Little-known facts about Mikhail Frunze. Biography: family and death Funeral of Mikhail Frunze

Representatives of the younger generation of the modern era, including schoolchildren and students, are unlikely to remember that during the birth of Soviet power this man was a major and authoritative figure on the political Olympus. But today, young men and women are presented with a whole arsenal of modern sources, from which it will not be difficult for them to find out what his biography was like. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze is a revolutionary, a statesman, an army commander, and a military theorist.

Many historiographers are inclined to believe that the life of this hero of the revolution resembles a novel with a fascinating plot. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose brief biography was known to all pioneers and Komsomol members, was twice sentenced to death, but his reckless daring saved him from this terrible fate. However, the death of the revolutionary, which occurred in 1925, is shrouded in an aura of mystery.

Political scientists and historians put forward the most odious versions of his death. Some believe that this is the work of the “leader of the peoples”, others believe that Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose short biography has long been carefully studied by scientists, was mortally wounded while hunting, others claim that one of the doctors during the operation unsuccessfully administered anesthesia with a “poisonous” "chloroform. One way or another, the end to this issue will not be put to rest soon. So who is he, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose short biography is described today by historians in great detail? Let's consider this question.

Years of childhood and youth

So, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze. It will not be possible to talk about him briefly, since all stages of his life contain many remarkable and interesting facts.

He was born on February 2, 1885 in Kyrgyzstan (Pishpek settlement). The father of the future revolutionary worked as a simple paramedic in Turkestan. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose brief biography is little known to modern youth, received his secondary education in today's capital of Kazakhstan (then the city of Verny). Moreover, for his special diligence in his studies, the young man was awarded a gold medal.

Student time

In 1904, Frunze went to the city on the Neva and became a student at the Polytechnic University.

It was then that the young man began to form views on the political system in the country. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze chose the path of a romantic idealist, who generally supported the theory of populism. However, he interpreted it in his own way: it is not necessary to be useful in the village or to work for the benefit of the village, work can be carried out in the city, the main thing is to actively contact the workers at the factories.


And after a while, Frunze’s political views underwent significant changes. Mikhail Vasilyevich transformed into an ardent anti-state activist, becoming a radicalist with a clearly “leftist” bias. The young man soon dropped out of university, concentrating his efforts on revolutionary propaganda.

In 1904, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose photo had previously been published in textbooks on the history of the USSR, became a member of the RSDLP. He took part in the events of the First Revolution in Russia and was wounded in his arm. After this, Mikhail Frunze firmly established the pseudonym “Comrade Arseny” (many of his comrades knew his other “call signs” - Vasilenko, Trifonych, Mikhailov).

The revolutionary began underground work to overthrow tsarism in Russia. Soon he initiates a strike of textile workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, rallying around himself a fairly large group of like-minded people. In the same city, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze (real name in the “party” environment - Mikhailov, Vasilenko) creates the Council of Workers' Deputies. Subsequently, he will repeatedly use this political platform to hold pickets, demonstrations, and marches.

At the end of 1905, Mikhail Vasilyevich, together with his comrades, took part in the armed uprising that broke out in the capital on Presnya. Soon fate pits Frunze against the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ulyanov. Their acquaintance occurs at the next congress of the RSDLP, which was organized in the Swedish capital.

Terror and exile

Carrying out revolutionary work, Frunze often resorted to terror. For example, at the beginning of 1907, Mikhail Vasilyevich initiated an attack with the aim of seizing the Shuya printing house, as a result of which a law enforcement officer was injured. The sentence for the revolutionary turned out to be more than harsh: he was sentenced to death twice. But the public prevented justice from being done. Some of its representatives considered the punishment to be excessively cruel; ultimately, the authorities made concessions, mitigating Frunze’s punishment. Mikhail Vasilyevich was exiled to hard labor, and then sent to Siberia as an exile (Irkutsk province).

Moreover, he had to remain there until the end of his days.

Return to the underground work of a revolutionary

In 1916 he escaped from exile. First he ends up in Irkutsk, then in Chita, where, under the name Vasilenko, he gets a job at the local resettlement department. But his party comrades did not forget about Mikhail Vasilyevich. His place in the party was one of the key ones. Frunze receives the task: to ensure revolutionary work among the soldiers. After some time in the army, he was able to establish himself as an experienced propagandist and revolutionary. In the landmark year 1917 for the country, “Trifonych” fought on the side of the revolutionaries in Moscow.

