojan War is an ancient international conflict

According to researcher Eberhard Zangger, the Trojan War ended the “Zero World War.” 3,200 years ago, as a result of this conflict, the Luwian civilization, which flourished in the Eastern Mediterranean, perished.

Zanger believes that it was the Luwians who contributed to the collapse of such powerful powers as Egypt and the Hittite kingdom. The Mycenaeans, realizing that they would be next, decided to attack first. They crossed the Aegean Sea and destroyed the Luwian civilization. Troy, glorified by Homer, was also among the destroyed cities.

The ancient inhabitants of Turkey are the ancestors of the heroes of the Iliad

Paleogeneticists came to this unexpected conclusion. In their opinion, representatives of the Cretan-Mycenaean civilization, information about which was preserved in the epic of Homer and ancient Greek mythology, are relatives of the ancient inhabitants of Iran and Turkey.

The ancestors of the Minoans and Mycenaeans migrated to Hellas from the mentioned territories about 4 thousand years ago. Interestingly, the Mycenaeans inherited 18% of their DNA from the tribes that occupied the steppes off the coast of the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. The described hypothesis is based on DNA analysis of 19 Minoans and Mycenaeans.

In the middle of the 21st century, death will lose its meaning

This hypothesis belongs to astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and transhumanist Raymond Kurzweil. These scientists believe that death, old age, illness and other limitations will no longer be scary because people will be able to function like programs in computer memory.

Already, executives of large companies are investing a lot of money in studying ways to transfer consciousness from the human brain to a silicon system. They find convincing Hawking's idea that consciousness is a brain program that works like a computer. In this case, copying consciousness will help create some form of immortality.

The Universe is an intelligent creature

Until recently, this idea was known primarily as the concept of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, it also has supporters in the scientific world. For example, NASA columnist Ethan Siegel.

He and other researchers point out that the structure of the atom resembles the solar system, and the number of stars in the galaxy and the number of atoms in the cell are the same. As a result, the hypothesis arose that we are cells of a larger creature that does not have self-awareness.

Any of the above hypotheses may be subject to ironic remarks from skeptics. At the same time, the listed assumptions convince us how insignificant our knowledge is and how much remains to be learned.

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