Combinations chn are pronounced shn. Pronunciation of combinations -chn- and -shn. What is intercultural literacy and why is it so important?

Hello! Please help me explain to students when the combination “chn” is read as “chn” (exactly), and when as “shn” (of course). The same thing with the combination “cht”: pronunciation “sh” (to), and “cht” (mail). Is there any pattern?
- This is what colleagues from the portal answer:
The combination of chn, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. [chn]: to[chn]y, pro[chn]y, vicious, milky way, etc.
However, in some words chn is pronounced [shn]. Here are the most common words where [sh] is pronounced: of course - kone[sh]o, boring - skuk[sh]o, deliberately - naro[sh]o, scrambled eggs - eggs[sh]itsa, trifling - trifling[sh]ny , birdhouse - starling [sh]ik. The pronunciation of these words must be remembered. In addition, [shn] in place of chn is pronounced in female patronymics in -ichna: Nikiti[sh]a, Ilyini[sh]a. In some words, options are possible: bakery - bakery and bakery, laundry - laundry and laundry.
It should be noted that in the Russian language there is a tendency to replace the pronunciation [shn] with the pronunciation [chn]. The number of words where chn is pronounced [shn] is steadily decreasing. Previously they said korea[sh]evy (now this pronunciation is no longer allowed), molo[sh]y, sin[sh]evaya (porridge), plum[sh]y (now this pronunciation is considered obsolete, but is still acceptable). In new words, instead of chn, only [chn] is pronounced.
The combination thu is always pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. [thu]. And only in the word that and its derivatives (so that, something, something, nothing, etc.) is pronounced [pcs]. The exception to this exception is the word something, where [th] is pronounced.

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In place of letters chn in some words it is pronounced [ch"n] or [ch"n"]: that[h"n]y, ve[h"n]y, pe[h"n"]ik; in other words it is pronounced [shn] or [shn"]: kone[sh]o(Certainly), boring(boring), laundry(laundry), two [shn "]ik(low student); in the third group it is permissible to use both options: bu-lo[sh]aya And bakery(bakery), orderly And decent(decent). In some cases, the same word may be pronounced differently, depending on the combination in which it is found: heart disease, But dear friend(cordial); kopeck coin And co-e[s] soul(penny).

This difference has existed for a long time, and this is how it is reflected in “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin:

(1) First by mutual difference

They were each other boring;

Then I liked it; Then

We came together every day on horseback

And soon they became inseparable.

(2) – I can’t sleep, nanny: it’s like this here stuffy!

Open the window and sit with me.

- What, Tanya, what’s wrong with you? - To me boring.

Let's talk about antiquity.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, many words were pronounced with [sh], and not with [ch"n]. Pronunciation [sh] became one of the signs of the old Moscow pronunciation norm. In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by D.N. Ushakov, which mainly reflected Moscow pronunciation, is recommended to speak bul[sh]aya, everyday[sh]y, lingon[sh]y, young[sh]y, taken[sh]ik and so on.

In modern linguistic literature, such pronunciation is characterized as already outdated. The spelling pronunciation [ch"n] has now become the norm. However, in some cases (of course, boring, on purpose, scrambled eggs, birdhouse, laundry, eyeglass student, poor student, trifling) in place of spelling chn should be pronounced [sh]. This traditional deviation from the general norm of pronunciation is accepted and legitimized by dictionaries and reference books. In addition to the indicated words, the pronunciation [shn] is also preserved in some female patronymics: Ilyin[sh]a(Ilyinichna), Nikiti[sh]a(Nikitichna).

In place of letters Thu The sounds [ch"t] are usually pronounced in accordance with the spelling: mail(mail), mast(mast). But in the word “what” and its derivatives it is pronounced [pcs]: [pcs]o(What), [pcs]obs(to), some [pieces](something), but not [h "t]o(something).

Combination schn in all words it is pronounced as written: graceful, urgent, future, accomplice, pronunciation elegant, urgent, will [sh]ost, communication is a deviation from the norm under the influence of vernacular.

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Combination chn, as a rule, is pronounced in accordance with the spelling, i.e. [ chn]: precise, durable. However, in some words chn pronounced like [ shn]: of course - horse[shn]O, boring - boring[shn]O. In some cases, pronunciation options are acceptable: bulo[shn]aya – bulo[chn]and I. In new words chn pronounced like [ chn]: removable[chn]oh, then[chn]th etc. In some words the pronunciation [ shn] is deprecated: creamy - plum[shn]y, brown - measles[shn]left(*):

Combinations with unpronounceable consonants.

