Bits of chaos magic and Olga's sword. Bits of Chaos. Magic and sword. About the book “Pieces of Chaos. Magic and the sword" Olga Shermer

Olga Shermer

Bits of Chaos. Magic and sword

© Shermer O. V., 2017

© Artistic design, Alfa-Kniga Publishing House, 2017

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The test on practical magic is not as scary as Master Odin, who conducts it. His prickly gaze slid around the office slowly, lingering on the students, and he seemed so heavy that even the most respectable of us began to doubt their integrity.

It is strictly not recommended to use cheat sheets. The mildest punishment awaiting the poor fellow caught red-handed was rightfully considered to be nightly detention in the school’s “Living Corner” for two weeks, although at first glance, it would seem that there could be nothing joyful in cleaning stalls. But our main lover of using everything except his own mind in his studies, Linas, was once sent by Odin to the mermaid’s grotto, and only there, in the very first hour, did he understand how wonderful it could be to fuss with a shovel in a fragrant cloud of natural aromas, knee-deep in mud . Mermaids by nature are not only unfriendly, but also their dislike for all living things put people in a separate category, placing them at the top of the mermaids’ list of abominations of this world. It’s scary to think what happens when a little man comes at their complete disposal with direct instructions from the master to “do everything that is asked, otherwise the work will not be counted.” The whole school sympathized with Lin then; some of his comrades used to wait for his return in the common living room to sympathetically pat him on the shoulder and deliberately joyfully say: “Don’t drift, buddy, there’s only a week left!” I was almost sure that it was not worth mentioning the duration of this hard labor once again, since a week is seven days. Seven days is one hundred and sixty-eight hours, of which twenty-one will still have to stay in the grotto in far from the most pleasant company.

“I would like to believe that your absent look, dear Deiris Litte, means that you are now, with the last of your strength, remembering the sequence of the mind control counterspell.

- I remembered her. “I looked down at my notebook in embarrassment. – But making a pass with the right or left hand when moving the Gideo mark is not possible.

The master rolled his eyes, showing the whole class what impenetrable idiots he considers us. You didn’t even have to say anything to him; everything was clear on his noble face.

- Excuse me, when you pick up a pen, it also takes you half an hour to figure out whether you are right-handed or left-handed?

“It happens,” I thought, only sighing out loud. I closed my eyes, imagining two mannequins standing on our training ground behind the school. Here is a mark on one of them, here with the open palm of my right hand I draw an unfinished triangle in the air, applying a five-second block from the impact, here with my left hand I draw an arc in the air leading from the mark to the second dummy...

And with obvious relief I write the word “right” in the line opposite the question about the label. Next task...

“Describe any three uses of the Eime base.” It's simple! Ciara, my roommate and friend rolled into one, had just memorized all fifteen out loud the night before, wandering from corner to corner of the room. Even Iri, usually cynical and calm, could not stand it and, with a characteristic howl, flew through the wall into the bathroom. Despite being a ghost, there are enough feelings and emotions in her for three living people!

I furtively glanced at my friend. The bluish-gray ears hung thoughtfully over the notebook, and the pen clenched in the clawed hand was actively drawing something in it. If she writes, it means she remembers, but, as usual, she worried in vain. But she's smart. She now has a great responsibility, since she became the first exchange student from the Ferret clan accepted into our magic school, and she is trying with all her might not to lose face both in front of her relatives and in front of people.

Master One was immediately skeptical. If the other teachers tried their best not to single out Amensiara Charen, who arrived from distant Neeros, then he, on the contrary, diligently reminded her who she was, why she was here, and sometimes clung to her a little more than to the others. But you have to give him credit. He never once crossed the line of what was permitted, although it seemed that the temptation was great. It was as if he was interested in what a representative of the beast-people race was capable of, he looked for where her natural reserve ended, and could not find it. Therefore, I understood why, on the eve of classes in practical magic, books fell out of her hands, and the formidable name of the master evoked almost reverent horror.

– Madam Head Girl, would you please collect the work for the class?

One quietly crept up to my desk and, resting his palm on its edge, thoughtfully drummed his fingers on the tabletop.

- Of course, master.

I shot up from my seat like lightning and went to the farthest corner of the class, giving Ciara a little more time to check. Linas handed over the piece of paper instead of the notebook and shrugged.

- How rich. But appreciate the subtlety of artistic thought!

Lin's artistic thought was indeed subtle. So much so that opposite the task “describe the process of drawing the Raganon symbol in conditions of instability of “Ra”” a little man was drawn, consisting of an oval body, sticks of arms and legs and for some reason a square head. Next to the left hand raised upward there was a note: “You need to call the teacher so that he himself puts the symbol out of harm’s way,” and below, in the answer line, the sacramental was scratched out: “Well, something like this.”

“It was enough to simply apply the upper and lower “zeta” over the circle,” I sighed. He'll get a bad grade again. He won't be upset again. And then they will call the headman and strongly scold her for not looking after the students well.

I never aspired to be a prefect. I just didn't know how to lie. Or rather, she knew how to lie, but not as quickly as the others, and therefore, unlike her classmates, she never had time to come up with a good reason. One covered himself up with a lack of time due to a potions club, another by taking dance classes, a third by working on a school newspaper, and someone even gave his paternal great-grandmother some terrible illness, and therefore was obliged to “visit the old lady every day”... Although his great-grandmother he had been gone for fifteen years already.

