Who is the gray cardinal? What does the expression "gray cardinal" mean? Difficult employees. White Crow and Gray Cardinal Gray cardinal meaning of phraseology

Not a single detective or thriller is complete without the participation of an eminence grise. We will look at the meaning of phraseological units today to understand what kind of figure this is.

and Cardinal Richelieu

Anyone who has read the novel “The Three Musketeers” knows that there was such a historical figure as Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642), he was also called the Red Cardinal because of the color of his clothes. But few people know that he had a right hand - the monk Joseph, who, according to historical sources, enjoyed the favor of the cardinal. It was Richelieu’s assistant who was nicknamed the Gray Cardinal (the meaning of the phraseological unit will be discussed a little later). Joseph received this nickname because the color of his cassock was gray, and he himself kept in the shadows. This servant of the Lord must have taken great pleasure in the role he deliberately chose. The irony is that, in turn, he was considered gray because he had considerable influence on the King of France, Louis the Thirteenth.


A gray cardinal is someone who, without having official status or any legal, legitimate power, nevertheless determines the events and phenomena of the world. The perspicacious reader himself will easily and naturally remember examples even from recent Russian history.

Of course, the meaning of the phraseological unit “gray cardinal” is applicable for the most part to political phenomena, but not necessarily. In a broad sense, the eminence grise is the puppeteer who pulls the strings, and such figures are eternal and international. Unless the powers that be are strong enough in spirit to manage something on their own.

The Godfather trilogy and the expression “gray cardinal”

The Godfather trilogy is fundamentally built on the idea that the main villain is not who he seems at first glance. The films in the series are made in such a way that the heroes act out combinations that are very complex in execution and drama, and all the power and heaviness ultimately falls on someone whom the viewer is completely unaware of at the beginning of the action.

In the first part - this is Don Barzini. It can be called a gray eminence. We already know the meaning of the phraseological unit, so we can safely use it. Here, of course, there is a certain mistake in terms. You can’t say that a powerful mafia don has no power. No, that's right, she is. But Don Tattaglia moves to the foreground, to the forefront, and Barzini himself goes into the shadows.

In the second part, Hyman Roth plays the same role. But we will not describe all the moves of the film here, because the screenwriters did it much more talentedly. We’ll keep silent about the third part so that the reader, if he watches the trilogy for the first time, gets at least some pleasure.

Our task is to explain the phraseology “gray cardinal”, as it seems, we have coped with it. How successful? Let the reader judge about this.

Interesting, calm, confident, friendly, well-educated, professional in his field - in general, an ideal subordinate. But lately you have begun to notice characteristics that do not correspond to the image of your employee. He finds himself indirectly involved in behind-the-scenes games; it turns out that on occasion he turns to his superiors, ignoring his immediate supervisor. Common situation? Here is one of the types of subordinates - the “gray cardinal”.

Nose to the wind

It is quite difficult to identify such an employee. Knowing his own strengths gives him confidence in his actions. And, it’s true, his colleagues and managers characterize him positively. The “gray cardinal” tends to play in the dark, without involving strangers in his plans. He feels well the situation and those around him: what needs to be done at one time or another, to whom to say what. Possessing developed communication and empathic abilities, he knows how to set a person in the right direction, or provide the support that is expected of him, of course, if it is beneficial to our hero. Being well versed in the ups and downs of relationships, people of this type are able to maneuver between warring camps. They manage to sit on two chairs at once, because they use every opportunity “one hundred percent” for their benefit. The hero is distinguished by the ability to plan in advance, and at the same time performs the functions of a “quick response team.” Thus, positive external traits are combined with internal inclinations, but the orientation of his abilities does not give him the right to be called the best employee.

Find and neutralize

As a rule, the “gray cardinal” is busy with administrative work or manages a small project. But he does not intend to stop there. The main motive of the professional movement is the need for power. Therefore, he pursues his own policies, sometimes to the detriment of the interests of the leader. What methods does he use and what is his strategy? Workers of this type try to establish connections and contacts with superiors and influential people. If necessary, they may well take advantage of their professional position. In order to establish a relationship, they can enter into a conversation with a “high-ranking” interlocutor on behalf of the company in which our hero works, or speaking on behalf of the manager. They seek to enlist the support of high society people. In the eyes of the “gray eminence,” proximity to influential people provides real strength, which provides grounds for expanding the boundaries of one’s power.