When several consonants coincide between vowels in some combinations, one of the consonants is not pronounced. Such cases are accompanied by corresponding marks in the dictionary.

1. In combinations stn, zdn And stl consonants are not pronounced [ T] And [ d]: charming - lovely[sn]y, reed - tr[sn]ik, private owner - cha[sn]ik, staircase - l[sn]itsa, regional - regional, sixteen - six[sn]teen, peer - sparkling, starry - starry, late - late, idle - right, happy - happy[sl]envious, envious - jealous[sl]willowy, compassionate - sting[sl]willowy, conscientious - owl[sl]willow In a number of words belonging to the book style, in combinations stn, zdn And stl consonants [ T] And [ d] are not completely lost: ac T ma, glis T ny, compos T ny, holly T ny, without d on, free of charge d ny, braid T Lyavy, pos. T bark.

2. Combinations stsk, ntsk And ndsk pronounced with the consonant [ ts s] in place of combinations ts And ds: tourist - turi[ts s]cue, racist – rasi[ts s]cue, amateurish - amateur[ts s]cue, Irish – Irish[ts s]cue, Icelandic – Islan[ts s]cue, Scottish – Scotlan[ts s]cue

3. In combinations stk, zdk And ntk pronunciation of the consonant [ T] is saved: zhes T cue, weighed T ka, no weight T ka, hangman T ka, trip - eat[With T To]ah, bulky - thunderous[With T To]y, graduate student T ka, laboratory technician T ka, waiter T ka, cold T ka. Consonant [ T] is not pronounced in a loanword that has long been mastered in colloquial speech Dutch oven (oven) – golla[NK]A.

4. In combinations rdc And rdch consonant [ d] not pronounced: heart - behold[rc]e, core – se[rc]Evina, little heart - behold[RF]Ishko.

5. In combinations vstv And lvv first sound [ V] is not pronounced in words feeling, hello And remain silent as well as their derivatives: feeling - chu[st]in, feel - chu[st]howl, sensitive – chu[st]attentive, sensual – sensitive[st]vein; hello - hello[st]wow, hello - hello[st]howl; to remain silent - silent[st]in-vat.

In other cases, in place of the first V in combination vstv pronounced [ f]: clear - I[f]national

6. Combined lnc consonant not pronounced [ l]: sun - with[nc]e.

4. IN words of foreign origin, which are not widely used, have specific pronunciation features. for example, in words from different fields of science, technology, politics, culture, as well as proper names, there may be a lack of qualitative reduction of unstressed vowels.

1. In the first and second pre-stressed syllables, at the absolute beginning of a word, as well as in post-stressed syllables at the absolute end of a word after consonants or vowels in place of a letter O pronounced vowel [ O] without the reduction characteristic of Russian words: b[O]a, b[O]rdo, with[O]no, G[O]gen, B[O]dler, b[O]lero, r[O]To[O]ko, M[O]nparnas, M[O]Passan,[O]nore,[O]tello,[O]ttava, t[O]rnad[O], vet[O], credit[O], Karuz[O], Castres[O], Mexico[O], adázhi[O], true[O], how[O], for the sake of[O], Toki[O], Fideli[O].

2. In some less common proper names in pre-stressed syllables, combinations of letters ao, oa, oo, oh And woah pronounced as they are written, i.e. without reduction: Aogasuma Island –[O]Gasuma, Oaxaca City –[oa]Háka, Moorea Island – M[oo]rea, Lawrival – L[OU]rival, luoravetlany – l[woah]ravetlany.

3. In non-Russified borrowed words in place of letters e And I unreduced vowels can be pronounced in all pre-stressed syllables: legato –[l'e]gáto, Vespucci –[v'e]spuchchi, Nero –[n'e]ron, gyaur –[g'a]Ur, Lyashko –[l'a]school, genocide –[g'e]notsud, Benvenuto –[b'env'e]no, lambiasis –[l'a]mbioz, Lyatoshunsky –[l'a]Toshunsky.

4. After [ and], [w] And [ ts] in some borrowed words there is an unstressed letter e can be pronounced without reduction: masterpiece – w[uh]dévre, Chéné – Ш[uh]nyé, ginseng – w[uh]Nishén, Gerard – F[uh]rár, time pressure - ts[uh]ytnot, centuria – c[uh]nturia, Ceres – C[uh]rera, myelut – mi[uh]lút, pitet – pi[uh]tet, chevrolet – sh[uh]vrolé, Sheri-dan – Sh[uh]Ridan, Gerardin – F[uh]rarden.