After October

When the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in the country, the nature of the work that Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze performed also changed. Interesting facts from his biography only confirm that he was simply obliged to make a dizzying career in the political sphere. Before the October Revolution, his main task was to demoralize the army and abolish bourgeois state institutions. After the victory of the Bolsheviks, he was elected as a deputy of the Constituent Assembly from the “left”.

In 1918, Frunze headed the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial committee of the RCP (b) and received the post of military commissar of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. After some time, Mikhail Vasilyevich was entrusted with the duties of military commissar of the Yaroslavl Military District, to which as many as eight provinces were subordinate.

Shortly before this, an uprising against the new government broke out in Yaroslavl, so Frunze needed to consolidate around himself soldiers loyal to Bolshevism, who would become the backbone of the Red Army.

The essence of work in the army

Of course, “Trifonych” did not have broad theoretical knowledge in terms of competent and impeccable preparation and conduct of combat operations. However, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze tried to use the knowledge and experience of military experts, albeit former officers, in the Civil War. He regularly contacted people competent in military affairs, asking them for advice on what to do in a given situation. Naturally, Frunze filled in his gaps in the theory of the art of combat with the help of special literature. One way or another, it would be a mistake to question the fact that Mikhail Vasilyevich had leadership qualities, thanks to which he was able to rally and lead numerous detachments of the Red Army. He himself did not hesitate to take a rifle and show by personal example how to deal with the enemy. And as a result of such battles in 1919, in the vicinity of Ufa, Frunze received shell shock.

But the main merit of the revolutionary was that he knew how to quickly establish and coordinate the work of headquarters and mobilize the rear in emergency situations.

Victories at the front

In 1919, “Trifonych” led the 4th Army of the Eastern Front and began to lead the Southern Group of Front Forces, which entered into resistance with the White Guard forces. Frunze conducted several successful military operations (Buguruslan, Belebey, Ufa), as a result of which the White positions were pushed back at first to the Urals, and then to Siberia.

Then Mikhail Vasilyevich ended up on the Turkestan front. He was able to break the blockade of Turkestan and liberate the province from the White Guards. Frunze won the battles with the Separate Orenburg, Separate Ural, Southern, Semerechinsk armies.

At the next stage of his military career, Mikhail Vasilyevich wages war on the Southern Front against General Wrangel. After the end of the Civil War, Frunze gained fame as a commander in the fight against the Ural Cossacks, Kolchak and Wrangel.

In the early 20s, “Trifonych” fought in Ukraine with criminal elements and Makhno’s detachments, where he received a bullet.

Further career

When the peak of the political confrontation between Stalin and Trotsky came, Frunze headed the Headquarters of the Red Army and became assistant to the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. After some time, he was entrusted with the responsible post of People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. In this capacity, he continued to reform the army according to Trotsky's work. At the same time, Mikhail Vasilyevich did not join the ranks of Stalin’s group, adhering to neutrality in the political confrontation.

But in the army, “Trifonovich” enjoyed enormous authority, which could not but alarm representatives of the political elite of the USSR.


He died in the fall of 1925 on the operating table. Recently, Frunze's pain in the abdominal area has worsened. Doctors have repeatedly recorded internal bleeding from Mikhail Vasilyevich. According to doctors, the cause of death was general blood poisoning.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze - revolutionary figure, Bolshevik, military leader of the Red Army, participant in the Civil War, theorist of military disciplines.

Mikhail was born on January 21 (old style) 1885 in the city of Pishpek (Bishkek) in the family of paramedic Vasily Mikhailovich Frunze, a Moldovan by nationality. The boy’s father, after graduating from a Moscow medical school, was sent for army service to Turkestan, where he remained. Mikhail's mother, Mavra Efimovna Bochkareva, a peasant by birth, was born in the Voronezh province. Her family moved to Turkmenistan in the mid-19th century.

Mikhail had an older brother, Konstantin, and three younger sisters - Lyudmila, Claudia and Lydia. All Frunze children studied at the Verny gymnasium (now the city of Almaty). The eldest children, Konstantin, Mikhail and Claudia, received gold medals after graduating from the secondary level. Mikhail continued his studies at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, where he entered in 1904. Already in the first semester, he became interested in revolutionary ideas and joined the Social Democratic Labor Party, where he joined the Bolsheviks.