The technique of behavior of the hero with leadership deserves special attention. He can use a political technique: “exchange of favors” with a superior. What is the meaning of this technique? If a manager has personal problems, it is quite possible that a “gray eminence” will be nearby. It is he who will help “cope” with a difficult situation, or rather not develop this topic among employees. For a small favor in the future, he will count on your special favor. Knowing the psychological feature, he skillfully uses it: in a familiar work environment, a person can be taken by surprise if the problems of his personal life are exposed to public scrutiny. There is no manifestation of flattery or flirting with superiors; both sides accept the rules of the game. For example, an employee (belonging to this type does not depend on gender characteristics) witnessed an unpleasant conversation between the manager and her family. To which the boss asked not to tell the staff about what was happening, for fear of the spread of rumors and gossip. Later, other things being equal, the employee and other employees received priority.

Management is nothing more than getting other people to work. Lee Iacoca

Not only the suppression of certain circumstances, but also the presentation of information in a special way is the merit of the cardinal. The presentation of the material and the project is presented in a favorable light. Moreover, the authorship of the business proposal is attributed to oneself, even if collective efforts were made. Therefore, trust, but verify!

If the cardinal is a secretary or assistant, then they carefully control access to the leader. The rest of the employees behave especially politely towards them, because sometimes it depends on them how soon the meeting with the boss will take place. That is, taking advantage of their professional position, they extend power to their colleagues.

What to do?

Having understood who is in front of us, we need to learn how to work with such a person. You're not going to fire him, are you? He suits you as a specialist. You just need to follow some rules when interacting with the “cardinal”.

  1. Always maintain chain of command. Don't engage in frank conversations. Anything you say can be used against you.
  2. Try to communicate privately, using the effect of surprise. Say that you understand the interlocutor’s behavior strategy. He is unlikely to admit it, but he will stop repeating his actions.
  3. Don’t be led, remember that this is a person who is fluent in manipulation techniques.
  4. If you begin to impose sanctions on a person suspected of “unjust actions,” then you will earn the reputation of an incompetent leader who can only control through intimidation.
  5. As paradoxical as it may sound, delegate some of your powers to him.

His main need is power. Let him have it. In accordance with the new position, he will have to bear additional responsibility: for all misconduct, failure to fulfill plans - he will be responsible for the entire department to senior management. Thus, you will reorient it; now the vigorous activity must be put into action!

“White crows” are not such rare “birds”. In kindergarten, a child is not accepted by other children into their play because he is not like everyone else. Moreover, the nature of the differences has a different basis: for example, a child is overweight and therefore clumsy, or, on the contrary, he orients himself so well in a game situation that he constantly wins. Different thinking and behavior are not welcomed at school either by classmates or teachers. In adult life, the uniqueness and originality of a person is not always favorably accepted by others. They look at unusual people with interest, curiosity, but at the same time with fear. It is not always possible to restrain emotions and patiently accept the characteristics of another person.

Smoke without fire

Quite often ordinary people become the objects of dissatisfaction. If we consider the area of ​​professional life, this phenomenon can be noticed during the period of adaptation of employees to a new team. As a rule, newcomers, when they go to work, try to do their best. They stay late in the office, take on extra responsibilities, and strive to join the team. Such diligence is not clearly perceived by colleagues. Someone, taking advantage of the situation, is trying to transfer some of their responsibilities to a newcomer. Other employees take a wait-and-see attitude: they carefully monitor the actions of the new employee in order to highlight mistakes on occasion.

Public opinion is always more oppressive towards those who are clearly afraid of it than towards those who are indifferent to it.

No matter how the situation develops, the new employee is guaranteed attention. But first of all, what is needed is not controlling attention, but helping, promoting the professional development of a specialist. Mentors facilitate this process. So, an employee who got a job as an office manager found herself in an awkward situation. Her sincere desire to cope with her official duties as best as possible aroused hostility from her colleagues. They tried in every possible way to complicate her life: either the secretary “forgot” to convey the director’s order, or the necessary documents “did not arrive” on time. Then the employee and her mentor turned to their superiors with a request to look into the matter, not being able to independently solve the problems that had arisen. A conversation between the manager and his subordinates took place: the instigators, of course, were not found, but the seriousness of the situation was clear to everyone.

Stay afloat

Why is mobbing (non-acceptance of an employee by colleagues, resulting in exclusion from the team) such a common phenomenon in the professional community? One answer: incompatibility of people. When initially selecting a professional team, target specialists who adhere to a similar value system or have common interests. It is impossible to create a team of individuals who completely match their life goals, attitudes, and characters. And in this case, the business will suffer, because when hiring you will have to focus, first of all, on the personal qualities of applicants. Therefore, when selecting personnel, you should rely on professionalism, while not forgetting to study the motivational system of candidates, highlight the range of their interests, which will contribute to team unity in the future.