5. At the beginning of words of foreign origin, as well as after a vowel in place of a letter uh sound is pronounced [ uh]: ek-ran –[uh]faucet, efur –[uh]fur, eucalyptus –[uh]vkalupt, Evri-duka –[uh]vriduka, dielectric – di[uh]lecturer, coefficient - co[uh]fficient, Buenventura – Boo[uh]nventura. The pronunciation in these cases of the sound [ And] is incorrect, as it gives the speech a reduced stylistic coloring.

6. In most words of foreign origin, consonants before e soften. However, in many non-Russianized loanwords, the consonants before e do not soften. Labial consonants can be pronounced firmly [ p, b, c, f, m] and dental consonants [ t, d, s, z, n, r]. A special mark is given next to such words in the dictionary. Recently, there has been a tendency to preserve the hardness of the consonant, if that is the pronunciation in the source language. In the console de- There is a tendency towards soft pronunciation. Some words allow two options for pronunciation of a consonant. However, there are no unambiguous rules for the pronunciation of hard-soft consonants before e It is impossible to give, each case should be checked in the dictionary and memorized.

Questions for self-control:

1. What are accentological options and what are their main types?

2. What causes the instability of stress norms in nouns, short adjectives, verbs and participles?

3. What basic laws determine the pronunciation norms of the Russian language?

4. Why is there a mixing of drums [ ó ] And [ uh], designated in writing accordingly by the letters e And e?

5. What trend is observed in the pronunciation of hard consonants before soft ones?

6. What is the pronunciation of combinations - chn- And -sh- is it becoming outdated?

7. What are the main features of the pronunciation of foreign words?

Lecture 5



1. Subject and nominative accuracy of speech.

2. The problem of lexical compatibility.

3. The problem of speech redundancy.

4. Appropriateness of word usage.

5. Logical errors in word usage.

6. Purity of speech.

As noted, under lexical norms are understood rules of word usage. Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for correct, accurate and expressive speech.

1. To achieve accuracy of speech, First of all, a clear understanding of the subject of speech itself is necessary, as well as knowledge of the meaning of the word used in the modern language. Often, speech errors arise precisely when the speaker or writer cannot adequately express his thought, using words in a meaning that is unusual for them. Here are a few examples of such errors from applicant essays: “Pechorin goes to Persia, not finding a use for his mind and his resourcefulness(?)"; "He created around himself range(?) a well-read person”; “Matryona lives alone in an old hut. Her only roommates(?) is a cat, mice and cockroaches"; "Andrey Bolkonsky touches(?) with Kutuzov and becomes his adjutant.”

Closely related to the problem of accuracy of speech (subject and conceptual) is the ability to distinguish between the so-called paronyms, those. words (most often with the same root), similar in sound, but having different meanings and used differently, for example: enter - act, introduce - provide, distant - distant, human - human - humane etc. Failure to distinguish paronyms also leads to annoying and absurd mistakes, examples of which, alas, are numerous in the same works of applicants: "Lermontov showed infertility(futility?) of the activities of his hero.”; “The harmony of nature gives rise to thoughts about the inviolability of moral arrangements(foundations?) of this world.”; "Tatiana contraindicated(opposite?) Onegin and Lensky.”; “Pushkin was bound by strong nodes(ties?) with the Decembrists."

2. Compliance with lexical norms is impossible without knowledge lexical compatibility, those. the ability of words to connect with each other. The fact is that in speech some words are freely combined with others if they suit their meaning, while others have limited lexical compatibility. So, very similar definitions - long, lengthy, long, long-term, long-term, long-lasting– are “attracted” to nouns in different ways: one might say long (long, long) period; long (long) way; long training sessions; long-term (long-term) loan.

Words with the combination CHN, CHT can be

divided into three groups:

1. those in which CHN is pronounced only as [ШН]:

of course, boring, on purpose, scrambled eggs, laundry, birdhouse,

bachelorette party, bachelor party, mustard party, what, something, something,

as well as female patronymics in ChNA:

Ilyinichna, Kuzminichna, Fominichna;

2. those in which CHN is pronounced only as [CH"N]:

exactly, successful, point, camouflage, something, etc.;

3. those in which both pronunciation options - [CH"N[ and [SHN[:

candlestick, bakery, maid, penny, decent, nothing.

4. In some cases, pronunciation options differentiate

different lexical meanings:

heart attack - heart's friend, pepper shaker (vessel for pepper) - damn pepper (about an angry, grumpy woman).

