Tactics and strategy. Game Conflict The Art of War. Review and walkthrough of the game Conflict The Art of War Conflict The Art of War secrets of completing objectives

» from the Plarium studio provides players with extensive opportunities and a large selection of units for combat. As a rule, in order to resist the enemy and successfully carry out operations to attack other territories, you need to gather an army. Collection in this project is one of the most important stages for each player. Novice players, unfortunately, do not know all the subtleties and nuances of the project to assemble a powerful and effective army. In this guide, we will tell you how to choose the right soldiers, which buildings to build first, which tactics to choose and many other important details.

We choose only one tactic

Despite the fact that the game has a huge variety of units, buildings, and other goodies, for successful development you must choose which style to play: defense or attack. This is something you should start from when you create units for your army. And remember that each type of game has its own tactics, so you need to decide on this issue right away. In this project, each player can easily choose only one tactic for himself and strictly follow it. There is no need to spread yourself thin, try to develop all areas of activity at once, build a bunch of buildings and create all types of troops. This will ultimately set you up to lose! Now we will tell you about each tactic separately!

Defensive tactics of the game

And so, you decided to completely go into defensive tactics of the game. Well, the decision is not bad, but it requires clear and consistent actions from you. You should not defend yourself immediately from the first minutes of the game and try to pour all your resources into defensive units. As a rule, at the initial stage no one will attack you, so you will have enough time for a comfortable and peaceful game. And even if someone attacks you in the first days, your small defensive army will not be enough, and in the end you will drain all your resources just like that!

Although, you could pour these resources into constructing buildings, leveling up experience and skills. Your tactics will be relatively simple at first: build several bunkers and send troops there. Gradually increase the number of troops and bunkers. As soon as a certain number of soldiers accumulate, you can use them to attack and defend your base. Just be sure to take into account the fact that it is best to leave defensive troops at the base, because in battle they will quickly merge, even with a large number of attacking soldiers. As a rule, such units are among the first to fall under enemy bullets and die.
Attack tactics

The advantage of attacking troops is that you can use them from the very beginning of the game and gradually develop your army, increase in number and power. The only thing is, before each raid on enemy bases, conduct thorough reconnaissance. Some bases may be too tough for you, and you will lose your entire army at once. There is no need to rush here, you must think through your every step, just like in a real war. But again, choose a time when the probability of your base will be minimal, for example, at night, because at this time most players are sleeping, and only a few continue to play. If you attack during the daytime, then during this period your base can be thoroughly “taken out”, because there will be practically no defensive troops in it.

Another important point is that troops that are intended for attack should not be used in defense. Their protective function is practically zero, so there will be no benefit from this! To develop effectively, after each operation (attack on players), hide your attacking troops in a bunker, otherwise you will lose them during the first attack on your base. Use only defensive units on your territory.

Take note of the fact that you can use the same strategy against your enemies. That is, as soon as an enemy attacks you, you leave soldiers for protection. As soon as he returns home, attack him. And if you are lucky, the player will not have time to hide the soldiers in the bunker. As a result, you will quickly destroy his troops, both attacking and defensive, and take away all the resources. Moreover, this principle works for both defensive and offensive tactics.
Secrets for beginners

If you have just started playing Conflict: The Art of War, be sure to read these points in order to collect all the “cream” and bonuses in the game in time at first. And so, here we go:

1. After registration, for the first 3 days you will have a protection effect that will not allow any player to attack you. Regardless of what tactics you choose, build buildings and improve them, create an army and hide in bunkers.
2. At first, you will be able to increase your protection indicators by purchasing protective and decorative buildings.
3. As soon as someone attacks you, a timer will appear. Thanks to this timer, you can analyze and roughly calculate how many troops you will have in your base, when to withdraw them, and where to quickly “drain” resources if the enemy is stronger than you.
4. Every 2.5 hours you will have an additional attempt to rob. Be sure to use this bonus.
5. We advise you to log into the game every day to receive bonuses for this. Moreover, you will be able to receive such important resources as “diamonds” completely free of charge.
6. Sign contracts from the first steps in the game. This is an important component of the game that you need to focus on. Thanks to contracts, you will be able to hire improved units, modern and powerful equipment, and build modernized buildings. In the future, you will decide for yourself which contracts are best to conclude.
7. Do you want to receive additional diamonds for free? Then we advise you to make trips to the targets only during the period of time when the tournament is being held. Due to this, you can not only accumulate a large number of objects, but also receive rich rewards for places.
8. If suddenly your base is occupied by enemies, you can always ask your friends to help you. Therefore, be sure to make new acquaintances and live next to friends, join clans so that you can ask for help at any time. But don’t forget to help your fellow humans if you have the opportunity.