In order not to cause additional hostility among staff towards a colleague, a recommendation to the manager: treat everyone equally - evenly, in a business-like manner, do not pick favorites. The appearance of favorites causes a feeling of indignation. Each person, motivated to perform his duties, performs his work at a certain pace: some faster, some slower, based on personal characteristics. According to the laws of psychology, you cannot compare people with each other. The results of one person’s activities over different periods of time can be compared. Movement in one's own professional development deserves praise.

If the problem of an employee’s hostility towards the team has arisen, then the manager should under no circumstances ignore the internal conflict. If gossip or rumors appear as one of the methods of “office battles,” then you should react negatively to them, thereby stopping the spread of negative information that can lead to disorganization of the company.

One way to prevent underhanded games is to have an open conversation. At the negotiating table, tell us what specifically worries you. Having expressed their suspicions, the employees involved in the intrigues are unlikely to immediately openly confess. But they may well think about it and reconsider their views if they realize that this causes dissatisfaction on the part of management. During a conversation, you should avoid an accusatory tone. An employee who has become a scapegoat should not look like a victim in the eyes of the team. He should not be pitied and reproached by others. Otherwise, you will earn yourself a reputation as an unpopular boss.

Aggressive, tough behavior is not the best option in this situation. You should demonstrate to your subordinates that you are serious: you do not intend to lose sight of the current state of affairs. Your attentive attitude to the situation will help you find peace in the work atmosphere.

  • Personnel Policy and HR Strategies

Origin of the phraseological unit “gray cardinal”

The expression “gray cardinal” appeared in France in the 17th century during the reign of King Louis XIII the Just (1601 - 1643).

Having become the king of France and Navarre at the age of eight, Louis needed guardianship and mentors to make the right decisions in matters of state. Such a mentor and advisor for Louis was Armand Jean du Plessis, Duke de Richelieu or, as is more common, Cardinal Richelieu (1585 -1642), who became the head of the royal council in 1624. In fact, power was in the hands of Richelieu, by the way, nicknamed the “red cardinal” because of the red cap that he was obliged to wear according to etiquette. Louis XIII was mainly interested in balls, ballet, performances, hunting, and love affairs, and he was partly involved in politics and government affairs.

In turn, Cardinal Richelieu had his faithful adviser, a monk of the Capuchin Order, a certain Father Joseph, or in the world Francois Leclerc du Tremblay (1577 - 1638), who was actually nicknamed the “gray cardinal.”

Father Joseph - "Grey Cardinal"

Born into a noble family, François initially chose the path of a military man, but in 1599 he dramatically changed his life and joined the Capuchin Order, where he proved himself to be an excellent speaker and preacher, which contributed to his fame, and after the death of Henry IV, to his growing influence at the French court. Soon Father Joseph was noticed by Richelieu and gradually became his “right hand,” his closest assistant and comrade-in-arms. Having become the head of the chancellery of Richelieu in 1624 (not the highest position), Father Joseph, together with four brothers in the order, began to carry out especially important and secret tasks of his benefactor. He achieved the result without particularly worrying about the choice of means, but always with imagination and invention; Richelieu himself could envy his ability to conduct intrigue.

Father Joseph was an excellent politician, a skillful and flexible diplomat, and possessed a resourceful mind and excellent intuition. Undoubtedly, he enjoyed the full confidence of the cardinal, and therefore had great influence on Richelieu, advising and directing his patron in one political direction or another, and could implement some decisions beneficial for himself and the Capuchin Order at the highest state level, which he did with success .

As for ideology, it was higher than that of Richelieu himself and was imbued with the spirit of Catholicism and the fight against the Protestant faith, widespread at that time in France, Spain and especially in England, where he surpassed even Richelieu and was considered enemy number one. With all this, he was immensely devoted to his benefactor.

Many considered Father Joseph to be Richelieu's successor. By the way, Richelieu himself tried for a long time to knock out a cardinal’s cap for him, but the Roman Curia did its best to prevent this, considering Father Joseph to be their rival and adversary in some way. He nevertheless became a cardinal shortly before his death, never having survived Richelieu, who was greatly worried about the death of his faithful comrade-in-arms and friend. His historical phrase is known:

“I have lost my support, I have lost my consolation, my only help and support, my most trusted person.”

This man was given the nickname “gray cardinal” because of his gray cloak, which he always wore. Well, his position in society became a characteristic of this nickname.

The life of Father Joseph, by nature secretive, inconspicuous and unsociable, was shrouded in mystery and has many blind spots. Despite this, everyone knew perfectly well who Father Joseph was and were afraid of him.

The famous German historian Leopold von Ranke (1795 - 1886) discovered in the Paris National Library many acts and documents compiled directly under the supervision of Father Joseph.

