“Forbidden archaeology. Archeology - what is it? Forbidden, forbidden archaeology. Archeology news Prohibited photographs archeology

In the sixties of the last century, near the city of Pueblo, which is located in Central Mexico, at the sites of Hietlaco and El Horno, a group archaeologists A unique find of stone tools was discovered. The main uniqueness and value of the find was that all the tools found were produced using high technology and could only be made by a person with a high level of development. According to the head of the geological expedition Steen-McIntyre and an employee of the American Institute of Geological Research Harold Meld, as well as a representative of Washington State University Roald Fryxel, the age of this find was approximately 250 thousand years. Almost all the methods that were used for research (weathering of mineral deposits, running along the tracks of nuclear particles and uranium, and many others) showed that the stone tools found belong specifically to this time period.

However, if we take into account the anthropological works of contemporary “historians”, according to which “Cro-Magnon man” was capable of creating tools of this level due to his intellectual development, he appeared on Earth only 40 thousand years ago. And on the territory of North America such a person could not have appeared at all more than 30 thousand years ago.

And perhaps it was precisely on the basis of this absurdity that Steen-McIntyre was forbidden to publish his conclusion in all scientific journals. Subsequently, her career in scientific research circles was completely destroyed, and she had to say goodbye to her job as a teacher.

American researchers Michael Cremo and Richard Thomson took the time to lift the veil of secrecy over this archaeological a mystery and wanted to get photographs of the Khitlak finds for this, but were warned what would happen if they were published.

In the 40s of the 19th century, well-preserved bones of the human skeleton were found in blocks of volcanic rock in France and Denmark. The age of the bones, as well as the volcanic rocks themselves, was established - it is more than two million years old.

But how could this be if we know that, according to the theory of Charles Darwin, the first man appeared on Earth no more than 300 thousand years ago?

However, the bone remains found in their structure belong to modern man. How can this be? After all, homo sapiens appeared according to Darwin’s theory from a monkey, and this find is a real artifact for which there is no explanation or perhaps Darwin was mistaken in something.

However, this is not all - let’s look at other equally significant examples.

In April 1897, near the town of Webster Iowa, a neatly polished stone was discovered in the Lehigh mine at a depth of 130 feet in a coal seam. The color of the stone was dark gray, it was two feet long, one foot wide and four inches thick. The lines drawn on its smooth surface created the effect of perfect diamonds. In each of these diamonds, the image of an elderly person’s face was visible in the center. A certain depression could clearly be seen on his forehead, and it is noteworthy that this depression on the forehead was repeated in all the drawings.

Based on the examinations carried out at the site of this discovery, it turned out that neither the land nor the coal seams had been disturbed before. According to the experts who made this conclusion, the discovered coal seams in the Lehigh mine date back no less than the Carboniferian period (320 - 360 million years ago). And at that time, according to Darwin’s teachings, it was not that there could not have been homo sapiens on Earth, but there could not have been an ape that could have made such drawings.

Another find, dating from the Carboniferian period, was discovered in 1844 a few miles from Rutherford Mile, near the Tweed, in a mountain quarry. A gold thread made by a skilled jeweler was found inside solid rock. The thread was lifted from a depth of eight feet and it was located inside the rock. What is this - an artifact or do we still not know everything about our origin...?

In Scotland, in the same 1844, a piece of sandstone was lifted from the Kingudian (Milifield) quarry, in which an iron nail was discovered.

The piece of sandstone was nine inches thick, but the nail was located inside it and was discovered only after careful processing of the sandstone. Experts noticed that it was practically impossible to drive a nail inside for the sake of falsification, even using modern technical knowledge. Only one conclusion can be drawn from this - the age of the iron nail found in sandstone is similar to the age of formation of the stone around it. But how can this be? After all, if the age of a nail is almost equal to the age of a stone, then it is already about 400 million years old. This is exactly the conclusion made by Doctor of the British Geological Research Institute V Medd.

The stone, and therefore the nail, belongs to the era of the lower Devonian period, and it was more than 360 - 408 million years ago. However, if you believe modern scientists, archaeologists and historians and their latest identification methods, then, according to them, man learned to smelt various kinds of tools and accessories from iron only in the first century BC. And here we are talking about an iron object that lay in stone for about 400 million years. And at that time, as we know, there were not only nails, but also those who could make them.

Another amazing discovery was made by archaeologists in 1830 northwest of Philadelphia in the USA. At a depth of about 70 feet, a neatly chiseled piece of marble was found and letters were clearly visible on it. The age of this find is about 30-40 million years.

In the late 70s of the last century, archaeologist Fili, while working on frozen volcanic rock in Tanzania, discovered human footprints. Everything would be fine, but the frozen lava is already about 4 million years old.

Research carried out by various specialists has confirmed that this is indeed a human footprint. But how he, this same man, could have left it there 4 million years ago remains a mystery.

If this mark had been left by an ape-like creature, then its big toe would be pointing to the side, and not pointing forward, like modern humans. In the footprints left on dried lava, the four main factors of the human foot are clearly visible, namely: toes, forepad, arch and heel.

The figure of 4 million years cannot in any way fit into Darwin's scientific theory. Some of the modern “historians” immediately began to claim that these were the traces of some kind of ape-humanoid who walked along the lava with clenched fingers. Most likely, such assumptions are intended to confuse current science and us.

But could some ape-like humanoid leave traces that would be similar to human ones? Hardly. And almost all modern archaeologists consider such a coincidence incredible. If it was just one trail, then one could still assume that he passed just like that with his fingers tucked. But it was a whole group of footprints, different in size, but identical in nature. Whoever he was, if he had twisted his fingers, there would clearly have been deep prints of his knuckles imprinted on the lava. But scientists did not find this in the tracks. Here traces of Homo sapiens are clearly visible, which, according to Darwin’s theory, could not have existed in those distant years.