In November 1904, Frunze was arrested for participating in a provocative action. During the Manifestation on January 9, 1905 in St. Petersburg, he was wounded in the arm. Having dropped out of school, Mikhail Frunze fled from persecution by the authorities to Moscow, and then to Shuya, where he led a strike of textile workers in May of the same year. I met Frunze in 1906, when he was hiding in Stockholm. Mikhail had to hide his real name during the organization of the underground movement in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. The young party member was known under the pseudonyms Comrade Arseny, Trifonich, Mikhailov, Vasilenko.

Under the leadership of Frunze, the first Council of Workers' Deputies was created, which distributed leaflets with anti-government content. Frunze led city rallies and seized weapons. Mikhail was not afraid to use terrorist methods of struggle.

The young revolutionary stood at the head of an armed uprising in Moscow on Presnya, seized the Shuya printing house with the use of weapons, and attacked police officer Nikita Perlov with the aim of murder. In 1910, he received a death sentence, which, at the request of members of the public, as well as the writer V.G. Korolenko was replaced by hard labor.

Four years later, Frunze was sent for permanent residence to the village of Manzurka, Irkutsk province, from where he fled to Chita in 1915. Under the name Vasilenko, he worked for some time in the local publication “Transbaikal Review”. Having changed his passport to Mikhailov, he moved to Belarus, where he got a job as a statistician in the Zemsky Union Committee on the Western Front.

The purpose of Frunze's stay in the Russian army was to spread revolutionary ideas among the military. In Minsk, Mikhail Vasilyevich headed an underground cell. Over time, Frunze gained a reputation among the Bolsheviks as a specialist in paramilitary actions.


At the beginning of March 1917, Mikhail Frunze prepared the seizure of the armed police department of Minsk by squads of ordinary workers. The archives of the detective department, the police station's weapons and ammunition, and several government institutions fell into the hands of the revolutionaries. After the success of the operation, Mikhail Frunze was appointed temporary chief of the Minsk police. Under Frunze's leadership, the publication of party newspapers began. In August, the military man was transferred to Shuya, where Frunze took the post of chairman of the Council of People's Deputies, the District Zemstvo Government and the City Council.

Mikhail Frunze met the revolution in Moscow at the barricades near the Metropol Hotel. Two months later, the revolutionary received the post of head of the party cell of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk province. Frunze was also involved in the affairs of the military commissariat. The Civil War allowed Mikhail Vasilyevich to fully demonstrate the military abilities that he acquired during his revolutionary activities.

From February 1919, Frunze took command of the 4th Army of the Red Army, which managed to stop the attack on Moscow and launch a counter-offensive on the Urals. After such a significant victory of the Red Army, Frunze received the Order of the Red Banner.

Often the general could be seen on horseback at the head of the army, which allowed him to form a positive reputation among the Red Army soldiers. In June 1919, Frunze received a shell shock near Ufa. In July, Mikhail Vasilyevich headed the Eastern Front, but a month later received a task in the southern direction, the zone of which included Turkestan and the territory of Akhtuba. Until September 1920, Frunze carried out successful operations along the front line.

Frunze repeatedly gave guarantees of preserving the lives of those counter-revolutionaries who were ready to go over to the side of the Reds. Mikhail Vladimirovich promoted a humane attitude towards prisoners, which caused discontent among higher ranks.

In the fall of 1920, the Reds began a systematic offensive against the army, which was located in the Crimea and Northern Tavria. After the defeat of the Whites, Frunze's troops attacked their former comrades - the brigades of Father, Yuri Tyutyunnik and. During the Crimean battles, Frunze was wounded. In 1921 he joined the Central Committee of the RCP(b). At the end of 1921, Frunze went on a political visit to Turkey. The communication of the Soviet general with the Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made it possible to strengthen Turkish-Soviet ties.

After the revolution

In 1923, at the October plenum of the Central Committee, where the distribution of forces between the three leaders (Zinoviev and Kamenev) was determined, Frunze supported the latter, making a report against Trotsky’s activities. Mikhail Vasilyevich blamed the People's Commissar for Military Affairs for the collapse of the Red Army and the lack of a clear system for training military personnel. On Frunze’s initiative, the Trotskyists Antonov-Ovseyenko and Sklyansky were removed from high military ranks. Frunze's line was supported by the Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army.