Pronunciation of consonants before E in borrowed words:

[d"]: debate, debut, motto, deduction, disinfection, declaration, decoration,

democracy, demon, cologne, Odessa, residence, deputy, depression,

academy, ideal, etc.

[T"]: tenor, competent, patent, pate, terror, therapist, protest, term, etc.

[z"]: newspaper, zebra, marshmallow, diesel, museum, reserve, etc.

[With"]: pool, cassette, session, safe, sect, semester, senate, service, sideboard,

serenade, selector, etc.

Exercise 3.

Place emphasis on the following words. For help, consult a dictionary.

Apostrophe, peanut, asymmetry, pamper, pampered, bows, being, religion, exorbitant prices, barge, bartender, gastronomy, genesis, corrugated, engraver, dogma, treble, agreement, absolutely, heretic, blinds, long, enviable, regular, clog, rings, let's call, iconography, iris, spark, gradually, flounder, catalogue, rubber, quarter, pantry, whooping cough, copy, self-interest, more beautiful, beautiful, kitchen, maneuvers, briefly, meager, for a long time, backhand, obituary, oil pipeline, newborn, guardianship, wholesale, provision, facilitate, adolescence, lampoon, loop, pizzeria, anticipate, reward, pullover, overpass, symmetry, convocation, carpenter, dancer, meatballs, cakes, shoe, deceased, Ukrainian, phenomenon, flyleaf, petition, Christian, cement, chain, gypsy, scoop, scarves, chassis, sorrel, expert.

Apostrophe, peanut, asymmetry, pamper, pampered, bows, being, religion, exorbitant prices, barge, bartender, gastronomy, genesis, corrugated, engraver, dogma, treble, agreement, absolutely, heretic, blinds, long, enviable, regular, clog, rings, let's call, iconography, iris, spark, gradually, flounder, catalogue, rubber, quarter, pantry, whooping cough, copy, self-interest, more beautiful, beautiful, kitchen, maneuvers, briefly, meager, for a long time, backhand, obituary, oil pipeline, newborn, guardianship, wholesale, provision, facilitate, adolescence, lampoon, loop, pizzeria, anticipate, reward, pullover, overpass, symmetry, convocation, carpenter, dancer, meatballs, cakes, shoe, deceased, Ukrainian, phenomenon, flyleaf, petition, Christian, cement, chain, gypsy, scoop, scarves, chassis, sorrel, expert.


Exercise 1.

Choose Russian words that correspond to the given Old Church Slavonicisms. For which words is the task impossible?

Blato, doctor, rook, helmet, scarf, esen, ignoramus.

Exercise 2.

What words are originally Russian?

Passenger, intermission, sneakers, baby kangaroo, lyceum, lyceum student, telegram.

Exercise 3.

Replace foreign words with native Russian ones. For which word is this task impossible?

Discomfort, goalkeeper, revision, intuition, prologue.

Exercise 4.

Divide the words into two groups. Explain your answer. Can the above words be grouped differently?

Director, collector, praise, set, collector, leader, compliment, set.

Exercise 5.

Establish the similarities and differences between the words POROKH, ASHES, POWDER, POWDER,

Exercise 6.

Find the extra word. Explain your answer.

Proclaim, attraction, fence, bracelet, environment.

Exercise 7.

Find lexical units in Russian that are associated with the words:

1) lat.ossiro“to occupy, seize”;

2) lat . humanus"humane";

3) italian. fresco"fresh";

4) lat. disputere“disassemble, argue”;

5) lat.letum"death";

6) lat. fixus“solid, motionless”;

7) franc.danal"ordinary";

8) franc. isoler“to separate, separate”;

9) lat. accentus"emphasis";

10) English. bluff deception".

Exercise 8.

What are the similarities between these words? Distribute them into groups. Justify your answer.

Finger, footman, chain mail, friendship, barber, boyar.

Exercise 9.

What questions should you answer yes to?

1. Is it possible to meet TOLMAC today?

2. Is it true that LANITAS live in the forest?

3. Do RAMENS come in liquid form?

4. Is it true that celibacy is a mandatory part of the Catholic wedding ceremony?

5. Is it true that RUBLE and RUBLE are historically related words?

6. Is it true that KOSHCHEY in Ancient Rus' is a man in charge of horses in the prince’s squad?

7. Is it true that in the 19th century the SHAPOKLYAK was worn on the head?

8. Is it true that nowadays there are no longer bon vivants?

9. Is it true that in the 18th century the piano was called the TICHOGROUS?

10. Is it true that the shako was a ceremonial weapon in the Russian army of the 18th century?

Exercise 10.