The tracks were studied using the photogrammetric method. And the study showed that all the tracks left on the lava had a striking resemblance to the anatomy of the modern human foot.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, in the state of California in America, many tunnels thousands of feet long were dug by prospectors and gold seekers. In these rock formations, in which the searchers had to dig tunnels, human skeletons were found in very large quantities, stone tools and spearheads. Dr. Whitney, then the chief archaeologist in the US government, wrote about all these finds. According to him, the age of the rocks in which the remains of people and their household tools were found was about 10-55 million years.

In 1880, all the materials collected by Dr. Whitney were published in the book “Geology of the Sierra Nevada.” But at the same time, not a single one of the finds appeared on public display, the finds were never exhibited in any museum in the world and there is still no mention of them in any modern textbook or book. And there is an explanation for this. According to Dr. Whitney's contemporary, ornithologist and part-time Darwinist William Holmes from the Smithsonian Institute, if Dr. Whitney had been a staunch supporter of the theory of evolution according to Charles Darwin, he would not have described his findings in a book and would not have made them publicly available, but and at the same time, professing the Masonic concept of the creation of the world, he could not demonstrate them and in the end he had to abandon his own statements. As we see in those days, all information was also carefully filtered and only that part of the information that they should know about reached mere mortals.

The above story has been continued in our time. In 1996, the American television company TIS created a television show dedicated to the book about forbidden archeology by famous American researchers Richard Thomson and Michael Cremo. As part of this television show, an attempt was made to film the discovery described by Dr. Whitney. To do this, the film crew went to the University of California Museum, but its director briefly refused to show these exhibits on camera. The motivation for his refusal was as follows: “I have very few employees and we are not able to move all the necessary exhibits to the common room.” This answer caused some bewilderment among the television people, and the company’s producers proposed hiring additional workers for these purposes at the expense of the television company, but this proposal was also refused by the director of the museum.

It is noteworthy that everything happened not somewhere on the islands of Papua New Guinea, but in the most democratic country in the world in the United States, where democracy, law and transparency prevail.

In the vicinity of San Diego in the 50s of the last century, archaeologist George Carter discovered a site of ancient inhabitants of America. Its age was from 80 to 90 thousand years. Hundreds of tools and household items that belonged to primitive people were brought to the surface. However, after his discovery, the scientist was ridiculed by many representatives of the scientific community, who supported the theory of the appearance of man in America no earlier than 30,000 years ago. And, in order to prove that he was right, George Carter decided to take an unprecedented step and proposed in 1973 to conduct excavations in the same place, but in the presence of many witnesses from among scientists. But the proposal he made was never supported by any of them, everyone refused him, no one wanted to find something they didn’t believe in. As a result, Carter wrote in his essays: “No one from San Diego State University wanted to look at the excavations being carried out on its own territory.”

This story is very reminiscent of something familiar. A similar story happened under our noses, in our post-Soviet space, and in the end it was hidden.

In Moscow, on the territory of the Dynamo factory, a large burial place of the remains of Russian soldiers who died in the Battle of Kulikovo was found. And suddenly, almost all scientists unanimously declared that this find does not represent any historical significance. But how can this be, because from history we all know that the Battle of Kulikovo took place not far from Tula, but not on the territory of present-day Moscow. And as we remember, the army of the Russians of Dmitry Donskoy and the Tatar hordes of Mamai took part in the battle. And if you believe this discovery, then it will turn out that they fought against their own and the battle was not near Tula, but on the site of Moscow, which was not yet upset. And then it turns out that the Battle of Kulikovo itself is a bluff or someone’s invention. But be that as it may, and no matter who is right in their guesses and judgments, the truth will always come out.

But let's not dwell on this and look at other examples. So in the nineteenth century in Illinois, at a depth of 90 feet in a rock formation, a well-preserved human skeleton was discovered, in all its anthropometric data similar to the skeleton of a living person. But this find also had its one “but”. The rock formation in which the skeleton was found was no less than 320 million years old. And how this human skeleton could appear there, existing science could not answer.

In Massachusetts, near Dorchester, in 1852, during the explosion of the Meeting House rock, a metal vessel flew out of the rock.

The vessel was made of zinc and was framed with silver. On one of its sides there were figures of people, and on the other side the vessel was inlaid with silver ornaments. It was immediately clear that the craftsman who made this vessel was a professional in his field and was fluent in all methods of framing valuable objects (carving, engraving and inlay). But the main thing in the vessel, of course, was not the skill of the master, but the age of the vessel, and even according to the most conservative assumptions, it was already about 600 million years old. But at that time, according to the teachings of Darwin or according to the concept of the development of life on Earth of the Masonic lodge, not only were there no Pithecanthropes or homo sapiens, but life itself on Earth was only in its very embryonic stage.

In the late twenties of the last century, near Hivern, Oklahoma, in the number five coal mine, at a depth of about two miles, several concrete blocks, 12 inches thick, were discovered. The blocks were very carefully polished, so that upon close examination it gave the impression that a person was looking into a mirror. Having broken one of the blocks, scientists were convinced that the inside was made of gravel. Soon after their discovery, an entire wall consisting of similar blocks was discovered there. The age of the coal rock where the find was found was 36 million years.