The English writer and philosopher Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894 - 1963) described the life of Father Joseph in his book “The Gray Eminence: A Study of Religion and Politics.”

The expression “gray cardinal” was popularized by A. Dumas’s novel “The Three Musketeers,” where there is only one phrase, but it is very accurate for the time described in the novel:

“This threat completely intimidated the owner. After the king and the cardinal, the name of M. de Treville was perhaps most often mentioned not only by the military, but also by the townspeople. There was also, it is true, Father Joseph, but his name was pronounced only in a whisper: so great was the fear of "Gray Eminence", friend of Cardinal Richelieu."

In the novel “Twenty Years Later” A. Dumas also only slightly mentioned Father Joseph:

“The commandant of the Bastille at that time was Monsieur du Tremblay, the brother of Richelieu’s formidable favorite, the famous Capuchin Joseph, nicknamed “ eminence grise».

The meaning of the phraseological unit “gray cardinal”

Thanks to the nickname of Father Joseph, the expression “gray eminence” or “gray eminence” began to be used in the sense of some inconspicuous person who, remaining in the shadows, like a skilled puppeteer manages important and significant affairs. But the “gray cardinal”, who occupies a not so high position or has no official status at all, simply needs his own “red cardinal”, who has official power in his hands. It is through him that the “gray cardinal,” being behind the scenes and being a kind of conductor, in one way or another directs the “red cardinal” along the path that is beneficial to him or the interests of both cardinals, more often than not, coincide.

By the way, the “red cardinal” himself very often needs a “right hand”, a confidant, a “gray cardinal” (call it what you want), who he needs for not the most plausible matters, when it is not possible to go directly and honestly and requires not entirely legal actions that should remain secret. That’s when the “gray cardinals” come into play, inconspicuous, smart, resourceful schemers with excellent intuition and flexible business. And sometimes in these relationships it is not clear who is manipulating whom, who is leading whom, and who actually has real power in their hands.

The main components of the phraseological unit “gray cardinal” are the possession of significant power and the absence of a high official position of leadership. And among the qualities of the “gray eminence” one can single out mystery, secrecy, inconspicuousness, the presence of intelligence and intuition. In modern times, the expression “gray cardinal” is used mainly in politics and business, although now the boundaries of these concepts are so mixed that sometimes it is not clear which of them is which, a politician in business or a businessman in politics.

Both in Russian and foreign history there are many examples of the existence of “gray generals”, some of whom stood out and were truly powerful.

The phrase “gray eminence” is a mystery to many people who have not encountered this term. What does it mean? A high-ranking Catholic clergyman who wears all grey? But the “princes of the church” wear red vestments... This means that a literal interpretation of the term is unacceptable here. So who is this then?

This article will help the reader understand this issue, find out the meaning of these words and get acquainted with specific examples from world history and everyday life.

How did the expression come about?

The roots of the phrase go back to medieval France, at a time when religion and politics were still siblings and not stepsisters. One of the most famous characters in 17th-century France is Armand Jean du Plessis, better known as Cardinal Richelieu. According to historians, this figure actually led the foreign and domestic policies of the French crown and had enormous influence on the king. For the scarlet colors of the vestments assigned to a clergyman of his rank, one of Richelieu’s nicknames was “The Red Cardinal.”

But very few people know who directed Richelieu himself. This person is known under the name Francois Leclerc du Tremblay. This is a man of noble blood who chose for himself the path of a monk of the Capuchin Order, forever donning a gray cassock and taking the monastic name Father Joseph. It was he who led the “Office of Richelieu,” an organization that kept all of France in fear. It was this man who carried out the most subtle and dark assignments for his patron, while caring about the end result, and not about the ways to achieve it. Father Joseph is the “gray cardinal”, or “gray reverence”. He was so called for the color of his Capuchin attire and his outstanding ability to conduct the political process without attracting attention to himself. The paradox is that du Tremblay became a real cardinal of the Catholic Church only in the year of his death.

“The Gray Cardinal” in the paintings of artists

The painting by French artist Jean-Léon Gérôme shows Father Joseph, dressed in modest gray, calmly descending the palace stairs, immersed in reading. The reaction of the courtiers to his presence is surprising. Absolutely everyone, even the wealthiest people, bowed their heads in unison before the monk and tore their hats off their heads. The monk did not honor the people bowing before him with even a fleeting glance, without paying any attention to their respect. So great was the importance of the “gray eminence” at the French court.