In general, as you can see, the game “Conflict: The Art of War,” despite the huge number of units, buildings and locations, involves only a few basic development strategies. Try to follow them, because every strategy and tactic has been personally tested by thousands of players.

Be sure to make sure that all your attacking troops are in bunkers when you go to bed at night, and that your defensive ones are in the base area. Keep track of the counters when you are attacked, and estimate the approximate outcome of the battle using special calculators. Don't neglect reconnaissance and be sure to send reconnaissance troops before attacking, no matter what level the base is!

"Conflict: The Art of War".

It was released by Plarium. Insiders know that the studio specializes in browser-based MMOs, as well as projects for mobile phones.

These include game "Conflict: The Art of War". It describes the year 2019. Dwindling resources led to a global war. It's every man for himself.

What do they give gamers to defend their interests? We will discuss this, and much more, in our MMO review.

Review of the game "Conflict: The Art of War"

Online belongs to the strategy genre. It provides an opportunity to work out plans for conducting tactical operations.

This is the responsibility of leaders, which gamers are asked to become. Everyone forms their own army, trains it, rebuilds their base, seizes enemy territories, and with them the crumbs of resources remaining in the world.

Although loners are concentrated in the vastness of the world of 2019, they do not only fight. Player interactions can also come down to contracts.

Those who have entered into agreements with neighbors receive privileges, for example, access to special units. Units in the virtual world are equipment, people, and animals that help the main characters.

At first, play V "Conflict: The Art of War" accessible only by infantry.

But, with the development of the base, its protagonist, tanks, aviation, self-propelled guns, and strategic troops become available.

Computer bots in "Conflict: The Art of War" A little. The battles in the project are reduced to PvP mode, that is, confrontations between real players and their troops.

Gamers provoke some of the clashes themselves. The other part of the fights are quests issued by the system. The system also monitors housekeeping.

Without developing the base you received at the start, it is impossible to become an MMO leader. On a small piece of land you need to rebuild several types of buildings.

In resource institutions, consumables are being mined to maintain the base. Military buildings replenish the army and improve its characteristics.

Without command buildings, it is not allowed to influence the speed of movement of units or reconnaissance actions.

"Conflict: The Art of War" - strategy, the economic part of which also comes down to the rebuilding of protective and decorative elements.

The decor not only decorates the base, but also increases the level of protection of combat units. They will grow, requiring the expansion of the town's territory and the construction of new buildings.

Those already built, by this time, begin to need improvement. In general, you won't be bored.

Designed to skillfully combine several roles: mayor, commander, politician.

Features of the game "Conflict: The Art of War"

Goals items to grab in are updated daily. At the same time, the level of the enemy or object requiring capture is indicated.

The higher the level, the larger the squad needed to take it. As a rule, targets are displayed near the base.

But it’s also easy to get to distant objects. The project has convenient scaling, and the continent with its bases resembles Africa with its open spaces.

IN "Conflict: The Art of War" the lands are called Zandia. It is drawn in detail, there are 3D elements. So, traveling to your destinations is also pleasing to the eye.

The music also makes me happy. It was not selected, but written specifically for the project. The composer was Jesper Kyd.

His finest hour was Hitman: Codename 47. After its release, Kid began to be called a major composer in the gaming industry.

For life on base "Conflict: The Art of War" Jesper prepared one escort and another for military operations.

The units that are given to players at the start allow them to start fighting to the fullest. In most MMOs, the passage begins with the worst cars, with the weakest army.

IN "Conflict: The Art of War" newcomers are given the Goliath tank. You can get one on your own only in the 2nd or 3rd month. Until this time, 3 more Goliaths will be given as a gift. So, fight - I don’t want to.