The very concept of “science” initially contained the meaning of objective knowledge of truth through experimental study of the surrounding world. And indeed, the first scientists sought to measure their research with their principles and spiritual foundation. It was a time when faith in the Creator of the Universe was not opposed to scientific knowledge, but one complemented the other. Moreover, moral principles did not allow the scientist to engage in developments aimed at harming people or to commit fraud. People who thought this way, in fact, laid the foundation of modern science. It is enough to cite such names as Johann Kepler, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, Samuel Morse, James Joule, Louis Pasteur, William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), James Clerk Maxwell, Blaise Pascal, Rene Descartes...

But in the era we live in, everything has changed. Science has become controlled by forces that are not interested in the objectivity of research and the correctness of conclusions. A striking example is official archeology and forbidden archeology, the results of which contradict the officially accepted history, and therefore are secretly withdrawn, distorted and hushed up. The artifacts found convincingly speak of a highly developed ancient civilization, and the discovered giant skeletons confirmed the truth of the Biblical texts: giant people existed. Given the increasing number of such finds, they are becoming increasingly difficult to hide, and many modern scientists no longer want to be pawns in someone else’s game, becoming supporters of “forbidden archaeology.”

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Darwin's theory of evolution

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The Secret of the Giants

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Creation or evolution

The question of the origin of the world, the origin of life on Earth is fundamental, determining the motivation and goals of man. To this day, Darwin's theory of evolution dominates official science.

Race of giants

Many legends of the world tell about giants, giants, titans in all ancient written sources. We are often informed about finds in different parts of the world

Nature of artifacts

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Transitional forms of animals. Lack of evidence

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Refutation of Darwin's theory

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Unexplained Finds

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Nan Madol

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Giant people

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Eve's Ring

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Ica stones

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Ica stones - an unanswered mystery

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Stone balls of Costa Rica

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Conclusions: why the truth about giants is hidden

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Temple in Baalbek

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Giant balls of Costa Rica

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The Death of the Dinosaurs: The Mystery of the Ancient World

Only gigantic fossil remains remind us of the mighty lizards that once lived on Earth. What happened: what caused their death? According to some

Valley of the Giants

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Russian language and history of the people

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From the book “Aryan Empire. Death and Rebirth"

Most people are convinced that archeology is one of the most harmless sciences. Antiquity lovers rummage through the earth, looking for outlandish artifacts, and then exhibit their finds in museums, illustrating the inexorable progress in the evolution of man as a species of living beings and illustrating the inexorability of technological progress.

True, sometimes it excites the imagination - unexpected piquancy.

The unique pottery kilns found in 1970 in the middle Dniester basin are a whole block of pottery workshops of the same type as those used by modern potters. And ceramic dishes are at the level of masterpieces of pottery art. Moreover, this clearly indicates not a cottage industry, but a powerful industrial production.

That is a huge column made of chemically pure iron that still stands in India, with skillfully made bas-reliefs on it. And she, as a contemporary of our ancient ancestors, in no way fits with the fact that, according to official world science, people at that time barely learned how to process stone tools well, not even knowing about the possibility of copper smelting. It does not fit with the fact that the most modern technologies make it possible to smelt only insignificant milligrams of this very chemically pure iron, and even then in space laboratories. With insanely expensive experiments.

Then, in the stalactite caves in Crimea, Soviet tourists in the 1960s found a flashlight left there many thousands of years ago by “primitive” man. But the flashlight runs on nuclear fuel...

And such finds are instantly shrouded in secrecy. Sometimes more radical measures are taken. For example, it is no longer a secret to anyone that, having captured Egypt, French soldiers, on the orders of their rulers, fiercely shot the Slavic face of the Sphinx from cannons. Even for most of the performers, it remained a secret then what kind of secret this order was supposed to keep.

How many people know that in “democratic” Germany the Archive of the society of merchants who traded with Novgorod in the early Middle Ages is still top secret. For it contains information about the greatness of the huge empire spread across the territory of our country.

The former Public Library, now renamed the Russian National Library, not only excluded all access for scientists to runic documents collected by the centuries-old famous Russian scientist Sulakadzev and transferred to the library by Alexander Neustroev, but does not even provide an inventory of these manuscripts stored in it.

There is no more secret information than archaeological information. Neither military nor diplomatic information, nor even genuine information about aliens visiting the Earth are hidden as carefully as hundreds of thousands of archaeological finds that tell the truth about the epic past of specific peoples, and even more so about the true past of humanity as a whole.

Having touched on this dangerous topic, we can list for readers, especially those interested in politics, a number of documented and generally known facts and coincidences. Each of these coincidences individually can be interpreted as an accident or as an exaggeration by lovers of mystical exoticism. But when these facts are built into a chain, into a system, into a pattern, this is already science. And also archeology...

For example:

The Great French (Masonic) Revolution began immediately after one of the treasure hunters found the grave of the famous Jewish seer Michel Nostradamus and violated it.

The First World War began after scientists excavated the ancient Sumerian city of Ur and opened the tombs of the Ur King Meskalamdug and Queen Shubad.

On June 21, 1941, Soviet scientists excavated the tomb of the ancient conqueror Tamerlane in Samarkand. An entire delegation of gray-haired elders asked scientists not to do this in order to avoid catastrophic events.

They dug it up. The very next day, Nazi Germany attacked the USSR.

In the sixties, the Arab-Israeli war began immediately after Israeli archaeologists discovered the “Tower of Babel” and opened sarcophagi with the bodies of ancient rulers. The very first “discoverer” was speechless and paralyzed.

The current massacre in Yugoslavia began after an amateur archaeologist found and excavated the tomb of the famous conquering king Alexander the Great.

Several years ago, in the steppes of Bessarabia, in the south of Ukraine, the grave of Prince Svyatopolk the Accursed, one of the three sons of Prince Vladimir, who usurped the throne of the Kyiv prince, crushed the Vedic civilization in Rus' and christened Rus' with “fire and sword,” was excavated. Svyatopolk the Accursed himself is known for having killed his two brothers Boris and Gleb, whom the Christian Church then included as saints.