Therefore, in the dawn silence, when half-asleep students crawled into the dining hall like a herd of snails, I was already squeezing back into the corridor, finishing my sandwich, rushing to the teacher’s room for the class magazine and a fresh portion of notations. Or, instead of filling the schoolyard with laughter along with the others, she sat at boring meetings of the School Council, nodding dutifully in response to Aidre Flynn’s next proposal.

The head of the graduating class seemed to be twice our age, he approached all the problems of the school so seriously. As soon as the slightest trouble happened, Aidre was already standing at the director’s office with a request to sort it out and eliminate the consequences. No, of course, it’s good that the guy is so responsible, since even a small thing in the form of a broken latch in the men’s room immediately caught his eye, but I so wanted to one day see him with an untied tie, a carelessly loose shirt collar, tousled hair, a half-drunk smile of happiness on his face. face... But instead we were greeted by an invariably stern brown look, a cold “good morning, colleagues” and an indignant “how could it be possible that a crack appeared on the ceiling of the third floor?” Although the outrages were striking in their diversity. Once he even tried to protest against the banshee in the northern tower, until he personally came face to face with her. After this, Aidre simply suggested closing the tower. Or - at least! – put up a sign that you can enter there solely at your own peril and risk.

And I liked the banshee - whose name, by the way, was Mrs. Bell -. She often sang sad songs, from a distance similar to mournful howls that echoed across the floors, and also sat on the windowsills and felt sad. Probably about those years when she was an ordinary teacher at a magic school, an exemplary wife and a master of her craft... So passionate that magic, during another attempt to get to its essence, absorbed part of Bell’s soul. And what remained of the master was a distorted shell, tortured by memories, and the attached nickname “banshee”.

The wide corridors of the school emptied around noon and filled with noise again after about two o'clock, when the second shift began. Ciara and I wandered towards the library, discussing the upcoming holiday, and dreamed about the early coming of evening so that even under the solar plexus something ached pleasantly.

- I'll wear blue! – my friend concluded after half an hour of rainbow-colored listing. - And you? Would you like me to lend you my azure one? It should go well with gray eyes and black hair!

– So that I’ll be afraid to take an extra step all evening, fearing that my skirt is about to fly up above my ears? – I giggled.

Olga Shermer with the novel Particles of Chaos. Magic and sword for download in fb2 format.

Ayla Litte is not ready for adulthood. Absolutely. Sometimes naive, not too self-confident, but believing in fairy tales and dragons, the magician seems to live in some kind of fictional world where there is no place for evil and betrayal. And Ravell Shax, temporarily replacing the master of magic and sword at her school, does not understand this at all. Only the longer they communicate, the more he wants to preserve the idyll of his ward, not to destroy her world, poking the girl’s nose into the cruel reality. On the contrary, do everything so that troubles do not touch her. But what should she do if he becomes her main problem?...

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Today, a large amount of electronic literature is available on the Internet. Edition of the Particle of Chaos. Magic and the Sword is dated 2017, belongs to the Fantasy genre in the Romantic Fiction series and is published by Alpha Book Publishing House. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Don’t be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but in the meantime you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free downloading in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-reader. Remember, if you really liked the novel, save it to your wall on a social network, let your friends see it too!

Apr 24, 2017

Bits of Chaos. Magic and sword Olga Shermer

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Title: Pieces of Chaos. Magic and sword

About the book “Pieces of Chaos. Magic and the sword" Olga Shermer

In 2017, a romance novel from the fantasy genre was published, called “Pieces of Chaos. Magic and the sword." And it was written by the talented author Olga Shermer. The science fiction writer, in her words, decided to write a sweet, kind fairy tale, in which there will be both magical magic and pure romantic love, which will definitely end happily for the main characters of the work. And what came of it, whether the author’s plan was a success, is for the readers of the novel to decide.

Olga Shermer writes very kind, bright books, which are very interesting and exciting to read. The writer knows how to create intrigue, a complex dynamic plot, and also, like no one else, convey the emotions and experiences of her characters, show their inner world. The writer knows how to create her main characters in such a way that it is impossible not to fall in love with them: they are noble, courageous, courageous, they know how to love devotedly and selflessly, they are very sincere.

Ayla Litte is the main character of the novel “Pieces of Chaos. Magic and the sword." This is a young sweet girl who lives in her dreams and her own world, where she is very comfortable. Ayla is used to seeing only white and black; she has no gray colors. However, in the real world there are many other shades that she tries not to notice. At the school where the girl studies, she meets Shax Rivell, a master of magic and sword, who teaches her his subject. Sparks of sympathy and love flare up between them. Shax is no longer a young boy, he is an experienced man who has seen a lot in his time. He tries in every possible way to try to protect his beloved from the real truth of life. Even he can do it. But how long will this last? And won't the young girl break down when she learns how cruel life can be?

No matter how the fate of the characters turns out, Olga Shermer always writes books with a happy ending. Its main characters embody all the best character traits, although nothing human is alien to them: they can make mistakes, doubt, get upset and upset. The writer in her book presents a wonderful story of the emergence and development of love between the main characters of the work. Ayla Litte realizes with surprise that she sees in her teacher not only a mentor, she really likes him as a man. Their feelings are mutual. Shax, too, has long noticed a beautiful and gentle girl, who he likes more and more every time.

How will this beautiful, kind fairy tale end? What challenges await the main characters? How will the relationship between student and teacher end? You can read in the novel by writer Olga Shermer, which you will definitely like.

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