In 1924, Mikhail Frunze went from deputy chief to chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and became a candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee and the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). Mikhail Frunze also headed the headquarters of the Red Army and the Military Academy of the Red Army.

Frunze's main merit during this period can be considered the implementation of military reform, the purpose of which was to reduce the size of the Red Army and reorganize the command staff. Frunze introduced unity of command, a territorial system of division of troops, and participated in the creation of two independent structures within the Soviet Army - a standing army and mobile police units.

At this time, Frunze developed a military theory, which he outlined in a number of publications - “Unified Military Doctrine and the Red Army”, “Military-Political Education of the Red Army”, “Front and Rear in the War of the Future”, “Lenin and the Red Army”, “Our military construction and tasks of the Military Scientific Society.”

Over the next decade, thanks to Frunze’s efforts, airborne and tank troops, new artillery and automatic weapons appeared in the Red Army, and methods of providing logistical support to troops were developed. Mikhail Vasilyevich managed to stabilize the situation in the Red Army in a short time. The theoretical developments of tactics and strategy for combat in an imperialist war, laid down by Frunze, were fully realized during the Second World War.

Personal life

Nothing is known about the personal life of the Red military leader before the revolution. Mikhail Frunze married only after 30 years the daughter of a Narodnaya Volya member, Sofya Alekseevna Popova. In 1920, a daughter, Tatyana, was born into the family, and three years later, a son, Timur. After the death of their parents, the children were taken in by their grandmother. When my grandmother passed away, my brother and sister ended up in the family of a friend of Mikhail Vasilyevich -.

After graduating from school, Timur entered the Flight School and served as a fighter pilot during the war. Died at the age of 19 in the sky over the Novgorod region. Posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Daughter Tatyana graduated from the Institute of Chemical Technology and worked in the rear during the war. She married Lieutenant General Anatoly Pavlov, with whom she gave birth to two children - son Timur and daughter Elena. The descendants of Mikhail Frunze live in Moscow. My granddaughter is studying chemistry.

Death and rumors of murder

In the fall of 1925, Mikhail Frunze turned to doctors for treatment of a stomach ulcer. The general was scheduled for a simple operation, after which Frunze died suddenly on October 31. The official cause of the general’s death was blood poisoning; according to the unofficial version, Stalin contributed to Frunze’s death.

A year later, Mikhail Vasilyevich’s wife committed suicide. Frunze's body was buried on Red Square, Sofia Alekseevna's grave is located at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.


The unofficial version of Frunze’s death was taken as the basis for Pilnyak’s work “The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon” and the memoirs of the emigrant Bazhanov “Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary.” The general’s biography was of interest not only to writers, but also to Soviet and Russian filmmakers. The image of the brave military leader of the Red Army was used in 24 films, in 11 of which Frunze was played by actor Roman Zakharyevich Khomyatov.

Streets, settlements, geographical objects, motor ships, destroyers and cruisers are named after the commander. Monuments to Mikhail Frunze were installed in more than 20 cities of the former Soviet Union, including Moscow, Bishkek, Almaty, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Tashkent, Kyiv. Photos of the Red Army general are in all modern history textbooks.


  • 1919 – Order of the Red Banner
  • 1920 – Honorary revolutionary weapon

One of the most outstanding Red Army commanders was Mikhail Frunze, the winner of Kolchak and Wrangel, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs. However, for all his victories and achievements, he was never able to truly become part of the new party elite, which came to power after Lenin’s death. Today we will talk about the secrets of the life and death of the great Soviet commander.

He was born in 1885 into not the most ordinary family. His father was a paramedic and, judging by his surname, Moldavian by birth. The Frunze family lived very far from revolutionary centers - in the city of Pishpek (present-day Bishkek) in the Semirechensk region. At the age of seven, the boy entered the gymnasium in the city of Verny (now Alma-Ata) and graduated in 1904 with honors. However, despite the distance from revolutionary Moscow and St. Petersburg, Mikhail still managed to get acquainted with Marxist ideas and become imbued with them at the gymnasium. Having entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, Frunze almost immediately joined the RSDLP. Literally a few months after the start of his studies, Mikhail was arrested for the first time, but was quickly released.