Consequences? Unnatural enmity between two Slavic states - Ukraine and Russia.

At the end of the nineteenth century, humanity approached that critical stage of knowledge of the world when scientists had exhausted the opportunity to give answers to questions posed that satisfied an inquisitive mind, using the usual, materialistic, i.e. mechanistic, methodology. Intellectuals, politicians and the entire (truly scientific) world were faced with the need to turn to such a worldview and to a methodology that could provide a holistic explanation of various aspects of not only earthly, but also universal existence.

But taking such a reasonable position, it would be logical to admit that even the most brilliant person is just a speck of dust on planet Earth, which itself is less than a speck of dust in the endless universe. And man, with his brain working at only three percent of his already limited capabilities, is never able to give a holistic explanation of the World and the laws operating in it. A person is able to try to explain only what is accessible to his senses, over which he has at least some control. And this is an immeasurably insignificant part of the universe, limitless in size and quality. And the existence of man himself, who is only a particle of a single World, as a living organism, without perfect Knowledge of these laws, turns into hell.

This means that only someone who has the ability to look around it, who has control over the whole world, can give a complete picture of the whole world. Those. true Knowledge is given to us from the outside, by more powerful individuals.

One of the main questions that arose in connection with this for scientists was and remains to this day the question of the origin of life, the origin and essence of consciousness, the origin of man as a species of living beings.

There are two mutually exclusive concepts:

1. Modern anthropology, mandatory and official for all states of the world, based on Darwin’s theory of evolution and on specific, rather rare archaeological finds, claims that man as homo sapiens (reasonable man) has existed for only about 100,000 years. Before this, they say, there were only ape-like Pithecanthropus, Neanderthals, Australopithecines, Cro-Magnons...

2. In contrast to this pseudoscientific fooling of the six billion population of the Earth, any holy scripture gives an unequivocal answer that the creator of the universe, God, created man in his own image and likeness.

The process of creation is described in the most detail, and extremely convincingly for competent physicists, chemists, and biologists, in the Vedic texts, in particular, in the “Book of God Vyaza.” And from them it follows that life is eternal. That human existence has no beginning in the time dimension accessible to the human mind. The Book of God Vyaza, the Mahabharata, the Puranas and other Vedic texts tell about the Earth and the events that took place on it billions and billions of years ago.

The reader has a reasonable question: “How to explain the presence of really existing archaeological finds, i.e. skeletons that Darwin claimed belonged to the ape-like ancestors of man?”

The Vedas contain information that not before the ancient, now disappeared, highly developed civilization, but along with it, humanoid creatures (Pithecanthropus, Neanderthals, Australopithecines, Cro-Magnons...) existed on our planet, the skeletons of which archaeologists sometimes discover in the ground today.

Those. it is stated that there was no evolution from ape to man. That Australopithecus, Pithecanthropus, Neanderthals and the like existed as one of the independent forms of life with primitive consciousness. Just as “Bigfoot” still exists today.

Only under the more moral ancient Vedic civilization did people not strive to kill them, catch them, or “civilize” them. Man lived in harmony with the world around him, did not destroy nature, and this did not lead to the disappearance of many species of living beings. The Puranas convey the truth, which is absolutely clear to any sane person, that along with the highest technologies and applied knowledge of past civilizations, amazing for modern man, their ape-like contemporaries used stone tools. The casket opens so easily.

At the end of 1997, English scientists conducted a genetic analysis of the remains of these “primitive people” and compared them with the genetics of modern humans. The result was devastating for Darwinists. The difference is the same as between a cat and a dog. Any relationship is strictly excluded. This was announced once on TV, but all schools in the world continue to teach Darwinian sabotage nonsense.

Almost all holy scriptures present information similar to the Vedas about the origin of life. For many millennia, science was not separated from religion. Two worlds: material (finite in time and space) and infinite in time and space, were presented as components of a single whole. And the process of understanding the world itself was holistic.

But by the end of the Middle Ages, when the bourgeoisie was already ready to take power in Europe, the era of “humanism” began through the efforts of its ideologists. “Homo”—man—was placed at the center of the Universe. A complete denial of God, primitive materialism has replaced a truly scientific, God-centered explanation of the world. The genius of anti-scientific falsification was the German Karl Marx.

People believed in absolutely unscientific, never proven by anyone, not confirmed by any laws of physics and easily refuted at the level of even school knowledge statements about the existence of a gravitational field, that the Earth rotates. That stars are analogues of the Sun, and not planets, reflecting the light of the only Sun in our Universe.

Higher mathematics has been invented, intended for the fruitless sophistications of the demonic mind, and with the help of its senseless mental speculations they are trying to prove obvious absurdity. And only the complete illiteracy of almost the entire population of the Earth allows us to recognize this as science. Demons from physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences cynically laugh at us, just as in the case of the desecration of our epic past, religion. They are confident that a person devoid of Vedic knowledge can be convinced of anything, especially with the help of mathematics.

People still go to temples, but at best they do it, paying tribute to the morality of the religious concept, but not believing in God, not wanting to know the true picture of the world and deliberately denying any possibility of an objective, unbiased study of at least themselves.

Before talking about just a few of the thousands of classified finds and facts, it is appropriate to answer the question: “Who needs this? Why is this being done? Who benefits from hiding the truth?”

Scientists and politicians who know the Vedas will answer unequivocally:

Knower of the Vedas, i.e. a person who knows the truth is self-sufficient. He realizes his true, non-material origin and the true purpose of his life - the restoration of personal love relationships with his gods and a return to his natural position, home. No earthly, material force is able to force him to live differently than the truth says. For the lower is nothing compared to the higher, the temporary is nothing compared to the eternal.