Find outdated words and indicate their lexical meanings. Explain what helped you determine the meanings of seemingly unclear words.

1. I, kids, am not a swagger! Don't be a coward of my nobility.

(V. Zhukovsky)

2. You know, prince, I still don’t understand why you decided to choose me as the confidant of your secrets.

(F. Dostoevsky)

3. And the years went by... I walked in the steppes

Only a wild wind in the open space...

But then Monomakh died,

And in Rus' there is hardship and grief.

(A. Maikov)

Exercise 11.

What meanings have formed for the listed words over the past decade?

Freeze, plywood, pirate, password, roller.

Basic lexical units

Synonymous series - These are synonyms united by a common meaning and arranged in a certain order.

The general meaning of a number of synonyms is most clearly expressed core word, or dominant. Dominant begins a synonymous series and is usually a stylistically neutral word. For example: Housing - dwelling, den, lair;

Good - excellent, wonderful, excellent, magnificent.

Contextual synonyms- these are words that are similar in meaning only in a certain context. Out of context, such words are not synonyms. For example: Even Sophia's love, first, tender and pink love, didn't hold him back.

And in the evening he entered charming, fragrant, light world… .

Contextual antonyms- these are words that acquire certain meanings in a certain context. For example: Chased tiny- lost hunk

Homonyms - These are words that are identical in spelling and pronunciation, but different in lexical meaning.

For example: Bloody the battle ( battle) - black the battle(servant) - lexical method;

(nautical the battle, fist the battle, the battle bulls - synonyms).

Tact(rhythm) - tact(sense of proportion) - morphological method (based on a comparison of derived words and word forms).

Omoforms - words that have the same sound and spelling in any one or more grammatical forms, for example: oven (n.) - oven (v.).

Homophones- words that are different in spelling, but pronounced the same way, for example: onion - meadow, mushroom - flu.

Homographs- words that are written the same way, but have stress on different syllables, for example: flour" - mu"ka, zamo"k - za"mok.

Paronyms- words with the same root, similar in sound, but different in meaning or partially coinciding in their meaning: subscription - subscriber, great - majestic, hostile - enemy,

Paronomases- similar-sounding words that have different roots: clarinet - cornet, boatswain - pilot, injection - infection. Such words are brought together only by accidental sound similarity.


Exercise 1.

Determine which sentences contain errors associated with mixing paronyms. Write down the sentences, filling in the missing letters and punctuation marks. Please use the correct password.

1. Turning at the huge moon, we walked along the open

stone length to the mouth of the river.

2. He always acted carefully because he was a dangerous person.

3. We (didn’t) notice how the wind rose and (across) the sky (across) the ...

dark rainy...I'm cloudy...

4. Turning to the guest of the program, the host said I would like to ask

a personal question for you.

5. The relocation of village residents is also associated with huge

with...expenses and in addition with a dramatic...fragment of the court...

people are forced to leave their homes.

6. Studying at university is (not) easy - you need to do it in a short time

master a large amount of new material.

7. Many facts about climatic and temperature conditions

the timing of processing...the nature of illumination...affects the development


8. Our boat... approached... the l... island surrounding......

a light strip of shallows.

9. In the chancellery, officials stood...sleep...about with a businesslike look.

10. Our tourist group was introduced to itself

the instructor (did not) give us the same thing.

Exercise 2.

From the given paronyms, select the desired word.

1. The regiment reigned militant - militant mood.

2. Increasingly rare mushroom - fungal diseases

sown seeds and young plants.

3. This enterprise has not created any stock of vegetables.

for processing. Preservation - canning they are being conducted

from delivered raw materials, as they say, from wheels.

4. Many of our films received vocation - gratitude And

our viewers and abroad.

5. City shook - shook the numbness of everyday life.


The main features of borrowed words:

1. Double consonants at the root of a word: ka ss a, bah ll get off.

2. Confluence of vowel sounds: oa zis, moz ai ka, hello and about, d uh l.

3. At the end of the word there is an unstressed sound [O]: ra"dio, kaka"o, ske"rtso.

4. Pronunciation of a hard consonant before [E] (letter E): par[te]r,

portmo[ne], pyu[re].

5. The letter E is at the root of the word: poet, energy, sir.

6. The combination of the letters JO and БО: mayonnaise, broth.

7. Immutability of nouns and adjectives:

coat, muffler, taxi, kangaroo; beige, khaki.