On January 9, 1905, events occurred in St. Petersburg that were later called “Bloody Sunday.” Mikhail was one of the participants in the famous labor demonstration on Palace Square, where he was wounded in the arm during the dispersal of the protesters. He later called this moment decisive for his fate, when the young man finally chose the path of revolution. A few months later, Frunze already went to carry out party and propaganda work in the textile industries of Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Shuya, which resulted in the famous 72-day strike of textile workers. Here Frunze was again maimed by the authorities, namely by the Cossack patrol, who beat Mikhail. Throughout his subsequent life, the revolutionary limped due to Cossack beatings.

In 1907 he was arrested again. From that moment on, an almost continuous period of exile and prison began, like most of his party comrades. Two years later he was sentenced to death, which was soon replaced by hard labor. Frunze was in Vladimir and Nikolaev prisons, and was exiled to the Irkutsk province, where Mikhail Vasilyevich conducted revolutionary propaganda among the exiles. Having fled to Irkutsk, and then to Chita, Frunze traveled all over Transbaikalia under the guise of a zemstvo extra, in fact carrying out subversive revolutionary work. Over the years, he acquired a reputation in the party as a military man capable of creating a powerful military organization.

Mikhail Vasilyevich met the February revolution in Minsk. After some time, Frunze returned to Shuya, where the workers knew him well. There he headed the Shuya Council and the City Government. At the same time, he created military organizations at the front and even managed to take part in the Moscow armed uprising, leading a detachment of Shuya fighters.

From the moment the Civil War began, Frunze’s military career began. At first he was appointed military commissar to Yaroslavl, but after some time Mikhail Vasilyevich was appointed to be the commander of the 4th Army of the Eastern Front, and then the commander of the entire front. Here Mikhail Vasilyevich showed himself to be an excellent military leader, capable of conducting effective operations. Thanks to the actions of his armies, Kolchak’s formations in the Urals were defeated in 1919. At the same time, Frunze's positive character traits emerged. Thus, he took under his command both military geniuses (for example, Chapaev) and former tsarist officers (Novitsky, Karbyshev). All these people created an effective army. In the army, Frunze tried to maintain discipline and brutally punished looters and deserters.

A military leader could be generous, but, of course, for political purposes. So, in 1919, Mikhail Vasilyevich announced complete forgiveness to the “white” Orenburg Cossacks, and Frunze promised safety to those who went over to the side of the Red Army and even paid them money for the horses taken from them. Having defeated Baron Wrangel himself in Crimea in 1920, the military leader promised all “whites” the preservation of life and the opportunity to leave the country, which, however, caused Lenin’s great displeasure.

Not all party members considered Frunze their comrade-in-arms. The leader of the Red Army, Trotsky, apparently envious of Mikhail Vasilyevich’s great successes, considered him a mediocre military man who did not know how to understand people. Molotov subsequently called him not fully one of the Bolsheviks. Many comrades were amazed by his condescension and gentleness towards his opponents. Some were surprised that Frunze’s troops were not cruel to the local population, rarely took hostages, etc.

Despite all the difficulties of revolutionary life, Mikhail Vasilyevich always remained a kind and very charming person, which was noted by all his contemporaries. For his soldiers, he was an unquestioned authority and a beloved commander. For his wife Sofya Alekseevna and for his children Tanya and Timur, Mikhail Vasilyevich was a loving husband and father. When an accident occurred in the family (a little daughter injured her eyes with scissors), Frunze brought in all his connections to save Tanya’s eyes. The father even took his daughter to Germany, where she managed to retain her sight.

Work during the Civil War was hard and nervous, which influenced the development of Frunze’s ulcers (he received it during his imprisonment). This disease became fatal.

In 1925, the People's Commissar's health deteriorated. This was influenced by both work and injuries received during a minor car accident (Frunze was a dashing car enthusiast). The party's Politburo and Stalin personally insisted on treatment and surgery. Mikhail Vasilyevich, who did not want to undergo surgery at first, agreed, hoping for improvement. On October 29, 1925, he went under the knife. Ether anesthesia did not work well, so the doctors decided to put him to sleep with chloroform, apparently not knowing about the extremely dangerous consequences of combining these two drugs. During the operation, it turned out that the ulcer had already healed and intervention was not necessary. Right on the table, Frunze’s condition sharply worsened, his pulse became rare, his hands and feet became cold (the infernal mixture of chloroform and ether affected his heart). On the morning of October 31, 1925, Mikhail Vasilyevich died. He was only 40 years old.