Another canvas depicting Father Joseph is by Charles Delo and is called “Richelieu and His Cats.” In addition to the red cardinal and his favorites, in a dark corner, behind a table littered with papers, you can make out a man in a gray robe with a surprisingly concentrated and intelligent face. This is how the artist depicted the “gray eminence”.

What does "gray cardinal" mean?

Many years have passed since the life of Father Joseph, but this expression has gained such popularity that it is still used today. The cassock has been replaced by a business suit, religion has ceased to play one of the main roles in politics, but “gray cardinals” still exist.

Who is called the “gray eminence”? This is an influential person of greater intelligence, usually from the category of high-ranking politicians. The “gray cardinal” is a strategist who prefers to solve his problems not directly, but with the help of other people, while remaining in the shadows, without going on stage. This is a master puppeteer who skillfully pulls the strings of his puppets, forcing them to do his will.

A “gray cardinal” is a person who masterfully masters a number of skills, such as compromising evidence, PR, black PR, brute force influence through third parties, financial influence, and so on.

Examples from history

“Grey cardinal” is an expression widely used in modern and recent history. Let's look at a few examples.

Adolf Frederik Munch, an 18th-century Swedish politician, enjoyed the unconditional trust of King Gustav III. On his wise advice, the Swedish monarch, in confrontation with the Russian Empire, began producing high-quality counterfeit Russian coins. Economic superiority allowed the Swedes to begin military operations, which at that time brought positive results.

Who was called the “gray eminence” in China? Son of shoemaker Li Lianying. But how did a simple poor man manage to become a “gray eminence”? Having heard that eunuchs - castrated men - had the greatest influence at the emperor's court, the young man performed the operation on himself. While in the emperor's service, a young servant entered into a conspiracy with one of his rejected concubines, eventually making her his favorite wife and the last empress of China.

Joseph Fouché, the French minister of police at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, was a classic “gray eminence.” By collecting dirt on every significant figure, Fouche achieved enormous influence while remaining in the shadows. This man's unique ability was the ability to change patrons with such ease and naturalness, as some people take off and put on gloves. Five times he managed to survive the transfer of power from the royalists to Napoleon and all five times remained in his high position, and, moreover, one of the ruler’s favorites.

"Grey cardinals" of the Kremlin

In the modern history of Russia there are also figures who received such a nickname. So, who were called the “gray cardinals” of the Kremlin?

In the first years of the third millennium, such a nickname was attached to Alexander Stalyevich Voloshin, who headed the Administration of the President of Russia. In the photo taken on December 31, 1999, Voloshin is symbolically captured behind the backs of two leaders - Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin.

In the second decade of the 21st century, Vladislav Surkov began to be called this expression. The “gray cardinal” of the Kremlin, holding the position of assistant to the President, plays a vital role in the country’s political processes. Vast experience in the media and in the field of public relations allows this person to subtly sense the mood of people and skillfully manage it.

Expression in music and films

The album of the domestic rock band “Prince” contains a song with the same name. The first quatrain reveals the essence of the “shadow ruler” in the best possible way.

Secret power is the business of the smart,

And in any game you need to be able to

Get to the point, quietly and silently,

Subdue and take possession.

In the cult series “The X-Files,” the role of “shadow power” is not just one person, but an entire secret government, the existence of which ordinary people know nothing about.

And in board games

There are several board games that use the expression "eminence grise". For example, in the game of the same name from Russian authors Alexander Nevsky and Oleg Sidorenko, the player will have to feel himself in this difficult role. In the card game, you need to draw cards from the deck of the inhabitants of the palace: jester, general, seer, bard, alchemist, assassin, judge, king and queen. With their help, it is necessary to gain political influence at court. The winner of the game is the one who has the most “weight” at the end of the game.

Another mention occurs in another board game - Runebound. One of the skills in this game is called “Eminence Gray” and allows you to remove any enemy combat token, significantly weakening him with such an action.

Eminence grise

Eminence grise
From French: Eminence grise. Literally: Gray Eminence.
In France in the 17th century. this was the nickname of the assistant to Cardinal (from 1622) Richelieu (1585-1642), the Capuchin monk Father Joseph François le Clerc du Trambey, who was the right hand of the cardinal and exerted considerable influence on him, while keeping a low profile. Father Joseph wore a gray cassock (hence the nickname), in contrast to his patron, who was dressed in a scarlet cardinal's robe.
In modern language, the nickname “gray cardinal” usually refers to Richelieu himself, referring to the enormous influence that he had on the King of France, Louis XIII the Just (in 1624, Cardinal Richelieu became the head of the royal council, that is, the de facto ruler of France).
Allegorically: about someone who acts behind the scenes, secretly, in the shadows, but at the same time really determines the actions of the formal leader (disapproved).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.


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