Donation can discourage the desire to fight. He is active in strategy. Play the game "Conflict: The Art of War" online for free problematic. There is no charge for registration.

But, inside the project, many goods and services are offered for real rubles. Some items are difficult to obtain using in-game currency.

Other things, you just want to get them faster than expected. So gamers spend their hard-earned money.

With such an MMO device, you need to be able to spend money so that you are not ashamed of your gaming history.

Money should, as they say, work. How to get them to do this? You will find the answer in the next chapter.

Walkthrough of the game "Conflict: The Art of War"

You can spend your money wisely before you even start. In what secret? "Conflict: The Art of War"- a strategy that many have already played enough of.

When leaving a project, seasoned gamers often sell their accounts. They don't charge much. It is possible to skip over the initial stages of development, immediately becoming the head of the MMO world.

True, this move is good for those who are already experienced in such strategies. Otherwise, you lose an interesting acquaintance with her, the excitement of knowing her.

You can also lose what the previous gamer acquired. If you don’t know how, don’t immediately flattery yourself from above.

You should also not use cheat "Conflict: The Art of War"- An MMO where you get banned for cheating. Cunning users trade in cheats. Buy it and you'll throw money away.

Better buy more decorative and protective buildings. Remember, they increase the defense bonus.

Now, let's move on to tips for passing that do not relate to financial costs. Firstly, try to build up as much as possible and form an army in the first 3 days.

This is the beginner's protection period. Afterwards, the base will begin to be attacked. A special timer will notify you of the capture. It shows the time remaining until enemy units arrive.

By focusing on the timer, it is possible to correctly distribute preparations for meeting the enemy.

If, nevertheless, you find yourself captured, call your friends. They will help you free yourself. Of course, you want to win, not submit.

Having removed the “shackles” of the attackers, they themselves take their place, capturing more and more new targets. This process is monitored by “Zen Shi”.

This is the name of a corporation specializing in the development of new weapons. According to legend, “Zen Shi” almost took over the world in 2019.

However, a “Secret Agency” appeared on the “horizon”. Apparently everyone belongs to him.

The more targets you hit, the stronger Zen Shi's resistance will become. Please take this into account.

The purpose of attacks from the base is not only capture, but also robbery. In the latter case, you do not gain territory, but you are enriched with resources.

The project has a robbery limit. Stay in the MMO for two and a half hours - you will receive additional permission to rob.

So, if it’s already a couple of hours, don’t rush to go out. It is more profitable to wait another 30 minutes and take advantage of the privilege.

IN "Conflict: The Art of War" there is a rating of robberies. If you want to get into it, keep in mind that the system counts both what you got yourself and what was stolen from you.

At this point, the fountain of information should be covered, so that the passage of the strategy does not become a comparison with the knowledge already acquired. There are still unspecified nuances. Come in and learn new things.

The Plarium company is very famous in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries for its products: “Wars of Thrones”, “Sparta” and “Rules of War”. She is very good at creating browser games with a social component. And now the developers have released a new multiplayer game called “Conflict: The Art of War” for the social networks Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. English-speaking players were introduced to the English version of the game, called Soldiers Inc, which was specially implemented on Facebook.

This product is a browser game that includes military-themed strategy elements, with the war taking place in the future.

Game users interact and fight with each other in real time. A year after the release of “Conflict: The Art of War,” the game has already attracted about a million active players on PC monitors. If all this continues (the game Conflict: The Art of War continues to actively develop), it has every chance to take a place in the world's top browser games. However, you shouldn’t be too surprised by this fact, since Plarium is one of the top five game developers for Facebook.

The plot of the game "Conflict: The Art of War"

For us, the most dangerous place in the world, where war never subsides, is the Middle East, which is constantly tormented by military conflicts. Everyone understands why this is so - after all, oil production sites are located in those parts. But how would everything change if a resource were found that became more expensive and more necessary? The developers used this idea as the basis for the storyline of the game “Conflict: The Art of War.”