Opponents need us, who have been guided for millions of years by the Vedic worldview, perfect knowledge of the gods and our non-material origin, to come to terms with the idea that we are just newly emerged, highly developed animals. So that we, having lost contact with our gods, find ourselves powerless before the forces enjoying the patronage of powerful Universal demonic personalities.

Ignorant people are easily deceived. It is easier for Yakshas, ​​ghosts and demons to control ignorant people, manipulating their consciousness, inciting lust in them, stimulating more and more unnatural, base and even deadly needs. People who live for the satisfaction of their senses become slaves of the senses.

Therefore, in order to exclude the existence of self-sufficient individuals, strict filtration of knowledge has been introduced in modern science in general, and in anthropology and archeology especially.

The same scientists who, in spite of it, try to draw attention to the ancient Vedic texts and the archaeological finds that confirm them, refuting Darwin’s false “theory”, are fired from their jobs, defamed, and intimidated.

Few of our domestic scientists know that Darwin based his hypothesis about the origin of man from apes on literally several finds. That most of these finds were deliberately falsified, including in determining their age.

The Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institute, founded in January 1902 in Washington, played a huge role in this. They always had enough money to influence scientific and religious structures. Moreover, employees clearly not of the Carnegie Institution of Archaeology were personally involved in the extraction, collection and “study” of the archaeological finds they needed.

Carnegie Institution President John C. Merriam was a paleontologist by training and considered a Christian. But all his efforts and abilities were directed against real science, against God, for the sake of achieving demonic political goals. He became the author of the sabotage statement that is spreading today that “science will open up the opportunity for man to take the place of God in managing the further development of the material world.”

Thanks to such efforts, a certain amount of material was accumulated so that, by carefully and tendentiously selecting specific archaeological finds, Darwin could build an absolutely unscientific “theory” about the origin of man from the ape. Anti-scientific, because all the other, even more numerous findings, completely refuting Darwin’s demonic speculations, were not just passed over in silence, but were and are deliberately subjected to concealment and default today.

The well-known fact to science that the fossil skeletons of the most ancient, but anatomically modern man could have been hundreds of thousands of times more numerous is also being deliberately ignored. But during the time of Satyayuga, the mystical abilities of people were such that, leaving the material body, a person caused a mystical fire, and the corpse was immediately engulfed in incinerating flames. Even in our Kali Yuga, while the foundations of Vedic civilization still existed, people knew the laws of subtle energies, and they did not bury the bodies of deceased relatives, but certainly burned them. Historians know that the custom of burning corpses existed in Rus', right up to its forced conversion to Christianity. But even after this, until today, a ceremony is performed in relation to the dead person, which they say: they covered him with a shroud or put a shroud on him. “Savan” translated from Sanskrit means “fire”. Therefore, today archaeologists find, as a rule, only the remains of people who once tragically died, whose bodies were not found by their relatives.

And if in the Vedas all the information about the extramaterial origin and essence of life is a perfect, impeccable concept, and there, in the Vedas, information is given on how to verify it with everyday practice, then the Darwinian hypothesis is untenable. Starting from a pure theory that cannot explain the huge gaps in the supposed evolution, continuing with the lack of possibility to carry out an experiment, and ending with the presence of thousands of material fossils that refute this pseudoscientific “theory”.

Help for comparison

In the global materialistic science of the origin and development of man, the following chronology is recognized:

Paleolithic (ancient Stone Age) - only 9 thousand years BC.

Mesolithic (i.e. the transition from the ancient to the new Stone Age) - IX-IV thousand years BC.

Neolithic (New Stone Age) - VII - end of the III millennium BC.

The Copper Age, or the transition from the Neolithic to Bronze, is IV-III thousand years BC.

Bronze Age - mid-III-II millennium BC.

Iron Age - the first centuries of the 1st millennium BC.


The age of all archaeological finds discussed below was determined by specialists of the highest class. They used radiocarbon, uranium, perfohydration and other, the most modern methods, guaranteeing an impeccable determination of the age of any object, with an accuracy of one year. Fundamentally different methods, when applied in each case by researchers independent of each other, gave the same results.

In many cases, after specific findings refuting Darwin’s “theory” of the origin of man from apes were suggested that they could have been planted or falsified, excavations in the same place continued in the presence and under the close supervision of the most authoritative scientists. As a rule, in such cases, scientists soon found even more sensational discoveries. They were carefully described, their age was certified, they were placed in closed museum vaults, but secretly everything possible was done to ensure that publicity was kept to a minimum. Many such finds soon disappeared “mysteriously” from carefully guarded museums, after which “scientific” publications appeared questioning the conclusions of predecessors who studied these exhibits.

“Volzhskaya Zarya”, Samara, nn2, 16, 30

1945 - a merchant from Mexico, Waldemar Julsrud, discovered rain-washed deposits of many clay figurines near the city of Acambaro (by 1952, Julsrud's collection reached 30,000 pieces). The figurines were made of baked clay and depicted people and animals (including fossils - scientists were surprised to discover figurines of plesiosaurs and brontosaurs). 1975 - The Pennsylvania Museum conducted a study of the age of the figurines. 18 samples were taken from each of the three test figures, which is quite a serious test. And all the tests agreed on one thing - the age of the figurines is about 2500 BC. e.

This kind of figurines are also found near San Miguel Allende, a town not far from Acambaro. Local residents extract them from the pyramids located in these places.