This death came as a real shock to everyone and led to many rumors. So, they whispered that the doctors deliberately killed the military leader on the orders of Trotsky or Stalin. In the wake of these gossip, B. Pilnyak’s “The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon” was even published, which was immediately withdrawn from circulation (it told about Army Commander Gavrilov, who was killed by doctors on the operating table at the direction of the “man with a mustache”).
Frunze's wife was so shocked by the death of her beloved husband that she fell into deep depression and committed suicide a year after the death of Mikhail Vasilyevich. Young children were sent to be raised in the family of Klim Voroshilov.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was one of the most gifted and outstanding Red commanders. Perhaps he could still do a lot to reform the army and for the country in general. But the monstrous mistake (or deliberate crime) of the doctors ruined not only Frunze and his wife, but also the undertakings of this extraordinary man. True, for his comrades, who did not understand either the character of the People's Commissar or his undertakings, he could not completely become one of his own either during his life or after his death.

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Biography, life story of Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich - Soviet revolutionary, statesman, military theorist.

Childhood, youth

Mikhail Frunze was born on February 2, 1885 (according to the old style - January 21) in the city of Pishpek (in modern times - Bishkek). His father was a paramedic, Moldovan by origin, his mother was Russian.

Mikhail studied at the local city school, after which he entered the gymnasium in the city of Verny (now Alma-Ata). Young Frunze graduated from high school with a gold medal. In 1904, Mikhail began studying at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute in the economics department. During his student days, Frunze actively took part in all student circles. It was then that Mikhail Vasilyevich joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. For this he was first arrested.


During the revolution of 1905-1907, Mikhail Frunze continued his party activities. He worked in Moscow for some time. Mikhail was one of the organizers of a mass strike of textile workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. In 1906, Mikhail Vasilyevich was lucky enough to meet at the IV Party Congress in Stockholm. A year later, Mikhail Frunze was elected as a delegate to the V Congress of the Social Democratic Labor Party, but he was arrested. Frunze received a sentence of four years of hard labor.

While a prisoner, Mikhail, with the support of Pavel Gusev, attempted to murder a police officer. A month later, Frunze was arrested in Shuya and charged with resisting police and attempted murder. At first, Mikhail Vasilyevich faced the death penalty, but a little later the punishment was changed to hard labor for six years.

In 1914, Mikhail Frunze was sent to a village called Manzurka (Irkutsk region). Literally a year later, Frunze fled to Chita, as he managed to create an organization of exiles in Manzurka and was arrested. In Chita, Mikhail changed his passport and became known under the name Vasilenko. In 1916, the opponent of the system moved to Moscow, and from there - with a new passport and a different name (Mikhailov) - to Belarus.


At the beginning of the February Revolution of 1917, Frunze was the leader of a revolutionary organization, the center of which was located in Minsk itself. Mikhail Vasilyevich took part in the preparation of the October Revolution of 1917. Having won, Frunze became the head of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Executive Committee. At the same time, Mikhail took the post of deputy of the Constituent Assembly from the Bolsheviks.

Since 1918, Mikhail Frunze was one of the most active participants in the civil war. In 1919, under his command, the army of the Eastern Front defeated the troops of the Turkestan Front led by.

In 1924, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was appointed deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. A year later, the prefix “deputy” disappeared. At the same time, Frunze held the positions of People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and Chief of Staff of the Red Army and the Military Academy.

Personal life

Mikhail Frunze's wife's name was Sofya Alekseevna. The marriage produced two children - daughter Tatyana and son Timur.


On October 31, 1925, Mikhail Vasilyevich died due to blood poisoning during surgery for a stomach ulcer. According to another version, the cause was cardiac arrest due to an allergy to the anesthetic.

There is also an opinion that Frunze’s death was staged

To this day, the life of this excellent high school student, self-taught army commander, twice sentenced to death for terrorism, is a blank slate for many.

“It is not necessary to decorate one’s appearance, but to be beautiful in spiritual endeavors. We need to improve. Any character can be changed. Patience, abilities, even physical strength - everything can be developed in yourself if you really want to, if you don’t give yourself any concessions.”
M.V. Frunze.