2019 Zandia, an imaginary African power, has discovered a new useful resource on its territories, which suddenly becomes the main target of extraction for the largest corporations in the world. The user must command one of the military bases intended for resource extraction. Of course, you have many armed opponents who also need minerals. You must fight them in order to achieve what you expected.


To simplify the task, we will divide the gameplay of the game into 3 components:

  • The first group includes player actions aimed at developing your base. To do this, the gamer must build military and economic facilities and create units so that the latter become excellent scouts, attackers or defenders of territories.
  • The next group is actions related to waging war. Here you need to attack opponents, killing them, as well as protect your own bases from attacks and complete story missions given by the computer.
  • The third group makes the game Conflict: The Art of War a “social game”. That is, these are relationships with other players. The strategy "Conflict: The Art of War" does not oblige its users to wage a continuous war - there is another way. If you have chosen peace, then your way to maintain it is to enter into a contract. This action opens up many possibilities: establishing friendship between players, constructing the necessary buildings, acquiring more advanced equipment, using jointly mined mineral resources.

The specifics of the game provide for the harmonious development of all the above-described components. You are friends with someone, and you are at war with someone - this is normal if you do not want your army to die during the next enemy attack.

Game Features

The game "Conflict: The Art of War" has many features, including:

  • Good graphical side of the game;
  • Interesting story;
  • Lots of tasks, buildings, units - everything to constantly improve the base;
  • You can be friends or fight with other players - choose for yourself;
  • The music for the game was written by Jasper Kyd, the author of the soundtrack for Assassin’s Creed and Hitman.


If you are interested in strategy and tactics that can be applied in interaction with real human players, then the game "Conflict: The Art of War" will be interesting for you.

Good day or night everyone!

If you decide to play another cult application developed by the Plarium team called, then it is no coincidence that you are reading this review.

I'm sure you're interested in the secrets of the game Conflict: The Art of War.

Playing through it is actually incredibly exciting, because this online military strategy game is made to the highest quality.

The secrets of passing it are absolutely not difficult to learn, and now you will actually see this.

In war, as in war - “A la guerre comme a la guerre!”

The entire gameplay in Conflict has two components - combat, which consists not only of attacking opponents, but also of your defense and the development of your own military base.

That is why the main thing here is the extraction of rare resources, and since there are also quite a lot of people around who are also doing this, it is quite difficult to do this.

First of all, you need to create a truly well-fortified, armed base - to reliably protect your own deposits.

The secrets to beating the game in the early stages is that you must start building a whole series of armies.

This is necessary to provide the military base with everything necessary and to gain the opportunity to hire different types of troops of different numbers, as well as to obtain the necessary valuable resources.

From this article you will learn:

What types of buildings are there?

There are several types and they all perform different functions.

  1. Military - buildings of this type will allow you to hire new troops, and they also train existing ones.
  2. Resource - buildings of this category provide the military base with ammunition, provisions, and fuel.
  3. Protective - the name makes it clear that they are needed to protect against attacks.
  4. Team buildings - buildings of this type significantly affect the entire aspect of the gameplay. This includes the speed of movement of caravans, detection of targets around a military base, and the like.
  5. Expansion - with this function you will expand the territory, which will allow you to build even more buildings.
  6. Decorative – should not be ignored; buildings, in addition to decoration, increase the protection of units.

Forward, only to the goal!

When you start playing Conflict: The Art of War, you find yourself in Zandia, where you become a simple soldier. But you must strive to become a real master of the world!

You will take part in numerous battles in the vast expanses of the African continent.

The size of the army depends on how much food you have available, so be sure to increase this indicator by actively developing the “site” resource building.

Important point! If tasks in the game are performed poorly, you will be fined; if tasks are performed well, you will receive a reward.

Every day new targets will appear around your territory. They must be destroyed by sending troops, and then observe how much your soldiers are weaker or stronger than the enemy.

The number of soldiers sent to it depends on the level of the target - the higher it is, the more of them are required.


Remember that any military strategy, even if it is just a game, is an art. Therefore, remember the main components for the game Conflict: The Art of War.

These secrets of the game will help you complete it successfully.