1970 – the discoveries of American doctor of anthropology Richard McNeish became a sensation. He discovered during excavations in the Montano River basin (a tributary of the Amazon), in the province of Ayacucho (Peru), human tools along with the fossil remains of many prehistoric animals, such as Megatherium (giant sloth), horse, camel-like animals, deer and various representatives of the cat family. Both tools and extinct animals were discovered in five geological strata.

According to paleontology, we know that Megatherium went extinct a million years ago, the ancient horse and cameliforms - 13 million years ago, prehistoric deer and cats - a million years ago... Richard McNeish was faced with an obvious fact: the ancient people of Peru coexisted with prehistoric animals, and their the age was at least determined by the era when the indicated animals had not yet become extinct.

1971, April - a fossil skeleton of a dinosaur (iguanodont), 20 meters long, was discovered in the town of El Boquerin in the state of Tolima (Colombia), the length of which was 20 meters next to a human skull. During the fossilization process, the skull turned into a gray calcareous stone with white spikes. The eye holes were almost erased, the nose was long; there was a ridge from the forehead to the base of the skull. The chin is slightly sloping, and the lower jaw is like that of a monkey. Skull length 35 cm.

The find was made by Colombian anthropologist Homero Henao Marino, a professor at the Universidad del Candio in Colombia. This became a major milestone in the development of paleontology due to its special significance: for the first time in the world, human remains were discovered next to a dinosaur; For the first time, an ancient human specimen has been found in the United States, which, by association with an iguanodont dinosaur, must have lived in the same era as the dinosaur.

Paleontology confirms that this animal appeared on our planet at the beginning of the Jurassic period, 181 million years ago, and became extinct 64 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period (these periods belong to the Mesozoic era).

Science is increasingly impatiently trampling on the border of knowledge, numb from its own helplessness to explain such oddities. When the number of artifacts has overwhelmed it to such an extent that the previous historical concept of the development of mankind turns out to be completely unsuitable, it will be necessary, no matter how hard you resist, to admit what is already obvious to inquisitive minds: before us, skilled and thinking creatures lived on the planet.

What other archaeological finds can confirm the version of human life in the era of dinosaurs?

The discovery of a hammer from the era of dinosaurs was sensational. A puzzle for science is represented by... at first glance, an ordinary hammer, stored in the museum of the American city of Glen Rose. This is because it literally grew into a piece of sandstone. And the age of the stone is about 140 million years...

1934, June - a piece of rock with a hammer sticking out of it was found by Mrs. Khan, who was taking a walk with her family in the vicinity of the town of London (USA, Texas). The first experts who examined the find were unanimous in their conclusion: a hoax. But really, where did the hammer come from in the Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs still ruled our planet with might and main? Apparently, one of the modern deceivers tried his best, walling up the instrument in stone.

But subsequent research findings by various scientific institutions cast doubt on the original statement.
First, the wooden handle of the hammer also petrified, and in some places it even turned into coal. This can mean one thing, its age can be calculated at least a hundred million years. The second is the amazing chemical composition of the hammer itself: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities were detected. Such pure iron has never been obtained in the entire history of earthly metallurgy. Finally, the German doctor Hans-Joachim Zillmer, who dealt with the mysterious find, was forced to conclude: “This hammer was made using technologies unknown to us...”.

In “The Book of the Inexplicable,” J. Berger talks about another, no less mysterious discovery. 1961, February 13 - geologists Mike Mysell, Vellas Lape and Virginia Maxey from America, conducting research in California, discovered a mysterious object under the crust of fossilized shells. These ancient shells were so compressed by time that when they were opened, they ruined the diamond slab. Inside they were found some kind of hexagonal ceramic object. This hexagonal “insulator” was pierced through a cylindrical hole, in which there was a light metal rod with a diameter of 2 mm with bends.

This something was very similar to the “spark plug” of a modern car. But, according to scientists, in order to become covered with such a layer of fossils, this “spark plug” needed to lie in the ground for at least 500,000 years! And if we take into account that in those days synanthropes had not yet flaunted sports cars in front of each other, then the mystery becomes inexplicable, if we do not take into account the extraterrestrial origin of this “spark plug”.

Information about traces of civilizations unknown to science on our planet is found in popular publications. Here are just a few of them:

Mysterious tektites have been discovered in various places on our planet - compounds that were formed at exceptionally high temperatures, impossible under terrestrial conditions. These are probably traces of the operation of atomic engines of rockets flown from space! Research has shown that there are tektites that are 600,000 years old, and others that are six million years old;

Gobi Desert - an imprint of an “astronaut’s sole” was discovered in ancient layers. Which is several tens of millions of years old;

1974 - Mary Leakey found human footprints in a layer of volcanic ash in Tanzania, which was 4 million years old. Paleontologist Tim White confirms: they cannot be distinguished from the footprints of modern humans;

In the catacombs of Odessa, bones processed with metal tools approximately a million years ago were examined;

Ancient ruins in South America (Tiwanaku) are (according to popular publications) at least 15,000 years old. On the “gate of the sun” there is a calendar for 290 days (maybe Venusian). There are also giant landing signs captured by aerial photography;

The Baalbek terrace in Lebanon, made of stones of more than a thousand tons each, “during time immemorial.” There is also a temple of Jupiter, built on a terrace, probably in a later period;

Frescoes of Tassili, discovered in the Sahara. They depict “Martians” several meters tall, wearing suits similar to spacesuits (the so-called “Great God from Jabarren”, etc.), which are 4-8,000 years old. A similar “spacesuit” is also seen in Etruscan images;

The museum contains maps of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis (XVI century), on them there is an “accurate reproduction of the Antarctic coast”, obtained from ancient maps based on even more ancient ones, coming from some mysterious giant civilization;

There is an image of an ancient Indian ship powered by a “jet engine” with “rays” extending from the stern;

It is known about the exceptional knowledge of some ancient peoples (Polynesians, Mayans) in science, which may have been “inherited” from aliens...