It is 130 years since the birth of Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze. This man is remembered mainly by people of the older generation who were born in the USSR. What can a simple man in the street say about Frunze? That he was one of the heroes of the civil war of 1917-1922, who fought on the side of the Reds. Modern schoolchildren do not know this either, constantly confusing white and red commanders in tests. And I, as a teacher, would like to recall some interesting pages of the biography of this extraordinary person.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze (one of the party pseudonyms is Comrade Arseny) was born in the city of Pishpek (Bishkek) in the family of a retired paramedic and a Voronezh peasant woman. He was the second of five children. When his father died, the future military leader was only 12 years old. The family was in need, and the state paid for the education of the two older brothers. Studying was easy for Misha, especially languages, and the director of the gymnasium considered the child a genius. In a self-education circle, the boy first became acquainted with revolutionary ideas. In 1904, the gold medalist was enrolled in the economics department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute without exams. But studies were interrupted by the revolution.
“Comrade Arseniy” spent a third of his forty years in prison and exile on charges of terrorist attacks. The young man, who closely followed the reports from the Russian-Japanese War, did not plunge into the revolution right away. “It’s a pity that in Russia there are riots again among students. This plays into the hands of the Japanese. They are counting heavily on these unrest,” he wrote to a friend in March 1904. However, by November, the St. Petersburg student sympathizes with the Social Democrats and dreams of creating his own party of National Progressives. What finally connected him with the revolution, in his words, was Bloody Sunday: he took part in the workers’ march on Palace Square and was even wounded in the arm. Frunze was twice sentenced to death for attempted murder. But the death sentence was commuted to hard labor and settlement in Siberia.
By his own admission, Frunze made a rapid military career, having received his primary military education in Shuya, shooting at non-commissioned officers, his secondary education in battles against Kolchak, and his higher education on the Southern Front, defeating Wrangel. Mikhail Vasilyevich had great determination and personal courage. He did not hesitate to punish the rebellious peasants for class irresponsibility, but most importantly, he showed his talent as an organizer and the ability to select competent specialists.
After the victory over Lieutenant General Baron Wrangel in 1921, the commander of the armed forces of Ukraine and Crimea, Frunze, was sent to Turkey to sign an agreement with Kemal Ataturk. He traveled illegally, under one of his former pseudonyms, on an Italian ship, with a letter from Lenin about the consent of the Soviet government to territorial concessions in favor of the new revolutionary Turkey. And behind them came a Soviet ship with a million rubles in gold and weapons. The young Soviet state, having strengthened itself, was looking for allies. The Republic monument on Taksim Square in Istanbul, where Mikhail Frunze and another Soviet military leader Kliment Voroshilov stand on the left hand of Ataturk, reminds us of that time.
In March 1924, the self-taught commander entered the leadership of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and the People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs, and a year later he headed both departments. Under his leadership, military reform was carried out, he himself wrote a number of military theoretical works and became the author of a military doctrine based on the foundations of Marxism. This is the peak of his career. True, Frunze’s concern is the health of his family members: his wife, Sofya Alekseevna Popova, the daughter of a Narodnaya Volya member, whom Mikhail Vasilyevich met in Siberia during his exile, suffers from consumption, and his four-year-old daughter Tanya inadvertently injured her eyes with scissors - only Berlin doctors were able to save the child’s sight . Frunze finds an outlet in fast driving: he gets behind the wheel himself or asks the driver to drive. In 1925, a prominent statesman had accidents twice, and rumors are already circulating, which is no coincidence. The last of them occurred in September: Frunze flew out of the car and hit a telegraph pole hard.
After the accident, Mikhail Vasilyevich once again developed a gastric ulcer. The People's Commissar for Military Affairs did not survive the subsequent operation. According to the official version, the cause of death was a combination of difficult-to-diagnose diseases that led to cardiac paralysis. But there is a version that Stalin thus got rid of a potential competitor. M.V. was buried. Frunze on November 3, 1925 on Red Square in Moscow near the Kremlin wall.
The Academy of the General Staff, Pamir Peak, a Moscow metro station, and populated areas were named after Frunze. Some have retained their name, some have not. It is possible to evaluate the activities of Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze from different points of view. In Soviet times, the Reds were heroes, then it was the other way around. But the tragedy of the civil war is that Russian patriots fought on both sides of the front, wishing it well, but understanding it differently. Therefore, to prevent this from happening again, we need to know and remember the past.