  1. For three days no one will attack you, “newbie protection” is in effect. An excellent opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity to increase your defense bonuses by building defensive and decorative buildings.
  2. Constantly monitor the attack timer. This is necessary so that you are always ready for an attack from your opponents.
  3. Keep track of not only what you have stolen, but also what other players have taken from you.
  4. The more targets you destroy, the greater Zeng Shi's resistance will become.
  5. Get all the necessary contracts and buildings - this will provide you with a sufficient amount of the necessary resources.
  6. Log into your browser every day, this increases your resource reserves, gives you the opportunity to conclude more contracts, as well as such an important bonus as diamonds.
  7. Missing resources can always be exchanged with other players by going to the supply center.
  8. Since you have attacking and defensive troops, hide the latter in bunkers, because during attacks they will not be able to defend themselves and will simply die.
  9. There are also location secrets. Many people ignore them, not understanding why they go there. Here you get quests, experience, but, most importantly, new armies.
  10. Remember that in the game you can not only rob. Interact with friends or other users, they will become your indispensable allies.
  11. To receive up-to-date information, join the official group of the game Conflict: The Art of War. This will help you in passing, since the developers constantly hold many competitions here and are constantly hired to develop their brainchild.

As you have seen, the secrets of completing an interesting project from Plarium are not so complicated. Just carefully understand all of the above, and you can excel in the online game Conflict: The Art of War.

Play together with friends; to do this, simply invite them from popular social networks where you usually prefer to communicate.

I, in turn, wish you the best possible success in completing such an exciting, truly exciting browser game.

Good luck, see you on the battlefield!

Game Conflict The Art of War - the struggle for power.

Conflict AVP The Art of War is a strategy for those users who want to create their own modern powerful army and gain the status of an unsurpassed commander and wise ruler. A distinctive feature of this particular multiplayer online browser game is that here people fight among themselves, there are no orcs and goblins, there are military bases, infantry, heavy armored vehicles, aviation and no fairy-tale characters.

All actions take place in a fictional African country. There are minerals and rare resources here, and the player who can control the mines and sources will be able to reign supreme over the world. However, not everything is so simple, there is huge competition within this world, corporations and countries, not counting local groups and gangs, want to get what they want. Therefore, only a carefully developed victory strategy, precisely structured combat tactics and wise distribution of resources within the military base will allow the player to take a position with which everyone around him will have to reckon.

In the game Conflict AVP, registration is required, you can complete it in just half a minute, you need to come up with a name, enter your email address and game password in the appropriate field, there is no procedure for confirming your email address in this game, immediately after these simple steps you can begin the training stage.

Features of the game Conflict AVP.

From the very first glance, the user will see the excellent quality of the game. All the details and landscapes are clearly visible in it, even the uneven surface of the earth scorched by the scorching sun. Music recorded in the background gives the appropriate mood, and sound effects complement the realism of what is happening on the computer monitor.

Adventures in the game Conflict The Art of War begin with a fairly detailed tutorial. The game has several resources necessary for development:

  • Fuel;
  • Ammunition;
  • Food;
  • Diamonds;

All these types of resources are necessary for the initial construction of command, military, defensive and resource buildings, with the help of which, in the future, an army ready to confront opponents will be created and strengthened.

At the first stages, the developers do not spare the most valuable game currency - diamonds, so you should use them extremely carefully, since at higher levels it will not be so easy to get them, but they can be needed for many things.

The goal of the game is to create a combat-ready, powerful army and seize control of more and more territories rich in valuable resources, but players can choose other ways to develop their unit. Without war in Soldiers Inc. there is no way around it, if the user does not attack himself, then he will have to build a strong defense, or go the diplomatic route by concluding contracts of protection or non-aggression.

In the game, in addition to real opponents in front of the computers, there are also virtual opponents. Bots are local gangs, they do not hesitate to attack, although their troops are not very strong and can cause trouble.

Conflict Art of War is a game with the division of troops - attacking and defensive. Which army to strengthen depends on the player’s choice of strategy, but in conditions of a constant lack of resources, they can be replenished when attacking other bases, which makes the game more aggressive and interesting, since simply not touching anyone will not work. Another wonderful gift from the developers is a bunker; you can hide both troops and resources in it, and after accumulating forces, you can unexpectedly attack the enemy.