In the 1980s, archaeologists from America discovered stone axes in the town of Hueyatlaco (Mexico), they are so perfect that, without a doubt, only people could make them. Several independent geological experts were invited to date the layer in which they were found. Based on the content of a uranium decay product, protactinium, the age of the formation turned out to be more than 180,000 years; for thorium, another uranium decay product, it was more than 245,000 years. Zirconium crystals gave a date of 270,000 years. And a study of water molecules inside bubbles trapped in volcanic ash showed: 250,000 years;

The Lisbon Museum of Archeology houses well-made stone axes - they were discovered by the chief state archaeologist of Portugal, Carlos Ribeiro, in a layer 20 million years old;

Metal spheres with a diameter of 1–2 cm with openwork notches were discovered in a South African mine in a basalt layer, which is 2 billion years old. The conclusion of metallurgical scientists is that the spontaneous formation of these balls in nature is impossible.

Every year archaeologists, paleontologists, and geologists find traces of mysterious civilizations, and maybe even aliens.
The historian M. Cremo and the mathematician R. Thompson, who wrote the books “” and “The Unknown History of Humanity,” confirm that the most, judging by the records in scientific reports, date back to 2 billion years. The oldest human footprints are about half a billion years old.

They claim that the problems of modern science are that it contains a certain specific filter through which only information that fits Charles Darwin’s theory passes. And facts that radically contradict it are eliminated, and today there is no such data in natural history museums around the world.

An example of concealment of facts is the finds discovered by gold miners in 1880–1890. in California's Table Mountain. Human skeletons, stone mortars and pestles were found in the thickness of the basalt rock. The age of the rock itself is estimated at approximately 50 million years. These findings were presented by California State Archaeologist Dr. Whitney. Hot on the heels of this, a publication about these archaeological finds was published in a book by Harvard University. However, in the next 100 years the sensation was no longer remembered.

It is tempting to declare such finds as evidence of visits to Earth by representatives of alien civilizations. There is another assumption about this. It was expressed at the beginning of the last century by the English chemist, Nobel Prize winner in 1921, Frederick Soddy: “From time immemorial, millions and even billions of years ago, there were human races that not only reached our level of knowledge, but also possessed powerful, unknown to us forces. And it is possible that all earthly civilizations originate from some unknown to us, disappeared historical civilization...”

A large treasure trove of ancient artifacts was discovered by an expedition led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984. In the Ecuadorian La Mana mountain range, 300 stone artifacts were discovered in a tunnel at a depth of over ninety meters. It is currently impossible to determine the exact age of the finds. However, it is already known that they do not belong to any of the known cultures of this region. The symbols and signs carved on the stone clearly belong to Sanskrit, but not to the later version, but rather to the early one. A number of scholars have identified this language as Proto-Sanskrit.

Before Sotomayor's discovery, Sanskrit had never been associated with the American continent; rather, it was attributed to the cultures of Europe, Asia and northern Africa. For example, it is believed that ancient Egyptian writing was built on its basis. Now scientists, drawing various scientific parallels, are trying to “connect” these cultural centers and find out the origin of the mysterious treasure.

The distance from La Mana to Giza is 0.3 from the circumference of the Earth. The very word La Mana is not typical for the places where the massif is located; it does not carry any semantic meaning in local languages ​​and dialects. But in Sanskrit “mana” means mind, meaning intelligence. Scientists suggest that the name of the area was given to the peoples now living in it from their predecessors, who may have come to America from Asia.

World secrets and mysteries are quite common in Central America. Despite all the similarities between the American and Egyptian pyramids, they have a number of significant technical differences. The stone pyramid discovered by Sotomayor’s expedition most closely resembles in its shape the huge pyramids at Giza.

But her mysteries don’t end there either. Thirteen rows of stone masonry were carved on the pyramid. In its upper part there is an image of an open eye, or, in the mystical tradition, the “all-seeing eye.” Thus, the pyramid found in La Mana is an exact representation of the Masonic sign known to most of humanity thanks to the US one dollar bill.
Another amazing discovery of Sotomayor's expedition is a stone image of a king cobra, made with great artistry. And it’s not even about the high level of art of ancient artisans. Everything is much more mysterious, because the king cobra is not found in America. Its habitat is the tropical rainforests of India. However, the quality of its image leaves no doubt that the artist personally saw this snake. Thus, either the object with the image of a snake applied to it, or its author, must have moved from Asia to America across the ocean in ancient times, when, as is believed, no means existed for this. The mysteries are multiplying.

Perhaps Sotomayor's third astonishing discovery will provide the answer. One of the oldest globes on Earth, also made of stone, was also discovered in the La Mana tunnel. On the far from perfect ball, the craftsman may have simply spared effort in making it, but the round boulder bears images of continents familiar from school days.
But even to a non-specialist, the differences are immediately apparent. If the outlines of Italy, Greece, the Persian Gulf, the Dead Sea and India differ little from modern ones, then from the coast of Southeast Asia towards America the planet looks completely different. Huge masses of land are depicted where now only a boundless sea splashes.
The Caribbean islands and the Florida peninsula are completely absent. Just below the equator in the Pacific Ocean there is a gigantic island, approximately equal in size to modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a giant continent that extends to the shores of America and extends far to the south.

Perhaps this is the legendary continent of Mu, whose existence in ancient times was suggested by the Japanese scientist M. Kimura. Subsequently, as he claimed, this continent sank to the bottom of the ocean, like Atlantis described by Plato. However, a number of scientists suggest that it was Mu who was described by Plato under the name Atlantis. The presence of this continent turns travel from Asia to America in ancient times from an impossible event into a completely feasible and possibly routine one. The genetic connections of American Indians and Asians have long been proven, and the presence in ancient times of a continent connecting these parts of the world is quite capable of explaining their origin. It remains to add that the find in La Mana is apparently the oldest map of the world, and its estimated age is at least 12,000 years.

Sotomayor's other findings are no less interesting. In particular, a “service” of thirteen bowls was discovered. Twelve of them have perfectly equal volume, and the thirteenth is much larger. If you fill 12 small bowls with liquid to the brim, and then pour them into a large one, then it will be filled exactly to the brim. All bowls are made of jade. The purity of their processing suggests that the ancients had a stone processing technology similar to a modern lathe.

Almost all of Sotomayor's finds glow under ultraviolet light. And then on some of them multi-colored images of stars appear, or rather, the constellation Orion, the star Aldebaran and the twin stars Castor and Pollux. Why exactly this area of ​​the sky attracted the attention of ancient masters, one can only speculate.

A number of finds depict converging circles, clearly associated with Sanskrit ideas about the mandala. It is interesting that this idea entered the Indian ideas about the structure of the world almost unchanged. “Everything that an Indian does is in a circle, because it is the Power of the World. Everything happens in circles, and everything tries to be round... Everything that the Power of the World does is done in a circle,” said the famous Indian leader Black in 1863 Elk.

So far, Sotomayor's findings raise more questions than they answer. But they once again confirm the thesis that our information about the history of the Earth and humanity is still very far from perfect.

Incredible find from Ayud

On the banks of the Mures River, which flows through Romania, construction work was carried out in the spring of 1974. During which, in one of the sand quarries, workers stumbled upon several strangely shaped objects. They lay in a layer of fine river sand, in a large quarry at a depth of about 10 meters. The objects were covered with a thick layer of sandy crust, but shaped like fossils of ancient animals, and were sent to the small town of Ayud.

At the local history museum, a group of historians identified two of the three finds as fragments of bones, which, upon more detailed analysis, turned out to be the tusk of a young mastodon and its shin bone. The third subject was taken up at the large Archaeological Institute of the city of Cluj.

When the scientists removed the crust, they were very surprised - the object turned out to be a metal product, vaguely reminiscent of a stone ax used by ancient people. The subject was subjected to more detailed study. It was approximately 20 centimeters long, oblong in shape, with two different-sized holes going into it, which converged at a right angle in the center. The bottom of the hole was slightly deformed. Apparently some kind of rod had been inserted into it. On two other surfaces, numerous traces were found, left after dynamic contact of the object with some hard objects. The object itself resembled a part of some kind of machine.

For a more detailed study of the object, its samples were sent to the Metallurgical Institute, to Dr. Niederkoron. The scientist, after carefully studying the material of the find, stated that almost 90% of it consists of aluminum. In addition, the complex alloy includes copper, silicon, zinc, lead and tin.

The professor was surprised by the fact that, although aluminum is the most common metal on earth, it cannot be found in nature in its pure form. The first aluminum ingots went into mass production only in 1883, and they were produced at the smelters of the American metallurgical company ALCOA (since the high-tech process requires an electrolysis melt at temperatures of about 1000 degrees Celsius).

And the object that was found in Romania was much older than a hundred years. This was determined by the thickness of the aluminum oxide film on the surface. The fact is that in air, aluminum immediately oxidizes, becoming covered with a thin, durable film, which increases the anti-corrosion properties of the metal. The thickness of the film can often be used to judge the age of a product.

The thickness of the film on the object was a millimeter, which corresponds to at least a hundred thousand years (there are practically no similar samples in nature). Professor Niederkron wrote in an accompanying note: “Incredibly, it seems that we are looking at aluminum with an aged structure. As if other elements of the alloy had regained their own crystal lattices...”

Since the proximity of the object to the bones of a mammoth, which died more than one million years ago, allows us to make a bold and sensational assumption - the object may have an age equal to the age of humanity. Or maybe more.

For a long time, a group of researchers, which included paleontologists, archaeologists, engineers and metallurgists, could not name the exact purpose of this object. An analysis was made of all modern objects in which a part of a similar design can be found.
One of the engineers suggested that the find very much resembled the support or chassis of some medium-sized aircraft, with a vertical take-off, which was adapted for landing on the surface of the planet. The two holes may have been where the posts were attached, and the scratches on the lower surfaces may have been caused by regular rubbing against the ground.

Since aluminum is a lightweight and durable metal, it is used in aircraft construction even now. Perhaps, in ancient times, a space probe flew over the territory of Romania, which crashed, and the debris was carried away by the river current. This chassis, once in shallow water, was covered with sand and lay there until our time.

Romanian scientist Florian Georgita, who was part of the commission that studied the find, published a detailed article in the journal Ancient skies in 1992. This article was published shortly before the discovery disappeared directly from the museum where it had been located since its discovery. Georgita assumed that this part is of extraterrestrial origin and is part of an alien spacecraft.

This version was supported by ufologist M. Hesemann, who in 1994 was able to find traces of the “find from Ayud”. The story is more like a detective story. Arriving at a gathering of ufologists in Debrecen, Hungary, he was invited by a certain person to the city of Cluj. The invitation included a proposal to “get acquainted with the object found near Ayud in the summer of 1974.” Indeed, Professor Hesemann met a man in Romania who showed him an aluminum object.

The professor confirms that the object is not lost, that it is in good hands and, perhaps, when more high-tech research methods become available, it will again be examined for the possibility of its extraterrestrial origin.